View Full Version : BYD LEAD SINGER Mat Bruso BETRAYED!?
07-08-2006, 06:19 AM
Yeah, this is a shock. He sorta...lost edge for me. By doing the stupid/most fucked up thing.
My friend Kelly is the scene, for girls. She's the "scene queen" of OC, which is the capital of the scene. She's not even scene anymore, which is funny. Moving on, her friend Jaye dated Mat Bruso, the lead singer of BYD. If you didn't know, Mat is edge. And pretty damn proud of it. She was engaged to him, and they started to have intercourse. A few months into the tour, she found out she was pregnant. She told him, and he blocked her from his life. The last time they came past, she brought the baby to the show, and made him hold it. Poor kid.
Okay, is that not sorta...anti-edge right there? Well, not against edge. But like, against what we believe in. Supporting everyone. What's even worse was that she was edge herself, and despite the pressures, has managed to stay so until the other night where she was drugged. And she cracked and had some beer. I'd like to loathe this guy from the bottom of my fucking heart. You let the fucking glory go to your head, you fucking douce. Rip those fucking X's off your chest. They have nothing left to stand for.
I'm ranting at a guy who can't see this. But honestly, this is hell. I can't believe someone from our backround, and our beliefs would do something so completely self-centered. It makes me ashamed to like the band, which I do. I fucking hate fame. I want to become big, but I swear to god, if I ever fucking...take it to my head, someone please fuck me up. I want to be who I want to be. So basically, A Jonny Rant. :-)
07-08-2006, 07:51 AM
Yeah, this is a shock. He sorta...lost edge for me. By doing the stupid/most fucked up thing.
My friend Kelly is the scene, for girls. She's the "scene queen" of OC, which is the capital of the scene. She's not even scene anymore, which is funny. Moving on, her friend Jaye dated Mat Bruso, the lead singer of BYD. If you didn't know, Mat is edge. And pretty damn proud of it. She was engaged to him, and they started to have intercourse. A few months into the tour, she found out she was pregnant. She told him, and he blocked her from his life. The last time they came past, she brought the baby to the show, and made him hold it. Poor kid.
Okay, is that not sorta...anti-edge right there?
No not really, its just shit, if its true but doesn't relate to being edge.
Well, not against edge. But like, against what we believe in. Supporting everyone.
Well i don't support everyone, why should i? why should you?
What's even worse was that she was edge herself, and despite the pressures, has managed to stay so until the other night where she was drugged. And she cracked and had some beer. I'd like to loathe this guy from the bottom of my fucking heart. You let the fucking glory go to your head, you fucking douce. Rip those fucking X's off your chest. They have nothing left to stand for.
You know this seems pretty much a domestic issue that you may not have the whole story on, i mean what do you know of mat's side of things?
I'm ranting at a guy who can't see this. But honestly, this is hell. I can't believe someone from our backround, and our beliefs would do something so completely self-centered. It makes me ashamed to like the band, which I do. I fucking hate fame. I want to become big, but I swear to god, if I ever fucking...take it to my head, someone please fuck me up. I want to be who I want to be. So basically, A Jonny Rant. :-)
I'm glad you mentioned fame, because perhaps personal issues getting manipulated and twisted into lots of gossip and hatred is the worst part of it. Its a price people pay for getting big, theres a alot of vindictive people out there. I'm not suggesting the guy has done nothing wrong but i sure would like to know a lot more about it from all camps before i would make up my mind on things. As it stands i don't like the band anyway.
07-08-2006, 02:52 PM
No not really, its just shit, if its true but doesn't relate to being edge.
Well i don't support everyone, why should i? why should you?
You know this seems pretty much a domestic issue that you may not have the whole story on, i mean what do you know of mat's side of things?
I'm glad you mentioned fame, because perhaps personal issues getting manipulated and twisted into lots of gossip and hatred is the worst part of it. Its a price people pay for getting big, theres a alot of vindictive people out there. I'm not suggesting the guy has done nothing wrong but i sure would like to know a lot more about it from all camps before i would make up my mind on things. As it stands i don't like the band anyway.
Well, he has a fiance now. He announced he had a fiance about two months after this girl told him she was pregnant. I'm sure there's another side to the story, and both stories probably have conflictions. But the jist would be the same. He still ignored her.
07-08-2006, 04:09 PM
Well, he has a fiance now. He announced he had a fiance about two months after this girl told him she was pregnant. I'm sure there's another side to the story, and both stories probably have conflictions. But the jist would be the same. He still ignored her.
yeah but the point is there might be a good reason for him to. then again there might not. an outsider has no way of knowing.
07-08-2006, 05:01 PM
Well, he has a fiance now. He announced he had a fiance about two months after this girl told him she was pregnant. I'm sure there's another side to the story, and both stories probably have conflictions. But the jist would be the same. He still ignored her.
