View Full Version : A few questions for yall
Know This |X|
12-13-2005, 03:36 PM
Ok I've got a few questions to ask yous guys that Know alot more About straight Edge Then I do. I think of myself as being straight edge But I want to ask you guys a few questions about it.
first, If I have a soda every now and then does that mean I can't be straight edge becuase it contains caffene?
and My friends are always pressuring me to X up at school and I really don't think I should.. at school, It just doesn't seem right. and a few straight edge kids at my school don't either, only at shows. so yeah, the main thing I'm wondering about is Caffene, I've never smoked anything in my life, Never drank anything in my life, never had Sex, But I do have a soda here and there.. Its not like I have a caffene addiction and i'm dependent on it. so yeah
12-14-2005, 12:34 AM
Honestly the only time it's crucial to X up is at shows. Some people do out of shows but it doesn't make you less edge either way. As for the soda. Caffine is a drug. Period. If it's in a drink it's not use medicibnally. Then you're using it recreationally so yeah it's not sXe. Check out the effects of caffine thread for more details. There is also a thread about X'ing up at shows and other times.
12-14-2005, 05:57 AM
Ok I've got a few questions to ask yous guys that Know alot more About straight Edge Then I do. I think of myself as being straight edge But I want to ask you guys a few questions about it.
first, If I have a soda every now and then does that mean I can't be straight edge becuase it contains caffene?
and My friends are always pressuring me to X up at school and I really don't think I should.. at school, It just doesn't seem right. and a few straight edge kids at my school don't either, only at shows. so yeah, the main thing I'm wondering about is Caffene, I've never smoked anything in my life, Never drank anything in my life, never had Sex, But I do have a soda here and there.. Its not like I have a caffene addiction and i'm dependent on it. so yeah
Do you want a soda every now and then? Does taking caffeine bother you at all? Do you feel that taking caffeine which is a drug contravines the idea of not doing drugs? If what you want doesn't fall in line with straightedge why would you want to be called straightedge?
If you ask yourself those questions you should be able to make a decision.
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 07:27 AM
I guess I should change my username to---
Don't know this |X|
Well, I think it blows nuts thats I can't drink a sprite or any other soda
12-14-2005, 07:42 AM
SXE advocates abstinence in relation to tobacco, alcohol and recreational drug use (especially psychoactive and stimulant drugs (LIKE CAFFINE) use), and in relation to promiscuous sexual behavior. EDGE IS NOT ABOUT "THE OCCASIONAL SPRITE" OR ...THE OCCASIONAL FUCKING ECSTASY PILL ........what makes you think there's a diffrence? drugs are drugs PERIOD.
12-14-2005, 07:45 AM
I guess I should change my username to---
Don't know this |X|
Well, I think it blows nuts thats I can't drink a sprite, which I'm pretty sure is caffene free, and Not be edge.... whatever
Huh? You aren't making sense now, if a soda has no caffeine in then who is saying you can't be edge? We are talking about caffinated beverages as far as i took it.
You just need to ask yourself a few questions like i already said, try balancing up your desire to drink caffinated beverages against your desire to abstain from drugs.
12-14-2005, 07:47 AM
SXE advocates abstinence in relation to tobacco, alcohol and recreational drug use (especially psychoactive and stimulant drugs (LIKE CAFFINE) use), and in relation to promiscuous sexual behavior. EDGE IS NOT ABOUT "THE OCCASIONAL SPRITE" OR ...THE OCCASIONAL FUCKING ECSTASY PILL ........what makes you think there's a diffrence? drugs are drugs PERIOD.
calm down there buster and just out of interest what constitutes promiscuous to you?
12-14-2005, 08:35 AM
Hey, i wasnt getting narky with the guy, just the truth does remain that drugs are drugs however you look at it ...just because you dont buy caffinated bevrages from a drug dealer doesnt mean they dont contain a drug that alters your mind. All i really want to say is, there is a real issue you have to face, -does your taste for cola over-rule your beleif that your life should be free of drugs? the awnser to that question should determine the personal battle you are facing. promiscuous sexual behaviour ? = sex without love
12-14-2005, 08:57 AM
Hey, i wasnt getting narky with the guy, just the truth does remain that drugs are drugs however you look at it ...just because you dont buy caffinated bevrages from a drug dealer doesnt mean they dont contain a drug that alters your mind. All i really want to say is, there is a real issue you have to face, -does your taste for cola over-rule your beleif that your life should be free of drugs? the awnser to that question should determine the personal battle you are facing. promiscuous sexual behaviour ? = sex without love
The caps and the swearing sure made it look like you were being 'narky'.
