View Full Version : oxygen bars?
06-10-2006, 10:45 AM
the other day my friends brought up the idea of oxygen bars. we all had are own differnt opinions about weither it is edge or not? what do you guys think? is it okay or not okay? and why?
06-10-2006, 10:50 AM
the other day my friends brought up the idea of oxygen bars. we all had are own differnt opinions about weither it is edge or not? what do you guys think? is it okay or not okay? and why?
Oh those gay things in the mall where people say the air gives them emotions? I'd say no, because of the fact that they make people have emotional highs.
06-10-2006, 10:58 AM
Oh those gay things in the mall where people say the air gives them emotions? I'd say no, because of the fact that they make people have emotional highs.
there are things just for homosexuals in malls?
06-10-2006, 10:59 AM
the other day my friends brought up the idea of oxygen bars. we all had are own differnt opinions about weither it is edge or not? what do you guys think? is it okay or not okay? and why?
oxygen isn't a drug.
06-10-2006, 11:27 AM
wtf is an oxygen bar?
wtf is an oxygen bar?
06-11-2006, 07:11 AM
there are things just for homosexuals in malls?
Abercrombie and Fitch?
06-11-2006, 07:14 AM
wtf is an oxygen bar?
I was with you on this one, it turns out an oxygen bar ( is a place where you can go and inhale oxygen for a certain amount of time depending on how much money you spend, and it's supposed to make you feel relaxed and energetic etc...
I was with you on this one, it turns out an oxygen bar ( is a place where you can go and inhale oxygen for a certain amount of time depending on how much money you spend, and it's supposed to make you feel relaxed and energetic etc...
i'm so cool, i can breathe oxygene anywhere!
06-11-2006, 09:26 AM
I was with you on this one, it turns out an oxygen bar ( is a place where you can go and inhale oxygen for a certain amount of time depending on how much money you spend, and it's supposed to make you feel relaxed and energetic etc...
wow, that's just dumb. apparently there is one in downtown denver, but I've never seen it.. maybe it already went out of business.
06-11-2006, 12:05 PM
At first i imagined a candy bar with oxygen and I was like WTF. Now I know what you're talking about though. It's just little tubes that you can breathe different kinds of air from. You don't get high or anything. It's just oxygen. It's flavored. You only do it for taste. It's pretty cool. It's not a drug and it doesn't do anything.
06-11-2006, 02:15 PM
At first i imagined a candy bar with oxygen and I was like WTF. Now I know what you're talking about though. It's just little tubes that you can breathe different kinds of air from. You don't get high or anything. It's just oxygen. It's flavored. You only do it for taste. It's pretty cool. It's not a drug and it doesn't do anything.
I'd rather have ice cream for taste.
06-11-2006, 02:19 PM
Abercrombie and Fitch?
I was thinking the GAP but that work.
06-11-2006, 08:52 PM
Abercrombie and Fitch?
If that were true, every other student at my university is a homosexual
06-11-2006, 10:36 PM
If that were true, every other student at my university is a homosexual
it looks like a lot of the men at your university are homosexual then. i agree it is defiantly for a gay man. Then there is gap too. American eagle and Hollister are two more. wow that’s four stores and all major companies
06-11-2006, 10:37 PM
I was with you on this one, it turns out an oxygen bar ( is a place where you can go and inhale oxygen for a certain amount of time depending on how much money you spend, and it's supposed to make you feel relaxed and energetic etc...
they use to be in are mall but those damn roughty kids on fridays abused them and now are gone.
06-11-2006, 11:15 PM
it looks like a lot of the me at your university are homosexual then.
i found that to be quite funny.
06-12-2006, 01:35 AM
i found that to be quite funny.
Yeah I think xBILLYx just came out of the closet.
06-12-2006, 08:11 AM
If that were true, every other student at my university is a homosexual
I just remember them having some pretty racy catalogs that were popular amongst some of the gay community the same way Victoria Secrets catalogs were popular amongst straight men (and maybe some gay women too)
06-12-2006, 11:48 AM
there are things just for homosexuals in malls?
My mistake those stupid things in the mall.
06-12-2006, 11:50 AM
At first i imagined a candy bar with oxygen and I was like WTF. Now I know what you're talking about though. It's just little tubes that you can breathe different kinds of air from. You don't get high or anything. It's just oxygen. It's flavored. You only do it for taste. It's pretty cool. It's not a drug and it doesn't do anything.
The one here says the flavors also pass off different emotions to the brain...
06-12-2006, 12:45 PM
The one here says the flavors also pass off different emotions to the brain...
so does anything else you smell.
06-12-2006, 08:44 PM
Yeah I think xBILLYx just came out of the closet.
o yes thats me a flaming fagot. no iam gay iam a fagot so get it right. Remember iam the homophobic
06-12-2006, 09:43 PM
o yes thats me a flaming fagot. no iam gay iam a fagot so get it right. Remember iam the homophobic
Doesn't christianity preach tolerence yet you're all a bunch of judgemental homophobes.
06-12-2006, 09:48 PM
Doesn't christianity preach tolerence yet you're all a bunch of judgemental homophobes.
lol yep. its also a sin to be gay.
