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04-25-2006, 11:14 AM
Hey, let me first make is clear that I am not, in any way, trying to insult or belittle the sXe way of life, or your personal interests and beliefs.
However, there are certainly flaws that I notice in the way you all choose to live your lives.
First of all, it's fine for someone to personally choose not to drink, do drugs, smoke, or have sex, but you haven't made a distinguishment between different degrees of use. I regularly have a beer with friends on a hot day because I enjoy it, not because I need to escape 'reality.'
Also, not all recreational drug use is about escaping reality. I enjoy smoking marijuana on a semi-regular basis, but I certainly DON'T use it to escape a depressing or sad reality. In fact, drugs are a terrible way to escape reality; getting stoned while depressed leads to a bad high, and often, a horrible coming down.
Thirdly, you all agree that you beleive in living a clean life without these poisons in your body, but not all poisons are of a physical makeup, some of the worst are emotional. I've met only a few sXe people, but of those I've met, one was one of the most angry and violent people I know. It's true that drugs are bad for someone, but at least most, and not all, are not directly harmful to others.
Fourthy, just because you chose not to use drugs (including alcohol) it doesn't mean you're a better person than those who do do them. It's always hipocritical to say that one way of life is better than another, just because it's the one that you've chosen to follow. I knew one individual who regularly used heroin with his wife at home, after work (yes, a heroin addict held a steady, and fairly well paying job) and I would have never know if it wasn't for him telling me.
Back to my point about recreational drug use, I would like to agree with many members of this forum in that I don't require drugs to have fun. If someone wants to go play a game of pickup soccer or hockey, or go see a movie, then I would obviously choose not to get drunk or high for the said event. But if I'm going out with friends to a party, or to a concert, I often choose to smoke a joint, or have a few beers before, not because I am a weak person who can't handle the reality of partying, but simply because I have more fun that way.
In closing, I'd like to reitterate my point about controled use, and responsible use. If someone can't handle themselves to the degree where they either do something all the time, or not at all, then I would support the not at all option, but not all people are this way, and you can't assume a drug will do this to you.
In taking some drugs, one may have magical experiences where they learn more about themselves, and those around them, but this can't be a regular habit, something I don't support.
Also, I'd like to state again that I am not, in any way against the sXe vision of a perfect person, but I don't like you telling me that I'm not, just because I do these things that are 'poisoning' myself. How can any act that is non-violent, or has no indirect impact on any other person can be truly wrong?
Please don't delete this post, just because it offers a different viewpoint. Community forums should be about open discussion, and I think this will offer an excellent jumpoff point for an interesting one. Please don't belittle yourselves by posting responses such as "YOU DRUG ADDICT," or "HOW SOFTCORE!"
I'm interested to hear your responses, and would be very happy to have a continuing conversation with you all. You're doing good things.


04-25-2006, 11:42 AM
Hey, let me first make is clear that I am not, in any way, trying to insult or belittle the sXe way of life, or your personal interests and beliefs.
However, there are certainly flaws that I notice in the way you all choose to live your lives.
First of all, it's fine for someone to personally choose not to drink, do drugs, smoke, or have sex, but you haven't made a distinguishment between different degrees of use. I regularly have a beer with friends on a hot day because I enjoy it, not because I need to escape 'reality.'
Also, not all recreational drug use is about escaping reality. I enjoy smoking marijuana on a semi-regular basis, but I certainly DON'T use it to escape a depressing or sad reality. In fact, drugs are a terrible way to escape reality; getting stoned while depressed leads to a bad high, and often, a horrible coming down.
Thirdly, you all agree that you beleive in living a clean life without these poisons in your body, but not all poisons are of a physical makeup, some of the worst are emotional. I've met only a few sXe people, but of those I've met, one was one of the most angry and violent people I know. It's true that drugs are bad for someone, but at least most, and not all, are not directly harmful to others.
Fourthy, just because you chose not to use drugs (including alcohol) it doesn't mean you're a better person than those who do do them. It's always hipocritical to say that one way of life is better than another, just because it's the one that you've chosen to follow. I knew one individual who regularly used heroin with his wife at home, after work (yes, a heroin addict held a steady, and fairly well paying job) and I would have never know if it wasn't for him telling me.
Back to my point about recreational drug use, I would like to agree with many members of this forum in that I don't require drugs to have fun. If someone wants to go play a game of pickup soccer or hockey, or go see a movie, then I would obviously choose not to get drunk or high for the said event. But if I'm going out with friends to a party, or to a concert, I often choose to smoke a joint, or have a few beers before, not because I am a weak person who can't handle the reality of partying, but simply because I have more fun that way.
In closing, I'd like to reitterate my point about controled use, and responsible use. If someone can't handle themselves to the degree where they either do something all the time, or not at all, then I would support the not at all option, but not all people are this way, and you can't assume a drug will do this to you.
In taking some drugs, one may have magical experiences where they learn more about themselves, and those around them, but this can't be a regular habit, something I don't support.
Also, I'd like to state again that I am not, in any way against the sXe vision of a perfect person, but I don't like you telling me that I'm not, just because I do these things that are 'poisoning' myself. How can any act that is non-violent, or has no indirect impact on any other person can be truly wrong?
Please don't delete this post, just because it offers a different viewpoint. Community forums should be about open discussion, and I think this will offer an excellent jumpoff point for an interesting one. Please don't belittle yourselves by posting responses such as "YOU DRUG ADDICT," or "HOW SOFTCORE!"
I'm interested to hear your responses, and would be very happy to have a continuing conversation with you all. You're doing good things.


