View Full Version : Alcohol in cooking

04-22-2007, 10:20 AM
When alcohol such as wine is used in cooking the alcohol evaporates off. Some people still avoid food that had wine or different types of alcohol used in the cooking even though there is no alcohol present in the food because a substance was used in the making and they feel it's against their straight edge beliefs.

opinions please.

04-22-2007, 10:24 AM
When alcohol such as wine is used in cooking the alcohol evaporates off. Some people still avoid food that had wine or different types of alcohol used in the cooking even though there is no alcohol present in the food because a substance was used in the making and they feel it's against their straight edge beliefs.

opinions please.

the alcohol doesn't completely burn off.

but for me, it's not a matter of that. it's a matter of economics.I can't see how someone can be against alcohol consumption and then actively fund the creation of alcohol. Why would you buy alcohol if you're against it?

04-22-2007, 11:28 AM
My mom cooks with wine and she says the alcohol cooks out, but I can't see how all of it just dissappears. So I just don't eat it. I don't think I'd really like it to begin with haha

Sand Stealer
04-22-2007, 02:06 PM
I don't eat food with alcohol cooked into it because I don't like the taste. To be honest I've never thought of it in relation to straight edge, I've just always hated the taste of wine etc. so I've always avoided food with it in.

04-26-2007, 06:15 PM
When alcohol such as wine is used in cooking the alcohol evaporates off. Some people still avoid food that had wine or different types of alcohol used in the cooking even though there is no alcohol present in the food because a substance was used in the making and they feel it's against their straight edge beliefs.

opinions please.

But what about foods where the substance is not cooked, and therefore does not burn away?
(BTW I don't consume alcohol in any form, cooked or not.)

04-29-2007, 01:30 AM
If it wasnt cooked then it isn't evaporated and that would be consuming alcohol yes.

04-29-2007, 08:10 AM
If it wasnt cooked then it isn't evaporated and that would be consuming alcohol yes.

even if it is cooked, it doesn't all evaporate.

04-29-2007, 08:47 AM
even if it is cooked, it doesn't all evaporate.
yeah but did you know that even if you bake some bread alcohol emerges and when you eat fruits you body himself also produces alcohol in low amounts.
So you can't stay away from any alcohol.

04-29-2007, 08:58 AM
yeah but did you know that even if you bake some bread alcohol emerges and when you eat fruits you body himself also produces alcohol in low amounts.
So you can't stay away from any alcohol.

Yes, but there's a world of difference between something that's a side effect of adding yeast to something and adding wine or beer or other liquior to food. It's not a matter of consuming a small amount of alcohol, it's about funding the alcohol industry.

04-30-2007, 03:36 AM
even if it is cooked, it doesn't all evaporate.

I understand that, it would be completely impossible for it all to evaporate.

I do not buy alcohol to cook with, although I will eat a meal that has had alcohol used in the making because I don't think it's worth me refusing something that someone has gone to the effort to make me because it has an almost negligible trace of alcohol in it and had alcohol used in the making.

04-30-2007, 08:44 AM
I understand that, it would be completely impossible for it all to evaporate.

I do not buy alcohol to cook with, although I will eat a meal that has had alcohol used in the making because I don't think it's worth me refusing something that someone has gone to the effort to make me because it has an almost negligible trace of alcohol in it and had alcohol used in the making.

so if you were vegetarian you'd eat things made with animal stock or lard?

05-01-2007, 05:55 AM
I would never be a vegetarian, I can see the point you are trying to get across and yeh it makes sense. I just don't see the point of making a fuss over something so minute.

05-01-2007, 08:49 AM
I would never be a vegetarian, I can see the point you are trying to get across and yeh it makes sense. I just don't see the point of making a fuss over something so minute.

so why wouldn't you alert the people cooking for you to an aversion you have, the same with any food allergy or other dietary restriction?

05-01-2007, 11:59 PM
because I don't see it as a problem, maybe if it was a single person cooking for me and it was just going to be me and them I would alert them but for a family dinner I am not going to tell them to change things just for me unless there was a significant amount of alcohol in the food.

05-02-2007, 08:18 AM
because I don't see it as a problem, maybe if it was a single person cooking for me and it was just going to be me and them I would alert them but for a family dinner I am not going to tell them to change things just for me unless there was a significant amount of alcohol in the food.

Why isn't it a problem though? Why would the amount of alcohol matter, if you're worried about peoples feelings?

05-02-2007, 09:00 PM
I am not worried about anyone's feelings, I just don't see it as a big problem. Obviously with alot of things you cant avoid small amounts of alcohol or nicotene/caffeine in food like fruits and vegetables, I know even though this is a different situation because the alcohol is added to the food but just in my opinion I think it would be stupid to say "well hey either change the meal you made for 25+ people or make me something different because of the alcohol you put in the food even though 99% of the alcohol has evaporated". You said yourself you avoid things that are going to give you an effect, well I believe the near nothing amount of alcohol used in that cooking wont give me an effect and that's why I don't see a problem.