06-12-2006, 09:53 PM
lol yep. its also a sin to be gay.
It's also a sin to judge and not love thy neighbor.
06-12-2006, 09:57 PM
It's also a sin to judge and not love thy neighbor.
lol yea. iam not juding them. their habits just are a bit nasty for me.
06-12-2006, 10:06 PM
lol yea. iam not juding them. their habits just are a bit nasty for me.
Thats judging them.
06-12-2006, 10:08 PM
Thats judging them.
it is? o well we arent all perfect. thats wjy jesus died for us.
06-12-2006, 10:13 PM
it is? o well we arent all perfect. thats wjy jesus died for us.
I agree we're not all perfect but most of us don't act holier than thou.
06-12-2006, 10:14 PM
I agree we're not all perfect but most of us don't act holier than thou.
lol iam low as dirt. i dont think iam better then anyone. most gays are proble better then me.
06-12-2006, 10:16 PM
lol iam low as dirt. i dont think iam better then anyone. most gays are proble better then me.
Well you've gotten one thing right since you started posting here.
06-12-2006, 10:18 PM
Well you've gotten one thing right since you started posting here.
which is?
06-12-2006, 10:22 PM
which is?
God are you dense.
06-12-2006, 10:23 PM
God are you dense.
lol. ilove you guys you are so simple.
06-12-2006, 10:38 PM
lol iam low as dirt. i dont think iam better then anyone. most gays are proble better then me.
what do you have against gay people? my best friend is gay.
06-12-2006, 10:40 PM
what do you have against gay people? my best friend is gay.
lol nothing i just find their bed time habits nasty. i have friends that are gay.
06-12-2006, 10:57 PM
lol. ilove you guys you are so simple.
You don't know that you don't know me. You can't possible form any opinion about me cause it's all lies.
06-12-2006, 10:59 PM
Speaking of simple you're the one who with every post starts out with lol. Apparently you are very easily amused. Signs of a simple mind if you ask me.
06-13-2006, 02:21 AM
I'd rather have ice cream for taste.
I'm with you, kelly. It is a much better choice than flavored oxygen for money =))
06-13-2006, 09:16 AM
so does anything else you smell.
But why do that intentionally?
In my opinion it's sort of a high the way they make it sound,and I'm not taking any chances. I stand there..
06-13-2006, 09:26 AM
But why do that intentionally?
In my opinion it's sort of a high the way they make it sound,and I'm not taking any chances. I stand there..
do you also avoid perfume or kitchens?
06-13-2006, 10:50 AM
do you also avoid perfume or kitchens?
mmmm kitchens....
they're just using sense memory, it's not a high. Their literature probably just tries to make it sound like a high so you pay for it. Kinda stupid though.
06-13-2006, 10:58 AM
But why do that intentionally?
In my opinion it's sort of a high the way they make it sound,and I'm not taking any chances. I stand there..
Oxygen is not a drug. Saying that breathing in flavoured oxygen is a high would be like saying its against edge to drink flavoured water.
PLUS if its being sold at a random stand in the mall, I highly doubt there is much of a "high"
06-16-2006, 11:22 AM
Speaking of simple you're the one who with every post starts out with lol. Apparently you are very easily amused. Signs of a simple mind if you ask me.
i am why do you think iam here?
06-16-2006, 01:11 PM
i am why do you think iam here?
I have yet to figure that out.
06-18-2006, 11:31 AM
i dont think the oxygen bbars break edge....but breathing higher percentages of oxygen than normal DOES mess with you.
i scuba dive nitrox...which is a kind of air with higher percentages of oxygen than normal air...and it's kinda of like drinking about ten energy really wakes you up. i dont know HOW pure oxygen would affect you.
05-17-2007, 05:51 PM
I guess you're talking about this one. and yeah, it was pretty funny.
06-03-2007, 07:45 AM
It all sounds like a bunch of tree-hugger hippy stuff to me. Go to the dragstrip. Build something. Start a band. Buy a motorcycle and race something.
Why would anyone waste their time hanging out in a mall long enough to visit an oxygen bar anyway?
1.)Get in. (2.)Know where you're going. (3.)Make purchase. (4.)Get the fuck out.
Shopping, Man-style. The mall is evil.
If I ever have enough time to go to the mall to hang out, shoot me.
06-16-2007, 03:36 PM
I totally agree with working class skin.
This thread is a total joke. Man depends on oxygen just as man depends on food and water. If you want to spice it up a little, do it, but don't sit there and knit-pick to whether or not "flavored-air" is edge or not.
Every post I read I become more and more unsatisfyed with this forum.
I came here to learn about edge and talk about it in a serious manner.
If the Adminastrators and MODs actually dedicated to a healthy and productive lifestyle, this thread would be deleted or locked.
06-16-2007, 04:00 PM
I totally agree with working class skin.
This thread is a total joke. Man depends on oxygen just as man depends on food and water. If you want to spice it up a little, do it, but don't sit there and knit-pick to whether or not "flavored-air" is edge or not.
