View Full Version : minor threat
05-22-2006, 05:37 PM
how many kids have never heard of any other straight edge band other than minor threat?
05-22-2006, 05:58 PM
how many kids have never heard of any other straight edge band other than minor threat?
Ill admit. Before joining this message board my knowledge of sxe bands were minor threat and throwdown.
05-22-2006, 06:12 PM
how many kids have never heard of any other straight edge band other than minor threat?
i guess a lot... the question should be how many sxe kids have never heard of any other straight edge band other than minor threat?
05-22-2006, 07:57 PM
i guess a lot... the question should be how many sxe kids have never heard of any other straight edge band other than minor threat?
except those aren't edge kids.
05-22-2006, 09:10 PM
except those aren't edge kids.
okay then the question should be "how many kids who say they are sxe have never heard of any other straight edge band other than minor threat?"
how many kids have never heard of any other straight edge band other than minor threat?
i wonder how many haven't!
05-24-2006, 03:22 AM
I knew of a fair amount of straight edge bands before joining this forum, but even after joining I have discovered an even greater deal more
thanks for the help
05-24-2006, 12:13 PM
I wonder how many "edge" kids have never even heard of Minor Threat.
I wonder how many "edge" kids have never even heard of Minor Threat.
so you're wondering about the same thing as i am!
05-24-2006, 12:17 PM
so you're wondering about the same thing as i am!
I'm sure lots of kids are gonna come forward now...
05-24-2006, 12:18 PM
so you're wondering about the same thing as i am!
Oh, I guess I thought you were saying how many haven't heard of other sXe bands like what Dusty put. My bad. Yeah. Great minds think alike.
05-24-2006, 01:06 PM
Oh, I guess I thought you were saying how many haven't heard of other sXe bands like what Dusty put. My bad. Yeah. Great minds think alike.
no they dont
XThe EdgeX
05-30-2006, 03:53 PM
i knew of alot of bands beforw joining this forum...Including MINOR THREAT!!!wow..amazing right..yep..but i really like that fact there is just a humongous post with all straight edge/hardcore then i can go find there cd or download it, get it from a friend or search for the you can keep expanding your limits on how much you know and how much is out there....pretty awsome!
05-31-2006, 09:12 AM
if you ask stepinsideissue i problely didnt know any sxe bands. i just liked the name.
i just liked the name.
this is the truth though
05-31-2006, 12:05 PM
this is the truth though
o your so right you caught me. i dont even live the life style i wear my straight edge shirts and go out saturday nights and get loaded after shows.
o your so right you caught me. i dont even live the life style i wear my straight edge shirts and go out saturday nights and get loaded after shows.
1. spell check.
2. you were the one who said you weren't edge, after all the shit you got because you are christian (and because you are christian, you can't be edge anyway)
05-31-2006, 03:57 PM
1. spell check.
2. you were the one who said you weren't edge, after all the shit you got because you are christian (and because you are christian, you can't be edge anyway)
no shit you are so smart what word is misspelled samrt guy. but what i said isnt true.
05-31-2006, 05:06 PM
if you ask stepinsideissue i problely didnt know any sxe bands. i just liked the name.
You said it not me.
05-31-2006, 05:13 PM
You said it not me.
your the one that basically told me that.
no shit you are so smart what word is misspelled samrt guy. but what i said isnt true.
and in this reply
and please explain why isn't it true
06-01-2006, 09:10 AM
and in this reply
and please explain why isn't it true
its funny both were spelled check smart guy both are right. the fact that someone would say that is true. me not really knowing any bands isnt.
its funny both were spelled check smart guy both are right. the fact that someone would say that is true. me not really knowing any bands isnt.
both were spell checked. and no they were not. samrt isn't a word, and you used your instead of you're but that's ok. get a better spell checker.
you totally missed the point. you just liked the label straight edge, and claimed it however you were contradicting yourself. later you said you weren't edge, but yet you use the x-es.
06-01-2006, 10:03 AM
both were spell checked. and no they were not. samrt isn't a word, and you used your instead of you're but that's ok. get a better spell checker.
you totally missed the point. you just liked the label straight edge, and claimed it however you were contradicting yourself. later you said you weren't edge, but yet you use the x-es.
i didnt no there was to smarts sorry.
i didnt become edge beuase i liked the name. i became edge because i like the music behide it and i like the lifestyle. i liked haveing a place to go and be welcomed in and not looked at as a outsider. because i couldnt figure out how to remove them.
