View Full Version : New folks
07-30-2009, 04:20 PM
The original question was:
"List some bands you are into at the moment."
So i did.
that's great
07-30-2009, 05:00 PM
if you dont want to discuss its okay
I just don't know what to say.I like em,you don't.So...
07-30-2009, 05:02 PM
I just don't know what to say.I like em,you don't.So...
fight back!
07-30-2009, 05:05 PM
Well my summerholiday starts tomorrow and i feel lazy.Just 6 hours of nightshift left and then...FREEDOM!
07-30-2009, 05:07 PM
Well my summerholiday starts tomorrow and i feel lazy.Just 6 hours of nightshift left and then...FREEDOM!
07-31-2009, 02:54 AM
So I am new to this website, I guess I am a new folk.
How old are you? 19 years
Where are you from? Massachusetts Merrimack Valley Area, but near Boston too.
List some bands you are into at the moment. Delorean, Dirty Projectors, Fugazi, Gaslight Anthem, Pictureplane, Bon Iver, Wolf Parade, Minutemen, Animal Collective. The biggest band I am into at this moment is my silly little band. You may know what it is like I spend a lot of time doing stuff for it, and the songs get stuck in my head. Plus at this moment I am literally into them.
What is the last record you bought? The last album I acquired through non buying means was Rooty by Basement Jaxx. The last record I actually bought is something I want to give a backstory to. It was Middle of Nowhere by Hanson, which is a band I really like a lot, which I liked since I was 7, and I am not ashamed to admit it. There was a sale at my library selling CDs for 1 dollar each. I bought a lot of all right CDs mostly 90s alternative and the Koyaanisqatsi soundtrack. I saw Middle of Nowhere there, and after I bought everything, I went back and I said I am going to get this CD, so I bought it. That is the story. And Hanson is an awesome band.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Pile ons and sing alongs.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
I like sxe hxc all right, but mostly people I know right now who are like my friends and acquaintances. Other than that I don't have a wide knowledge of sxe hxc, but some bands that'd be fun to see are SSD, Chain of Strength,Youth of Today. Minor Threat is one of my favorite bands but I don't consider them to be straight edge, but I don't know what sxe hxc is, and who does? there is no set definition. However I would like to see tem and they are very related to straight edge so yeah.
Where are you from?
* Philadelphia, but I'll be going to college in a few months in Boston
So about going to college in Boston. I go to school near there. So woo hoo, maybe we might even go to the same one. If not Boston is still just a great place.
07-31-2009, 04:19 AM
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
I like sxe hxc all right, but mostly people I know right now who are like my friends and acquaintances. Other than that I don't have a wide knowledge of sxe hxc, but some bands that'd be fun to see are SSD, Chain of Strength,Youth of Today. Minor Threat is one of my favorite bands but I don't consider them to be straight edge,
why not ?
but I don't know what sxe hxc is, and who does? there is no set definition.
i thought it was hardcore that's straight edge no ?
However I would like to see tem and they are very related to straight edge so yeah.
why are they very related ?
beside all that, welcome to the forum, have a fun stay !
08-01-2009, 02:06 AM
why not ?
i thought it was hardcore that's straight edge no ?
why are they very related ?
beside all that, welcome to the forum, have a fun stay !
Oh boy questions to answer, that is a good way to exchange ideas which can be like people talking to each other.
I like how when you quote something here it doesn't make like a big quoting chain where everything gets quoted.
Ok so If by "why not" you mean why don't I consider Minor Threat straight edge, and not "why not to everything I said, the reason is that they made the song "straight edge" and everything but they don't consider themselves to be straight edge and some of the people in the band aren't straight edge. they are related in that they wrote songs that started a movement, and they have a lifestyle and so many people who are straight edge look up to them as role models of what this movement is about.
When I say I don't know what hardcore straight edge is, I mean there are lots of ways to define straight edge, hardcore and hardcore straight edge. I don't know what these words mean. I don't have any definitions for any of these terms, I only have vernacular and cultural connotations of movements that are were made by people acting together in the last 30 years.
But that is just a big exposition of meaningless babbling stream of conscious writing.
So when you say i thought it was hardcore that's straight edge no? That is correct. Whatever hardcore that's straight edge's meaning in your thoughts is what it is and I took a really simple questions and got perplexed by the complexity of language.
08-04-2009, 07:09 PM
So about going to college in Boston. I go to school near there. So woo hoo, maybe we might even go to the same one. If not Boston is still just a great place.
I'm going to Boston University, so I'm like IN the city.
How old are you? i'm 17
Where are you from? Mt. Airy Maryland
List some bands you are into at the moment. Have heart, casey jones, fight everyone, in alcatraz 1962, sleeping giant, reign supreme, endwell,
What is the last record you bought? in alcatraz 1962- Still Strong
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? pile ons all the way.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Agnostic front, casey jones, call to preserve, xAFBx
09-09-2009, 10:58 PM
Here's some answers
In an effort for us to get to know you and for you to to have something to talk about if you could please answer the following questions:
How old are you? I am 25.
Where are you from? Laramie, Wyoming born and raised.
List some bands you are into at the moment.xLOOKINGFORWARDx, August Burns Red, Acacia Strain
What is the last record you bought? Comeback Kid (again, some jerk broke my last copy)
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile ons and sing alongs.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Earth Crisis, xLOOKINGFORWARDx, Chain of Strength, xDeathStarx
09-18-2009, 08:34 PM
I'm now 22
Berkeley Ca, (yeah, I know Hippie central)
Parkway Drive, Verse (too bad their gone), Have Heart, Antagonist A.D., Hatebreed!, August Burns Red, the Veer Union, Five Victims Four Graves, etc.
Against the Grain by The Veer Union
Umm I'm kinda new to sXe and I haven't been in the HC scene or been to a show but I'd love to go and do some Spin Kicks and two step if i you have to group those 2 together, I'm a bit bit shy socially though but i'd definately would like to throw and take some punches its just that I don't want to called a poser for not following whatever etitiquette there is. if there is any.
definately Earth Crisis or H20
09-19-2009, 08:29 AM
Welcome Rob!
The Hollow Night
10-01-2009, 10:06 PM
Hey everyone!
My name is Arran! I've literally turned straight edge a couple of weeks ago. Many many reasons for why I have, but for me, the main reason being it was simply a logical progression from my lifestyle anyway, alot of sxe bands have spoken to me on a new level now and it's just kinda happened naturally.
Nice to meet you all! :)
How old are you? I'm 20
Where are you from? Bristol, UK
List some bands you are into at the moment. Have Heart, Modern Life Is War, Verse, ON, Champion, Carpathian, Set Your Goals, Shipwreck, This is Hell, Paramore, CBK, Ruiner, Carry On..etc etc
What is the last record you bought? Have Heart-Songs to scream at the Sun & M.L.I.W-Witness
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? pile ons and sing alongs all the way!
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
probably the bands i've unfortunately missed, so Have Heart, Verse & Champion and maybe Go it Alone
10-02-2009, 03:02 AM
Set Your Goals! welcome on the board :)
The Hollow Night
10-02-2009, 03:23 AM
hello! :D
and yes, SYG are rather good!
10-02-2009, 08:24 AM
Hey everyone!
My name is Arran! I've literally turned straight edge a couple of weeks ago. Many many reasons for why I have, but for me, the main reason being it was simply a logical progression from my lifestyle anyway, alot of sxe bands have spoken to me on a new level now and it's just kinda happened naturally.
Nice to meet you all! :)
How old are you? I'm 20
Where are you from? Bristol, UK
List some bands you are into at the moment. Have Heart, Modern Life Is War, Verse, ON, Champion, Carpathian, Set Your Goals, Shipwreck, This is Hell, Paramore, CBK, Ruiner, Carry On..etc etc
What is the last record you bought? Have Heart-Songs to scream at the Sun & M.L.I.W-Witness
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? pile ons and sing alongs all the way!
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
probably the bands i've unfortunately missed, so Have Heart, Verse & Champion and maybe Go it Alone
Hi, welcome.
You are actually local to me! And you answered the spin kick/pile ons question with my approval!
Enjoy, its awesome!!
The Hollow Night
10-02-2009, 01:15 PM
Hey straightXed! yeah i know! i was flicking through another post before joining and saw your skate video in weston super mare! :D i thought that was sweet!
I used to skate, well, still do, but not often, just to get around faster these days haha.
im hoping to probably get to know you all fairly well over time, my best friend who has been edge for about 3 years was the one who opened my eyes to it all, and it made me realise how similar my beliefs were and the person i want to be even before i made that conscious choice to make it a life commitment. its something i thought about for a long time beforehand and i feel very strongly about's actually rather liberating to know i never have to conform to relying on intoxicants to live my life to the full and have fun, not that i needed them in the first place...but unfortunately my friend and his gf are really the only people i can to chat to about it all, so i thought i'd immerse myself within the community to discuss more :D
sorry for the overflowing rant, you've all probably heard it before and know what its all about so i need say no more!
(Oh and epic sing along's are the business!)
10-02-2009, 01:28 PM
Hey straightXed! yeah i know! i was flicking through another post before joining and saw your skate video in weston super mare! :D i thought that was sweet!
I used to skate, well, still do, but not often, just to get around faster these days haha.
im hoping to probably get to know you all fairly well over time, my best friend who has been edge for about 3 years was the one who opened my eyes to it all, and it made me realise how similar my beliefs were and the person i want to be even before i made that conscious choice to make it a life commitment. its something i thought about for a long time beforehand and i feel very strongly about's actually rather liberating to know i never have to conform to relying on intoxicants to live my life to the full and have fun, not that i needed them in the first place...but unfortunately my friend and his gf are really the only people i can to chat to about it all, so i thought i'd immerse myself within the community to discuss more :D
sorry for the overflowing rant, you've all probably heard it before and know what its all about so i need say no more!
(Oh and epic sing along's are the business!)
No need to appologise for the rant. Its good to have you around and look forward to your contributions, Also i'm sure being local we will end up making it out to the same show once in a while!
The Hollow Night
10-02-2009, 07:55 PM
cheers man, and i do hope to see you at some shows in the future! would be sweet! :)
10-10-2009, 06:33 AM
Hey guys, first off I just want everyone to know that although my name is Jackie I am a guy. I am new to the site so I thought I would do the intro!
How old are you? 20
Where are you from? Springfield, MO (417)
List some bands you are into at the moment. Trash Talk(Always into them), Nothing to Nothing(Semi-local band), Earth Crisis(Their first two albums), and last but most certainly not least is Bane.
