View Full Version : porno
07-15-2006, 08:19 AM
this goes back to ppl saying you go against your edge if u have sex outside of relationships and one night stands and shit but does ne1 watch porn 9time outta ten ppl do.
i for one am in a 6yr long relation ship never had one night stand but think there are diffrent ppl for different jobs i dont care if woman do porn coz its better them than my gf or my close friends
sorry i aint making much sence
07-15-2006, 01:10 PM
this goes back to ppl saying you go against your edge if u have sex outside of relationships and one night stands and shit but does ne1 watch porn 9time outta ten ppl do.
i for one am in a 6yr long relation ship never had one night stand but think there are diffrent ppl for different jobs i dont care if woman do porn coz its better them than my gf or my close friends
sorry i aint making much sence
Yeah that last comment really doesn't make sense, the bit about it not being your girlfriend or close friends.
So whats your stance on porn here? And how does it relate to one night stands?
this goes back to ppl saying you go against your edge if u have sex outside of relationships and one night stands and shit but does ne1 watch porn 9time outta ten ppl do.
i for one am in a 6yr long relation ship never had one night stand but think there are diffrent ppl for different jobs i dont care if woman do porn coz its better them than my gf or my close friends
sorry i aint making much sence
your writing "style" makes my head hurt
07-16-2006, 11:47 PM
Yeah that last comment really doesn't make sense, the bit about it not being your girlfriend or close friends.
So whats your stance on porn here? And how does it relate to one night stands?
Porn is just fine. But it shouldn't overobsess your life if your edge. Straight Edge, Drug Free , Obesession Free. My friend's lyrics for our future band.
07-17-2006, 04:50 AM
Porn is just fine. But it shouldn't overobsess your life if your edge. Straight Edge, Drug Free , Obesession Free. My friend's lyrics for our future band.
How is obsession relevent to being edge? What is over obsession and what is the level of obsession you condone?
07-17-2006, 06:14 AM
Yeah that last comment really doesn't make sense, the bit about it not being your girlfriend or close friends.
So whats your stance on porn here? And how does it relate to one night stands?
sorry shit at putting things into words
im basicly seing if sxe care bout porn an gratuatus sex.
i dont believe in one night stands coz thats not me but hey whos to judge
07-17-2006, 06:36 AM
sorry shit at putting things into words
im basicly seing if sxe care bout porn an gratuatus sex.
i dont believe in one night stands coz thats not me but hey whos to judge
Ok fine but ask yourself this, why should sxe people care about porn and what difference would it make to your decision on the matter?
I'm not all about one night stands either but i don't see it as an edge issue.
07-17-2006, 08:31 AM
Ok fine but ask yourself this, why should sxe people care about porn and what difference would it make to your decision on the matter?
I'm not all about one night stands either but i don't see it as an edge issue.
just on sxe sites they go on bout no sex outside relationships and porn
pornography is an organisation to make big bucks. some dont believe just thought id mention it as i picked up on it
07-17-2006, 09:02 AM
just on sxe sites they go on bout no sex outside relationships and porn
Yeah but you didn't answer how that influences your decission on the subject (which i'm particularly interested in)or why some straightedge sites make those comments.
pornography is an organisation to make big bucks. some dont believe just thought id mention it as i picked up on it
Pornography isn't really an organisation, there are organisations that deal with porn but porn as a whole isn't one. Lots of things make big bucks like cars and groceries, is making big bucks really an argument against pornography?
07-17-2006, 11:27 AM
How is obsession relevent to being edge? What is over obsession and what is the level of obsession you condone?
Nice questions. Obesession is like an addiction to something, and would you want to represent straight edge, while supporting and addiction like attraction? I'm not saying obesession is non sXe, but it's not very good sporting, kids on the streets are always dissing my edge , watching everything I say waiting for me to slip up, I'm sure everyone has this type of person somewhere in thier life. So If your obessesed with something, wouldn't that give this person another tag to pull? Just thinking figuratively.
I can't put number on how much porn is ok, haha. Just don't let it interrupt your life, destroy relationships. I understand sometimes the human body gets urges and some people take it out by watching porn. But when your doing it at the wrong times, or too long ( like 2,3 hours), theres a problem. I see porn as a lose win situation personally, because your'e releasing human urges, but at others expense. The people involved on camera are extremely humiliated at their own expense, and it's really degrading to women.
07-17-2006, 12:25 PM
Nice questions. Obesession is like an addiction to something, and would you want to represent straight edge, while supporting and addiction like attraction?
Take for instance obsession to hardcore like many kids are seems to throw a spanner in the works of what you are saying. If obsession is what you are discussing as the problem then what people are being obsessed over seems to be ignored. Obsession can become unhealthy but even at that point its not relative to straightedge. If the problem is obsession with porn it still doesn't have relevence to straightedge.
I'm not saying obesession is non sXe, but it's not very good sporting, kids on the streets are always dissing my edge , watching everything I say waiting for me to slip up, I'm sure everyone has this type of person somewhere in thier life. So If your obessesed with something, wouldn't that give this person another tag to pull? Just thinking figuratively.
But obsession doesn't negate being straightedge, so kids can pull you upon it and still not have any grounds to make comment on your being straightedge. And yeah sure there are people that are ready to point a finger wherever they can but to be honest that sort of person often won't get my time. If they want to be constructive then fine but people just looking for fault don't justify my time. If you are complusively and unreasonably attracted to porn then thats your issue and is it any more unhealhty than being obsessed with hardcore and the main point here is that a) it has nothing to do with straightedge and b) if its unhealthy its unhealthy and are we trying to say straightedge people are in no way vunerable to any kind of unhealthy behaviour? I suggest looking at all kinds of unhealthy activity and see how they relate to straightedge, i mean obsession leads to anxiety, and what about OCD - if someone pulls you up for these things its not really anything to do with edge at all.
I can't put number on how much porn is ok, haha. Just don't let it interrupt your life, destroy relationships.
But you could say the same about any obsession, it could be porn or video games, comics or hardcore record collecting.
I understand sometimes the human body gets urges and some people take it out by watching porn. But when your doing it at the wrong times, or too long ( like 2,3 hours), theres a problem.
So you first say you can't put a number on it but then you give time limits and suggest times its wrong. It starts to seem that its less about obsession itself and more about porn. I mean i'm somewhat obsessed with kung fu but i don't suppose you would suggest time limits or wrong times for that. I mean obviously if you have behavioural problems and start indulging in porn and beating of on a public train then theres a problem but thats a behavourial issue and would be the same issue with many things. Again that wouldn't make issue against straightedge but rather conclude you were in some way ill and needed help. So what i am asking is how obsessed do you consider over obsessed and is it a problem regardless or does it only become a problem when the thing being obsessed over is porn. What about if a couple in a relationship have a obsession with porn and enjoy a good 4 hour hour porn session together? Does that make them unhealthy?
I see porn as a lose win situation personally, because your'e releasing human urges, but at others expense. The people involved on camera are extremely humiliated at their own expense, and it's really degrading to women.
I was waiting for that, you really do have a fucked up idea of what degrading to women is, and why are you assuming the porn even has women in it? What if its women using the porn, what if its all male porn, when its mixed porn why is it not degrading to the male involved? And how are they humiliated? You have very strange ideas that i've concluded from other threads on both women and sex, again you are acting like you did when discussing abortion when you say they are humiliated and degraded by an act they choose to do.
07-17-2006, 01:05 PM
Take for instance obsession to hardcore like many kids are seems to throw a spanner in the works of what you are saying. If obsession is what you are discussing as the problem then what people are being obsessed over seems to be ignored. Obsession can become unhealthy but even at that point its not relative to straightedge. If the problem is obsession with porn it still doesn't have relevence to straightedge.
But obsession doesn't negate being straightedge, so kids can pull you upon it and still not have any grounds to make comment on your being straightedge. And yeah sure there are people that are ready to point a finger wherever they can but to be honest that sort of person often won't get my time. If they want to be constructive then fine but people just looking for fault don't justify my time. If you are complusively and unreasonably attracted to porn then thats your issue and is it any more unhealhty than being obsessed with hardcore and the main point here is that a) it has nothing to do with straightedge and b) if its unhealthy its unhealthy and are we trying to say straightedge people are in no way vunerable to any kind of unhealthy behaviour? I suggest looking at all kinds of unhealthy activity and see how they relate to straightedge, i mean obsession leads to anxiety, and what about OCD - if someone pulls you up for these things its not really anything to do with edge at all.
