View Full Version : Are You True? Or A Fake Ass Trendy?
03-06-2007, 10:24 AM
Seriously...Are you sXe for your self or just your friends?
Im straight Edge for my self....its my choice my life long commitment......and im true for life. I will never back down for my beleifs, i will fight for my friends i will have there back forever......would you?
03-06-2007, 10:30 AM
Seriously...Are you sXe for your self or just your friends?
Im straight Edge for my self....its my choice my life long commitment......and im true for life. I will never back down for my beleifs, i will fight for my friends i will have there back forever......would you?
yes, why do you ask?
03-06-2007, 10:47 AM
Seriously...Are you sXe for your self or just your friends?
Im straight Edge for my self....its my choice my life long commitment......and im true for life. I will never back down for my beleifs, i will fight for my friends i will have there back forever......would you?
I don't think people can be truly straight edge until they're an adult. don't get me wrong, I think being edge when you're young is important, but I also know that most people that claim edge today and are teens won't be edge in their 20s.
03-06-2007, 10:47 AM
This introduction is awesome.
Hi and Welcome to the boards,
I am straight edge for myself just incase you wanted to know.
I'm straight edge for my friends!
Sand Stealer
03-06-2007, 01:41 PM
Seeing as though none of my friends are straight edge, I can't really be so for them...
03-06-2007, 04:29 PM
I'm straight edge because I'm straight edge.
I'm straight edge because I'm straight edge.
Ya, but I don't think it's that trendy
03-12-2007, 07:28 PM
im straight edge because i want to be...none of my friends are and thats fine with me, its my choice.
03-13-2007, 12:13 AM
I'm straight edge because I like how da x's look personally.
03-23-2007, 04:50 PM
I am straight edge because of my friends. Because I've seen them under the effects of drugs and alcohol, and I never want to put myself through that. For some strange reason, puking my brains out... doesn't sound like fun to me.
03-28-2007, 10:49 AM
I agree with xANTI-HUMANx...and also because I want to be. I chose's right for me. And I would die for my friends and/or my beliefs. Having been threatened for my beliefs VERY recently and having stood up for them, I think I have a pretty good claim on saying yes I believe it.
03-31-2007, 11:59 PM
I do it cause I'm trendy. 10+ years is a really long trend.
04-04-2007, 08:11 PM
Seriously...Are you sXe for your self or just your friends?
Im straight Edge for my self....its my choice my life long commitment......and im true for life. I will never back down for my beleifs, i will fight for my friends i will have there back forever......would you?
I'm edge because I think its cool to not kill myself.
But hi and welcome to the boards...I haven't been here for awhile, so I'm not up to date :D
04-09-2007, 05:55 PM
Seriously...Are you sXe for your self or just your friends?
Im straight Edge for my self....its my choice my life long commitment......and im true for life. I will never back down for my beleifs, i will fight for my friends i will have there back forever......would you?
I think the most on this forum will say they're real edge..
04-15-2007, 02:33 PM
I think the most on this forum will say they're real edge..
But maybe they are.
I am straight edge because of me, and like xanti-humanx said i watch my friends every day destroying themselves and i dont like that, i've seen myself destroying me, and i didn't like it either. And being straight edge is one of the things that changed me the most. Because now i really think what i'm doing. Most of my friends do drugs because they think that's what makes them be bad boys/girls or be rebels or be punks or just to "now how it feels". And that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard. i'm proud of myself, i'm proud of the choice I made.
03-03-2008, 03:54 PM
i've destroyed my self a lot, i wasn't in controled of my life.
drug, eating disorder, and other things.
Now i can controled all,
its my choice to said that im sxe
cause i dont have straight edge friends :P
and i'm find in my choice,
i've found my place.
03-03-2008, 06:37 PM
Seriously...Are you sXe for your self or just your friends?
Im straight Edge for my self....its my choice my life long commitment......and im true for life. I will never back down for my beleifs, i will fight for my friends i will have there back forever......would you?
Actually, I think that this question makes you sound like a complete douchebag, so I rescind my previous answer:
I'm straightedge because I think it's fucking trendy. I routinely drink and smoke, but claim edge because I think all the cool kids are doing it, including, apparently, you. I don't emulate any of them, I just hope I can convince everyone that I'm cool enough to hang out with them and go to their cool hardCORE shows. I don't have any respect for my body, nor those around me. I'm just a trendy scene kid.
