View Full Version : Sex,Friends,& Edge

04-17-2006, 01:38 PM
ok so i have a friend who was edge but broke it.
and decided to be edge again and they just dropped the lable.
it dont work that way and i told him this.
well i was talking to him and another one of my friends
she had just told us that she lost her virginity.
he was bagging on her cause she "lost her edge"
but it dont count if you love the person right?
i mean they have been together for a realy long time.
well i stuck up for her.

inputs anyone?

04-17-2006, 01:48 PM
ok so i have a friend who was edge but broke it.
and decided to be edge again and they just dropped the lable.
it dont work that way and i told him this.
well i was talking to him and another one of my friends
she had just told us that she lost her virginity.
he was bagging on her cause she "lost her edge"
but it dont count if you love the person right?
i mean they have been together for a realy long time.
well i stuck up for her.

inputs anyone?
this question gets asked all the time. being straight edge doesn't have regulations on sex.
this thread will help you

04-17-2006, 01:56 PM
this question gets asked all the time. being straight edge doesn't have regulations on sex.
this thread will help you

k thnx.
i didnt think that she broke it.
he gave all this bullshit were the only way it didnt break was if they were married.
i dont know i just dont think that he has any room to talk.

04-19-2006, 09:17 AM
he broke edge, now claims edge again and is trying to tell your friend she has broken edge by having sex with someone she has been with for a while???

04-24-2006, 01:21 PM
he broke edge, now claims edge again and is trying to tell your friend she has broken edge by having sex with someone she has been with for a while???

yep and it was her first time they have been together for about 5 or 6 months i belive.
i just hink its stupid hes ruining his whole friendship.

he has agreed to talk to her if she apoligizes to him but its bull cause that weekend he went and got shit faced drunk

people these days.

they need to learn the shit before the try to claim it.

04-24-2006, 07:28 PM
yep and it was her first time they have been together for about 5 or 6 months i belive.
i just hink its stupid hes ruining his whole friendship.

he has agreed to talk to her if she apoligizes to him but its bull cause that weekend he went and got shit faced drunk

people these days.

they need to learn the shit before the try to claim it.

right, so NOW he goes and breaks again but is making conditions on whether he wil speak to her or not based on the fact that he still thinks she has broken edge by having sex with someone she has been with for around half a year! this guy should actually learn his shit before claiming and breaking edge like that! the guy is and ass pure and simple