Every post I read I become more and more unsatisfyed with this forum.
I came here to learn about edge and talk about it in a serious manner.
If the Adminastrators and MODs actually dedicated to a healthy and productive lifestyle, this thread would be deleted or locked.
so open discussion and freedom to ask questions is a bad thing? you would prefer not to discuss why something is wrong in order for people to gain education but instead just close of the discussion. how can you talk about things in a serious manner if you can't talk freely?
06-16-2007, 05:57 PM
Hahaha. You have honestly must not be edge. How old are you?
We are talking about oxygen...
Oxygen is not a drug.
It's a nesscesity.
How can you talk of freedom if you are always asking someone else what is wrong, and never learn to grow?
The caffeine thread is appropriate and should be left, because, caffeiene is a drug.
And why would someone honestly feel the need to experiment with it at the discretion of others? Obviously edge was born as a way of life free from restraints.
But here is what I really would like to know from you:
1) Do you honestly believe that "FLAVORED OXYGEN" is threating to the "Straight Edge" lifestyle to such an extremeity your imagination entertains the thought of someone becoming pyhisically restained from their everyday life to the point of going to an oxygen bar everyday and wasting their time and money on it?
This thread is a joke.
06-17-2007, 06:47 AM
Hahaha. You have honestly must not be edge. How old are you?
We are talking about oxygen...
Oxygen is not a drug.
It's a nesscesity.
Its a silly question but it may help someone think about things more clearly. If you are quick to lock threads or delete them because the answer is obvious to you that really isn't helping someone and making them feel stupid won't encourage them to ask questions to learn either. I mean your question about deaf people...obvious to me, but some people want to ask stupid questions just so they get feedback from other people.
How can you talk of freedom if you are always asking someone else what is wrong, and never learn to grow?
Freedom in asking question, freedom to access other opinions instead of having an "you should already know the answer attitude." You can learn to grow from asking questions and taking other opinions on board, some you may agree with some you may not, this is basically how discussion works.
The caffeine thread is appropriate and should be left, because, caffeiene is a drug.
The oxygen is appropiate because it is a question and this is the section where people ask questions and people would hopefully try and offer help. The overwhelming response of how no one sees it as a straightedge issue may be exactly what the person asking the question was expecting but perhaps peers were insisting otherwise and some doubt slipped in so they asked a question. Asking questions is a good thing and should not be shunned, we are only human after all and we don't know it all.
And why would someone honestly feel the need to experiment with it at the discretion of others? Obviously edge was born as a way of life free from restraints.
Are you actually asking or is this rhetorical?
But here is what I really would like to know from you:
1) Do you honestly believe that "FLAVORED OXYGEN" is threating to the "Straight Edge" lifestyle to such an extremeity your imagination entertains the thought of someone becoming pyhisically restained from their everyday life to the point of going to an oxygen bar everyday and wasting their time and money on it?
no, but isn't it strange how you are asking the same question that you are caliming is ridiculous and should be deleted? I mean that is essentially the same question, you have basically just asked if it contravines with being straightedge. Dude, sharpen up, you are abusing your freedom!!!
This thread is a joke.
you certainly contributed to that.
06-17-2007, 11:40 AM
Hahaha, stop it, you're tickling me!
06-17-2007, 11:54 AM
no, but isn't it strange how you are asking the same question that you are caliming is ridiculous and should be deleted? I mean that is essentially the same question, you have basically just asked if it contravines with being straightedge. Dude, sharpen up, you are abusing your freedom!!!
I'm not asking the same question. I've restated it in an attempt to show you the absurdity of the original.
Anyone who is ultimately claims "sXe" would not need any guidance in situations like this.
I agree some may be new and interested in the "sXe" culture, but these people would be joining "edge" for all the wrong reasons if they truly believed their "edge" lifestyle is determined to be true or not under the opinion of others when Straight Edge is a lifestyle based solely upon PERSONAL BELIEF.
06-18-2007, 09:13 AM
I'm not asking the same question. I've restated it in an attempt to show you the absurdity of the original.
Anyone who is ultimately claims "sXe" would not need any guidance in situations like this.
I agree some may be new and interested in the "sXe" culture, but these people would be joining "edge" for all the wrong reasons if they truly believed their "edge" lifestyle is determined to be true or not under the opinion of others when Straight Edge is a lifestyle based solely upon PERSONAL BELIEF.
And what makes you assume that the first person didn't think it was absurd.
06-30-2007, 03:00 PM
oxygen isn't a drug.
what? look oxygen gets you high, thats why they give it to you in airplanes when your plane is going down, it relaxes and calms you. it alters your state of mind, therefore it is a drug. now were not talking about the oxygen you breathe outside, so i don't want to get stupid people twisting my words up. were taling about oxygen from tanks.
06-30-2007, 03:13 PM
what? look oxygen gets you high, thats why they give it to you in airplanes when your plane is going down, it relaxes and calms you. it alters your state of mind, therefore it is a drug. now were not talking about the oxygen you breathe outside, so i don't want to get stupid people twisting my words up. were taling about oxygen from tanks.
