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10-09-2003, 07:11 PM
Ive read on a sXe sight that you cant drink caffeine. Well i do, is that wrong. I kind of need it. ive been drinking caffeine for like my whole life. also it says asprin is something you shouldnt take. i need asprin i get really bad headaches..should i quit taking them? should i quit drinking coke? i know it sounds dumb to ask this, but i want to know. i think that i can still be straight edge and drink caffeine and take a apsrin, but thats my opinion...
10-09-2003, 07:44 PM
normally id say no you can drink caffiene and take asprin. but ya know what? you sound dependant on the substances. and the caffiene and the headaches might be connected. but you sound addicted. addiction is not edge.
10-09-2003, 08:03 PM
I wouldnt say im addicited to caffeine nor asprin(when i get a bad headache what am i suppose to do?). I can live with out it, but i just like drinking a coke or a nice dr. pepper, and asprins make my head feel better. its just good. ya know. And i do hear caffeine is connected to headaches. but i thinkk my headaches are hereditery. b/c like my aunt she gets them and has a headache for 3 or 4 days, and she doesnt drink caffeine too much. hardly ever. i get headaches very frequently. but i think ill maybe try to CUT DOWN on my caffeine intake. ive been told i drink too much(3 cans a day) i only had one today which is good. but im sure i will still drink it. maybe ill try drinking more pineapple-orange-mango(w/e) juices and stuff. and i hear water is good for you! :)...i nv drink water. but anyway, later.
10-09-2003, 08:35 PM
do you think asprin can make you more vunerable to headaches? i have about one can of pop a day, it might be caffiene free, it might not, there are lots of caffiene free sodas. most of the fruit ones are.....except cherry. but OJ is my main drink of choice.
10-09-2003, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Lane182
I wouldnt say im addicited to caffeine nor asprin(when i get a bad headache what am i suppose to do?). I can live with out it, but i just like drinking a coke or a nice dr. pepper, and asprins make my head feel better. its just good. ya know. And i do hear caffeine is connected to headaches. but i thinkk my headaches are hereditery. b/c like my aunt she gets them and has a headache for 3 or 4 days, and she doesnt drink caffeine too much. hardly ever. i get headaches very frequently. but i think ill maybe try to CUT DOWN on my caffeine intake. ive been told i drink too much(3 cans a day) i only had one today which is good. but im sure i will still drink it. maybe ill try drinking more pineapple-orange-mango(w/e) juices and stuff. and i hear water is good for you! :)...i nv drink water. but anyway, later.
ya know what, reading this again it sounds like your headaches is plain and simply dehydration. soda does not hydrate your body dude.
10-09-2003, 08:43 PM
i get headaches b/c of sinuses too, and sometimes my eyes hurt and that spurs on a headache, i have glasses, but they dont help a lot. unless i wear them b4 i get headache. but asprin does help. but if i dont have asprin or if i do i still sometimes have the headache and it hurts so bad, i start to bang my head with my know im crazy.. and wow u sayed one can of POP! dude i say pop i live down south now, and nobody says pop like up in pittsburgh or the north it sucks.
10-09-2003, 09:02 PM
of course asprin would help short term, but i think it makes you less tolerant to future headaches. and yep i say pop ive heard a lot of people on the weastcoast say it.
10-10-2003, 02:58 PM
really west coast people say it to? wow. i thought only the north did, i was born in PA and im so used to saying pop. but, i cant say pop down here nobody knows what it is. they all say soda.
10-10-2003, 04:32 PM
i say pop
10-10-2003, 05:03 PM
i just drank some sprite pop, which caffiene free by the way.
i just hate when people adress soda or pop as coke, they might wants a lemon mtn. dew but they refer to it as a coke.
10-10-2003, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Dummy
i just drank some sprite pop, which caffiene free by the way.
i just hate when people adress soda or pop as coke, they might wants a lemon mtn. dew but they refer to it as a coke.
Do people do that? thats silly
10-10-2003, 06:33 PM
i had neighbors that did, and i had some cousins that did
can i have a coke?
we only have sprite and code red
thats what i meant, coke
10-13-2003, 02:36 PM
do people seriously just call it coke? thats weird. i live in the north and get made fun of all the time for saying soda. hows about we just agree on soda pop!
10-13-2003, 09:10 PM
i like "beverage"
10-14-2003, 04:52 PM
now thats what i call pc
10-14-2003, 05:32 PM
personal computer?
10-14-2003, 08:44 PM
10-22-2003, 06:59 PM
When people say soda it makes me laugh.
11-05-2003, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Lane182
i get headaches b/c of sinuses too, and sometimes my eyes hurt and that spurs on a headache, i have glasses, but they dont help a lot. unless i wear them b4 i get headache. but asprin does help. but if i dont have asprin or if i do i still sometimes have the headache and it hurts so bad, i start to bang my head with my know im crazy.. and wow u sayed one can of POP! dude i say pop i live down south now, and nobody says pop like up in pittsburgh or the north it sucks.
i know alot of military people..and as i'm told the military's cure and prevention of headaches is water...drink water...lots and lots of water...flavored water...seltzer water all kinda of water!
