View Full Version : Do Drugs Before You're Edge?
03-27-2007, 02:40 PM
Do you think this is totally necissary? Because I've never done anything, but I've always, ALWAY been against that kind of stuff, even before I was Straight Edge, or knew what it was (it was funny, I remember listening to the Throwdown song Forever as one of the first "hardcore" bands I got into, and didn't notice that they said Straight Edge, but in my head, applied it to the drug use and how me and my friends were like, the anti-drug kids in my school)
My father is an alcoholic and smokes, I literally have 7 people in my family as opposed to the 40 I had ten years ago thanks to drugs, and I've lost a ton of friends due to drugs. My school is literally 98 % drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. Everyone does at least something at least once a week. I have always been sort of a rebel, so I'm like, fuck, how is doing drugs being a rebel anymore? It's not.
I never have done anything, and a lot of other Xer's say that I'll break Edge much easier because curiosity will get the best of me since I don't know what it feels like. But I don't know, I have faith in myself. I have too much pain associated with this, and I have so much pride in Straight Edge and hardcore as a scene. Thoughts?
03-27-2007, 02:49 PM
Do you think this is totally necissary? Because I've never done anything, but I've always, ALWAY been against that kind of stuff, even before I was Straight Edge, or knew what it was (it was funny, I remember listening to the Throwdown song Forever as one of the first "hardcore" bands I got into, and didn't notice that they said Straight Edge, but in my head, applied it to the drug use and how me and my friends were like, the anti-drug kids in my school)
My father is an alcoholic and smokes, I literally have 7 people in my family as opposed to the 40 I had ten years ago thanks to drugs, and I've lost a ton of friends due to drugs. My school is literally 98 % drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. Everyone does at least something at least once a week. I have always been sort of a rebel, so I'm like, fuck, how is doing drugs being a rebel anymore? It's not.
I never have done anything, and a lot of other Xer's say that I'll break Edge much easier because curiosity will get the best of me since I don't know what it feels like. But I don't know, I have faith in myself. I have too much pain associated with this, and I have so much pride in Straight Edge and hardcore as a scene. Thoughts?
well. I've never done anything and I'm almost 30 and have been edge for over half my life and I have never felt curious.
03-27-2007, 05:45 PM
No it's not at all necessary and from what you have said, you have already experienced drugs and alcohol in a bad way even if you didnt take them. It's all your own self control, if you chose edge you should be able to promise yourself to abstain from drugs no matter how bad your curiosity.
I did drugs before I chose to be straight, I actually got most of my curiosity from watching anti drug shows and reading anti drug brochures... They made me know drugs weren't good but at the same time made me want to try them.
Straight Edge shows me how much different and stronger I am without drugs and thats what keeps me straight, knowing that I feel better all the time and that I have more strength and dedication. Also I prefer having fun seeing a good band play than getting shitfaced and having a headache the next morning, I wake up feeling sore from dancing but I have a ear to ear grin that only those highs and experiences can give.
I kinda went off topic, I wish alot of the time I had never done drugs but I dont regret what I have done...
03-27-2007, 06:03 PM
I kinda went off topic, I wish alot of the time I had never done drugs but I dont regret what I have done...
if you wish you had never done drugs then how can you say you don't regret doing them?
03-28-2007, 06:51 AM
Yes I actually do sound kind of retarded there. Well I pretty much feel I learnt something from doing drugs, but I wish I knew that before I ever tried them.
The anti drug or war on drugs in both australia (where I am from) and america usually gives out brochures with information about drugs and the effects of them, usually listing the positive feelings of the high's and very little information about the real problems.
If they started to show the links between drugs and mental illness/problems I think it would change the way kids view drugs. The brochures offer all these pretty pictures of the drugs and even the prices and availability at times, I think for each drug they should show pictures of the real damages.
For instance:
Completely Disintegrated septum's and highly damaged nostrils from cocaine use
Dead damaged veins from heroin use
Murder victims and violence victims from speed use
Permanately depressed people from heavily smoking pot most of their lives
Blistered hands and face from crack use
Permanent psychological damage from drugs such as lsd and mushrooms.
