View Full Version : tell us about your local hardcore scene?
02-04-2007, 11:46 AM
im from portsmouth and its shit.
im intrested in how diffrent the hardcore is in diffrent locations are.
where you from?
and the bands?
02-04-2007, 12:14 PM
im from portsmouth and its shit.
im intrested in how diffrent the hardcore is in diffrent locations are.
where you from?
and the bands?
I am mainly supportive of the south wales scene, favoutirte bands from that neck of the woods are captain insano and misuse.
02-05-2007, 03:10 AM
Hardcore Scene in Scotland, not much to speak about unfortunately.
Bands I like up here include The Fightback, Insurgent and Offside.
Theres a new band out recently called Big Gunz Of Mosh, there songs are pretty funny, they have a real good laugh but still take gigging and song writing seriously I kinda like the way they do things :)
And theres my band, Punchers Chance but we are pretty shitty to be honest.
02-05-2007, 03:28 AM
My scene is crazy! Unfotunately... There is literally NO such thing as Straight dge around here. Everyone's incredibly drug fucked... Our bands are mostly underground, which means that the shows are really personal. No stage barriers, no security or anything unless it's at a club or something. Otherwise everyone that wants to play pools money and hires a school hall or some shit and then there's a simple $10 entry fee, for an eight hour night supporting more than 8 bands.
Bands include the likes of Imperium, My Untimely Death, Echoed Silence, The Homeless, Eyeless Youth etc. We get to see heaps of locals that are coming out too, I saw Parkway Drive and I Killed The Prom Queen last year when they were on thier promo tours for new albums and shit.
Everyone gets drunk and does drugs after shows though... It's the only part I hate. Everyone dresses like punk cross hardcore kids and just stands there nodding. Only a small percentage get in there and mosh, and an even smaller percentage again have a dance. Whish brings back to mind, we have some alright punk bands too, such as Radio Riot. Pretty good for making you feel better and have some fun. We always play the punk stuff first to get everyone hyped up, and then when the main acts come out, it gets crazy.
02-05-2007, 06:08 PM
Our Scene is horrible. No good bands have ever really came out of here excpet Holden Caulfield. Columbus has a few good bands that come near here every so often. Not too many straight edge kids here anymore.
02-06-2007, 08:34 AM
Im from the Kentuckiana area, which is like basically the border between Indiana and Kentucky.
I live in New Albany, our scene here is two bands who claim to be hardcore but cling to the dicks of Emanuel. Then there was Akeldema..... Look them up on Myspace.
When I lived over in Louisville, Kentucky however, there was a scene unlike anything I have seen. There is a somewhat straight edge feel in some of the bands. Bands like Ganthet and By The Grace Of God. Other notable bands are Black Cross, Kinghorse, Swish, Kodan Armada, and Equal and Ultra.
02-06-2007, 05:18 PM
it's lacking. The good shows at least. We used to have a much better scene. With Honor played here back in the "Heart means everything" days, so did Folly, The Banner, and HORSE the band. There also used to be fun ska shows every friday. I miss it.
02-15-2007, 06:06 AM
it's lacking. The good shows at least. We used to have a much better scene. With Honor played here back in the "Heart means everything" days, so did Folly, The Banner, and HORSE the band. There also used to be fun ska shows every friday. I miss it.
call me steriotypical but i thought new york was booming with hardcore
02-15-2007, 04:59 PM
call me steriotypical but i thought new york was booming with hardcore
new york city more so then just everywhere in NY.
02-15-2007, 05:59 PM
My town doesn't know what hardcore is.
But we have our fair share of 'emos' who don't know who rites of spring are.
02-15-2007, 06:08 PM
My town doesn't know what hardcore is.
But we have our fair share of 'emos' who don't know who rites of spring are.
Definitely know how that goes. I love how the kids at my school claim edge and have no fucking clue who Minor Threat, Gorilla Biscuits and Have Heart are amd totally obsessed with Underoath and AFI.
02-15-2007, 06:19 PM
Definitely know how that goes. I love how the kids at my school claim edge and have no fucking clue who Minor Threat, Gorilla Biscuits and Have Heart and are totally obsessed with Underoath and AFI.
mmm have heart.
Sorry...yeah, I know how that goes too...but actually, i left out the one or two asshole 'edgers' at my school too, and I'm curious if anyone else has to deal with people like this:
I came to my (NC)highschool (from the north jersey scene)as someone listening to hardcore, but never really getting into the 'community' around here (like i said, coming from nj to nc) know, claiming edge but never wearing it on my sleeve per se, or even really going to that many shows because of the fact that its a 50 min. drive anywhere to see a show.
Anyhow, now that I've been to my fair share of shows and have friends who give a shit about me/support my decisions, I've become more active in what little community we have...helping bands out, selling merch, advertising shows, etc.
For some reason, everyone that is supposedly "core"...or what passes for that down here is a complete asshat. I mean, I'm all for having pride in one's decisions, but its completely impossible for me to even go to a show without having to deal with a bunch of fucking loosers who have nothing better to do than tell everyone that they 'aren't really edge' or posers ... you know the drill.