Sex without love, so do you have a definition of love to go by? Would being in love with multiple partners be ok? Would falling in and out of love frequently be ok?
12-14-2005, 12:21 PM
Right ....No im talking about being engaged or married.
12-14-2005, 12:29 PM
Right ....No im talking about being engaged or married.
so you can only love someone if you're engaged or married to them?
12-14-2005, 12:48 PM
tell me first.... are you just here to piss me off?
12-14-2005, 12:49 PM
tell me first.... are you just here to piss me off?
well no, I'm here because this is my site.
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 03:00 PM
Hey Holly, I'm saying this in the nicest way possible
Fuck Off
My friend was talking to me about it today and he said in one of the minor threat CD cases in the pictures. there is one of The lead singer of Minor Threat, and the Founder of straight edge.. Ian MacKaye, and He is drinking a coke in the picture which i'm positive is a caffenated beverage. So what do you have to say about that?
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 03:04 PM
And also Can't people have there own represntations of what straightedge is to them? for me not using Alcohol or and drugs, like crack or marijuana, but still using caffene sometimes. or does that not work? I probably sound like a fucking moron but I don't care I still think of Myself as edge, so If you guys don't think I can be.
Fuck off, please.
12-14-2005, 03:23 PM
Fucksake! all i said was that caffine is a drug, if you didnt want to hear it then dont ask the question.
12-14-2005, 03:26 PM
well no, I'm here because this is my site.
ok fair enough hahahah!
12-14-2005, 03:32 PM
And also Can't people have there own represntations of what straightedge is to them? for me not using Alcohol or and drugs, like crack or marijuana, but still using caffene sometimes. or does that not work? I probably sound like a fucking moron but I don't care I still think of Myself as edge, so If you guys don't think I can be.
Fuck off, please.
well no it doesn't really work. like if a kid wanted to just drink alcohol, it wouldn't really make sense for him to call himself straight edge. At the end of the day you need to think about why you don't want to drink or smoke or do drugs. And then think about that reason and see how it applies to caffeine.
12-14-2005, 03:33 PM
Hey Holly, I'm saying this in the nicest way possible
Fuck Off
My friend was talking to me about it today and he said in one of the minor threat CD cases in the pictures. there is one of The lead singer of Minor Threat, and the Founder of straight edge.. Ian MacKaye, and He is drinking a coke in the picture which i'm positive is a caffenated beverage. So what do you have to say about that?
And lets not forget how ian mackayes idea of straightedge was completely different from the movement that exists, hence him wanting nothing to do with it. And lets also look at the beginings of straightedge when some would drink an occasional beer and still be alligned with what straightedge was not what it is. So does that mean we can all go out and drink beer now? And please, being semi responsible for the name straightedge does not make him the founder.
If you say no drugs and do certain drugs, where do you draw the line, i mean if you feel a coke is ok then whats to stop people who think a beer is ok or marijuana, i mean why would you take caffeine if you don't need it and can buy coke without caffeine. I mean what is your logic for taking it especially when you are concerened about recreational drug use?
12-14-2005, 03:35 PM
And also Can't people have there own represntations of what straightedge is to them? for me not using Alcohol or and drugs, like crack or marijuana, but still using caffene sometimes. or does that not work? I probably sound like a fucking moron but I don't care I still think of Myself as edge, so If you guys don't think I can be.
Fuck off, please.
Well like i said in my other post does that mean people who do crack and marijuana can call themselves straightedge?
Ok so you feel you are straightedge, can i ask why you take caffeine, why that drug is ok to take? and why you keep saying fuck off, or is that the caffeine talking?
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 03:35 PM
So you would say Drinking an occasional caffinated beverage is just as bad as getting piss drunk every day? Or getting stoned off your ass?
12-14-2005, 03:36 PM
So you would say Drinking an occasional caffinated beverage is just as bad as getting piss drunk every day? Or getting stoned off your ass?
Well what if i drink once a week with my sunday dinner or smoke a joint once in a while?
