05-19-2006, 08:53 AM
Hi everybody!
This is my first post in here, I hope this is the right place to start a discussion.
This message is a verbatim copy of the message left on the Google Groups but people out there doesn't seem to be much enthusiastic so here we are.
Hello everybody!
I've been thinking for a certain amount of time about sXe trends and
its take on sexual interrelations. Yes, it's up to you to decide
whether you do anything you consider harmful to yourself or do not, but
I on my own can't come to an unequivocal decision.
Well, let's say I'm straight and single. I'm not obsessed with sex, I'm
not sexist and I just can't find a proper peer. Well, happens, doesn't
it? =) I don't want to fuck around just because sometimes I get a
sudden burst of desire whatever. Even before I came across
straight-edge notion I was into mastering my own will resisting all
sort of temptations. Well, I can control myself in situations when most
of people just _refuse_ to control themselves ONLY because they get too
much excited. That was always stupid from my point of view and I was
always thinking that that's damn wrong. I just felt it.
Sometimes I ask myself the question: Am I lucky or not? Whatever answer
can be it doesn't matter much, because I am what I am.
I'm twenty one years old and my organism is pretty young and fresh. I
didn't spoil it too much with drugs, but yes I used to smoke and drink
alcohol, but not much. I gave it up completely in one shot. A lot of
people say I am to be proud of myself even those who are not straight.
I just feel it right, it's the way things should be with me, and it's
definitely not like smoking and drinking or fucking each and other girl
I see. Well, I've got a straight-edge! =)
Allright, let's get to the point and talk about sXe and sEx. I did read
the FAQ through, and people say that Ian's "postulat" "don't smoke,
don't drink, don't fuck" was never meant to prohibit anything
completely or to serve as any kind of ideology. Contemporary
straight-edge community tends to base its regulations upon these three
simple and by all means wise don'ts suggested by Minor Threat's leader.
So if Ian himself didn't say that you're not to have sexual life at
all, and that these don'ts are not any kind or rules then where does
the line between what's right or wrong can be drawn?
For instance, we are all in here say no to one night stands. How about
one-week/month romances?
Would you straight guys and girls engage yourself in sex with a partner
if you know for sure there's only 1 week or 1 month? Would you do the
same if you're not sure about stability of your relationships? Say your
boy- girl-friend might break up with you quite soon would you?
If you say no, it's clear that you might have a very scarce sexual
life. The question is: "Is it good or bad for you personally?" Current
western-like society's mindset implies that to have no sexual life is a
disastrous catastrophe =) It makes me smile, sometimes laugh, honestly
:) I can get along without even thinking about sex for months.
The core question I'm about to formulate is more ethical or, perhaps,
even philosophical.
Having no partner you indulge in masturbation, no matter whether it is
quite frequent or not. The fact is that you sort of having sex with
yourself but not with a physical counterpart which is the way things
are ment to be.
Are there any straight-edgers who gave up masturbation and sex life
(due to the sequence of circumstances or perhaps deliberate will)
completely? Are there? Tell me please, I really need to know.
Are there anyone who has no physical counterpart and indulge themselves
in masturbation quite (in)frequently? Tell me, I really need to know.
Well, now let's be honest folks. Do you feel allright about having sex
with yourself on your own? If you do masturbate quite frequently do you
think it's allright? If you do, do you ever feel it not allright? =) If
so, when?
As for me I've no physical counterpart currently though I could. Yes
sometimes I indulge quite frequently in masturbation but lately have
started to control myself more and more, because I noticed that even
too much masturbation (if it's the source of anxiety) leads to mental
damage. What I mean is that you get hooked with everlasting desire for
pleasure, and that's the point, mentally you get addicted not to the
process of squeezing your pennis and giving it a piston motion like in
a car engine, but your weakness to refuse yourself in satisfying your
own desire.
Well, from that point of view if I've no normal sexual life and give up
masturbation because it's sometimes very hard to identify the edge
between need and desire, we face situation where we have no sexual
activity at all.
It's not that really bad, but do you really think that things are ment
to be this way?
It's now clear to me and hopefully to the others that probably it's
stupid to go that way. You might as well ask doctors to asexulize
yourself, but this is definitely even more stupid. Whatever it is God
or Nature you're given your sexual identity and I guess you're not
given the right to deprive yourself of it.
Soooo, it's all about your ability to identify where is the edge
dividing Good and Bad, your real requirement and subtle desire for
pleasure, the edge that divides pleasure for sake of your life and
pleasure which causes you a mental damage.
Supposing I'm right in my judgement and you agree with me, I want to
ask you my dear strong-willed brothers and sisters how do you think one
may practise his skill in defining the edge between those things so
that one has pleasure for the sake of life and refuses negative impact
of subtle perversion?
It's clear that to practise such a skill one should have sex activity,
because no theory matters until you start practising. Do we commit a
lot of mistakes for the sake of skillful mastery, or do we what?
Your turn ladies and gentelmen.
Any ideas, comments, objections and suggestions are _eagerly_ welcomed!
I live in Ukraine and I don't really know a lot of people like me. If I
say "straight-edge" in the street almost none will understand me, so I
seek for the answers and communication here, with you.
Thanks to all of you who managed to get through the whole message and
didn't get bored =)
Cheerz sXe-kidz =)
So, this is it.