06-01-2006, 06:07 PM
your the one that basically told me that.
That's not true I never said or implied that you didn't know any edge bands. Could you show me were I said that?
I just made a comment because you had said that we weren't mentioning a song when we clearly were. I'm sure there are plenty of edge bands that you DO know. Go you.
06-01-2006, 08:19 PM
That's not true I never said or implied that you didn't know any edge bands. Could you show me were I said that?
I just made a comment because you had said that we weren't mentioning a song when we clearly were. I'm sure there are plenty of edge bands that you DO know. Go you.
no but you flat out said i didnt know two major bands. so why shouldnt i think that you would accuse me of not knowing any others?
06-01-2006, 08:36 PM
no but you flat out said i didnt know two major bands. so why shouldnt i think that you would accuse me of not knowing any others?
I did say that. You clearly didn't recognize two very very influential edge bands. I find that odd for some one who at one point claimed to be edge. Especially sence one one of them was Minor Threat the band that without realizing it or intending it started the whole edge and hardcore scene.
06-02-2006, 09:13 AM
I did say that. You clearly didn't recognize two very very influential edge bands. I find that odd for some one who at one point claimed to be edge. Especially sence one one of them was Minor Threat the band that without realizing it or intending it started the whole edge and hardcore scene.
i know the bands i just dont know all the songs. i have heard fillter just didnt realize it till i downloaded it. and GB i dont really lisen to not on top of my list.
i know the bands i just dont know all the songs. i have heard fillter just didnt realize it till i downloaded it. and GB i dont really lisen to not on top of my list.
XThe EdgeX
06-06-2006, 11:01 AM
ok stepinsidetheissue...maybe you dont intend in but i was under the impression that anyone could be welcome to be sXe and they would be has nothing to do with religion ....If you dont do drugs,drink, and stay clean can be edge. I forget where you said it but i think you said in an earlier post that there was no real limit to straight was was you thought was good and clean? maybe im wrong...XbillyX can be straight edge if he wants ...forget religion ..yeah sure jesus drank how does that translate into us not being sXe?It dosent...sure ppls parents might drink but theyer still edge. And maybe thats their reason to be?...just back off alittle bit on people and maybe we can have some good conversations,and not on belittling peopl on ther own beliefs.......and not on FUCKING spell check!!!!!...Oh GOD i might have spelled something wrong on this post....oohhh shit...strike me dead!
ok stepinsidetheissue...maybe you dont intend in but i was under the impression that anyone could be welcome to be sXe and they would be has nothing to do with religion ....If you dont do drugs,drink, and stay clean can be edge. I forget where you said it but i think you said in an earlier post that there was no real limit to straight was was you thought was good and clean? maybe im wrong...XbillyX can be straight edge if he wants ...forget religion ..yeah sure jesus drank how does that translate into us not being sXe?It dosent...sure ppls parents might drink but theyer still edge. And maybe thats their reason to be?...just back off alittle bit on people and maybe we can have some good conversations,and not on belittling peopl on ther own beliefs.......and not on FUCKING spell check!!!!!...Oh GOD i might have spelled something wrong on this post....oohhh shit...strike me dead!
please read the threads. can't be christian and edge. it's a contradiction. so please go back, and read through the threads, it's all covered in real depths. thanks for your time.
XThe EdgeX
06-06-2006, 11:47 AM
ok i will ..thanks..i will now be more aware of the subject...later
06-06-2006, 05:32 PM
ok stepinsidetheissue...maybe you dont intend in but i was under the impression that anyone could be welcome to be sXe and they would be has nothing to do with religion ....If you dont do drugs,drink, and stay clean can be edge. I forget where you said it but i think you said in an earlier post that there was no real limit to straight was was you thought was good and clean? maybe im wrong...XbillyX can be straight edge if he wants ...forget religion ..yeah sure jesus drank how does that translate into us not being sXe?It dosent...sure ppls parents might drink but theyer still edge. And maybe thats their reason to be?...just back off alittle bit on people and maybe we can have some good conversations,and not on belittling peopl on ther own beliefs.......and not on FUCKING spell check!!!!!...Oh GOD i might have spelled something wrong on this post....oohhh shit...strike me dead!
1. John you can call me Barry.
2. It's not a matter of being welcomed. It's not a club, a gang, or frat house deal. You are either edge or you're not. Not just anybody is edge. THere are certain princapals that are followed. Plain and simple.
