View Full Version : Fuck Edge
Lost Prophet
03-22-2006, 12:56 PM
well, ive been edge for a while, and i love it
i love everything about it
i even love the way others look down on me because i refuse a high
but ive decided to fuck edge because so far everyone on this site, the people who i thought would help me keep my edge, go against everything i beleive in, and on top of that, bash everything i ever stood for
its no fucking wonder no one likes straight edge, since its filled with assholes like you, and im so upright ashamed to call myself edge if thats how other edge people think
i mean no offense by this, but maybe you'll think twice before offending a stranger again, especially if you want edge to last more than 5 more years
enjoy your irrisponsible, self-rightious lives
03-22-2006, 01:02 PM
well, ive been edge for a while, and i love it
i love everything about it
i even love the way others look down on me because i refuse a high
but ive decided to fuck edge because so far everyone on this site, the people who i thought would help me keep my edge, go against everything i beleive in, and on top of that, bash everything i ever stood for
its no fucking wonder no one likes straight edge, since its filled with assholes like you, and im so upright ashamed to call myself edge if thats how other edge people think
i mean no offense by this, but maybe you'll think twice before offending a stranger again, especially if you want edge to last more than 5 more years
enjoy your irrisponsible, self-rightious lives
how is anyone going against everything you believe in? Because some people on this site have an issue with christianity or because they don't share your religious beliefs?
03-22-2006, 01:56 PM
well, ive been edge for a while, and i love it
i love everything about it
i even love the way others look down on me because i refuse a high
but ive decided to fuck edge because so far everyone on this site, the people who i thought would help me keep my edge, go against everything i beleive in, and on top of that, bash everything i ever stood for
its no fucking wonder no one likes straight edge, since its filled with assholes like you, and im so upright ashamed to call myself edge if thats how other edge people think
i mean no offense by this, but maybe you'll think twice before offending a stranger again, especially if you want edge to last more than 5 more years
enjoy your irrisponsible, self-rightious lives
thats just what you think everyone is intitled to there own opinion.
they "BASHED" everything you belived in then why do it.
on one made you become edge.
thats my opinoin
03-22-2006, 03:45 PM
well, ive been edge for a while, and i love it
i love everything about it
i even love the way others look down on me because i refuse a high
So you like, sorry, love it when people look down on you.
but ive decided to fuck edge because so far everyone on this site, the people who i thought would help me keep my edge, go against everything i beleive in, and on top of that, bash everything i ever stood for
Why do you need someone to help you keep your edge? And i'm pretty sure no one here suggested you should drink, smoke or do drugs so appart from keeping a 24hour vigil on your habbits theres not much else we can do. If you can't handle opinions and facts that go against what you believe to be true then you are in for a wake up call. Not everyone does share your opinion and you need to come to terms with that. As for bashing well i guess you are refering to your religion, well apart from it not being relevent in straightedge its not being bashed any more than your whole faith bashes non believers. You ellude that people who don't believe in your god will be judged by him and sent to hell. Now who ever gives you the right to say that kind of thing and not expect to have a non believers opinion in retort. Get of your high horse and realise your religion has no place in straightedge and neither do your gods threats of hell for eternity. If you can't handle the opinion that others have of your religion i'd suggest you keep it to yourself. But lets not forget you actually love people to look down on you!
its no fucking wonder no one likes straight edge, since its filled with assholes like you, and im so upright ashamed to call myself edge if thats how other edge people think
Calling people assholes is a great attitude, i guess logic and common sense are lost on you when it comes to discussions as well. Not very good at being a christian are you really, you come accross people who don't believe and suddenly they are assholes unless they learn to believe in what you think is right. I wonder why christianity is such a turn off for people.
i mean no offense by this, but maybe you'll think twice before offending a stranger again, especially if you want edge to last more than 5 more years
enjoy your irrisponsible, self-rightious lives
But we never offended a stranger we just replied to comments made about christianity with personal beliefs, we are allowed to have beliefs different to your own you know!!! And perhaps you'll think twice about how your self righteous christian attitiude comes across to others and perhaps you'll realise why you get the reactions you do. And seeing as edge has been around for about 25 years i'm pretty sure it will go on for another 5 easy without a bunch of christians trying to co-opt it into their own weird ideals.
And i really don't see what is irresponsible about have opinions that contradict yours?
03-22-2006, 04:03 PM
well, ive been edge for a while, and i love it
i love everything about it
i even love the way others look down on me because i refuse a high
but ive decided to fuck edge because so far everyone on this site, the people who i thought would help me keep my edge, go against everything i beleive in, and on top of that, bash everything i ever stood for
its no fucking wonder no one likes straight edge, since its filled with assholes like you, and im so upright ashamed to call myself edge if thats how other edge people think
i mean no offense by this, but maybe you'll think twice before offending a stranger again, especially if you want edge to last more than 5 more years
enjoy your irrisponsible, self-rightious lives
I don't think I'll be losing any sleep.
03-22-2006, 04:14 PM
I don't think I'll be losing any sleep.
