View Full Version : X'ing Up

08-06-2006, 12:25 AM
I was talking to a friend of mine that is edge and he said that it was only appropriate at shows... I was wondering what everyone here's thoughts on that was. I always thought you were only supposed to do it at shows, but I know some people do it outside of shows as well.

Raven Among Doves
08-06-2006, 02:15 AM
He said that you should only uphold sXe beliefs at shows?

No way!

While I haven't been registered here very long, believe me when I say that it is NOT one of those part time jobs. Saying that you're only sXe at shows is like saying you are against gay marriage, but only in certain states. It's a lifestyle, not a hobby.

08-06-2006, 05:25 AM
He said that you should only uphold sXe beliefs at shows?

No way!

While I haven't been registered here very long, believe me when I say that it is NOT one of those part time jobs. Saying that you're only sXe at shows is like saying you are against gay marriage, but only in certain states. It's a lifestyle, not a hobby.

Yeah but just because you don't x up out of shows doesn't mean you are no longer upholding the beliefs.

08-06-2006, 05:27 AM
I was talking to a friend of mine that is edge and he said that it was only appropriate at shows... I was wondering what everyone here's thoughts on that was. I always thought you were only supposed to do it at shows, but I know some people do it outside of shows as well.

The only place x-ing up makes sense and is in actuall context is at a show, to do it other places doesn't really make sense. And for anyone who decides to x up when they go to the mall or whatever they should really ask themselves why they are doing that.

Raven Among Doves
08-06-2006, 11:51 AM
Yeah but just because you don't x up out of shows doesn't mean you are no longer upholding the beliefs.Ah fuck, misread the post slightly.

You don't have to x up out of shows. I mean, if you want to, be my guest, just make sure you're not doing it to be a show off.

08-06-2006, 02:42 PM
Ah fuck, misread the post slightly.

You don't have to x up out of shows. I mean, if you want to, be my guest, just make sure you're not doing it to be a show off.

Why would you want to though, the whole notion seems silly to me. I mean what purpose does x-ing up in a bowling alley serve? or in a cinema or in a mcdonalds or anywhere?

08-06-2006, 05:02 PM
Why would you want to though, the whole notion seems silly to me. I mean what purpose does x-ing up in a bowling alley serve? or in a cinema or in a mcdonalds or anywhere?

I don't do it, so this is just an idea, maybe people x up outside of shows because they want people to know they are edge.

08-06-2006, 05:22 PM
I don't do it, so this is just an idea, maybe people x up outside of shows because they want people to know they are edge.

See i think thats part of the reason but what i want to know is why they feel it necessary to x-up. Why do people need to x-up in environments where it isn't relevent? Why do they want people to know they are edge anyway, is it more a case of they want to be seen as edge, as something different. Do they use x-ing up as some kind of fashion fad like: "check me out i'm edge" - i mean so what, how important is it that perfect strangers know you are edge, i mean it seems like a lot of effort to put in and it makes me think its just about looking cool as opposed to much else. If you are looking to meet other straightedge people your best bet is going to a show, not a mcdonalds!!! I can recognise straightedge kids outside of shows from time to time and it usually takes no more than an x-watch, a t-shirt ot perhaps a tattoo, there is just no need to x-up.

Raven Among Doves
08-07-2006, 12:31 AM
Funny that you say that: x-ing up to go to a bowling alley. I doodled x's on my wrist, below my sweatshirt before I went out, just as a reminder for me to avoid caffeine when I bought a soda. They can be used in that sense, I suppose.

Another reason, like you said, is because it's an "Everyone look, I'm edge!" kind of sign. I can understand the want to feel accepted, everyone gets that.... And if drawing x's on your hands helps you resist peer pressure, then I think it's a good idea. I just would like to think people have stronger wills than that.

