View Full Version : Trip to London!

11-29-2006, 06:12 AM
Yup, I am going to London for the first time in my life on Friday (1st Dec).

I have never been further south than York in England.

Also going to the Persistence Tour whilst I am there, Sick Of It All, Madball, Comeback Kid, Terror and Walls Of Jericho so that should be a pretty good show.

4 Star Hotel with full leisure suite :)

Man, I am going to get so lost, wish me luck people ha

11-29-2006, 07:08 AM
Yup, I am going to London for the first time in my life on Friday (1st Dec).

I have never been further south than York in England.

Also going to the Persistence Tour whilst I am there, Sick Of It All, Madball, Comeback Kid, Terror and Walls Of Jericho so that should be a pretty good show.

4 Star Hotel with full leisure suite :)

Man, I am going to get so lost, wish me luck people ha
sounds good minus comeback kid, and walls of jericho.

have fun!

11-29-2006, 08:04 AM
sounds good minus comeback kid, and walls of jericho.

have fun!

bah dude I kinda love Comeback Kid to be honest hehe

I have a free day in London, anyone got suggestions as to stuff that I should do/visit?

I know there is tonnes to do in London but what would anyone recommend?

11-29-2006, 08:39 AM
bah dude I kinda love Comeback Kid to be honest hehe

I have a free day in London, anyone got suggestions as to stuff that I should do/visit?

I know there is tonnes to do in London but what would anyone recommend?

Camden was decent the last time I was there, but it's also been about 6 years, so it might be different now.

11-29-2006, 11:24 AM
Yup, I am going to London for the first time in my life on Friday (1st Dec).

I have never been further south than York in England.

Also going to the Persistence Tour whilst I am there, Sick Of It All, Madball, Comeback Kid, Terror and Walls Of Jericho so that should be a pretty good show.

4 Star Hotel with full leisure suite :)

Man, I am going to get so lost, wish me luck people ha

You can't get lost, just get used to using the tube.

11-29-2006, 11:25 AM
bah dude I kinda love Comeback Kid to be honest hehe

I have a free day in London, anyone got suggestions as to stuff that I should do/visit?

I know there is tonnes to do in London but what would anyone recommend?

I'd suggest checking out south bank but i'd also suggest checking out http://www.visitlondon.com/

11-29-2006, 11:26 AM
when did Comeback Kid get their new lead singer?

i love all the bands at the show, it'll be the sex ^_^

hope you have a great time

11-29-2006, 01:25 PM
You can't get lost, just get used to using the tube.

we got lost all the time on foot, stupid streets changing names for no reason and then going back to the original name a block later.

11-30-2006, 03:02 AM
I'd suggest checking out south bank but i'd also suggest checking out http://www.visitlondon.com/

Yeah I did check out a few sites but I thought finding out what the better stuff to do was from people who have actually been to London.

And yeah, "The Tube", jeeees I seen the tube map, crazy

11-30-2006, 07:40 AM
Yeah I did check out a few sites but I thought finding out what the better stuff to do was from people who have actually been to London.

And yeah, "The Tube", jeeees I seen the tube map, crazy

It looks a mess, but it's pretty easy to follow. I like doing the museums and art galleries and love Camden.

I never go to go there all that much though when I lived in England.

11-30-2006, 08:28 AM
we got lost all the time on foot, stupid streets changing names for no reason and then going back to the original name a block later.

Thats the thing, you think you are lost then all of a sudden you know exactly where you are again.

11-30-2006, 08:31 AM
Yeah I did check out a few sites but I thought finding out what the better stuff to do was from people who have actually been to London.

And yeah, "The Tube", jeeees I seen the tube map, crazy

The tube is easy, its like a kids puzzle. Tate modern is worth a go.

11-30-2006, 09:41 AM
Thanks guys

I just looked at maps of London and the Tube again


that adds to the fun though :)

11-30-2006, 11:08 AM
Thanks guys

I just looked at maps of London and the Tube again


that adds to the fun though :)

Seriously the tube is pretty straight forward its easier than your local bus route!

11-30-2006, 11:52 AM
Seriously the tube is pretty straight forward its easier than your local bus route!

yeah but it is daunting if you've never done it. that city is just too damn big and hard to get around for people that aren't used to it.

12-01-2006, 10:07 AM
yeah but it is daunting if you've never done it. that city is just too damn big and hard to get around for people that aren't used to it.

It would be daunting if you didn't have a map and a tube map but if you know where you want to get to and are in a tube station i don't see whats hard about that.

12-01-2006, 10:50 AM
It would be daunting if you didn't have a map and a tube map but if you know where you want to get to and are in a tube station i don't see whats hard about that.

yeah, but the fact that you'd need a map and a compass to get around does kind of make it daunting.