What is the last record you bought? The Casualties "We Are All We Have"
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? I love both but I prefer the spin kicks and two-steps
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Gorilla Biscuits, Teen Idles, The Geeks, Ten Yard Fight... There are so many I want to see though.. I would have loved to see Champion.. more than anything. I was fortunate enough to see Have Heart on their last tour in St. Louis, along with Foundation... Basically though...HI!
Hey guys, first off I just want everyone to know that although my name is Jackie I am a guy. I am new to the site so I thought I would do the intro!
How old are you? 20
Where are you from? Springfield, MO (417)
List some bands you are into at the moment. Trash Talk(Always into them), Nothing to Nothing(Semi-local band), Earth Crisis(Their first two albums), and last but most certainly not least is Bane.
What is the last record you bought? The Casualties "We Are All We Have"
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? I love both but I prefer the spin kicks and two-steps
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Gorilla Biscuits, Teen Idles, The Geeks, Ten Yard Fight... There are so many I want to see though.. I would have loved to see Champion.. more than anything. I was fortunate enough to see Have Heart on their last tour in St. Louis, along with Foundation... Basically though...HI!
10-13-2009, 07:15 AM
Hi! So, I just signed up yesterday and though I should do this too.
How old are you? 20
Where are you from? The north part of Sweden :P
List some bands you are into at the moment. Throwdown, Emmure, Have Heart, Chimaira, Norma Jean, Anti-Flag, Underoath, Walls of Jericho, Expolsions in the sky.
What is the last record you bought? Killswitch Engage - End of heartache
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? spin kicks and two-sep I guess..
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? I would do anything to see have heart. saw throwdown two weeks ago and it was awesome! but, probably those two and minor threat plus anti-flag. :')
So. there you go :)
10-13-2009, 08:43 AM
My dad just got back from Sweden on Sunday. He said it's lovely there.
10-13-2009, 10:03 AM
Hi! So, I just signed up yesterday and though I should do this too.
How old are you? 20
Where are you from? The north part of Sweden :P
List some bands you are into at the moment. Throwdown, Emmure, Have Heart, Chimaira, Norma Jean, Anti-Flag, Underoath, Walls of Jericho, Expolsions in the sky.
What is the last record you bought? Killswitch Engage - End of heartache
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? spin kicks and two-sep I guess..
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? I would do anything to see have heart. saw throwdown two weeks ago and it was awesome! but, probably those two and minor threat plus anti-flag. :')
So. there you go :)
End of heartache, great album!
10-15-2009, 03:18 PM
My dad just got back from Sweden on Sunday. He said it's lovely there.
It's lovely most of the time, but now it's all cold and ... cold. haha.
Fall </3
10-28-2009, 01:32 AM
How old are you? 15
Where are you from? Australia
List some bands you are into at the moment. Have Heart, Miles Away, The Carrier, Break Even, Parkway Drive, I Killed The Prom Queen, Shai Hulud and tons more.
What is the last record you bought? 36 Crazyfists - The Tide And Its Takers.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?pile ons and sing alongs.
What sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Have Heart And Slapshot.
10-28-2009, 01:46 PM
How old are you? 21
Where are you from? Cornwall UK
List some bands you are into at the moment. ha stuff none of you guys prob heard of im into Jrock music
What is the last record you bought? Dir en Grey Album
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? huh what? im confused lolll :S
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? i don't really know any *hits self* my music taste is completely different to hxc stuff though the only ones i know of are Minor Threat i guess
11-11-2009, 03:07 AM
Lets start it aye
well im 15
im from australia on the gold coast
im inta have heart, buzzcocks, killing the dream, joydivison, breack even, i killed the prom queen, carpathian and stuff
the last record i brought was a arctic monkeys album for my brother but last hardcore album would be factures by killing the dream
i always go for the sing alongs
and i would love to see have heart again playing with minor threat and a edge hobo playing 2 step banjo
11-11-2009, 05:14 AM
In an effort for us to get to know you and for you to to have something to talk about if you could please answer the following questions:
How old are you?
Where are you from?
List some bands you are into at the moment.
What is the last record you bought?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Im 21 i live in the UK in a town called Grimsby, I love Comback Kid at the mo they are the sound track to my movement, in the town i live it feels like im the only one that is straight edge im trying to get kids involved so they can turn there lives around like i did when i found out about straight edge, I was on drugs for 5 years of my life and my life got riped to pices. I want to let the kids of today no thet there is a better way and it aint cool to get HI getting HI of life is so much better.
spin kicks and two-steps but i do love a good pile on
the four HC SE bands i would love to see play together would be
Comback Kid
Have Heart
Minor Threat
11-11-2009, 05:36 AM
Im 21 i live in the UK in a town called Grimsby, I love Comback Kid at the mo they are the sound track to my movement, in the town i live it feels like im the only one that is straight edge im trying to get kids involved so they can turn there lives around like i did when i found out about straight edge, I was on drugs for 5 years of my life and my life got riped to pices. I want to let the kids of today no thet there is a better way and it aint cool to get HI getting HI of life is so much better.
spin kicks and two-steps but i do love a good pile on
the four HC SE bands i would love to see play together would be
Comback Kid
Have Heart
Minor Threat
not to shit on your world, and not sure if you're saying they are, but comeback kid aren't a straight edge band.
11-11-2009, 11:59 AM
Hey guys!
I'm Marion, I'm 20 and I live in the South-West of France. I'm currently pursuing a research degree in English studies which is kind of shitty to translate 'cause your degrees are not the same as in Europe...basically, I'm in fourth year in college. I'm specializing in US civilization and I had the (brilliant?) idea to do my research on Straight Edge. Since no one has ever heard of sxe in France, it makes a really cool topic.
I've known about sxe for a bit more than one year, when I saw a singer of a great band who was X'ed up on a pix. I'm not sure I can call myself sxe (got a problem with labels lol) but I don't drink, don't do drugs etc...which is the strangest of all things in a alcoholic nation like France. I just know of a couple of people who choose not to use (and since I've let them know what sxe is, they're straight), everybody else is just...drunk and wasted every Saturday nights. And it stinks.
Now, the rest:
List some bands you are into at the moment:
the band I quoted before is my favorite, they're Canadian: The Agonist. Best metalcore ever! (and they're vegan and sxe, on top of it!)
another band I can't stop listening to is French band Gojira (if you must know of only one French band, that'd be them!), they play metal.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
pile ons and sing alongs!
What is the last record you bought?
Judge, What it Meant
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Don't really know a lot of them, actually, but i've discovered Minor Threat and Youth of Today recently (thanks sxe books!), and they just rock!
And I've been singing/screaming in a metal band for a couple of months, most of the band is sxe (there is no really big HC scene where I live, so the very few straight kids that there are play metal lol)
That was long, sorry!
11-11-2009, 04:03 PM
Hey guys!
I'm Marion, I'm 20 and I live in the South-West of France. I'm currently pursuing a research degree in English studies which is kind of shitty to translate 'cause your degrees are not the same as in Europe...basically, I'm in fourth year in college. I'm specializing in US civilization and I had the (brilliant?) idea to do my research on Straight Edge. Since no one has ever heard of sxe in France, it makes a really cool topic.
I've known about sxe for a bit more than one year, when I saw a singer of a great band who was X'ed up on a pix. I'm not sure I can call myself sxe (got a problem with labels lol) but I don't drink, don't do drugs etc...which is the strangest of all things in a alcoholic nation like France. I just know of a couple of people who choose not to use (and since I've let them know what sxe is, they're straight), everybody else is just...drunk and wasted every Saturday nights. And it stinks.
Now, the rest:
List some bands you are into at the moment:
the band I quoted before is my favorite, they're Canadian: The Agonist. Best metalcore ever! (and they're vegan and sxe, on top of it!)
another band I can't stop listening to is French band Gojira (if you must know of only one French band, that'd be them!), they play metal.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
pile ons and sing alongs!
What is the last record you bought?
Judge, What it Meant
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Don't really know a lot of them, actually, but i've discovered Minor Threat and Youth of Today recently (thanks sxe books!), and they just rock!
And I've been singing/screaming in a metal band for a couple of months, most of the band is sxe (there is no really big HC scene where I live, so the very few straight kids that there are play metal lol)
That was long, sorry!
hey there! welcome!
hope you have fun here!
you should share some french hardcore, cause i know very little
11-11-2009, 07:27 PM
Hey guys!
I'm Marion, I'm 20 and I live in the South-West of France. I'm currently pursuing a research degree in English studies which is kind of shitty to translate 'cause your degrees are not the same as in Europe...basically, I'm in fourth year in college. I'm specializing in US civilization and I had the (brilliant?) idea to do my research on Straight Edge. Since no one has ever heard of sxe in France, it makes a really cool topic.
I've known about sxe for a bit more than one year, when I saw a singer of a great band who was X'ed up on a pix. I'm not sure I can call myself sxe (got a problem with labels lol) but I don't drink, don't do drugs etc...which is the strangest of all things in a alcoholic nation like France. I just know of a couple of people who choose not to use (and since I've let them know what sxe is, they're straight), everybody else is just...drunk and wasted every Saturday nights. And it stinks.
Now, the rest:
List some bands you are into at the moment:
the band I quoted before is my favorite, they're Canadian: The Agonist. Best metalcore ever! (and they're vegan and sxe, on top of it!)
another band I can't stop listening to is French band Gojira (if you must know of only one French band, that'd be them!), they play metal.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
pile ons and sing alongs!
What is the last record you bought?
Judge, What it Meant
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Don't really know a lot of them, actually, but i've discovered Minor Threat and Youth of Today recently (thanks sxe books!), and they just rock!
And I've been singing/screaming in a metal band for a couple of months, most of the band is sxe (there is no really big HC scene where I live, so the very few straight kids that there are play metal lol)
That was long, sorry!
Welcome to the boards !
Do you live around Hossegor ? About alcoholic nations, nothing tops Belgium !
Oh and I've heard about Gojira, they're pretty known/famous in the metal scene in Belgium, thought they played a few times on Graspop Metal Meeting here.
11-12-2009, 12:53 AM
hey there! welcome!
hope you have fun here!
you should share some french hardcore, cause i know very little
Unfortunately, I don't know a lot of them, most of HC bands I know are from my region, and there's mixed up with some metal at least lol
but still, here are some:
H-Tray (with a really good female drummer)
some other that I know 'cause they play around my place: Ritsos, Alea Jacta Est, 8Control, Hate Me Tender, Owngame, South Impact, Plebeian Grandstand...
Welcome to the boards !
