View Full Version : Help me spread the word

01-02-2006, 03:34 PM
So yea..I am doing my history project this year on sXe. I wanted to dedicate a few pages to the opinions of the dedicated. So now I ask you all to write atleast a paragraph each on what straight edge is to you. Write about maybe how you go involved? Why? I just want more than my view to put into my report. I want everyone to who looks at my project to be moved by us. Please help me...I would be forever greatful!

thanks a million


ps. I need all writings by 9:30 tomorrow night. If you wish to, e-mail me at xxloolu_ellexx@yahoo.com with "report opinion" in the title.

Thanks again

01-02-2006, 04:08 PM
So yea..I am doing my history project this year on sXe. I wanted to dedicate a few pages to the opinions of the dedicated. So now I ask you all to write atleast a paragraph each on what straight edge is to you. Write about maybe how you go involved? Why? I just want more than my view to put into my report. I want everyone to who looks at my project to be moved by us. Please help me...I would be forever greatful!

thanks a million


ps. I need all writings by 9:30 tomorrow night. If you wish to, e-mail me at xxloolu_ellexx@yahoo.com with "report opinion" in the title.

Thanks again

Search the forums, you should find a lot of stuff like how people got involved etc.