3. I would never say there is no limit to sXe because there is. Don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, and be hardcore. That is what sXe is. That is all that it is. That are its limits. Sex, diet, and religion have nothing to do with edge at all.
4. I'm not going to get into the extent of religion and edge. It's a beaten to death topic. It's plain and simple. If you are edge you are against drinking. If you are a christian you believe that Jesus is your savior and perfect. But being edge you believe that your perfect christ was wrong for drinking. SEE THE CONTRADICTION.
5. No body is going to give you shit for the ocasional misspelled word. We all have them and typos. But if you go back through xBILLYx posts it's a constant thing for him. Most of his statements don't make sense the first time you read them. But it is admirable that you would try to defend him. He could be sXe if he wanted to be. He elects now NOT to be. His words. Not mine.
06-07-2006, 02:13 PM
1. John you can call me Barry.
2. It's not a matter of being welcomed. It's not a club, a gang, or frat house deal. You are either edge or you're not. Not just anybody is edge. THere are certain princapals that are followed. Plain and simple.
3. I would never say there is no limit to sXe because there is. Don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, and be hardcore. That is what sXe is. That is all that it is. That are its limits. Sex, diet, and religion have nothing to do with edge at all.
4. I'm not going to get into the extent of religion and edge. It's a beaten to death topic. It's plain and simple. If you are edge you are against drinking. If you are a christian you believe that Jesus is your savior and perfect. But being edge you believe that your perfect christ was wrong for drinking. SEE THE CONTRADICTION.
5. No body is going to give you shit for the ocasional misspelled word. We all have them and typos. But if you go back through xBILLYx posts it's a constant thing for him. Most of his statements don't make sense the first time you read them. But it is admirable that you would try to defend him. He could be sXe if he wanted to be. He elects now NOT to be. His words. Not mine.
i love it, i am a example.i am not edge by my words yes not yours not anyones but mine.
06-07-2006, 02:19 PM
ok stepinsidetheissue...maybe you dont intend in but i was under the impression that anyone could be welcome to be sXe and they would be has nothing to do with religion ....If you dont do drugs,drink, and stay clean can be edge. I forget where you said it but i think you said in an earlier post that there was no real limit to straight was was you thought was good and clean? maybe im wrong...XbillyX can be straight edge if he wants ...forget religion ..yeah sure jesus drank how does that translate into us not being sXe?It dosent...sure ppls parents might drink but theyer still edge. And maybe thats their reason to be?...just back off alittle bit on people and maybe we can have some good conversations,and not on belittling peopl on ther own beliefs.......and not on FUCKING spell check!!!!!...Oh GOD i might have spelled something wrong on this post....oohhh shit...strike me dead!
thanks i dont need defending i get my self in trouble all on my own. and with out any ones help. but thanks anyways.
XThe EdgeX
06-07-2006, 07:57 PM
i agree with you barry.heh....i knew yeah i gottcha now....later man....didnt understand it all at once..wasnt thinking...srry bout that...ok later
06-08-2006, 12:47 AM
i love it, i am a example.i am not edge by my words yes not yours not anyones but mine.
AN example.
XThe EdgeX
06-08-2006, 12:20 PM
hahaha i like billys signature....heh nice..
06-08-2006, 02:02 PM
hahaha i like billys signature....heh nice..
It IS very fitting for him.
XThe EdgeX
06-08-2006, 05:17 PM
heh i
06-09-2006, 12:06 AM
heh i
iam glade you all think so. its to bad its not true for whoever put it dusty
iam glade you all think so. its to bad its not true for whoever put it dusty
hahahha! and he writes all your posts too?
06-09-2006, 12:11 AM
hahahha! and he writes all your posts too?
i swear i didnt do that to my signature.
i swear i didnt do that to my signature.
you do realise that your post i quoted was full of bad grammar right? that was what i was making a joke about.
and removing your signature is weak.
06-09-2006, 08:07 AM
you do realise that your post i quoted was full of bad grammar right? that was what i was making a joke about.
and removing your signature is weak.
Aww it's gone :( The sad thing is, when I first read it I thought it was really witty and that you'd got a good sence of humour and some brains to come up with it.
Aww it's gone :( The sad thing is, when I first read it I thought it was really witty and that you'd got a good sence of humour and some brains to come up with it.
what did you expect....
06-10-2006, 05:29 PM
you do realise that your post i quoted was full of bad grammar right? that was what i was making a joke about.
and removing your signature is weak.
i dont care if its weak it wasnt my words.
