View Full Version : thoughts on edge
07-05-2006, 09:10 PM
I think I read the first 3 pagies of posts, but sorry I don't have a hole night.
So at the end, cose I'm new. I know a lot of ppl. that listen to hardcore and non of them are strateage . In fact most hardcore fans are way too far from sXe. When I first heard about sXe was on the news about 3-4 years ago, some gay kids said that it was cool and every body should try it. That remind me about a friend of mine that told me same for grass. And about all the drug dealers out there. In fact, the way you say sXe is, souds allmost like an occult. You say you beliеve drug addictions aren't good. Well hell yea. But look around. What do you define as a drog, every thing that we do and don't wanna stop doing is a drog. Yea you'll say: no only things that hurt us or s.b. else are drugs. Well then what about chocolate. Isn't that a drug. It hurt us, we get addicted too, and chamically it is a drug. CAFFEINE, is that a drug well yea. But this are small drugs that make our life easer. Like computers. GSM. Laptops. So when you deny drugs do you deny all or just thous without you can live on ? I personally think the biggest drug outh there is .... here the Internet the computers the media, the games the sows the fucking things that make us beliеve we can stop drugs and start doing them cose THEY ARE NOT DRUGS, they just are so much better.
About sex: desire is caused by hormones that make us experience the drug effect.It's in our blood. We are all addicted to s.t. We just have to choose to what. You think you're not addicted to strateage?? I think religion is a drug too, that my opinion makes you think I don't believe in anything. That will make me an atheist. But atheists believe in atheism, wich makes them look kind of stupid, cause they are not just one now. And what do we call a group of people that believe in the same - whatever we call them it is verry close to religion. They all follow the same rules, dislike those that don't with out even trying to understand cose they are right ant all that stand their way should be stoned. You thing strateage is against drugs, well I think we can't even define drugs any more. Look at all those ppl here on this site that are addicted to pain you really think that's healthy. That it is ok to start punching the wall of your room in the night just to feel that your alive. To want more blood and say "it's ok, cause I don't do any drugs" has anny meaning. Aren't strateagers addicted to LIFE itself ? Is that BAD. But we all should die some day is that bad, no but it scare the fucking hell out of us, but we can't change it.
So every time we can't change the s.t. we don't like, WE DO DRUGS. It's not about drugs it's about the way we handle the world. How much is that possible at all. Problems are every where, solutions ... no one can give you. Salvation ... is a dreem. I don't say you should do drugs, I just remind you that you do drugs, you just choose them for you. S.t. you got no other choice or you think you don't but it's all the same to you. S.t. we believe thinks we do are not bad just cose we don't feel bad after it, but dose a junk feel bad when he's high or knowing he is going to get high ? Dose he really care, do we ?
if I sound unclear. I am.
I did a litle drugs, my decision, if I decide I'm gonna do them again but probably not cause I got to work to to get payed now.
I smoke but I wanna quit ... I will if it's the last ting I'll do .....
There are always problems that cannot be solved no matter how much we try,
and we always try to run from them or else we'll die.
I drink so I fell fine, or atleast go to sleep faster.
I hit the wall so I feel live, But I feel pain like all of us do.
" Whatever dosen't kill us, make us wearder " - Trevor Goodchild
At the end, right now I don't do any normal eligal drugs, but still don't fell strateage, I'm not gay and I really don't care what ppl do in their beds even if they're fuckin a pillow as long they don't take advantage of s.b. wich sucks.
that's probably the biggest poste I ever made so I'll have to refill my pass again, damn it. If I don't get a reply, I just wasted like 3-4 hours. Then tell me that posts are not a drug. And we're not high!
Hate is the son of Love,
Death is the daughter of Life,
and their child...... is Pain.
07-05-2006, 09:18 PM
Yea that's a big problem we got there with MMORPGs. What some of the old aXe think of it, I'd like to know. As I've sead before. Gamming dose lead to addiction and it can hurt you. And MMORPGs are overwhelming. I've seen it. I played it. It's a world of wanders. It's my addiction.
I'll just type: /suicide
07-05-2006, 09:52 PM
You're not a bright individual are you?
07-05-2006, 09:54 PM
oh my god, spell check.
07-05-2006, 11:16 PM
I think I read the first 3 pagies of posts, but sorry I don't have a hole night.
