View Full Version : Am I the only one?

08-31-2006, 09:45 PM
Is it just me, or do some of you guys get pissed when someone claims edge and yet you just know for a fact they know nothing about it? I don't want to sound dumb or anything, but I've noticed an influx of edge people at my school, most of them being girls and christians. I have nothing against Christians or girls, but I've noticed one of my friends who is edge is in like a Christian bible study type deal and I think he kind of spread the word, which is fine, but it seems like everyone is claiming edge and yet they don't even know who Youth of Today or Minor Threat is, for example I was looking at people for my school's myspaces and I found this girl whose display name was "ex straightedge ex" and yet I looked at her music section and she didn't even have a hardcore band on it. I know its probably wrong to judge people like that, but I was just kind of ranting and seeing if anyone else kind of got upset over that. It just seems like a fad to them...

08-31-2006, 09:50 PM
i hate poseurs

09-01-2006, 08:11 AM
Oh it's not wrong to get pissed off! I think pretty much every one here feels the same way. It's honestly sickening to me.

09-02-2006, 09:18 PM
Before I claimed to be edge I actually read up on it & talked to friends who were sxe about it.

It annoys me when people claim they're anything, without knowing anything about it.

09-02-2006, 10:08 PM
Oh this galls me to no end, but my trouble is with people who claim but don't even live the lifestyle. I had this trouble with my most recent girlfriend (who recently broke up with me quite unexpectedly and needlessly). I always make it a point of stating my sXe stance at the beginning of a relationship. I make it quite clear that I will not be with a drug user. Well, she claimed that she was "a straight edge," and wasn't into that sort of thing, despite some past behavior.

Well, despite the fact that she said she never would again and that she admired and respected my views, shortly before she broke up with me, she smoked pot again with a friend of hers. I was pretty furious, as she not only did something I simply find personally objectionable, but it was an act of disrespect and dishonesty. I told her that being straight-edge means NEVER doing that stuff. There is no "once-in-a-while," otherwise what's the meaning in it? I don't care if one thinks that it's not a big deal--don't go calling yourself sXe then. Very simple.

And when I told her this, she almost argued with me about it. Sure, tell the guy who hasn't touched a drug his whole life what is and is not sXe. Tell the guy that basically listens almost exclusively to punk when you yourself do not what the nuance of the label is. Revolting.

Now, my previous girlfriend didn't call herself sXe, but she still didn't use drugs. She didn't even drink...although now she apparently does, which bothers me (although it probably shouldn't). So I do have some rather painful experiences with false sXers, or basically people who seem clean but secretly are not.

Now as for people who don't know of the fact that it's a punk subculture, yeah, they really shouldn't use the term if they don't know what it means...but I personally will cut them some slack as long as they live a drug-free lifestyle. It would be prudent to educate them as to the origins of the term, however.

09-02-2006, 10:54 PM
I feel you there.. they think its just drug free,like D.A.R.E. or some shit. Thats a problem with the Christian straight edge crowd, too many people thinking its something about being drug free fashion thing, but theres some who actually know what they are doing, like myself.

09-03-2006, 01:46 AM
I feel you there.. they think its just drug free,like D.A.R.E. or some shit. Thats a problem with the Christian straight edge crowd, too many people thinking its something about being drug free fashion thing, but theres some who actually know what they are doing, like myself.

No the problem with christian sXe people are that they are christians.

09-03-2006, 05:04 AM
No the problem with christian sXe people are that they are christians.

How can they be when they contradict their own religion?

09-04-2006, 07:21 AM
How can they be when they contradict their own religion?

That was the point I was trying to make.

09-04-2006, 07:40 AM
That was the point I was trying to make.

See it sounded like you were suggesting the christianity was the fault when the straightedge belief is equally contradictive, there for being straightedge could also be the problem.

09-16-2006, 12:44 AM
Oh I love the stupid people like that. We have one kid in our school, his name is alex, he is retarded cause he is "sXe" but he hangs out with all the stoners and smokes pot himself. Before I became edge, I hung out with the edgers in our school and alot of their philophosies (sorry i just murdered that word) were alot like mine. I was pretty "edge" ucated on the edge lifestyle.
I think the little poser kids should either reform of fuck off!