But you could say the same about any obsession, it could be porn or video games, comics or hardcore record collecting.
So you first say you can't put a number on it but then you give time limits and suggest times its wrong. It starts to seem that its less about obsession itself and more about porn. I mean i'm somewhat obsessed with kung fu but i don't suppose you would suggest time limits or wrong times for that. I mean obviously if you have behavioural problems and start indulging in porn and beating of on a public train then theres a problem but thats a behavourial issue and would be the same issue with many things. Again that wouldn't make issue against straightedge but rather conclude you were in some way ill and needed help. So what i am asking is how obsessed do you consider over obsessed and is it a problem regardless or does it only become a problem when the thing being obsessed over is porn. What about if a couple in a relationship have a obsession with porn and enjoy a good 4 hour hour porn session together? Does that make them unhealthy?
I was waiting for that, you really do have a fucked up idea of what degrading to women is, and why are you assuming the porn even has women in it? What if its women using the porn, what if its all male porn, when its mixed porn why is it not degrading to the male involved? And how are they humiliated? You have very strange ideas that i've concluded from other threads on both women and sex, again you are acting like you did when discussing abortion when you say they are humiliated and degraded by an act they choose to do.
Cumming on a girls face is degrading.
07-17-2006, 01:36 PM
Cumming on a girls face is degrading.
On Porn
Thing is, some people are involved in porn because of fucked up situations, some people are in it because they like doing it and they get paid well, and that's their choice.
Porn isn't inherently degrading to women. Some porn is geared towards women, some features women getting one up on men, different flavors for different people.
Even acts like cumming on a girls face aren't always degrading, and if they are, that's sometimes what the people involved want and this power play is part of the sexual experience, and is consensual and enjoyed by both parties.
I'm a woman, and I don't have an issue with pornography as a whole. I have a problem with certain people involved in pornography, for example Max Hardcore who is abusive towards women in the making of his movies, but even then, there are bad exploitative people in pretty much every industry around.
You talk about degrading women, but would actively treat them like nothing more than an incubator, how is that better than treating them all like a cum receptacle?
Obsession doesn't relate to edge, a person could be obsessed with trying to find a cure for cancer, but no one would question that. I'm currently obsessed with doll making, but that's not an edge issue either.
It seems people are willing to bring up obsession as a bad thing when it comes to porn or something else they see bordering on immoral behavior, and are looking for a way to tie it into edge.
The thing is edge covers drug use, anything else is about the individual. If people pull you on it, then they are idiots trying to ruffle your feathers. Not everything you chose is related to edge, and if you try and remove all obsession, people will try pull you on something else, because that's all they want to do.
07-17-2006, 02:22 PM
Cumming on a girls face is degrading.
Thats all you've got? A consensual act is degrading, man seriously think for once. Forcing a woman to have cum in her face is degrading but a mutual sex act is not degrading. The only degradation here is how you degrade yourelf everytime you open your mouth.
07-18-2006, 01:32 AM
Thats all you've got? A consensual act is degrading, man seriously think for once. Forcing a woman to have cum in her face is degrading but a mutual sex act is not degrading. The only degradation here is how you degrade yourelf everytime you open your mouth.
No, I have more. Sorry for having a life off of the computer, damnit. That's all I had time to write. Well, I do think porn is very edgy , you never know whats happening when that camera's not on. Some websites openly say that they paid a poor girl, took advantage while she was drunk, or hypnotized her. So degradation wouldn't be the right word, but corruption is what the porn industry is filled with.
07-18-2006, 06:38 AM
No, I have more. Sorry for having a life off of the computer, damnit. That's all I had time to write. Well, I do think porn is very edgy , you never know whats happening when that camera's not on. Some websites openly say that they paid a poor girl, took advantage while she was drunk, or hypnotized her. So degradation wouldn't be the right word, but corruption is what the porn industry is filled with.
thats basicly the jist of what i was getting at porn is degrading i think and hardcore is about respect and shit
there is now a porn company that deal with the hardcore scene and that gives hardcore a bad name
i think ne way whos to say there is a right and a wrong
07-18-2006, 07:32 AM
No, I have more. Sorry for having a life off of the computer, damnit. That's all I had time to write. Well, I do think porn is very edgy , you never know whats happening when that camera's not on. Some websites openly say that they paid a poor girl, took advantage while she was drunk, or hypnotized her. So degradation wouldn't be the right word, but corruption is what the porn industry is filled with.
But here's the thing, point to me one industry that isn't filled with corruption and degradation?
Also, not all porn, in fact not even most porn is made that way. Not only that but such claims could be made to attract a certain audience, and not actually be true, just part of the fantasy.
Like I said in my post which once again got over looked.
It's fine to be against certain producers, but pornography on a whole doesn't fit into your reasoning. there are certain things I enjoy that would come under the pornographic umbrella, and not a singe person has been hurt, exploited or degraded. There are many ethically run porn companies out there. This argument just doesn't hold.
Be against the bad guys, but to be against porn is naive.
07-18-2006, 11:53 AM
No, I have more. Sorry for having a life off of the computer, damnit. That's all I had time to write. Well, I do think porn is very edgy , you never know whats happening when that camera's not on. Some websites openly say that they paid a poor girl, took advantage while she was drunk, or hypnotized her. So degradation wouldn't be the right word, but corruption is what the porn industry is filled with.
man you'll believe anything. those websites say that to play into peoples fantasies, not because they could actually do that and not be arrested. next you'll be telling me you think those barely 18 girls actually are 18!
07-18-2006, 11:59 AM
But here's the thing, point to me one industry that isn't filled with corruption and degradation?
Also, not all porn, in fact not even most porn is made that way. Not only that but such claims could be made to attract a certain audience, and not actually be true, just part of the fantasy.
Like I said in my post which once again got over looked.
It's fine to be against certain producers, but pornography on a whole doesn't fit into your reasoning. there are certain things I enjoy that would come under the pornographic umbrella, and not a singe person has been hurt, exploited or degraded. There are many ethically run porn companies out there. This argument just doesn't hold.
Be against the bad guys, but to be against porn is naive.
Damn, nailed again haha. Well I never said I was against all of it. You guys have a majorpoint there.
07-18-2006, 12:02 PM
No, I have more. Sorry for having a life off of the computer, damnit. That's all I had time to write. Well, I do think porn is very edgy , you never know whats happening when that camera's not on. Some websites openly say that they paid a poor girl, took advantage while she was drunk, or hypnotized her. So degradation wouldn't be the right word, but corruption is what the porn industry is filled with.
Well why don't you wait until you have time to make a sensible comment instead of making all these ludicrous comments.
But anyway now you are talking about a completely different situation, theres are shady people all over the place, not just in porn. I mean name me a world wide industry that doesn't involve corruption, even your religion is filled corruption. To this end porn does not degrade women, and the corruption in porn is as much of an issue as corruption anywhere else. Its not an issue that revolves solely around women although you seem stuck on that as if they are some how weaker then males in this. I mean you saying you think porn is edgy for these reasons should then give way to the logic that your faith is edgy, you never know whats happening behind closed doors and many cases of horrendous and degrading crimes have been linked with the church. And how do you feel about the comment "religion corrupts immpresionable young minds".
07-18-2006, 08:45 PM
No, I have more. Sorry for having a life off of the computer, damnit. That's all I had time to write. Well, I do think porn is very edgy , you never know whats happening when that camera's not on. Some websites openly say that they paid a poor girl, took advantage while she was drunk, or hypnotized her. So degradation wouldn't be the right word, but corruption is what the porn industry is filled with.
There is coruption in the government too. If you people vote you break edge. Do you all here me. VOTE=EDGE BREAK. Right Cami my friend.
XThe EdgeX
07-29-2006, 12:48 AM
Im pretty darn sure that everyone at least once looks at it b/c their curios or they want to or whatever...its just part of us sell, everyones a victim.