So at the end, cose I'm new. I know a lot of ppl. that listen to hardcore and non of them are strateage . In fact most hardcore fans are way too far from sXe. When I first heard about sXe was on the news about 3-4 years ago, some gay kids said that it was cool and every body should try it. That remind me about a friend of mine that told me same for grass. And about all the drug dealers out there. In fact, the way you say sXe is, souds allmost like an occult. You say you beliеve drug addictions aren't good. Well hell yea. But look around. What do you define as a drog, every thing that we do and don't wanna stop doing is a drog. Yea you'll say: no only things that hurt us or s.b. else are drugs. Well then what about chocolate. Isn't that a drug. It hurt us, we get addicted too, and chamically it is a drug. CAFFEINE, is that a drug well yea. But this are small drugs that make our life easer. Like computers. GSM. Laptops. So when you deny drugs do you deny all or just thous without you can live on ? I personally think the biggest drug outh there is .... here the Internet the computers the media, the games the sows the fucking things that make us beliеve we can stop drugs and start doing them cose THEY ARE NOT DRUGS, they just are so much better.
About sex: desire is caused by hormones that make us experience the drug effect.It's in our blood. We are all addicted to s.t. We just have to choose to what. You think you're not addicted to strateage?? I think religion is a drug too, that my opinion makes you think I don't believe in anything. That will make me an atheist. But atheists believe in atheism, wich makes them look kind of stupid, cause they are not just one now. And what do we call a group of people that believe in the same - whatever we call them it is verry close to religion. They all follow the same rules, dislike those that don't with out even trying to understand cose they are right ant all that stand their way should be stoned. You thing strateage is against drugs, well I think we can't even define drugs any more. Look at all those ppl here on this site that are addicted to pain you really think that's healthy. That it is ok to start punching the wall of your room in the night just to feel that your alive. To want more blood and say "it's ok, cause I don't do any drugs" has anny meaning. Aren't strateagers addicted to LIFE itself ? Is that BAD. But we all should die some day is that bad, no but it scare the fucking hell out of us, but we can't change it.
So every time we can't change the s.t. we don't like, WE DO DRUGS. It's not about drugs it's about the way we handle the world. How much is that possible at all. Problems are every where, solutions ... no one can give you. Salvation ... is a dreem. I don't say you should do drugs, I just remind you that you do drugs, you just choose them for you. S.t. you got no other choice or you think you don't but it's all the same to you. S.t. we believe thinks we do are not bad just cose we don't feel bad after it, but dose a junk feel bad when he's high or knowing he is going to get high ? Dose he really care, do we ?
if I sound unclear. I am.
I did a litle drugs, my decision, if I decide I'm gonna do them again but probably not cause I got to work to to get payed now.
I smoke but I wanna quit ... I will if it's the last ting I'll do .....
There are always problems that cannot be solved no matter how much we try,
and we always try to run from them or else we'll die.
I drink so I fell fine, or atleast go to sleep faster.
I hit the wall so I feel live, But I feel pain like all of us do.
" Whatever dosen't kill us, make us wearder " - Trevor Goodchild
At the end, right now I don't do any normal eligal drugs, but still don't fell strateage, I'm not gay and I really don't care what ppl do in their beds even if they're fuckin a pillow as long they don't take advantage of s.b. wich sucks.
that's probably the biggest poste I ever made so I'll have to refill my pass again, damn it. If I don't get a reply, I just wasted like 3-4 hours. Then tell me that posts are not a drug. And we're not high!
Hate is the son of Love,
Death is the daughter of Life,
and their child...... is Pain.
I dont really understand the point you're trying to make....
07-06-2006, 08:21 AM
I think I get the gist of what you are trying to say, but a drug is a defined thing, a computer isn't a drug because you don't take it into your body to chemically alter you in any way, and don't get a fake feeling from it like you do with drugs.
Sure, anything can be addictive, but that doesn't make everything a drug.
07-06-2006, 08:45 AM
You're not a bright individual are you?
both you and kelly do realize that there's a good chance this might be a person who's first language isn't english right?
07-06-2006, 10:43 AM
both you and kelly do realize that there's a good chance this might be a person who's first language isn't english right?
er... how would we realize anything like that? he hasn't mentioned where he's from... and poor spelling isn't necessarily an indication of that... usually the people I know have more trouble with grammar (tenses and verb conjugation) and misuse of words... not spelling the same word 6 different ways.
07-06-2006, 11:17 AM
er... how would we realize anything like that? he hasn't mentioned where he's from... and poor spelling isn't necessarily an indication of that... usually the people I know have more trouble with grammar (tenses and verb conjugation) and misuse of words... not spelling the same word 6 different ways.
but he misspelled, misused words and had grammar problems. I'm just saying, we have a bunch of people who's first language isn't english so we shouldn't necessarily assume someone is an idiot right away.