XThe EdgeX
09-20-2006, 08:08 PM
My friend who was edge introduced me to it and took me to shows....its because of him that i am who I am...and yes..i hate the girls and /or guys that have now clue what sXe is and dont listen to the music....Its like on the frontpage of this site....if you havent stood in the middle of the pit...with you figer i the air screaming along to the lyrics...you dont know what its like..its the greatest feeling....

XThe EdgeX
09-20-2006, 08:14 PM
oh and xCAMIx...there is nothing wrong whith DARE shirts.......or at least not as far as i can see...please enlighten me?

09-21-2006, 12:32 PM
this thread makes me get that bad song stuck in my head... the one by wilson phillips or something.

10-10-2006, 06:14 PM
oh and xCAMIx...there is nothing wrong whith DARE shirts.......or at least not as far as i can see...please enlighten me?

DARE causes kids to experiment with drugs. It's happened time and time again. I hate DARE. The government fucks everything up.

10-11-2006, 08:59 AM
DARE causes kids to experiment with drugs. It's happened time and time again. I hate DARE. The government fucks everything up.

How does DARE cause kids to experiment with drugs?

10-13-2006, 05:38 PM
It may sound cliché, but it's essentially a matter of reverse psychology. I'm just talking about the 8th grade level DARE, though.

10-13-2006, 09:11 PM
It may sound cliché, but it's essentially a matter of reverse psychology. I'm just talking about the 8th grade level DARE, though.

that's not a very convincing argument. what specifically about the program makes you think it's causing people to experiment with drugs?

10-14-2006, 08:49 AM
It may sound cliché, but it's essentially a matter of reverse psychology. I'm just talking about the 8th grade level DARE, though.

By that logic you are encouraging people to eat meat.

10-15-2006, 09:53 PM
that's not a very convincing argument. what specifically about the program makes you think it's causing people to experiment with drugs?

You guys have to remember, I'm still in high school, so I remember what it's like to be in 8th grade. A lot of kids in 8th grade (when DARE taught in my town) are constantly rebelling against everything, and when some square-as-hell cop tells them they shouldn't do drugs, they're like, "Well, fuck you!" and that opens the door for them. I wouldn't be surprised if some kid was like, "Blake [my name] you're an asshole, and I hate you, so I'm gonna eat more meat." In that sense, yes, some people might be encouraged to eat meat by me. But I'm more likely to stay away from drugs because of people I respect informing me about them, not some bullshit government institution trying to scare me away from them, and I would hope people who see my positive qualities will take an interest in veganism.

You guys always make me defend my beliefs...I respect that...but it's tiring!

10-15-2006, 10:06 PM
You guys have to remember, I'm still in high school, so I remember what it's like to be in 8th grade. A lot of kids in 8th grade (when DARE taught in my town) are constantly rebelling against everything, and when some square-as-hell cop tells them they shouldn't do drugs, they're like, "Well, fuck you!" and that opens the door for them. I wouldn't be surprised if some kid was like, "Blake [my name] you're an asshole, and I hate you, so I'm gonna eat more meat." In that sense, yes, some people might be encouraged to eat meat by me. But I'm more likely to stay away from drugs because of people I respect informing me about them, not some bullshit government institution trying to scare me away from them, and I would hope people who see my positive qualities will take an interest in veganism.

You guys always make me defend my beliefs...I respect that...but it's tiring!

do you honestly believe that DARE had any effect one way or the other on whether or not those kids were going to do drugs? You make it sound like these kids were completely sheltered from the world and their first introduction to it was through DARE, which is complete bullshit.

10-16-2006, 12:15 PM
You guys have to remember, I'm still in high school, so I remember what it's like to be in 8th grade. A lot of kids in 8th grade (when DARE taught in my town) are constantly rebelling against everything, and when some square-as-hell cop tells them they shouldn't do drugs, they're like, "Well, fuck you!" and that opens the door for them. I wouldn't be surprised if some kid was like, "Blake [my name] you're an asshole, and I hate you, so I'm gonna eat more meat." In that sense, yes, some people might be encouraged to eat meat by me. But I'm more likely to stay away from drugs because of people I respect informing me about them, not some bullshit government institution trying to scare me away from them, and I would hope people who see my positive qualities will take an interest in veganism.

You guys always make me defend my beliefs...I respect that...but it's tiring!