Do you live around Hossegor ? About alcoholic nations, nothing tops Belgium !
Oh and I've heard about Gojira, they're pretty known/famous in the metal scene in Belgium, thought they played a few times on Graspop Metal Meeting here.
No, I'm not around Hossegor nor near the ocean, I live in Toulouse.
Yep, Gojira is the only French band that is really known abroad...the only one to tour the US...and to tour it with Metallica and Lamb of God ;)
Haa Graspop, seems really nice! I've hesitated going there a couple of times...but the French Hellfest is closest, and the bands are nearly as good lol
11-12-2009, 06:06 AM
No, I'm not around Hossegor nor near the ocean, I live in Toulouse.
Yep, Gojira is the only French band that is really known abroad...the only one to tour the US...and to tour it with Metallica and Lamb of God ;)
Haa Graspop, seems really nice! I've hesitated going there a couple of times...but the French Hellfest is closest, and the bands are nearly as good lol
My dad went to Toulouse a month ago, I heard it's nice there. And I once heard a song from a band called Vegastar, it was in French but I don't know if it was from France or Belgium.
How much is Hellfest, GMM is getting sooo expensive.. I didn't go this year just because of the price and I also had seen a lot of bands already.
11-12-2009, 09:07 AM
My dad went to Toulouse a month ago, I heard it's nice there. And I once heard a song from a band called Vegastar, it was in French but I don't know if it was from France or Belgium.
How much is Hellfest, GMM is getting sooo expensive.. I didn't go this year just because of the price and I also had seen a lot of bands already.
yeah, Toulouse is niiice :D
Vegastar is French, indeed...but everyone who listens to good music thinks they're dumb lol
they do like supposedly-rock music, but ... well, whatever lol
Yep, Hellfest gettng expeeeeensive
last year it was 130 euros
I could have gone there for free (I was in the Street Team) but I had to work... too bad, I missed some good bands!
and they raise prices every single year...
11-12-2009, 10:45 AM
yeah, Toulouse is niiice :D
Vegastar is French, indeed...but everyone who listens to good music thinks they're dumb lol
they do like supposedly-rock music, but ... well, whatever lol
Yep, Hellfest gettng expeeeeensive
last year it was 130 euros
I could have gone there for free (I was in the Street Team) but I had to work... too bad, I missed some good bands!
and they raise prices every single year...
Hmm, I only have 1 song but I can understand why ppl find 'em dumb, altho I like the song.
Darn, every single music festival in Europe is getting more expensive every year. You can't call it a 'youth-festival' anymore. GMM was 120 I think for 3 days.
I don't know if you know the Rock Werchter festival ? Bought a combi ticket this year and a camping ticket. It was 190 euro.
Are there other good festivals in France ?
11-12-2009, 02:28 PM
Hmm, I only have 1 song but I can understand why ppl find 'em dumb, altho I like the song.
Darn, every single music festival in Europe is getting more expensive every year. You can't call it a 'youth-festival' anymore. GMM was 120 I think for 3 days.
I don't know if you know the Rock Werchter festival ? Bought a combi ticket this year and a camping ticket. It was 190 euro.
Are there other good festivals in France ?
I've heard of Rock Werchter...didn't know it was that expensive!
And there's a few festivals in France...but not really good ones, like the Eurokéennes, it's like 2/3 "extreme" bands and the rest is just plain stupid french fashion-rock (the dumbest music ever)
the other fests are not good either...French people don't know what good music is
11-12-2009, 05:40 PM
I've heard of Rock Werchter...didn't know it was that expensive!
And there's a few festivals in France...but not really good ones, like the Eurokéennes, it's like 2/3 "extreme" bands and the rest is just plain stupid french fashion-rock (the dumbest music ever)
the other fests are not good either...French people don't know what good music is
dont go to fests and go to a small show! :D
11-13-2009, 12:40 AM
dont go to fests and go to a small show! :D
well, that's exactly what I do!
there are good concerts nearly every weekend
sometimes big stuff like 1000 people, other times we're 5 kids lol
but it's cool :D
11-13-2009, 01:07 PM
If any of you guys are around, check this out
11-15-2009, 09:46 PM
hello ppl of the world. My name is Melissa & i hail from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I've been using oxygen 4 22 years. I've sxe 4 2yrs & proud of it each damn second. I've learned sxe thru my lil brother who told me Davey is one. After extensive research & reflection...VOILA.My fave sxe bands r AFI & Throwdown. Also i can be found on twitter & myspace just ask & you'll receive.
11-29-2009, 10:02 PM
How old are you? 24
Where are you from? Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada originally but I just moved to Ottawa, Ontario
List some bands you are into at the moment. In the moment I haven't been listening to music honestly, watching too much tv and dvds. Lately though I've been listening to pop.
What is the last record you bought? You really don't wanna know.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile-ons and sing-alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? This is a tough one, cause most of the bands I'd like to see are just hxc or maybe had like one sxe member bah I dont care. I just wanna see Bane and Comeback Kid again and I'd love to experience Minor Threat and Bad Brains back in the 80s. Other then that I'd like to relive some old shows before bands changed their sounds.
11-29-2009, 10:36 PM
Welcome Melissa and Telilah.
11-30-2009, 03:46 AM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
List some bands you are into at the moment.
What is the last record you bought?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
I was born 30.11.1985. and today I turned 24 ... :-)
I'm from Serbia... I live in Smederev town (maybe you heard of Smederevo fortress - old town)
best bend ever is RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE ... that's not harcore, but it's the best of the best !!! and also greatest bands > my favorite > RAISED FIST, KNUCKLEDUST, Pro-Pain, CAST ASIDE, NUEVA ETICA, Casy Jones... and many many more ... :-)
Record I bought ? ... heh, this is Serbia man, we don't buy CDs here, we download it and burn it on CD... no originals around here ... sad, but trye ... :-(
hmmmmmmm... as long as it promise good and positive show, all bends are welcome !!!!
11-30-2009, 04:06 AM
What is the last record you bought? You really don't wanna know.
How come ? Welcome btw !
I was born 30.11.1985. and today I turned 24 ... :-)
I'm from Serbia... I live in Smederev town (maybe you heard of Smederevo fortress - old town)
best bend ever is RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE ... that's not harcore, but it's the best of the best !!! and also greatest bands > my favorite > RAISED FIST, KNUCKLEDUST, Pro-Pain, CAST ASIDE, NUEVA ETICA, Casy Jones... and many many more ... :-)
Record I bought ? ... heh, this is Serbia man, we don't buy CDs here, we download it and burn it on CD... no originals around here ... sad, but trye ... :-(
hmmmmmmm... as long as it promise good and positive show, all bends are welcome !!!!
welcome, neighbour! living in Serbia is not really an excuse for not owning records though. I have some friends there, and they have sick records.
11-30-2009, 08:30 AM
I was having original TAPES ... and SOME original CDS 8-9 years ago ... but now, there are realy NO originals here ... my friends is opsessed with original CD-s , he buys "originals" in store, but those CDs are realy NOT original, even if they have a booklet and all those "protect" stamps !!! that's sad !! ...
and , here, it's realy expencive to order CDS ovder internet ... people half salary here is about one original CD, so ... you see the point ... we hardley manage to pay the price of a ticket for a NYC hardcore bend ...
but it's not so sad as it seems, the crew, and the people here, (all over country) are great ... respect, unity and friendship !!! ... that's all it matters !!! ;-)
11-30-2009, 09:12 AM
and also greatest bands > my favorite > RAISED FIST, KNUCKLEDUST, Pro-Pain, CAST ASIDE, NUEVA ETICA, Casy Jones... and many many more ... :-)
Nueva Etica is the first (and only haha) sxe band I've seen. And they're AWESOME :D
and welcome ;)
11-30-2009, 09:18 AM
How come ? Welcome btw !
Cause frankly the questions are designed to find out what hardcore bands a person listens to or to recommend some if they don't and while I do, I'm choosing to listen to something completely different at the moment and don't feel like getting ridiculed by my choices just cause I'm in a mood.
11-30-2009, 09:34 AM
Cause frankly the questions are designed to find out what hardcore bands a person listens to or to recommend some if they don't and while I do, I'm choosing to listen to something completely different at the moment and don't feel like getting ridiculed by my choices just cause I'm in a mood.
yeah, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the folks here only listen to hardcore and certainly shouldn't be taken as such.
11-30-2009, 12:52 PM
How old are you? 24
Where are you from? Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada originally but I just moved to Ottawa, Ontario
List some bands you are into at the moment. In the moment I haven't been listening to music honestly, watching too much tv and dvds. Lately though I've been listening to pop.
What is the last record you bought? You really don't wanna know.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile-ons and sing-alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? This is a tough one, cause most of the bands I'd like to see are just hxc or maybe had like one sxe member bah I dont care. I just wanna see Bane and Comeback Kid again and I'd love to experience Minor Threat and Bad Brains back in the 80s. Other then that I'd like to relive some old shows before bands changed their sounds.
Yeah Ottawa! Haha I am living in Kingston right now. Welcome to the boards.
11-30-2009, 03:07 PM
Nueva Etica is the first (and only haha) sxe band I've seen. And they're AWESOME :D
and welcome ;)
no they're not!
back in the day they used to be heavily into being militant and shit
11-30-2009, 11:37 PM
no they're not!
back in the day they used to be heavily into being militant and shit
I thought they were awesome because their show was really good, and they didn't look militant at the gig
I'll try to find some lyrics to see that
12-01-2009, 11:21 AM
hmmmm ... I'm not sure what's the meaning of word " militant", I' checking my dictionary, and there are two ways of explaining this word ... militant> like bad, agresive, trouble makers... and there is a word militant like> strong, knight, unite and powerfull...
I gues I think that they are militant like this second explanation !!! am I right ??
12-01-2009, 11:47 AM
hmmmm ... I'm not sure what's the meaning of word " militant", I' checking my dictionary, and there are two ways of explaining this word ... militant> like bad, agresive, trouble makers... and there is a word militant like> strong, knight, unite and powerfull...
I gues I think that they are militant like this second explanation !!! am I right ??
As in using militant, aggressive, forceful and combative behaviour to enforce the opinion or belief.
12-04-2009, 07:37 AM
as in using militant, aggressive, forceful and combative behaviour to enforce the opinion or belief.