08-07-2006, 02:03 AM
Funny that you say that: x-ing up to go to a bowling alley. I doodled x's on my wrist, below my sweatshirt before I went out, just as a reminder for me to avoid caffeine when I bought a soda. They can be used in that sense, I suppose.

Another reason, like you said, is because it's an "Everyone look, I'm edge!" kind of sign. I can understand the want to feel accepted, everyone gets that.... And if drawing x's on your hands helps you resist peer pressure, then I think it's a good idea. I just would like to think people have stronger wills than that.
i have stronger will than i would need to look at an X all the time to remind me why i am sxe and what made me chose this lifestyle.

08-07-2006, 04:48 AM
Funny that you say that: x-ing up to go to a bowling alley. I doodled x's on my wrist, below my sweatshirt before I went out, just as a reminder for me to avoid caffeine when I bought a soda. They can be used in that sense, I suppose.

why not write, remember to avoid caffiene?

Another reason, like you said, is because it's an "Everyone look, I'm edge!" kind of sign. I can understand the want to feel accepted, everyone gets that.... And if drawing x's on your hands helps you resist peer pressure, then I think it's a good idea. I just would like to think people have stronger wills than that.

Accepted for what? drawing x's? And as for peer pressure drawing x's will just invite peer pressure. I mean surely you want to be accepted as a person without the need to exclaim your personal choice at every misplaced oppertunity. I mean you take one aspect of straightedge hardcore out of context why not take others, start a circle pit in the bowling alley, have a pile on in mcdonalds - this way you can show everyone how much you like hardcore and present yourself based on that. I think straightedge is neat but i'd hate to think its what sums a person up, people shouldn't get caught up in presenting these life choices above all else, this won't derrive acceptance of the person you really are at all. And straightedge does only represent a very small part of who you are, so many sxe kids are probably the last people on earth that i would want to hang out with, there of course are plenty of cool kids too but a friendship should go beyond simply being edge. I understand the need toseek out people who share common ground which is why you go to shows and x-ing up makes sense at shows. So i still just don't get x-ing up outside of shows.

Raven Among Doves
08-07-2006, 02:46 PM
The reason I didn't write "Remember to avoid caffeine," is simple - it would take more ink.

I'm sure that drawing x's on your hands does invite some peer pressure, just from another circle. I think it's probably a good idea to harden yourself against influences that could be detrimental to you in the first place, years of schoolyard bullying taught me that one pretty quick.

And SgtD, I'm glad that you don't need an X across both hands to remind you of who you are. Only having an identity that existed in the emblems on your hands would be pretty lame.

*runs away from the can of worms she seems to have opened...*

08-07-2006, 03:15 PM
The reason I didn't write "Remember to avoid caffeine," is simple - it would take more ink.

I'm sure that drawing x's on your hands does invite some peer pressure, just from another circle. I think it's probably a good idea to harden yourself against influences that could be detrimental to you in the first place, years of schoolyard bullying taught me that one pretty quick.

And SgtD, I'm glad that you don't need an X across both hands to remind you of who you are. Only having an identity that existed in the emblems on your hands would be pretty lame.

*runs away from the can of worms she seems to have opened...*

I understand where you are coming from, sometimes it's nice to have a little reminder of why you're doing what your doing.

Breaking old habits can be hard, I know when I decided to kick all drugs and take on the Edge it was hard to break old patterns, even though I knew that was what I wanted.

Some times a little symbol like 3 small X's can help you over the hump, and get you where you are going.

It's not so much about needing to be reminded, but looking down and seeing those X's can give you that little thrill that makes it all easier (that same kinda feeling as when you first stat dating someone and see them but with edge.)

08-07-2006, 03:52 PM
The reason I didn't write "Remember to avoid caffeine," is simple - it would take more ink.

Ok, i find the idea of reminding yourself to avoid caffiene a strange one anyway. I mean if you are writing x's solely for that purpose then we aren't really talking about x-ing up, or are we? i mean i wrote 86 on my wrist the other day to remember something for work but i don't think i'll need a fat x on the back of each hand for a simple reminder. So i question that.