I'm going to give you the chance to research this comment and statement and change it before I make fun of you for being dumb.
07-01-2007, 10:14 AM
I'm going to give you the chance to research this comment and statement and change it before I make fun of you for being dumb.
go ahead and try to make fun of me man. the fact is oxygen from tanks gets you high and you can't argue with that. i want to hear your ideas. i know you think caffiene is a drug so how is oxygen tanks not? it is more of a drug man.
07-01-2007, 10:34 AM
go ahead and try to make fun of me man. the fact is oxygen from tanks gets you high and you can't argue with that. i want to hear your ideas. i know you think caffiene is a drug so how is oxygen tanks not? it is more of a drug man.
you do realize that pretty much everything has an effect on the body and that doesn't automatically equal a drug. but we can start with the fact that by definition, oxygen isn't a drug. There's also the fact that saying that "it makes you high" because it can make people light headed is like saying that sugar is a drug because it can make people hyper. Which by the way, sugar isn't a drug either. There's also the fact that the reason they give oxygen to people in airplanes isn't to relax them, it's because the cabin has lost pressure and people need it to be able to breathe. It just amazes me that you're going to try and argue that oxygen is "more of a drug" than caffeine, when one actually is a drug and isn't up to debate and the other is an element.
07-01-2007, 10:41 AM
you do realize that pretty much everything has an effect on the body and that doesn't automatically equal a drug. but we can start with the fact that by definition, oxygen isn't a drug. There's also the fact that saying that "it makes you high" because it can make people light headed is like saying that sugar is a drug because it can make people hyper. Which by the way, sugar isn't a drug either. There's also the fact that the reason they give oxygen to people in airplanes isn't to relax them, it's because the cabin has lost pressure and people need it to be able to breathe. It just amazes me that you're going to try and argue that oxygen is "more of a drug" than caffeine, when one actually is a drug and isn't up to debate and the other is an element.
why would you need oxygen from tanks anyway, if your healthy, you would not need it. look, why is it that after you have it your light headed and your judgement is altered and you can't drive let alone walk straight. your trying to debate on what you can and can't get high off of, you realize that right!
07-01-2007, 10:46 AM
why would you need oxygen from tanks anyway, if your healthy, you would not need it. look, why is it that after you have it your light headed and your judgement is altered and you can't drive let alone walk straight. your trying to debate on what you can and can't get high off of, you realize that right!
not needing it and it being a drug are totally different conversations.
where are you getting this shit from? Are you trying to say that people scuba diving and astronauts have their judgment altered and are unable to function? Your entire concept of "high" is wrong dude.
07-01-2007, 11:16 AM
Listen Sec, you're fucked up here. If you're healthy, you're not going to need this, your body is already saturated with don't need it. I can tell that you must intake oxygen, or are going to...makes sense, look at how unhealthy you are....
Also, not that this really helps my arguement that much, but, the FDA considers it a drug.
To me, I consider it a drug. You are intaking a chemical...a chemical you don't need in your body, as any drug we know of. There are no benefits here. I don't want to hear the same crap that I hear from druggies, "If you use it in moderation, then it's okay"...that's shit.
Honestly, I don't even know why this is a discussion on here. Why are edge kids even bringing this up?? More importantly, why are you defending this? Are you edge because it's a trend?? Still?? Give it up man.
07-01-2007, 11:35 AM
Are you that one dude I've always seen smoking a cigarette and still calls yourself edge?? You had that septum piercing?? Maybe it wasn't you, but if so, you need to be beat down.
Also, are you the creator of this misinformed website?? If so as well, then your views are in denial.
"You are not straight edge if you've never been to a show. if you've never bought a record. If you hate hardcore." What the fuck? Is this a joke?? Do I even need to say anything else to smash you or anyone in the ground with this arguement that thinks like this?!?! My god...
07-01-2007, 11:38 AM
not needing it and it being a drug are totally different conversations.
where are you getting this shit from? Are you trying to say that people scuba diving and astronauts have their judgment altered and are unable to function? Your entire concept of "high" is wrong dude.
look man they need it because there is none, give me a break. your making excuses just to support getting high on the shit. you have no argument and you know it.
07-01-2007, 11:45 AM
Listen Sec, you're fucked up here. If you're healthy, you're not going to need this, your body is already saturated with don't need it. I can tell that you must intake oxygen, or are going to...makes sense, look at how unhealthy you are....
Also, not that this really helps my arguement that much, but, the FDA considers it a drug.
To me, I consider it a drug. You are intaking a chemical...a chemical you don't need in your body, as any drug we know of. There are no benefits here. I don't want to hear the same crap that I hear from druggies, "If you use it in moderation, then it's okay"...that's shit.
Honestly, I don't even know why this is a discussion on here. Why are edge kids even bringing this up?? More importantly, why are you defending this? Are you edge because it's a trend?? Still?? Give it up man.
Again, saying you don't need it and saying that it's a drug and gets you high are totally different statements.
now are you talking about this from the fda?, where calling it a drug is a matter of semantics and not because it actually is in a literal sense. You can get prescriptions for sugar pills and again, that doesn't make it a drug. Trying to compare oxygen to things like marijuana, alcohol or nicotine isn't apples to apples on any level, so why are you even trying?