I dk, sorry for the rant, I just miss community-oriented hardcore.
03-12-2007, 03:02 PM
the indianapolis hardcore scene is shit. all of the bands around here are pop punk fob and Panic! wannabees. its horrible.
03-13-2007, 12:07 PM
The scene in my town rocks compared to the crap you guys are describing. I thought it was bad here but we have a good show at least 20 miles drive or less once every two weeks. Tyrant, CDC, Suffocate Faster, ROT (Hardcore Rap?), Never Again, so on and so forth. People show up and dance, mosh, sing along, stage dive. Anywhere around 12 to 20 people dancing or moshing at one time. Almost everybody at the shows is edge and proud of it.
Almost forgot. I'm from Dayton.
03-28-2007, 01:04 PM
Hello people im Federico from Argentina. The movment here in Buenos Aires is ok. Bands like Minoria Activa or Vieja Escuela are the first image of Straight Edge here.
My band is The Game, and we likes Fugazi, NOFX, Minor threat but Queen, bands of the 70s, bands of the 80s likes too.
We are a mixed of sounds but we doesnt take the Straight Edge as a religion we just likes the music.
Well this is my first message!
My MSN is:
03-28-2007, 09:07 PM
a few xhateyouifyournotstraightedgex bands that suck and a few sad metalcore bands from my area, There are some good australian hardcore bands though like mindsnare, jungle fever and powerslam.
04-02-2007, 08:53 AM
I live in central Connecticut (near Willimantic, if that helps) and there's no real scene here. There's one corporate venue nearby where crap like Good Charlotte plays. The only places in the entire state where the occasional good show happens are an hour away, and they're both in bars. There are a few good bands around here, but there's nowhere for them to play, so shows are essentially nonexistent.
04-15-2007, 01:58 PM
im from portsmouth and its shit.
im intrested in how diffrent the hardcore is in diffrent locations are.
where you from?
and the bands?
I'm from Veracruz, Mexico and there are no hardcore bands at all. There's one that call themselves hardcore but is not. The band that i like the most (and it's not hardcore) is called Eructo (
04-27-2007, 06:32 PM
Where I'm from, there is no scene. I'm the only kid around here that knows about hardcore.
05-01-2007, 03:55 AM
Here where I live there's hardcore and the scene is active but no straight edge. I think there's one sXe band in the whole country, about 50-100 edgers but they're not united. Most of people are drunk and on drugs, and make fun of edgers.
05-01-2007, 09:49 PM
Here where I live there's hardcore and the scene is active but no straight edge. I think there's one sXe band in the whole country, about 50-100 edgers but they're not united. Most of people are drunk and on drugs, and make fun of edgers.
Agreed.. I live in Missouri and we have a decent scene from where i am at. Umm... i would say that we only have a few edge ppl here.. me being one of em, and my friend is gonna claim soon just kinda shy about it b/c ppl can be massive dicks about being edge or not. There is like 2-3 that claim edge but claim it and hide it b/c they aren't truely edge just posers... I live in Webb (15k ppl) and my school's scene is growing but some people are gettting mad b/c other people are being introduced to music.
We do although have a concert building in joplin which normally has at least one good show every couple weeks in the school year... and about 1 a week in summer. I have a few friends that introduce me to more people that are cool hxc kids ( i mainly stand alone as sxe)
I am one of like 10 kids that hxc dance normally so... but i am gonna be heading up to Cinncinnati to check out there scene and hang with my friend. Go to a few concerts and underground... etc
05-03-2007, 09:11 PM
Hmm, the New York City scene? Its pretty decent in my opinion, and I really wouldn't say its bad. I've been to a few shows, but I'm not really active on it much. Uhh, ABC No Rio is around $8 for admission, and has a show almost every week, and a hardcore show every now and then too.
09-08-2007, 04:29 PM
There is like 2-3 that claim edge but claim it and hide it b/c they aren't truely edge just posers...
Hiding is the opposite of posing it.
Here where I live there's hardcore and the scene is active but no straight edge. I think there's one sXe band in the whole country, about 50-100 edgers but they're not united. Most of people are drunk and on drugs, and make fun of edgers.
I knew you were talking about Finland! Hi there! Btw. I sing in a fresh sxe band, but don't have any recordings yet. :)
There's this one hxc band in Finland, called Turn The Tide.
There's quite a few good hardcore bands in Finland, anyways.
Check this out:
09-11-2007, 07:32 PM
here in seattle there is a little edge scene, its actually not too bad, i just don't know much about it because i just moved back from Hillsboro Missouri, and don't know a single soul here in seattle.
10-03-2007, 06:05 AM
like i siad before my scene is shit portsmouth is nothing when it comes to hardcore, so if you could be so kinda and add my upcoming hardcore band
that would be much appreciated thanks
10-03-2007, 08:11 AM
Ukraine, Simferopol. No scene, no hardcore, no straightedge.