07-29-2006, 10:52 AM
Im pretty darn sure that everyone at least once looks at it b/c their curios or they want to or whatever...its just part of us sell, everyones a victim.
A victim how? Because you have curiousity?
07-29-2006, 05:49 PM
There is coruption in the government too. If you people vote you break edge. Do you all here me. VOTE=EDGE BREAK. Right Cami my friend.
Haha, way out of context.. but I just came back from vacation in Myrtle Beach. And I saw alot of porn stores and stuff down there...and I just thought "this isn't for me, it's not right, and it's an addictive thing." so I quit. I think of it this way straight edge - drug free, but why not move on up to addiction free? Raise the bar that much higher? I'm not making any decisions for anyone but myself here, but do we really need porn? It's a weakness, like caffiene. I don't see how you can argue over a Mountain Dew ,and not have the decency to go as far as arguing over a girl being demoralized on a screen, whether she likes it or not. I don't care what you guys think or say, this is where I'm staying with it. Girls are creations (God's or whatever you guys believe, but I say God's) of beauty , not male pleasure and sex.
07-29-2006, 06:19 PM
Haha, way out of context.. but I just came back from vacation in Myrtle Beach. And I saw alot of porn stores and stuff down there...and I just thought "this isn't for me, it's not right, and it's an addictive thing." so I quit. I think of it this way straight edge - drug free, but why not move on up to addiction free? Raise the bar that much higher? I'm not making any decisions for anyone but myself here, but do we really need porn? It's a weakness, like caffiene. I don't see how you can argue over a Mountain Dew ,and not have the decency to go as far as arguing over a girl being demoralized on a screen, whether she likes it or not. I don't care what you guys think or say, this is where I'm staying with it. Girls are creations (God's or whatever you guys believe, but I say God's) of beauty , not male pleasure and sex.
But porn isn't always addictive, and it isn't a weakness. Also the girls aren't be exploited in most cases as I keep mentioning.
In many ways you're falling into the sexist trap of the trinity, where a woman is either a virgin, a mother or a whore.
The thing is a lot of women like to do porn, and even like to watch or enjoy porn too.
To say that all porn is just making victims of women for mens pleasure is sexist too. Some porn is for womens pleasure, many women are exploiting mens sexuality for their own gains. Not every woman is a victim and you are putting us down by this way of thinking as it disables us.
07-29-2006, 06:51 PM
Haha, way out of context.. but I just came back from vacation in Myrtle Beach. And I saw alot of porn stores and stuff down there...and I just thought "this isn't for me, it's not right, and it's an addictive thing." so I quit. I think of it this way straight edge - drug free, but why not move on up to addiction free? Raise the bar that much higher? I'm not making any decisions for anyone but myself here, but do we really need porn? It's a weakness, like caffiene. I don't see how you can argue over a Mountain Dew ,and not have the decency to go as far as arguing over a girl being demoralized on a screen, whether she likes it or not. I don't care what you guys think or say, this is where I'm staying with it. Girls are creations (God's or whatever you guys believe, but I say God's) of beauty , not male pleasure and sex.
Again with your idiotic notion of girls being a weaker sex and that they are degraded. Completely ignoring any aspect of men who choose to be involved in porn as being demoralized and concentrating solely on women. Your whole focus is built on an ignorance thats steeped in a sexist conotation and you don't even realise that. And everyone has had the decency to argue about the "girl being demoralized" to the point of illustrating that she is not so i don't know where you got that idiotic remark from, but talking about decency its nice to know you "don't care" what people here "think or say" with that in mind what exactly is the point in you discussing anything with us? People have made clear consise arguments as to exactly why what you believe is flawed but you choose to be ignorant to them.
And why is it a weakness for people (although you refer only to men because of your sexist slant) to enjoy porn but not to enjoy sex? How is stimulation through different media wrong? Perhaps you should ensure you stem all your sexual desires. Are you also gonna boycott films with sex scenes in? Anything thats advertised with the use of sex appeal? You really should to be constant in your view that girls are gods creations of beauty that should not consentualy display any aspect of their sexuality. And what i really don't get is why you are entirely foccussed on this being about male pleasure and ignoring any pleasure women derive from any of this, it just stacks it all up as a completely weak stance to take. You can't compare it to caffiene as porn is not a drug and just using porn does not make you addicted, i mean for you to be addiction free is fine but to warrent your idea of giving up porn because it is possible to get addicted you would have to give up anything that could be addictive like video games, collecting music, reading books etc. Do we really need these things, no. Unless you are confessing yourself as a porn addict i don't see what the problem you have with it is.
I see it this way, straightedge = drug free but why not move on up to sexism free, raise the bar that much higher, open your eyes and actually have a look at the way you are arriving at things and the things you are saying as you do. But as you have already said you don't care about what we people here say i'm sure this has all fallen of deaf and ignorant ears, be that as it may at least i showed the decency to reply to the points you raised in each and everyone of your posts something you most certainly haven't been doing.
07-30-2006, 02:07 AM
I dont care. Doesnt affect me. These people make a choice.
I dont see the whole sex thing as an edge issue. More of a personal thing. Build your own ideas on that one.
All I know is that Ill watch it, they'll get paid, the circle of life continues.
07-30-2006, 04:44 PM
Again with your idiotic notion of girls being a weaker sex and that they are degraded. Completely ignoring any aspect of men who choose to be involved in porn as being demoralized and concentrating solely on women. Your whole focus is built on an ignorance thats steeped in a sexist conotation and you don't even realise that. And everyone has had the decency to argue about the "girl being demoralized" to the point of illustrating that she is not so i don't know where you got that idiotic remark from, but talking about decency its nice to know you "don't care" what people here "think or say" with that in mind what exactly is the point in you discussing anything with us? People have made clear consise arguments as to exactly why what you believe is flawed but you choose to be ignorant to them.
And why is it a weakness for people (although you refer only to men because of your sexist slant) to enjoy porn but not to enjoy sex? How is stimulation through different media wrong? Perhaps you should ensure you stem all your sexual desires. Are you also gonna boycott films with sex scenes in? Anything thats advertised with the use of sex appeal? You really should to be constant in your view that girls are gods creations of beauty that should not consentualy display any aspect of their sexuality. And what i really don't get is why you are entirely foccussed on this being about male pleasure and ignoring any pleasure women derive from any of this, it just stacks it all up as a completely weak stance to take. You can't compare it to caffiene as porn is not a drug and just using porn does not make you addicted, i mean for you to be addiction free is fine but to warrent your idea of giving up porn because it is possible to get addicted you would have to give up anything that could be addictive like video games, collecting music, reading books etc. Do we really need these things, no. Unless you are confessing yourself as a porn addict i don't see what the problem you have with it is.
I see it this way, straightedge = drug free but why not move on up to sexism free, raise the bar that much higher, open your eyes and actually have a look at the way you are arriving at things and the things you are saying as you do. But as you have already said you don't care about what we people here say i'm sure this has all fallen of deaf and ignorant ears, be that as it may at least i showed the decency to reply to the points you raised in each and everyone of your posts something you most certainly haven't been doing.
Shut up you toilet faced, piss - breathed Brit. Let's break this down. Ok I'm not sexist for the first part, so you can take that and shove it right back up your arse where it came from. Porn and record collecting and videogames are on different levels. Porn has destroyed relationships. I was a porn addict at one point and it didn't end to well. Caffiene is a drug, but porn will hurt your life more than caffiene. Why don't you go see other people's problems caused from porn instead of being a selfish twit with no better life than sit around a computer all day and rag on people, when you haven't even seen the least bit of the effects? My opinion on porn where the male is less dominant is vice versa the porn where it's the female. I'm saying those people shouldn't be displayed that way. I don't care about your logical BS. Is there no line between right / wrong or immoral / moral in your mind? You think my eyes aren't open, but the truth is I'm seeing more than you are. My ears are not ignorant, it's just I won't budge just like you won't I have my opinions set, and a few will stay that way. Through this site, alot of my opinions have changed on certain things, so it shows you how attentive you really are, because it seems in every thread your'e after me the most. I don't reply in most posts because I have a life, unlike someone here, and by the time I return I've already forgotten. Too bad. Go whine at your parents about it. And no , I won't boycott films with sex scenes involved. Why? Because most of the time there isn't even real sex involved. Using porn does make you addicted, from a first hand stance. I don' t care how old you are, you haven't experienced all the problems I have. Porn is drug like in the way that you're getting pleasure from something that'll just hurt you. I'm sorry if you don't have a female to feel love from, Ed, but porn is only gonna dig you in a deep hole that gets deeper and deeper. I leave it here.