Or the pic of the dude that ripped his privates out from crystal meth use.
I know that is pretty disturbing, but in my opinion would put drugs in a whole different light.
Off topic once again lol.
03-28-2007, 11:26 AM
Yes I actually do sound kind of retarded there. Well I pretty much feel I learnt something from doing drugs, but I wish I knew that before I ever tried them.
The anti drug or war on drugs in both australia (where I am from) and america usually gives out brochures with information about drugs and the effects of them, usually listing the positive feelings of the high's and very little information about the real problems.
If they started to show the links between drugs and mental illness/problems I think it would change the way kids view drugs. The brochures offer all these pretty pictures of the drugs and even the prices and availability at times, I think for each drug they should show pictures of the real damages.
For instance:
Completely Disintegrated septum's and highly damaged nostrils from cocaine use
Dead damaged veins from heroin use
Murder victims and violence victims from speed use
Permanately depressed people from heavily smoking pot most of their lives
Blistered hands and face from crack use
Permanent psychological damage from drugs such as lsd and mushrooms.
Or the pic of the dude that ripped his privates out from crystal meth use.
I know that is pretty disturbing, but in my opinion would put drugs in a whole different light.
Off topic once again lol.
I can't speak for australia, but I've never seen anything put out by the US government that talks about drugs that lists what you describe.
04-02-2007, 07:03 AM
I can't speak for australia, but I've never seen anything put out by the US government that talks about drugs that lists what you describe.
I think that was his point, that they don't show how terrible the effects can be, they dull it down.
I know that if I read that kind of shit at school it'd hit a lot harder than the usual 'drugs are bad'.
04-02-2007, 09:58 AM
I think that was his point, that they don't show how terrible the effects can be, they dull it down.
I know that if I read that kind of shit at school it'd hit a lot harder than the usual 'drugs are bad'.
no, I'm saying everything that the US puts out is nothing but negative effects and nothing positive at all.
04-04-2007, 07:33 PM
No matter how much stuff the gov't puts out against drugs & alcohol, kids'll still do 'em. The way I see it, it goes like this;
step 1. Kid sees older kids drinking & doing drugs. Kid thinks, older kids are cool, therefore drugs are cool.
step 2. Kid tries drugs. Kid gets hooked.
Step 3. Younger kid sees kid 1 doing drugs. Cycle continues.
There aren't enough people that break the chain. sXe does this, but we're all outcast enough that nobody's going to follow our example, or at least not enough people.
04-13-2007, 04:37 AM
Every individual person on this planet has a different background, from where we were born to the friends we hung out with as kids. There are so many different variables that it'd be impossible for everyone who later decides to claim the Straight Edge to have never used drugs.
I personally don't think it's that important one way or the other if you have or haven't before claiming. Once you claim, that's a display of the intention to not become intoxicated any more, and the only direction you would be looking is forward.
I never used hard, mind altering drugs before claiming, and only ever really had tiny amounts of alcohol. Others may have been hardcore users. It just really doesn't matter and is no reflection on the person's decision to claim Edge, 'cause we all have a unique reason.
04-15-2007, 01:34 PM
Well, here in mexico, like 30 years ago nobody said nothing about drugs. People knew they were bad but some didn't care and did them.
And now days, there are lots of people -and not government people- that is talking in schools and everywhere about what drugs do to you, how bad they are, and its supposed that the information they're giving is for kids not to do drugs anymore, but insted, percentage of people using drugs is increasing a lot, so whats the difference?
When nobody had information, only the ones who did not care about anything tried them. Not that everybody knows, everybody is trying them because they now know one bit won't be so hard.
04-15-2007, 04:36 PM
Well, here in mexico, like 30 years ago nobody said nothing about drugs. People knew they were bad but some didn't care and did them.
And now days, there are lots of people -and not government people- that is talking in schools and everywhere about what drugs do to you, how bad they are, and its supposed that the information they're giving is for kids not to do drugs anymore, but insted, percentage of people using drugs is increasing a lot, so whats the difference?