I'm sure that drawing x's on your hands does invite some peer pressure, just from another circle. I think it's probably a good idea to harden yourself against influences that could be detrimental to you in the first place, years of schoolyard bullying taught me that one pretty quick.

Well it depends what circle you are in, it could just give "friends" something to break. But again what are the x's for? This isn't so much a reminder, if you hang around with idiot "friends" then they are going to give you shit regardless and rather than trying to defy them and waste your energy showing them "just how edge you are" a better choice would be to find better friends that don't require you to prove yourself for no gain. Of course then you could have good friends already that support your choice and then i question why there is any need to take aspects in order to display to them? I mean they know you and why would kids just take the aspect of the X out of context and not the rest. Although i'm aware certain kids to take dancing out of context but to me its just idiotic and has no point. Unlike you having a simple reminder the behaviour i have seen seems to be more about saying "look i'm cool, i have an x on my hand" and its a mindset that irritates me.

*runs away from the can of worms she seems to have opened...*

No need to run away, worms are pretty harmless.

08-09-2006, 06:28 PM
You don't have to "X up" at all. Straightedge is a lifestyle, not a fashion statement.

I may not be straightedge (hell, I'm far from it) but I know that if you're a true edger, you don't have to go about strutting your shit. That kind if mentality ends up having sXe in the police records as a gang. It's already happened in a lot of places.

08-09-2006, 06:43 PM
You don't have to "X up" at all. Straightedge is a lifestyle, not a fashion statement.

I may not be straightedge (hell, I'm far from it) but I know that if you're a true edger, you don't have to go about strutting your shit. That kind if mentality ends up having sXe in the police records as a gang. It's already happened in a lot of places.

Wearing x's is a unique part of straightedge history though, its more symbolism than fashion. And if you are a true edger you do things that represent straightedge, things like supporting the scene and supporting decent bands etc. Xing up at shows is a healthy part of things, you are right, you don't have to but it does show an understanding of straightedge and represents its history. Sure taking those thinks out of context and turning them in faddish fashion aspects is wrong (at least i think so and have stated as such) but the mentality of representing straightedge in a positive way in its own environment is not a mentality that lends to straightedge being seen as a gang on a few occasions by police. The mentality that causes that is idiotic violence being used in the name of straightedge not a symbolic representation of straightedge and its history.

08-09-2006, 11:37 PM
Funny thing about the gang stuff is that hXc (formally HARDCORE) was called a gang when in KY a few of my boys and I were at a gas station and these fuckin (steiotypically "preppy") kids were shit talkin our music, sayin we were bitches. Well, we beat the shit out of the kids, and we were wearing black flags on our faces when we did it and the people told the police we were gang members. We explained we were "hardcore kids" defending our beleifs and he called us a technical gang. I explained 'community' and we were eventually let off for defending our 'religeon'. Or something.

It was crazy, and I'm 95% sure the only real reason the officer let us off is cause he was too lazy to fill out paperwork, and his wife was baking brownies or something.

Haha... sorry guys, I ramble on so bad.

08-10-2006, 11:40 AM
Funny thing about the gang stuff is that hXc (formally HARDCORE) was called a gang when in KY a few of my boys and I were at a gas station and these fuckin (steiotypically "preppy") kids were shit talkin our music, sayin we were bitches. Well, we beat the shit out of the kids, and we were wearing black flags on our faces when we did it and the people told the police we were gang members. We explained we were "hardcore kids" defending our beleifs and he called us a technical gang. I explained 'community' and we were eventually let off for defending our 'religeon'. Or something.

It was crazy, and I'm 95% sure the only real reason the officer let us off is cause he was too lazy to fill out paperwork, and his wife was baking brownies or something.

Haha... sorry guys, I ramble on so bad.

You are full of shit.

