View Full Version : jail and x's

03-15-2006, 01:54 PM
being that we have been considered a gang or a terrist group if you get put in jail and you do have the x's tattooed whould the say you are gang afiliatied?

03-15-2006, 02:52 PM
being that we have been considered a gang or a terrist group if you get put in jail and you do have the x's tattooed whould the say you are gang afiliatied?
who said we were a gang or a terrorist group???

03-15-2006, 03:01 PM
being that we have been considered a gang or a terrist group if you get put in jail and you do have the x's tattooed whould the say you are gang afiliatied?

1- i have never even heard of us being considered a gang or terrorist group. who the hell said that?

2- where is castaic?

03-15-2006, 03:09 PM
where is castaic?
sounds french....

03-15-2006, 03:42 PM
who said we were a gang or a terrorist group???

Certain police forces have declared straight edge a gang, such as reno and salt lake city. Its kinda why this site is about portraying straightedge in the correct light.


03-15-2006, 03:47 PM
being that we have been considered a gang or a terrist group if you get put in jail and you do have the x's tattooed whould the say you are gang afiliatied?

it would depend on where you are, police and prision officers both have intelligence on gangs and they include breifing on gang symbolism including tattoos, the tattoo will be noted and if they consider it a gang symbol then i would guess that would say you are gang afiliated. Why do you ask? Are you planning a bank job?

03-15-2006, 09:04 PM
it would depend on where you are, police and prision officers both have intelligence on gangs and they include breifing on gang symbolism including tattoos, the tattoo will be noted and if they consider it a gang symbol then i would guess that would say you are gang afiliated. Why do you ask? Are you planning a bank job?

no its just something my dad asked me. because if you think about it. going to jail and them saying your in a gang can fuck your life up. for any chance of a job.

1- i have never even heard of us being considered a gang or terrorist group. who the hell said that?

2- where is castaic?

1 ever hear of the olimpics smart guy. do you read?
2 california

03-15-2006, 09:25 PM
no its just something my dad asked me. because if you think about it. going to jail and them saying your in a gang can fuck your life up. for any chance of a job.

1 ever hear of the olimpics smart guy. do you read?
2 california

1- yes i've heard of the olympics. but i dont watch them, i find it to be boring.
2- yes i read, but again, i dont waste my time on things like that. i prefer classic literature
3- why is your english so shitty if you live in california? do YOU read? or take an english class?

03-15-2006, 09:27 PM
[QUOTE=atXdawnXweXburn]1- yes i've heard of the olympics. but i dont watch them, i find it to be boring.
2- yes i read, but again, i dont waste my time on things like that. i prefer classic literature
3- why is your english so shitty if you live in california? do YOU read? or take an english class?[/QUOTE

yes i read, alot. i just dont take the time to use what i know. if you read you would know sXe was on the 200 something or other top terrist whatch for list. or that two of kids killed a guy and it made people think we were vilante

03-15-2006, 09:30 PM
[QUOTE=atXdawnXweXburn]1- yes i've heard of the olympics. but i dont watch them, i find it to be boring.
2- yes i read, but again, i dont waste my time on things like that. i prefer classic literature
3- why is your english so shitty if you live in california? do YOU read? or take an english class?[/QUOTE

yes i read, alot. i just dont take the time to use what i know. if you read you would know sXe was on the 200 something or other top terrist whatch for list. or that two of kids killed a guy and it made people think we were vilante

seriously dude. it's called spell check, try it out sometime.

03-15-2006, 09:32 PM
or i dont want to? i think i will use my answer it is a good one.

03-15-2006, 09:33 PM
this isnt about my spelling i wanted to know about are background as a gang/terrist group not if i could spell.

03-15-2006, 09:33 PM
just take your time typing, spell your words correctly. hence why spellcheck is good.

03-15-2006, 09:35 PM
bro i have some fucked up learning disability. spelling is the hardest thing in the world for me i can read like a pro. i spell everything backwords and i just cant spell words.