12-01-2006, 11:47 AM
yeah, but the fact that you'd need a map and a compass to get around does kind of make it daunting.

I don't think you need a compass but i personally use a map when i am visting most new places. And i'm just saying the tube isn't really hard and you can't get lost, if you end up in the wrong place you just get on another tube train thats going to the right place. Its no harder than getting on a bus, you identify where you are going and get the bus/tube that goes there.

12-01-2006, 12:42 PM
I don't think you need a compass but i personally use a map when i am visting most new places. And i'm just saying the tube isn't really hard and you can't get lost, if you end up in the wrong place you just get on another tube train thats going to the right place. Its no harder than getting on a bus, you identify where you are going and get the bus/tube that goes there.

To be able to figure out where you on in relation to the map, I would need the compass to tell me which way was north.. Especially when there's no sun. And I agree with you in terms of the tube. My problem when I was there was trying to find specific places from the tube station even with a walkers guide and/or londones with us that still got lost. Of all of the cities I've been to London is one of the more confusing to navigate.

12-01-2006, 12:46 PM
daunting! a new word i learned today! wooo

12-01-2006, 03:41 PM
To be able to figure out where you on in relation to the map, I would need the compass to tell me which way was north.. Especially when there's no sun. And I agree with you in terms of the tube. My problem when I was there was trying to find specific places from the tube station even with a walkers guide and/or londones with us that still got lost. Of all of the cities I've been to London is one of the more confusing to navigate.

Driving in london is impossible, i get lost immediately. I've had less of a problem on foot and have usually been able to rely on landmarks etc. to fathom what way north was. However i don't dispute its hard to navigate overground, like i said you think you are lost and suddenly end up on course again. And i have walked round london with londoners too and recall them finding a couple of places they didn't know existed even though they lived in the area and walked it frequently. But the tube is a great help in actually stopping you getting lost in london, like if you find a tube station you can quickly figure out where you are in relation to where you need to be, london with no tube, now that would be scary!

12-05-2006, 06:37 AM
Hey guys I had a great time, and like you said yes it isn't really that hard to get around the place, the tube is actually GOOD public transport, very easy to use. I never thought I would ever encounter public transport that is actually GOOD haha

went to Camden, that place was busy as hell, and as soon as I got out the tube station there were black guys prowling round everyone, pickpockets I guessed, also got offered drugs like 4 times all from these black guys, Camden wasn't so good cos it was so busy.

The gig was OK on the Friday, the venue was huge though, I am not a fan of these large venue gigs but it was still pretty good.

Went on a bus tour as well so seen most of the big attractions got some pictures had a laugh then went to Piccadilly Circus at night for food which was hard cos I happened to visit on London's busiest xmas shopping weekend of the month so as you can guess it was packed, couldn't move.

Overall was a good trip we enjoyed it

Oh and London is filthy, I guessing its air pollution or dust from the tube cos when we all blew our nose there was black shit up there, and the River Thames is the dirtiest river I have seen and it stinks, those are realy the only complaints though, was fun :)

12-05-2006, 10:37 AM
Oh and London is filthy, I guessing its air pollution or dust from the tube cos when we all blew our nose there was black shit up there, and the River Thames is the dirtiest river I have seen and it stinks, those are realy the only complaints though, was fun :)

yeah I had ment to say about the black snot, I wonder how people who live there do it?

12-05-2006, 10:56 AM
yeah I had ment to say about the black snot, I wonder how people who live there do it?

Shit and the woman on the bus tour had the cheek to say that London wasn't smoggy and polluted anymore

12-05-2006, 11:07 AM
went to Camden, that place was busy as hell, and as soon as I got out the tube station there were black guys prowling round everyone, pickpockets I guessed, also got offered drugs like 4 times all from these black guys, Camden wasn't so good cos it was so busy.

this comes off as pretty racist.

12-06-2006, 03:11 AM
this comes off as pretty racist.

It isn't intended to be racist at all

I was just pointing out that I got offered drugs more than 3 times all from black guys and as soon as I stepped of the tube there were all these black guys walking around amongst all the people acting suspiciously, I don't see whats racist about that?

So sorry if it "seems" to come off as racist

12-06-2006, 09:12 AM
It isn't intended to be racist at all

I was just pointing out that I got offered drugs more than 3 times all from black guys and as soon as I stepped of the tube there were all these black guys walking around amongst all the people acting suspiciously, I don't see whats racist about that?

So sorry if it "seems" to come off as racist

The fact that you find it necessary to isolate the colour of their skin as a relative fact is what makes it seem racist. You could just say a bunch of people acting suspiciously, if they were white people acting that way would you indicate the colour of their skin when relaying the story to us? I'm betting you wouldn't. Them being black is irrelevent, just look at how you didn't indicate the colour of the other people or the woman on the bus tour. Perhaps you are only suspicious of black people and for that reason sub consiously chose not to notice any people of other races acting suspiciously? The only time you chose to denote the persons colour is when you were describing a negative act, furthermore and act which supports a racist sterotype of black people, thats pretty much why it comes off that way, food for thought.