Oh, and since I'm not 21 yet, the minute I hit college, I plan on getting totally trashed and joining a frat.
Seriously, if you question anyone's edge, get fucked. There's enough assholes in this world.
03-03-2008, 09:25 PM
you should have made this a pole. it would have been funny to see how many people say thier doing it to look cool
03-04-2008, 12:45 AM
I'm straight edge just to impress you.
I'm straight edge just to impress you.
03-04-2008, 07:30 AM
Have I duplicated myself? : P
Answer : For myself for life. Easy.
03-04-2008, 08:58 PM
Anonymous Ghost
03-04-2008, 11:22 PM
I don't think people can be truly straight edge until they're an adult. don't get me wrong, I think being edge when you're young is important, but I also know that most people that claim edge today and are teens won't be edge in their 20s.
Totally agree, I've seen that shit already...
Anonymous Ghost
03-04-2008, 11:31 PM
"For myself, for my friends, for my family, forever... I'll take this to the bitter end"
I think It's just because I value myself too much to do something like poison myself, and I just give a sarcastic smile when somebody ask me "Don't you see your self with a drinking a beer all by yourself in about 20 years from today?" (Exactly, they don't know what this means and how the flame burns in my heart...)
03-05-2008, 04:15 PM
I don't think people can be truly straight edge until they're an adult. don't get me wrong, I think being edge when you're young is important, but I also know that most people that claim edge today and are teens won't be edge in their 20s.
I don't agree, in fact, I know only one edge (without counting myself), and it's not «cool» or «in» or whatever. In fact, almost every teens I know drink alcohol like each weekends, and it's not seen as a problem by their parents or anybody, in fact, it's their parents who pay for their alcohol...
By the way, I decided to be edge for my self, not for anyone or to be apart of a super amazing community
03-05-2008, 05:04 PM
I don't agree, in fact, I know only one edge (without counting myself), and it's not «cool» or «in» or whatever. In fact, almost every teens I know drink alcohol like each weekends, and it's not seen as a problem by their parents or anybody, in fact, it's their parents who pay for their alcohol...
By the way, I decided to be edge for my self, not for anyone or to be apart of a super amazing community
yeah, but he didnt say that kids in their teens were doing it to be cool or hip, he said that when they turned into their 20's most of the kids stopped, not because its uncool, but because drugs are way more avaliable and most kids tend to stop being straight edge because of that
03-06-2008, 08:12 AM
around here there is well over 100 edge kids, so it is pretty popular, and i can normally tell who is edge for real, and who is fake or "won't last", but i try not to concern myself with it. i will let them do what they do. and i will do what i do.
on the other hand, the school i go to, there is 2 straight edge people, and all the rest of them think it is so cool to drink and smoke, and talk about it all the time.
my city is a huge straight edge city, i guess. it becomes a little crazy sometimes with how many edge kids i see.
03-06-2008, 09:11 AM
I do it cause I'm trendy. 10+ years is a really long trend.
persistence. hahaha. im still wearing bell bottoms. I heard that went out a few years ago. That shit'll come back with disco dancing.
am i straight edge? yes. I think anyone who is on this forum will tell you the same, whether they really believe that they are or not.
03-06-2008, 12:14 PM
persistence. hahaha. im still wearing bell bottoms. I heard that went out a few years ago. That shit'll come back with disco dancing.
am i straight edge? yes. I think anyone who is on this forum will tell you the same, whether they really believe that they are or not.
You think they would say they are straightedge when they believe they aren't?
03-06-2008, 02:53 PM
You think they would say they are straightedge when they believe they aren't?
Obviously. I am totally straight edge.
03-06-2008, 04:27 PM
Obviously. I am totally straight edge.
so long as you believe you are!
03-06-2008, 05:21 PM
Obviously. I am totally straight edge.
Yeah Canada, you should actually stop drinking the fizzy shit and actually claim allready.
When I come over to see the Leafs play eventually, I'll go militant and kick your ass and spill your caffeiene drinks because I am 110% str8 fuckin ej.
03-06-2008, 06:03 PM
No, i guess that came out wrong. I mean, some kids just say that they are straight edge because of the title, and don't really realize the implications of a life long commitment such as claiming straightedge. I wasn't implying anyone here is a liar at all.
Bad wording on my part. I was a little tired this morning.
03-06-2008, 06:10 PM
No, i guess that came out wrong. I mean, some kids just say that they are straight edge because of the title, and don't really realize the implications of a life long commitment such as claiming straightedge. I wasn't implying anyone here is a liar at all.