You can consider anything a drug, but that doesn't mean that it is. By definition oxygen ISN'T a drug. This isn't my opinion. Not everything on earth is a drug, I really hate to be the one to break this to you. I also don't see where anyone here is talking using anything in moderation or even condoning it, just that this conversation isn't a straight edge one.
You and your buddy are both seriously insane if you think this is something important enough to worry about in a world full of drugs and alcohol. Yeah, I'm edge because it's a trend, you got me there.
07-01-2007, 11:47 AM
look man they need it because there is none, give me a break. your making excuses just to support getting high on the shit. you have no argument and you know it.
But you just said it made them high and made it so they couldn't function? How does it make people high? Saying I have no argument when I respond to flaws in yours doesn't really work.
07-01-2007, 11:48 AM
Are you that one dude I've always seen smoking a cigarette and still calls yourself edge?? You had that septum piercing?? Maybe it wasn't you, but if so, you need to be beat down.
Also, are you the creator of this misinformed website?? If so as well, then your views are in denial.
"You are not straight edge if you've never been to a show. if you've never bought a record. If you hate hardcore." What the fuck? Is this a joke?? Do I even need to say anything else to smash you or anyone in the ground with this arguement that thinks like this?!?! My god...
How is it misinformed? And yes, please "smash me into the ground", you clearly know more about straight edge than I do, so inform us all. I'm just starting to wonder if you 2 are sitting the same room giggling like school girls. You both clearly have a fucked up world view and have no real clue what straight edge is, but that's ok, at least you have each other.
07-01-2007, 04:22 PM
Listen, I'm confident you wouldn't last 10 mintues with me in a conversation. Blogs don't do anyone justice...especially me.
And, yes, misinformed or perhaps you did drugs, then you decided that wasn't the right path for you, and are edge; but, nonetheless, screwed up in the head from your prior experiences. When the heading says, "you are not straight edge if you've never been to a show.", yeah, you're fucked up. Are you serious?? It's a lifestyle you fool. I can't even believe we are talking about this.
07-01-2007, 04:30 PM
So, do tell me, I have seen that picture many times. Some douche-bag that claims he's edge, and has a cigarette in his mouth... don't forget the septum piercing. Let me guess, you concur that smoking and edge is a co-existent thought and action as well??
07-01-2007, 06:06 PM
Listen, I'm confident you wouldn't last 10 mintues with me in a conversation. Blogs don't do anyone justice...especially me.
And, yes, misinformed or perhaps you did drugs, then you decided that wasn't the right path for you, and are edge; but, nonetheless, screwed up in the head from your prior experiences. When the heading says, "you are not straight edge if you've never been to a show.", yeah, you're fucked up. Are you serious?? It's a lifestyle you fool. I can't even believe we are talking about this.
I don't really know why you're confident since you haven't really demonstrated you have any grasp on reality and apparently like to make assumptions based on nothing. I like how you make statements but then don't actually go into any detail about it and then talk about how you can't believe we are talking about this. Do you seriously have any understanding what being straight edge is and that it goes deeper than just not doing drugs or are you really as stupid as your friend?
07-01-2007, 06:07 PM
So, do tell me, I have seen that picture many times. Some douche-bag that claims he's edge, and has a cigarette in his mouth... don't forget the septum piercing. Let me guess, you concur that smoking and edge is a co-existent thought and action as well??
#1, I have no idea what picture you're talking about, nor do I have any idea why you think it has anything to do with me.
#2, what have I or anyone else here said led you believe that anyone thinks you can smoke and be edge?
#3, are you crazy as well as stupid?
07-01-2007, 07:39 PM
I was just look like the same guy that I saw...fat and ugly.
And yes, being straight the lifestyle of being drug free. When it comes down to it, that's all it's about. Period. Just because 99.9% of kids that are edge are involved in shows and the hardcore scene, doesn't mean that you can't be edge without it. Come on man, are you really serious here? I'm actually done speaking with such ignorance...
About this anyway, but you are proving to me that you don't have very many viable arguements to counter mine. lose.
07-01-2007, 07:45 PM
I was just look like the same guy that I saw...fat and ugly.
And yes, being straight the lifestyle of being drug free. When it comes down to it, that's all it's about. Period. Just because 99.9% of kids that are edge are involved in shows and the hardcore scene, doesn't mean that you can't be edge without it. Come on man, are you really serious here? I'm actually done speaking with such ignorance...
About this anyway, but you are proving to me that you don't have very many viable arguements to counter mine. lose.
man, stop, you're going to hurt my feelings. making baseless claims and then insulting me, yeah dude, you're clearly a really smart dude.
100% of the kids who are straight edge are involved with hardcore. Do you seriously understand what straight edge is? Do you also understand that making statements about how you're done speaking ignorance, doesn't actually mean anything? What argument have you made, exactly? I mean, you've type things, but you haven't actually said anything. you've made some shit up, but that's about it.