03-15-2006, 09:39 PM
bro i have some fucked up learning disability. spelling is the hardest thing in the world for me i can read like a pro. i spell everything backwords and i just cant spell words.

well, im done arguing with you. i have ramen, and it is actually worth my time.

03-16-2006, 01:50 AM
Here is an easy solution to all this childish bickering. DON"T GO TO JAIL.

03-16-2006, 12:23 PM
no its just something my dad asked me. because if you think about it. going to jail and them saying your in a gang can fuck your life up. for any chance of a job.

Yeah but going to jail is gonna fuck you up weather you are affiliated with a gang or not.

03-16-2006, 12:27 PM
this isnt about my spelling i wanted to know about are background as a gang/terrist group not if i could spell.

firstly its a common courtesy to make your posts readable and secondly i think the reason the thread has degenerated to issues of grammar is due to your questioning if the other chap read or not. Rather than asking if they read you could provide evidence of what you have based you post upon. That way the thread stays on the intended topic and people are able to converse about the issues raised.

03-16-2006, 12:39 PM
yea that is true. but if you knew anything about the background of sxe and read things about it you would know these things. that is why i asked him if he read. i meant it as have you ever read into are backgroound.

03-16-2006, 01:17 PM
yea that is true. but if you knew anything about the background of sxe and read things about it you would know these things. that is why i asked him if he read. i meant it as have you ever read into are backgroound.

So you give them a shiity answer because they don't know instead of giving them the information they are obviously missing?

03-16-2006, 01:39 PM
So you give them a shiity answer because they don't know instead of giving them the information they are obviously missing?
i guess that is what i did. i wasnt in that great of a mood so i think i took it out on him rather then telling him anything.

03-16-2006, 05:13 PM
i guess that is what i did. i wasnt in that great of a mood so i think i took it out on him rather then telling him anything.

well worser things have happened, you won't go to jail for it.

03-17-2006, 12:04 AM
well worser things have happened, you won't go to jail for it.

03-17-2006, 12:27 AM
this isnt about my spelling i wanted to know about are background as a gang/terrist group not if i could spell.

seriously dude its Terrorist, not terrist.

03-17-2006, 12:33 AM
Dang, you are all kicking the shit out of his spelling. I would feel sorry for him if I wasent laughing so hard

03-17-2006, 03:54 AM
reading incorrect spelling makes your own spelling worse dude. plus, it's annoying as fuck

03-17-2006, 07:54 AM
Dang, you are all kicking the shit out of his spelling. I would feel sorry for him if I wasent laughing so hard
See I don't feel bad. I can't spell for shit, but our of courtesy for others I run my stuff through a spell checker pretty much all of the time before I post.

If I'm debating a ton errors make my argument look weak, plus it's really hard to read them.

Plus if what I have to say is worth reading, it's worth writing properly, and as a result my spelling is improving, so by not checking your spelling you do yourself a disservice. I'm turning 26 soon and still learning, so why wouldn't any one want to get better? I swear, poor spelling only gets more embarrassing with age.

So basically if I can't take the extra time to make my posts legible, why should any one take the extra time to try read them?

So there you have it, even a retard like me who can't spell finds it annoying.

03-17-2006, 12:04 PM
seriously dude its Terrorist, not terrist.

terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist


03-17-2006, 12:51 PM
terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist

no biggie! i measure this to your IQ.

03-17-2006, 01:02 PM

Yeah worser, whats the question? Are you asking what is worse it what the word worser means or something else?

03-17-2006, 01:05 PM
terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist


I see that you are still engaging in the negative by product of your earlier reaction instead of actually showing some courtesy. Is there a reason for this?

Lost Prophet
03-17-2006, 01:11 PM
i hate when police departments say that edge is a gang
its totally not!!!!
and theyre totally confusing edge with hardline (which i dont agree with at all) and that pisses me off....

youd think if they were gonna do this theyd do their f'in homework

03-17-2006, 01:19 PM
i hate when police departments say that edge is a gang
its totally not!!!!
and theyre totally confusing edge with hardline (which i dont agree with at all) and that pisses me off....

youd think if they were gonna do this theyd do their f'in homework

hardline doesn't exist.
and in some places they do act like a gang so I wouldn't jump on LEA's about this.