08-10-2006, 12:34 PM
Funny thing about the gang stuff is that hXc (formally HARDCORE) was called a gang when in KY a few of my boys and I were at a gas station and these fuckin (steiotypically "preppy") kids were shit talkin our music, sayin we were bitches. Well, we beat the shit out of the kids, and we were wearing black flags on our faces when we did it and the people told the police we were gang members. We explained we were "hardcore kids" defending our beleifs and he called us a technical gang. I explained 'community' and we were eventually let off for defending our 'religeon'. Or something.

It was crazy, and I'm 95% sure the only real reason the officer let us off is cause he was too lazy to fill out paperwork, and his wife was baking brownies or something.

Haha... sorry guys, I ramble on so bad.

So let me get this straight. You were with a GROUP of guys, who beat the shit out of some kids, and you don't want to be classified as a gang? Sounds like a pretty gang-like situation

08-10-2006, 03:35 PM
You are full of shit.

Ok. Sorry I'm not cool enough for you to "beleive" what I say.

08-10-2006, 03:37 PM
So let me get this straight. You were with a GROUP of guys, who beat the shit out of some kids, and you don't want to be classified as a gang? Sounds like a pretty gang-like situation

No. Gangs are organized crime.
Not fighting for (what I beleive was a situation where I stood for) what I beleived in.

P.S.: Go to anywhere in the Southern U.S. (like, redneck places: Mississippi, TN, KY) and you'll see how pathetic the police forces are.

I remember I almost got arrested for cursing someone out in their face in NJ but all I got was threats and shit when the police in TN or KY catch me fighting.

It's not a hard concept to grasp. Cops are dumb.

08-10-2006, 03:42 PM
Ok. Sorry I'm not cool enough for you to "beleive" what I say.

appology accepted, don't do it again.

08-10-2006, 03:51 PM
No. Gangs are organized crime.
Not fighting for (what I beleive was a situation where I stood for) what I beleived in.

P.S.: Go to anywhere in the Southern U.S. (like, redneck places: Mississippi, TN, KY) and you'll see how pathetic the police forces are.

I remember I almost got arrested for cursing someone out in their face in NJ but all I got was threats and shit when the police in TN or KY catch me fighting.

It's not a hard concept to grasp. Cops are dumb.


look up the word gang before you argue its defintion.

Saying cops are dumb is quite a statement, isthis all cops or just the ones you have interacted with after you have done illegal things? Do you think your behaviour at the gas station could be considered dumb?

08-10-2006, 03:54 PM
No. Gangs are organized crime.
Not fighting for (what I beleive was a situation where I stood for) what I beleived in.

P.S.: Go to anywhere in the Southern U.S. (like, redneck places: Mississippi, TN, KY) and you'll see how pathetic the police forces are.

I remember I almost got arrested for cursing someone out in their face in NJ but all I got was threats and shit when the police in TN or KY catch me fighting.

It's not a hard concept to grasp. Cops are dumb.

Fighting is a crime though. So techinically you and your "gang" beating somebody up together is organised crime.

08-10-2006, 03:59 PM
Actually, I do consider my violent nature stupid a lot of the time. I am irrational a lot of the time because of the attitude reflected from what society (so far in life) has thrown at me.

I'm not trying to whine about my life sucking, because it can be really great, especially within the hardcore community.

I didn't bother to click the link and read what you posted about 'gangs' because I know the definition of a gang. I was trying to more scratch the surface of modern "organizations" that are considered gangs.

My friends and I fighting together against an equal ammount of people (maybe a person or two less) isn't gang banging. Though, it's my idea to act irrationally and fight a lot of the time, doesn't mean I'm the leader of a gang.

Now, a lot of the time I've met cops (which I mostly do call stupid, dumb, whatever the adjective is at the time) I've gotten harrassed, or taken downtown (on several occasions) for absolutely no reason. There's been times where they use the fact I had no I.D. on me as an excuse, when I had an I.D....
So, I'm sure I can't talk bad about every cop, because I'm sure there's some of them who really do their jobs correctly. I've just had too many run ins with the crooked ones.