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 03:39 PM
Well like i said in my other post does that mean people who do crack and marijuana can call themselves straightedge?
Ok so you feel you are straightedge, can i ask why you take caffeine, why that drug is ok to take? and why you keep saying fuck off, or is that the caffeine talking?
Wow dude, your an asshole... I haven't had a soda today, or yesterday.. so To answer your question no
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 03:41 PM
Well what if i drink once a week with my sunday dinner or smoke a joint once in a while?
I'm saying is drinking a soda, as harmful as drinking alcohol or smoking a joint? like the severity of the effects on you?!
12-14-2005, 03:42 PM
Wow dude, your an asshole... I haven't had a soda today, or yesterday.. so To answer your question no
the answer to which question and why am i an asshole, because i asked you a question? Wow, you are going to have a fun life.
12-14-2005, 03:43 PM
I'm saying is drinking a soda, as harmful as drinking alcohol or smoking a joint?
Yes it can be, depending on how you use or abuse the substance.
12-14-2005, 03:43 PM
I'm saying is drinking a soda, as harmful as drinking alcohol or smoking a joint?
how is a single joint or a single beer occasionally harmful?
12-14-2005, 03:47 PM
I'm saying is drinking a soda, as harmful as drinking alcohol or smoking a joint? like the severity of the effects on you?!
Most people won't get much effect off one beer hence you being allowed to drive after having one beer. Does the effect constitute what is edge?
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 03:49 PM
the answer to which question and why am i an asshole, because i asked you a question? Wow, you are going to have a fun life.
Shut up you know you meant it in a way to be a complete ass, Well you guys aren't understanding what I'm saying.. I guess I'm trying to say that It seems like smoking weed and drinking alcohol are alot worse for you then a soda
12-14-2005, 03:52 PM
Shut up you know you meant it in a way to be a complete ass, Well you guys aren't understanding what I'm saying.. I guess I'm trying to say that It seems like smoking weed and drinking alcohol are alot worse for you then a soda
and you're not understanding what we're saying. it's not a matter of good or bad for you. if you eat marijauna there's nothing "bad" for you about it. now, would you drink marijuana tea or eat marijuana brownies? of course not. because you don't want to influenced by a drug.
12-14-2005, 03:53 PM
Shut up you know you meant it in a way to be a complete ass, Well you guys aren't understanding what I'm saying.. I guess I'm trying to say that It seems like smoking weed and drinking alcohol are alot worse for you then a soda
Actually i'm just asking because i don't understand how one drug can be ok but another not especially when you say no drugs. You don't have to get angry if you can't convey your point, i mean its not my fault when you get called upon the logic behind your idea you don't have a logical explanation. How is a glass of one once a week worse?
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 03:55 PM
So, let me get this straight.. No matter what if someone drinks soda. they can't be sXe even Ian Mackaye?
12-14-2005, 03:56 PM
So, let me get this straight.. No matter what if someone drinks soda. they can't be sXe even Ian Mackaye?
does straight edge mean no drugs? And you need to stop putting so much weight in ian mackaye, he doesn't even agree with what straightedge became.
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 03:59 PM
does straight edge mean no drugs? And you need to stop putting so much weight in ian mackaye, he doesn't even agree with what straightedge became.
12-14-2005, 03:59 PM
explain what?
So does straightedge mean no drugs?
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 04:01 PM
how Ian doesn't like how sxe is today
12-14-2005, 04:06 PM
how Ian doesn't like how sxe is today
His intention was never for it to become a movement, he didn't want people going round calling themselves straightedge so he turned his back essentially whilst a lot of hardcore kids adopted the name for a unison of their beliefs which grew within the hardcore scene and became something different than its original conception. Ian mackaye is an important part of the history but he's not a template of opinions by which you should live your life and when you say "even Ian Mackaye" it sounds like you are putting him on a pedestal.
And so does straightedge mean no drugs?
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 04:09 PM
Well I guess its kinda funny the founder of SxE, uses drugs I guess.. Well fuck it now I'll drink 10 mountain dews aday, and Piss on this peice of shit forum, I think you are an elitist fuck straightXed
12-14-2005, 04:13 PM
Well I guess its kinda funny the founder of SxE, uses drugs I guess.. Well fuck it now I'll drink 10 mountain dews aday, and Piss on this peice of shit forum, I think you are an elitist fuck straightXed
See i haven't once told you what you can or can't do, all i did was ask logical questions which you can't answer. Rather than thinking about that you are getting angry and name calling. I don't care if you OD on crack or drink 10 mountain dews, but for someone who claims to be against drugs this doesn't really show it. And you can piss on your computer if you like its really not going to make any difference here but i understand you are angry because someone pointed out a flaw in your logic. Thanks for such an inteligent answer to a very simple, polite and direct question.