There are many people on this site who could answer this better than I could or who know more about the subject but I will just add my two cents. First of all, there is a distinguishment made for those who are sxe and drug use. None. A person who has the occasional beer is not a bad person, but they are not straight edge. A person who smokes the odd joint, again, is not a bad person, but they are not edge. So a distinguishment is made.

You feel that it is more fun to go to a concert or a party after having a joint or a few beers. That is your point of view and thats fine. I however feel that it would be more fun to enjoy a concert or a party in my own state of mind without enhancements and I feel that I have just as much if not more fun than those who drink or smoke

Then there are the health issues which are affiliated which is also a reason to be sxe. Every joint you smoke (whether its regularly or occasional) kills cells. You are smoking and whether or not it is more healthy than cigarettes that is bad for your brain as well as your lungs. Alcohol is the same. Every beer you have hurts the liver and the brain. Sxe'ers just choose not to deal with that. Its not an issue of superiority, its an issue of personal choice.

And as far as "magical experiences" i would rather find my true self sober, than find my true self in a high or drunken stupour.

I realise that this is just the tip of the ice berg and there are many people on this forum who may have differing opinions than mine, but these are my views on the issues you raised.

04-25-2006, 01:10 PM
Hey, let me first make is clear that I am not, in any way, trying to insult or belittle the sXe way of life, or your personal interests and beliefs.
However, there are certainly flaws that I notice in the way you all choose to live your lives.
First of all, it's fine for someone to personally choose not to drink, do drugs, smoke, or have sex, but you haven't made a distinguishment between different degrees of use. I regularly have a beer with friends on a hot day because I enjoy it, not because I need to escape 'reality.'
Also, not all recreational drug use is about escaping reality. I enjoy smoking marijuana on a semi-regular basis, but I certainly DON'T use it to escape a depressing or sad reality. In fact, drugs are a terrible way to escape reality; getting stoned while depressed leads to a bad high, and often, a horrible coming down.
straight edge is about avoiding recreational drugs. escaping reality or not, i still think it's pointless to drink even one beer. why do you force it down your throat if not because it's effect?you drink it to feel better. same with a joint, it's a crutch. not for escaping reality, but to make you feel better. i know from experience that i feel better without those drugs. i am myself all the time, not someone else that the booze made me turn into.

Thirdly, you all agree that you beleive in living a clean life without these poisons in your body, but not all poisons are of a physical makeup, some of the worst are emotional. I've met only a few sXe people, but of those I've met, one was one of the most angry and violent people I know. It's true that drugs are bad for someone, but at least most, and not all, are not directly harmful to others.
so you think some people are better because they do drugs?
there are assholes within the sxe community too, there are assholes everywhere. meeting the most angry guy you ever had being sxe has nothing to do with this discussion i guess.
and drugs are bad for everyone who do them, whether or not they are effecting others with it.

Fourthy, just because you chose not to use drugs (including alcohol) it doesn't mean you're a better person than those who do do them. It's always hipocritical to say that one way of life is better than another, just because it's the one that you've chosen to follow.
who said this and where?

I knew one individual who regularly used heroin with his wife at home, after work (yes, a heroin addict held a steady, and fairly well paying job) and I would have never know if it wasn't for him telling me.
i feel bad for the guy and his wife. what does this prove?

