View Full Version : Medications
01-10-2006, 03:36 PM
I was wondering, do any of you take medications? People ask me that when they find out I'm edge. I never really thought about it, but it should be interesting to see people's answers.
Of course I don't mean for recreational use (Well obviously.), but for sickness,condition,(cough/cold/allergy/etc.)? I don't, because of what I believe, but what about you guys? Do you go as far as ruling out medications?
01-10-2006, 03:43 PM
i donīt rule them out, and i also work with them.
01-10-2006, 03:47 PM
i donīt rule them out, and i also work with them.
I see. What do you do?
01-10-2006, 04:26 PM
I see. What do you do?
i might have missunderstood what you wrote the first time, but i use medicine when i get migrane, and sometimes when i have problems with my stomach. and for regular headaches sometimes.
01-10-2006, 05:41 PM
I was wondering, do any of you take medications? People ask me that when they find out I'm edge. I never really thought about it, but it should be interesting to see people's answers.
Of course I don't mean for recreational use (Well obviously.), but for sickness,condition,(cough/cold/allergy/etc.)? I don't, because of what I believe, but what about you guys? Do you go as far as ruling out medications?
well if I don't take something if I have an allegery attack I'd die, so yes. anyone who doesn't take medicine when it's necessary based on straight edge is a moron.
well if I don't take something if I have an allegery attack I'd die, so yes. anyone who doesn't take medicine when it's necessary based on straight edge is a moron.
01-11-2006, 03:52 AM
Yeah how is me taking an antibiotic recreational use of a drug. Pretty much everybody has to take medication at some point in time.
straight sam
01-11-2006, 05:06 AM
but what about medicaments that donīt heal you but take away your pain?
01-11-2006, 06:22 AM
but what about medicaments that donīt heal you but take away your pain?
Do you mean anaesthetic? Anaesthetic reduces a lot of further complication as it enables a lot of procedures to be done that wouldn't be possible without anaesthetic. And pain causes a huge amount of stress on the central nervous system which can make a lot of procedures and surgarys less sucessful. You have to look at it from a medicinal angle, people aren't taking these drugs for fun, its a part of a medicinal procedure thats aiming to heal.
01-11-2006, 03:25 PM
i might have missunderstood what you wrote the first time, but i use medicine when i get migrane, and sometimes when i have problems with my stomach. and for regular headaches sometimes.
Ahaha, no, that one was all on me. I missunderstood. Sorry.
01-12-2006, 04:28 PM
Ahaha, no, that one was all on me. I missunderstood. Sorry.
now i get it, you wondered what i do when i work with medications didnīt you?
01-13-2006, 03:30 PM
now i get it, you wondered what i do when i work with medications didnīt you?
Haha. No, actually, and now you've got me confused. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. I was just wondering :].
01-14-2006, 05:19 AM
Haha. No, actually, and now you've got me confused. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. I was just wondering :].
ok, then iīll let it go then.
01-15-2006, 03:21 PM
Sinus and allergy medicine so I can breathe! Headache medicine so I can concentrate on something other than how much my head hurts. And anything else when it's required. I value my health.
01-18-2006, 03:55 PM
well if I don't take something if I have an allegery attack I'd die, so yes. anyone who doesn't take medicine when it's necessary based on straight edge is a moron.
I never said that I didn't take meds just because of the fact that I'm straight edge. I take herbal supplements and mixtures for my colds, and if I've got a headache, I live with it. I've got no serious allergies, and no medical conditions. I'm sure that if I had a more serious illness, surgery, cancer, or was in another situation where it was necessary that I'd change my views, but for the time being, I don't take medications. I don't criticize other people, and if you took what I said to have a negative tone, then I'm sorry.
01-19-2006, 08:41 AM
I never said that I didn't take meds just because of the fact that I'm straight edge. I take herbal supplements and mixtures for my colds, and if I've got a headache, I live with it. I've got no serious allergies, and no medical conditions. I'm sure that if I had a more serious illness, surgery, cancer, or was in another situation where it was necessary that I'd change my views, but for the time being, I don't take medications. I don't criticize other people, and if you took what I said to have a negative tone, then I'm sorry.
no, the comment was a general one. however you do take medications, what do you think those herbal supplements and mixtures are?
01-19-2006, 03:20 PM
no, the comment was a general one. however you do take medications, what do you think those herbal supplements and mixtures are?