This is my first post in here, I hope this is the right place to start a discussion.
This message is a verbatim copy of the message left on the Google Groups but people out there doesn't seem to be much enthusiastic so here we are.
Hello everybody!
I've been thinking for a certain amount of time about sXe trends and
its take on sexual interrelations. Yes, it's up to you to decide
whether you do anything you consider harmful to yourself or do not, but
I on my own can't come to an unequivocal decision.
Well, let's say I'm straight and single. I'm not obsessed with sex, I'm
not sexist and I just can't find a proper peer. Well, happens, doesn't
it? =) I don't want to fuck around just because sometimes I get a
sudden burst of desire whatever. Even before I came across
straight-edge notion I was into mastering my own will resisting all
sort of temptations. Well, I can control myself in situations when most
of people just _refuse_ to control themselves ONLY because they get too
much excited. That was always stupid from my point of view and I was
always thinking that that's damn wrong. I just felt it.
Sometimes I ask myself the question: Am I lucky or not? Whatever answer
can be it doesn't matter much, because I am what I am.
I'm twenty one years old and my organism is pretty young and fresh. I
didn't spoil it too much with drugs, but yes I used to smoke and drink
alcohol, but not much. I gave it up completely in one shot. A lot of
people say I am to be proud of myself even those who are not straight.
I just feel it right, it's the way things should be with me, and it's
definitely not like smoking and drinking or fucking each and other girl
I see. Well, I've got a straight-edge! =)
Allright, let's get to the point and talk about sXe and sEx. I did read
the FAQ through, and people say that Ian's "postulat" "don't smoke,
don't drink, don't fuck" was never meant to prohibit anything
completely or to serve as any kind of ideology. Contemporary
straight-edge community tends to base its regulations upon these three
simple and by all means wise don'ts suggested by Minor Threat's leader.
So if Ian himself didn't say that you're not to have sexual life at
all, and that these don'ts are not any kind or rules then where does
the line between what's right or wrong can be drawn?
For instance, we are all in here say no to one night stands. How about
one-week/month romances?
Would you straight guys and girls engage yourself in sex with a partner
if you know for sure there's only 1 week or 1 month? Would you do the
same if you're not sure about stability of your relationships? Say your
boy- girl-friend might break up with you quite soon would you?
If you say no, it's clear that you might have a very scarce sexual
life. The question is: "Is it good or bad for you personally?" Current
western-like society's mindset implies that to have no sexual life is a
disastrous catastrophe =) It makes me smile, sometimes laugh, honestly
:) I can get along without even thinking about sex for months.
The core question I'm about to formulate is more ethical or, perhaps,
even philosophical.
Having no partner you indulge in masturbation, no matter whether it is
quite frequent or not. The fact is that you sort of having sex with
yourself but not with a physical counterpart which is the way things
are ment to be.
Are there any straight-edgers who gave up masturbation and sex life
(due to the sequence of circumstances or perhaps deliberate will)
completely? Are there? Tell me please, I really need to know.
Are there anyone who has no physical counterpart and indulge themselves
in masturbation quite (in)frequently? Tell me, I really need to know.
Well, now let's be honest folks. Do you feel allright about having sex
with yourself on your own? If you do masturbate quite frequently do you
think it's allright? If you do, do you ever feel it not allright? =) If
so, when?
As for me I've no physical counterpart currently though I could. Yes
sometimes I indulge quite frequently in masturbation but lately have
started to control myself more and more, because I noticed that even
too much masturbation (if it's the source of anxiety) leads to mental
damage. What I mean is that you get hooked with everlasting desire for
pleasure, and that's the point, mentally you get addicted not to the
process of squeezing your pennis and giving it a piston motion like in
a car engine, but your weakness to refuse yourself in satisfying your
own desire.
Well, from that point of view if I've no normal sexual life and give up
masturbation because it's sometimes very hard to identify the edge
between need and desire, we face situation where we have no sexual
activity at all.
It's not that really bad, but do you really think that things are ment
to be this way?
It's now clear to me and hopefully to the others that probably it's
stupid to go that way. You might as well ask doctors to asexulize
yourself, but this is definitely even more stupid. Whatever it is God
or Nature you're given your sexual identity and I guess you're not
given the right to deprive yourself of it.
Soooo, it's all about your ability to identify where is the edge
dividing Good and Bad, your real requirement and subtle desire for
pleasure, the edge that divides pleasure for sake of your life and
pleasure which causes you a mental damage.
Supposing I'm right in my judgement and you agree with me, I want to
ask you my dear strong-willed brothers and sisters how do you think one
may practise his skill in defining the edge between those things so
that one has pleasure for the sake of life and refuses negative impact
of subtle perversion?
It's clear that to practise such a skill one should have sex activity,
because no theory matters until you start practising. Do we commit a
lot of mistakes for the sake of skillful mastery, or do we what?
Your turn ladies and gentelmen.
Any ideas, comments, objections and suggestions are _eagerly_ welcomed!
I live in Ukraine and I don't really know a lot of people like me. If I
say "straight-edge" in the street almost none will understand me, so I
seek for the answers and communication here, with you.
Thanks to all of you who managed to get through the whole message and
didn't get bored =)
Cheerz sXe-kidz =)
So, this is it.