07-30-2006, 04:46 PM
I dont care. Doesnt affect me. These people make a choice.
I dont see the whole sex thing as an edge issue. More of a personal thing. Build your own ideas on that one.
All I know is that Ill watch it, they'll get paid, the circle of life continues.
This isn't about sex. I used edge because the nature of edge is an obsession free culture. And from experience, porn is very addictive, as to a drug - like addiction. Everyone drink some Jones soda.
07-30-2006, 04:50 PM
Shut up you toilet faced, piss - breathed Brit. Let's break this down. Ok I'm not sexist for the first part, so you can take that and shove it right back up your arse where it came from. Porn and record collecting and videogames are on different levels. Porn has destroyed relationships. I was a porn addict at one point and it didn't end to well. Caffiene is a drug, but porn will hurt your life more than caffiene. Why don't you go see other people's problems caused from porn instead of being a selfish twit with no better life than sit around a computer all day and rag on people, when you haven't even seen the least bit of the effects? My opinion on porn where the male is less dominant is vice versa the porn where it's the female. I'm saying those people shouldn't be displayed that way. I don't care about your logical BS. Is there no line between right / wrong or immoral / moral in your mind? You think my eyes aren't open, but the truth is I'm seeing more than you are. My ears are not ignorant, it's just I won't budge just like you won't I have my opinions set, and a few will stay that way. Through this site, alot of my opinions have changed on certain things, so it shows you how attentive you really are, because it seems in every thread your'e after me the most. I don't reply in most posts because I have a life, unlike someone here, and by the time I return I've already forgotten. Too bad. Go whine at your parents about it. And no , I won't boycott films with sex scenes involved. Why? Because most of the time there isn't even real sex involved. Using porn does make you addicted, from a first hand stance. I don' t care how old you are, you haven't experienced all the problems I have. Porn is drug like in the way that you're getting pleasure from something that'll just hurt you. I'm sorry if you don't have a female to feel love from, Ed, but porn is only gonna dig you in a deep hole that gets deeper and deeper. I leave it here.
you're not sexist but yet you ignore the only woman who responded to you? uh huh.
07-30-2006, 04:59 PM
This isn't about sex. I used edge because the nature of edge is an obsession free culture. And from experience, porn is very addictive, as to a drug - like addiction. Everyone drink some Jones soda.
jones soda is addictve.
07-30-2006, 05:09 PM
But porn isn't always addictive, and it isn't a weakness. Also the girls aren't be exploited in most cases as I keep mentioning.
It is definately. And as an addiction it becomes a weakness. I was addicted to it, and it became a weakness a few of my friends stopped hangin out with me because of the fact that I watched porn. And after a while, I didn't want to, but I kept having urges (I guess primal male instincts.) to see it. Not every one has great will power.
In many ways you're falling into the sexist trap of the trinity, where a woman is either a virgin, a mother or a whore.
It might seem like thats what I'm saying, but it's not. I'm not even really blaming the porn stars, but the people watching and beniffitting from it, even myself when I was involved.
The thing is a lot of women like to do porn, and even like to watch or enjoy porn too. You can't say that for every woman though, And as I said above this only is about the second crowd referenced in the statement.
To say that all porn is just making victims of women for mens pleasure is sexist too. Some porn is for womens pleasure, many women are exploiting mens sexuality for their own gains. Not every woman is a victim and you are putting us down by this way of thinking as it disables us.
Read the long statement to Ed.
Oh and Dusty, I knew she responded. But I'm sick of Ed breathing down my neck, and all the time I've been here , she's been pretty sincere. Plus, gimme a break, I haven't been here since last Friday.
07-30-2006, 05:14 PM
jones soda is addictve.
Nah. But it makes me feel like a pirate when I drink it haha. I've never talked to someone who liked it and said they couldn't quit drinking it. I haven't drank any until today for a bout a month and a half.
07-30-2006, 05:16 PM
Nah. But it makes me feel like a pirate when I drink it haha. I've never talked to someone who liked it and said they couldn't quit drinking it. I haven't drank any until today for a bout a month and a half.
thanks for demonstrating that you have no understanding what addiction actually is. what the difference between compulsion and addiction is ,and definitely not having any understanding of behavioral versus chemical addiction. you're an ignorant little child who needs to learn more about things before opening his mouth.
07-30-2006, 05:19 PM
thanks for demonstrating that you have no understanding what addiction actually is. what the difference between compulsion and addiction is ,and definitely not having any understanding of behavioral versus chemical addiction. you're an ignorant little child who needs to learn more about things before opening his mouth.
Shut up. Your impressing no one. But I'll look this up to prove you wrong.
07-30-2006, 05:21 PM
Shut up. Your impressing no one. But I'll look this up to prove you wrong.
yeah. look it up in the DSM IV. look at the criteria of what addiction is vs compulsion. eductate yourself you little moron. Stop throwing around the word addiction since you clearly have no understanding of what the word actually means.
07-30-2006, 05:54 PM
It is definitely. And as an addiction it becomes a weakness. I was addicted to it, and it became a weakness a few of my friends stopped hangin out with me because of the fact that I watched porn. And after a while, I didn't want to, but I kept having urges (I guess primal male instincts.) to see it. Not every one has great will power.
Thing is it isn't about will power, porn is no more addictive than any other behavior. For example many people are addicted to the internet, any behavior is capable of becoming adictive, and are no less addictive than porn can be.
You may have experienced a behavioural addiction, and the focus of it was porn, but porn in and of itself is not addictive, and for most people does not become a problem.
Also to say you were affected by "primal male instincts" again shows that you are in denile of female sexuality.
Women have just the same urges. We seek out sexual stimulation, masturbate and enjoy porn the same way as men do, perhaps there are less girls enjoying a good porn flick than men, but that has largely been put down to the lack of porn geared towards us gals, something we are setting straight. There are shops dedicated to porn for girls as well as all those lovely toys we have to chose from, like Toys in Babeland (
I have a certain set of books I enjoy, havent been able to get hold of the next in the serise but I'm doing fine, no shakes or anything.
It might seem like thats what I'm saying, but it's not. I'm not even really blaming the porn stars, but the people watching and beniffitting from it, even myself when I was involved.
See the women making porn and getting paid are binifiting from it. The women enjoying porn are benifiting from it, and the couples who incorporate it into their relationships are benifiting from it.
You say you don't fall into thinking about women in the trinity, but you do. You don't seem to grasp that women aren't victims in porn as a whole, they are not only in it, but they are the producers, directors, business owners and consumers of porn.
You can't say that for every woman though, And as I said above this only is about the second crowd referenced in the statement.
I don't fully understand you're point here. Not every man enjoys porn, and not every woman enjoys porn. What does that have to do with anything? Not every one enjoys jogging, but i wouldn't feel bad those that do?
Read the long statement to Ed.
First up, I have a clean view of right and wrong, moral and immoral. I think healthy sexual desire is right, and am all for what every kinky shit a person enjoys as long as it's mutualy consentual. If a girl says "I want to crap on your chest" and the guy says " I think that would be really hot" it might not be my idea of a good time, but if it's what does it for them, I hope they have a great time.
I think it's perfectly morral to make a living doing what every you want, and I think it perfectly moral to fulfil your sexual desirs as long as its met consentualy.
Next up as for porn ruining relationships, it's not even one of the big ones. You know what the biggest wrecker of relationships is? Money, but you wouldn't be against money because of it? Work is another big one, as are family issues, but no one would say people should abandon families, and stop working?
On the flip side many many couples enjoy porn as part of their relationship together, and porn can bring them closer.
Every issue brought up against porn in your argument could be said about pretty much any behavior or hobby.
