View Full Version : sXe is a great feeling
03-20-2006, 07:19 PM
well, i'm what i guess you could call, a recent convert to sXe. I never did drugs and if i drank at all, it was a little here and there. drugs nor alcohol never really were a major part of my life. i did, however, smoke cigarettes for three years since the age of 17. cigs, i thought, were the solutions to my problems. little friends of mine that would help me overcome boredom. but then i saw reality, my uncle dying of lung cancer right before my eyes. just a week ago, i decided to go edge. i had been contemplating the idea for a while but never really knew what would be best. cigs really ruined part of my physical aspects (ie breathing difficulties), but also made me so dependent on them that i would literally use whatever money possible to purchase them. why should i be so dependent on a thing so stupid as a cigarette. anyways, i'm doing well with sXe. i've given up drinking, drugs, and tobacco. period. i love my life right now and i would encourage anyone to do it. all three of those things are vices that i can live without. i am much more positive without them.
03-20-2006, 07:29 PM
well, i'm what i guess you could call, a recent convert to sXe. I never did drugs and if i drank at all, it was a little here and there. drugs nor alcohol never really were a major part of my life. i did, however, smoke cigarettes for three years since the age of 17. cigs, i thought, were the solutions to my problems. little friends of mine that would help me overcome boredom. but then i saw reality, my uncle dying of lung cancer right before my eyes. just a week ago, i decided to go edge. i had been contemplating the idea for a while but never really knew what would be best. cigs really ruined part of my physical aspects (ie breathing difficulties), but also made me so dependent on them that i would literally use whatever money possible to purchase them. why should i be so dependent on a thing so stupid as a cigarette. anyways, i'm doing well with sXe. i've given up drinking, drugs, and tobacco. period. i love my life right now and i would encourage anyone to do it. all three of those things are vices that i can live without. i am much more positive without them.
that's really cool. what band got you into it/exposed to it?
03-20-2006, 07:33 PM
that's really cool. what band got you into it/exposed to it?
honestly, it wasn't really a band at all. just the whole mentality of going to sXe shows and seeing everyone having a fuckin awesome time without being under the influence
03-20-2006, 07:34 PM
well, i'm what i guess you could call, a recent convert to sXe. I never did drugs and if i drank at all, it was a little here and there. drugs nor alcohol never really were a major part of my life. i did, however, smoke cigarettes for three years since the age of 17. cigs, i thought, were the solutions to my problems. little friends of mine that would help me overcome boredom. but then i saw reality, my uncle dying of lung cancer right before my eyes. just a week ago, i decided to go edge. i had been contemplating the idea for a while but never really knew what would be best. cigs really ruined part of my physical aspects (ie breathing difficulties), but also made me so dependent on them that i would literally use whatever money possible to purchase them. why should i be so dependent on a thing so stupid as a cigarette. anyways, i'm doing well with sXe. i've given up drinking, drugs, and tobacco. period. i love my life right now and i would encourage anyone to do it. all three of those things are vices that i can live without. i am much more positive without them.
very dope. dude.
I had a similar thing.
03-20-2006, 07:35 PM
honestly, it wasn't really a band at all. just the whole mentality of going to sXe shows and seeing everyone having a fuckin awesome time without being under the influence
I'm having trouble understanding. it wasn't a band, but you went to shows?
03-20-2006, 07:37 PM
honestly, it wasn't really a band at all. just the whole mentality of going to sXe shows and seeing everyone having a fuckin awesome time without being under the influence
but...I mean you do listen to hardcore right?
03-20-2006, 07:38 PM
I'm having trouble understanding. it wasn't a band, but you went to shows?
well, i mean, there's a culmination of bands...first and foremost, i had been a long time Minor Threat and SSD fan...they really inspired me. But i gotta give props to bands like Mental, Force of Change, Rigteous Jams, and many more.
03-20-2006, 07:39 PM
well, i mean, there's a culmination of bands...first and foremost, i had been a long time Minor Threat and SSD fan...they really inspired me. But i gotta give props to bands like Mental, Force of Change, Rigteous Jams, and many more.
okay nvm scratch what I just said then.
03-20-2006, 07:39 PM
and i had been to many sXe shows, but never really thought anything of it. you see what i'm saying? but i'm happy with my choice. keep me in your prayers guys, if you are religious that is.
03-20-2006, 07:49 PM
and i had been to many sXe shows, but never really thought anything of it. you see what i'm saying? but i'm happy with my choice. keep me in your prayers guys, if you are religious that is.
will do.
