View Full Version : Set it Straight Arrested
10-21-2006, 03:03 AM
"Some of you might have heard, but half of Set it Straight was arrested today for protesting the Redding Police Department shutting down the show in the middle of our set. We were playing a Skate demo at the Redding Skatepark when 6 cop cars showed up and demanded everyone to vacate, including the kids skating, who had nothing to do with anything (they shut down the park, as well). This was a sponsored event, with permits. The Redding Parks and Recreation committee came out and unlocked the power box, and set up trash cans around the area we were playing. The show was 100% legit, so we didn't stop playing, finished our set, and took our sweet time breaking down, but when they surrounded our friend who was riding the park and hit his bike with their batons, things got lame. He was arrested, no explaination. Harry, Ben, John and Tim were sitting down in the skatepark when RPD told them to leave, they asked why, and immediately they cuffed Ben. Harry told them he wasn't going to move so they choked him to the pavement and cuffed him too, along with Timmy and John. Later they also arrested Brittny and Sara for standing too close, bringing the total to seven. Harry's dad got most of it on the video mode of his digital camera, which is below. My favorite part is where one of the officers jokes that Harry's taxes pay his salary. What a dick. After the arrests, and multiple threats from the RPD cops, Harry's Dad, myself, and a few others went to Redding's Channel 7 news. A small story aired tonight highlighting each side of the story, but the overwhelming theme was the Sargeant's quote:
"The didn't have a permit. Bands of this nature lead to beatings and stabbings."
At the station, one of the cops said to Harry; "You're that band that played last week where someone got stabbed." He told them that definitely wasn't us, and the cop replied "Yes, it was". Awesome. When one of the sponsors, the owner of Johnny Rad's skateshop, showed up at the news station to contribute to the story, an officer told him if he didn't leave he would be arrested for tresspassing. Luckily, we were already inside with the reporter. Anyway, there should be a longer story on the news Monday, once we have the permits in line we can hopefully have all the charges dropped and then some, and the story on the monday evening news will show way more of our side (and if we're lucky, show the cops for the bullying jocks they are). All seven are being charged with loitering and unlawful assembly, and Harry and Ben are being charged with Resisting Arrest.
if you dont know who they are heres their myspace:
Snagged this from the local board. Anyone else hear about this?
10-21-2006, 09:02 AM
I only returned to say something about this and that if you are from Redding, California I think you should majorly take action. As a matter of fact every one try to take some action.
10-21-2006, 09:41 AM
I only returned to say something about this and that if you are from Redding, California I think you should majorly take action. As a matter of fact every one try to take some action.
ok, what kind of action?
10-21-2006, 10:35 AM
"Some of you might have heard, but half of Set it Straight was arrested today for protesting the Redding Police Department shutting down the show in the middle of our set. We were playing a Skate demo at the Redding Skatepark when 6 cop cars showed up and demanded everyone to vacate, including the kids skating, who had nothing to do with anything (they shut down the park, as well). This was a sponsored event, with permits. The Redding Parks and Recreation committee came out and unlocked the power box, and set up trash cans around the area we were playing. The show was 100% legit, so we didn't stop playing, finished our set, and took our sweet time breaking down, but when they surrounded our friend who was riding the park and hit his bike with their batons, things got lame. He was arrested, no explaination. Harry, Ben, John and Tim were sitting down in the skatepark when RPD told them to leave, they asked why, and immediately they cuffed Ben. Harry told them he wasn't going to move so they choked him to the pavement and cuffed him too, along with Timmy and John. Later they also arrested Brittny and Sara for standing too close, bringing the total to seven. Harry's dad got most of it on the video mode of his digital camera, which is below. My favorite part is where one of the officers jokes that Harry's taxes pay his salary. What a dick. After the arrests, and multiple threats from the RPD cops, Harry's Dad, myself, and a few others went to Redding's Channel 7 news. A small story aired tonight highlighting each side of the story, but the overwhelming theme was the Sargeant's quote:
"The didn't have a permit. Bands of this nature lead to beatings and stabbings."