Bad wording on my part. I was a little tired this morning.
Even so, that mouse lied so you were bang on!
03-07-2008, 01:24 AM
BTW, did you happen to see the Homefront when they came to Europe?
BTW, did you happen to see the Homefront when they came to Europe?
yeah, they were great. I talked to some of them after the show, they were super stoked on playing in Europe, cool dudes. Picked up the cd and listened to it a lot since.
03-07-2008, 01:38 AM
Glad to hear it, they're are all really great dudes. They've got some lineup changes going on right now, and changing their sound up, so im curious as to how that lineup change is going to effect their music.
They were all really stoked on their Euro tour and told all of us how great it was. Being at one of those shows, how was the turn out/reaction? I'm looking into it through the same booking company and trying to get it figured out.
Glad to hear it, they're are all really great dudes. They've got some lineup changes going on right now, and changing their sound up, so im curious as to how that lineup change is going to effect their music.
They were all really stoked on their Euro tour and told all of us how great it was. Being at one of those shows, how was the turn out/reaction? I'm looking into it through the same booking company and trying to get it figured out.
kids were into it, there was some moshing, singalongs etc. it was a cool show. the german opening band was bad though...
03-07-2008, 01:53 AM
solid turnout?
solid turnout?
what do you mean by turnout?
a lot of kids came to the show, it was a moderately small venue, i think there were like 150 people.
if you meant turnout money-wise, I can't tell, I didn't take part in booking the show
03-07-2008, 02:11 AM
turnout as in number of people that came. thats really awesome! Im glad it was as good as they made it sound!
03-16-2008, 04:18 AM
Obviously I'm straight edge for me. I could care less if my friends are edge are not. Some of my friends are edge, and some of them aren't. None of that matters, its what I believe, and I'AM straightedge.
03-23-2008, 07:27 PM
I have a question somewhat related to that thread...what I should answer to somebody I know that sent me a message on MySpace which was something like: Hey dude, from where you come like this?? , where are you in the shows?? You're bi, sxe ahahah FUCKIN' FAKE, DAMN, GO KILL YOURSELF
I know it seems weird to ask for this but the thing is that it's a girl in one of my class, so I want to answer something intelligent that will break all her doubts (she's edge by the way)...I'm not the type to stress myself with what the others think, but for her, I don't know, it's just the fact that she talks without knowing anything...
03-24-2008, 03:48 AM
I have a question somewhat related to that thread...what I should answer to somebody I know that sent me a message on MySpace which was something like: Hey dude, from where you come like this?? , where are you in the shows?? You're bi, sxe ahahah FUCKIN' FAKE, DAMN, GO KILL YOURSELF
I know it seems weird to ask for this but the thing is that it's a girl in one of my class, so I want to answer something intelligent that will break all her doubts (she's edge by the way)...I'm not the type to stress myself with what the others think, but for her, I don't know, it's just the fact that she talks without knowing anything...
Thats a simple one. Tell her to shut the fuck up.
So she is saying you cannot be straight edge because you are bi? or because you don't go to shows?
03-24-2008, 07:42 AM
Thats a simple one. Tell her to shut the fuck up.
So she is saying you cannot be straight edge because you are bi? or because you don't go to shows?
I don't really know man...but I know her for a while and she's the kind of girl that says anything in the back of the others but nothing in the face if you know what I mean
But I finally decided to answer by myself, I think I'm enough old for that HaHa I answered something like "Where I am in the shows? Since I don't have a lot of money and I don't have a car, I loss my time saying that I'm straight edge while I'm drunk...Seriously, it's not beacause I don't have the words straight edge tattooed on my arms that I'm less edge than you"
03-25-2008, 03:13 AM
That's quite a reasonable reply. But what really surprised me here was that it was a girl who wrote that. From the sounds of it, she could actually be doubting whether she is seriously edge. To reassure herself that she is edge, she could just be bad mouthing everyone else who isn't her definition of "pure" edge.
Of course, she could always be an ignorant bitch. It's not like they're uncommon, but you're the one who knows her so you can probably judge better.
Still, the important thing is that you feel like you are edge. Don't let one girl make you doubt what you know.
09-01-2008, 02:27 PM
I am edge for myself.