:-( :-( :-(
12-23-2009, 03:52 PM
alright. i'm james.
i'm 17
bolton, greater manchester. UK
at the moment, i'm really into 7 seconds, kingdom, offsides, no harm done, verse, carpathian, gorilla biscuits, negative approach, judge, shit like that, pure hardcore
bays demo was the last record i bought
i choose spin kicks an two-step, but not in such a faggotry way.
it would be great to see h2o, mouthpiece, rhinoceros and champion play a show together
12-23-2009, 04:02 PM
i choose spin kicks an two-step, but not in such a faggotry way.
dude, dont say that word. its offensive and demeaning to homosexual people
12-23-2009, 04:31 PM
it wasn't demeaning, calling modern hardcore dancing gay is called offensive to people who think 2-stepping like michael flatley is cool.
but alright. sorry.
12-23-2009, 04:33 PM
it wasn't demeaning, calling modern hardcore dancing gay is called offensive to people who think 2-stepping like michael flatley is cool.
but alright. sorry.
it was and the homophobic shit isn't tolerated here. you're definitely welcome here, but the homophobic talk isn't.
12-23-2009, 04:35 PM
it wasn't demeaning, calling modern hardcore dancing gay is called offensive to people who think 2-stepping like michael flatley is cool.
but alright. sorry.
it is, you're using a word that's been used in a derogatory way towards gay people. and when you use it to describe something negative or that you see as negative, it perpetuates the problem.
12-23-2009, 04:37 PM
alright sorry.
01-14-2010, 03:19 AM
Orite Guys, Im Jacob, Im 18 and Im from Yorkshire in England.
I dont want to sound steriotypical, but lets say I'm not into your type of music. I like Reggae, Folk, Funk, some Rap and Hip-hop, Blues and Jazz. So yeah, lol, I'm not really into the hardcore metal bands.
My favourite at the moment are; Jack Johnson, Bob Dylan, Donavon Frankenreiter, Ben Harper, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Gregory Isaacs.
The las record I bought was; Christmas In The Heart - Bob Dylan. Just over a month ago.
I love sing-a-longs.
Sorry, but like I said earlier, I don't really know the hardcore metal scene etc. My music taste might be different, but there are still the same type of themes. Getting high, legalising it, freedom etc. There are some artists in the genres that have songs against drugs and drinking etc. I like the music, but yeah, I class myself as StraightEdge because like everyone else, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs etc.
Well anyway, I'd like to meet some new friends on here and yeah, I'll see how it goes :)
Orite Guys, Im Jacob, Im 18 and Im from Yorkshire in England.
I dont want to sound steriotypical, but lets say I'm not into your type of music. I like Reggae, Folk, Funk, some Rap and Hip-hop, Blues and Jazz. So yeah, lol, I'm not really into the hardcore metal bands.
My favourite at the moment are; Jack Johnson, Bob Dylan, Donavon Frankenreiter, Ben Harper, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Gregory Isaacs.
The las record I bought was; Christmas In The Heart - Bob Dylan. Just over a month ago.
I love sing-a-longs.
Sorry, but like I said earlier, I don't really know the hardcore metal scene etc. My music taste might be different, but there are still the same type of themes. Getting high, legalising it, freedom etc. There are some artists in the genres that have songs against drugs and drinking etc. I like the music, but yeah, I class myself as StraightEdge because like everyone else, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs etc.
Well anyway, I'd like to meet some new friends on here and yeah, I'll see how it goes :)
that is why you are not sxe. this is why i have a problem with cm punk and him using sxe as a gimmick. it's taken out of concept. sxe is being drug free AND being involved in the hardcore scene. it's great that you're drug free, but you're definitely not edge.
01-14-2010, 08:22 AM
Orite Guys, Im Jacob, Im 18 and Im from Yorkshire in England.
I dont want to sound steriotypical, but lets say I'm not into your type of music. I like Reggae, Folk, Funk, some Rap and Hip-hop, Blues and Jazz. So yeah, lol, I'm not really into the hardcore metal bands.
My favourite at the moment are; Jack Johnson, Bob Dylan, Donavon Frankenreiter, Ben Harper, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Gregory Isaacs.
The las record I bought was; Christmas In The Heart - Bob Dylan. Just over a month ago.
I love sing-a-longs.
Sorry, but like I said earlier, I don't really know the hardcore metal scene etc. My music taste might be different, but there are still the same type of themes. Getting high, legalising it, freedom etc. There are some artists in the genres that have songs against drugs and drinking etc. I like the music, but yeah, I class myself as StraightEdge because like everyone else, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs etc.
Well anyway, I'd like to meet some new friends on here and yeah, I'll see how it goes :)
You should class yourself as drug free as straightedge is a term inherently linked to hardcore, so essentially you are not accurately describing yourself by that term. Drug free is just as cool though although you miss out on the finger points and pile ons but i'm sure you will live!
01-14-2010, 11:51 AM
You should class yourself as drug free as straightedge is a term inherently linked to hardcore, so essentially you are not accurately describing yourself by that term. Drug free is just as cool though although you miss out on the finger points and pile ons but i'm sure you will live!
i totally understand what you mean, but my problem is, why does straightedge have to be strickley 'hardcore'? yeah im not into the same music as you, but i have the same morals and looks on life as you. it annoys me, in the UK people regard me as a chav, because of my appearnce, people like me get accisiacted with binge drinking, drug taking and dealing, violence, vandals, rebals and so on. the only thing that seperates us our music taste. we are still the same. i cant see why people who listen to other music cant be classed as straightedge.
but yeah, i do understand that it is linked to hardcore, but it doesn't necesarilly have to be linked to one thing.
01-14-2010, 01:36 PM
i totally understand what you mean, but my problem is, why does straightedge have to be strickley 'hardcore'? yeah im not into the same music as you, but i have the same morals and looks on life as you. it annoys me, in the UK people regard me as a chav, because of my appearnce, people like me get accisiacted with binge drinking, drug taking and dealing, violence, vandals, rebals and so on. the only thing that seperates us our music taste. we are still the same. i cant see why people who listen to other music cant be classed as straightedge.
but yeah, i do understand that it is linked to hardcore, but it doesn't necesarilly have to be linked to one thing.
Because to differentiate straightedge from simply being drug free it needs some kind of specific criteria. That criteria just so happens to be the cultural association of hardcore which provides straightedge with its identity in contrast to just being drug free in many ways. By providing a platform to share ideas and concepts about things and providing a unique history which has allowed straightedge and other unique ideas to hardcore grow and move with regards to the combined expressions of the people involved nit has become a vital aspect that if removed leaves you with something that misses so much of what straightedge actually means.
Heres a better way to look at it, if you have a group of kids that are straightedge and a group of kids that are simply drug free like yourself, what can you essentially gather as likely common ground from that information. Now, we know that people who correctly use the term straightedge (at lets for this example assume the people i am highlighting are doing so) will have a common association with the hardcore music scene, more than that, the straightedge hardcore music scene, and all the dynamics that are associated with that present themselves as things that associate these people. Now all the drug free people like yourself only have the absence of drugs in common and nothing unique to tie your personal beliefs together into some kind of sub culture as you have with straightedge. So while i champion your decision, its just a personal choice to abstain from drugs where as hardcore is something tangable that one can be actively participating in.
If this still doesn't authenticate the difference then i would ask you to ask yourself a question. I would ask you to note down all the things that make you straightedge, omitting the drug abstinance as that is simply described by the term drug free, and have a look at what makes that term descriptive of you and your actions, if you actually come up with any then please share because in all reality you shouldn't find anything that uniquely describes you and thats why the term shouldn't really be used as it tends to take away from the impact of its true meaning and association. Which would get us back to why CM Punk is not exactly doing us here any favours. If you still question why people who don't listen or participate in the hardcore scene cannot be straightedge or why it is linked to hardcore and not other genres then i am explaining myself terribly and i will endevour to rectify that with further posting.
Now obviously this is a welcome thread, and you may not be feeling so welcome at the moment but thats the nature of things, people here are simply ensuring that people who come here get an accurate picture of things. I would like to extend some kind of welcome to you and say stick around, learn about what makes straightedge and hardcore inseperable and enjoy.
01-14-2010, 01:47 PM
i totally understand what you mean, but my problem is, why does straightedge have to be strickley 'hardcore'? yeah im not into the same music as you, but i have the same morals and looks on life as you. it annoys me, in the UK people regard me as a chav, because of my appearnce, people like me get accisiacted with binge drinking, drug taking and dealing, violence, vandals, rebals and so on. the only thing that seperates us our music taste. we are still the same. i cant see why people who listen to other music cant be classed as straightedge.
but yeah, i do understand that it is linked to hardcore, but it doesn't necesarilly have to be linked to one thing.
Ed says it all a lot better than I can but I've always tried to describe it like this...
Straight edge is hardcore kids against drugs, the same way SHARPs are Skin heads against racial prejudice. No one would call themselves a Sharp without being a skin head no matter how much they hate racism, same thing with edge if you aren't hardcore, you aren't edge.
hardcore is that thing that makes edge people edge, and the cement for the culture, it's what separates edge from all the recovering alcoholics, people whyo abstain for religious reasons, and people who simply abstain as a personal commitment to themselves.
Non of the people who chose to be drug free and fit any of the above groups for example have any less strength in their commitment, they don't have any less of a struggle especially in countries like the UK (I grew up there so know how hard it is to live drug free in the UK) it just means the label Straight edge doesn't accurately describe them, just the same way as I hate racism, but aren't a Sharp.
It doesn't mean you can't hang out with edge kids as a way to connect with other people who fight every day to live drug free, and feel others would be better off the same way (though the way to do that in real life would be to go to hardcore shows). It just means that you are drug free and proud, it should be the commitment that you take pride in, no matter what words are the best to describe you.
01-14-2010, 02:12 PM
Ed says it all a lot better than I can but I've always tried to describe it like this...
I dunno, i think that said it better than i did!
01-15-2010, 10:55 AM
ahh rite ok, thanks for that. now i understand why you guys don't particularly like cm punk and the wrestling world. i know its an important culture to you and you dont want outsiders stepping in and taking the name off of you and trying to make it into something else. i know why you dont like people like me claiming it because to be honest, at first when we claim straightedge, we know nothing about your culture.
actually, i would just like to say, i listen to Crunk music, which is a sub-genre of hip-hop. it originated alongside the concept of crunk, meaning out-of-control crowd action. i actually forgot about this, but crunk has always been regarded as a type of aggressive and hardcore style of music with artists like three 6 mafia, lil jon and the ying yang twins etc.
i know its not exactly like the hardcore music you're into, but it is still a form of hardcore, so technically, that makes me hardcore right? and therefore, i can claim straightedge.