You know objectivity would be a good thing to excercise here. I mean if there are conflictions and you don't know the guys reasons why would you believe one side whole heartedly to the point of making it internet gossip without getting the other side first?
07-08-2006, 07:23 PM
yeah but the point is there might be a good reason for him to. then again there might not. an outsider has no way of knowing.
I completely agree, and again, I know my point is choppy. Basically, from my point of you, he should have at least acknowledged that it was his own son. He should have given a reason, instead of turning his back without another word. It's almost as if he was using her. And I'm not getting just half of the confliction. Because my friend was the outsider, watching the whole thing. She didn't take what her friend said exactly, and not look it up. The problem is, Mat doesn't talk to anyone now. None of herfriends. And that's something that really bothers me.
07-08-2006, 07:25 PM
You know objectivity would be a good thing to excercise here. I mean if there are conflictions and you don't know the guys reasons why would you believe one side whole heartedly to the point of making it internet gossip without getting the other side first?
Well it's not idle chatter, cuz I'm sort of looking for another source. The hardcore scene is small enough that everyone knows someone. And yet again, it was an outside source. She didn't take strictly what her friend told her.
And lets take this for example: Lets say the girl who carried your child cheated on you, would you still refuse that child, refuse to talk to her, refuse to admit it?
07-08-2006, 07:45 PM
I completely agree, and again, I know my point is choppy. Basically, from my point of you, he should have at least acknowledged that it was his own son. He should have given a reason, instead of turning his back without another word. It's almost as if he was using her. And I'm not getting just half of the confliction. Because my friend was the outsider, watching the whole thing. She didn't take what her friend said exactly, and not look it up. The problem is, Mat doesn't talk to anyone now. None of herfriends. And that's something that really bothers me.
yeah but you don't know #1, that it's his kid, #2, if it is his kid what has transpired between them. The thing is, the public doesn't need a reason. It's not our business.
07-09-2006, 09:37 AM
Well it's not idle chatter, cuz I'm sort of looking for another source. The hardcore scene is small enough that everyone knows someone. And yet again, it was an outside source. She didn't take strictly what her friend told her.
Well its one sided exclamations of hate and betrayal, seems like you already arrived at what you think regardless of another source. Despite the dubious nature of the source you posted something that was worded to sound pretty conclusive as to what you think.
And lets take this for example: Lets say the girl who carried your child cheated on you, would you still refuse that child, refuse to talk to her, refuse to admit it?
Well for starters what has this example got to do with the rest of the world or even the case in hand? Are you saying that is what happened? Did she cheat? And is that the whole story? And you are still not being objective when you say "refuse to admit it" It indicates that you are still holding him responsible without knowing his reasons. And if the girl did cheat how do you know its his child? You keep arriving at conclusions as to why he has done what he has based on what?
And at the end of the day its a domestic issue and not really your concern. If my girl cheated on me or we had problems the last thing i would want is a bunch of one sided shit talk going on between people who have not got the full picture about issues that don't involve them. Its a personal relationship and a personal issue between them.
07-09-2006, 12:01 PM
he gets hit in the head a lot
07-09-2006, 05:50 PM
he gets hit in the head a lot
What the hell are you talking about? Do YOU get hit in the head alot?
07-12-2006, 12:59 AM
What the hell are you talking about? Do YOU get hit in the head alot?
the person is stating that his poor decision making skills were created by getting hit in the head so much.
07-25-2006, 12:05 AM
On a lighter note, anyone listened to their new album? Besides the ridiculous title and concept, what do you think about their newer stuff?
07-25-2006, 09:13 AM
On a lighter note, anyone listened to their new album? Besides the ridiculous title and concept, what do you think about their newer stuff?
What's the concept?
I actually like it :-p but cover your tracks was better.
07-25-2006, 02:07 PM
What's the concept?
I actually like it :-p but cover your tracks was better.
Ummmm perhaps the cheesy fairytale shit. Beauty and the Breakdown? But the music was better than cover your tracks I do believe.
07-26-2006, 02:16 PM
Yeah, this is a shock. He sorta...lost edge for me. By doing the stupid/most fucked up thing.
My friend Kelly is the scene, for girls. She's the "scene queen" of OC, which is the capital of the scene. She's not even scene anymore, which is funny. Moving on, her friend Jaye dated Mat Bruso, the lead singer of BYD. If you didn't know, Mat is edge. And pretty damn proud of it. She was engaged to him, and they started to have intercourse. A few months into the tour, she found out she was pregnant. She told him, and he blocked her from his life. The last time they came past, she brought the baby to the show, and made him hold it. Poor kid.