06-11-2006, 02:48 AM
i dont care if its weak it wasnt my words.
That was quite obvious. Good grammar was used.
i dont care if its weak it wasnt my words.
you didn't get what i wrote did you?
there's this 18 year old kid, i asked if he knew the band called minor trap. he said of course and he loves them. i asked if he knew that they were communistst and they wore the x-es because the sickle and hammer symbol was illegal, so they used X as a reference to it. he totally believed it. it was hilarious and sad at the same time.
06-11-2006, 11:13 AM
there's this 18 year old kid, i asked if he knew the band called minor trap. he said of course and he loves them. i asked if he knew that they were communistst and they wore the x-es because the sickle and hammer symbol was illegal, so they used X as a reference to it. he totally believed it. it was hilarious and sad at the same time.
thats sad. it makes me sad how kids have to lie to fit in. or at least feel they have to.
thats sad. it makes me sad how kids have to lie to fit in. or at least feel they have to.
this sounds funny coming from you!
06-11-2006, 02:18 PM
there's this 18 year old kid, i asked if he knew the band called minor trap. he said of course and he loves them. i asked if he knew that they were communistst and they wore the x-es because the sickle and hammer symbol was illegal, so they used X as a reference to it. he totally believed it. it was hilarious and sad at the same time.
Was it xBILLYx?
06-11-2006, 08:06 PM
Was it xBILLYx?
yea because i talk to people in person all the time that are in other countrys. you know out of body spirit stuff.
06-12-2006, 01:32 AM
yea because i talk to people in person all the time that are in other countrys. you know out of body spirit stuff.
I didn't think christians believed in supernatural things like that.
06-12-2006, 08:41 PM
I didn't think christians believed in supernatural things like that.
it was a joke. i dont believe in that stuff.
XThe EdgeX
06-13-2006, 12:35 PM
wow to many contradictions to handle.....i might hurt my self thinking that hard!!!ahhhhhhh
06-13-2006, 04:24 PM
Thats Billy the walking contradiction.
XThe EdgeX
06-13-2006, 07:50 PM
he's so hardcore..Ill bet he listens to green Day!...
06-16-2006, 11:24 AM
he's so hardcore..Ill bet he listens to green Day!...
yep how did you know.
06-16-2006, 11:25 AM
Thats Billy the walking contradiction.
a joke is contradiction? wow i think iam going to stop saying jokes you guys dont get them.
06-16-2006, 01:13 PM
a joke is contradiction? wow i think iam going to stop saying jokes you guys dont get them.
Jokes are usually funny and yours are worse than my corney shit.
06-16-2006, 01:20 PM
Jokes are usually funny and yours are worse than my corney shit.
are they? your just stressed.
06-16-2006, 02:07 PM
are they? your just stressed.
Thanks for that lovely insight. How do you figure that I'm stressed.
07-14-2006, 10:15 AM
minor threat since 1988 i was young too yough
07-14-2006, 12:41 PM
minor threat since 1988 i was young too yough
Huh? Minor threat since 1988?
07-14-2006, 12:42 PM
Huh? Minor threat since 1988?
I think he is saying he has been listening to minor threat since 1988? Maybe?
Minor Threat is the best sxe band ever.
07-27-2006, 09:59 PM
Minor Threat is the best sxe band ever.
arguably first doesn't mean best. I'd put judge, gb, uniform choice above them easily.
arguably first doesn't mean best. I'd put judge, gb, uniform choice above them easily.
i wouldn't put uc above them at all.
07-28-2006, 08:26 AM
i wouldn't put uc above them at all.
Don't let Staring Into The Sun blind you!
07-28-2006, 08:41 AM
i wouldn't put uc above them at all.
screaming for change is a much better record all around than anything minor threat put out, especially in terms of edge songs.
07-28-2006, 12:38 PM
I think he is saying he has been listening to minor threat since 1988? Maybe?
he was born in 85, he'd of been 3!? And he says he was too young which makes it all confusing.
screaming for change is a much better record all around than anything minor threat put out, especially in terms of edge songs.
i don't think so.
Don't let Staring Into The Sun blind you!
hahaha, this post was great.
07-28-2006, 03:29 PM
i don't think so.
that's an excellent counterpoint, thanks for explaining your opinion.
that's an excellent counterpoint, thanks for explaining your opinion.
what's there to explain? I like minor threat better than uniform choice.