03-20-2006, 09:00 PM
indeed, i think making the decision to "convert" as you put it, was one of the best i have EVER made.
being sXe really is a great feeling
03-20-2006, 11:24 PM
thanx a lot guys! it means a lot when ppl support you. usually i run into some jackass cynic who believes that noobie sXer's can't keep their word...well, to them i say "we all gotta start somewhere!"
03-20-2006, 11:37 PM
thanx a lot guys! it means a lot when ppl support you. usually i run into some jackass cynic who believes that noobie sXer's can't keep their word...well, to them i say "we all gotta start somewhere!"
no problem dude. just read the sig. (my sig that is)
03-20-2006, 11:39 PM
no problem dude. just read the sig. (my sig that is)
lol..i should make up a sig right now...anyone here got myspace? <<< that's mine, hit me up!
03-20-2006, 11:49 PM
lol..i should make up a sig right now...anyone here got myspace? <<< that's mine, hit me up!
yeah I do. Mine is
is it fun to stay in the YMCA?
03-21-2006, 12:35 AM
is it fun to stay in the YMCA?
03-21-2006, 12:42 AM
is it fun to stay in the YMCA?
couldn't tell ya. never been to one.
03-21-2006, 12:45 AM
is it fun to stay in the YMCA?
hungary must be boring
hungary must be boring
how do you know?
03-21-2006, 01:02 AM
how do you know?
seriously, what makes you think it's boring?
03-21-2006, 01:12 AM
seriously, what makes you think it's boring?
i dunno sgtD...i just made a statement...damn man, we got some straight poopshoots that like to post on this thing.
03-21-2006, 01:13 AM
cmon man, i'm bored as fuck too...let's all be bored as fuck together
cmon man, i'm bored as fuck too...let's all be bored as fuck together
i'm not bored.
03-21-2006, 02:30 PM
(15:16:52) J M O R A N1097: so this is the great admin huh?
(15:17:14) sXeXc: wait, i thought you were leaving and whining?
(15:17:20) J M O R A N1097: man, you are a fuckin joke
(15:17:29) sXeXc: thanks dude!
(15:17:54) J M O R A N1097: narrowminded man
(15:18:03) sXeXc: how am I narrowminded?
(15:18:13) J M O R A N1097: i've just been reading all this banter you have posted in here...
(15:18:20) J M O R A N1097: really sad that you've divided that group dude
(15:18:23) J M O R A N1097: plus man
(15:18:38) sXeXc: and how have I divded anything?
(15:18:40) J M O R A N1097: i've just concluded that sXe is reserved for white boy, elitist pricks
(15:18:48) J M O R A N1097: such as yourself
(15:19:04) sXeXc: you like to throw around insults, but not actually talk
(15:19:10) sXeXc: or explain your words
(15:19:14) J M O R A N1097: lol
(15:19:27) sXeXc: you have a minor threat icon, have you even listened to them?
(15:19:28) J M O R A N1097: well, it's rather difficult to find the time out of my busy day to spend on an online forum
(15:19:37) sXeXc: yeah. jr college must be killer
(15:19:44) J M O R A N1097: what is your education?
(15:20:08) sXeXc: dude. how old do you think I am?
(15:20:14) J M O R A N1097: 28
(15:20:19) J M O R A N1097: and i c you visited my myspace
(15:20:21) sXeXc: and how long do you think I've been involved with straight edge?
(15:20:25) J M O R A N1097: i dont care
(15:20:27) J M O R A N1097: what is your education
(15:20:32) sXeXc: I went to college
(15:20:35) J M O R A N1097: realy?
(15:20:36) J M O R A N1097: major
(15:20:40) sXeXc: university of maryland
(15:20:44) sXeXc: comp sci and history
(15:20:49) J M O R A N1097: oh ok
(15:20:57) sXeXc: so what's your point?
(15:21:14) J M O R A N1097: i'm just saying that you are a narrow minded dumbass who really needs to lay off the edge man
(15:21:20) J M O R A N1097: i'm turned off to the idea
(15:21:25) sXeXc: you don't get it at all
(15:21:27) J M O R A N1097: because tards like you fuckin' ruin it
(15:21:38) sXeXc: you call me narrow minded, but can't tell me why I'm narrow minded
(15:21:53) sXeXc: you don't even understand your own religion
(15:21:58) J M O R A N1097: narrow minded because you insult religion, although you arent religious yourself
(15:22:06) sXeXc: how did I insult religion?