01-15-2010, 11:29 AM
ahh rite ok, thanks for that. now i understand why you guys don't particularly like cm punk and the wrestling world. i know its an important culture to you and you dont want outsiders stepping in and taking the name off of you and trying to make it into something else. i know why you dont like people like me claiming it because to be honest, at first when we claim straightedge, we know nothing about your culture.
actually, i would just like to say, i listen to Crunk music, which is a sub-genre of hip-hop. it originated alongside the concept of crunk, meaning out-of-control crowd action. i actually forgot about this, but crunk has always been regarded as a type of aggressive and hardcore style of music with artists like three 6 mafia, lil jon and the ying yang twins etc.
i know its not exactly like the hardcore music you're into, but it is still a form of hardcore, so technically, that makes me hardcore right? and therefore, i can claim straightedge.
yeah, but when we talk about hardcore we refer to the music and culture that originated from hardcore punk, wich is usually refered as hardcore.
01-15-2010, 11:49 AM
In an effort for us to get to know you and for you to to have something to talk about if you could please answer the following questions:
How old are you?
Where are you from?
List some bands you are into at the moment.
What is the last record you bought?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Alright well i am 18.
I'm from Michigan right near Lansing, not too far from Detroit.
Shai Hulud, Smash Your Enemies, Die Strong
Of Virtue's newest cd
Well for that it depends on my mood to be honest i enjoy the occasional pile ons and sing alongs, but i also do love the spin kicks and two-steps a lot that is a tough one for me.
Smash Your Enemies, Have Heart, Die Strong, Shai Hulud
Well their you have it (:
01-15-2010, 01:17 PM
ahh rite ok, thanks for that. now i understand why you guys don't particularly like cm punk and the wrestling world. i know its an important culture to you and you dont want outsiders stepping in and taking the name off of you and trying to make it into something else. i know why you dont like people like me claiming it because to be honest, at first when we claim straightedge, we know nothing about your culture.
actually, i would just like to say, i listen to Crunk music, which is a sub-genre of hip-hop. it originated alongside the concept of crunk, meaning out-of-control crowd action. i actually forgot about this, but crunk has always been regarded as a type of aggressive and hardcore style of music with artists like three 6 mafia, lil jon and the ying yang twins etc.
i know its not exactly like the hardcore music you're into, but it is still a form of hardcore, so technically, that makes me hardcore right? and therefore, i can claim straightedge.
No, its not a form of hardcore...hardcore refers to a particular style of music, its not being used here as a term to describe how underground something is. So no, you really still shouldn't claim straightedge.
El Moro
01-15-2010, 05:08 PM
In an effort for us to get to know you and for you to to have something to talk about if you could please answer the following questions:
How old are you?
Where are you from?
List some bands you are into at the moment.
What is the last record you bought?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
1. Diego, 17
2. Wisconsin
3. Rise Against, Bad Brains, 3 Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin
4. Appeal To Reason by Rise Against
5. Spin Kicks and Two-Step
I don't know if I can claim sXe honestly, I heard about sXe maybe 2 years ago and did some research on it.
I admire and respect what you stand for and against but I've only recently gotten into the music like Minor Threat, Youth of Today and Have Heart and I listen to Rap, Reggae, Reggaeton and Punk bands like Iggy and The Stooges and Bad Brains.
I have always been drug free except when I've taken medicine when I was sick, even resist my own dad when he asks me to drink with him.
I have no sXe tattoos because I don't want to claim sXe when I may not be considered so.
Maybe I'm too new to claim sXe and if thats the case then I hope I can at least be considered a friend and supporter of sXe.
01-15-2010, 05:33 PM
1. Diego, 17
2. Wisconsin
3. Rise Against, Bad Brains, 3 Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin
4. Appeal To Reason by Rise Against
5. Spin Kicks and Two-Step
I don't know if I can claim sXe honestly, I heard about sXe maybe 2 years ago and did some research on it.
I admire and respect what you stand for and against but I've only recently gotten into the music like Minor Threat, Youth of Today and Have Heart and I listen to Rap, Reggae, Reggaeton and Punk bands like Iggy and The Stooges and Bad Brains.
I have always been drug free except when I've taken medicine when I was sick, even resist my own dad when he asks me to drink with him.
I have no sXe tattoos because I don't want to claim sXe when I may not be considered so.
Maybe I'm too new to claim sXe and if thats the case then I hope I can at least be considered a friend and supporter of sXe.
What kind of rap do you listen too?
just for your information...medicine doesn't go against straightedge, you don't need tattoos and you are not to new but its very cool that you have chosen to learn about what straightedge is first before claiming to be so. I give credit to you for that and i am sure you will get a decent grasp on it by being here, people here are very helpful. welcome to the boards, hope you have fun.
El Moro
01-15-2010, 05:52 PM
What kind of rap do you listen too?
just for your information...medicine doesn't go against straightedge, you don't need tattoos and you are not to new but its very cool that you have chosen to learn about what straightedge is first before claiming to be so. I give credit to you for that and i am sure you will get a decent grasp on it by being here, people here are very helpful. welcome to the boards, hope you have fun.
Thank you, I'm sure I will enjoy it here.
I mentioned medicine because I know some Straight Edge people consider things like Asprin and Ny-quil to be drugs.
I listen to Outkast, Jay-Z, Big Pun, Deltron 3030, Blackstar, Run-DMC...I could go on.
01-15-2010, 06:07 PM
Thank you, I'm sure I will enjoy it here.
I mentioned medicine because I know some Straight Edge people consider things like Asprin and Ny-quil to be drugs.
I listen to Outkast, Jay-Z, Big Pun, Deltron 3030, Blackstar, Run-DMC...I could go on.
They are drugs but straightedge is not about denying medicine for illness, thats simply a retarded thing to do. Straightedge is about refraining from drug use for recreation because there is simply no good reason to do that but medication has a very good reason.
El Moro
01-16-2010, 02:19 PM
They are drugs but straightedge is not about denying medicine for illness, thats simply a retarded thing to do. Straightedge is about refraining from drug use for recreation because there is simply no good reason to do that but medication has a very good reason.
Thats good, I heard somewhere (I forget) and didn't understand why.
So do you listen to Rap?
01-16-2010, 08:22 PM
Thats good, I heard somewhere (I forget) and didn't understand why.
So do you listen to Rap?
I like hip hop, yeah!
El Moro
01-17-2010, 01:56 PM
I like hip hop, yeah!
Who do you listen to?
01-18-2010, 09:52 AM
I listen to Outkast, Jay-Z, Big Pun, Deltron 3030, Blackstar, Run-DMC...I could go on.
Woohoo! Someone else who is familiar with Blackstar! I had some of my students read their lyrics as part of the poetry section and they made me feel old. "Who's Mos Def?" Ugh.
01-18-2010, 10:00 AM
Woohoo! Someone else who is familiar with Blackstar! I had some of my students read their lyrics as part of the poetry section and they made me feel old. "Who's Mos Def?" Ugh.
never thought that they were unknown... i've even seen the video of definition in tv... and you know, you can always tell them that he was on that hitchhikers guide to the universe movie
01-18-2010, 10:05 AM
I'm Jazmin, 17
From Gilbert, Arizona
Rise Against, Paramore, The Casualties, Anti-Flag, Flyleaf, The Used, My Chemical Romance, Minor Threat, Halocene, 3 Days Grace, 3 Doors Down...
Secret by Halocene
Spin Kicks and Two-Step
Minor Threat, Have Heart, Project X, Youth of Today
El Moro
01-18-2010, 04:51 PM
Woohoo! Someone else who is familiar with Blackstar! I had some of my students read their lyrics as part of the poetry section and they made me feel old. "Who's Mos Def?" Ugh.
They are great, too bad they split up.
Definition was the song that got me into them and I listen to Mos Def and Talib Kweli's solo stuff.
02-16-2010, 04:23 AM
hi there!
i´m Dani, from Spain. i´m 21 years old and i love hardcore music. i don´t take drugs, tobacco or alcohol, i hate them.
well, my english is not fine at all, sorry... i´ll the effort to post my ideas on this forum in correct english.
see ya! :D
02-16-2010, 01:00 PM
hi there!
i´m Dani, from Spain. i´m 21 years old and i love hardcore music. i don´t take drugs, tobacco or alcohol, i hate them.
well, my english is not fine at all, sorry... i´ll the effort to post my ideas on this forum in correct english.
see ya! :D
Your English is pretty good!
02-16-2010, 01:02 PM
hi there!
i´m Dani, from Spain. i´m 21 years old and i love hardcore music. i don´t take drugs, tobacco or alcohol, i hate them.
well, my english is not fine at all, sorry... i´ll the effort to post my ideas on this forum in correct english.
see ya! :D
where in spain?
02-16-2010, 01:24 PM
where in spain?
i´m from Benidorm, near Valencia.
02-22-2010, 08:36 PM
im Andy Beain
Im kinda new to strait edge, but i like almost ALL of the music
Additionally i like Blues, Classic rock, Prog rock, shredders, thrash, and some goth metal
I would have to agree with straightXed
Found it with the aid of the forum website called Ultimate-Guitar
i like monty python
02-22-2010, 08:48 PM
im Andy Beain
Im kinda new to strait edge, but i like almost ALL of the music
Additionally i like Blues, Classic rock, Prog rock, shredders, thrash, and some goth metal
I would have to agree with straightXed
Found it with the aid of the forum website called Ultimate-Guitar
i like monty python
monty python is good times
hope you have the funs!
02-22-2010, 09:16 PM
hope you have the funs!
I read that wrong and thought you said, "Hope you have the runs!"
02-22-2010, 11:20 PM
im Andy Beain
Im kinda new to strait edge, but i like almost ALL of the music
Additionally i like Blues, Classic rock, Prog rock, shredders, thrash, and some goth metal
I would have to agree with straightXed
Found it with the aid of the forum website called Ultimate-Guitar
i like monty python
what do you agree with me about?
02-23-2010, 10:23 AM
how do i change my sig. and profile picture?
02-23-2010, 03:50 PM
how do i change my sig. and profile picture?
at the top of the screen there's a link that says User CP. You do it through there.
02-23-2010, 06:31 PM
i cant seem to find avatar OR sig
02-23-2010, 08:48 PM
never thought that they were unknown... i've even seen the video of definition in tv... and you know, you can always tell them that he was on that hitchhikers guide to the universe movie
They don't know about that movie. Sad.
I'm Jazmin, 17
From Gilbert, Arizona
Rise Against, Paramore, The Casualties, Anti-Flag, Flyleaf, The Used, My Chemical Romance, Minor Threat, Halocene, 3 Days Grace, 3 Doors Down...
