View Full Version : drugs

07-02-2006, 03:02 PM
I have one question that I'm not sure of. I know sxe means against drugs, but does that include drugs like pain killers? like asprin and all of that?

07-02-2006, 03:27 PM
I have one question that I'm not sure of. I know sxe means against drugs, but does that include drugs like pain killers? like asprin and all of that?

the general rule of thumb is if something is being taken for medical reasons or recreationally. If you're taking a drug for fun, then it's not edge.

07-02-2006, 03:46 PM
the general rule of thumb is if something is being taken for medical reasons or recreationally. If you're taking a drug for fun, then it's not edge.

i was talking aboutmedical reasons

cuz in august i have to take pain kilers

i'm having surgery on my mouth

07-02-2006, 03:58 PM
i was talking aboutmedical reasons

cuz in august i have to take pain kilers

i'm having surgery on my mouth

no reason to avoid them. it's just when you start taking them for fun that you need to think about it.

07-31-2006, 02:25 PM
yeah that's my general understanding about sxe, if you take them for recreational purposes and not for medical needs, then it's drug abuse and is not sxe.

08-03-2006, 09:33 PM
yeah that's my general understanding about sxe, if you take them for recreational purposes and not for medical needs, then it's drug abuse and is not sxe.

i would never take drugs for non medical reasons

Raven Among Doves
08-06-2006, 11:47 AM
i would never take drugs for non medical reasonsGood to know, for sure.

08-19-2006, 04:48 PM
is taking tylenol when you have a headache bad, cause when i have a big headache that wont go away i take some asprine free tylenol
Kissing Advice Forum (http://www.love-help.org/kissing-advice/)

08-19-2006, 09:24 PM
is taking tylenol when you have a headache bad, cause when i have a big headache that wont go away i take some asprine free tylenol

sXe protests careless, recreational drug use and supports clarity of mind. It's your life. You have to choose how you live it. Don't let a label dictate what you should and shouldn't do unless that's what you need. If you can endure it, why put mind and body-altering substances in you? Life isn't all sunshine and butterflies. Plowing through a bad headache makes that first, relaxing breath of fresh air all that much better. But it isn't our place to TELL you to suffer. Medicine was created to help people. If you keep that in mind and don't abuse that power, there isn't anything wrong with doing what you can to get rid of the pain.

Plus, if it's a recurring issue, repeatedly taking drugs won't make it any better. You'll just be sweeping the dust under the carpet. If possible find other outlets and address your problems.

THAT's living life.
Idealistic? Yes. Possible? I'd like to think so.

08-20-2006, 09:20 PM
is taking tylenol when you have a headache bad, cause when i have a big headache that wont go away i take some asprine free tylenol

I'm pretty sure that all tylenol is asprine free. Tylenol is acetaminiphine not asprine.

08-26-2006, 11:14 AM
I think it's cool that there's a questions forum and all, but I hate how people come here to Sec and his friends like they're the pope/vatican of straight edge. It seems alot of times as if he's got some little bible that says "oh you can't do this, can't do that." and he looks down on people who don't agree with every little whim that he throws out. Straight edge isn't a boundaries thing. And that's what society tends to think, what makes so many view us a freaks; theyr'e wrong. Sure, theres the shell of don't smoke/drink/do drugs, but there's the core that everyone in the movement has that it means to them for example to me straight edge is keeping as strong as you can,mentally and physically, and if you aren't there you're at least working towards it, and I see more edgers not than doing that, even around here (we got this get big 2k6 trend thing goin that a few kids are doin, sorta imature but totally motivational.) Sec reminds me of how McKay is when he says Edge wasn't supposed to be a movement and sounds like nothing but an old guy complaining, again trying to act like the pope of the scene. They're thinking like robots with no poupose mission but to tear people down! Some of you may not agree, but I see it. Stop thinking of straight edge as a rule book; it's a lifestyle and personality!

08-26-2006, 12:02 PM
I think it's cool that there's a questions forum and all, but I hate how people come here to Sec and his friends like they're the pope/vatican of straight edge. It seems alot of times as if he's got some little bible that says "oh you can't do this, can't do that." and he looks down on people who don't agree with every little whim that he throws out. Straight edge isn't a boundaries thing. And that's what society tends to think, what makes so many view us a freaks; theyr'e wrong. Sure, theres the shell of don't smoke/drink/do drugs, but there's the core that everyone in the movement has that it means to them for example to me straight edge is keeping as strong as you can,mentally and physically, and if you aren't there you're at least working towards it, and I see more edgers not than doing that, even around here (we got this get big 2k6 trend thing goin that a few kids are doin, sorta imature but totally motivational.) Sec reminds me of how McKay is when he says Edge wasn't supposed to be a movement and sounds like nothing but an old guy complaining, again trying to act like the pope of the scene. They're thinking like robots with no poupose mission but to tear people down! Some of you may not agree, but I see it. Stop thinking of straight edge as a rule book; it's a lifestyle and personality!