Back to my point about recreational drug use, I would like to agree with many members of this forum in that I don't require drugs to have fun. If someone wants to go play a game of pickup soccer or hockey, or go see a movie, then I would obviously choose not to get drunk or high for the said event. But if I'm going out with friends to a party, or to a concert, I often choose to smoke a joint, or have a few beers before, not because I am a weak person who can't handle the reality of partying, but simply because I have more fun that way.
you should ask yourself why do you think you have more fun that way. less responsibility? coolness factor? being reckless and not having to apologize for it?
I'm not trying to get you off your drugs. i don't care really, live your life how you want to. i'm just saying it's pretty much pointless to me to get drunk and claim having more fun. i know how being drunk is, and i never liked it.

In closing, I'd like to reitterate my point about controled use, and responsible use. If someone can't handle themselves to the degree where they either do something all the time, or not at all, then I would support the not at all option, but not all people are this way, and you can't assume a drug will do this to you.
In taking some drugs, one may have magical experiences where they learn more about themselves, and those around them, but this can't be a regular habit, something I don't support.
controlled use seems bullshit to me. i know some burnout zombies who are using weed controlled. they got fucked in the head with that.

Also, I'd like to state again that I am not, in any way against the sXe vision of a perfect person, but I don't like you telling me that I'm not, just because I do these things that are 'poisoning' myself. How can any act that is non-violent, or has no indirect impact on any other person can be truly wrong?
thinking about something you consider wrong has to do with ethics of the person not violence. i consider using recreational drugs wrong. what is your point?

Please don't delete this post, just because it offers a different viewpoint. Community forums should be about open discussion, and I think this will offer an excellent jumpoff point for an interesting one. Please don't belittle yourselves by posting responses such as "YOU DRUG ADDICT," or "HOW SOFTCORE!"
I'm interested to hear your responses, and would be very happy to have a continuing conversation with you all. You're doing good things.

this forum has never deleted questions about straight edge. it's here to discuss it and show the real meaning of sxe, and there isn't anyone on the board that i think would throw insults at you because you are a drug addict.

04-25-2006, 01:10 PM
Hey, let me first make is clear that I am not, in any way, trying to insult or belittle the sXe way of life, or your personal interests and beliefs.
However, there are certainly flaws that I notice in the way you all choose to live your lives.

as a general rule if you want things civil you don't start a conversation off by saying there are flaws in how people choose to live their lives.

First of all, it's fine for someone to personally choose not to drink, do drugs, smoke, or have sex, but you haven't made a distinguishment between different degrees of use. I regularly have a beer with friends on a hot day because I enjoy it, not because I need to escape 'reality.'

if it's fine then why do you feel the need to have this conversation? And why would need to distinguish between different degrees of use? If someone is drinking a beer on a hot day, they are enjoying it and how it makes them feel. If not, then they would drink water. The reason mood altering substances are taken are to alter the mood, which you certainly can enjoy but it is a factor.

Also, not all recreational drug use is about escaping reality. I enjoy smoking marijuana on a semi-regular basis, but I certainly DON'T use it to escape a depressing or sad reality. In fact, drugs are a terrible way to escape reality; getting stoned while depressed leads to a bad high, and often, a horrible coming down.

but it is though. You're altering your reality through a drug. Why do you enjoy smoking marijuana? What does it to do/for you?

Thirdly, you all agree that you beleive in living a clean life without these poisons in your body, but not all poisons are of a physical makeup, some of the worst are emotional. I've met only a few sXe people, but of those I've met, one was one of the most angry and violent people I know. It's true that drugs are bad for someone, but at least most, and not all, are not directly harmful to others.

Yeah but this is outside of the scope of beliefs. There are all kinds of negative behaviors that people take part in, but they have no bearing on the core belief of straight edge, the avoidance of recreational drug use.

Fourthy, just because you chose not to use drugs (including alcohol) it doesn't mean you're a better person than those who do do them. It's always hipocritical to say that one way of life is better than another, just because it's the one that you've chosen to follow. I knew one individual who regularly used heroin with his wife at home, after work (yes, a heroin addict held a steady, and fairly well paying job) and I would have never know if it wasn't for him telling me.

aren't you guilty of doing this right now? So why isn't someone who avoids substances living a "better" life than someone that isn't?