03-17-2006, 01:19 PM
i hate when police departments say that edge is a gang
its totally not!!!!
and theyre totally confusing edge with hardline (which i dont agree with at all) and that pisses me off....

youd think if they were gonna do this theyd do their f'in homework

Talking about homework, its time for you to learn the difference between hardline and millitant straight edge.

Lost Prophet
03-17-2006, 01:24 PM
hardline DOES exsist
what the hell is wrong w/ u people?!?!?
its all over the place out here

03-17-2006, 01:39 PM
hardline DOES exsist
what the hell is wrong w/ u people?!?!?
its all over the place out here

No, hardline did exist, look at the history of it, you ae confusing hardline for militant straight edge. And you were quite upset that someone confused straightedge for hardline and yet you are guilty of the same thing. Do you even know what hardline was?

03-17-2006, 01:41 PM
Yeah worser, whats the question? Are you asking what is worse it what the word worser means or something else?
i just wanted to know if that was a word?
bad->worse->more worse? (correct me if i'M wrong, but i learned it this way.) i'm not picking at it, i am just curious.

03-17-2006, 01:53 PM
i just wanted to know if that was a word?
bad->worse->more worse? (correct me if i'M wrong, but i learned it this way.) i'm not picking at it, i am just curious.

It is a word but its not one that a lot of grammatical professors like. And it does refer to something more worse.

03-17-2006, 02:32 PM
I see that you are still engaging in the negative by product of your earlier reaction instead of actually showing some courtesy. Is there a reason for this?

Probably because I am a angry little kid. Because iam twisted in the head and don’t know how to be positive? I don’t really have a clue. Now I will say it once again iam sorry for any previous things I have said.

hardline doesn't exist.
and in some places they do act like a gang so I wouldn't jump on LEA's about this.

so iam right?in some places we still are called a gang. What is LEA dusty?

03-17-2006, 02:36 PM
hardline DOES exsist
what the hell is wrong w/ u people?!?!?
its all over the place out here
yea from i get from dusty they dont hurt others thats against what they stand for.

03-17-2006, 02:42 PM
It is a word but its not one that a lot of grammatical professors like. And it does refer to something more worse.
yeah, just as i thought. thanks

03-17-2006, 02:50 PM
Probably because I am a angry little kid. Because iam twisted in the head and don’t know how to be positive? I don’t really have a clue. Now I will say it once again iam sorry for any previous things I have said.

Then relax a nd respond to things when you are less angry otherwise you will be going in circles.

so iam right?in some places we still are called a gang. What is LEA dusty?

Well if you read the link i provided earlier you would know you were right and LEA is law enforcement associates.

03-17-2006, 02:52 PM
yea from i get from dusty they dont hurt others thats against what they stand for.

Oh no, they hurt people alright it was a very extreme movement but it was something seperate from straightedge.

03-17-2006, 10:57 PM
terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist terrist


wow...that was really childish.

03-18-2006, 02:30 AM
i hate when police departments say that edge is a gang
its totally not!!!!
and theyre totally confusing edge with hardline (which i dont agree with at all) and that pisses me off....

youd think if they were gonna do this theyd do their f'in homework

Some police depts. it has nothing to do with affiliation too. Some cities around here if 5 or 6 people are gathered in public together it's considered gang activity.

03-18-2006, 06:30 PM
Oh no, they hurt people alright it was a very extreme movement but it was something seperate from straightedge.

o i thought he said that hyou were ment to mess with others natural growth. so i assumed it meet no hurting people.

Well if you read the link i provided earlier you would know you were right and LEA is law enforcement associates.[/QUOTE]

i didnt see a link i must be blind sorry.

03-18-2006, 06:36 PM
ok i went back and read it. that sucks that kids like that make us look bad. i dont know maybe you guys kick the shit out of kids like that but i dont.

03-19-2006, 03:57 AM
ok i went back and read it. that sucks that kids like that make us look bad. i dont know maybe you guys kick the shit out of kids like that but i dont.

