View Full Version : vegetarian drummer wanted in nyc

03-07-2007, 02:14 PM
drummer needed for NYHC band nyc/brooklyn area - straightedge vegetarian a must - email spliffrd@inch.com for details.

03-10-2007, 07:10 AM
Why is being a vegetarian thing a must? Just curious.

03-10-2007, 10:23 AM
Why is being a vegetarian thing a must? Just curious.

I'd guess at the band promoting vegetarian values.

03-10-2007, 11:05 AM
Makes sense and all but would they be considered values? I mean vegans don't consume or use any animal products or by-products for ethical treatment of animals but vegetarians just don't eat meat (the original vegetarian society stated vegetarian was just refraing from dairy and eggs) and therefore using other animal products and by-products, am I right?

03-10-2007, 11:24 AM
Makes sense and all but would they be considered values? I mean vegans don't consume or use any animal products or by-products for ethical treatment of animals but vegetarians just don't eat meat (the original vegetarian society stated vegetarian was just refraing from dairy and eggs) and therefore using other animal products and by-products, am I right?

Of course they are values, what makes you think that its not a value? Would someone who avoids all drugs except for alcohol have no values? Vegetarians obviously hold vegetarian values, vegans hold vegan ones. Their values are based on beliefs that abstaining from meat consumption is a valid and worthwhile stance, but because its not as extreme as veganism doesn't make it not a value. Because if that were the case vegans don't have values either and we would look to jainism or something even more extreme before we can apply the word value, and thats crazy. But value doesn't mean take something to the most extreme length or assuming the motivation behind the value in the first place. So yes they are definitely values, vegetarian values.

03-10-2007, 11:45 AM
That makes sense. I was having an idiot moment.