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 04:15 PM
What was my flaw in my logic?
Thinking that getting stoned or drunk is as worse as having a soda once every 3 or 4 days?
12-14-2005, 04:18 PM
What was my flaw in my logic?
Thinking that getting stoned or drunk is as worse as having a soda once every 3 or 4 days?
Well you have a few flaws but lets stick with the idea that you want to live a lifestyle free of recreational drug use but don't, and that one beer once in a while has as much effect on you as your caffeine drinking. I never mentioned getting drunk.
12-14-2005, 04:20 PM
What was my flaw in my logic?
Thinking that getting stoned or drunk is as worse as having a soda once every 3 or 4 days?
man.. don't think this guy is ever going to see the point...
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 04:22 PM
I guess I don't.. there are too many rules to being straightedge I guess I'll just have to stick with being Drug free.
12-14-2005, 04:22 PM
I guess I don't.. there are too many rules to being straightedge I guess I'll just have to stick with being Drug free.
How are you drug free if you drink drugs?
Know This |X|
12-14-2005, 04:23 PM
So now I can't even be drug free?
wow I guess I'm a fucking druggie now becuase I drink soda
12-14-2005, 04:24 PM
So now I can't even be drug free?
wow I guess I'm a fucking druggie now becuase I drink soda
Caffeine is a drug right? A simple yes or no here.
12-14-2005, 04:27 PM
I guess I don't.. there are too many rules to being straightedge I guess I'll just have to stick with being Drug free.
listen man, im not having a go at you here, just read through the last two pages and you'll see nobodys trying to catch you out...the fact is drugs are drugs wether its in your crack pipe or in a can of soda from tescos, do you beleive that sxe means drug free? if yes then drinking soda should be off your agenda, as i see it you cannot be drug free and take drugs
12-15-2005, 01:24 AM
Caffeine is a drug right? A simple yes or no here.
I say yes. Does my opinion matter?
12-15-2005, 07:45 AM
im having so much fun with this
im having so much fun with this
shut up dude, keep drinking that cup of coke
12-15-2005, 09:24 AM
Hmmm. I love reading these forums, apart from the fact all these people join and ask questions yet can't handle the replies they get and begin cursing others. I'm seriously thinking about letting go of caffiene all together, something hard for me to do but I think I can pull it off.
I'm still on the verge of researching Straight Edge so yep ^_^ finding out all I can.
Yer... hello everyone ! :D
12-15-2005, 09:28 AM
shut up dude, keep drinking that cup of coke
what? i cant drink sodas now?
12-15-2005, 11:02 AM
So, let me get this straight.. No matter what if someone drinks soda. they can't be sXe even Ian Mackaye?
And by the way I'm pretty sure it's not the soda it's the caffine. Drink sprite, rootbeer, some thing without caffine. Wow that is a really simple consept and easy solution to all this bullshit.
what? i cant drink sodas now?
01-02-2006, 03:40 PM
I laughed so hard when I read this that I fell out of my chair.
It's like, "Look at me! I'm so immature and sure of myself that I have to insult other people because I'm too ignorant to accept other's words! Go Team!"
Seriously, guys... Don't ask a question if you refuse to listen to the answer. But wait, aren't there non-caffienated (I think I butchered that word, but oh well) sodas/beverages? Lame.
Also, why ask a question and act like you really are concerned with it, then say everything in your power to go against the answer? There's really no point.
If you really want to know, then don't be so argumentative, and take the answers and opinions as they come.
01-12-2006, 10:21 PM
I guess I should change my username to---
Don't know this |X|
Well, I think it blows nuts thats I can't drink a sprite or any other soda
Sprites non caffienated.
01-12-2006, 10:26 PM
haha . wrestling makes abstaining soda so easy though.
01-27-2006, 04:04 PM
fuck!i think i have broken my edge!i was at a dinner with friends of my parents and i drank a glass of coke...
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