They don't have a drug-like effect on the body, so I personally don't count them as a mediction. They aren't something that was prescribed to me or has been advertised in mainstream media as a medicine. I think it all depends on your point of view as to what you consider a medication...
01-19-2006, 03:31 PM
They don't have a drug-like effect on the body, so I personally don't count them as a mediction. They aren't something that was prescribed to me or has been advertised in mainstream media as a medicine. I think it all depends on your point of view as to what you consider a medication...
what's a drug like effect, and what do you consider them doing to you then? Also, what do you think a good chunk of medicine came from?
01-19-2006, 03:42 PM
what's a drug like effect, and what do you consider them doing to you then? Also, what do you think a good chunk of medicine came from?
I consider a drug-like effect to be something like drowsiness, or something else you can find on the back of a bottle of pills. The things that I take make up for the lack of vitamins I get otherwise. ...And yes, medicine does partly come from plant material, but think of the chemical reactions and other material that goes into it also. Think of how its made. All of the factories that process multitudes of pills just so you don't have to suffer from a mere headache?
01-19-2006, 03:54 PM
I consider a drug-like effect to be something like drowsiness, or something else you can find on the back of a bottle of pills. The things that I take make up for the lack of vitamins I get otherwise. ...And yes, medicine does partly come from plant material, but think of the chemical reactions and other material that goes into it also. Think of how its made. All of the factories that process multitudes of pills just so you don't have to suffer from a mere headache?
Thats a rather narrow description of a drug-like effect don't you think? What about things like anticonvulsants or anticoagulants? Or the pleortha of other drug types?
01-19-2006, 04:00 PM
Thats a rather narrow description of a drug-like effect don't you think? What about things like anticonvulsants or anticoagulants.? Or the pleortha of other drug types?
Hey kids! I have an idea! Let's use big words to try and scare Kymberlee and confuse her to the point of not being able to respond!
Did I not say that what I believe was based on my personal views? And did I also not say that my views would probably change if I had a serious illness? As for anticoagulants, my grandfather takes them ,and without them he would die.
01-19-2006, 04:10 PM
Hey kids! I have an idea! Let's use big words to try and scare Kymberlee and confuse her to the point of not being able to respond!
Did I not say that what I believe was based on my personal views? And did I also not say that my views would probably change if I had a serious illness? As for anticoagulants, my grandfather takes them ,and without them he would die.
Ummm, calm down.
Yeah and don't they have a drug-like effect that contravines the notion of a drug-like effect being something like drowsiness. I mean if you don't count something as medication because it doesn't have a drug like effect on the body, and you then go on to say that you qualify a drug-like effect as something that makes you drowsey, then the drugs i mentioned are, by your standards, not medication.
01-20-2006, 03:24 PM
Ummm, calm down.
Yeah and don't they have a drug-like effect that contravines the notion of a drug-like effect being something like drowsiness. I mean if you don't count something as medication because it doesn't have a drug like effect on the body, and you then go on to say that you qualify a drug-like effect as something that makes you drowsey, then the drugs i mentioned are, by your standards, not medication.
I am comepletely and utterly calm.
I don't and didn't ever limit my standards of medication to just having the effect of drowsiness. I merely used that as an example.
Also, from what you are saying, you and I probably have a different meaning of "a drug-like effect on the body," and with that, It would be nearly impossible to make my point valid in your eyes.
01-20-2006, 03:44 PM
Headaches can honestly be pretty debilatating.. I suffer from migraines and I'm pretty much useless (until it goes away) if I don't treat it somehow. So "mere headache" seems like a poor phrasing because not all headaches are minor.
Herbal medicine is still medicine.. it's just more natural.. and I personally prefer natural remedies.. but mainstream medications work pretty well when I need them.
01-20-2006, 03:46 PM
I am comepletely and utterly calm.
I don't and didn't ever limit my standards of medication to just having the effect of drowsiness. I merely used that as an example.
Also, from what you are saying, you and I probably have a different meaning of "a drug-like effect on the body," and with that, It would be nearly impossible to make my point valid in your eyes.
what is or isn't medicine isn't really open to personal opinion though.
01-20-2006, 03:48 PM
what is or isn't medicine isn't really open to personal opinion though.
How so?
So you believe that there is no "wiggle room" in the topic of what is considered to be medicine and what isn't?
01-20-2006, 03:50 PM
Headaches can honestly be pretty debilatating.. I suffer from migraines and I'm pretty much useless (until it goes away) if I don't treat it somehow. So "mere headache" seems like a poor phrasing because not all headaches are minor.