Oh and Dusty, I knew she responded. But I'm sick of Ed breathing down my neck, and all the time I've been here , she's been pretty sincere. Plus, gimme a break, I haven't been here since last Friday.
If you feel I'm being sincere, then why not give my opinions the respect they deserve, and take on board what I am saying? I am a woman, and I understand how women think (which is pretty much the same as men)
The sexes are more alike than you seem to think, and to cast us as some other keeps us down exactly the same way as casting someone as an other for the color of their skin does.
Sexism and racism work the same way, and how many times have you heard someone say something completely racist but still think they were being cool and ok?
Putting women on a pedestal is just as debilitating as putting us under your shoe.
07-30-2006, 06:04 PM
Shut up you toilet faced, piss - breathed Brit. Hold on i thought you didn't care what anyone thought? Now when i express what i think you resort to xenophobic insults.
Let's break this down. Ok I'm not sexist for the first part, so you can take that and shove it right back up your arse where it came from.
Well if you aren't how do you explain the repeated occurances of you comming off with sexist commentry? And i'm sensing anger, i do hope you aren't sinning little boy.
Porn and record collecting and videogames are on different levels.
Yeah they can all reach levels that have an adverse effect on ones life, the fact that there are always variables isn't really a strong point.
Porn has destroyed relationships. I was a porn addict at one point and it didn't end to well.
Porn has also salvaged, saved, enhanced and sustained relationships. Records and videogames can also attribute to the demise of a relationship - in fact so many things can, this is not a reason discard all things based on possibilitys. You aren't smart are you, if you are a porn addict then thats a issue for your psychologist and perhaps they can help you work through you sexist point of view and all your sexual hang ups. But the best thing for you to do would take a seriously critical look at yourself, your beliefs and your issues.
Caffiene is a drug, but porn will hurt your life more than caffiene.
No, porn will hurt your life because of your issue with addiction, caffiene can be extremely harmful when mixed with behavioural issues like yours. Point you are illustrating here is porn isn't the problem, your behaviour, psychology and attitude toward it is. Your problem could have anything as its focus but yours is porn, this does not make porn inherently bad.
Why don't you go see other people's problems caused from porn instead of being a selfish twit with no better life than sit around a computer all day and rag on people, when you haven't even seen the least bit of the effects?
What makes you think i haven't seen effects of issues and problems surrounding porn or sex? Just because i have enough intellegence to know that porn isn't the problem, you are. And whats selfish about putting forward information i have gained from my life experiences? And i do believe you have been the one who acts completely selfish around here. I think you are just jealous that i can sit around at a computer with out the compulsive need to view porn and so you have chosen to react this way. You know i am prepared to accept people have problems with porn but the issue remains as your attitude and behaviour toward it as opposed to porn itself, and none of this suggests people are being demoralized or expoited.
I wish you all the best as a recovering porn addict but you are shifting blame from your actions to that of the porn industry.
My opinion on porn where the male is less dominant is vice versa the porn where it's the female. I'm saying those people shouldn't be displayed that way.
Why shouldn't they, they like to display that, people without problems such as yours like to watch that. In a lot of cases it keeps relationships alive. So why should they not be displayed that way?
I don't care about your logical BS.
You care enough to reply and get angry about it so i say your statement is a lie. You do care, awwwwwwwwww, how sweet.
Is there no line between right / wrong or immoral / moral in your mind?
Of course there is but that line does not get crossed when people consentually display their sexuality to an audience of a healthy age, have you read anything i wrote? Just because you have a mental health issue thats triggered by porn it does not make it evil, wrong, degrading or any of those things. I have sympathy for your condition but you need to realise porn is not at fault, for most its a completely healthy activity for all who are involved. Your entire post was geared towards porn being some kind of exploitation of women and the commentry within was hugely sexist and it doesn't supprise me that you still are unable to comprehend that. But now you have latched on this time to the idea of you being a porn addict and geared it all about that, like i said in my previous post if thats the issue it makes some explanation but i could only guess if that was the case. I mean if you don't mention your addiction in these discussions how are people supposed to know why you have such a twisted view of women. Now we are all aware you have this problem and we can accept you disliking porn (we could accept that before) but you need to accept that lots of people don't share your problem and that people choose to do porn because they want to, issues of dominance are games that healthy, sexually adults understand and by no means do they suggest that a woman is a weak exploited creature. Maybe when you start to learn about healthy sexual activity the problem may subside a little but of course, youhave an addiction which is a problem that usually you live with for life but you may make a lot of progress. Of course no one is suggesting you should watch porn just that you should ease up on this idea that its an industry that ridicules women. Women have a huge ammount of control over their lives and their are still areas where sexism exists and its in attitudes like the one you have portrayed. I'm asking if you would please not enforce that as i abhor sexism as do many others here.
You think my eyes aren't open, but the truth is I'm seeing more than you are.
You really aren't, by what you have just posted its clear you have a complete blinkered view on this issue, your condition may explain that.
My ears are not ignorant, it's just I won't budge just like you won't I have my opinions set, and a few will stay that way.
Only i will budge if you coherently show me exactly how i am wrong, i would love to see exactly how its so wrong for consentual adults to engage in pornographic acts based soley on their actions, that means no external issues like your unfortunate addiction. I will discuss my opinions with sound logic and you attack points you find hard to comprehend or are unable to argue against with anger and tell us how you don't care about anything we say (an equivilant of a 5 year old sticking his fingers in his ears and singing nanananana, i'm not listening), this displays ignorance. I'm not ignorant if i continually ask questions that need answering for your statements to be valid, if you don't want or are unable to answer them then i suggest not posting.
Through this site, alot of my opinions have changed on certain things, so it shows you how attentive you really are, because it seems in every thread your'e after me the most.
I'm not after you at all, you just make the most erronous commentry and i try to point it out but you either ignore the valid points raised in it or get incredibly defensive in response. I am attentive enough to see that you have continually posted in a manner that has sexist conotations, i feel its an issue worth illustrating, don't you?
I don't reply in most posts because I have a life, unlike someone here, and by the time I return I've already forgotten. Too bad.
I love how you allude to me having no life when you have no idea what i do. And saying you have forgotten is a cop out given the times the posts are made and the times you respond, and the fact you respond to posts without addressing the content.
Go whine at your parents about it.
Umm, why?
And no , I won't boycott films with sex scenes involved. Why? Because most of the time there isn't even real sex involved.
Why not, people might beat off to them and thus demoralize the woman! Its not like sex in porn is forced on woman, you make it sound like its second only to rape.
Using porn does make you addicted, from a first hand stance. I don' t care how old you are, you haven't experienced all the problems I have.
You don't care about a lot! Porn like i said is not the issue, its your problem that is the issue, i haven't experienced all the problems of porn addiction and have never professed to, Porn for you is obviously bad but the statement "Using porn does make you addicted" is completely asinine as i don't have a problem within my psyche that produces addictive behaviour to porn. And again this doesn't relate to the demoralisation issue at all.
Porn is drug like in the way that you're getting pleasure from something that'll just hurt you.
No, porn is not a drug, thats just innaccurate.
I'm sorry if you don't have a female to feel love from, Ed, but porn is only gonna dig you in a deep hole that gets deeper and deeper. I leave it here.
I'm sorry that you have so many sexual hang ups, and are finding the idea of becoming sexual active such a trauma. However i have been in a relationship for the past 3 years and i am loved. Again you seem to think immidiately that it should be a female, why is that, ever wondered?
07-30-2006, 06:10 PM
Shut up you toilet faced, piss - breathed Brit.
so yeah. anyone who wants to use racist terms against cami, go for it. normally I'm zero tolerance but I'll make an exception this time.