(15:22:33) J M O R A N1097: sXe is supposed to be secular, then why are you treating sXe as a religion
(15:22:34) sXeXc: and have you ever listened to the song filler?
(15:22:41) J M O R A N1097: yes actually
(15:23:11) J M O R A N1097: bottom line is
(15:23:13) sXeXc: and you don't see any problem with that?
(15:23:23) sXeXc: I also don't see how I'm treating sxe as a religion
(15:23:34) sXeXc: the bottom line is you have 2 beliefs that contradict each other
(15:23:48) J M O R A N1097: bottom line is that you are a loser fuck and i've decided to have a beer right now and laugh at your sorry ass cause
(15:23:50) sXeXc: and are trying to say that it's an issue with other people being narrow minded
(15:23:52) J M O R A N1097: what are you trying to prove
(15:23:57) J M O R A N1097: that sXers are cool
(15:24:07) J M O R A N1097: i joined the group to get insight on a paper
(15:24:31) sXeXc: ok
(15:24:31) J M O R A N1097: and i got nothing more than that you guys are nothing but a bunch of white pussies born into liberal homes
(15:24:47) J M O R A N1097: there's nothing more to the cause
(15:24:53) sXeXc: man you're a fucking idiot
(15:24:53) J M O R A N1097: you hate religion
(15:25:01) J M O R A N1097: sorry dude...your a stupid bitch
(15:25:07) sXeXc: do you even understand the history of punk or hardcore?
(15:25:11) J M O R A N1097: good luck in maryland tho brother
(15:25:21) J M O R A N1097: i heard the scene out there rocks...
(15:25:22) sXeXc: you fucking listen to nofx and talk about you're a christian
(15:25:25) J M O R A N1097: shut up
(15:25:27) sXeXc: you're fucking contradiction
(15:25:29) J M O R A N1097: i was talking
(15:25:31) J M O R A N1097: here fat boy
(15:25:38) J M O R A N1097: listen up
(15:25:38) sXeXc: dude
(15:25:42) J M O R A N1097: ur cause sucks....
(15:25:44) sXeXc: you're a fucking idiot
(15:25:47) J M O R A N1097: i am an idiot
(15:25:49) sXeXc: in jr college
(15:25:55) sXeXc: enjoy your beer and your suck ass life
(15:25:56) J M O R A N1097: ur point?
(15:26:00) J M O R A N1097: my beer rocks
(15:26:05) sXeXc: ok then!
(15:26:11) J M O R A N1097: lol
(15:26:20) J M O R A N1097: stupid little bitch....nothing more than a pussy
(15:26:44) sXeXc: dude. are you serious retarded?
(15:26:51) J M O R A N1097: hey fat boy, did i say talk?
(15:27:00) sXeXc: man you are
(15:27:06) sXeXc: your parents were related
(15:27:07) J M O R A N1097: we all are
(15:27:13) sXeXc: and you're clearly inbred
(15:27:16) sXeXc: that's why you love jesus
(15:27:19) J M O R A N1097: actually i think your mom may have fucked a few dudes to gain you
(15:27:23) sXeXc: because no one else will
(15:27:43) J M O R A N1097: cuz i dont see how one woman could birth that big boy
(15:27:44) sXeXc: but thanks for playing!
(15:28:06) J M O R A N1097: fuckin' idiot...hopefully this sXe cause gets your ass beat for running your mouth
(15:28:29) sXeXc: do you understand how fucking hilarious you are?
(15:28:41) sXeXc: you're a christian punk
(15:28:44) sXeXc: that shit is high comedy
(15:28:44) Unable to send message: Not logged in
03-21-2006, 02:46 PM
(15:16:52) J M O R A N1097: so this is the great admin huh?
(15:17:14) sXeXc: wait, i thought you were leaving and whining?
(15:17:20) J M O R A N1097: man, you are a fuckin joke
(15:17:29) sXeXc: thanks dude!
(15:17:54) J M O R A N1097: narrowminded man
(15:18:03) sXeXc: how am I narrowminded?
(15:18:13) J M O R A N1097: i've just been reading all this banter you have posted in here...
(15:18:20) J M O R A N1097: really sad that you've divided that group dude
(15:18:23) J M O R A N1097: plus man
(15:18:38) sXeXc: and how have I divded anything?
(15:18:40) J M O R A N1097: i've just concluded that sXe is reserved for white boy, elitist pricks
(15:18:48) J M O R A N1097: such as yourself
(15:19:04) sXeXc: you like to throw around insults, but not actually talk
(15:19:10) sXeXc: or explain your words
(15:19:14) J M O R A N1097: lol
(15:19:27) sXeXc: you have a minor threat icon, have you even listened to them?
