View Full Version : Can Anyone Help?

Sand Stealer
01-23-2007, 09:53 AM
I'm doing my A2 level Sociology coursework on Straight Edge as a youth subculture, and I need some sources about it. I was wondering if anyone could suggest some books, films, articles, or anything else really that might help?


Sarah xxx

01-23-2007, 10:15 AM
I'm doing my A2 level Sociology coursework on Straight Edge as a youth subculture, and I need some sources about it. I was wondering if anyone could suggest some books, films, articles, or anything else really that might help?


Sarah xxx

Checkout these books:



You could also maybe do questionnaires, that Olly guy done that and got quite a few filled out by people on here, it may help strengthen your work. There is also a good few other straightedge sites out there but I am sure you visited those already?

I don't know about any films to be honest, but if I was in your position I would find them usefull, the new one, American Hardcore? Though nobody seems to have seen it or anything yet probably sounds like a good place to maybe get some info from but again people can correct me on that because I haven't done much research into that film.

01-23-2007, 10:41 AM
Hi Sarah.
I've just done my dissertation on a similar topic and there is lots to look at. my email is opt462@bham.ac.uk so drop me a line and ill send you the computer documents i used. Also look for anything by Ross Haenfler. The guy has knoweldge and has just written a very good book called 'Straight Edge' which is well worth buying. Also look out for 'All Ages' by Beth Lahickey. I bought the DVD 'Another State of Mind' at great expense but i wouldnt suggest spending a lot on it as it really only gives some punk based cotext to the whole scene - Michael Azerrads 'Our Band coudl be Your Life' is much better for that and has good sections on Black Flag and Minor Threat.
Hope this is of some help

01-23-2007, 10:58 AM
Hi Sarah.
I've just done my dissertation on a similar topic and there is lots to look at. my email is opt462@bham.ac.uk so drop me a line and ill send you the computer documents i used. Also look for anything by Ross Haenfler. The guy has knoweldge and has just written a very good book called 'Straight Edge' which is well worth buying. Also look out for 'All Ages' by Beth Lahickey. I bought the DVD 'Another State of Mind' at great expense but i wouldnt suggest spending a lot on it as it really only gives some punk based cotext to the whole scene - Michael Azerrads 'Our Band coudl be Your Life' is much better for that and has good sections on Black Flag and Minor Threat.
Hope this is of some help

all ages kind of sucks.

dance of days would be a better book focusing on minor threat

Sand Stealer
01-23-2007, 01:26 PM
Wow, thanks for the fast responses!

I'm definately going to spend the next few weeks looking over the things you guys have said, the second one you suggested, D1988 looks ideal. Ross Haenfler looks a good author too.

I was going to do some questionnaires as well, because I'm also meant to be doing primary research for the work. Would it be okay to ask for people to fill them in on here? Obviously, any questions people didn't want to answer could be left blank, I just want some quotes and statistics really.

Thanks so much everybody. Already, my coursework is looking more like the A my parents want!

01-23-2007, 01:30 PM
I was going to do some questionnaires as well, because I'm also meant to be doing primary research for the work. Would it be okay to ask for people to fill them in on here? Obviously, any questions people didn't want to answer could be left blank, I just want some quotes and statistics really.

yeah, that's not a problem.

Sand Stealer
01-23-2007, 01:43 PM
Thanks. I've drafted a questionnaire and I'll post it up when I get the all-clear from my tutor. :) Grrr I'm fuming, I just posted the same kind of thing on another straight edge forum and it got locked and I was insulted by one of the admins for mistakingly putting it in the general part instead of the straight edge part. Some people are so rude.

01-23-2007, 01:49 PM
Thanks. I've drafted a questionnaire and I'll post it up when I get the all-clear from my tutor. :) Grrr I'm fuming, I just posted the same kind of thing on another straight edge forum and it got locked and I was insulted by one of the admins for mistakingly putting it in the general part instead of the straight edge part. Some people are so rude.

yeah, sometimes people lose sight on what's actually important.

01-23-2007, 02:02 PM
Thanks. I've drafted a questionnaire and I'll post it up when I get the all-clear from my tutor. :) Grrr I'm fuming, I just posted the same kind of thing on another straight edge forum and it got locked and I was insulted by one of the admins for mistakingly putting it in the general part instead of the straight edge part. Some people are so rude.

Really? thats really dumb, why didn't they just move it?

01-23-2007, 04:30 PM
Really? thats really dumb, why didn't they just move it?

Yeah, usually thats what admins and mods on forums do, I thought it was part of being an admin/mod on a forum?

This sites the best anyways :)

Sand Stealer
01-24-2007, 04:37 AM
Haha too true, this site is much better, more friendly at least! I don't know what her problem was, I sent her a PM saying I didn't appreciate her tone, she will probably block me for it, but hey, I stand up for myself. :)

Edit: Just emailed ya olly!

01-24-2007, 06:41 AM

good stuff...

(also, this girl from US/australia wrote the first paper about sxe back in 96-7 or something like that, don't remember her name, but it was pretty good, too)

01-24-2007, 09:20 AM
A book I found helpful, not related to SXE (too old) but about subcultures in general, and the visual language of subcultures was Subculture a Meaning of Style (http://www.amazon.com/Subculture-New-Accents-Dick-Hebdige/dp/0415039495) it really helped me frame my dissertation I wrote in college, it's also really interesting.

01-24-2007, 05:56 PM
i'll suggest a film
Edge of quarrel. It was long but not bad. Its not a documentary type movie. It's straightedge vs. punk. It might be useful perhaps.