Thats a really screwed up notion. I live in a town where a lot of addicts are sent to be put on rehabilitation programs, would you suggest those programs are perpetuating drug use? even encouraging it? At my school we had drug education programs and none of them are the cause of making people take drugs, people took drugs anyway and these were a way to educate on the dangers of that. The fact that kids are rebelling isn't down to dare giving them something to rebel against, kids already have that, and it consists of pretty much everything, its a case of kids doing these rebelious things which then makes there a legitimate need for anti drug programs. And sure its hard to make them work but it educates some and they will gain from it, others continue to fuck up and learn from more severe lessons, some never learn and are dead set against reforming until they are unable to reform. Putting education in place on all matters not just drugs is a positive thing, unfortunately its often not enough, but to suggest its the root cause of these problems is ridiculous. DARE is not what makes kids take this route, the point is to educate the individual not to use ones own health as a tool for rebelion, it is about learning respect for yourself and from that you can build respect for other people and even rules.

11-01-2006, 05:52 AM
yeah i get pissed with those kinds of peeps..alot..theres this guy in my school who claims to be edge, but all he knows is writing X'es on his hands..its makes my blood boil. plus he shows off that he's in this band and all but his band doesn't even play hardcore..its pretty big bullshit..yeah.

11-01-2006, 07:27 AM
I don't like those poser kids at all

When being edge makes them look good they are all for it, as soon as people don't show any interest they drop it

Besides this, they couldn't tell you the first thing about hardcore or straight edge itself, idiots

11-07-2006, 10:52 AM
I try not to let it get to me. If people have misinformed views, I do what I can to fill them in on the truth as I know it. It's the same thing with emo. It's used so slanderously these days that it seems impossible to inform the public on its hardcore roots. For example, over the summer when I was driving some of my brother's buddies around, a Goldfinger song came up about a breakup. One of them said, "This song is so emo," to which I gave them a little lecture. So when I see a kid claiming edge who cups his ears at the sound of hardcore music, I just kindly explain to him or her that there's more to it than just being drug-free. Most of them are scared away by the realization of what a concert is like.

Speaking of which, what concerts are there in the DC area from mid-December to mid-January?

Sand Stealer
11-20-2006, 04:22 AM
I totally agree. There was a girl at my college who found out I was straight edge and started saying to me 'oh I really respect you for it, I'm going to be straight edge too!' The next thing I know she's completely drunk out of her head at the next party I see her at.

11-26-2006, 03:26 AM
I hate it when people think you have to do something in order to be something.

I don't go to shows, because I don't like people.
I don't really listen to Hardcore... because I just don't.
and to be totally honest, I don't think I've listened to any Minor Threat song all the way through.

Now does that make the last 4 years of my life a lie? because I don't listen to the right thing or go to the right show?

True, there are people out there who claim it and have no idea what they're talking about. and those people need to learn something.

But just because somebody doesn't fit your archetype example of what a sXe person should be, doesn't mean they're any less sXe than you.

11-26-2006, 07:50 AM
I hate it when people think you have to do something in order to be something.

I don't go to shows, because I don't like people.
I don't really listen to Hardcore... because I just don't.
and to be totally honest, I don't think I've listened to any Minor Threat song all the way through.

Now does that make the last 4 years of my life a lie? because I don't listen to the right thing or go to the right show?

True, there are people out there who claim it and have no idea what they're talking about. and those people need to learn something.

But just because somebody doesn't fit your archetype example of what a sXe person should be, doesn't mean they're any less sXe than you.

so you hate it when people think definitions exist and that for something to be something it has to fit the characteristics? How are you not one of those people? How are you straight edge and not just drug free?

11-26-2006, 03:13 PM
so you hate it when people think definitions exist and that for something to be something it has to fit the characteristics? How are you not one of those people? How are you straight edge and not just drug free?

BEcause I know the history of sXe, I know what it means and what I represent. And I'm not doing it to look cool or be be different. I do it because its how I want to live my life. And the fact that I don't listen to much Hardcore, mostly because I'm just not into it, should affect my sXe credibility.

And if there its supposed to be a set line of how to look, what to listen to, ect, to be Straight Edge, a whole lot of people would be Drug Free instead of sXe.

