View Full Version : kickboxing in the pit
10-04-2003, 02:42 PM
bothers me a lot. painfully unoriginal and just annoying to have to tolerate being near at shows
10-04-2003, 03:23 PM
i like it
10-04-2003, 03:34 PM
i prefer kung fu.
10-04-2003, 05:56 PM
i think it's dumb.
i can envision thiese kids working on their moves in the mirror. it's no different than some kid getting his routine down to go see the backstreet boys...
10-04-2003, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns
i think it's dumb.
i can envision thiese kids working on their moves in the mirror. it's no different than some kid getting his routine down to go see the backstreet boys...
precisely! they really do practice in front of a mirror too, some of my friends who do that admitted it. the thing that really bothers me most isnt that but how they kick everyone on the sides of the pit. enjoying shows does not mean getting hurt by some asshole who felt like looking "cool"
10-04-2003, 11:10 PM
i personally enjoy watching the dancing like that
if youre getting kicked then they arent paying attention or are assholes
i dont dance much, but i always stand up there with them, and i rarely have ogtten kicked, if i do they apologize and all that shit
if your up front near where their dancing, chances are you could get kicked, if you dont want to get kicked, move out of the way
10-05-2003, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by linsee
i personally enjoy watching the dancing like that
if youre getting kicked then they arent paying attention or are assholes
i dont dance much, but i always stand up there with them, and i rarely have ogtten kicked, if i do they apologize and all that shit
if your up front near where their dancing, chances are you could get kicked, if you dont want to get kicked, move out of the way
I think it can look cool, i think mirror moshing is lame, i think assholes need to be punnished....i usually stand up front and have a good view of the pit and you see the intent in some kids eyes on moshing into the people on the side, well that is dumb but thats usually the guy with the smallest penis.
10-05-2003, 08:01 AM
while it is lame that people practice moves in front of mirrors, kickboxing is pretty uniquely hardcore. If I see it happening it tends to make me happy. unless I get hit.
10-05-2003, 03:24 PM
i dont care if i get hit at all, but i think people who dont want to have a right to enjoy the band and not worry about if theyre standing too close to this violent person or that violent person. especially since its usually up front and people have to be far away to avoid pits
10-05-2003, 04:26 PM
i dont think its violent
10-05-2003, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by XkatieX
i dont care if i get hit at all, but i think people who dont want to have a right to enjoy the band and not worry about if theyre standing too close to this violent person or that violent person. especially since its usually up front and people have to be far away to avoid pits
hardcore is violent music though. and fights and violence has always been apart of it though. It would however be nice if pits would be in the back so you can sing a long without having to be aware of your surrounding.
10-05-2003, 07:55 PM
im going to stop ranting. i dont want to be the pit facist!
10-06-2003, 08:52 PM
i dont like it either.
i do like a few moves but yes, ive seen it practiced in grocery store parking lots and such. "hey aaron, how does my spin kick look" i hate spin kicks. chuck norris does spin kicks.
Mister J.
10-07-2003, 12:22 PM
I just hate it, that guys who practise kickboxing in the pit. Pitting is cool, why make it a "fight"?
10-07-2003, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by Dummy
i dont like it either.
i do like a few moves but yes, ive seen it practiced in grocery store parking lots and such. "hey aaron, how does my spin kick look" i hate spin kicks. chuck norris does spin kicks.
You don't like chuck norris?
10-07-2003, 08:00 PM
thats like asking if i like walker texas ranger.
no, i hate that show, all he does is spin kicks. and they bullshit it by moving to a different camera angle when "impact" happens which is really shitty. i used to like him but once i got more into martial arts i didn't like his style
10-07-2003, 08:22 PM
spin kicks suck.
10-07-2003, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Dummy
spin kicks suck.
10-08-2003, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by xstabex
That wasn't chuck, but give it a few years and he could be doing spin kicks of that caliber
10-09-2003, 07:46 PM
i think that video prooves my point well.
10-10-2003, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by Dummy
i think that video prooves my point well.
I think that video is rad
10-10-2003, 02:58 PM
haha yeah that too
10-10-2003, 04:34 PM
if i was making a video for a band i was in or something i would have to find that guy and get him in the pit for it.
10-10-2003, 05:22 PM
yeah hes in the russianXcrew
10-20-2003, 04:53 PM
I think kids doing tae-bo for a show is rediculously stupid. Dance is supposed to be about self expression, not scenester fuckness. It's hardcore because some kids sat around wondering what the stupidest dance they could do was, and it's beating the shit outta casper the friendly ghost. It is singularly one of the worst parts of hardcore.
That video was the shibby though.
10-20-2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Munncha
I think kids doing tae-bo for a show is rediculously stupid. Dance is supposed to be about self expression, not scenester fuckness. It's hardcore because some kids sat around wondering what the stupidest dance they could do was, and it's beating the shit outta casper the friendly ghost. It is singularly one of the worst parts of hardcore.
That video was the shibby though.
yeah well, kids have been doing it longer than most you have been listening to hardcore.
10-20-2003, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
yeah well, kids have been doing it longer than most you have been listening to hardcore.
Non sequitor.