(Also, I'd like to add that I don't base my opinion of police on the fact that I do take hand in a few illegal activities here and there. I'm no criminal. I just hate corrupt rednecks in power who can do WHATEVER the hell they want.)

08-10-2006, 04:33 PM
Actually, I do consider my violent nature stupid a lot of the time. I am irrational a lot of the time because of the attitude reflected from what society (so far in life) has thrown at me.

Oh, its societys fault.

I'm not trying to whine about my life sucking, because it can be really great, especially within the hardcore community.

And it would be even better if it weren't for that darned society!

I didn't bother to click the link and read what you posted about 'gangs' because I know the definition of a gang. I was trying to more scratch the surface of modern "organizations" that are considered gangs.

But that would have no relevence, you were saying you and your friends weren't behaving like a gang when clearly you were. It doesn't supprise me that you didn't bother to click the link and it supprises me even less that you claim to know the meaning of "gang" yet erronously dispute the meaning of the word. Gang does not necessarily mean organised crime and the behaviour of you and your friends can be described perfectly by the word gang.

My friends and I fighting together against an equal ammount of people (maybe a person or two less) isn't gang banging. Though, it's my idea to act irrationally and fight a lot of the time, doesn't mean I'm the leader of a gang.

Again this is irrelevent to the definition of "gang" and illustrates a poor understanding of the word. The defintion: "A group of adolescents who band together, especially a group of delinquents" does not even require you to gang bang and the numbers of the people you go up against is completely irrelevent also.

Now, a lot of the time I've met cops (which I mostly do call stupid, dumb, whatever the adjective is at the time) I've gotten harrassed, or taken downtown (on several occasions) for absolutely no reason. There's been times where they use the fact I had no I.D. on me as an excuse, when I had an I.D....
So, I'm sure I can't talk bad about every cop, because I'm sure there's some of them who really do their jobs correctly. I've just had too many run ins with the crooked ones.

Well your idea of no reason is probably quite different from other peoples, i mean we've already seen how you justify moronic violence so i'm sure your scope of whats a good reason is rather tainted to give you rights to do as you please with a complete disregard for law and others. And to be honest if the attitude you are putting accross on this message board is anything like how you react to police then i'm not supprised they fuck with you and take you in.

(Also, I'd like to add that I don't base my opinion of police on the fact that I do take hand in a few illegal activities here and there. I'm no criminal. I just hate corrupt rednecks in power who can do WHATEVER the hell they want.)

If its illegal you are a criminal, it matters not if you have justified it to yourself, in the eyes of the law you are a criminal. And its interesting that you hate them because you think they can do what they want yet it seems more like you want to be able to do whatever the hell you want. You are bound by the same laws as everyone else, if you don't like the laws of the state or the country then leave.

08-10-2006, 05:45 PM
Ok. I read about half of that.

I'm not here to try and justify how I live to people who will probably never understand me. Seriously. I'm not here to argue or debate. I'm here to chill and talk to people. I don't want pointless internet name calling and arguing blah blahs and rants and such.

So, like... You can stop. Cause I am quite imperfect as all humans are, and I have many flaws. I can't help it. Sorry if you don't think I'm the ideal person to reply to a post.

I'm -just- here to connect with people. Come on. Unity. Seriously.

08-10-2006, 05:47 PM
Otherwise, I see your points. (I've just taken the time to read all of what you had to say about me.) I guess I'm just a bad person.


08-11-2006, 04:17 PM
Otherwise, I see your points. (I've just taken the time to read all of what you had to say about me.) I guess I'm just a bad person.


Well its up to you, if you want to be involved in discussion it usually means reading what the person responds to you with. So i'm glad you took the time, if you choose then to disregard it and and not really entertain any of the ideas raised then thats fine. Although that pretty much does end the discussion, which is fine, we don't have to converse, i'm fine with that.