When nobody had information, only the ones who did not care about anything tried them. Not that everybody knows, everybody is trying them because they now know one bit won't be so hard.
The same could apply to every country over the globe I guess.
I remember when I was younger, say 10 years old at school we had the local police come in and tell us all about drugs, I up until that point never had a clue about any drugs at all, I didn't know what they done, what they looked like or anything. I can't even imagine what it is like for kids who are 10 these days. There is kids around here 1-2 years older than them smoking dope and drinking at the weekends. Shit, when I was younger, people under the age of 16 drinking was completely unheard of, today that is so completely different. But like I was saying when I was younger and we got the talk about drugs, it scared the shit out of us. I don't know if it is having that same effect on the younger kids of today as peer pressure is what alot of the governments campaigns are against these days whereas when I was younger it seemed to be more of "This is how bad drugs are, this is what they do to you" and that alone would scare you of them. Nowadays the message they put to kids is something along the lines of "Don't be tempted into doing drugs by your friends, Just because they do them doesn't mean you have to".
And you said on another post your English wasn't too good, gonna have to disagree there, thats pretty awesome.
04-15-2007, 10:43 PM
The same could apply to every country over the globe I guess.
And you said on another post your English wasn't too good, gonna have to disagree there, thats pretty awesome.
I say Mexico, because I don't know how it is in other countries.
And thanks for the english-thing ;_)
05-14-2007, 12:27 AM
Do you think this is totally necissary? Because I've never done anything, but I've always, ALWAY been against that kind of stuff, even before I was Straight Edge, or knew what it was (it was funny, I remember listening to the Throwdown song Forever as one of the first "hardcore" bands I got into, and didn't notice that they said Straight Edge, but in my head, applied it to the drug use and how me and my friends were like, the anti-drug kids in my school)
My father is an alcoholic and smokes, I literally have 7 people in my family as opposed to the 40 I had ten years ago thanks to drugs, and I've lost a ton of friends due to drugs. My school is literally 98 % drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. Everyone does at least something at least once a week. I have always been sort of a rebel, so I'm like, fuck, how is doing drugs being a rebel anymore? It's not.
I never have done anything, and a lot of other Xer's say that I'll break Edge much easier because curiosity will get the best of me since I don't know what it feels like. But I don't know, I have faith in myself. I have too much pain associated with this, and I have so much pride in Straight Edge and hardcore as a scene. Thoughts?
I was addicted to cocaine for 3 years and it was the most horrible experience that i would like to never relive now i am strictly against drugs and keep clean by promoting my local music and drinking choclate milk {shits great} so i say no you dont need to have done drugs to be sxe but chances are alot of people who joined the straight edge movement did do drugs once in time considering a majority of the teen population has or is on weed......if you dinnint well good for you and keep it up
05-14-2007, 12:30 AM
if you wish you had never done drugs then how can you say you don't regret doing them?
because its better to live without any regrets whatsoever i know how he feels it was a mistake and he came to terms with that but it was a part of his life and has accepted that also so all you can do is look back and hope not to fuck up like that again
05-14-2007, 08:44 AM
because its better to live without any regrets whatsoever i know how he feels it was a mistake and he came to terms with that but it was a part of his life and has accepted that also so all you can do is look back and hope not to fuck up like that again
yeah but by calling something a mistake, you're actually having a regret.
05-14-2007, 10:15 AM
yeah but by calling something a mistake, you're actually having a regret.
no you can acknolodge that it was a mistake but that dosent mean that you wish it never happened because certain things prolly happened because of that that were actually good like the hands on knoledge of what people recently off drugs are going through it may have been a bad decision but it still happened
05-14-2007, 10:20 AM
no you can acknolodge that it was a mistake but that dosent mean that you wish it never happened because certain things prolly happened because of that that were actually good like the hands on knoledge of what people recently off drugs are going through it may have been a bad decision but it still happened
which is still regret. I don't know why regret is a bad word? If something is viewed as mistake then there is regret tied to it. If something had an overall positive outcome, then why would you view it as a mistake? By calling it a mistake you're saying you are regretting the action.