10-20-2003, 09:23 PM
i thought it started with slam dancing
10-20-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Munncha
Non sequitor.
no, you kids are whining like it's some new thing, when in reality it's been here before you and is well established and recognized in the community.
10-20-2003, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Dummy
i thought it started with slam dancing
came way after. kick boxing didn't start til the early nineties. and started in new england. see xcornerstonex: connecticut crucial kickbox. fucking amazing song off of an amazing record.
10-20-2003, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
no, you kids are whining like it's some new thing, when in reality it's been here before you and is well established and recognized in the community.
i never said it was new, i just said it bugs me
10-20-2003, 10:13 PM
im bitter because i can't participate unless i spend hours in front of a mirror making sure i look cool
Baby Doll
11-06-2003, 10:06 AM
capoeira rulez :)
12-04-2003, 11:25 AM
if you get hit
1) shake it off
2) hit back! its all in good fun
12-04-2003, 11:26 AM
...and mirror moshing is fucking stupid. i dont mosh so i look cool to everyone else, i mosh because it makes me happy.
12-10-2003, 12:09 PM
headwalks and speaker dives is what it's about.
In Hungary I haven't seen anyone even mosh...
the scene is so mixed up (punx, skins, metalheads), you can't dance. I saw that video from sick of it all, you know in which they introduce the dance types-- it's really cool. US bands enjoy gigs in our country cos of the unity, but i hate it now. Can't dance because of the pogo....
12-11-2003, 11:44 AM
I like the fight dancing. i dont do them outside of shows, but if everyone else is doing them then its great, so agressive, makes you appreciate hardcore music even more. and YES headwalks and speaker dives are cool:)
12-16-2003, 02:46 PM
fuck that. boo hoo hoo somebody kicked me when i was standing on the side of the pit. then move and dont stand right behind that guy doing spinkicks. its your own fault. in baltimore if yorue within liek 7 feet of the pit, your liable to get hit, and its your fault. if you dont like the way people dance, look away and dont do it.yeah kids practice in front of the mirror. whats wrong with that? they want to look good when doing it, and theres nothing wrong with that. not everyone dances "for self expression" and shit like that. some people dance tos how appreciation for the band....i dance just because its fun. we dance close to the edge of the pit and hit the people behind us. we do springboards and flip onto people and do mad crowd killers. people get hurt. yes its violent. but thers nothing wrong with that. we are doing our thing, and it doesnt affect you unless youre close to us. if you wanna go to a show just to enjoy the music than sit in the back. when people complain about dancing its so stupid. now go cry about getting spinkicked
12-17-2003, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
fuck that. boo hoo hoo somebody kicked me when i was standing on the side of the pit. then move and dont stand right behind that guy doing spinkicks. its your own fault. in baltimore if yorue within liek 7 feet of the pit, your liable to get hit, and its your fault. if you dont like the way people dance, look away and dont do it.yeah kids practice in front of the mirror. whats wrong with that? they want to look good when doing it, and theres nothing wrong with that. not everyone dances "for self expression" and shit like that. some people dance tos how appreciation for the band....i dance just because its fun. we dance close to the edge of the pit and hit the people behind us. we do springboards and flip onto people and do mad crowd killers. people get hurt. yes its violent. but thers nothing wrong with that. we are doing our thing, and it doesnt affect you unless youre close to us. if you wanna go to a show just to enjoy the music than sit in the back. when people complain about dancing its so stupid. now go cry about getting spinkicked
there is a difference between violence being an unintentional side effect and a deliberate action. If you're dancing to hurt people, that's bullshit. just start a fight directly instead.
12-17-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
there is a difference between violence being an unintentional side effect and a deliberate action. If you're dancing to hurt people, that's bullshit. just start a fight directly instead.
i agree
12-17-2003, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
i agree
and yet you do it anyway.
12-17-2003, 07:12 PM
i dance hard, if someone gets hurts its because it just happened, not cause i thought "hmmm im gonna kick that guy in the face and knock that guy the fuck out" we dance hard around here, and you seem to be the only with a problem with it
12-17-2003, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
i dance hard, if someone gets hurts its because it just happened, not cause i thought "hmmm im gonna kick that guy in the face and knock that guy the fuck out" we dance hard around here, and you seem to be the only with a problem with it
dancing hard isn't the same as doing shit near the outside of the pit so you know you'll hit people. call a spade a spade. you just like hitting people. it has nothing to do with dancing hard.
12-17-2003, 07:15 PM
nope. im just dancing hard. thats just how it is around here.
12-17-2003, 07:16 PM
wait is it to late to change my mind? i forgot that i just like hitting people
12-20-2003, 08:39 PM
the only time i dance is if i see anyone else dancing and NEED to stop them [ya know, if theres people in there that would get hurt]
or if avril lavignes in it
12-21-2003, 02:21 PM
im glad your such a superhero. fag.
12-21-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
im glad your such a superhero. fag.
you know you really dont have to be a pain in the anus OH and you wish i were fag you queer
12-31-2003, 04:14 AM
i jumped off of a table into all of these people while they werent looking before the breakdown.
then i danced really hard in really close to the edge of the pit
its funny because they just stood there while i backwards windmilled into them because i just like to hit people
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