I'm glad you hate that people come here to ask questions and are given answers. Fuck we're horrible people. I mean. there's nothing stopping anyone from disagreeing ot the answers given and there is definitely not anything stopping people from coming up with well thought out and well researched counter points. Of course this is something you don't understand since you haven't been able to come up with a well thought out or well researched conversation since you've joined here. You tend to ignore what's already been written and then go off on these irrelevant rants, but hey, thanks for that, you're really helping change peoples minds! I would point out that you're contradicting yourself here by saying it's not about boundaries and then list things you can't do and be straight edge. I mean, yeah we're the robots. We're the ones who said they wouldn't listen to anyone else and there's nothing anyone could say to make a person rethink a topic. Oh shit, wait. that was you! Start thinking of straight edge, actually thinking and then come back and actually discuss it rather than just spouting random shit!

08-26-2006, 12:29 PM
I would also like to let everyone know that now is the time to drink the koolaid, WE WILL RULE THE AFTERLIFE!

08-26-2006, 01:48 PM
I hate how people come here to Sec and his friends like they're the pope/vatican of straight edge.

In fact, the questions weren't addressed to xsecx or any of his "friends" directly, instead to all the users of the forum.

What makes you think otherwise, I wonder?

08-26-2006, 06:48 PM
I think it's cool that there's a questions forum and all, but I hate how people come here to Sec and his friends like they're the pope/vatican of straight edge. It seems alot of times as if he's got some little bible that says "oh you can't do this, can't do that." and he looks down on people who don't agree with every little whim that he throws out. Straight edge isn't a boundaries thing. And that's what society tends to think, what makes so many view us a freaks; theyr'e wrong. Sure, theres the shell of don't smoke/drink/do drugs, but there's the core that everyone in the movement has that it means to them for example to me straight edge is keeping as strong as you can,mentally and physically, and if you aren't there you're at least working towards it, and I see more edgers not than doing that, even around here (we got this get big 2k6 trend thing goin that a few kids are doin, sorta imature but totally motivational.) Sec reminds me of how McKay is when he says Edge wasn't supposed to be a movement and sounds like nothing but an old guy complaining, again trying to act like the pope of the scene. They're thinking like robots with no poupose mission but to tear people down! Some of you may not agree, but I see it. Stop thinking of straight edge as a rule book; it's a lifestyle and personality!

Why are you such a stupid dick? Seriously dude.

08-26-2006, 06:54 PM
I would also like to let everyone know that now is the time to drink the koolaid, WE WILL RULE THE AFTERLIFE!

Last time you said that everyone drank it but me and they all died. I'm not fallin' for that again.

09-02-2006, 10:51 PM
Why are you such a stupid dick? Seriously dude.
Why does Sec act like a dick to me when I try to be nice sometimes? Seriously dude.
I'll admit I was taking out fustration back there..

09-03-2006, 01:45 AM
Why does Sec act like a dick to me when I try to be nice sometimes? Seriously dude.
I'll admit I was taking out fustration back there..

I can't speak for him but when you sit there and talk about stuff with no knowledge or facts to back up your story you sort of sound like a dick. I'm sorry but thats all there is to it. We all have our moments. Some more than others. And maybe people come to the "geezers" because this is something thats been apart of our lives for almost as long as some of you kids have been alive. You don't know or never learn unless you ask. Atleast they are trying to have some understanding of what sXe is really truely about with out coming up with their own interpritaions and misconceptions of what sXe is.

Saying that sXe is about keeping strong both mentally and physically is just shit dude. sXe is about 1 thing and one thing only. Don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs and hardcore music. It's great that you feel that way and want that apart of your life but you can't lump that in with sXe. You are trying to make it something it's not, something it's never been and some thing it never will be.

09-03-2006, 07:50 AM
Why does Sec act like a dick to me when I try to be nice sometimes? Seriously dude.
I'll admit I was taking out fustration back there..

Because you talk out of your ass and you never back shit up. You come back to the site, ignore the parts and conversations you want to, post a bunch of random shit and then never back it up. You talk about how straight edge is about mental strength and time and time again you fail to demonstrate it at all. You're all talk and even then you're not very good at it.

09-08-2006, 07:44 AM
we all know lots of dickheads try pushing drugs poeple who dont do it but does anyone push sxe on to people?

09-08-2006, 08:34 AM
we all know lots of dickheads try pushing drugs poeple who dont do it but does anyone push sxe on to people?

I know those people are out there. I personally never have and never will.

09-08-2006, 03:49 PM
I know those people are out there. I personally never have and never will.

Its usually the worst way to get people to listen to what you have to say anyway!

09-08-2006, 06:44 PM
Yup, people often do the opposite if you try to force something upon them.

09-10-2006, 09:08 PM
we all know lots of dickheads try pushing drugs poeple who dont do it but does anyone push sxe on to people?

Or the people that try to force christianity on you with "scary" stories of damnation and hell fire.