08-11-2006, 04:35 PM
Ok. I read about half of that.

I'm not here to try and justify how I live to people who will probably never understand me. Seriously. I'm not here to argue or debate. I'm here to chill and talk to people. I don't want pointless internet name calling and arguing blah blahs and rants and such.

Umm, you argued that you and your buddies behaviour wasn't gang like?!

I never named called and the points i raised weren't really pointless you just don't want to hear them, i think a lot of people don't like to hear facts or opinions that are contrary to their own.

So, like... You can stop. Cause I am quite imperfect as all humans are, and I have many flaws. I can't help it. Sorry if you don't think I'm the ideal person to reply to a post.

Well i can stop but at the end of the day if i see something that is incoorect i like to see it corrected and thats not just for your benifit but for anyone else reading, by not saying anything i am passively enforcing what you have said which i believe is wrong. And i am happy to let you know that you can help your flaws, you shouldn't give away the power you have to change yourself like that its very defeatest. And further more my ideals are really irrelevent here.

I'm -just- here to connect with people. Come on. Unity. Seriously.

I have to point something out here, earlier you were going on about how i will never understand you, so how should i or anyone connect to what i will never understand?

Also i have to say i do not want to be unified with someone who uses violence to deal with the most moronic of situations where there are numerous other ways to deal with it, has no respect for police or the law and blames their attitude towards others on society. Personally i don't just freely engage in unity with people because they like hardcore, basically because there are so many dicks around.

Just wanted to address that, now if theres nothing me we can consider it all done and dusted and forget the whole conversation?

08-11-2006, 04:51 PM

Good points.

Feel better?

08-11-2006, 05:26 PM

Good points.

Feel better?

I felt fine before, i feel no different after. How do you feel?

08-12-2006, 06:36 AM
I feel like we've really made a breakthrough here.

But I still can't beleive it's not butter...

08-12-2006, 07:30 AM
I feel like we've really made a breakthrough here.

But I still can't beleive it's not butter...

How have we made a breakthrough? And why are you quoting vegatable fat spread slogans? This has nothing to do with x-ing up or what was previously posted does it?

08-12-2006, 09:13 AM
How have we made a breakthrough? And why are you quoting vegatable fat spread slogans? This has nothing to do with x-ing up or what was previously posted does it?

I love you too, Tom Hanks.

08-12-2006, 09:16 AM
(If you hadn't noticed, I'm trying my damnedest to avoid any more arguements.)

08-12-2006, 09:18 AM
Hate to make a third post, but I just noticed... you're in the U.K.?...

Unless that isn't the case, we're looking at two different cultures colliding...

I don't know if that really makes a difference in your opinion, but I just thought I'd call that out.

Things are quite different in the U.S. than the U.K.

08-12-2006, 01:38 PM
Hate to make a third post, but I just noticed... you're in the U.K.?...

Unless that isn't the case, we're looking at two different cultures colliding...

I don't know if that really makes a difference in your opinion, but I just thought I'd call that out.

Things are quite different in the U.S. than the U.K.

have you been to both?

08-12-2006, 01:53 PM
(If you hadn't noticed, I'm trying my damnedest to avoid any more arguements.)

Avoiding arguments? You are posting stuff and i asked why you posted what you did? I haven't made any statements to oppose what you have said i have simply asked for clarity of what you have said, this is conversation not argument.

08-12-2006, 01:58 PM
Hate to make a third post, but I just noticed... you're in the U.K.?...

Unless that isn't the case, we're looking at two different cultures colliding...

I don't know if that really makes a difference in your opinion, but I just thought I'd call that out.

Things are quite different in the U.S. than the U.K.

Hows that really relevent, i would love to see how you think that would make a difference, especially seeing as i am seemingly colliding only with you not the rest of the americans on here. I'm aware of a lot of the differences between uk and america and actually follow a lot of american culture and i am rather pro american. But this doesn't change my views on violence or unity or law or pretty much any of the stuff we/i have discussed.