11-26-2006, 03:51 PM
BEcause I know the history of sXe, I know what it means and what I represent. And I'm not doing it to look cool or be be different. I do it because its how I want to live my life. And the fact that I don't listen to much Hardcore, mostly because I'm just not into it, should affect my sXe credibility.

And if there its supposed to be a set line of how to look, what to listen to, ect, to be Straight Edge, a whole lot of people would be Drug Free instead of sXe.

How are you representing it if you're not taking part in what actually makes straight edge unique and different from being drug free? Knowing the history is great but how does it relate to something that's an active and real subculture that you're not participating in? What are you doing to be straight edge? What makes straight edge unique from every other drug free lifestyle/group?

And yes, that's the point, there are a whole lot of people who are Drug Free instead of straight edge. Straight edge isn't a catchall and isn't for everyone.

11-26-2006, 04:15 PM
How are you representing it if you're not taking part in what actually makes straight edge unique and different from being drug free?

Because I don't like people and I don't like going to concerts

What are you doing to be straight edge?

I'm not smoking, drinking, do drugs or fuck everything that moves.

What makes straight edge unique from every other drug free lifestyle/group?

jesus man, is this a high school career apptitude test?

What it seems like you're saying to me, is that because I don't fit your idea of what a Straight Edge person should be, then I'm not Straight Edge. fine, then call me drug free if you want, but that doesn't make me any different than anyone else on this forum who choose to lead a clean life.

11-26-2006, 04:22 PM
Because I don't like people and I don't like going to concerts
I'm not smoking, drinking, do drugs or fuck everything that moves.
jesus man, is this a high school career apptitude test?

not smoking, drinking, doing drugs aren't what makes someone straight edge though.

What it seems like you're saying to me, is that because I don't fit your idea of what a Straight Edge person should be, then I'm not Straight Edge. fine, then call me drug free if you want, but that doesn't make me any different than anyone else on this forum who choose to lead a clean life.

It's not my idea of what a straight edge person is. It's what makes someone straight edge. It's what separates straight edge from every other group of people that don't smoke or drink or do drugs. It's what spread the message and what makes it unique. Now, if you're not a part of it and don't like the music, why would you want to call yourself straight edge?

11-26-2006, 05:06 PM
I listen to Hardcore, just not a lot. I listen to Through the Eyes of the Dead and Between The Buried and Me and a bunch of others. Hell, I've been listening to Bleeding Through for the past hour.

I call myself straight edge because I am.

11-26-2006, 05:11 PM
I listen to Hardcore, just not a lot. I listen to Through the Eyes of the Dead and Between The Buried and Me and a bunch of others. Hell, I've been listening to Bleeding Through for the past hour.

I call myself straight edge because I am.

You either listen to hardcore you don't. Why are you fighting so hard to hold on to a label that doesn't describe you? If you don't listen to a lot of hardcore and don't really care for it, then that's fine, but why go back and forth to hold onto something you have no connection to and you're not a part of? Especially when you list bands that aren't even hardcore as example of hardcore bands you listen to. You can call yourself a chair too, but that doesn't make it so.

11-26-2006, 05:34 PM
ok, I'm tired of going in a circle. if you want to count this as a victory for the betterment of Straight Edge, go ahead. Because I have my ideas, and you have your and they're obviously very different. But I'm done arguing.

11-26-2006, 05:45 PM
ok, I'm tired of going in a circle. if you want to count this as a victory for the betterment of Straight Edge, go ahead. Because I have my ideas, and you have your and they're obviously very different. But I'm done arguing.

it only goes in circles when you fail to accept reality. The big problem and the big difference is that your ideas aren't actually based on anything.

11-26-2006, 11:27 PM
ok, I'm tired of going in a circle. if you want to count this as a victory for the betterment of Straight Edge, go ahead. Because I have my ideas, and you have your and they're obviously very different. But I'm done arguing.

Yeah except that Dustys ideas are not only his ideas. Alot of us here would tell you the exact same thing as he is.

12-05-2006, 06:15 PM
You either listen to hardcore you don't. Why are you fighting so hard to hold on to a label that doesn't describe you? If you don't listen to a lot of hardcore and don't really care for it, then that's fine, but why go back and forth to hold onto something you have no connection to and you're not a part of? Especially when you list bands that aren't even hardcore as example of hardcore bands you listen to. You can call yourself a chair too, but that doesn't make it so.

may i ask what kind of band those are dusty?

