View Full Version : the opening paragraph to this website
12-05-2005, 03:52 PM
so as i was reading the opening paragraph to this website i was thinking about how it says straight edge is hardcore and that your not edge if you dont listen to hardcore but what about minor threat they were punk at they started the straight edge movement. what music you listen to doesnt really matter when it comes to straight edge. originally people who called themselves edge were kids who abstained from drugs alcohol and smoking to keep themselves clean and grow apart from this nihilism that was plaguing their scene. it wasnt until a few years later when bands like judge and youth of today came along and spread straight edge through hardcore. so i was wondering where you come from saying straight edge is hardcore when it originated from the punk scene
12-05-2005, 03:57 PM
so as i was reading the opening paragraph to this website i was thinking about how it says straight edge is hardcore and that your not edge if you dont listen to hardcore but what about minor threat they were punk at they started the straight edge movement. what music you listen to doesnt really matter when it comes to straight edge. originally people who called themselves edge were kids who abstained from drugs alcohol and smoking to keep themselves clean and grow apart from this nihilism that was plaguing their scene. it wasnt until a few years later when bands like judge and youth of today came along and spread straight edge through hardcore. so i was wondering where you come from saying straight edge is hardcore when it originated from the punk scene
minor threat was one of the first hardcore bands and straight edge was a response to punk. What makes you think the music you listen to doesn't matter when it began and was fueled by music?
12-05-2005, 04:10 PM
the music does matter alot but what im trying to say is you can be edge and not listen to hardcore... im just trying to educate myself better and figure out why your saying you have to listen to hardcore.
12-05-2005, 04:11 PM
the music does matter alot but what im trying to say is you can be edge and not listen to hardcore... im just trying to educate myself better and figure out why your saying you have to listen to hardcore.
how can you be edge and not listen to hardcore? what is straight edge then? what makes straight edge unique?
12-05-2005, 04:23 PM
straight edge is about being drug free, abstaining from casual sex and supporting your local music community. straight edge can be spread in other styles of music besides hardcore
12-05-2005, 04:32 PM
straight edge is about being drug free, abstaining from casual sex and supporting your local music community. straight edge can be spread in other styles of music besides hardcore
number one I'll agree with you on, number two, nope, and number three, how do you figure? The thing is, you take what straight edge is about and expand it, it becomes something else. You want to be about somthing other than hardcore, great, do it, but that doesn't mean straight edge changes what it is. It means you're making something new.
12-05-2005, 05:59 PM
im not trying to make something new i love hardcore im just trying to understand why you cant be straight edge if your not all about hardcore. like say for example my friend is a big punk kid hes into minor threat, the casualties and all those other punk bands why he cant be straight edge. and i want to understand why you say you cant spread the message of straight egde through other types of music like xreign of terrorx spreads it through rap
12-05-2005, 06:13 PM
im not trying to make something new i love hardcore im just trying to understand why you cant be straight edge if your not all about hardcore. like say for example my friend is a big punk kid hes into minor threat, the casualties and all those other punk bands why he cant be straight edge. and i want to understand why you say you cant spread the message of straight egde through other types of music like xreign of terrorx spreads it through rap
how can you be straight edge if you're not apart of what straight edge is? You're also trying to seperate the message from the medium. The medium is what makes straight edge unique. Straight edge can't be seperated from hardcore, it's what it is. When you tell someone you're straight edge you're stating more that how you feel about drugs and alcohol. You're saying you're part of a subculture that is centered around a specific kind of music, hardcore.
originally people who called themselves edge were kids who abstained from drugs alcohol and smoking to keep themselves clean and grow apart from this nihilism that was plaguing their scene.
you said it yourself. within the scene. sxe without hardcore would be something else.
i can say my grandma is drug free, because she has no idea what hardcore is. if you think she's sxe, you're wrong
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