08-14-2006, 08:53 PM
have you been to both?

No. I just assume it's quite different

Have you? If so, how different is it (if at all)?

08-14-2006, 08:54 PM
Hows that really relevent, i would love to see how you think that would make a difference, especially seeing as i am seemingly colliding only with you not the rest of the americans on here. I'm aware of a lot of the differences between uk and america and actually follow a lot of american culture and i am rather pro american. But this doesn't change my views on violence or unity or law or pretty much any of the stuff we/i have discussed.


08-14-2006, 09:06 PM
No. I just assume it's quite different

Have you? If so, how different is it (if at all)?

yes. I'm in the uk at least once a year and my wife is english.

where it's different isn't in what you're talking about. yes there are things that are really different, but what you're talking about it's the same.

08-14-2006, 11:11 PM
I was talking to a friend of mine that is edge and he said that it was only appropriate at shows... I was wondering what everyone here's thoughts on that was. I always thought you were only supposed to do it at shows, but I know some people do it outside of shows as well.

I used to think it was okay, even legitimate to X up out shows. But what I came to realize is that it doesnt make any sense. As has already been stated by many people, it loses relevance and in turn loses meaning if you did it anywhere but a show. Just as Straight Edge stays within Hardcore, X-ing up should stay within shows. I mean, it came directly from shows and clubs where music was played. The X does symbolize the beliefs in a way, but its only relevant at shows. Because if you think back to the ACTUAL origins of where it came from you would realize that it really doesnt have anything to do with anything but shows and or clubs.

08-15-2006, 01:20 PM

What was funny?

08-15-2006, 07:20 PM
What was funny?

Because, if you haven't noticed by now, I do not feel like engaging in what you call a 'discussion' with you.

08-16-2006, 06:31 AM
Because, if you haven't noticed by now, I do not feel like engaging in what you call a 'discussion' with you.

But you keep doing so, I mean this is conversing isn't it?
And you did engage in a conversation with me about me being from england and talked about my opinion on it. I gave you a response which illustrates where i stand on cultural differences between England and America. Now it seems that what you want is to make comments to me without getting a response, is that correct?

If you don't want to engage in a conversation with me then walk away and make no more commentry on the matter, thats fine you know? But its a bit childish to just type LOL when you know full well the post was addressing the issues you brought up.

08-19-2006, 04:38 PM
Funny that you say that: x-ing up to go to a bowling alley. I doodled x's on my wrist, below my sweatshirt before I went out, just as a reminder for me to avoid caffeine when I bought a soda. They can be used in that sense, I suppose.

Another reason, like you said, is because it's an "Everyone look, I'm edge!" kind of sign. I can understand the want to feel accepted, everyone gets that.... And if drawing x's on your hands helps you resist peer pressure, then I think it's a good idea. I just would like to think people have stronger wills than that.

if you need to draw x's on your self to stay away from drugs......

that's lame
Wendie 99 (http://www.lovelywendie99.com/)

09-16-2006, 12:19 AM
Its become a habit to wake up in the morning and x-up. I hang out with a select group of people at school and were all edge. some of them dont x-up at school but if you go to a show and x-up and dont do it else where and someone see's you they get all up in your face thinking your a poser ot some shit like that. everyone knows i'm edge, so i dont have to have an X on my hands. alot of people have been wearing their sXe gloves which i find a waste of money but its their chioce and its their body so let them x-up where ever they want and quit bitching about it!

09-17-2006, 01:35 AM
X-ing up should stay in the premises of shows. Thats where it was born, and thats where it should stay. Straight Edge is NOT a fashion statement, and if thats why your edge, than you wont last long because trends and fashions change. Even now, its starting to become "uncool" to be edge. Who cares. Its a lifestyle, not an Atreyu shirt.

