View Full Version : New way to think of it.
10-21-2006, 09:26 AM
I was listening to set it straight, and the line "I am straight edge....for no one else...but my own fucking self" echoed through my head. Really a new presepective to me. I mean, here we all listen to what the others have to say and how they judge us, and lots of kids listen. Advice is ok, but when you listen to a site like its a rule book theres where you crossed the line on your self dignity. You gotta be edge for yourself, not knuckleheads on a PC. When I was started, it was maybe a good year - half a year before I came here. And the only thing I learned really is a.) that caffiene is a drug , b.) Not all edgers are down with the same stuff, c.) we have alot of hypocrites in the scene, just like any other one, and we always will. With this comes pretentious tards who think they are better than even other edgers and thus think they have the right to be "judges" of this scene.
That line just made me step back and think: I don't have to hear shit, take shit that anyone has to say about me, even other edge kids, why? Because I'm straight edge for me, no one else.
10-21-2006, 09:40 AM
I was listening to set it straight, and the line "I am straight edge....for no one else...but my own fucking self" echoed through my head. Really a new presepective to me. I mean, here we all listen to what the others have to say and how they judge us, and lots of kids listen. Advice is ok, but when you listen to a site like its a rule book theres where you crossed the line on your self dignity. You gotta be edge for yourself, not knuckleheads on a PC. When I was started, it was maybe a good year - half a year before I came here. And the only thing I learned really is a.) that caffiene is a drug , b.) Not all edgers are down with the same stuff, c.) we have alot of hypocrites in the scene, just like any other one, and we always will. With this comes pretentious tards who think they are better than even other edgers and thus think they have the right to be "judges" of this scene.
That line just made me step back and think: I don't have to hear shit, take shit that anyone has to say about me, even other edge kids, why? Because I'm straight edge for me, no one else.
you do realize that it's not about having you or your beliefs challenged but making decisions for yourself, right? you also realize you're one of those hypocrites right? all you're trying convince yourself of is that you're somehow above criticism, which you're not.
10-21-2006, 10:53 AM
I was listening to set it straight, and the line "I am straight edge....for no one else...but my own fucking self" echoed through my head. Really a new presepective to me. I mean, here we all listen to what the others have to say and how they judge us, and lots of kids listen. Advice is ok, but when you listen to a site like its a rule book theres where you crossed the line on your self dignity. You gotta be edge for yourself, not knuckleheads on a PC. When I was started, it was maybe a good year - half a year before I came here. And the only thing I learned really is a.) that caffiene is a drug , b.) Not all edgers are down with the same stuff, c.) we have alot of hypocrites in the scene, just like any other one, and we always will. With this comes pretentious tards who think they are better than even other edgers and thus think they have the right to be "judges" of this scene.
That line just made me step back and think: I don't have to hear shit, take shit that anyone has to say about me, even other edge kids, why? Because I'm straight edge for me, no one else.
I take it you are back in order to discuss things, is it worth me raising points for you to address or are you going to either ignore them or skip off again?
10-22-2006, 11:22 AM
I was listening to set it straight, and the line "I am straight edge....for no one else...but my own fucking self" echoed through my head. Really a new presepective to me. I mean, here we all listen to what the others have to say and how they judge us, and lots of kids listen. Advice is ok, but when you listen to a site like its a rule book theres where you crossed the line on your self dignity. You gotta be edge for yourself, not knuckleheads on a PC. When I was started, it was maybe a good year - half a year before I came here. And the only thing I learned really is a.) that caffiene is a drug , b.) Not all edgers are down with the same stuff, c.) we have alot of hypocrites in the scene, just like any other one, and we always will. With this comes pretentious tards who think they are better than even other edgers and thus think they have the right to be "judges" of this scene.
That line just made me step back and think: I don't have to hear shit, take shit that anyone has to say about me, even other edge kids, why? Because I'm straight edge for me, no one else.
Hypocrites that call themselves edge and think they can be christian too?
10-22-2006, 12:36 PM
You know there's a difference between deciding to become edge because it's the way you want to live (as illustrated in that lyric) and deciding to stick your fingers in your ears which is what your talking about, but the song isn't.
XThe EdgeX
10-23-2006, 04:31 PM
cami, i would hope that you arent edge for the "knucleheads" as you call them..but this board was meant for you,yourself to talk to to other edge people and i think thats kinda cool. But when you criticize ppl and then turn around and cry about how your being bashed alot...thats stupid. You might as well learn to take criticism now..because this is only on the web..and the real world is alot stop being such a pussy and answer questions.....thats why ppl ask questions;so that they can be answered!
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