Well thats not very irresponsible of you.
03-22-2006, 06:40 PM
well, ive been edge for a while, and i love it
i love everything about it
i even love the way others look down on me because i refuse a high
but ive decided to fuck edge because so far everyone on this site, the people who i thought would help me keep my edge, go against everything i beleive in, and on top of that, bash everything i ever stood for
its no fucking wonder no one likes straight edge, since its filled with assholes like you, and im so upright ashamed to call myself edge if thats how other edge people think
i mean no offense by this, but maybe you'll think twice before offending a stranger again, especially if you want edge to last more than 5 more years
enjoy your irrisponsible, self-rightious lives
wait, so because some guys saying things you dont like you stop with straight edge?
we can make people quit christianity if we make a chisrtian forum!!!
03-22-2006, 10:27 PM
wait, so because some guys saying things you dont like you stop with straight edge?
we can make people quit christianity if we make a chisrtian forum!!!
you should name it "Fucked by the bishop", that's a great name!
well, ive been edge for a while, and i love it
i love everything about it
i even love the way others look down on me because i refuse a high
but ive decided to fuck edge because so far everyone on this site, the people who i thought would help me keep my edge, go against everything i beleive in, and on top of that, bash everything i ever stood for
its no fucking wonder no one likes straight edge, since its filled with assholes like you, and im so upright ashamed to call myself edge if thats how other edge people think
i mean no offense by this, but maybe you'll think twice before offending a stranger again, especially if you want edge to last more than 5 more years
enjoy your irrisponsible, self-rightious lives
03-23-2006, 03:02 PM
ok but i know where he's coming from. n'sync is the second most aluable thing in my life, next to the 17 minutes that ive been edge. but dont worry guys im staying storng, i've already doodled some x's on ym hands, and one on my cock incase the gf gets a little too amorous. so basically go easy on the man, he's having a hard time identifying his beliefs with those found on here, the mecca of edge like thought. and oh what a mecca it is!
p.s. any word on the throwdown, creed, n'sync, 100 Demons tour?
03-23-2006, 03:24 PM
ok but i know where he's coming from. n'sync is the second most aluable thing in my life, next to the 17 minutes that ive been edge. but dont worry guys im staying storng, i've already doodled some x's on ym hands, and one on my cock incase the gf gets a little too amorous. so basically go easy on the man, he's having a hard time identifying his beliefs with those found on here, the mecca of edge like thought. and oh what a mecca it is!
p.s. any word on the throwdown, creed, n'sync, 100 Demons tour?
goddamn that was a good laugh
03-23-2006, 03:25 PM
ok but i know where he's coming from. n'sync is the second most aluable thing in my life, next to the 17 minutes that ive been edge. but dont worry guys im staying storng, i've already doodled some x's on ym hands, and one on my cock incase the gf gets a little too amorous. so basically go easy on the man, he's having a hard time identifying his beliefs with those found on here, the mecca of edge like thought. and oh what a mecca it is!
p.s. any word on the throwdown, creed, n'sync, 100 Demons tour?
quiet time in the dorms at queens university, eh ?
03-23-2006, 03:25 PM
goddamn that was a good laugh
don't feed the trolls.
03-23-2006, 03:26 PM
don't feed the trolls.
okay..... =(
03-23-2006, 05:01 PM
quiet time in the dorms at queens university, eh ?
How do you know he goes to queens?
03-23-2006, 05:15 PM
How do you know he goes to queens?
he's a super genious
03-23-2006, 05:26 PM
don't feed the trolls.
That strangley reminds me fo a zoo...and theres steak everywhere...
03-23-2006, 08:17 PM
How do you know he goes to queens?
the same reason I know you're both in the dorms there.
03-23-2006, 08:22 PM
the same reason I know you're both in the dorms there.
danm, these people are getting smoked out.
Tell me, do I live in a house, or a apartment?
03-23-2006, 08:23 PM
the same reason I know you're both in the dorms there.
Well a) My location is listed at Kingston, and b) i have mentioned it on occasion so i figured you knew I was. But I'm just curious how you knew other than that. IP addresses?
03-23-2006, 08:27 PM
Well a) My location is listed at Kingston, and b) i have mentioned it on occasion so i figured you knew I was. But I'm just curious how you knew other than that. IP addresses?
magical powers.
03-23-2006, 08:29 PM
magical powers.
King Andy
03-23-2006, 09:47 PM
Hes an admin, he sees the IP and (im not sure how their board client works) but the board i worked for had a built in IP tracer.... if that helps your curiosity out...
03-23-2006, 09:54 PM
Hes an admin, he sees the IP and (im not sure how their board client works) but the board i worked for had a built in IP tracer.... if that helps your curiosity out...
or a pact with satan.
03-23-2006, 09:56 PM
or a pact with satan.
way to be champ....
King Andy
03-23-2006, 10:01 PM
or a pact with satan.
03-26-2006, 02:00 AM
or a pact with satan.
Or you're just a stalker.