At the station, one of the cops said to Harry; "You're that band that played last week where someone got stabbed." He told them that definitely wasn't us, and the cop replied "Yes, it was". Awesome. When one of the sponsors, the owner of Johnny Rad's skateshop, showed up at the news station to contribute to the story, an officer told him if he didn't leave he would be arrested for tresspassing. Luckily, we were already inside with the reporter. Anyway, there should be a longer story on the news Monday, once we have the permits in line we can hopefully have all the charges dropped and then some, and the story on the monday evening news will show way more of our side (and if we're lucky, show the cops for the bullying jocks they are). All seven are being charged with loitering and unlawful assembly, and Harry and Ben are being charged with Resisting Arrest.
if you dont know who they are heres their myspace:
Snagged this from the local board. Anyone else hear about this?
I don't understand why they refused to leave, even if the band were legit and in the right they put themselves in the wrong by refusing to leave and resisting arrest. I mean people will always proclaim their innocence whether they are innocent or not which doesn't make law enforcment easy. If you are therefore uncooprerative you can expect being dealt with in a less favorable manner. I have noticed from comments on the myspace page that people have a anti-police agenda that seems to go beyond this incident, this just seems like an excuse to air hatred of police. I can't help but think that this kind of attitude helped make this incident more of an issue than it possibly could have been. I'm just reading through the lines of what has been said, its just my thoughts.
10-21-2006, 10:59 AM
i really dislike the police.
10-21-2006, 11:09 AM
i really dislike the police.
10-21-2006, 11:18 AM
they always seem to be on a power trip to me. They constantly go out of their way to harass kids. Not to mention my friend was arrested for being drunk in public. They brought him into the station, and being from a small town, they knew how his dad was in jail for drug related charges, so they said "ending up just like your dad i see" to which he responded with a big "FUCK YOU!" they proceeded to beat the shit out of him. He pressed charges and the case was thrown out.
police are above the law, very consistantly assholes, and have a higher value on their lives in the eye of the law (you instantly get a 1st degree murder charge for killing a cop in the US, no matter what occurred).
Thus, i highly dislike the police, not all of them are assholes, but a great deal from my experience are.
10-21-2006, 01:29 PM
they always seem to be on a power trip to me. They constantly go out of their way to harass kids. Not to mention my friend was arrested for being drunk in public. They brought him into the station, and being from a small town, they knew how his dad was in jail for drug related charges, so they said "ending up just like your dad i see" to which he responded with a big "FUCK YOU!" they proceeded to beat the shit out of him. He pressed charges and the case was thrown out.
police are above the law, very consistantly assholes, and have a higher value on their lives in the eye of the law (you instantly get a 1st degree murder charge for killing a cop in the US, no matter what occurred).
Thus, i highly dislike the police, not all of them are assholes, but a great deal from my experience are.
ok, power trip? harass kids? Do you understand how kids would react if the police didn't assume a postion of power? being 15 years old you probably dislike all forms of authority, it could be a strict teacher that accepts no crap or a police officer that deals with situations and controls them. As for your kid being arrested for breaking the law, well its very easy to make accusations of police brutality especially if you are sore about being caught for breaking the law. Kids can make up stories about this stuff, i'd have to ask why the case was thrown out. I'm by no means under the delusion this type of thing never happens but there are negative aspects in all walks of life - to say you really dislike police is a rather blanket statement and i'd say you dislike a minority of people who work in the police. Just like you could say you love the hardcore scene or straightedge - theres probably a higher percentage of assholes in this scene than there is in the police force.
Police aren't above the law though, they just enforce it and have been empowered to do so, if you disagree with them having these powers then whats the alternative? The value of their lives is important, they are still there to protect and serve law abiding citizens. They are on the frontline as a target for criminals, the risk of being killed as a cop is much greater, to aid in detering that the murder of an officer is obviously given a charge that reflects the postion they put themselves in for others. Its also always 1st degree murder for firefighters and witnesses of crimes - to you dislike these people also? Although i don't belive this scheme of 1st degree for killing an officer is enforced in all american states, i could be wrong.
So in short i don't believe they are on a power trip or out to harass kids although i remember feeling similar things when i was younger. I'm hoping that your experience of police at 15 isn't very extensive and that you can realise that the police, whilst not exactly your friend are most definitely not your enemy - that is of course unless you intend to go against the law.