05-02-2007, 09:07 PM
I am not worried about anyone's feelings, I just don't see it as a big problem. Obviously with alot of things you cant avoid small amounts of alcohol or nicotene/caffeine in food like fruits and vegetables, I know even though this is a different situation because the alcohol is added to the food but just in my opinion I think it would be stupid to say "well hey either change the meal you made for 25+ people or make me something different because of the alcohol you put in the food even though 99% of the alcohol has evaporated". You said yourself you avoid things that are going to give you an effect, well I believe the near nothing amount of alcohol used in that cooking wont give me an effect and that's why I don't see a problem.

if you're not worried about anyone feelings, then why would you eat something that's against your beliefs? Why would you compromise on something that you wouldn't cook for yourself, but you would if someone else made it for you? If people gave you a small glass of wine with dinner, would you drink that too? why take part in something that is completely counter your professed beliefs? And you could of course say "hey, I can't eat that because it has X in it, but thanks!"

05-03-2007, 12:39 AM
No I wouldn't drink a small glass of wine. It's not anyone's feelings that I care about, it's my own feelings and beliefs and I feel that not eating something because it had alcohol used in the making when the alcohol has evaporated off anyway is stupid.I feel very strongly about my Straight Edge beliefs but I also never want to be a fussy pain in the ass. If the food actually did have alcohol that was present in it then yes I wouldnt eat it.

Obviously this is going over and over on the same point, I eat food where alcohol was used and evaporated off... you have made alot of valid points, but I still dont see a problem in what I do.

05-03-2007, 02:46 AM
I feel very strongly about my Straight Edge beliefs but I also never want to be a fussy pain in the ass.

But if you don't care about other peoples feelings on the matter why would you bother about coming across as a fussy pain in the ass. This shows you obviously do care what people think so I don't see why you said you don't care about other peoples thoughts and beliefs but only your own.

The fact of the matter is, the food would have alcohol in it, you are against the consumption of alcohol yet you are saying you would eat the food with alcohol just because it had a small amount. Say someone goes to the effort of making you a fruit juice cocktail but then puts one tiny drop of vodka in there, would you drink the cocktail because it only has that one tiny drop?

05-03-2007, 08:56 AM
because I don't see it as a problem, maybe if it was a single person cooking for me and it was just going to be me and them I would alert them but for a family dinner I am not going to tell them to change things just for me unless there was a significant amount of alcohol in the food.

How much is a significant amount, do you measure the alcohol left in food after cooking? Are you aware how much is burnt off?

05-03-2007, 09:09 AM
I am not worried about anyone's feelings, I just don't see it as a big problem. Obviously with alot of things you cant avoid small amounts of alcohol or nicotene/caffeine in food like fruits and vegetables, I know even though this is a different situation because the alcohol is added to the food but just in my opinion I think it would be stupid to say "well hey either change the meal you made for 25+ people or make me something different because of the alcohol you put in the food even though 99% of the alcohol has evaporated". You said yourself you avoid things that are going to give you an effect, well I believe the near nothing amount of alcohol used in that cooking wont give me an effect and that's why I don't see a problem.

Why is it stupid to avoid consumption of a substance you actively avoid and stand against? Where are you pulling this 99% figure from anyway? If a a particular quantity doesn't effect you then are you ok with the consumption of other drugs in small amounts? Are you saying you only condone this amount of alcohol when 25 or more people are dining? It seems like you are just digging your heels in now because i think both the vegetarian analogy and the glass of wine analogy gave a great example of the situation. Essentially your actions say theres nothing wrong with buying alcohol and consuming it until the levels of consumption get larger and give a more profound effect.

05-03-2007, 09:23 AM
No I wouldn't drink a small glass of wine. It's not anyone's feelings that I care about, it's my own feelings and beliefs and I feel that not eating something because it had alcohol used in the making when the alcohol has evaporated off anyway is stupid.

Why wouldn't you drink the wine though? It won't have much of an effect although saying that you can feel effects from very small amounts of alcohol at times such as a glass of wine or even from a dinner that has had alcohol added. You keep saying its evaporated but it can take a long time to do that and a lot of cooks and chefs use a fair ammount of alcohol in food. So it is possible to be effected by it, i've felt it before when i was growing up as my mother used to cook with wine a lot. I mean you don't know what level of alcohol is left yet you are still saying its stupid to avoid it. What level of alcohol content makes it acceptable to consume and stupid to refuse? And why is it stupid to want your beliefs respected so as you aren't supporting the alcohol trade?

I feel very strongly about my Straight Edge beliefs but I also never want to be a fussy pain in the ass. If the food actually did have alcohol that was present in it then yes I wouldnt eat it.

So why would you refuse the glass of wine based on this comment? And you feel strong enough about your straightedge not to let anyone respect your belief to the point of letting you avoid alcohol? You know its not a big deal to avoid alcohol in cooking and if you are against alcohol and feel strongly about that then surely you'd demand respect for that and not just accept when you are given food with alcohol in it, next you'll be telling me if the desert was a hash cake you'd eat it as the thc has been cooked off!

Obviously this is going over and over on the same point, I eat food where alcohol was used and evaporated off... you have made alot of valid points, but I still dont see a problem in what I do.

Evaperated off or not evaporated off, how do you confirm this before consumption? Surely thats a problem with what you do?