07-06-2006, 11:37 AM
but he misspelled, misused words and had grammar problems. I'm just saying, we have a bunch of people who's first language isn't english so we shouldn't necessarily assume someone is an idiot right away.
I think Billy blurred so many boundaries it's sometimes hard to tell these days!
XThe EdgeX
07-06-2006, 03:02 PM
hahahaha.....poor billy, he gets crap even when he dosent post......heh
07-08-2006, 11:19 PM
both you and kelly do realize that there's a good chance this might be a person who's first language isn't english right?
i wasn't refering to the gramatical errors. I for one spell for shit and can't complain for it. I was meaning in terms of trying to associate excessive computer use as a drug.
07-09-2006, 08:25 AM
i wasn't refering to the gramatical errors. I for one spell for shit and can't complain for it. I was meaning in terms of trying to associate excessive computer use as a drug.
yeah but you didn't say that.
07-15-2006, 08:10 AM
of course we are gonna die someday but do we realy have to pay for it
07-15-2006, 08:11 AM
but he misspelled, misused words and had grammar problems. I'm just saying, we have a bunch of people who's first language isn't english so we shouldn't necessarily assume someone is an idiot right away.
im dislecsic not dumb or foron
bloody well cant spell the words that need to make sence
07-15-2006, 01:07 PM
im dislecsic not dumb or foron
bloody well cant spell the words that need to make sence
Have you thought about using a spellcheck on your posts?
07-17-2006, 06:37 AM
Have you thought about using a spellcheck on your posts?
07-17-2006, 06:59 AM
You know it would be nice if you did, i mean if people have a hard time reading what you are saying or trying to say wouldn't you want to help them understand you? If you are making comments but don't care enough to make them somewhat legible why should anyone care about deciphering what you have said, surely its down to you to make what you type comprehendable to others? It just seems like good manners to me. And sure you may still have typos but making the effort is evident and helpful to everyone. I mean its not up to us to try and make what you are saying legible its up to you to care enough topresent your thoughts clearly. Unless of course you think you shouldn't be required to make them legible and it is down to others to do your work for you? Which i'm sure you don't.
I don't always spell great and i check up words before i post, especially if i am discussing or debating a more lengthy issue. I think of it like a face to face conversation, if i mis hear someone or they aren't clear in what they say i may ask them to repeat it and then they make themselves clear, i don't sit there and struggle to figure out what it is they said. If they aren't willing to make themselves clear then it pretty much terminates the conversation, obviously the way people respond (timing wise) on here is slightly different so you generally make sure what you say is understandable first time around, which is complete possible with spellchecks and the like. I mean the post you are responding to has taken someone time and effort to make legible the least you can do is respond in the same way? People will appreciate it and people here aren't like spelling nazi's they just want to be able toread what you are saying and i hope you want them to be able to.
07-17-2006, 08:27 AM
You know it would be nice if you did, i mean if people have a hard time reading what you are saying or trying to say wouldn't you want to help them understand you? If you are making comments but don't care enough to make them somewhat legible why should anyone care about deciphering what you have said, surely its down to you to make what you type comprehendable to others? It just seems like good manners to me. And sure you may still have typos but making the effort is evident and helpful to everyone. I mean its not up to us to try and make what you are saying legible its up to you to care enough topresent your thoughts clearly. Unless of course you think you shouldn't be required to make them legible and it is down to others to do your work for you? Which i'm sure you don't.
I don't always spell great and i check up words before i post, especially if i am discussing or debating a more lengthy issue. I think of it like a face to face conversation, if i mis hear someone or they aren't clear in what they say i may ask them to repeat it and then they make themselves clear, i don't sit there and struggle to figure out what it is they said. If they aren't willing to make themselves clear then it pretty much terminates the conversation, obviously the way people respond (timing wise) on here is slightly different so you generally make sure what you say is understandable first time around, which is complete possible with spellchecks and the like. I mean the post you are responding to has taken someone time and effort to make legible the least you can do is respond in the same way? People will appreciate it and people here aren't like spelling nazi's they just want to be able toread what you are saying and i hope you want them to be able to.
dude there was no need to write that much
im sorry if i have learning difficulties
07-17-2006, 08:57 AM
dude there was no need to write that much
im sorry if i have learning difficulties
You don't have to appologise for learning difficulties and the point in me writing so much was to articulate that it wasn't your learning difficulties you need to appologise for but rather the attitude in which you chose to deal with them. I don't expect you to appologise for them and i don't want to sound like i am telling you you are stupid or anything like that. I just feel that everyone should make an effort and if you are aware you have bad spelling there are efforts that can be taken to present your posts in a better light. If you don't feel you should then thats fine i was just illustrating my suggestion which i think was pretty fair.