Secret by Halocene
Spin Kicks and Two-Step
Minor Threat, Have Heart, Project X, Youth of Today
Whoa! Hold up! I'm sorry I completley missed this. Hello Jazmin. I'm in PHX!
im Andy Beain
Im kinda new to strait edge, but i like almost ALL of the music
Additionally i like Blues, Classic rock, Prog rock, shredders, thrash, and some goth metal
I would have to agree with straightXed
Found it with the aid of the forum website called Ultimate-Guitar
i like monty python
You'll be happy here Andy. I think you're in good company. :)
02-23-2010, 09:15 PM
i cant seem to find avatar OR sig
click edit user profile after that.
03-01-2010, 02:17 AM
What's up guys, my name's Adam, I live in Iowa. I've been not drinking for about 3 yrs now or smoking or doing drugs for my whole life. I used to smoke casually out of boredom with friends but found it to be a waste. I've been claiming edge for a while now, I've always been one of those people who hates to label myself and so that's why I've waited so long to do so, but it feels right. Anway, anything you guys wanna know hit me up.
El Moro
03-01-2010, 05:34 PM
hi there!
i´m Dani, from Spain. i´m 21 years old and i love hardcore music. i don´t take drugs, tobacco or alcohol, i hate them.
well, my english is not fine at all, sorry... i´ll the effort to post my ideas on this forum in correct english.
see ya! :D
Bienvenidos hermano.
03-08-2010, 08:20 PM
Hi I'm 16 I live in Pennsylvania
The last record I bought was Adrenaline by Deftones
Currently the bands I'm really into are Three Days Grace, Greeley Estates, akissforjersey, Paramore, Fugazi, and I Am Ghost
03-10-2010, 12:39 AM
I am 24 originally from the tip of MI, but now residing in Muskegon, MI. I am currently into Bane, Comeback Kid, Have Heart, and xRepresentx. Have been into them for a while, but those are the most prevalent right now. Last cd bought was Living Sacrifice "The Infinite Order". I am partial to the two step, but love pile ons. I got some big friends, so I don't envy those who succumb to the devastation from above, but still. I would love to see Bane, Terror, xTyrant, Since the Flood, and Have Heart. I know Since the Flood isn't edge, but still would love to see em.
03-17-2010, 10:50 PM
Alanson MI originally, living in Grand Rapids MI now.
The Ghost Inside, Between The Buried and Me, August Burns Red, Stick To Your Guns, Misery Signals, The Great Commission, The Hope Conspiracy many many others.
Island Empire Beatdown by Bound In Blood...on accident sort of hahaha.
Pile on and sign along.
Above it all, Thick As Blood, Stick To Your Guns, Terror...kind of a random four haha. Also, everybody go listen to Above it all hahahaha
Names John, today is the day that I officially am claiming Edge. I have lived a drug, alcohol and sex free life for 19 years, because that's the way that I was raised and those are my moral values, but I decided to claim Edge in order to make that solid commitment and to embrace the community of Straightedge people that I associate with on a daily basis. Glad to be here guys!
03-18-2010, 10:42 AM
Alanson MI originally, living in Grand Rapids MI now.
The Ghost Inside, Between The Buried and Me, August Burns Red, Stick To Your Guns, Misery Signals, The Great Commission, The Hope Conspiracy many many others.
Island Empire Beatdown by Bound In Blood...on accident sort of hahaha.
Pile on and sign along.
Above it all, Thick As Blood, Stick To Your Guns, Terror...kind of a random four haha. Also, everybody go listen to Above it all hahahaha
Names John, today is the day that I officially am claiming Edge. I have lived a drug, alcohol and sex free life for 19 years, because that's the way that I was raised and those are my moral values, but I decided to claim Edge in order to make that solid commitment and to embrace the community of Straightedge people that I associate with on a daily basis. Glad to be here guys!
Welcome and congrats!
Above it all, Thick As Blood, Stick To Your Guns, Terror...kind of a random four haha. Also, everybody go listen to Above it all hahahaha
are these sxe bands?
What's up guys, my name's Adam, I live in Iowa. I've been not drinking for about 3 yrs now or smoking or doing drugs for my whole life. I used to smoke casually out of boredom with friends but found it to be a waste. I've been claiming edge for a while now, I've always been one of those people who hates to label myself and so that's why I've waited so long to do so, but it feels right. Anway, anything you guys wanna know hit me up.
nice to meet you... what kind of bands you into?
03-20-2010, 10:46 AM
hey, names Nick. I'm 18 and live in Ocean City, Maryland
My favorite bands are The Effort, Have Heart, Asking Alexandria, and Ruiner
Nail Vicious
03-25-2010, 09:07 AM
Hi all~ My name NailVics @ Nail Vicious~ and I'm from Malaysia~ Nice to meet u all
03-27-2010, 07:06 PM
Hello and welcome to the board!
03-29-2010, 11:51 AM
How old are you?
I'm 17, turning 18 in about 4 months
Where are you from?
Singapore. That tiny pinprick at the end of the Malaysian Peninsula. Oooo I see a malaysian user! o/
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Opeth, Quo Vadis, Cynic, Rush, Tool, Necrophagist, Kataklysm, Grave, Dark Tranquillity, Death, Decapitated and Arsis, just to name quite a few. Generally mostly technical, melodic, old-school and prog Death Metal bands with some old Thrash Metal and Prog Rock scattered here and there.
What is the last record you bought?
In Battle There Is No Law by Bolt Thrower and You'll Never See / And Here I Die by Grave.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
My apologies, but I don't listen to hXc, so I don't know the definitions of the aforementioned terms.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Well, haha... *shrug*
Maybe you guys might find it weird that someone who listens to absolutely zero hXc sXe knows about the sXe movement and some would probably shoo me away, but hear me out. First things first, I don't claim to be sXe, not when I have doubts that I actually practice what I would claim.
I first came across the words Straight Edge when reading up on the Wikipedia profile of Between The Buried And Me guitarist Paul Waggoner, which had a passing mention of him being sXe. I looked it up and glanced over the details, and noted that it was a movement against drugs and alcohol, and that was about 2 or 3 years ago. I didn't think about it too much until about 1.5 years ago, when an acquaintance and now close friend of mine remarked "whoa, you're straight edge?" after I declined a cigarette stick. And yes, about 40% of underage youths here smoke. Its become like a social act or something, not that I understand or would care to.
Anyway, after said remark, I spent more and more time pondering about and researching the Straight Edge lifestyle, status and movement. The more I thought about it, the more I felt I identified with it. I dislike smoking, only tolerating it because most of my friends and bandmates happen to smoke, I seem to have developed an alcohol intolerance so I steer clear of most alcoholic beverages and drunk people irritate the hell out of me anyway, and recreational drugs are as useless as the people who take them.
But of course I am not someone to dive headlong into something. I feel the need to know more about the movement and the lifestyle, and joining this board seemed the logical thing to do. Therefore here I am, typing this doggone wall of text, and I haven't even finished half of my introduction.
Anyways, time for the lumpy list of facts about this lumpy guy. I'm a fat asian guy with a sweet tooth (duh, lol), I'm pursuing a Diploma in Music and Audio Technology at a local technical college, I'm a musician that plays the guitar, You could say I'm a geek (I have THAT username and I play EVE Online), I use a mac (used them my whole life, so no trendwhore-calling please), I'm not afraid to tell my perceived truth and not afraid to admit that I make mistakes, I do my best to be neutral unless the situation warrants me to take a stand, I know that whatever I do I'll still make enemies (what matters is who you make enemies of), I have long hair (about 5cm longer than shoulder-length), Music and food are my deuce, I value myself as an intellectually thinking member of society, I'm an audiophile and a proud metalhead. \m/
It's 12:50 am now, and I am as alert as I was at noon yesterday. This is not normal.
03-29-2010, 11:24 PM
How old are you? 20
Where are you from? Chicago originally but living in san diego because of the navy.
List some bands you are into at the moment. Have Heart, Verse, Ruiner,In My Eyes, One Choice, Project X,
What is the last record you bought? Cro-Mags- Age of quarrel, Cockpunch-Attack
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Gorilla Biscuits, Minor Threat, Have Heart and Floorpunch. I can see it now. The "Yes This Is A Dream" Tour 2010.
04-20-2010, 09:16 AM
hello my name is brandy....
in 21, going to be 22 in june
from buffalo ny,
i joined this board to hopefully find some friends in Boston MA
& find some cool places to hang out
im moving there in june
if anyone knows the area or any great places in boston to go to lemme know!
04-23-2010, 06:17 PM
Yay! Finally someone else from AZ. But....your screen info says you're in Georgia.
Anyway, welcome to the board.
04-24-2010, 01:08 PM
Age: 26
Home Town: Dayton, Ohio (currently in Savannah)
Bands: xAFBx, xLooking Forwardx, Bane, Have Heart, Throwdown, xBishopx, xTyrantx, Eighteen Visions, Earth Crisis and lots more
Last record I bought: Straight Edge as Fuck Vol1 and 2(compilation)
Spin Kicks and two-steps
4 bands to play together: Youth of Today, Minor Threat, xAFBx, Earth Crisis
04-25-2010, 06:23 AM
Age, 22
Home Town, Swansea South Wales Uk
Music, Dont listen to any straight edge bands I listen to mostly 80's Rock and Metal
Abstained from drink smoke and drugs my whole life
best choice i ever made
Likes, Gaming, Skating, Rock and metal, Staying in
Dislikes, Going out, Gigs, being around people when they are drinking/smoking/using drugs, Loud Music, Hights, people who try to change me
04-25-2010, 08:31 AM
Welcome guys!
04-25-2010, 12:27 PM
04-25-2010, 12:42 PM
Yay! Finally someone else from AZ. But....your screen info says you're in Georgia.
Anyway, welcome to the board.
i lived in flagstaff for like 10 years then i joined the army. now i live in ga.
04-25-2010, 08:20 PM
i lived in flagstaff for like 10 years then i joined the army. now i live in ga.
Yup, I figured that after looking at the newbies' files. I guess I should research things before posting. :/
04-26-2010, 06:32 AM
i lived in flagstaff for like 10 years then i joined the army. now i live in ga.
You are in the Amry too? And in GA..... Me too!
Oh I didn't know it was you Danny.
04-26-2010, 06:34 AM
You are in the Amry too? And in GA..... Me too!
Oh I didn't know it was you Danny.
indeed. hahaha
El Moro
04-28-2010, 07:52 PM
Welcome all.