12-05-2006, 08:14 PM
may i ask what kind of band those are dusty?
not hardcore.

12-06-2006, 12:51 PM
not hardcore.

good asnwer clears up all my confusion thanks dusty.

12-09-2006, 12:28 AM
Is it just me, or do some of you guys get pissed when someone claims edge and yet you just know for a fact they know nothing about it? I don't want to sound dumb or anything, but I've noticed an influx of edge people at my school, most of them being girls and christians. I have nothing against Christians or girls, but I've noticed one of my friends who is edge is in like a Christian bible study type deal and I think he kind of spread the word, which is fine, but it seems like everyone is claiming edge and yet they don't even know who Youth of Today or Minor Threat is, for example I was looking at people for my school's myspaces and I found this girl whose display name was "ex straightedge ex" and yet I looked at her music section and she didn't even have a hardcore band on it. I know its probably wrong to judge people like that, but I was just kind of ranting and seeing if anyone else kind of got upset over that. It just seems like a fad to them...

Just as myspace is a fad... :(
You had my attention until you started talking about looking at people's myspace accounts.

12-13-2006, 08:36 PM
I don't understand why hardcore is necessary to convey the message of SXE. That's a bit like saying you need to listen to hip-hop to be a Black Nationalist. If you understand the history and identify with the ideals, but don't listen to the music religiously, you're just drug-free?
I get why Ian MacKaye isn't straight-edge, but if he started calling himself that, would you people accept it? He doesn't listen to Throwdown.
If it's different for him, why isn't that way for anyone else?

12-13-2006, 09:10 PM
I don't understand why hardcore is necessary to convey the message of SXE. That's a bit like saying you need to listen to hip-hop to be a Black Nationalist. If you understand the history and identify with the ideals, but don't listen to the music religiously, you're just drug-free?
I get why Ian MacKaye isn't straight-edge, but if he started calling himself that, would you people accept it? He doesn't listen to Throwdown.
If it's different for him, why isn't that way for anyone else?

Throwdown is a bad example to use in that situation because a) its argued that they are not hardcore, and they are definately not an edge band.

12-13-2006, 09:20 PM
I don't understand why hardcore is necessary to convey the message of SXE. That's a bit like saying you need to listen to hip-hop to be a Black Nationalist. If you understand the history and identify with the ideals, but don't listen to the music religiously, you're just drug-free?
I get why Ian MacKaye isn't straight-edge, but if he started calling himself that, would you people accept it? He doesn't listen to Throwdown.
If it's different for him, why isn't that way for anyone else?

because the message of straight edge isn't unique. For you to understand the history you have to be involved in hardcore otherwise you don't really understand it, you just read something but have no experience with it at all.

12-13-2006, 10:02 PM
I've definitely had show experiences that've been great and life-changing. I didn't have the understanding that I do of straight-edge now. Thanks.

XThe EdgeX
01-22-2007, 09:19 AM
Throwdown is a bad example to use in that situation because a) its argued that they are not hardcore, and they are definately not an edge band.

they might now be an edge band now but they used to be..unless they just talked about edge as a music topic..what about the songs.."The edge is strong" and "Forever"..im not really up to speen on the band as a whole but i have listend to them and have all their old CDs

01-22-2007, 07:16 PM
the increasing amount of christians taking on straight edge and even trying to say that christianity is a part of it lol.

And about throwdown, I have always found everything they have put out to be extremely boring, and I really dont like how they stopped being an edge band to get more listeners.

01-23-2007, 12:14 AM
here's some historical proof why you can't be christian and edge

01-23-2007, 01:01 AM
I hate it when people think that all sxe will beat up anyone that drinks or smokes.
like this guy i work with, Andy Core, says that all sxe are assholes and push their beliefs on others. he likens sxe to violent mormons.
man that pisses me off.