07-29-2006, 08:51 AM
what's there to explain? I like minor threat better than uniform choice.
opinions that have value,I like one better than the other because of x y and z.
opinions with no value, I like one better than the other.
otherwise, no real point in replying since you're just stating an empty opinion which has no value in a discussion.
opinions that have value,I like one better than the other because of x y and z.
opinions with no value, I like one better than the other.
otherwise, no real point in replying since you're just stating an empty opinion which has no value in a discussion.
ok, here you go then. I think I like minor threat more because it has more anger in it, and it's more simple which can be a plus sometimes. I like uniform choice too, but other than screaming for a change they didn't do too much to me. (and i have to skip the poem in the end of it all the time. )
07-29-2006, 06:55 PM
ok, here you go then. I think I like minor threat more because it has more anger in it, and it's more simple which can be a plus sometimes. I like uniform choice too, but other than screaming for a change they didn't do too much to me. (and i have to skip the poem in the end of it all the time. )
More anger? how do you figure that? my own mind, straight and alert, scream to say are all plenty angry. the whole record is angry except for silenced. Once I cry is an amazing song and full on frustration and anger. And in terms of edge, the vast majority of songs on Screaming for change have to deal with it, the same isn't true for minor threat at all. The fact that Minor Threat is more simple is a good reason why the band just isn't that great. They're good and they're something everyone should hear, but there are other bands that are a shitload better than them because it was a bunch of 17-19 year olds writing really immature music and lyrics. The minor threat disco has shit like good guys don't wear white, cashing in, salad days, and the steppin stone cover. Those alone make it worse than screaming for change.
More anger? how do you figure that? my own mind, straight and alert, scream to say are all plenty angry. the whole record is angry except for silenced. Once I cry is an amazing song and full on frustration and anger. And in terms of edge, the vast majority of songs on Screaming for change have to deal with it, the same isn't true for minor threat at all. The fact that Minor Threat is more simple is a good reason why the band just isn't that great. They're good and they're something everyone should hear, but there are other bands that are a shitload better than them because it was a bunch of 17-19 year olds writing really immature music and lyrics. The minor threat disco has shit like good guys don't wear white, cashing in, salad days, and the steppin stone cover. Those alone make it worse than screaming for change.
as for the anger part, minor threat has something in it, the angst or just simply being young and desperate, which comes out great from the music and especially the vocals. i can't describe it better. as for the edge songs, your point is correct.
simple songs do it for me. i love discharge too, and it's one of the most simple songs i've ever heard.
if uniform choice had a dischography(or do they?), 3/4 of the songs should be ffwded.
07-30-2006, 09:03 AM
as for the anger part, minor threat has something in it, the angst or just simply being young and desperate, which comes out great from the music and especially the vocals. i can't describe it better. as for the edge songs, your point is correct.
simple songs do it for me. i love discharge too, and it's one of the most simple songs i've ever heard.
if uniform choice had a dischography(or do they?), 3/4 of the songs should be ffwded.
so how does minor threat have anger that UC doesn't?
The songs are simple because the people at the time were simple. That doesn't make something great.
If minor threat had lasted long enough 3/4 of their songs would be crap too. I don't get how you think one amazing record and one bad record somehow adds up to 3/4 of their songs being bad?
so how does minor threat have anger that UC doesn't?
I could only repeat myself in the latter post. it has something that i can't define, but uc lacks. this is what i think, and i'm sorry that i can't give you more of a counterpoint.
If minor threat had lasted long enough 3/4 of their songs would be crap too. I don't get how you think one amazing record and one bad record somehow adds up to 3/4 of their songs being bad?
but they didn't!
yeah, i fucked it up. i was thinking about the live cd on lost and found i have from them too, and it's not too good.
The songs are simple because the people at the time were simple. That doesn't make something great.
that's what you think. for some people, simpicity can be more. having great musicians with complex music doesn't mean it's great in itself, don't you think? because that's what i get from what you said.