Herbal medicine is still medicine.. it's just more natural.. and I personally prefer natural remedies.. but mainstream medications work pretty well when I need them.
I'm not going to judge your opinion(at least try my hardest.), but when I get a migraine, a hot shower and a nap work for me.
01-20-2006, 03:51 PM
For me, it doesn't really do much.. it can help ease the pain.. or sometimes make it worse (migraines tend to be tricky for me to treat).. Chamomille tea with a little honey in it seems to me a good remedy though.
01-20-2006, 03:53 PM
How so?
So you believe that there is no "wiggle room" in the topic of what is considered to be medicine and what isn't?
how is there?
"I take herbal supplements and mixtures for my colds,"
Whether you chose to view it as medicine or not doesn't really matter, since you're taking them medicinally and as medicine.
1 a : a substance or preparation used in treating disease b : something that affects well-being
3 : a substance (as a drug or potion) used to treat something other than disease
how do the herbal supplements that you're taking not count as medicine then?
01-20-2006, 03:55 PM
The only time I have trouble with migraines is in the summer, during hot weather and traffic. I have to pull over. Other than those times, my shower idea does fine for me. Yum, tea sounds good right about now.
01-20-2006, 03:57 PM
how is there?
"I take herbal supplements and mixtures for my colds,"
Whether you chose to view it as medicine or not doesn't really matter, since you're taking them medicinally and as medicine.
1 a : a substance or preparation used in treating disease b : something that affects well-being
3 : a substance (as a drug or potion) used to treat something other than disease
how do the herbal supplements that you're taking not count as medicine then?
I suppose they do then.
01-20-2006, 04:01 PM
I am comepletely and utterly calm.
Then why the rant about long words as if it was inteded to confuse you? Personally i think it was perfectly coherent.
I don't and didn't ever limit my standards of medication to just having the effect of drowsiness. I merely used that as an example.
Well this says otherwise "I consider a drug-like effect to be something like drowsiness" If that was an example only it still remains an example that doesn't fit the other medications/drugs i mentioned.
I mean you are saying you don't consider certain substances as medication because they don't have a drug like effect on the body, you were then asked what is a drug like effect. Loads of things can cause drowsiness that aren't drugs and loads of things that are drugs don't cause drowsiness so your description of a drug like effect hasn't actually helped refine your idea of what you call a drug at all.
Also, from what you are saying, you and I probably have a different meaning of "a drug-like effect on the body," and with that, It would be nearly impossible to make my point valid in your eyes.
Well thats just a cop out, you agree that the things i mentioned are drugs right? And as such there effect on the body is a drug like effect. If you are saying those things aren't drugs, then explain why not. For the point to be valid in my eyes it does require you to explain to me the boundries of a drug like effect as based on this you are deciding what is and isn't medication. So if you are saying its immposible for you to explain what is and isn't medication by explaining your defining criteria of a drug like effect then, yes, the notion isn't valid - not just in my eyes, but in anyones eyes who requires some logical thought behind their claims.
Wicked Brown
01-13-2009, 05:50 AM
look dude sxe is about staing healthy correct?
well medication helps your body stay healthy,
so there is the answer to your question.
look dude sxe is about staing healthy correct?
well medication helps your body stay healthy,
so there is the answer to your question.
sxe is not about staying healthy. it's about avoiding mindaltering substances.
but yeah, there's no problem with medication, if people use it to get healed.
01-13-2009, 07:01 AM
look dude sxe is about staing healthy correct?
well medication helps your body stay healthy,
so there is the answer to your question.
"sxe is about staing healthy correct?" Well, I don't think so... For me straight edge is about keep your body and mind clean and clear judgement 100% of the time.
Wine is healthy in small amount, think about it!
01-13-2009, 11:08 PM
Headaches can honestly be pretty debilatating.. I suffer from migraines and I'm pretty much useless (until it goes away) if I don't treat it somehow. So "mere headache" seems like a poor phrasing because not all headaches are minor.
Herbal medicine is still medicine.. it's just more natural.. and I personally prefer natural remedies.. but mainstream medications work pretty well when I need them.
I agree. My husband has had severe migraines since he was 12 that makes him lose his vision for a short period of time. Thus, we have prescription medications for him.
I do not use much of anything. My naturapathic doctor has me on a vegan adrenal/B complex to even out my thyroid. Chemically speaking, herbal tinctures and supplements do alter the body, but it's just more natural so the body is able recooperate faster than being attacked with harsh, foreign substances.
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