Back to my point about recreational drug use, I would like to agree with many members of this forum in that I don't require drugs to have fun. If someone wants to go play a game of pickup soccer or hockey, or go see a movie, then I would obviously choose not to get drunk or high for the said event. But if I'm going out with friends to a party, or to a concert, I often choose to smoke a joint, or have a few beers before, not because I am a weak person who can't handle the reality of partying, but simply because I have more fun that way.

So for you to have more fun you feel the need to force your body to feel that way.

In closing, I'd like to reitterate my point about controled use, and responsible use. If someone can't handle themselves to the degree where they either do something all the time, or not at all, then I would support the not at all option, but not all people are this way, and you can't assume a drug will do this to you.

and you can't assume that it won't. The point being that drugs that are used recreationally are just that. THey aren't necessary and they don't really have any other purpose than something you do for fun, when you look at it from that perspective and couple that with the danger of addiction involved it's hard to make a point for controlled responsible use.

In taking some drugs, one may have magical experiences where they learn more about themselves, and those around them, but this can't be a regular habit, something I don't support.

except that those magical experiences aren't real and you don't learn more about yourself. you experience a false reality as some soft of a shortcut to self awareness and enlightenment.

Also, I'd like to state again that I am not, in any way against the sXe vision of a perfect person, but I don't like you telling me that I'm not, just because I do these things that are 'poisoning' myself. How can any act that is non-violent, or has no indirect impact on any other person can be truly wrong?

But you like telling us that we're not? The concept that it's non-violent and has no direct impact on anyone else is highly debatable and I'd suggest completely innacruate. if you're talking about weed sure, but this isn't true for every substance.

Please don't delete this post, just because it offers a different viewpoint. Community forums should be about open discussion, and I think this will offer an excellent jumpoff point for an interesting one. Please don't belittle yourselves by posting responses such as "YOU DRUG ADDICT," or "HOW SOFTCORE!"

thanks for taking the time to read the forum and see how discussions are handled before making gross generalizations and accusing us of behavior that people here don't do.

04-25-2006, 02:27 PM
There are many people on this site who could answer this better than I could or who know more about the subject but I will just add my two cents. First of all, there is a distinguishment made for those who are sxe and drug use. None. A person who has the occasional beer is not a bad person, but they are not straight edge. A person who smokes the odd joint, again, is not a bad person, but they are not edge. So a distinguishment is made.

You feel that it is more fun to go to a concert or a party after having a joint or a few beers. That is your point of view and thats fine. I however feel that it would be more fun to enjoy a concert or a party in my own state of mind without enhancements and I feel that I have just as much if not more fun than those who drink or smoke

Then there are the health issues which are affiliated which is also a reason to be sxe. Every joint you smoke (whether its regularly or occasional) kills cells. You are smoking and whether or not it is more healthy than cigarettes that is bad for your brain as well as your lungs. Alcohol is the same. Every beer you have hurts the liver and the brain. Sxe'ers just choose not to deal with that. Its not an issue of superiority, its an issue of personal choice.

And as far as "magical experiences" i would rather find my true self sober, than find my true self in a high or drunken stupour.

I realise that this is just the tip of the ice berg and there are many people on this forum who may have differing opinions than mine, but these are my views on the issues you raised.
shouldn't you be studying?

04-25-2006, 07:19 PM
I'm just gonna touch lightly on the part where you are saying a beer or a joint makes you enjoy yourself more. I have had personal experiences where I have been drinking and I certainly didn't enjoy a party etc any better at all, I have never tried any recreational drug but I have been around friends who have. To be honest I would much rather be completely sober and be able to think as myself, I never ever liked drinking and I basically used to drink with friends as to be in with the crowd and to be seen as having fun when I wasn't. I definately have more fun when not drinking, I have had people question this at parties and gigs "awww you are better having a drink, its more fun" I disagree with this, I have more fun being myself and being sober. It comes down to personal choice, so saying having a beer or joint makes you enjoy things more doesn't mean other people are going to think such things also.

Fourthy, just because you chose not to use drugs (including alcohol) it doesn't mean you're a better person than those who do do them. It's always hipocritical to say that one way of life is better than another, just because it's the one that you've chosen to follow.

you maybe encountered a sXe kid who has said something like this about being better than you or sumthing but to think that all Edge kids think like that is completely crazy. I for one wouldn't go up to a kid "ahhh you drink, I don't, that means I am better than you", not gonna happen

04-25-2006, 07:45 PM
shouldn't you be studying?

I am, I have been studying since 10 this morning. I take random breaks of procrastination and this site helps me do it lol.