(15:19:28) J M O R A N1097: well, it's rather difficult to find the time out of my busy day to spend on an online forum
(15:19:37) sXeXc: yeah. jr college must be killer
(15:19:44) J M O R A N1097: what is your education?
(15:20:08) sXeXc: dude. how old do you think I am?
(15:20:14) J M O R A N1097: 28
(15:20:19) J M O R A N1097: and i c you visited my myspace
(15:20:21) sXeXc: and how long do you think I've been involved with straight edge?
(15:20:25) J M O R A N1097: i dont care
(15:20:27) J M O R A N1097: what is your education
(15:20:32) sXeXc: I went to college
(15:20:35) J M O R A N1097: realy?
(15:20:36) J M O R A N1097: major
(15:20:40) sXeXc: university of maryland
(15:20:44) sXeXc: comp sci and history
(15:20:49) J M O R A N1097: oh ok
(15:20:57) sXeXc: so what's your point?
(15:21:14) J M O R A N1097: i'm just saying that you are a narrow minded dumbass who really needs to lay off the edge man
(15:21:20) J M O R A N1097: i'm turned off to the idea
(15:21:25) sXeXc: you don't get it at all
(15:21:27) J M O R A N1097: because tards like you fuckin' ruin it
(15:21:38) sXeXc: you call me narrow minded, but can't tell me why I'm narrow minded
(15:21:53) sXeXc: you don't even understand your own religion
(15:21:58) J M O R A N1097: narrow minded because you insult religion, although you arent religious yourself
(15:22:06) sXeXc: how did I insult religion?
(15:22:33) J M O R A N1097: sXe is supposed to be secular, then why are you treating sXe as a religion
(15:22:34) sXeXc: and have you ever listened to the song filler?
(15:22:41) J M O R A N1097: yes actually
(15:23:11) J M O R A N1097: bottom line is
(15:23:13) sXeXc: and you don't see any problem with that?
(15:23:23) sXeXc: I also don't see how I'm treating sxe as a religion
(15:23:34) sXeXc: the bottom line is you have 2 beliefs that contradict each other
(15:23:48) J M O R A N1097: bottom line is that you are a loser fuck and i've decided to have a beer right now and laugh at your sorry ass cause
(15:23:50) sXeXc: and are trying to say that it's an issue with other people being narrow minded
(15:23:52) J M O R A N1097: what are you trying to prove
(15:23:57) J M O R A N1097: that sXers are cool
(15:24:07) J M O R A N1097: i joined the group to get insight on a paper
(15:24:31) sXeXc: ok
(15:24:31) J M O R A N1097: and i got nothing more than that you guys are nothing but a bunch of white pussies born into liberal homes
(15:24:47) J M O R A N1097: there's nothing more to the cause
(15:24:53) sXeXc: man you're a fucking idiot
(15:24:53) J M O R A N1097: you hate religion
(15:25:01) J M O R A N1097: sorry dude...your a stupid bitch
(15:25:07) sXeXc: do you even understand the history of punk or hardcore?
(15:25:11) J M O R A N1097: good luck in maryland tho brother
(15:25:21) J M O R A N1097: i heard the scene out there rocks...
(15:25:22) sXeXc: you fucking listen to nofx and talk about you're a christian
(15:25:25) J M O R A N1097: shut up
(15:25:27) sXeXc: you're fucking contradiction
(15:25:29) J M O R A N1097: i was talking
(15:25:31) J M O R A N1097: here fat boy
(15:25:38) J M O R A N1097: listen up
(15:25:38) sXeXc: dude
(15:25:42) J M O R A N1097: ur cause sucks....
(15:25:44) sXeXc: you're a fucking idiot
(15:25:47) J M O R A N1097: i am an idiot
(15:25:49) sXeXc: in jr college
(15:25:55) sXeXc: enjoy your beer and your suck ass life
(15:25:56) J M O R A N1097: ur point?
(15:26:00) J M O R A N1097: my beer rocks
(15:26:05) sXeXc: ok then!
(15:26:11) J M O R A N1097: lol
(15:26:20) J M O R A N1097: stupid little bitch....nothing more than a pussy
(15:26:44) sXeXc: dude. are you serious retarded?
(15:26:51) J M O R A N1097: hey fat boy, did i say talk?