07-30-2006, 06:38 PM
Shut up you toilet faced, piss - breathed Brit. Let's break this down. Ok I'm not sexist for the first part, so you can take that and shove it right back up your arse where it came from. Porn and record collecting and videogames are on different levels. Porn has destroyed relationships. I was a porn addict at one point and it didn't end to well. Caffiene is a drug, but porn will hurt your life more than caffiene. Why don't you go see other people's problems caused from porn instead of being a selfish twit with no better life than sit around a computer all day and rag on people, when you haven't even seen the least bit of the effects? My opinion on porn where the male is less dominant is vice versa the porn where it's the female. I'm saying those people shouldn't be displayed that way. I don't care about your logical BS. Is there no line between right / wrong or immoral / moral in your mind? You think my eyes aren't open, but the truth is I'm seeing more than you are. My ears are not ignorant, it's just I won't budge just like you won't I have my opinions set, and a few will stay that way. Through this site, alot of my opinions have changed on certain things, so it shows you how attentive you really are, because it seems in every thread your'e after me the most. I don't reply in most posts because I have a life, unlike someone here, and by the time I return I've already forgotten. Too bad. Go whine at your parents about it. And no , I won't boycott films with sex scenes involved. Why? Because most of the time there isn't even real sex involved. Using porn does make you addicted, from a first hand stance. I don' t care how old you are, you haven't experienced all the problems I have. Porn is drug like in the way that you're getting pleasure from something that'll just hurt you. I'm sorry if you don't have a female to feel love from, Ed, but porn is only gonna dig you in a deep hole that gets deeper and deeper. I leave it here.
First of all, you a complete moron for making a comment like "toilet faced, piss breathed brit". What does that even mean exactly? Ed, did you know you were British? Apparently by calling you a Brit Cami here is insulting you. Second of all, how weak of a person would you have to be to be "addicted" to porn? It's not like drugs or alcohol, its watching sex. And Finally, I have been dating the same girl for a year and a half, i get more love from her then anyone else in my life (not sex lol, im talking emotion). I still enjoy the odd porn. And I can safely say, porn has never dug me into a hole or torn me apart from my family. I'm pretty sure you just talking out of your ass. Normally I would stay out of this because Dusty, Ed and Viv are doing a damn good job of making you look stupid, but when you resort to racial slurs to get your point across, that just annoys me.
07-30-2006, 06:41 PM
Porch Monkey!
(It's okay, I'm takin it back!)
07-31-2006, 06:01 PM
Things are pretty intense in this thread. I think things have gone a little too far on both sides? Per haps we should all take a step back, look on former posts, and realize the error of our ways. Cami, no reason to resort to name calling. It doesnt prove anything. But I think retaliation through more racial slurs, even if they are from Clerks II, should also cease. This topic is not that intense that everyone should lose their cool.
07-31-2006, 07:13 PM
Things are pretty intense in this thread. I think things have gone a little too far on both sides? Per haps we should all take a step back, look on former posts, and realize the error of our ways. Cami, no reason to resort to name calling. It doesnt prove anything. But I think retaliation through more racial slurs, even if they are from Clerks II, should also cease. This topic is not that intense that everyone should lose their cool.
I think maybe you should take a step back and realize that the "retaliation through more racial slurs" actually would prove something which it why it was said. Now, the only person that's gotten intense and lost their cool is cami. Please leave the moderation of this board to me.
07-31-2006, 08:42 PM
so yeah. anyone who wants to use racist terms against cami, go for it. normally I'm zero tolerance but I'll make an exception this time.
how can you do that? just because shes your wife shouldnt mean your going to let the form slap cami in the face with racist slurs comments or anything of the sort. if this isnt the reason then what is?
07-31-2006, 08:58 PM
how can you do that? just because shes your wife shouldnt mean your going to let the form slap cami in the face with racist slurs comments or anything of the sort. if this isnt the reason then what is?
uhm, xcamix used xenofobic insults against Ed
07-31-2006, 10:22 PM
uhm, xcamix used xenofobic insults against Ed
fuck your right i forgot he was a limy to. but thats not the point i have called them both brits limys whatever when i was mad and you do see him going ok its ok to call billy racist slurs. if your against it dusty be against it dont make exceptions.
07-31-2006, 10:34 PM
fuck your right i forgot he was a limy to. but thats not the point i have called them both brits limys whatever when i was mad and you do see him going ok its ok to call billy racist slurs. if your against it dusty be against it dont make exceptions.
well, if you are gonna use useless discriminative talking, you should expect that they tell you something back.
and if you got offended by that, maybe you should stop saying shit like that.
07-31-2006, 10:52 PM
well, if you are gonna use useless discriminative talking, you should expect that they tell you something back.
and if you got offended by that, maybe you should stop saying shit like that.
are you all there? you dont even understand what iam saying. i never said they sholdnt say shit back. iam saying dusty cant change the rules because his feelings were hurt. hes against racism but hes letting it be used here in his forum because some one was called a brit. thats bs brit isnt even a bad name for them. the other things he said was the insault. but if calling some one a brit is grounds for being able to use racist slurs your all a bunch of hipacrites.
07-31-2006, 10:53 PM
well, if you are gonna use useless discriminative talking, you should expect that they tell you something back.
and if you got offended by that, maybe you should stop saying shit like that.
OK thanks Bill and Doyle for standing up for me, but the other sides got a point. Even THOUGH thEy're throwing childish slurs at me, they're making me laugh. And Brit isn't really a racist term to me. But I know a few of them hate that word, so I used it. Out of everyone in this forum Ed bugs me the most from time to time, although he has his cool moments(which never last long). Now, to get concise on racist terms, I know no one here is seriously racist, but Dust, you should pull me off to the side if your against them on your site, not encourage them to make a "justice" here. I sort of expected a reaction, so everyone can end this drama. Bill and Doyle, love y'all, but you guys didn't really care to get involved in the issue until you heard the word porch monkey which made me laugh (and has been around as a term far before Clerks II).
Now, to continue the discussion on addictions: dictionary definition of addiction: 1.
a. Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance: a drug used in the treatment of heroin addiction.
b. An instance of this: a person with multiple chemical addictions.
a. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.
b. An instance of this: had an addiction for fast cars.
According to 2a I stand correct.
What's after this?
07-31-2006, 10:55 PM
I'm not being xenophobic, I'm just angry with him, and I'm trying not to cuss. Bear with me.
07-31-2006, 11:00 PM
[QUOTE=xCAMIx] Bill and Doyle, love y'all, but you guys didn't really care to get involved in the issue until you heard the word porch monkey which made me laugh (and has been around as a term far before Clerks II).
for one today is my first time on in a long time. and the term porch monkey wasnt my problem. but for your issue of porno i dont think it has anything to do with edge even if iam no longer edge. porn can be addictive and cause many probelms.
08-01-2006, 07:30 AM
are you all there? you dont even understand what iam saying. i never said they sholdnt say shit back. iam saying dusty cant change the rules because his feelings were hurt. hes against racism but hes letting it be used here in his forum because some one was called a brit. thats bs brit isnt even a bad name for them. the other things he said was the insault. but if calling some one a brit is grounds for being able to use racist slurs your all a bunch of hipacrites.
so dusty just should ban xcamix for xenofobia?
OK thanks Bill and Doyle for standing up for me, but the other sides got a point. Even THOUGH thEy're throwing childish slurs at me, they're making me laugh. And Brit isn't really a racist term to me. But I know a few of them hate that word, so I used it. Out of everyone in this forum Ed bugs me the most from time to time, although he has his cool moments(which never last long). Now, to get concise on racist terms, I know no one here is seriously racist, but Dust, you should pull me off to the side if your against them on your site, not encourage them to make a "justice" here. I sort of expected a reaction, so everyone can end this drama. Bill and Doyle, love y'all, but you guys didn't really care to get involved in the issue until you heard the word porch monkey which made me laugh (and has been around as a term far before Clerks II).
so you understand that it was really stupid to call Ed a 'toilet faced, piss - breathed Brit'
08-01-2006, 08:56 AM
Even THOUGH thEy're throwing childish slurs at me,
Erm excuse me?
08-01-2006, 09:02 AM
Things are pretty intense in this thread. I think things have gone a little too far on both sides? Per haps we should all take a step back, look on former posts, and realize the error of our ways. Cami, no reason to resort to name calling. It doesnt prove anything. But I think retaliation through more racial slurs, even if they are from Clerks II, should also cease. This topic is not that intense that everyone should lose their cool.
Debates get heated, that's life. I haven't lost my cool and stand by every word I have typed.
08-01-2006, 09:07 AM
how can you do that? just because shes your wife shouldnt mean your going to let the form slap cami in the face with racist slurs comments or anything of the sort. if this isnt the reason then what is?