07-01-2007, 08:41 PM
man, stop, you're going to hurt my feelings. making baseless claims and then insulting me, yeah dude, you're clearly a really smart dude.
100% of the kids who are straight edge are involved with hardcore. Do you seriously understand what straight edge is? Do you also understand that making statements about how you're done speaking ignorance, doesn't actually mean anything? What argument have you made, exactly? I mean, you've type things, but you haven't actually said anything. you've made some shit up, but that's about it.
look man, i'm edge and i don't always go to shows, i love music but i listen to many bands that aren't edge. so is that wrong, do you only listen to edge bands? i have a stronger conviction then most and i won't let anyone tear me down, i bet you even hang out with people while there drinking and smoking around you, in my opinion you might as well be doing it to. i hate people that say there edge but alot of there friends that they hang out with do it while there hanging out. there posers in my eyes
07-01-2007, 08:48 PM
look man, i'm edge and i don't always go to shows, i love music but i listen to many bands that aren't edge. so is that wrong, do you only listen to edge bands? i have a stronger conviction then most and i won't let anyone tear me down, i bet you even hang out with people while there drinking and smoking around you, in my opinion you might as well be doing it to. i hate people that say there edge but alot of there friends that they hang out with do it while there hanging out. there posers in my eyes
If you honestly believe this, when why hang out with people who drink or smoke at all? Why don't you just kill them? You have a lot of weird emotional issues and you try and put it down to being straight edge. I seriously think you have some deep rooted emotional problems that you're hiding behind. You don't even have consistent logic. You'll listen to bands that aren't edge, but you won't hang around people who drink, and you think people that do are "posers"? Seriously, why don't you just cut yourself off from the world completely and isolate yourself, since it's clearly what you want to do, just stop saying it has anything to do with straight edge and not your own mental issues.
07-01-2007, 09:38 PM
If you honestly believe this, when why hang out with people who drink or smoke at all? Why don't you just kill them? You have a lot of weird emotional issues and you try and put it down to being straight edge. I seriously think you have some deep rooted emotional problems that you're hiding behind. You don't even have consistent logic. You'll listen to bands that aren't edge, but you won't hang around people who drink, and you think people that do are "posers"? Seriously, why don't you just cut yourself off from the world completely and isolate yourself, since it's clearly what you want to do, just stop saying it has anything to do with straight edge and not your own mental issues.
I don't have any emotional issues man, and why did you band my friend? could you not take it? or was it just that he was right and you don't like being proved wrong?
07-02-2007, 08:15 AM
I don't have any emotional issues man, and why did you band my friend? could you not take it? or was it just that he was right and you don't like being proved wrong?
sure you do, but denial is clearly part of the problem.
and your friend isn't "band" he's just apparently too stupid to realize how to log in, so the new name is pretty fitting.
07-02-2007, 08:59 AM
look man, i'm edge and i don't always go to shows, i love music but i listen to many bands that aren't edge. so is that wrong, do you only listen to edge bands? i have a stronger conviction then most and i won't let anyone tear me down, i bet you even hang out with people while there drinking and smoking around you, in my opinion you might as well be doing it to. i hate people that say there edge but alot of there friends that they hang out with do it while there hanging out. there posers in my eyes
You seriously beleive that if you are edge you can't be friends with people unless they are edge? That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. How would decisions made by my friends at all have any bearing on the decisions i make in my life? If a friend of mine is an alcoholic, does that make me an alcoholic? Your sense of morality is really messed up.
07-06-2007, 06:16 PM
You seriously beleive that if you are edge you can't be friends with people unless they are edge? That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. How would decisions made by my friends at all have any bearing on the decisions i make in my life? If a friend of mine is an alcoholic, does that make me an alcoholic? Your sense of morality is really messed up.
look man of course that does not make you an alcoholic but why would you even want to be friends with someone that is or does drugs or anything, not that there going to bring you down but there not worth it. i am not friends with only edgers but everyone i hang with is sober and does not take in any substances.
07-06-2007, 07:02 PM
look man of course that does not make you an alcoholic but why would you even want to be friends with someone that is or does drugs or anything, not that there going to bring you down but there not worth it. i am not friends with only edgers but everyone i hang with is sober and does not take in any substances.
because just because someone drinks or does some drugs doesn't make them a bad person. like I said before, you're mentally ill and have a warped sense of reality.
07-07-2007, 08:13 AM
look man of course that does not make you an alcoholic but why would you even want to be friends with someone that is or does drugs or anything, not that there going to bring you down but there not worth it. i am not friends with only edgers but everyone i hang with is sober and does not take in any substances.
Your name sounds like a quote from a hatebreed song called Doomsayer. You don't like hatebreed do you? because they aren't edge and that would be wrong.
07-08-2007, 12:09 AM
look man of course that does not make you an alcoholic but why would you even want to be friends with someone that is or does drugs or anything, not that there going to bring you down but there not worth it. i am not friends with only edgers but everyone i hang with is sober and does not take in any substances.