There's a punk band around Wankers Punk that, I was told by their friends, "are trying to play hardcore" but I missed the show on 15 September so I can't really tell if they sound any good.
There are also a few people including me who officially claim straightedge. I know no one in person but have heard a lot about a guy who claims straightedge and is convincing others that veganism is a part of it, promiscuous sex part is also a part of it... needless to say I don't really feel excited about meeting a guy.
I noticed more and more people around me seem to get interested (to an extend) in straightedge and hardcore music and I believe that if properly done a scene could be created.
At present time there's just nothing.
Any suggestions on how to create hardcore and straightedge scene?
Even though this is not the country/cities I live in I hear Moscow and St.Petersburg hardcore straightedge scenes are thriving but are facing constant problem of fighting both figuratively and literally neo-fascists, i.e. boneheads to be more precise. This is an acute problem in these two cities as far as I can judge.
A number of Russian hardcore straightedge bands made a few records that reflect the issue. Just to name a few bands:
- Проверочная Линейка (Russian for "Straight Edge tool")
- What We Feel (the band I enjoy very much,
- Sandinista (the band is appreciated by many even though they sound nothing like hardcore punk)
10-03-2007, 02:57 PM
i'm from belgium, and i live in Grammont/Geraardsbergen
everyone laughs with me, they think sXe is just bullshit
the scene is shit out here, just a few ppl and not that many bands..
but in april i go to Groezrock, a big hardcore & punk festival :)
for the bands i always go to the festivals, even though there isn't that much hardcore,
saw Madball this august though
10-03-2007, 04:47 PM
i'm from belgium, and i live in Grammont/Geraardsbergen
everyone laughs with me, they think sXe is just bullshit
the scene is shit out here, just a few ppl and not that many bands..
but in april i go to Groezrock, a big hardcore & punk festival :)
for the bands i always go to the festivals, even though there isn't that much hardcore,
saw Madball this august though
I don't know all of the areas of Belgium to be honest but there are so many amazing bands in Belgium right now, the scene is amazing and makes me jealous. Bands such as:
True Colors
One Voice
Rhythm To The Madness
Losing Streak
I think some of them use the term "H8000", is that some form of post code or area code or something that they use t define where they are from?
Can't you travel to places like Bruge for all of the awesome shows that go on there?
10-04-2007, 01:19 PM
Well, I'm from Münster, Germany.
We have a pretty good Hardcore-Scene here, I think the most famous local band is Short Fuse, who play Newschool-Hardcore I think, but many other little bands, who aren't really famous outside of Münster, but who are very good, as I think.
There's not really a sxe-scene here, I know one other guy, but we have a nice hxc scene, so it's okay.
Also nice is, that there are often hxc bands from elsewhere playing here, like Hatebreed, Converge and others on Vainstream Rockfest this summer or Gorilla Buiscuits, who play tomorrow in Münster. Unfortunately I have neither money nor time, so I can not join their show.
10-05-2007, 09:01 AM
I now live outside Atlanta and the scene here is good. Its split between 2 groups tho. The kids who go to throwdown shows and the kids who go to blacklisted and have heart shows. The 2 do not play well together for the most part. We have shows all the time. Which is awesome. I'm going to se agnostic front death before dishonor and seventh star soon. Just saw have heart and sinking ships. Have seen shipwreck,bitter end, gorilla biscuits,madball,sick of it all, colin of arbia, ruiner, crimes in stereo etc... So scene here is pretty damn good.
Not a whole lot of edge kids but when edge bands play you see them iin full force.
10-07-2007, 01:11 PM
please please add my band, live recording is gonna be very very soon maybe next week.
please please add my band, live recording is gonna be very very soon maybe next week.
myspace is blocked at my new job. no internet at new home. so your answer is a big fat NO! ( i would if i could actually...)
10-26-2007, 07:08 AM
ok i am straight edge i dont preach,, as i was sayin earlyer that my portsmouth scene is shit,
i got some abuse from a local drummer for bein edge he told me to die ect ect for no reason atal,
im in a band just like him we gig the same places really,
but dont you think that if you like hardcore you should except there is a sub culture about it and that you should just keep that shit top yourself.
prick or what!!
10-26-2007, 09:51 AM
Judging by the bands he has listed he isn't into hardcore at all anyway.
Oh, and his band sucks.
10-26-2007, 10:02 AM
ok i am straight edge i dont preach,, as i was sayin earlyer that my portsmouth scene is shit,
i got some abuse from a local drummer for bein edge he told me to die ect ect for no reason atal,
im in a band just like him we gig the same places really,
but dont you think that if you like hardcore you should except there is a sub culture about it and that you should just keep that shit top yourself.
prick or what!!
challenge him to a duel, it's the only way.
10-26-2007, 10:43 AM
Judging by the bands he has listed he isn't into hardcore at all anyway.
Oh, and his band sucks.
cheers for the kind comment i do agree,
his band are our rival
10-26-2007, 12:29 PM
cheers for the kind comment i do agree,
his band are our rival
Challenge THEM to a duel.
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