You aren't following this thread at all, what suggests to you that anyone is beating up people like in that article?

03-19-2006, 03:59 AM
o i thought he said that hyou were ment to mess with others natural growth. so i assumed it meet no hurting people.

I'm not sure exactly what you have said here but are you saying that dusty said hardline was a non violent movement?

i didnt see a link i must be blind sorry.

kinda hard to miss if you read the thread.

03-19-2006, 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by straightXed
You aren't following this thread at all, what suggests to you that
anyone is beating up people like in that article?

Nothing is. I am just saying i speak for myself maybe some of you that aren’t speaking up do. Not everyone says what they do on here.

That ideology, that movement, is Hardline. A belief system, and a way of life that lives by one ethic -- that all innocent life is sacred, and must have the right to live out it's natural state of existence in peace, without interference, This single ethic ensures that all life, from a foetus, or a grown human (black, white, male or female), to an animal, or it's habitat, is guaranteed equal rights, with liberty for all, regardless of someone's personal bias against them. Under the principals of the Hardline ideology, all shall be permitted to do as they please as long as their actions do not harm, in any way, the rights of others. Any action that
does interfere with such rights shall not be considered a "right" in itself, and therefore shall not be tolerated. Those who hurt or destroy life around them, or create a situation in which that life or the quality of it is threatened shall from then on no longer be considered innocent, and in turn will no long have rights.

this is what gave me the idea that they didnt hurt people.

03-19-2006, 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by straightXed
You aren't following this thread at all, what suggests to you that
anyone is beating up people like in that article?

Nothing is. I am just saying i speak for myself maybe some of you that aren’t speaking up do. Not everyone says what they do on here.

this is what gave me the idea that they didnt hurt people.

I guess you didn't read this part "Those who hurt or destroy life around them, or create a situation in which that life or the quality of it is threatened shall from then on no longer be considered innocent, and in turn will no long have rights."

03-20-2006, 05:32 AM
Nothing is.


this is what gave me the idea that they didnt hurt people.

I don't see how that would give you that idea, did you read it?

03-20-2006, 12:03 PM
the fact that its says "all shall be permitted to do as they please as long as their actions do not harm, in any way, the rights of others. Any action that
does interfere with such rights shall not be considered a "right" in itself, and therefore shall not be tolerated."

03-20-2006, 12:12 PM
hardline was never a violent free way of living though, even by the guy who wrote the manifesto.
plus this makes me think that to. but you say iam wrong so iam missing something i think. i dont know much about hardline so i cant say if they are or arent.

03-20-2006, 12:15 PM
the fact that its says "all shall be permitted to do as they please as long as their actions do not harm, in any way, the rights of others. Any action that
does interfere with such rights shall not be considered a "right" in itself, and therefore shall not be tolerated."

yeah but this means if you interfere with the rights of others, we will stop you.

ie. this part

Only with this dedication, and conviction -- living a life that is in harmony with our stated goals and beliefs, gaining strength from out purity of body and mind, while actively opposing those who are guilty destroying the world with their poisonous thoughts, deeds and pollution, can we be victorious in the struggle.

03-20-2006, 12:57 PM
the fact that its says "all shall be permitted to do as they please as long as their actions do not harm, in any way, the rights of others. Any action that
does interfere with such rights shall not be considered a "right" in itself, and therefore shall not be tolerated."

Yeah the idea is for everyone to be non violent so long as they adhere to what hardline is. In what you quoted it clearly shows non tolerance for anything other than the ideals of hardline.

03-20-2006, 12:59 PM
plus this makes me think that to. but you say iam wrong so iam missing something i think. i dont know much about hardline so i cant say if they are or arent.

And what you qouted in this post also doesn't show how it would be non violent in fact it again states quite the opposite. "never a violent free way"

03-20-2006, 03:01 PM
umm ok. so hardline is violent. i can live with that. it doesnt matter much to me if they are or arent iam not hardline.

03-20-2006, 03:17 PM
umm ok. so hardline is violent. i can live with that. it doesnt matter much to me if they are or arent iam not hardline.

thats because it doesnt exist anymore.