This isn't about "slapping" someone, and it isn't about Ed or myself getting upset, since neither of us did.
It's about demonstrating that he is being no better than a racist. That sexism and xenophobic slurs are exactly the same thing as racist ones, and that perhaps he might want to open his eyes before he's set in concrete as something he hates.
He has made statements that he will not think outside his mindset, and will not understand others, so this was to try and bring it home to him exactly what he's doing, since he isn't going to come to it himself.
08-01-2006, 10:13 AM
I'm not being xenophobic, I'm just angry with him, and I'm trying not to cuss. Bear with me.
so it's ok to say racist and xenophobic comments when you're angry?
08-01-2006, 10:16 AM
Now, to continue the discussion on addictions: dictionary definition of addiction: 1.
a. Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance: a drug used in the treatment of heroin addiction.
b. An instance of this: a person with multiple chemical addictions.
a. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.
b. An instance of this: had an addiction for fast cars.
According to 2a I stand correct.
What's after this?
I didn't say the dictionary. Addicition is a medical term. I said the DSM IV. According to 2a anything can be addictive so you should avoid living, breathing, wrestling etc. The 2b definition should clarify in your head the usage and how you're using it is actually trying to compare it to 1a, when it really isn't. Like I said, you have no understanding of the word addiction.
also, 2 other people made really long well thought out posts that you might want to address.
08-01-2006, 10:18 AM
are you all there? you dont even understand what iam saying. i never said they sholdnt say shit back. iam saying dusty cant change the rules because his feelings were hurt. hes against racism but hes letting it be used here in his forum because some one was called a brit. thats bs brit isnt even a bad name for them. the other things he said was the insault. but if calling some one a brit is grounds for being able to use racist slurs your all a bunch of hipacrites.
are you that stupid that you don't understand that cami was using brit the exact same way someone else uses a racist term? He was bringing nationality into it as an insult for no reason or bearing on the conversation.
I don't know why I ask rhetorical questions, we already know you are that stupid.
08-01-2006, 12:31 PM
fuck your right i forgot he was a limy to. but thats not the point i have called them both brits limys whatever when i was mad and you do see him going ok its ok to call billy racist slurs. if your against it dusty be against it dont make exceptions.
Actually that would be exactly the point. I personally will not use racial slurs against cami or anyone even when given the go ahead but perhaps it would make people (especially those guilty of using them) realise racial slurs should have no place here, if you use them then theres no reason others shouldn't use them against you and there begins the degradation.
And if you have decided to focus on my nationality for the purpose of either ridicule or stereotyping then i would urge you to stop but i don't believe there has been a case of you calling me a limey that has gone without a response. Perhaps you can provide me with evidence to the contrary?
08-01-2006, 12:50 PM
OK thanks Bill and Doyle for standing up for me, but the other sides got a point. Even THOUGH thEy're throwing childish slurs at me, they're making me laugh. And Brit isn't really a racist term to me. But I know a few of them hate that word, so I used it.
I don't hate it its just interesting that instead of dealing with the topic in hand you chose to make comment on my nationality, Besides the context you used the term displayed xenophobia. I have never used a slur against you or anyone here.
Out of everyone in this forum Ed bugs me the most from time to time, although he has his cool moments(which never last long).
You just don't like me holding a mirror up to the flaws in your arguments or statements. Its more a case of you being bugged by the things you come out with not holding up. If i bug you then what is it that i have said that has bugged you so much?
Now, to get concise on racist terms, I know no one here is seriously racist, but Dust, you should pull me off to the side if your against them on your site, not encourage them to make a "justice" here. I sort of expected a reaction, so everyone can end this drama.
I think you should realise by now that the site is against them and you too should be against them. How dusty chooses to deal with it should not overshadow the fact you were being xenophobic and insulting rather than debating the issue.
Now, to continue the discussion on addictions: dictionary definition of addiction: 1.
a. Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance: a drug used in the treatment of heroin addiction.
b. An instance of this: a person with multiple chemical addictions.
a. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.
b. An instance of this: had an addiction for fast cars.
According to 2a I stand correct.
What's after this?
No you don't stand correct, porn is not inhertently addictive, 2a illustrates that its a behaviourial issue, if you have a compulsion that creates habbits thats your behaviour. Millions of people don't have the problem you have with porn. Porn is not a condition, your behaviour is the condition, any decent help group will tell you this. 2b goes on to show an example, fast cars. They themselves are not addictive but your behaviourial pattern could make them a focus of your addiction. This is the same as porn and all things that aren't under the chemical addiction, the problem does not lie in the focus of your compulsive addiction but in the behaviour within your psyche. You make porn an addiction for you, and so with your behaviour yes porn is addictive but for most its not. How you deal with your condition may require you to steer clear of it but you shouldn't lie to yourself about the nature of it because thats essentially a step backwards in dealing with any type of addiction.
08-01-2006, 12:55 PM
for one today is my first time on in a long time. and the term porch monkey wasnt my problem. but for your issue of porno i dont think it has anything to do with edge even if iam no longer edge. porn can be addictive and cause many probelms.
porn can be addictive, can being the operative here - it can be when a person has the psychological make up to react to porn in such a way. We can all display compulsion and many of us towards many different varried things, for the compulsion to become addictive is an issue and some will find that with fast cars, some with hardcore records and some with porn. Cami knows porn is not an edge issue but his views on porn were not coherent or well thought through, unfortunately when i highlighted this he must have felt like i was getting at him personally but i simply responded to the things he said.
08-01-2006, 12:57 PM
I'm not being xenophobic, I'm just angry with him, and I'm trying not to cuss. Bear with me.
And exactly why are you angry cami?
08-01-2006, 03:24 PM
And exactly why are you angry cami?
It's not too great being turned down or treated like a retard everytime you state an opinion.
08-01-2006, 03:25 PM
Erm excuse me?
You know what I'm saying, don't even fake like you don't. Childish is just a word used for underlining my point.
08-01-2006, 03:33 PM
You know what I'm saying, don't even fake like you don't. Childish is just a word used for underlining my point.
Ok I'm being serious, I don't know what you're point is. I haven't thrown a single slur at you, childish or otherwise.
All I have done is post serious points. (points which go largely ignored it seems)
08-01-2006, 04:34 PM
It's not too great being turned down or treated like a retard everytime you state an opinion.
if you refuse to even look at the counterpoints to your opinion then thats pretty retarded behaviour, you have got to take the time to listen rather than thinking its just people out to get you. When people take the time to address the points you make its not saying you are a retard its actually them taking the time to share their knowledge with others, if you say something stupid or retarded then people will call you on it - its for your own benifit, would you prefer to carry on holding retarded views? Its like if you had bad breath or something on your face, would you want people to tell you? I know it can be a bit uncomfortable but at the end of the day its better to get that info and take it on board and use it, its not like anyone takes great delight in telling people they have bad breath. I know i don't get huge delight when i put a lot of time into a post that gets ignored and when i continue to put forward solid points that counter the ones you raise only to be met by insults and ignorance to everything i've wrote. And to be told the time i spend in putting some decent commentry, that is intended to be used to help, actually constitutes having no life isn't great. You see that as not having a life which is your choice but i manage to qualify the time i put in by hoping that hopefully anyone else reading will see the flaws in the opinion you hold. See its not just all about you but if you put forward an opinion and that goes uncontested that essentially suggests that not only do we all think its right but that there is no counter arguments. Firstly we all try to let you see where we can see your opinion is flawed after that we are given a load of stuff to counter which often makes no sense and usually comes from an emotional response. I hope you can understand that.
08-01-2006, 05:25 PM
porn can be addictive, can being the operative here - it can be when a person has the psychological make up to react to porn in such a way. We can all display compulsion and many of us towards many different varried things, for the compulsion to become addictive is an issue and some will find that with fast cars, some with hardcore records and some with porn. Cami knows porn is not an edge issue but his views on porn were not coherent or well thought through, unfortunately when i highlighted this he must have felt like i was getting at him personally but i simply responded to the things he said.
yep thats kind of where i was going with that. people like me iam a ever addictive person. so if i was to look at porn i might become addictited to it for a time. i normally can break them.