07-17-2006, 08:58 PM
A computer isnt a drug, choclate contains drugs, caffeine isnt a drug. I for one to many am not edge. If i feel like having a sip of wine, or somethin I will if i like the taste. I do not condone the use of drugs that effect your thinking, alcohol abuse. But computer use breaking edge no. originally it was just people who didnt wanna be like every other rock star junky and waste their life. think what you want about being edge. It isnt a contest for who is more edge. If someone drinks caffeine to you are they a fake? if they take a sip are they a fake? Well isn't it for yourself and to promote a healthy life? That what I thought it was for. so if you are edge you don't belong telling people what is or isnt edge. Because almost no one doesnt consume any sort of chemical. If you aren't edge you don't belong questioning anyone. Life the way you want. Straight edge unlike vegan does not have a exact meaning because people see it differently so not one person is right. Or maybe I just listen to h20 to much and have to much time on my hands.
07-17-2006, 09:37 PM
A computer isnt a drug, choclate contains drugs, caffeine isnt a drug. I for one to many am not edge. If i feel like having a sip of wine, or somethin I will if i like the taste. I do not condone the use of drugs that effect your thinking, alcohol abuse. But computer use breaking edge no. originally it was just people who didnt wanna be like every other rock star junky and waste their life. think what you want about being edge. It isnt a contest for who is more edge. If someone drinks caffeine to you are they a fake? if they take a sip are they a fake? Well isn't it for yourself and to promote a healthy life? That what I thought it was for. so if you are edge you don't belong telling people what is or isnt edge. Because almost no one doesnt consume any sort of chemical. If you aren't edge you don't belong questioning anyone. Life the way you want. Straight edge unlike vegan does not have a exact meaning because people see it differently so not one person is right. Or maybe I just listen to h20 to much and have to much time on my hands.
except that if you're edge, why would you take a sip of wine? It isn't about it being a contest, it's about people living in line with their own morals that they're professing. If you're against recreational drug use, then you are, 24/7. Straight edge does have an exact meaning, people just don't like to live in accordance to it.
07-18-2006, 12:12 PM
A computer isnt a drug, choclate contains drugs, caffeine isnt a drug.
caffeine isn't a drug? Are you sure about that?
I for one to many am not edge. If i feel like having a sip of wine, or somethin I will if i like the taste. I do not condone the use of drugs that effect your thinking, alcohol abuse. But computer use breaking edge no. originally it was just people who didnt wanna be like every other rock star junky and waste their life. think what you want about being edge. It isnt a contest for who is more edge. If someone drinks caffeine to you are they a fake? if they take a sip are they a fake?
I don't understand where this idea of computers breaking edge has come from but if you drink alcohol or caffeine its fair to say you aren't living a lifestyle free of drugs.
Well isn't it for yourself and to promote a healthy life? That what I thought it was for. so if you are edge you don't belong telling people what is or isnt edge. Because almost no one doesnt consume any sort of chemical.
Drugs that have an effect on your mind and/or body are easily avoidable in recreational forms.
If you aren't edge you don't belong questioning anyone. Life the way you want. Straight edge unlike vegan does not have a exact meaning because people see it differently so not one person is right. Or maybe I just listen to h20 to much and have to much time on my hands.
But straight edge does have a meaning of abstinance from drinking, smoking, taking drugs just like vegan is abstinance from animal produce. A vegan wouldn't have an occasional burger a straightedger doesn't have an occasional beer. When you do claim to be straightedge and drink you inaccurately describe yourself and aid toward losing any definition of straightedge.
07-18-2006, 03:04 PM
caffeine isn't a drug? Are you sure about that?
I don't understand where this idea of computers breaking edge has come from but if you drink alcohol or caffeine its fair to say you aren't living a lifestyle free of drugs.
Drugs that have an effect on your mind and/or body are easily avoidable in recreational forms.
But straight edge does have a meaning of abstinance from drinking, smoking, taking drugs just like vegan is abstinance from animal produce. A vegan wouldn't have an occasional burger a straightedger doesn't have an occasional beer. When you do claim to be straightedge and drink you inaccurately describe yourself and aid toward losing any definition of straightedge.
Is there decaf chocolate?
07-18-2006, 03:06 PM
Is there decaf chocolate?
there doesn't need to be. there is very little caffeine in chocolate to begin with.
07-19-2006, 03:46 AM
I go nuts over chocolate and cookies :D
And baking too!
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