What's wrong with people that drink or smoke? It's their own personal choice just as being sxe is your own personal choice. As long as they don't smoke near you or effect you with drunk behavior what does it matter? With your mentality you might as well just shut yourself in a closet and never come out. Also why do people want to claim straight edge so bad just because they don't smoke/drink/do drugs, why cant they just be content with being drug free... why can't they grasp that Straight Edge involves hardcore and came from hardcore. You don't have to listen to nothing but hardcore to be sxe, but the main part of sxe is getting high from hardcore, the feeling of being at a hardcore show and a part of it. If you never listen to hardcore, go to hardcore shows, or at least read hardcore lyrics you can't really be sxe because you are missing a major part of it.
Also you say that oxygen in high amounts is a drug, by that you would be saying that doing exercise or even being at a show would be doing drugs because you take in a higher amount of oxygen than you would usually...
07-08-2007, 10:16 AM
If oxygen is a drug, then that means I get high all the time....Infact I'm a junkie. lol
07-19-2007, 10:42 AM
look the oxygen in those tanks is not the same as natural oxygen and you guys know this. and another thing, would any of you date or screw someone that smokes or drinks or does drugs? i know i wouldn't, why? because i have more pride then that! I have a few freinds that drink but they were my friends before i became edge. i have been down that road and thats why i am who i am now. i don't want to be around people that do that shit. I don't care if there edge, just as long as they don't take substances. and yes i love hatebreed and i know jamey drinks but you don't see me hanging with him do you? he grew up around straight edge and has alot of friends that are edge. just listen to his lyrics!
07-19-2007, 10:54 AM
look the oxygen in those tanks is not the same as natural oxygen and you guys know this. and another thing, would any of you date or screw someone that smokes or drinks or does drugs? i know i wouldn't, why? because i have more pride then that! I have a few freinds that drink but they were my friends before i became edge. i have been down that road and thats why i am who i am now. i don't want to be around people that do that shit. I don't care if there edge, just as long as they don't take substances. and yes i love hatebreed and i know jamey drinks but you don't see me hanging with him do you? he grew up around straight edge and has alot of friends that are edge. just listen to his lyrics!
get your story straight, earlier you said that everyone you hang with is sober and doesn't take in any substances. Now you have friends that drink. Its great that someone grew up around straight edge but you are suggesting that shouldn't happen. Point is straightedge kids have always been around people that aren't straightedge as well as those that are. Thats how hardcore is. And don't be so foolish when you talk about pride, you don't know what you are talking about.
07-19-2007, 12:57 PM
These types of guys talk tough over the internet, thats about it.
Aslong as you feel tough behind your keyboard dude thats all that matters.
This macho tough guy straight edge shit that you are trying to pull was never ever around until pretty recently, it is not what hardcore or straight edge is all about so quit it allready.
07-19-2007, 01:12 PM
These types of guys talk tough over the internet, thats about it.
Aslong as you feel tough behind your keyboard dude thats all that matters.
This macho tough guy straight edge shit that you are trying to pull was never ever around until pretty recently, it is not what hardcore or straight edge is all about so quit it allready.
I don't know dude, slapshot was around a long time ago.
07-19-2007, 01:24 PM
I don't know dude, slapshot was around a long time ago.
But you gotta admit, the whole tough guy thing right now is pretty weak.
Seventh Dagger and BBP are at the front of this. "Kill your local drug dealer" is actually one of there captions on there merch. What a load of shit.
They are also resposible for Straight Edge metal bands saying they are hardcore and straight edge hip hop.
07-29-2007, 03:33 PM
get your story straight, earlier you said that everyone you hang with is sober and doesn't take in any substances. Now you have friends that drink. Its great that someone grew up around straight edge but you are suggesting that shouldn't happen. Point is straightedge kids have always been around people that aren't straightedge as well as those that are. Thats how hardcore is. And don't be so foolish when you talk about pride, you don't know what you are talking about.
look man you know nothing of pride and you don't know me so don't judge me! i'm so sick of this harddore talk, maybe when edge started it was becuase of the music partially, i will give you that but it has moved out of the garage man, it's world wide, and for the other guy that said something about me hiding behind my key board, i would like you to come to my house and talk to me like that. i don't act like a tough guy but i won't let people fuck with me! i am one of the best friends a person could have. i am very loyal and show alot of respect to those that deserve it!
07-29-2007, 04:02 PM
look man you know nothing of pride and you don't know me so don't judge me!
Why can you judge me but i can't judge you?
i'm so sick of this harddore talk, maybe when edge started it was becuase of the music partially, i will give you that but it has moved out of the garage man, it's world wide,
How does it being wordwide seperate it from music? Hardcore is worldwide to and thats how straightedge became worldwide. Truth is you just don't know shit.
and for the other guy that said something about me hiding behind my key board, i would like you to come to my house and talk to me like that.
Why would it make any difference to do it in person?
i don't act like a tough guy but i won't let people fuck with me! i am one of the best friends a person could have. i am very loyal and show alot of respect to those that deserve it!
respect goes two ways, you have to earn it too and honestly you aren't doing a good job of that right now are you?
07-29-2007, 04:06 PM
But you gotta admit, the whole tough guy thing right now is pretty weak.