Okay, is that not sorta...anti-edge right there? Well, not against edge. But like, against what we believe in. Supporting everyone. What's even worse was that she was edge herself, and despite the pressures, has managed to stay so until the other night where she was drugged. And she cracked and had some beer. I'd like to loathe this guy from the bottom of my fucking heart. You let the fucking glory go to your head, you fucking douce. Rip those fucking X's off your chest. They have nothing left to stand for.
I'm ranting at a guy who can't see this. But honestly, this is hell. I can't believe someone from our backround, and our beliefs would do something so completely self-centered. It makes me ashamed to like the band, which I do. I fucking hate fame. I want to become big, but I swear to god, if I ever fucking...take it to my head, someone please fuck me up. I want to be who I want to be. So basically, A Jonny Rant. :-)
My first hope is that everyone pays close attention to this post, not because of my opinions on edge or anything like that, but because my goal is to put to rest these ridiculous rumors about Mat. If it matters, my name is Tom Keegan, I'm from Worcester, Massachusetts. Like Mat, I am edge and have been for 6 years now. Mat is my best friend in the world. We went to high school together and, along with a select few other people, we make up each other's second families. Hence, my reason for caring to take the time to clear his name: he is a brother to me.
Mat Bruso is not only the most faithfully straight edge man I know, he is also the most loyal. He is engaged to his girlfriend of over 6 years, with whom he lives, in Boston, when he's not on tour and is set to be married in November 2007. I don't know how this friend-of-a-friend story got started, but Mat has never even kissed a another girl in the six years that he has been with Angie. Besides all this, is that the actions that you've ascribed to Mat are entirely contradictory to his character. Have you read the lyrics he's written for BYD? Explain to me how you think someone who sings of betrayal and abandonment for two full records, could do something like you've put forth, if there were a shread of truth to this story.
What's most sad to me, however, is that you've publicly degrated and smeared the name of a man who is a dying breed. Mat should be seen as an icon to what straight edge youth we have left in this world. Mat has used straight edge to better his life and those of the people around him, both close friends and complete strangers. Mat promotes straight edge in the way I think it is best received: he doesn't try to shove it down people's throats or slander the lifestyles of those who do not follow straight edge. Mat let's the world know that he's edge and let's his class and character speak for themselves, projecting a positive image of straight edge that's hard to find in a world of rage.
We can discuss later the fact that you think OC is the capital of the hardcore scene, and the term "scene queen" in general. What I hope all people who have read this far realize, is that I would not have taken the time out of my day to write this, if I didn't find it important. And it's not because the 100 kids who read this will hate Mat and think he did something disgusting. It's more importantly because the 100 kids who read this, may be discarding a straight edge and hardcore icon, who is as true to the scene and this movement as I could ever dream to be. I guess that's all I can say for now. I hope there are some open minds left in this world of soap-boxes and pigeon-holes.
Your brother in edge,
07-26-2006, 03:32 PM
My first hope is that everyone pays close attention to this post, not because of my opinions on edge or anything like that, but because my goal is to put to rest these ridiculous rumors about Mat. If it matters, my name is Tom Keegan, I'm from Worcester, Massachusetts. Like Mat, I am edge and have been for 6 years now. Mat is my best friend in the world. We went to high school together and, along with a select few other people, we make up each other's second families. Hence, my reason for caring to take the time to clear his name: he is a brother to me.
Mat Bruso is not only the most faithfully straight edge man I know, he is also the most loyal. He is engaged to his girlfriend of over 6 years, with whom he lives, in Boston, when he's not on tour and is set to be married in November 2007. I don't know how this friend-of-a-friend story got started, but Mat has never even kissed a another girl in the six years that he has been with Angie. Besides all this, is that the actions that you've ascribed to Mat are entirely contradictory to his character. Have you read the lyrics he's written for BYD? Explain to me how you think someone who sings of betrayal and abandonment for two full records, could do something like you've put forth, if there were a shread of truth to this story.
What's most sad to me, however, is that you've publicly degrated and smeared the name of a man who is a dying breed. Mat should be seen as an icon to what straight edge youth we have left in this world. Mat has used straight edge to better his life and those of the people around him, both close friends and complete strangers. Mat promotes straight edge in the way I think it is best received: he doesn't try to shove it down people's throats or slander the lifestyles of those who do not follow straight edge. Mat let's the world know that he's edge and let's his class and character speak for themselves, projecting a positive image of straight edge that's hard to find in a world of rage.
We can discuss later the fact that you think OC is the capital of the hardcore scene, and the term "scene queen" in general. What I hope all people who have read this far realize, is that I would not have taken the time out of my day to write this, if I didn't find it important. And it's not because the 100 kids who read this will hate Mat and think he did something disgusting. It's more importantly because the 100 kids who read this, may be discarding a straight edge and hardcore icon, who is as true to the scene and this movement as I could ever dream to be. I guess that's all I can say for now. I hope there are some open minds left in this world of soap-boxes and pigeon-holes.