08-01-2006, 05:26 PM
It's not too great being turned down or treated like a retard everytime you state an opinion.
get over it. every time i open my mouth i am treated that way on this forum buck up and deal with it.
08-01-2006, 05:35 PM
get over it. every time i open my mouth i am treated that way on this forum buck up and deal with it.
This just isn't true.
08-01-2006, 06:01 PM
yep thats kind of where i was going with that. people like me iam a ever addictive person. so if i was to look at porn i might become addictited to it for a time. i normally can break them.
So porn is no more addictive than a million and one other things and the problem of addiction manifests within in you and not within porn. An issue that should further be discussed here is just what criteria you are using to define this addiction, are you dependant on pornography?
And when you break this addiction do you display common themes of withdrawal?
Does engaging in porn nullify the strains of this withdrawal?
Do the themes follow a psychological course and perhaps constitute one of a number of different pre-established psychological conditions?
Is this supposed addiction simply a behavorial aspect that echoes a particular psychological problem?
On comparison would you say a physical addiction to alcohol or heroin varies quite hugely from the type of behavourial incidents we apply to porn?
Would you say based on your experiences that this addiction to porn is seemingly easier to break than that of alcoholism?
Once you see you actually have a psycological condition which could be as simple as lonliness causing your addiction to porn do you feel the lack physical addiction and the relatively easy course of action to nullify the root cause. Do you then feel that this is something that doesn't easily resemble many of the qualities that we commonly attribute to addiction?
*disclaimer: this post is to entice thought and provoke research of ones opinions, it is not to say porn has no damaging value for particular people.
08-01-2006, 08:09 PM
yep thats kind of where i was going with that. people like me iam a ever addictive person. so if i was to look at porn i might become addictited to it for a time. i normally can break them.
you don't break addictions. you find ways to cope with them, but that's the thing I don't think you kids understand that real actual addictions don't go away.
08-01-2006, 08:37 PM
Ok I'm being serious, I don't know what you're point is. I haven't thrown a single slur at you, childish or otherwise.
All I have done is post serious points. (points which go largely ignored it seems)
No one said you did, and I've been hearing what you've said. I'm tryna combat your and Ed's sayings all in one post. A post thats not long.
08-01-2006, 09:15 PM
No one said you did, and I've been hearing what you've said. I'm tryna combat your and Ed's sayings all in one post. A post thats not long.
Then why don't you address my points? None of them were addressed in that post.
Also it isn't about combating my points, that's the problem. you're just trying to think of a come back and not actually reading what I'm saying. You are so into fighting it's getting in the way of you learning. your a young kid, and there for have potential, but as it stands you're just going to fight for the sake of it, and grow up ignorant.
I'm honestly not trying to fight you, I'm trying to help. I have more productive things to do with my life than be a bitch for the sake of it. You have some misconceptions, and I'm trying to open your eyes.
08-04-2006, 10:37 PM
Dude, your a wrestling fan I take it. Go out and get the Jake "The Snake" Roberts DVD. Then you will understand a bit better at what an addiction really is.
Im sure some former drug addicts would slap you for saying porn in on par and as life destroying as coke or drinking. I mean there are cases where people are addicted to sex but that is usually a mental problem they themselves have.
If I go out and snort some coke I could probably go out and never do it again. After a few times I will start wanting it, then it will start to become a something I need, then I become dependant. I dont know anyone who has stayed up at night shaking so that they can get their "porno fix"
Also xvunderx is right. Woman have just as much to gain from porn as men. I mean S&M and Bondage for example, its not like these woman were told they told they must do it. No, they were asked if they wanted to do the role. They agreed. They got compensated in the end.
Christ an addiction to you must be eating. I mean we become dependant on it, we would do anything for it, and it becomes a habit.
Seriusly man, open your eyes and listen (That sounds odd but this is a forum) People make points and you just put your fingers in your ears and yell, then you go and repeat what you already said in different words. If you you dont like porn and you cant control your sexual urges then thats your problem, does not make it on level with a drug. If you ruined your life due to porn then thats your bad. Like how did you even do that? Its not like you couldnt take your hand off your dick, if you wanna stay in and jerk off to the point where your missing work, you alienate your friends and family to jerk off, and you are sucking dick for the new "Chicks with Dicks" tape then thats your problem. Drugs are actully made to fuck with you though, porn isnt.
08-05-2006, 04:29 PM
you don't break addictions. you find ways to cope with them, but that's the thing I don't think you kids understand that real actual addictions don't go away.
no shit kinda like i never went and bought another pack og cigs. plus your wrong dusty. once you dont deoend on something any more you have broken the addiction.
08-05-2006, 05:24 PM
no shit kinda like i never went and bought another pack og cigs. plus your wrong dusty. once you dont deoend on something any more you have broken the addiction.
Yeah but there is a reason for example an alcoholic can never touch even a single drink again, the addiction doesn't go away, you just learn how to cope with it.
08-05-2006, 06:36 PM
no shit kinda like i never went and bought another pack og cigs. plus your wrong dusty. once you dont deoend on something any more you have broken the addiction.
addiction, real chemical addiction alters the brain chemistry. that doesn't suddenly change back because you stop using. if you were start smoking again, you would in fact relapse if you were addicted in the first place. Like i said, addiction doesn't go away. you're never healed.
08-05-2006, 08:43 PM
So porn is no more addictive than a million and one other things and the problem of addiction manifests within in you and not within porn. An issue that should further be discussed here is just what criteria you are using to define this addiction, are you dependant on pornography?
And when you break this addiction do you display common themes of withdrawal?
Does engaging in porn nullify the strains of this withdrawal?
Do the themes follow a psychological course and perhaps constitute one of a number of different pre-established psychological conditions?
Is this supposed addiction simply a behavorial aspect that echoes a particular psychological problem?
On comparison would you say a physical addiction to alcohol or heroin varies quite hugely from the type of behavourial incidents we apply to porn?
Would you say based on your experiences that this addiction to porn is seemingly easier to break than that of alcoholism?
Once you see you actually have a psycological condition which could be as simple as lonliness causing your addiction to porn do you feel the lack physical addiction and the relatively easy course of action to nullify the root cause. Do you then feel that this is something that doesn't easily resemble many of the qualities that we commonly attribute to addiction?
*disclaimer: this post is to entice thought and provoke research of ones opinions, it is not to say porn has no damaging value for particular people.
xbillyx I can only assume your pm "if your saying iam saying iam addictied to porn i never said that. i just agreed with you." is in response to the post I have quoted above. The points I raised were in order to get you thinking about the nature of addiction. From the other posts you have made it illustrates you don't have a great handle on what addiction actually is. if you take the time to look at the questions and think about them and also take on board the other things being said on the matter you may put together a clearer understanding of addiction. its correct to say once you are addicted you remain and addict I.e. recovering alcoholics - note how they are still alcoholics just recovering ones.
08-19-2006, 05:03 PM
Yeah but there is a reason for example an alcoholic can never touch even a single drink again, the addiction doesn't go away, you just learn how to cope with it.
yes thats true. but still would you not consister it broken once they dont depend on it anymore? iam not saying that their isnt the chance of you relapsing or anything like that and no i dont think its truly ever broken. it just at one point or another you breack the depends of it.
08-19-2006, 06:54 PM
yes thats true. but still would you not consister it broken once they dont depend on it anymore? iam not saying that their isnt the chance of you relapsing or anything like that and no i dont think its truly ever broken. it just at one point or another you breack the depends of it.
you don't break it, that's the entire point. the dependence is always with you.
08-26-2006, 03:55 PM
you don't break it, that's the entire point. the dependence is always with you.
no its not. if you depend on it your still addicted to it. if you can live your life with out needing it you are not depended on it.
08-26-2006, 03:58 PM
no its not. if you depend on it your still addicted to it. if you can live your life with out needing it you are not depended on it.
if i was you i would go and talk with therapists, psychologists, people who work within drug and alcohol rehabilitation and people who have been through the process of learning to live with addiction. Because what you are saying contradicts the commonly accepted truth that these people profess when honestly discussing the problem of addiction.
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