(15:27:00) sXeXc: man you are
(15:27:06) sXeXc: your parents were related
(15:27:07) J M O R A N1097: we all are
(15:27:13) sXeXc: and you're clearly inbred
(15:27:16) sXeXc: that's why you love jesus
(15:27:19) J M O R A N1097: actually i think your mom may have fucked a few dudes to gain you
(15:27:23) sXeXc: because no one else will
(15:27:43) J M O R A N1097: cuz i dont see how one woman could birth that big boy
(15:27:44) sXeXc: but thanks for playing!
(15:28:06) J M O R A N1097: fuckin' idiot...hopefully this sXe cause gets your ass beat for running your mouth
(15:28:29) sXeXc: do you understand how fucking hilarious you are?
(15:28:41) sXeXc: you're a christian punk
(15:28:44) sXeXc: that shit is high comedy
(15:28:44) Unable to send message: Not logged in
Does this kid actually have any coherent points to make or is he just somekind of AIM entertainment robot? I think he's priceless.
hahaha look at all those explanations you got right there! i can't even argue with him, he has so strong and complex points there! what a tool
Does this kid actually have any coherent points to make or is he just somekind of AIM entertainment robot? I think he's priceless.
i wish he was! cheap entertainment from the best kind
03-21-2006, 02:51 PM
i wish he was! cheap entertainment from the best kind
I just hope he's enjoying his beer.
03-21-2006, 02:57 PM
I just hope he's enjoying his beer.
So how does it feel that he's now drinking because you asked him a tough question, i mean is this like a super power you have?
03-21-2006, 02:58 PM
So how does it feel that he's now drinking because you asked him a tough question, i mean is this like a super power you have?
I'm still recovering from someone who hates women, thinks calling people pussies is a good idea, is "christian" somehow thinks I'm the one who's narrowminded.
03-21-2006, 03:03 PM
I'm still recovering from someone who hates women, thinks calling people pussies is a good idea, is "christian" somehow thinks I'm the one who's narrowminded.
On one hand its really hard to believe that he is seriously like that but whats sad and unfortunately believable and evident is that he's not the only person like that.
03-21-2006, 03:38 PM
I just hope he's enjoying his beer.
i hope his beer tastes like moose piss. wait, thats pretty much what all beer tastes like. at least i would imagine. that was one of the funniest things i have ever read. he sounded like my dad, except i dont think my dad is THAT retarded.
i dont get how he came to the conclusion that we're all "white boy elitist pussies born into liberal families" i was born into a redneck, conservative, bush loving, catholic family. thats about as far from what he said (except the white boy part. he hit that nail right on the head! AMAZING!) as you can get.
what a moron.
03-21-2006, 07:21 PM
what a tool
I seriously couldn't agree with you more.
03-22-2006, 07:09 PM
(15:16:52) J M O R A N1097: so this is the great admin huh?
(15:17:14) sXeXc: wait, i thought you were leaving and whining?
(15:17:20) J M O R A N1097: man, you are a fuckin joke
(15:17:29) sXeXc: thanks dude!
(15:17:54) J M O R A N1097: narrowminded man
(15:18:03) sXeXc: how am I narrowminded?
(15:18:13) J M O R A N1097: i've just been reading all this banter you have posted in here...
(15:18:20) J M O R A N1097: really sad that you've divided that group dude
(15:18:23) J M O R A N1097: plus man
(15:18:38) sXeXc: and how have I divded anything?
(15:18:40) J M O R A N1097: i've just concluded that sXe is reserved for white boy, elitist pricks
(15:18:48) J M O R A N1097: such as yourself
(15:19:04) sXeXc: you like to throw around insults, but not actually talk
(15:19:10) sXeXc: or explain your words
(15:19:14) J M O R A N1097: lol
(15:19:27) sXeXc: you have a minor threat icon, have you even listened to them?
(15:19:28) J M O R A N1097: well, it's rather difficult to find the time out of my busy day to spend on an online forum
(15:19:37) sXeXc: yeah. jr college must be killer
(15:19:44) J M O R A N1097: what is your education?
(15:20:08) sXeXc: dude. how old do you think I am?
(15:20:14) J M O R A N1097: 28
(15:20:19) J M O R A N1097: and i c you visited my myspace
(15:20:21) sXeXc: and how long do you think I've been involved with straight edge?
(15:20:25) J M O R A N1097: i dont care
(15:20:27) J M O R A N1097: what is your education
(15:20:32) sXeXc: I went to college
(15:20:35) J M O R A N1097: realy?