Your brother in edge,
I'll disregard this just as i disregarded the other post. I will make up my own mind based on actual facts rather than emotional internet rants from both sides. A person that i know nothing about holds no iconic value for me, he may seem and look to be something awesome but appearances have no substance. I do hope people don't judge one way or the other based only on these words from both sides. If anyone is in a position to make a judgement for themselves because this person is somehow connected to them then they should make up their own minds based on the evidence they have without being steam rollered by an opinion one way or the other.
08-06-2006, 03:01 PM
Yeah, this is a shock. He sorta...lost edge for me. By doing the stupid/most fucked up thing.
My friend Kelly is the scene, for girls. She's the "scene queen" of OC, which is the capital of the scene. She's not even scene anymore, which is funny. Moving on, her friend Jaye dated Mat Bruso, the lead singer of BYD. If you didn't know, Mat is edge. And pretty damn proud of it. She was engaged to him, and they started to have intercourse. A few months into the tour, she found out she was pregnant. She told him, and he blocked her from his life. The last time they came past, she brought the baby to the show, and made him hold it. Poor kid.
Okay, is that not sorta...anti-edge right there? Well, not against edge. But like, against what we believe in. Supporting everyone. What's even worse was that she was edge herself, and despite the pressures, has managed to stay so until the other night where she was drugged. And she cracked and had some beer. I'd like to loathe this guy from the bottom of my fucking heart. You let the fucking glory go to your head, you fucking douce. Rip those fucking X's off your chest. They have nothing left to stand for.
I'm ranting at a guy who can't see this. But honestly, this is hell. I can't believe someone from our backround, and our beliefs would do something so completely self-centered. It makes me ashamed to like the band, which I do. I fucking hate fame. I want to become big, but I swear to god, if I ever fucking...take it to my head, someone please fuck me up. I want to be who I want to be. So basically, A Jonny Rant. :-)
I think he broke edge.. its sort of obvious, because on his chest there were X's and you can see them behind the spades he covered them with, and in a BYD picture I saw him with a cigarette (that L.A. Confidential look they went for in the Color of Money video sorta was surrounding the band's image in photo's I guess). It was on AP's "Hardcore: Bringing it back" special, although half those bands aren't really bringing old school hardcore back, it did have references to old crucially posi albums from the 80's.
08-06-2006, 03:28 PM
My first hope is that everyone pays close attention to this post, not because of my opinions on edge or anything like that, but because my goal is to put to rest these ridiculous rumors about Mat. If it matters, my name is Tom Keegan, I'm from Worcester, Massachusetts. Like Mat, I am edge and have been for 6 years now. Mat is my best friend in the world. We went to high school together and, along with a select few other people, we make up each other's second families. Hence, my reason for caring to take the time to clear his name: he is a brother to me.
Mat Bruso is not only the most faithfully straight edge man I know, he is also the most loyal. He is engaged to his girlfriend of over 6 years, with whom he lives, in Boston, when he's not on tour and is set to be married in November 2007. I don't know how this friend-of-a-friend story got started, but Mat has never even kissed a another girl in the six years that he has been with Angie. Besides all this, is that the actions that you've ascribed to Mat are entirely contradictory to his character. Have you read the lyrics he's written for BYD? Explain to me how you think someone who sings of betrayal and abandonment for two full records, could do something like you've put forth, if there were a shread of truth to this story.
What's most sad to me, however, is that you've publicly degrated and smeared the name of a man who is a dying breed. Mat should be seen as an icon to what straight edge youth we have left in this world. Mat has used straight edge to better his life and those of the people around him, both close friends and complete strangers. Mat promotes straight edge in the way I think it is best received: he doesn't try to shove it down people's throats or slander the lifestyles of those who do not follow straight edge. Mat let's the world know that he's edge and let's his class and character speak for themselves, projecting a positive image of straight edge that's hard to find in a world of rage.
We can discuss later the fact that you think OC is the capital of the hardcore scene, and the term "scene queen" in general. What I hope all people who have read this far realize, is that I would not have taken the time out of my day to write this, if I didn't find it important. And it's not because the 100 kids who read this will hate Mat and think he did something disgusting. It's more importantly because the 100 kids who read this, may be discarding a straight edge and hardcore icon, who is as true to the scene and this movement as I could ever dream to be. I guess that's all I can say for now. I hope there are some open minds left in this world of soap-boxes and pigeon-holes.
Your brother in edge,
Whats with that picture then? I like the band regardless if they are edge or not.
08-20-2006, 01:41 PM
mat is a great guy, tom is as well, this story sounds like bs, ...also BYD is amazing and mostly edge band
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