01-23-2007, 04:57 AM
I hate it when people think that all sxe will beat up anyone that drinks or smokes.
like this guy i work with, Andy Core, says that all sxe are assholes and push their beliefs on others. he likens sxe to violent mormons.
man that pisses me off.

alot of people do have good reason to think of sxe kids like that, I personally dont intentionally get violent with people that drink or smoke but when someone is smoking in a public place where they shouldnt be or a speed freak trying to start a fight with anyone they can, I will let them know how I feel. Basically there is an equal amount of edge kids that are ignorant assholes as there is with drinkers/smokers. Alot of people are jerks in different ways, just like I'm probly not very kind to christians and often mock their beliefs.

Pushing beliefs onto someone = wrong, thats the one thing I hate about christianity. They often target people and try to make their mind up for them and I would despise straight edge kids doing the exact same thing with their beliefs. Let people think for themselves.

01-23-2007, 10:32 AM
I hate it when people think that all sxe will beat up anyone that drinks or smokes.
like this guy i work with, Andy Core, says that all sxe are assholes and push their beliefs on others. he likens sxe to violent mormons.
man that pisses me off.

you do realize the irony that you have an avatar that suggests violence right?

02-13-2007, 08:56 PM
i don't really think that simply because sxe was started as a punk subculture that one absolutely has to put punk music on thier myspace or something dumb like that. (i don't care for myspace very much, even though i have one.... sadly... QUIT TAKING AWAY MY LIFE, MYSPACE!! I'LL DELETE YOU ONE OF THESE DAYS!!!) it's the principle i find important. not that i don't think that they shouldn't have to be familiar with the music or listen to it or anything like that, but i just feel it would be good if everyone were clean, no matter what thier taste might be. like i said, it's the principle that matters.

My intense hatred is more directed twards those who claim sXe and do everything that is against it. it made me so angry when one of my very close friends (who will remain nameless)who claimed sxe started doing EVERYTHING that went against it and they still claimed that title. they had just claimed it to be 'cool' and 'different' and to make me think they were awesome or something. they waved that titile around proudly and basicallly slandered (sorry if i butchered that word) the good clean name of straight edge.

i guess its just the way that you guys put it that makes it seem as if they cant be clean unless they listen to punk almost every waking moment of thier lives. perhaps you might feel as if the sxe community is strictly created by punks strictly for punks and that is very true and i agree with that, but i don't think it's necessary to always have hardcore on your myspace or blog or whatever. i guess that just seems a little 'poseurish' to me when someone feels they need to constantly look the part to be sxe. it kind of makes me feel as if it's just a fad for them or as if they are only doin it to look cool or w/e like my friend had.

i don't know if that made any sense, but i hope you get what i mean...

02-13-2007, 09:00 PM
oh, and by the by.... >_> my intense hatred for them is the intense hatred of non-violence.... not that i don't feel like slapping them sometimes for just being stupid.

02-13-2007, 09:01 PM
i don't really think that simply because sxe was started as a punk subculture that one absolutely has to put punk music on thier myspace or something dumb like that. (i don't care for myspace very much, even though i have one.... sadly... QUIT TAKING AWAY MY LIFE, MYSPACE!! I'LL DELETE YOU ONE OF THESE DAYS!!!) it's the principle i find important. not that i don't think that they shouldn't have to be familiar with the music or listen to it or anything like that, but i just feel it would be good if everyone were clean, no matter what thier taste might be. like i said, it's the principle that matters.

My intense hatred is more directed twards those who claim sXe and do everything that is against it. it made me so angry when one of my very close friends (who will remain nameless)who claimed sxe started doing EVERYTHING that went against it and they still claimed that title. they had just claimed it to be 'cool' and 'different' and to make me think they were awesome or something. they waved that titile around proudly and basicallly slandered (sorry if i butchered that word) the good clean name of straight edge.

i guess its just the way that you guys put it that makes it seem as if they cant be clean unless they listen to punk almost every waking moment of thier lives. perhaps you might feel as if the sxe community is strictly created by punks strictly for punks and that is very true and i agree with that, but i don't think it's necessary to always have hardcore on your myspace or blog or whatever. i guess that just seems a little 'poseurish' to me when someone feels they need to constantly look the part to be sxe. it kind of makes me feel as if it's just a fad for them or as if they are only doin it to look cool or w/e like my friend had.

i don't know if that made any sense, but i hope you get what i mean...

No one said you have to be hardcore to be clean, just you had to be hardcore to be sxe, they aren't the same thing, one is drug free, one is a subculture a person has to be active in to be a part of.