10-23-2006, 08:02 PM
i'd have to agree that the police tend to get a little cockey and a little "holier than thou" a lot. just this week i was wearing a feather boa (long story) and had a cop out by Ingles tell me, to my face no less "take that off, you're fucking disgusting"
10-24-2006, 01:52 AM
i'd have to agree that the police tend to get a little cockey and a little "holier than thou" a lot. just this week i was wearing a feather boa (long story) and had a cop out by Ingles tell me, to my face no less "take that off, you're fucking disgusting"
I agree that it is certainly not the position of a cop to do that but are you saying its only cops that do such things? people do stuff like that all the time cop or not. it can't be used as a general rule for disliking cops as its the behaviour of many that aren't cops and not consistant across the police force. 8f I said you were disgusting would you hate all straightedge kids,all english people,all kung fu teachers? or would you assume I was a cop? if it happened like you say it did the cop was wrong to do so but ifeel its all to easy to focus on negative aspects of police or any large group and just put them all in the same catogory.
10-26-2006, 03:56 PM
you're rite to speak out against steriotyping, but the police have never (that i can recall) had a positive impact on the world i live in. they send my friends back home with their abusive parents, they leave permanent marks on people's records for minor offences, they maim, they insult, they threaten, and i have yet to see them help a single old lady across the street or actually eb there to prevent a store from bieng robbed.
10-26-2006, 06:09 PM
you're rite to speak out against steriotyping, but the police have never (that i can recall) had a positive impact on the world i live in.
So they never solved a crime, arrested a criminal, took a drunk driver off the streets, enforced laws by their pressence. No one in your world has ever not done something because it was legally wrong? The police continually have a positive effect you just aren't looking at it, if it weren't for laws and police enforcing them then what would stop people taking your home, your posessions, raping or killing family members, stealing your car? Just them arresting someone for drink driving is having a positive effect on your life, and one of the main problems young people complain of is police hassling them, well this is made worse when there is a lack of respect for the police and no cooperation. Police are generally speaking to people based on complaints recieved, i know many people who don't like going to certain stores etc. when groups of youths congregate their due to feeling very intimidated. This unfortunately puts the police in an in between position, they have a duty to help both partys and many understand the problem of needing places for youths to go etc. The problem arrises when the response they meet when confronting youths is often one of disapproval and resentment, when this is done daily it takes a very short while for them to get tired of it, and lets not forget they have a job to do so they end up dealing with situations in as efficiant manner as possible. Sometimes this may even mean a mistake occurs but if you aren't prepared to help the police with the problem they have and immediately set yourself against them like you have then you have a poor situation from the outset.
they send my friends back home with their abusive parents, they leave permanent marks on people's records for minor offences, they maim, they insult, they threaten, and i have yet to see them help a single old lady across the street or actually eb there to prevent a store from bieng robbed.
Its unfortunately not down to the police to keep a child from his/her parents without a conclusive and legally binding reason. They work in accordance to a set protocol and if procedure requires that they make a report to social services or something then they will but they can't do things beyond their power. It sounds like this point is more a dig at red tape and beurocracy and that you would actually like to see police with more power and control in all kinds of domestic incidents. But i struggle to see how any of that is a reason to dislike police and it in fact suggests you wish to give them more support in dealing with really tough situations. And as much as i would love to see something change in these areas you should be aware of just how much more money and training it would require and how much more work it would create. There are places set up to deal with such problems soley and they struggle to deal with the work load so just imagine if they had to deal with the rest of the police workload in addition. I would suggest placing your blame elsewhere for most of your issues with the police and actually take a look at what they do do already with success before picking out all the things they are unable to do.
Permanent marks on a record for minor offences? Do they not offer many judicinal programs to avoid getting a permanent mark, is there not funding in place to help youths with issues? I believe their is but perhaps your problem is there isn't enough done in helping these youths, perhaps more funding is your issue? The police again are working in accordance with a set out protocol, not a reason to hate them, perhaps you'd like to see that protocol changed? Perhaps you think their should be no mark placed on the record but does this not set them up as an easy touch. Would that help lower crime or would the reduction of the deterant actually make more of a problem? What is your soloution? I mean its easy to say it doesn't work but what would work better and please remember none of this is actually the fault of the police, they just enforce the laws, they don't make them.