07-30-2006, 10:11 AM
I could only repeat myself in the latter post. it has something that i can't define, but uc lacks. this is what i think, and i'm sorry that i can't give you more of a counterpoint.
you could but then you'd just be talking about minor threat and not UC. you haven't actually talked about how UC isn't angry or come up with a single example of why minor threat has anger but minor threat doesn't.
but they didn't!
yeah, i fucked it up. i was thinking about the live cd on lost and found i have from them too, and it's not too good.
yeah they didn't, so are ssd and dys, both of which I'd put above minor threat, also applicable in your theory? I'd put wolfpack and the kid will have their say above minor threat too.
that's what you think. for some people, simpicity can be more. having great musicians with complex music doesn't mean it's great in itself, don't you think? because that's what i get from what you said.
simplicity when that's all you can do isn't great. At the time, the minor threat guys weren't capable of anything but simple. That's what makes it not great.
you could but then you'd just be talking about minor threat and not UC. you haven't actually talked about how UC isn't angry or come up with a single example of why minor threat has anger but minor threat doesn't.
as i said it in my previous posts, i can't quite define it.
yeah they didn't, so are ssd and dys, both of which I'd put above minor threat, also applicable in your theory? I'd put wolfpack and the kid will have their say above minor threat too.
well, i like them a lot too, and i would put them above UC too for sure! i don't have a theory, i just think minor threat was better than UC.
simplicity when that's all you can do isn't great. At the time, the minor threat guys weren't capable of anything but simple. That's what makes it not great.
they did a great job with the knowledge they had at the time!
07-30-2006, 02:34 PM
as i said it in my previous posts, i can't quite define it.
and you can't come up with examples of why one is angrier than the other?
well, i like them a lot too, and i would put them above UC too for sure! i don't have a theory, i just think minor threat was better than UC.
yeah except you can't really explain why.
they did a great job with the knowledge they had at the time!
yeah, except they didn't.
and you can't come up with examples of why one is angrier than the other?
no, i can't.
minor threat has something in it, the angst or just simply being young and desperate, which comes out great from the music and especially the vocals. i can't describe it better.
yeah except you can't really explain why.
because i like minor threat better.
yeah, except they didn't.
yeah, they did.
07-31-2006, 09:22 AM
no, i can't.
because i like minor threat better.
yeah, they did.
they did such a great job that you can't quantify or describe or even compare and contrast it? you can just make a statement and not support it? Surely you should be able to point to examples as to a quality that one has and the other doesn't? Otherwise, how can you make the statement?
they did such a great job that you can't quantify or describe or even compare and contrast it? you can just make a statement and not support it? Surely you should be able to point to examples as to a quality that one has and the other doesn't? Otherwise, how can you make the statement?
i made a statement earlier before. minor threat has something in it, the angst or just simply being young and desperate, which comes out great from the music and especially the vocals. i don't feel uniform choice as powerful as minor threat.
you saying that they didn't do a good job because the music is simple doesn't add too much to it in my opinion. how could have they done a better job with the music at the time then? ssd and dys are pretty simple musically, you still put them above uniform choice. what's the difference?
07-31-2006, 01:42 PM
i made a statement earlier before. minor threat has something in it, the angst or just simply being young and desperate, which comes out great from the music and especially the vocals. i don't feel uniform choice as powerful as minor threat.
you saying that they didn't do a good job because the music is simple doesn't add too much to it in my opinion. how could have they done a better job with the music at the time then? ssd and dys are pretty simple musically, you still put them above uniform choice. what's the difference?
because I've actually listed reasons and pointed to songs to illustrate why I think they do. you make statements that minor threat has something that you can't demonstrate, can't explain, but you somehow know that UC doesn't have it? I put SSD and DYS above Minor Threat, not above UC. I'd put the 3 of those bands on par since I don't see how the music is any more or less simple. I'm also saying that Minor Threat did a good job, they just didn't do a great job and are massively over hyped for what they were. There were other bands, SSD, DYS, UC and 7 Seconds or that Era that were better than Minor Threat and all were either as angry or angrier than Minor Threat.
because I've actually listed reasons and pointed to songs to illustrate why I think they do. you make statements that minor threat has something that you can't demonstrate, can't explain, but you somehow know that UC doesn't have it? I put SSD and DYS above Minor Threat, not above UC. I'd put the 3 of those bands on par since I don't see how the music is any more or less simple. I'm also saying that Minor Threat did a good job, they just didn't do a great job and are massively over hyped for what they were. There were other bands, SSD, DYS, UC and 7 Seconds or that Era that were better than Minor Threat and all were either as angry or angrier than Minor Threat.
i can't explain it any more than i did. if it's just what gets me when listening to these bands. i can get into minor threat when listening to them that i feel like breaking things. It's the same with DYS and SSD, i like them more than UC because of the same reasons, which you say i'm failing to demonstrate. i feel dumb doing this debate.
if my points aren't solid, and my argueing isn't good, i'm truly sorry, i'm not the person that sits around and thinks about how minor threat is better than uniform choice, i just feel it in me.