02-13-2007, 09:59 PM
i don't really think that simply because sxe was started as a punk subculture that one absolutely has to put punk music on thier myspace or something dumb like that. (i don't care for myspace very much, even though i have one.... sadly... QUIT TAKING AWAY MY LIFE, MYSPACE!! I'LL DELETE YOU ONE OF THESE DAYS!!!) it's the principle i find important. not that i don't think that they shouldn't have to be familiar with the music or listen to it or anything like that, but i just feel it would be good if everyone were clean, no matter what thier taste might be. like i said, it's the principle that matters.

My intense hatred is more directed twards those who claim sXe and do everything that is against it. it made me so angry when one of my very close friends (who will remain nameless)who claimed sxe started doing EVERYTHING that went against it and they still claimed that title. they had just claimed it to be 'cool' and 'different' and to make me think they were awesome or something. they waved that titile around proudly and basicallly slandered (sorry if i butchered that word) the good clean name of straight edge.

i guess its just the way that you guys put it that makes it seem as if they cant be clean unless they listen to punk almost every waking moment of thier lives. perhaps you might feel as if the sxe community is strictly created by punks strictly for punks and that is very true and i agree with that, but i don't think it's necessary to always have hardcore on your myspace or blog or whatever. i guess that just seems a little 'poseurish' to me when someone feels they need to constantly look the part to be sxe. it kind of makes me feel as if it's just a fad for them or as if they are only doin it to look cool or w/e like my friend had.

i don't know if that made any sense, but i hope you get what i mean...

punk and hardcore are very different things.

02-14-2007, 11:57 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't saying you're sXe but don't listen hardcore like saying you're Christian but don't believe in Jesus? Sure you can invest and immerse yourself in the philosophy and morals of it, but there's a single overflowing backbone to it all. That's not to be so bold as to claim sXe as a religion, but I do believe the parallels exist.

Sure, the amount of devotion can vary: some can believe in Jesus and devote every aspect of their lives to promoting his/His glory where there are others who feel that faith is enough. Similarly, there are people who can completely abstain from any sort of drug including medication, completely abstain from sex, and [gotta go to class]

02-15-2007, 06:13 PM
punk and hardcore are very different things.

youre right. that's my bad, i ment to wright hardcore.... but im a loser and wrote punk -,-

bash me. i'll just curl up and die.

02-15-2007, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Nam

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't saying you're sXe but don't listen hardcore like saying you're Christian but don't believe in Jesus? Sure you can invest and immerse yourself in the philosophy and morals of it, but there's a single overflowing backbone to it all. That's not to be so bold as to claim sXe as a religion, but I do believe the parallels exist.

Sure, the amount of devotion can vary: some can believe in Jesus and devote every aspect of their lives to promoting his/His glory where there are others who feel that faith is enough. Similarly, there are people who can completely abstain from any sort of drug including medication, completely abstain from sex, and [gotta go to class]
you have a very good point. i can understand what you mean.

but if you were to hardcore out of the sXe, then it would still leave a group of clean people, and that leaves a group of still closely bound people that had almost symetrical feelings on life(basically the parallel to your 'backbone of christianity'). while if you were to take the clean factor out of sXe then you'd have a very broader and different catagory of people that are almost entirely different feelings on life. that would be like taking God himself out of Christianity and just leaving a bunch of humans.

but yes, i can understand what you are trying to say, and i do agree that Hardcore itself is very vital to the subculture, but i'm just trying to speak on a broader plane and am generalizing humanity.

Originally posted by xvunderx

No one said you have to be hardcore to be clean, just you had to be hardcore to be sxe, they aren't the same thing, one is drug free, one is a subculture a person has to be active in to be a part of.

i am aware of that, and as i had stated in my post, (not meaning to be redundant or anything) "i guess its just the way that you guys put it that makes it seem as if they cant be clean unless they listen to punk almost every waking moment of thier lives." i don't mean to smart off, but, in all due respect, i am well aware of the difference between clean and straightedge. i just don't see the need to bash people a whole lot over not having hardcore on their myspace (of all silly things) rather than for getting pregnant in highschool, doing drugs, or dying intoxicated in a car crash. i was just looking at the bigger picture. it just seems to me like a bigger concern, not that the latter is unimportant.