12-07-2006, 03:12 AM
The fact that you find it necessary to isolate the colour of their skin as a relative fact is what makes it seem racist. You could just say a bunch of people acting suspiciously, if they were white people acting that way would you indicate the colour of their skin when relaying the story to us? I'm betting you wouldn't. Them being black is irrelevent, just look at how you didn't indicate the colour of the other people or the woman on the bus tour. Perhaps you are only suspicious of black people and for that reason sub consiously chose not to notice any people of other races acting suspiciously? The only time you chose to denote the persons colour is when you were describing a negative act, furthermore and act which supports a racist sterotype of black people, thats pretty much why it comes off that way, food for thought.

maybe its because I have never encountered people like this until I went to London, I'm not going to get into a post after post debate about this.

12-07-2006, 08:55 AM
maybe its because I have never encountered people like this until I went to London, I'm not going to get into a post after post debate about this.

yeah but the peoples race is irrelevant. When you introduce it you are bringing it up either consciously or unconsciously in a racist way.

12-07-2006, 09:15 AM
maybe its because I have never encountered people like this until I went to London, I'm not going to get into a post after post debate about this.

Dude, you asked why it comes off like that, i'm not trying pull you into a huge debate on it. Thats the reason it comes off the way it does its up to you if you want to take that on board or not hence the food for thought comment at the end.

And out of interest do you mean you have never encountered black people or you have never encountered pick pockets or people acting suspiciously?

P.S. Of what origin was the tour guide woman?

12-07-2006, 09:38 AM
Dude, you asked why it comes off like that, i'm not trying pull you into a huge debate on it. Thats the reason it comes off the way it does its up to you if you want to take that on board or not hence the food for thought comment at the end.

And out of interest do you mean you have never encountered black people or you have never encountered pick pockets or people acting suspiciously?

P.S. Of what origin was the tour guide woman?

I have encountered black people but I have never been anywhere with so many mixed races like that is what I was meaning. These guys were hanging around in gangs and they were all black guys, if it comes off racists I can understand that but I am not being racist.

The tour guide was English, from London.

12-07-2006, 10:22 AM
I have encountered black people but I have never been anywhere with so many mixed races like that is what I was meaning. These guys were hanging around in gangs and they were all black guys, if it comes off racists I can understand that but I am not being racist.

Ok so by illustrating that the dodgy people were black it really doesn't convey that you found london to be multi-cultural. And it was pretty irrelevent to what you were actually saying - denoting colour of people in gangs or pickpocketing would only be valid if you were trying to give a description of these people to the police etc. As a result you just described black people in a negative fashion, recently i went to a part of wales that had so many asians, it was probably the most i had ever seen. Theres nothing wrong with talking about race, but you used colour of skin not as the focus of what you were saying, you could have just said i kept getting offered drugs and there were loads of suspicious types. The colour was pretty redundant, its like if i goto a shop and buy a hat and get £10 off from the guy in the shop. If i told you about it later would i say a black guy gave me a tenner off or just the guy gave me a tenner off, the point is the colour is completely irrelevent to him giving me £10 off just as drug pushing and being suspicious has nothing to do with being black. I'm sure its just a habbit thing and you weren't intending to be racist but be aware of habits and how they are formed, many people joke and us race as a derogatory factor and its wrong.

The tour guide was English, from London.

was she white? I'm really supprised you haven't put her race forward yet, which makes me think she's white and thats why you haven't mentioned it.

12-07-2006, 10:48 AM
Ok so by illustrating that the dodgy people were black it really doesn't convey that you found london to be multi-cultural. And it was pretty irrelevent to what you were actually saying - denoting colour of people in gangs or pickpocketing would only be valid if you were trying to give a description of these people to the police etc. As a result you just described black people in a negative fashion, recently i went to a part of wales that had so many asians, it was probably the most i had ever seen. Theres nothing wrong with talking about race, but you used colour of skin not as the focus of what you were saying, you could have just said i kept getting offered drugs and there were loads of suspicious types. The colour was pretty redundant, its like if i goto a shop and buy a hat and get £10 off from the guy in the shop. If i told you about it later would i say a black guy gave me a tenner off or just the guy gave me a tenner off, the point is the colour is completely irrelevent to him giving me £10 off just as drug pushing and being suspicious has nothing to do with being black. I'm sure its just a habbit thing and you weren't intending to be racist but be aware of habits and how they are formed, many people joke and us race as a derogatory factor and its wrong.

was she white? I'm really supprised you haven't put her race forward yet, which makes me think she's white and thats why you haven't mentioned it.

she was white