07-31-2006, 01:54 PM
i can't explain it any more than i did. if it's just what gets me when listening to these bands. i can get into minor threat when listening to them that i feel like breaking things. It's the same with DYS and SSD, i like them more than UC because of the same reasons, which you say i'm failing to demonstrate. i feel dumb doing this debate.
if my points aren't solid, and my argueing isn't good, i'm truly sorry, i'm not the person that sits around and thinks about how minor threat is better than uniform choice, i just feel it in me.
yeah but the point is you're not explaining. You're making a statement of what things are, but then you don't show it. You could point out which songs aren't energentic or angry from UC. You could point out which songs by Minor Threat that you think are. Because I know damn well that good guys don't wear white doesn't make you want to break things.
Ill admit. Before joining this message board my knowledge of sxe bands were minor threat and throwdown. I know some HC bands but I didn't know if they were strait edge.
Raven Among Doves
08-06-2006, 01:55 AM
AFI was actually my main sXe band. Minor Threat was one that I'd heard and had been meaning to get around to purchasing (as well as Converge) but I got distracted by operatic metal...
Damn iTunes and it's vast library of music.
08-06-2006, 09:38 AM
AFI was actually my main sXe band. Minor Threat was one that I'd heard and had been meaning to get around to purchasing (as well as Converge) but I got distracted by operatic metal...
Damn iTunes and it's vast library of music.
afi and converge aren't edge bands. AFI has 2 people in it that are edge, but they're definitely not an edge band.
08-08-2006, 02:31 PM
minor threat was and always will be the #1hcsxe band for me. to tell you the truth 7sec. was not all that great. dag nasty (still had one x member of min thrt) comes close , but it all depends on what type of shit you like. shout call or crap
08-08-2006, 02:35 PM
minor threat was and always will be the #1hcsxe band for me. to tell you the truth 7sec. was not all that great. dag nasty (still had one x member of min thrt) comes close , but it all depends on what type of shit you like. shout call or crap
depends on what era 7 seconds you're talking about. the crew was an amazing damn near perfect record.
dag nasty were definitely a good emo group but not an edge band.
08-08-2006, 02:42 PM
emo.......... is that something from a cartoon
08-08-2006, 02:46 PM
seriously you not trying to use name like that to describe something real....
emo screamo; its a joke
08-08-2006, 02:49 PM
no its emo core... ha
08-08-2006, 03:08 PM
seriously you not trying to use name like that to describe something real....
emo screamo; its a joke
dag nasty was one of the originators of emo though.
08-08-2006, 03:13 PM
emo is something record prod. thought up to labl. und. music. and make it more appealing to the main stream
08-08-2006, 03:27 PM
its what i always thought...i never rely heard anyone say emo until blink-182
anyway cool site
08-08-2006, 03:46 PM
emo is something record prod. thought up to labl. und. music. and make it more appealing to the main stream
Well nt rlly, rvltn smmr gav rise to the bnds tht sng wth mr mlody and emotn, the nm spwnd frm the bnds tht mde up tht rvltn smmr.
08-08-2006, 03:50 PM
its what i always thought...i never rely heard anyone say emo until blink-182
anyway cool site
Then you should look at the history of emo, start with revoloution summer and music moving from hardcore in the mid 80's.
08-08-2006, 03:54 PM
what?? if your defending the name emo your a tard and i really don't want to know.
08-08-2006, 03:57 PM
emo is not sxe, hc. , or punk. its for tards like you
08-08-2006, 04:07 PM
emo is not sxe, hc. , or punk. its for tards like you
Wow, you realise you are making yourself sound stupider with every post because you clearly don't know what emo is. Just stop, take it from someone who did the same thing, your gonna make yourself look like an idiot.
08-08-2006, 04:10 PM
emo is not sxe, hc. , or punk. its for tards like you
yeah dude, you need to look into the history of emo and the history of the following bands, dag nasty, swiz, embrace, rites of spring.
08-08-2006, 04:15 PM
what?? if your defending the name emo your a tard and i really don't want to know.
Wow you dumb peice of shit, pointing out how you were incorrect doen't make me a fan of emo. Get things right or stop breathing.
08-08-2006, 04:15 PM
emo is not sxe, hc. , or punk. its for tards like you
You sound about as intelligent as plankton.
08-08-2006, 04:16 PM
You sound about as intelligent as plankton.
I actually laughed when I read this.
