View Full Version : wine/water?

03-29-2006, 12:19 PM
i've heard that you can't be straight edge and christian because jesus drank wine. but wasn't the wine cleaner than the water back then? so wouldn't it make sence that you just drink the wine, not get drunk, instead of die from drinking the water? just wondering.

03-29-2006, 12:24 PM
i've heard that you can't be straight edge and christian because jesus drank wine. but wasn't the wine cleaner than the water back then? so wouldn't it make sence that you just drink the wine, not get drunk, instead of die from drinking the water? just wondering.
not everyone drank wine. john the baptist didn't. That being said. jesus could turn water into wine, it's a bit unrealistic to think that he couldn't also purify water if necessary.

buddhists and hindus, both of which predate christ don't drink alcohol and never did.

03-29-2006, 12:36 PM
o good dusty use to groups that are retarded for your examples one sits on its ass and worships a fat guy.

03-29-2006, 12:42 PM
o good dusty use to groups that are retarded for your examples one sits on its ass and worships a fat guy.

You cant sit there and be upset when people bash christianity, then turn around and bash other religions

03-29-2006, 12:43 PM
o good dusty use to groups that are retarded for your examples one sits on its ass and worships a fat guy.

"groups that are retarded"? ok, how? I'd be really interested on your take on either of these religions.

03-29-2006, 12:44 PM
o good dusty use to groups that are retarded for your examples one sits on its ass and worships a fat guy.

Thats the problem with religion. What makes christianity more real than buddhism or hinduism?

03-29-2006, 12:45 PM
Thats the problem with religion. What makes christianity more real than buddhism or hinduism?

buddhism wouldn't make sense to lump in with hinduism and christianity.

03-29-2006, 12:49 PM
buddhism wouldn't make sense to lump in with hinduism and christianity.

Yeah, thats very true, I thought about that after I said it. But i still stand by my question of what makes a certain religion more real than another.

03-29-2006, 12:56 PM
Yeah, thats very true, I thought about that after I said it. But i still stand by my question of what makes a certain religion more real than another.

the honest answer is it depends on what culture you are born into.

the answer you get from billy will be different and not as honest.

03-29-2006, 02:06 PM
Buddha wasn't fat. He was actually thin. The fat man you are refering to is the Chinese Fat Man which represents contentment and joy. Buddha is often represented as the fat man, for that reason, but the Buddha wasn't fat.

03-29-2006, 02:31 PM
o good dusty use to groups that are retarded for your examples one sits on its ass and worships a fat guy.

you are probably the most closed minded christian i have EVER met. how can you get mad at people for bashing christianity, and then go call other religions retarded? and just so you know, buddha wasnt fat. the statue of buddha represents his inner self if i'm not mistaken. he fasted all the time. and he's not a god, he was the first to reach nirvana. think of it like, and this is a bad example, mohammed. the muslims dont WORSHIP him. they worship allah. the buddhists dont WORSHIP buddha. they follow his teachings. study your religions before you bash, dick.

03-29-2006, 03:15 PM
You are right about the Buddha and Buddhism. Technically I agree with and follow the teachings, but I'm not so sure I should call myself a Buddhist, as I rarely meditate and have never set foot in a temple. XD

03-30-2006, 12:30 PM
o good dusty use to groups that are retarded for your examples one sits on its ass and worships a fat guy.

Pretty sure they don't worship buddah. They follow his teachings to seek enlightenment. Just like the others said.

03-30-2006, 12:34 PM
you are probably the most closed minded christian i have EVER met. how can you get mad at people for bashing christianity, and then go call other religions retarded? and just so you know, buddha wasnt fat. the statue of buddha represents his inner self if i'm not mistaken. he fasted all the time. and he's not a god, he was the first to reach nirvana. think of it like, and this is a bad example, mohammed. the muslims dont WORSHIP him. they worship allah. the buddhists dont WORSHIP buddha. they follow his teachings. study your religions before you bash, dick.

That is typical for most christians to mock, bash, what have you, other religions. Hell they do it even in christianity. They all think thier faith in christianity is the perfect right one.

03-30-2006, 02:50 PM
o good dusty use to groups that are retarded for your examples one sits on its ass and worships a fat guy.
like some others have said before, what makes Christianity better than all the other religions in the world? What makes it the right religion?
When you say that your interpretation of what teaching everyone should follow and the god it honors is correct above everyone else's then your saying that you know everything there is to know about the creator of this earth in an ever changing world.
According to Christianity there is only one who knows all, God. So if your saying that you know all that could possibly known about God and how he wants to be worshiped, then you must be refering to yourself as God.

04-03-2006, 12:34 PM
like some others have said before, what makes Christianity better than all the other religions in the world? What makes it the right religion?
When you say that your interpretation of what teaching everyone should follow and the god it honors is correct above everyone else's then your saying that you know everything there is to know about the creator of this earth in an ever changing world.
According to Christianity there is only one who knows all, God. So if your saying that you know all that could possibly known about God and how he wants to be worshiped, then you must be refering to yourself as God.

if i was god i wouldnt be talking on here would i? those three religions have nothing in comin you cant compare them.

04-03-2006, 12:43 PM
if i was god i wouldnt be talking on here would i? those three religions have nothing in comin you cant compare them.

nothing in common? Do you even know anything about hindus or buddhists? You've made a bunch of a bullshit statements that clearly demonstrate that you don't.