Seventh Dagger and BBP are at the front of this. "Kill your local drug dealer" is actually one of there captions on there merch. What a load of shit.
They are also resposible for Straight Edge metal bands saying they are hardcore and straight edge hip hop.
Tough guy stuff is always generally weak but its been around a while, as has the metal stuff and just look how long brass knuckles have been around. Point is idiocy is pretty timeless.
08-02-2007, 12:29 AM
who are you? some dork sitting at his computer that can't get any pussy or what? my point still stands and i won't bow down to you, i know more about edge then most and you just are probably edge to rebel from the normal, which is to do substances.
08-02-2007, 02:47 AM
who are you? some dork sitting at his computer that can't get any pussy or what? my point still stands and i won't bow down to you, i know more about edge then most and you just are probably edge to rebel from the normal, which is to do substances.
just hahahaha.
08-02-2007, 05:39 AM
who are you? some dork sitting at his computer that can't get any pussy or what? my point still stands and i won't bow down to you, i know more about edge then most and you just are probably edge to rebel from the normal, which is to do substances.
I have two cats and I'm sure if I wanted to I would be legally able to get a third!!!
08-02-2007, 07:07 AM
who are you? some dork sitting at his computer that can't get any pussy or what? my point still stands and i won't bow down to you, i know more about edge then most and you just are probably edge to rebel from the normal, which is to do substances.
We better watch out this guy is straight edger than most. Wow!
08-02-2007, 09:11 AM
who are you? some dork sitting at his computer that can't get any pussy or what?
This right here is just obbusive retort to deflect and shift focus away from the actual points raised.
my point still stands and i won't bow down to you, i know more about edge then most and you just are probably edge to rebel from the normal, which is to do substances.
Your point doesn't stand, you can't even address the points raised that counter your point and instead resort to childish behaviour with nonsensical baseless insinuations. If your point stood then it wouldn't be a case of you bowing down it would be a case of you being able to coherently tell everyone exactly why your point stands. Now even if i was a dork and couldn't get pussy and sat at my computer (the last one really is a no brainer!) then why would that make your point anymore valid? You aren't making any valid points and are just comming off as a simpleton that can't communicate, you really aren't convincing anyone you have any clue about edge or anything. You will probably get pissed off at this post but then you wrote without the intention of keeping anyone else happy, the only difference is my reply is an honest observation of what you are saying and doing while yours is just an attempt to get a rise.
08-02-2007, 09:13 AM
I have two cats and I'm sure if I wanted to I would be legally able to get a third!!!
best response to a post ever.
08-07-2007, 09:44 PM
ok back to square one then...oxygen bars and substance bars, why? because they get you intoxicated!
08-07-2007, 10:25 PM
ok back to square one then...oxygen bars and substance bars, why? because they get you intoxicated!
You're beating a dead horse mate. It has been shown to you that you're argument is incorrect and that oxygen is merely a necessity to live and of course getting more of it is going to make you feel good or high.
Why do you think people enjoy exercise? Because when you are exercising you are taking in more oxygen, you're heart is beating faster and it's creating the endorphins which make you feel good.
Endorphins are endogenous opioid biochemical compounds. They are polypeptides produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates, and they resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a sense of well-being. In other words, they might work as "natural pain killers."
Basically if you can't understand that, Endorphins are the naturally created feel good drugs in your body, Next you will be saying you can't feel good or be happy because you would be using endorphins!
08-08-2007, 01:42 AM
ok back to square one then...oxygen bars and substance bars, why? because they get you intoxicated!
you are going to have to clarify the question, why what exactly? Why do they exist? why are they called what they are? why are we discussing them? why what?
08-13-2007, 08:01 PM
you are going to have to clarify the question, why what exactly? Why do they exist? why are they called what they are? why are we discussing them? why what?
first of all your a dumb ass!!!!
second the oxgyen in tanks is not the same as the oxgyen that you breath when you work out, i know about come chemicals in your body that make you feel good, but this is not the same!
08-13-2007, 08:12 PM
first of all your a dumb ass!!!!
second the oxgyen in tanks is not the same as the oxgyen that you breath when you work out, i know about come chemicals in your body that make you feel good, but this is not the same!
you might want to master basic english before attempting to call someone else a dumbass.
you also might want to explain your statements rather than just making them.
08-14-2007, 09:01 AM
first of all your a dumb ass!!!!
second the oxgyen in tanks is not the same as the oxgyen that you breath when you work out, i know about come chemicals in your body that make you feel good, but this is not the same!
Ummm, you didn't answer the question. I didn't mention working out or anything i simply asked you to clarify your "why?" question as it didn't have enough information. I don't think asking you to be more clear warrents you trying to insult me. If you want to make statements that provoke conversation then its handy if you have a grasp on communication and have the ability to converse instead of ignoring questions asked politely and resorting to insults. I mean it doesn't actually make your point stand if you insult people, it generally tends to weaken it when your response to other points is to insult the people making them.
08-17-2007, 03:13 AM
ok well ask your question and i will answer....
08-17-2007, 10:14 AM
ok well ask your question and i will answer....
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