08-08-2006, 04:23 PM
I actually laughed when I read this.
Well it was a joke!!
08-08-2006, 04:25 PM
punk ,ska ,hardcore its all the same. when i was younger its how i made all my friends. we all had things in common through the type of music we listened to and how we viewed the world. it wasnt a club. emo... emotions.. people say that it has emotional hard core someone made that name up just about the time blink-182 came out
08-08-2006, 04:26 PM
Well it was a joke!!
And a very good one!
08-08-2006, 04:28 PM
punk ,ska ,hardcore its all the same. when i was younger its how i made all my friends. we all had things in common through the type of music we listened to and how we viewed the world. it wasnt a club. emo... emotions.. people say that it has emotional hard core someone made that name up just about the time blink-182 came out
1) Punk, ska and hardcore are not the same. I cannot listen to ska or punk but I love hardcore
2) Emo has been around since the 80s and just because you had never heard of it until blink 182 came out, doesn't mean it didnt exist.
3) You should check out what dusty and ed have both said because with every post you make, it becomes more and more clear that you have no idea what you are talking about.
08-08-2006, 04:28 PM
punk ,ska ,hardcore its all the same. when i was younger its how i made all my friends. we all had things in common through the type of music we listened to and how we viewed the world. it wasnt a club. emo... emotions.. people say that it has emotional hard core someone made that name up just about the time blink-182 came out
This isn't really true, do you have sources to back this up? Punk, ska and hardcore are all different. Not really sure what your point about a club is? Blink 182 weren't around till years after emo first came around. Seriously do some research on the "revoloution summer" to get a better grasp of where emo came from.
08-08-2006, 04:43 PM
the term emo..was recently made up and used by kids.and yes its all the same(punk, hc.,ska )all of it.
08-08-2006, 04:45 PM
the term emo..was recently made up and used by kids.and yes its all the same(punk, hc.,ska )all of it.
Please tell me you are just a troll. I find it hard to beleive that anybody can be this stupid without doing it on purpose.
08-08-2006, 04:48 PM
08-08-2006, 04:48 PM
the term emo..was recently made up and used by kids.and yes its all the same(punk, hc.,ska )all of it.
the term is over 20 years old dude. I don't know how you can be aware for minor threat from such a young age and have no clue of all the crap emo that came out in the 90s. This is something you're really wrong about and I'd really suggest you do some research, even on wikipedia to look up the term emo and when it started.
08-08-2006, 04:52 PM
the term emo..was recently made up and used by kids.and yes its all the same(punk, hc.,ska )all of it.
So it was recently made yet was in use before that. And all the music you mention despite the huge garingly huge differences are the same. Well i'm glad we have cleared that up. There is obviously no flaws in your theory it seems completely sound.
08-08-2006, 05:02 PM
So it was recently made yet was in use before that. And all the music you mention despite the huge garingly huge differences are the same. Well i'm glad we have cleared that up. There is obviously no flaws in your theory it seems completely sound.
Look Ed it's simple, Ska came out of Jamaica in the 50's, and so did punk only the 70's were also in the 50's and just because it has a completely different sound and history doesn't make it a different thing. Hardcore about in the 80's which was also a part of the 50's and the differences in sound between that as well as the history are just in your head.
It was a time traveling globe trotter that started it all, kinda like a musical Dr Who if you will.
08-08-2006, 05:04 PM
It was a time traveling globe trotter that started it all, kinda like a musical Dr Who if you will.
I knew it!!
08-08-2006, 05:16 PM
Look Ed it's simple, Ska came out of Jamaica in the 50's, and so did punk only the 70's were also in the 50's and just because it has a completely different sound and history doesn't make it a different thing. Hardcore about in the 80's which was also a part of the 50's and the differences in sound between that as well as the history are just in your head.
It was a time traveling globe trotter that started it all, kinda like a musical Dr Who if you will.
Well that explains billie piper but it doesn't explain blink 182, or are they like daleks?
08-08-2006, 05:32 PM
Well that explains billie piper but it doesn't explain blink 182, or are they like daleks?
Living plastic, they are actually mannequins from casual male brought to life for evil deeds.
08-09-2006, 08:29 AM
Living plastic, they are actually mannequins from casual male brought to life for evil deeds.
wow, and all this time time I thought mannequins were only brought to life for romance.
08-09-2006, 10:38 AM
wow, and all this time time I thought mannequins were only brought to life for romance.
And for educational television....
*Todays special theme song plays in the background*
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