They maim, insult and threaten? When they maim, and i'm hoping you can provide evidence of a maiming, what was the situation? I hope you realise the danger police face everyday and that they don't want to be shot or stabbed so they are very cautious and want to incapacitate criminals quickly not only for their own safety but for the safety of others. Its a tough job, they can't say i don't feel like getting involved, its a bit dangerous, they have to take appropiate action and if they didn't where would we be? Criminals maim also, how many criminals have maimed in the name of crime vs. how many police have maimed in the name of law and safety? The police shouldn't make insults, if you have received an insult from the police you should make a formal complaint, i have only got your word so far of a police insult but again this could be just one cop in fifty so its again a case of stereotyping and putting them all in the same catogory based on one cops actions. You can't say i'm right in speaking out against stereotyping and continue to stereotype, again it seems like you are happy to adhere to any negative facet of the police you can find without it being conclusive and whilst continually ignoring all of the good positive work that is acheived through having a police force in place. As for threaten, what do they threaten you with? The law, we are all threatened by that although some off us never see it as a threat, if you believe that illegal actions are right then sure there will be a threat of the law and and that entails in correcting you. Again the police don't make this law they enforce it, when they make threats of force or arrest its a good idea for you at that point to become cooperative rather than making things harder on yourself.
How can a policeman/woman know when a criminal is going to rob a store, how can you justify the money it would take to support the manpower to have a officer in every store? Yes every store otherwise you will have an issue of predjudice towards stores not patrolled, and this would also have to be every bank, restaraunt, garage and any other form of retail outlet. This is a lot of money. A store is free to use surveilance, a loss control and security team, alarms and importantly insurance. Just as you are free to alarm and lock and insure your homes contents, i mean why should the police only look at being at stores when they are robbed, what about homes too? It sounds like a completely illogical way to run things doesn't it! And if you saw a cop helping an old lady across the road i bet you'd say, well thats just a waste of tax payers money when theres crime to be dealt with. Although i have actually seen police help elderly and seen police be at a store whilst its being robbed and prevented it. UInfortunately they don't always prevent them
Now it seems to me you have more of an issue with what the laws and what is allowed to be done and not done by the police so i feel you should change your focus and direct your energy in a more productive manner than just hating police. Just my opinion.
10-26-2006, 09:17 PM
i do have bias against the police, it's built up over a while. The incident of maiming would be a friend of mine when i lived in DC. he was skating, he was probably bieng an ass about not leaving when the cop told him to stop skating, but through one route or another the cop beat him with his board and left him there behind Food Lion. and also, i do have problems with lots of laws and how they are enforced.
i hope i don't sound like too much of an ass, i'm really not riled up or anything, it just seems to be coming out a little edgy. sory if it seems that way.
10-26-2006, 09:23 PM
I have to agree and disagree on this one.
Police, yes, they abuse their power, but without them, it would be total anarchy.
10-27-2006, 01:00 PM
i do have bias against the police, it's built up over a while. The incident of maiming would be a friend of mine when i lived in DC. he was skating, he was probably bieng an ass about not leaving when the cop told him to stop skating, but through one route or another the cop beat him with his board and left him there behind Food Lion. and also, i do have problems with lots of laws and how they are enforced.
what problems with what laws? And there is no evidence of this maiming i take it? How exactly was he maimed?
i hope i don't sound like too much of an ass, i'm really not riled up or anything, it just seems to be coming out a little edgy. sory if it seems that way.
10-27-2006, 01:01 PM
I have to agree and disagree on this one.
Police, yes, they abuse their power, but without them, it would be total anarchy.
So its conclusive they abuse their power based on what?
10-27-2006, 02:45 PM
I have to agree and disagree on this one.
Police, yes, they abuse their power, but without them, it would be total anarchy.
and what's wrong with that? :-p
10-27-2006, 03:18 PM
what problems with what laws? And there is no evidence of this maiming i take it? How exactly was he maimed?
he had three broken ribs and his jaw was screwed up. they never fingered the guy that did it and they decided he was assaulted by a gang and decided to blame it on the police.
10-27-2006, 04:24 PM
he had three broken ribs and his jaw was screwed up. they never fingered the guy that did it and they decided he was assaulted by a gang and decided to blame it on the police.
decided he was assaulted by a gang and blamed it on the police?
10-27-2006, 10:49 PM
when he got the case in front of the judge he was told that he had no case and that he was lying about his injuries and he shouldn't try to start trouble. they said he was probably assaulted by a gang and was trying to say it was osmeone else.
10-28-2006, 05:40 AM
when he got the case in front of the judge he was told that he had no case and that he was lying about his injuries and he shouldn't try to start trouble. they said he was probably assaulted by a gang and was trying to say it was osmeone else.
Well why would he say that if the police were the ones who maimed him, to be honest, it sounds like he lied and decided to tell the truth about the incident in front of the judge.
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