View Full Version : Straight Edge? Experiences Please :)

07-08-2006, 09:29 PM
To all that it may concern,
I know very little of the “Straight-edge” scene. I have only heard of it through a friend who plays in a punk band. I have had a brief look on the net in an attempt to educate myself on the topic. I have a strong interest in the personal development ideals and identify with many concepts including complete abstinence from all drugs and promiscuous sex. I know from experience the void that many of us have or have had in our lives and the destructive path that addiction had led us down in the attempt to fill it. Most of us come from a dysfunctional family and have looked for a way of getting our needs met through mood altering. The concept of removing yourself from all mood-altering substances and places or actions including sex, will (if done properly) leave you with “yourself” which in the beginning can be a very painful and uncomfortable place to be. The first step to Self-Actualisation if you will. It is at this stage that one will need to include support and people who they can trust in their lives. A sense of belonging is paramount. We need our childhood needs met here. Without it, the chances are we will turn to our poison again. Straight Edge from the sounds of it, is a manifestation of the human consciousness on its path of enlightenment. I am a member of a 12-Step group and I have noticed a great number of parallels. Since my time in a rehab 18 months ago, for the disease of addiction bestowed upon me from an addictive society, I have remained abstinent from all drugs and everything that I used to find “life damaging”. I removed myself from unhealthy relationships, sex, gave the smokes away and have made a commitment to become more organised regarding my diet and attempt it without the flesh of another animal. More to the point, I have lost the obsession and compulsion and now have choice in my life. Coffee is the last to go… We are not responsible for the reasons we used or our subconscious behaviour.. but we are responsible for our recovery, personal development and respect for the fellow human being.. ‘Awareness – what a Bitch.’
Can anyone let me know of their experiences as or with straight edge? I would like to know more about the scene if there are people in Adelaide willing to exchange some ideas and stories.

Shit, I could go on for hours… any messages, or information or ideas? Please reply here or email me.. andrewdabbo@yahoo.com.au

07-11-2006, 09:43 PM
experiences that i've had have led me to say: if you're looking for someone to talk to about getting off drugs, DO NOT TALK TO EDGERS!!!! it's the perfect environment to immerce yourself in, but not the one to reform you.

07-12-2006, 07:06 AM
experiences that i've had have led me to say: if you're looking for someone to talk to about getting off drugs, DO NOT TALK TO EDGERS!!!! it's the perfect environment to immerce yourself in, but not the one to reform you.

what makes you think this?

07-12-2006, 08:40 AM
what makes you think this?

when i first started confronting this problem of mine I started going to Edge forums thinking that there would be lots of reformed addicts. it made sence adn i see now that there are plenty and i wasn't thinking off track, but the responces that i was getting were mostly along the lines of "You'll be back on drugs in no time you coke snotring lowlife" and other verious putdowns for doing wehat i'm trying to quit. for rehabilitation aid i found that it's better to go to AA forums.

07-12-2006, 09:00 AM
when i first started confronting this problem of mine I started going to Edge forums thinking that there would be lots of reformed addicts. it made sence adn i see now that there are plenty and i wasn't thinking off track, but the responces that i was getting were mostly along the lines of "You'll be back on drugs in no time you coke snotring lowlife" and other verious putdowns for doing wehat i'm trying to quit. for rehabilitation aid i found that it's better to go to AA forums.

internet forums aren't a place to get a subsitute from NA meetings or rehab counselling, that goes for all forums. The issues you had were with those specific forums and not a reflection on the population at large.

07-12-2006, 11:30 AM
yea, i know. every edge kid i know is a great person. that's why i was so surprised to find so much abuse on some of the forums i've visited. I'm very content hanging around this forum, it's a very healthy environment i think.

XThe EdgeX
07-29-2006, 12:40 AM
if people are quiting...then be happy for them and encourage them..do start yelling at them for what they did in the past..that doesnt help them at all......So..good for you and keep at it.

08-02-2006, 07:14 PM
I would never talk shit to a person that was trying to reform themselves...
Though message boards seem to be a place for some people to make complete assholes of themselves, something they wouldn't do if faced with talking to someone in real life.

Raven Among Doves
08-06-2006, 11:38 AM
Bashing you because you were trying to reform?

I know that there are asses in every category of people, but it still amazes me that someone would say those things.

09-02-2006, 09:24 PM
if people are quiting...then be happy for them and encourage them..dont start yelling at them for what they did in the past..that doesnt help them at all......So..good for you and keep at it.

I totally agree with this

09-16-2006, 12:29 AM
It was better for me when i started hanging out with the edgers in my school because I was never around anything like drugs, alcohol, or sex. it was easier for me to change because i spent my time with the edgers and I have become one.

XThe EdgeX
09-20-2006, 07:48 PM
yeah..same here...since your not exposed as much then your less likely to do it. And since ive been edge for quite a while, i can safely say that right now..i am having the time of my life and look forward to every day.

"real edge kids take pride in what they are about. dont be afraid to flaunt it, fight for it and live by it."