But still, in front of many of you I would be a poseur. I guess. I don't use anything, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I listen to hardcore, but I don't have any fundamentalistic ideas of being sXe and I have lots and lots of friends who smoke/drink/smoke pot and I love to hang out with them every now and then.
And by the way.. I love listening Savage Garden.
09-01-2008, 03:38 PM
I am edge for myself.
But still, in front of many of you I would be a poseur. I guess. I don't use anything, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I listen to hardcore, but I don't have any fundamentalistic ideas of being sXe and I have lots and lots of friends who smoke/drink/smoke pot and I love to hang out with them every now and then.
And by the way.. I love listening Savage Garden.
You haven't said anything to make me think you are a poseur you have just made me a little wary of your musical taste!!
09-01-2008, 05:03 PM
And by the way.. I love listening Savage Garden.
Like a chica cherry cola.
09-02-2008, 06:35 AM
You haven't said anything to make me think you are a poseur you have just made me a little wary of your musical taste!!
Like a chica cherry cola.
You guys are hurting me. Big emo tear. :-----(((
09-03-2008, 05:42 AM
Well most people I know thinks it's cool to drink and do drugs. I think it's cool not to do that. Haha. Really though I do it for myself because I've seen what happens to people who drink etc and don't what it to happen to me. I get mixed reaction for being edge, some with respect, others with immaturity, haven't encountered any hate for being edge yet, hopefully I won't.
09-13-2008, 07:27 AM
I chose to be Straight Edge for myself, my health & integrity. I have seen what my friends have done in their own lives & vowed never to do that, I have too much respect for myself. I'm sure none of my friends have even heard of Straight Edge.
09-13-2008, 01:11 PM
TRENDY ???? TRENDY !!!!????
If STRAIGHT EDGE goes popular im gonna assasin evryone who has a share of MTV..
I HAVE HAD IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
09-13-2008, 02:50 PM
In some point of view it would be good if more people would know about sxe.
09-14-2008, 02:32 AM
In some point of view it would be good if more people would know about sxe.
Yeah , but this may come in a price of SxE beeing a trend ..
09-14-2008, 03:37 AM
Yeah , but this may come in a price of SxE beeing a trend ..
I think there are good and bad sides in sxe being a trend.
09-14-2008, 09:11 AM
Yeah , but this may come in a price of SxE beeing a trend ..
It just comes down to peoples reasons for doing things. It would be awesome if there were loads more people in straightedge for all the right reasons. And theres always been people involving themselves in straightedge for the wrong reasons, which is the same with anything. If the straightedge scene grows with integrity and sincerity then that would be a good trend, if however it were to grow as a gimmick or novelty selling point then that wouldn't be good. Luckily people in hardcore are still ready to speak out against negative ideas and actions that effect the scene.
09-14-2008, 12:35 PM
It just comes down to peoples reasons for doing things. It would be awesome if there were loads more people in straightedge for all the right reasons. And theres always been people involving themselves in straightedge for the wrong reasons, which is the same with anything. If the straightedge scene grows with integrity and sincerity then that would be a good trend, if however it were to grow as a gimmick or novelty selling point then that wouldn't be good. Luckily people in hardcore are still ready to speak out against negative ideas and actions that effect the scene.
09-27-2008, 03:41 AM
I follow two basic maxims.
"This above all - to thine own self be true." Shakespeare, Hamlet
"Reasons not rules make us strong." Bane, What Makes us Strong
I'm not sure if I'm "truly edge" but I'm truly abstaining from certain substances for the reasons that have always mattered to me, and I'm quite fond of Hardcore too, although I see myself as an individual who doesn't necessarily attach hardcore trends to myself.
09-30-2008, 09:42 AM
I don't think people can be truly straight edge until they're an adult. don't get me wrong, I think being edge when you're young is important, but I also know that most people that claim edge today and are teens won't be edge in their 20s.
im young and i to kinda agree most teens claim "aww im so edge" but when they hit legal drinking and smoking age its kinda like they vomit up everything they once believed personally im straightedge until i fucking die yes i might have made some mistakes but nobodys perfect edge for life.
10-01-2008, 09:35 PM
punch her in the fucking face.
me im edge because i know what drugs and drinking will do to you i have lost a slew of family members from drinking,drugs,and std's and i refuse to fuck my life up like them so when i heard and read about edge i knew it was for me.and personally i dont really care how people react to me being edge i can just take solice in knowing when there dead from a OD,drunk driving or aids i'll still be alive and kicking....unless i die some other way lol
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