05-04-2010, 06:54 AM
How old are you? 34 Years old
Where are you from? Hartlepool, England, UK
List some bands you are into at the moment. Converge, Judge, Shai Hulud, Heaven Shall Burn
What is the last record you bought? Axe to Fall - Converge
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile ons and Sing Alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Youth of Today, Judge, Earth Crisis, Bold
05-08-2010, 11:49 AM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Tucson, AZ
List some bands you are into at the moment.
All the local underground bands I was into have broken up. I was hoping people here could point me towards some good stuff.
What is the last record you bought?
What is a "record" and why would I buy one?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
The correct answer is D. All of the above. I would rather not choose one over the other.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Thats a darn good question.
05-08-2010, 05:10 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Tucson, AZ
List some bands you are into at the moment.
All the local underground bands I was into have broken up. I was hoping people here could point me towards some good stuff.
What is the last record you bought?
What is a "record" and why would I buy one?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
The correct answer is D. All of the above. I would rather not choose one over the other.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Thats a darn good question.
Yay! Finally another person from AZ. Welcome to the board!
05-19-2010, 02:29 PM
Ok here goes...
How old are you?
16,17 in two weeks
Where are you from?
Finland, Naantali
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Almost everything goes, mainly I listen to rise against, H2O, abingdon boys school and the 69 eyes
What is the last record you bought?
Atreys lead sails and paper anchor
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together
hmmm...I don't know...rise against would be great to see but dont know what three should play with it...
05-24-2010, 02:17 PM
names rob
How old are you?
Where are you from?
newtown, connecticut
List some bands you are into at the moment.
misery signals, with honor, final fight, set it straight, palehorse, old misfits
What is the last record you bought?
alkaline trio - this addiction
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together
gorilla biscuits, bane, with honor, and life in your way
05-24-2010, 08:09 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
London, UK but I uni in Birmingham
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Last Witness, Dirty Money, More Than Life, TRC and many more
What is the last record you bought?
More Than Life - Love Let Me Go
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Two-step is about all I like, gets me proper hyped.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Have Heart, xAFBx, Guns Up! and xBishopx probably.
Hello to all =)
05-24-2010, 09:14 PM
Where are you from?
London, UK but I uni in Birmingham
which uni are you at?
05-25-2010, 06:13 AM
Oooh London, fancy. Welcome you all.
05-25-2010, 11:49 AM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Georgia, USA.
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Staind, John Mayer, Sublime, Korn, Some Laid back music not much, Basically a little of everything.
What is the last record you bought?
John Mayers latest CD cant Remember What the name of it is.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? earth crisis, gorrilla biscuits, snapcase, and jerez
05-29-2010, 03:07 PM
How old am I ?
Where am I from ?
Lancashire UK
Bands im into right now.
Bold, Youth of today, Beyond, Alone in a crowd, Project X, Brotherhood, Go !, Slapshot, Warzone, YDL, Supertouch, Straight Ahead, Gorrila Biscuits, Moondog, Relapse, Side by Side.....You get the idea !!!!!
Last record I bought.
Unity 7" 1st press off ebay for 5 quid !!!
Pile ons and singalongs. The rest is for bad metal bands !!
Bands I wish I had have seen.
Minor Threat, SSD, Cause for Alarm(back in the day), Iron Cross.
ps. I used to post on here as Straightedge revenge, but forgot my old password and email !!!! So im back !!!!
05-29-2010, 04:29 PM
Hey all names Matt and here is a lil rundown on myself
How old- 27
location- Delaware
bands im into atm- Bullet for my valentine, taproot, 5finger death punch, rise against, breaking benjamin, mudvayne, pretty much anything with a good hard sound and some soft ones here and there.
last record i bought- 5finger death punch "war is the answer"
and def Pile ons
05-30-2010, 09:30 AM
Welcome, guys!
05-30-2010, 01:18 PM
Hello, I'm Wez.
I come from Manchester England, I'm 29 and listen to a range of music. Punk/Oi/Ska/Hardcore, stuff like Slapshot,The Beltones,Sheer terror,The reducers SF,BoneCrusher,Joe Coffee,Faded Grey,Operation Ivy,The jam,The freeze,The F U's,Off with their heads,Millie Small,Toots and the Maytals,Big 5,Cro-mags,Outbreak,Darkbuster,James Carr,The Clash,The misfits,Pressure point,Crass,SLF,The undertones,Wisdom in chains,CIV,The upstarts etc etc.
The last music I bought was, The jam-funeral pyre 7" and The Pouges/Dubliners split 7"
Singing my head off,opposed to moshing it up.
Some of the bands I'd have loved to have seen are, The Misfits,Faded Grey,Sheer Terror,poison Idea (with pig),Not all sxe, but i listen to a mixed bag.
06-02-2010, 03:26 PM
Hello, I'm Wez.
I come from Manchester England, I'm 29 and listen to a range of music. Punk/Oi/Ska/Hardcore, stuff like Slapshot,The Beltones,Sheer terror,The reducers SF,BoneCrusher,Joe Coffee,Faded Grey,Operation Ivy,The jam,The freeze,The F U's,Off with their heads,Millie Small,Toots and the Maytals,Big 5,Cro-mags,Outbreak,Darkbuster,James Carr,The Clash,The misfits,Pressure point,Crass,SLF,The undertones,Wisdom in chains,CIV,The upstarts etc etc.
The last music I bought was, The jam-funeral pyre 7" and The Pouges/Dubliners split 7"
Singing my head off,opposed to moshing it up.
Some of the bands I'd have loved to have seen are, The Misfits,Faded Grey,Sheer Terror,poison Idea (with pig),Not all sxe, but i listen to a mixed bag.
This dude moshes hard !!! Mucho respect !!
06-02-2010, 07:24 PM
Hey guys! Welcome to the board!
06-03-2010, 06:20 AM
This dude moshes hard !!! Mucho respect !!
Yeah because Shane McGowan is badass..
06-05-2010, 06:20 PM
This dude moshes hard !!! Mucho respect !!
When in Rome. Be good to meet you next time we're out at a gig.
Yeah because Shane McGowan is badass..
Kiss my dick.
06-05-2010, 06:27 PM
Kiss my dick.
I'd rather not.
06-05-2010, 06:35 PM
I'd rather not.
I understand! You've had your fill of cock today and you're giving your mouth and slack arse a rest.......Maybe you can do it tomorrow while your thinking of better come backs batty crease.
06-05-2010, 06:40 PM
I don't know you and I don't know what's up with you, but are you offended by my post about Shane ?
06-05-2010, 06:51 PM
I don't know you and I don't know what's up with you, but are you offended by my post about Shane ?
Not even slightly. But after reading through some of your replies to other posters on this site I've found you to be a tad annoying,was you starved of attention as a small child? Because if your internet persona is anything like your real life personality I wouldn't be in the lest bit surprised no attention was thrown your way. NOW FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE.
Thank you with knobs on.
06-05-2010, 07:04 PM
Ok, and that's when you decided to take matter in your own hands and react so unfriendly ?
I could say the same thing of you. On the internet, you can interpret posts in more than one way. Maybe if the board would offer smilies you would interpret my posts differently.
And hey, I'm not the one throwing insults at people on internet fora without knowing even the slightest thing about 'em. I don't know what you want to accomplish here, but you're not a really nice guy dude.
06-05-2010, 07:05 PM
Not even slightly. But after reading through some of your replies to other posters on this site I've found you to be a tad annoying,was you starved of attention as a small child? Because if your internet persona is anything like your real life personality I wouldn't be in the lest bit surprised no attention was thrown your way. NOW FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE.
Thank you with knobs on.
if you were not offended, then dont reply to him with such comments. if you were, there are far better ways to talk to him.
dude, chill out or get out.
06-06-2010, 03:20 PM
Not even slightly. But after reading through some of your replies to other posters on this site I've found you to be a tad annoying,was you starved of attention as a small child? Because if your internet persona is anything like your real life personality I wouldn't be in the lest bit surprised no attention was thrown your way. NOW FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE.
Thank you with knobs on.
After reading this one post, I have found you to be a douche. Nothing he said was annoying or offensive, and he is probably one of the most polite members of this forum, so I don't know threads you were reading. You should probably stop acting so childish.
06-06-2010, 04:09 PM
Wow dude, thanks.
06-12-2010, 10:10 PM
Greatings from Colombia.
I´m 16
Bogota, Colombia
Compromiso 5-4, Billy Club Sandwich, Bane, La coka Nostra, The effort, Minor threat, Youth of today, Gorilla Biscuits, Vietnom, Madball, sick of it all, Set it straight, Suicidal Tendencies.
Last record i bought was "Hardcore Colombia" by Reaccion en Cadena.
Both are cool but. Spin Kicks and Two-steps look so warrior
I whould love to see in a stage:
Suicidal Tendencies
Billy club sandwich
06-13-2010, 11:22 AM
Greatings from Colombia.
I´m 16
Bogota, Colombia
Compromiso 5-4, Billy Club Sandwich, Bane, La coka Nostra, The effort, Minor threat, Youth of today, Gorilla Biscuits, Vietnom, Madball, sick of it all, Set it straight, Suicidal Tendencies.
Last record i bought was "Hardcore Colombia" by Reaccion en Cadena.
Both are cool but. Spin Kicks and Two-steps look so warrior
I whould love to see in a stage:
Suicidal Tendencies
Billy club sandwich
ea, bienvenido.
preferably it was what edge bands would you like to see
06-13-2010, 04:19 PM
When in Rome. Be good to meet you next time we're out at a gig.
Kiss my dick.
Right... I only just read this !! When someone joins a site what sort of welcome is this ?
Lifestyle X....... Im not sure your reply to Wez was that cool. I know wez... He aint straightedge, but took the time to join this site. And maybe to put what you did in your first post to him was not cool. Tbh......even with a smile after what you said, it could be taken quite an uncool thing to say. Yep.....Wez then went on all out war. But maybe if he'd had the chance to post a bit, before having a remark like yours directed at him, he would have taken it a bit easier. Lets all play nice and try and be a bit posi with new people. Thanks .
06-13-2010, 04:47 PM
Right... I only just read this !! When someone joins a site what sort of welcome is this ?
Lifestyle X....... Im not sure your reply to Wez was that cool. I know wez... He aint straightedge, but took the time to join this site. And maybe to put what you did in your first post to him was not cool. Tbh......even with a smile after what you said, it could be taken quite an uncool thing to say. Yep.....Wez then went on all out war. But maybe if he'd had the chance to post a bit, before having a remark like yours directed at him, he would have taken it a bit easier. Lets all play nice and try and be a bit posi with new people. Thanks .