03-26-2006, 02:04 AM
Or you're just a stalker.
little of column a, little of column b
03-30-2006, 09:53 PM
So you like, sorry, love it when people look down on you.
Why do you need someone to help you keep your edge? And i'm pretty sure no one here suggested you should drink, smoke or do drugs so appart from keeping a 24hour vigil on your habbits theres not much else we can do. If you can't handle opinions and facts that go against what you believe to be true then you are in for a wake up call. Not everyone does share your opinion and you need to come to terms with that. As for bashing well i guess you are refering to your religion, well apart from it not being relevent in straightedge its not being bashed any more than your whole faith bashes non believers. You ellude that people who don't believe in your god will be judged by him and sent to hell. Now who ever gives you the right to say that kind of thing and not expect to have a non believers opinion in retort. Get of your high horse and realise your religion has no place in straightedge and neither do your gods threats of hell for eternity. If you can't handle the opinion that others have of your religion i'd suggest you keep it to yourself. But lets not forget you actually love people to look down on you!
Calling people assholes is a great attitude, i guess logic and common sense are lost on you when it comes to discussions as well. Not very good at being a christian are you really, you come accross people who don't believe and suddenly they are assholes unless they learn to believe in what you think is right. I wonder why christianity is such a turn off for people.
But we never offended a stranger we just replied to comments made about christianity with personal beliefs, we are allowed to have beliefs different to your own you know!!! And perhaps you'll think twice about how your self righteous christian attitiude comes across to others and perhaps you'll realise why you get the reactions you do. And seeing as edge has been around for about 25 years i'm pretty sure it will go on for another 5 easy without a bunch of christians trying to co-opt it into their own weird ideals.
And i really don't see what is irresponsible about have opinions that contradict yours?
Some good points contained in here. Everyone is in fact entitled to their own beliefs. And to turn against edge because several people argued about how your beliefs are "wrong" or "aren't relevant to edge" seems a little bit weak to me.
Stand up for what you believe in. Don't turn against it because you are pissed at a couple of people involved in it.
or a pact with satan.
A pact of satan seems alot more likely than an IP tracer. sounds like the truth right there
04-03-2006, 12:45 PM
you should name it "Fucked by the bishop", that's a great name!
Hey being, i take that offensively.
No seriously, name it "Burn the Priest" like Lamb of Gods old name.
04-03-2006, 02:17 PM
Hey being, i take that offensively.
No seriously, name it "Burn the Priest" like Lamb of Gods old name.
i played bass for a deathmetal band called "burn the church" once. we kicked majour ass for deathmetal.
04-03-2006, 06:04 PM
i played bass for a deathmetal band called "burn the church" once. we kicked majour ass for deathmetal.
heh...............I went to a show at this place where only Christian bands were supposed to play. So a bunch of my friends got together a few days before and made a band called the Gore Grand Deluxxx. Seriously the funniest day of my life. i think my favorite song was entitled "Jesus's last din-din" The only lyrics were.....1,2,3, JESUS! And everyone who came for them just went into a huge circle pit.
Woah.....good times.
04-04-2006, 12:43 PM
heh...............I went to a show at this place where only Christian bands were supposed to play. So a bunch of my friends got together a few days before and made a band called the Gore Grand Deluxxx. Seriously the funniest day of my life. i think my favorite song was entitled "Jesus's last din-din" The only lyrics were.....1,2,3, JESUS! And everyone who came for them just went into a huge circle pit.
Woah.....good times.
That made my day!!!! hahahaha
04-05-2006, 01:51 PM
Hey being, i take that offensively.
No seriously, name it "Burn the Priest" like Lamb of Gods old name.
Yeah, why did LoG change their name anyway? Burn the Priest is way better.
04-05-2006, 02:19 PM
Yeah, why did LoG change their name anyway? Burn the Priest is way better.
The Catholic church must have not liked it and got mad. You know how they like to whine and bitch and moan like a spoiled little kid till they get what the want.
04-05-2006, 02:44 PM
The Catholic church must have not liked it and got mad. You know how they like to whine and bitch and moan like a spoiled little kid till they get what the want.
fucking crazy
04-05-2006, 03:22 PM
Yeah, why did LoG change their name anyway? Burn the Priest is way better.
Who cares, they suck no matter what their name is.
04-09-2006, 12:51 AM
fucking crazy
You forgot anal.
04-24-2006, 04:26 PM
Who cares, they suck no matter what their name is.
The Gods of Metal obviosuly speak through the one called mouseman004. Interesting.
Tell me, Prophet of Metal....are you in a metal band, O Great Connesieur of Metal Goodness.
thats such a funny looking word........metal
04-24-2006, 04:52 PM
The Gods of Metal obviosuly speak through the one called mouseman004. Interesting.
Tell me, Prophet of Metal....are you in a metal band, O Great Connesieur of Metal Goodness.
thats such a funny looking word........metal
So I can't judge whether or not I think a band is good because I am not in a metal band?
04-24-2006, 09:26 PM
You forgot anal.
fuck, i did, didnt i?
well, i suppose its obvious im not catholic, huh?
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