(15:20:36) J M O R A N1097: major
(15:20:40) sXeXc: university of maryland
(15:20:44) sXeXc: comp sci and history
(15:20:49) J M O R A N1097: oh ok
(15:20:57) sXeXc: so what's your point?
(15:21:14) J M O R A N1097: i'm just saying that you are a narrow minded dumbass who really needs to lay off the edge man
(15:21:20) J M O R A N1097: i'm turned off to the idea
(15:21:25) sXeXc: you don't get it at all
(15:21:27) J M O R A N1097: because tards like you fuckin' ruin it
(15:21:38) sXeXc: you call me narrow minded, but can't tell me why I'm narrow minded
(15:21:53) sXeXc: you don't even understand your own religion
(15:21:58) J M O R A N1097: narrow minded because you insult religion, although you arent religious yourself
(15:22:06) sXeXc: how did I insult religion?
(15:22:33) J M O R A N1097: sXe is supposed to be secular, then why are you treating sXe as a religion
(15:22:34) sXeXc: and have you ever listened to the song filler?
(15:22:41) J M O R A N1097: yes actually
(15:23:11) J M O R A N1097: bottom line is
(15:23:13) sXeXc: and you don't see any problem with that?
(15:23:23) sXeXc: I also don't see how I'm treating sxe as a religion
(15:23:34) sXeXc: the bottom line is you have 2 beliefs that contradict each other
(15:23:48) J M O R A N1097: bottom line is that you are a loser fuck and i've decided to have a beer right now and laugh at your sorry ass cause
(15:23:50) sXeXc: and are trying to say that it's an issue with other people being narrow minded
(15:23:52) J M O R A N1097: what are you trying to prove
(15:23:57) J M O R A N1097: that sXers are cool
(15:24:07) J M O R A N1097: i joined the group to get insight on a paper
(15:24:31) sXeXc: ok
(15:24:31) J M O R A N1097: and i got nothing more than that you guys are nothing but a bunch of white pussies born into liberal homes
(15:24:47) J M O R A N1097: there's nothing more to the cause
(15:24:53) sXeXc: man you're a fucking idiot
(15:24:53) J M O R A N1097: you hate religion
(15:25:01) J M O R A N1097: sorry dude...your a stupid bitch
(15:25:07) sXeXc: do you even understand the history of punk or hardcore?
(15:25:11) J M O R A N1097: good luck in maryland tho brother
(15:25:21) J M O R A N1097: i heard the scene out there rocks...
(15:25:22) sXeXc: you fucking listen to nofx and talk about you're a christian
(15:25:25) J M O R A N1097: shut up
(15:25:27) sXeXc: you're fucking contradiction
(15:25:29) J M O R A N1097: i was talking
(15:25:31) J M O R A N1097: here fat boy
(15:25:38) J M O R A N1097: listen up
(15:25:38) sXeXc: dude
(15:25:42) J M O R A N1097: ur cause sucks....
(15:25:44) sXeXc: you're a fucking idiot
(15:25:47) J M O R A N1097: i am an idiot
(15:25:49) sXeXc: in jr college
(15:25:55) sXeXc: enjoy your beer and your suck ass life
(15:25:56) J M O R A N1097: ur point?
(15:26:00) J M O R A N1097: my beer rocks
(15:26:05) sXeXc: ok then!
(15:26:11) J M O R A N1097: lol
(15:26:20) J M O R A N1097: stupid little bitch....nothing more than a pussy
(15:26:44) sXeXc: dude. are you serious retarded?
(15:26:51) J M O R A N1097: hey fat boy, did i say talk?
(15:27:00) sXeXc: man you are
(15:27:06) sXeXc: your parents were related
(15:27:07) J M O R A N1097: we all are
(15:27:13) sXeXc: and you're clearly inbred
(15:27:16) sXeXc: that's why you love jesus
(15:27:19) J M O R A N1097: actually i think your mom may have fucked a few dudes to gain you
(15:27:23) sXeXc: because no one else will
(15:27:43) J M O R A N1097: cuz i dont see how one woman could birth that big boy
(15:27:44) sXeXc: but thanks for playing!
(15:28:06) J M O R A N1097: fuckin' idiot...hopefully this sXe cause gets your ass beat for running your mouth
(15:28:29) sXeXc: do you understand how fucking hilarious you are?
(15:28:41) sXeXc: you're a christian punk
(15:28:44) sXeXc: that shit is high comedy
(15:28:44) Unable to send message: Not logged in
Thank you, you really HAVE made my day
03-26-2006, 01:55 AM
I just hope he's enjoying his beer.
Or better yet drowns in it.
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