05-14-2007, 10:26 AM
which is still regret. I don't know why regret is a bad word? If something is viewed as mistake then there is regret tied to it. If something had an overall positive outcome, then why would you view it as a mistake? By calling it a mistake you're saying you are regretting the action.
żAgree To Dissagree?
05-14-2007, 10:31 AM
żAgree To Dissagree?
sure, but I don't see the point in playing word games with yourself. Regret isn't a bad thing.
05-14-2007, 11:04 AM
sure, but I don't see the point in playing word games with yourself. Regret isn't a bad thing.
I think is better to recognize that you regret something, insted of just not accepting it.
06-05-2007, 10:14 PM
bad. hell... no? yehp. hell no. if you did drugs/alchohol, even once, or fucked someone... no need to explain.
--if you arent now you never were
--if you werent before you arent now
im interested, anyone ever go... druggie---edge--druggie again---then edge again?
tell me... time to roll some dumbass mofo claimers.
06-06-2007, 02:53 AM
bad. hell... no? yehp. hell no. if you did drugs/alchohol, even once, or fucked someone... no need to explain.
--if you arent now you never were
--if you werent before you arent now
im interested, anyone ever go... druggie---edge--druggie again---then edge again?
tell me... time to roll some dumbass mofo claimers.
I drank years ago before I claimed edge, so because of that I am not edge? I wasn't before so I am not now?
So what if someone says they were edge, broke and then became edge again, are you going to "roll" them dumbass mofo's?
06-06-2007, 05:12 AM
bad. hell... no? yehp. hell no. if you did drugs/alchohol, even once, or fucked someone... no need to explain.
--if you arent now you never were
--if you werent before you arent now
im interested, anyone ever go... druggie---edge--druggie again---then edge again?
tell me... time to roll some dumbass mofo claimers.
So you think being sxe is never having sex? Enjoy your long life of jackin it.
06-06-2007, 08:42 AM
So you think being sxe is never having sex? Enjoy your long life of jackin it.
grats on not even knowing. its fucking sex before marrige, or someone you know your going to marry. fuck, i cant believe im explaining edge to people on a sxe forums you fucking newb
06-06-2007, 08:49 AM
grats on not even knowing. its fucking sex before marrige, or someone you know your going to marry. fuck, i cant believe im explaining edge to people on a sxe forums you fucking newb
Are you a troll?
06-06-2007, 08:53 AM
grats on not even knowing. its fucking sex before marrige, or someone you know your going to marry. fuck, i cant believe im explaining edge to people on a sxe forums you fucking newb
yeah, you can't be real.
06-06-2007, 09:29 AM
grats on not even knowing. its fucking sex before marrige, or someone you know your going to marry. fuck, i cant believe im explaining edge to people on a sxe forums you fucking newb
Could you explain it so its actually correct instead of being really wrong? It would help.
06-06-2007, 10:14 AM
grats on not even knowing. its fucking sex before marrige, or someone you know your going to marry. fuck, i cant believe im explaining edge to people on a sxe forums you fucking newb
wow shit, the straight edge guru here we should all be like him!
06-06-2007, 10:30 AM
wow shit, the straight edge guru here we should all be like him!
I don't know, lobotomies are really expencive
Sand Stealer
06-06-2007, 12:48 PM
You said NEVER FUCK, meaning, in your opinion, you should NEVER have sex with ANYONE, be it someone you've just met or someone you're married to. I think that's what Proper Jerk was getting at when he made his comment.
06-06-2007, 12:56 PM
bad. hell... no? yehp. hell no. if you did drugs/alchohol, even once, or fucked someone... no need to explain.
--if you arent now you never were
--if you werent before you arent now
im interested, anyone ever go... druggie---edge--druggie again---then edge again?
tell me... time to roll some dumbass mofo claimers.