11-05-2003, 11:10 PM
Its so funny how this thread got off ontot eh subjest of what people from different places call carbonated beverages. We people in the Atl call it coke.
Yes it is rather odd.
"What would you like to drink?"
"What kind?"
Then people up in the north around Pennsylvania and Ohio and such refer to it as pop.
Some call it soda.
And at some point there are people calling it cola.
But that's what makes America great, we can't agree on what to call sugar-water with carbon bubbles floating in it.
Another great thing about the Atl is that every where you go, even if you ask for a coke, the waitress will still ask you if you want teh sweet tea, which by the way is a great way to drink more water if you don't like drinking it plain.
Well anyhow, it's not bad to have a coke evey now and then, but I wouldn't recomend more than 5 cans of the full force kind a week, not so much for its caffine content, but for teh fact that it is basically 1/4 cup of sugar mixed in water with some flavouring and food colouring. That probly isn't the best for one's body, and a huge part of straight-edge is taking care of your body. So if you do have to chug teh cokes then I suggest a diet drink prefferably without caffine, but if you can't stomache caffine free, at least diet. Caffine free diet coke tastes exactly like regular Coka-Cola. I also suggest Diet A&W Root Beer because it is both diet and caffine free and does not taste like it at all.
But I deffinitely think your headaches could be realted to your lack of hydration. The 8 glasses thing is meant to be a minimum. If you are not getting at least tehat you need to start carrying around a water bottle with you everywhere. Also if you are really actice in like sports and stuff you should drink alot more (afterwards if you run long distances though). You should drink at least 8 ounces for every 30 mins of exercise.
However, if you try this and you are still getting your headaches don't take asprin take Tylenol, asprin is bad for you. If they still persist, I suggest seeing your doctor because you might have migranes that can be medically treated.
Well I hope my endless banter helps you.
Rock on and peace out.
One Love, One God, One Way!!!
11-06-2003, 04:39 PM
i cant believe you guys call it pop thats funny, i call it soda, anyway i was a little worried about the caffiene thing, but i like the way someone said (sorry i forgot who) that it seemed like the person was addicted. i barely ever have POP any more but there is caffiene in chocolate! how many sXe people can say they dont eat chocolate? but the answer that said that as long as your not dependent on it really helps.
11-06-2003, 05:32 PM
Over here in southern California, I hear it being referred to as Soda. But people usually name a specific drink instead of calling it Soda. Also in most Latin American cultures here, it is also referred to as soda a lot of the times. ONE.
11-06-2003, 08:23 PM
here in new york we call it soda, and thats the way it should be....cause us new yorkers say
11-07-2003, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by sabresnmets
here in new york we call it soda, and thats the way it should be....cause us new yorkers say
people in western new york call it pop.
11-07-2003, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by sabresnmets
i cant believe you guys call it pop thats funny, i call it soda, anyway i was a little worried about the caffiene thing, but i like the way someone said (sorry i forgot who) that it seemed like the person was addicted. i barely ever have POP any more but there is caffiene in chocolate! how many sXe people can say they dont eat chocolate? but the answer that said that as long as your not dependent on it really helps.
for some reason people are convinced that there is a lot of caffiene in chocolate. there isn't. there is about as much caffiene in a regular sized chocolate bar as there is in a cup of decaf coffee.
11-07-2003, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by xsecx
for some reason people are convinced that there is a lot of caffiene in chocolate. there isn't. there is about as much caffiene in a regular sized chocolate bar as there is in a cup of decaf coffee.
oh ffs!! I wish I'd known this earlier!! I'm back on the chocolate now.
11-07-2003, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by XprennaX
oh ffs!! I wish I'd known this earlier!! I'm back on the chocolate now.
11-07-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by XprennaX
oh ffs!! I wish I'd known this earlier!! I'm back on the chocolate now.
just don't eat the coffee creams
11-07-2003, 07:40 PM
yeah but they tell pregnant people not to eat chocolate, so there is enough caffiene in it. any way i agree, but its tough to tell where to draw the line and know whats too much. do you guys know what im sayin'?
11-07-2003, 07:41 PM
oh yeah and im from long island and we sure as hell dont call it POP.
11-15-2003, 10:35 AM
well i say addiction is wrong, you should not be dependant, so whats bad about caffiene is that it is so addictive, because of the way we comsume it as well as its chemical properties.
but i aint an angel, I am finding it hard giving up certain things, so i aint a good one to talk.
but i say you should give it a week cold turkey, and see how it goes after that
11-15-2003, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by xDOUGxDIGGLERx
well i say addiction is wrong, you should not be dependant, so whats bad about caffiene is that it is so addictive, because of the way we comsume it as well as its chemical properties.
but i aint an angel, I am finding it hard giving up certain things, so i aint a good one to talk.
but i say you should give it a week cold turkey, and see how it goes after that
Well in respects to straight edge its more than just not being addicted its just straight forward abstinence of drugs. I mean otherwise you'd have all these kids having the occasional beer or smoking but only socially.
x broadway x
12-12-2003, 07:41 PM
Yes it's wrong. Stop.
12-12-2003, 08:09 PM
here, here
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