View Full Version : i just wanna know something...

12-25-2006, 12:40 PM
well guys, its me again, patch. its been a long time since ive last posted here..and here i am, still edge and proud of it...i've been beginning to understand straight edge more and more and even took in the vegan/vegetarian lifestlye, but something came into mind. i have a cousin who has this sickness due to lack of protein.. shes a vegetarian, she doesn't eat meat and all.. so, how can an sXe person avoid this sickness if they are vegetarian and dont eat meat? since were edge, we actually avoid these things against our health and body right? so is there another source of protein? maybe there is but i just dont know, maybe you guys can tell me..thanks guys..

With all respect,

12-25-2006, 01:16 PM
well guys, its me again, patch. its been a long time since ive last posted here..and here i am, still edge and proud of it...i've been beginning to understand straight edge more and more and even took in the vegan/vegetarian lifestlye, but something came into mind. i have a cousin who has this sickness due to lack of protein.. shes a vegetarian, she doesn't eat meat and all.. so, how can an sXe person avoid this sickness if they are vegetarian and dont eat meat? since were edge, we actually avoid these things against our health and body right? so is there another source of protein? maybe there is but i just dont know, maybe you guys can tell me..thanks guys..

With all respect,

Well sxe doesn't mean being vegan or vegetarian, i have just eaten a load of turkey myself and and still very much straightedge. Vegetarianism is not a detail of what makes up being straightedge so this issue has nothing to do with being straightedge however the protein issue is one that a fair ammount of vegans and vegetarians face. Their are many sources of protein, vegetarians have it a lot easier than vegans in this respect. It is possible to be vegan and have a sufficiant ammount of protien but for some its not so easy and their bodies require protein from fish or meat. So to sum up the only thing this would prevent you from being is vegetarian, you will still be a fully bonifide straightedge kid if you still abstain from drugs and enjoy the hardcore. Hope that clears things up and encourages your cousin to look after her body first and foremost.

12-25-2006, 01:47 PM
thanks so much. =)