10-04-2006, 11:36 PM
He said that you should only uphold sXe beliefs at shows?

No way!

While I haven't been registered here very long, believe me when I say that it is NOT one of those part time jobs. Saying that you're only sXe at shows is like saying you are against gay marriage, but only in certain states. It's a lifestyle, not a hobby.

this is a great post i agree 100%

10-07-2006, 06:35 AM
X-ing up should stay in the premises of shows. Thats where it was born, and thats where it should stay. Straight Edge is NOT a fashion statement, and if thats why your edge, than you wont last long because trends and fashions change. Even now, its starting to become "uncool" to be edge. Who cares. Its a lifestyle, not an Atreyu shirt.
but people can argue that its a trent at the shows because of the new so called hardcore fans. i dont x up much to be honest not atall realy its in my heart to be sxe my clothes change from week to week but i still have the edge. and thats what matter not what short and cap ur wearing.

10-07-2006, 07:39 AM
but people can argue that its a trent at the shows because of the new so called hardcore fans. i dont x up much to be honest not atall realy its in my heart to be sxe my clothes change from week to week but i still have the edge. and thats what matter not what short and cap ur wearing.

I don't think anyone is saying that there aren't people at shows that are there because they've jumped on a bandwagon. Its pretty evident with the amount of people that were edge for a year and with how quickly faces change at shows.

10-07-2006, 04:54 PM
If you're X-ing up in an environment where it is irrelevant, such as your home or at a friend's house, then it would be pointless and fad-ish. I think there are many places outside of shows where it is relevant, though. Drugs, alcohol and sex are prominent in every aspect of public life. It seems more like a fashion statement if you're only Xing around other sXe, because then it's like some lame club instead of a statement about society. That's where I thought edge started, not just out of music but also because of the life that needed to be lived outside of the shows. What good does it do to just be SE where everyone else is already SE?

I'm new to this world, so I'm just trying to create my own beliefs at this stage.

10-18-2006, 10:29 AM
And as for clothing? I was just wondering, wouldnt that be the same as marking Xs? both display the Xs so wouldnt that also be considered "showing off" (and pointless)? There's no "rule" that you can't wear sxe clothing outside of concerts/gigs but i'm just wondering what's everyone's opinion on that.


10-18-2006, 10:40 AM
X'ing up was used by straightedge kids to show that they were going to shows with no intentions to buy drink from the venue as underagers at the shows were marked on entry to show that they werent of legal age to buy drink in the first place

I don't understand why people would X up to walk around at school or to like go to the mall or anything, its like you want people to see those X's and its like you want people to say "what the hell is he got X's on his hands", I can't understand any personal reasons at all that would contribute to the fact that you need to wear X's during every day life, the only thing that jumps at me is that wearing X's makes you look "cool" to others

and the guy who said "X'ing up in the morning has just become a normal thing" what the fuck? an everyday thing is like eating breakfast, brushing your teeth not drawing X's on your hands to go to SCHOOL sheeesh

10-18-2006, 10:41 AM
X-ing up should stay in the premises of shows. Thats where it was born, and thats where it should stay. Straight Edge is NOT a fashion statement, and if thats why your edge, than you wont last long because trends and fashions change. Even now, its starting to become "uncool" to be edge. Who cares. Its a lifestyle, not an Atreyu shirt.

I am in 100% agreement

10-18-2006, 10:53 AM
And as for clothing? I was just wondering, wouldnt that be the same as marking Xs? both display the Xs so wouldnt that also be considered "showing off" (and pointless)? There's no "rule" that you can't wear sxe clothing outside of concerts/gigs but i'm just wondering what's everyone's opinion on that.


no, because the clothing isn't symbolic where the x'ing up of your hands is. It's not a matter of displaying straight edge, it's a matter of doing things in context. You wear clothing daily so it makes sense to wear clothing that reflects your personality and interests. The same can't be said with taking a marker and drawing x's on your hands.