06-06-2007, 04:07 PM
You said NEVER FUCK, meaning, in your opinion, you should NEVER have sex with ANYONE, be it someone you've just met or someone you're married to. I think that's what Proper Jerk was getting at when he made his comment.
I'm talking about never, as in before you were "edge" you didnt sleep with randoms either. grats on putting words in my mouth
06-06-2007, 04:46 PM
I'm talking about never, as in before you were "edge" you didnt sleep with randoms either. grats on putting words in my mouth
But what you are saying is if you aren't a "lifer" then you cannot be edge?
06-06-2007, 05:07 PM
But what you are saying is if you aren't a "lifer" then you cannot be edge?
you are untill you break then you are done, and if you have broken before then your done. The whole point is being against what crap it brings, i need not to explain what drugs and alchohol brings but just think of what sex before marrige brings, and all the std's going around. plus its an issue about being true, being true to the one you love means you saved that gift for them and only them.
06-06-2007, 05:14 PM
you are untill you break then you are done, and if you have broken before then your done. The whole point is being against what crap it brings, i need not to explain what drugs and alchohol brings but just think of what sex before marrige brings, and all the std's going around. plus its an issue about being true, being true to the one you love means you saved that gift for them and only them.
The way you are talking gave off that impression man. "If you weren't clean, you aren't now" that says to me that people who have drank, smoked whatever in the past cannot claim edge.
I ain't breaking, I have never broke. I don't think any of the people who post here these days have.
06-06-2007, 05:35 PM
rofl edge was not what i thought it was. grats on me not being social about edge until now over my group of friends
06-06-2007, 05:39 PM
rofl edge was not what i thought it was.
Yes, you are very correct there. Maybe you should find out what edge is before talking shit like you have done?
06-06-2007, 05:39 PM
yeah, depressing what it really is, oh well.
06-06-2007, 06:10 PM
yeah, depressing what it really is, oh well.
thats your opinion i guess. if you dont like it here, you can always just leave. although i will miss the words with all the vowels sucked out of them.
06-06-2007, 06:17 PM
lol. Thanks for clearing my head.
Edge is a joke. And really, if you didnt see, Orly or Yarly before then /lol.
too bad all those fights were in vain now
oh well, edge sucks, and is hypocritical. Later fuckers
06-06-2007, 06:42 PM
its finally over
06-06-2007, 07:28 PM
its finally over
06-06-2007, 08:59 PM
lol. Thanks for clearing my head.
Edge is a joke. And really, if you didnt see, Orly or Yarly before then /lol.
too bad all those fights were in vain now
oh well, edge sucks, and is hypocritical. Later fuckers
yeah dude. those "fights" were in vain. I'm sure you've changed the world. what with being stupid and all.
06-07-2007, 09:43 AM
lol. Thanks for clearing my head.
Edge is a joke. And really, if you didnt see, Orly or Yarly before then /lol.
too bad all those fights were in vain now
oh well, edge sucks, and is hypocritical. Later fuckers
I hate people that try to make a point of making fun of people, but ruin it with a string of rash, incomprehensible words.
Fucking jackass.
06-07-2007, 07:00 PM
Wow, so if you've smoked, drank, or "slept around" (in quotations because that phrase is subjective and can mean many different things) in the past, you're not allowed to STOP doing them? Isn't that against the whole ideology of edge? I mean, while I'm certainly not forcing others to assume my beliefs, part of the point of being so advocate about them is that it allows the ideas to spread and opens peoples minds to the possibility of an alternative. And before someone says that not drinking is always an alternative, I'm going to point out that until last year- when I learned about edge- I had no idea that I could make the choice not to drink. I hadn't done it yet, but it was so prevalent around me that the option of abstinence just never occurred to me until I found out about edge. And I'm not gonna deny anyone that just because they found out later than I did. I think that anyone who wants to adopt a drug-free lifestyle should be allowed- and encouraged- to do so.
06-16-2007, 03:18 PM
It's not about doing drugs, it's about NOT doing them.
The past matters little, it's the present that is to be focused on.
06-17-2007, 03:43 PM
(Focused on so it will lean towards goals in the future, of course.)
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