I don't wanna put any more energy in this but here it goes.
It wasn't meant as a bad welcome, nor as a good welcome. It wasn't a welcome at all. And yes I could post a welcome message but that ain't gonna happen after all the shit he called me. That post wasn't meant for him, and it wasn't my intention to diss the guy, he even wasn't offended by it so I don't get it at all. There are more uncool things you can say on a internet board than pointing out that Shane is the biggest drunk ever, like saying that someone has to kiss your dick and all that. He even went on in other forums on this board.. I kinda had it with him.
Now let's end this chapter, thanks.
06-13-2010, 05:07 PM
I don't wanna put any more energy in this but here it goes.
It wasn't meant as a bad welcome, nor as a good welcome. It wasn't a welcome at all. And yes I could post a welcome message but that ain't gonna happen after all the shit he called me. That post wasn't meant for him, and it wasn't my intention to diss the guy, he even wasn't offended by it so I don't get it at all. There are more uncool things you can say on a internet board than pointing out that Shane is the biggest drunk ever, like saying that someone has to kiss your dick and all that. He even went on in other forums on this board.. I kinda had it with him.
Now let's end this chapter, thanks.
Kiss my dick !!!!!!! Lol.... :) Nah im kidding. I agree that the subject should end right here. But cos id only just read the post, felt I should comment. I some ppl think the internet gives them the right to say and act however they want. This would not have happened in person. As far as im concerned. We are all cool. Peace.
06-17-2010, 03:36 PM
How old are you? 27
Where are you from? Alabama, but I now live in Carlsbad NM.
List some bands you are into at the moment. Since I really do not know about this (I am looking for an alternative for the kids in my town) I will just tell you about my self. I am a married mother of 3 with 3 step children. I do the best I can to teach them right from wrong but, in a small town where little girls are getting pregnant as early as 11 and teens are having fishing parties and over dosing, my best may not be good enough. I'm looking for suggestions and information on Straight Edge.
How old are you? 27
Where are you from? Alabama, but I now live in Carlsbad NM.
List some bands you are into at the moment. Since I really do not know about this (I am looking for an alternative for the kids in my town) I will just tell you about my self. I am a married mother of 3 with 3 step children. I do the best I can to teach them right from wrong but, in a small town where little girls are getting pregnant as early as 11 and teens are having fishing parties and over dosing, my best may not be good enough. I'm looking for suggestions and information on Straight Edge.
what kind of information are you looking for?
06-17-2010, 03:52 PM
what kind of information are you looking for?
I would like to know more of what it is all about. I understand the no drugs and I have heard that a lot of you don't have sex outside of marriage. I dont know if Im looking in the wrong places but I am just not finding a lot about it. I would like to get the kids here interested in it. From what I have read I think it would help our youth here.
06-17-2010, 06:06 PM
I would like to know more of what it is all about. I understand the no drugs and I have heard that a lot of you don't have sex outside of marriage. I dont know if Im looking in the wrong places but I am just not finding a lot about it. I would like to get the kids here interested in it. From what I have read I think it would help our youth here.
well, straight edge is a music derived "sub culture", we're all kids who listen to hardcore music (from bands like Minor Threat, 7 Seconds and Gorilla Biscuits to some new bands that i dont really listen to so i dont know them) and dont do drugs. generally its the sense of building a better place for us and everybody and being aware of what surrounds us. some people say its just being "drug free" but it's the hardcore music what actually tie us all together.
you should probably listen to the bands i mentioned before and some other ones like Youth of Today and Half The Battle to get a better sense as to what straight edge is. Because it's not something that should be forced on people.
06-18-2010, 12:49 AM
First of all, welcome!
I have heard that a lot of you don't have sex outside of marriage.
After spending more than a year researching straight edge (and I'm definitely not done with it), I've deduced that only a very small percentage of straight edge kids were against sex before marriage, basically. Except for the more extremist kids, few people do that, I'd say... Straight edge is not a religion and sex is not wrong, but being straight edge means being aware and in control, so, this applies to one's sex life, too. But that's just what I observed myself, so I'm no authority, for sure.
I would like to know more of what it is all about. I understand the no drugs and I have heard that a lot of you don't have sex outside of marriage. I dont know if Im looking in the wrong places but I am just not finding a lot about it. I would like to get the kids here interested in it. From what I have read I think it would help our youth here.
sxe is a music centered youth culture with participants abstaining from mind altering substances.
Sex doesn't have anything to do with straight edge, and I've yet to meet people who had a mindset you described.
sxe basically means people who are involved in the hardcore scene and are drug free. that should sum it up
06-23-2010, 03:43 AM
Kiss my dick !!!!!!! Lol.... :) Nah im kidding. I agree that the subject should end right here. But cos id only just read the post, felt I should comment. I some ppl think the internet gives them the right to say and act however they want. This would not have happened in person. As far as im concerned. We are all cool. Peace.
To be honest Mark I'd have said those things (well maybe not all) But at least some if I was having a conversation about likes of bands and I was replied with what I found a tad juvenile comment back. It was called jest and throw away comments, to which I admit going over board but as stated in jest......For someone to psychoanalysis someone via a internet forum would be silly and rather mental. I took it as someone being an internet warrior and thought I'd wind him back up. It worked. But no offence was truly meant. Cross my heart xoxo.
07-23-2010, 04:45 PM
Hey, im 15
From Glasgow, Scotland.
Bands - Limp Bizkit, Insane Clown Posse, Cradle of Filth, Linkin Park, Slipknot, Dead Kennedys, Dillinger Escape Plan, Down to Nothing, Have Heart, HIM, Minor Threat, Mudvayne, Placebo, Refused, Rise Against, Slapshot, Weezer.
Last Record - Minor Threat, In My Eyes =D
07-28-2010, 06:41 PM
Hey im 16 Im also new to this site....... from Tacoma WA. any other straight edge's from the northwest? I've Been straight edge since birth :P
07-28-2010, 11:00 PM
sheboygan wisconsin
pile ons and sing alongs (Like everyone else it seems, which is good)
gorilla biscuits, Good Clean Fun, Naj One, Mike XVX, xTrue Naturex, dead prez, propagandhi, other vegan bands.
last record, hmm maybe some vegan straightedge hip hop mix
Gorilla Biscuits, Good Clean Fun, i suppose youth of today, and earth crisis
07-29-2010, 12:35 AM
Hey im 16 Im also new to this site....... from Tacoma WA. any other straight edge's from the northwest? I've Been straight edge since birth :P
Welcome. I love your screen name. Are you into WOW or just the story of Charlemagne?
07-29-2010, 01:41 PM
Its the Story of Charlemange im more into and also how Paladins are pictured today you know Just, truthful and all of that good stuff
07-29-2010, 06:12 PM
Its the Story of Charlemange im more into and also how Paladins are pictured today you know Just, truthful and all of that good stuff
Noble. Again, welcome to the board.
07-31-2010, 05:24 PM
Thanks for the welcome
08-16-2010, 11:22 AM
I'm 19
I was raised in Plantation, Florida and now live in San Jose, Costa Rica
Bands i listen to include but are not limeted to:BILLY THE KID (
xRepresentx, Black my heart, xtyrantx, converge, the effort, 108,
100 demons, awaken demons, reign supreme, and lots more...
What is the last record you bought?
Sick of it all Based on a true story
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
All of that :)
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
xAFBx Black my heart, and billy the kid
08-16-2010, 11:25 AM
I'm 19
I was raised in Plantation, Florida and now live in San Jose, Costa Rica
Bands i listen to include but are not limeted to:BILLY THE KID (
xRepresentx, Black my heart, xtyrantx, converge, the effort, 108,
100 demons, awaken demons, reign supreme, and lots more...
What is the last record you bought?
Sick of it all Based on a true story
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
All of that :)
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
xAFBx Black my heart, and billy the kid
how'd you end up in Costa Rica and do you like it? My cousin used to go there pretty regularly to surf and he loved it.
08-16-2010, 12:31 PM
how'd you end up in Costa Rica and do you like it? My cousin used to go there pretty regularly to surf and he loved it.
well i was originally born here, but since like i was 2 i move there, my parents decided to move back because life here is much more relaxed than how it is in the states, and so far I've like it almost 3 years here now but I was living for like 1 year and a half in a really small town in costa rica called zarcero, so there was defenetly no scene nor people who knew about this haha but for college I moved to the capital and started knowing people that did, my first show here was in 2008, and big bands have come like xbishopx, death before dishonor and others its pretty good, but its kind of small
08-16-2010, 12:40 PM
well i was originally born here, but since like i was 2 i move there, my parents decided to move back because life here is much more relaxed than how it is in the states, and so far I've like it almost 3 years here now but I was living for like 1 year and a half in a really small town in costa rica called zarcero, so there was defenetly no scene nor people who knew about this haha but for college I moved to the capital and started knowing people that did, my first show here was in 2008, and big bands have come like xbishopx, death before dishonor and others its pretty good, but its kind of small
enjoy it, small scenes tend to be really tight and close together, i like that.
08-16-2010, 01:00 PM
enjoy it, small scenes tend to be really tight and close together, i like that.
It's true I really like it thus far
08-17-2010, 02:14 AM
I'm 19
I was raised in Plantation, Florida and now live in San Jose, Costa Rica
Bands i listen to include but are not limeted to:BILLY THE KID (
xRepresentx, Black my heart, xtyrantx, converge, the effort, 108,
100 demons, awaken demons, reign supreme, and lots more...
What is the last record you bought?
Sick of it all Based on a true story
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
All of that :)
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
xAFBx Black my heart, and billy the kid
08-20-2010, 04:04 PM
I'm 27
I'm orignally from Peoria, IL, but just relocated to Corvallis, OR
At the moment i've been listening to a lot of Chokehold, All Out War, Ringworm, Integrity, Turmoil
The last record i bought was Fury of Five's "At War With the World"
Pile-ons and sing-alongs mostly, but occasionally i throw the occasional spinkick. never been much for two stepping
Four edge bands i'd love to see play together... Another Victim, Strife, Culture, Snapcase
08-20-2010, 07:47 PM
I'm 27
I'm orignally from Peoria, IL, but just relocated to Corvallis, OR
At the moment i've been listening to a lot of Chokehold, All Out War, Ringworm, Integrity, Turmoil
The last record i bought was Fury of Five's "At War With the World"
Pile-ons and sing-alongs mostly, but occasionally i throw the occasional spinkick. never been much for two stepping
Four edge bands i'd love to see play together... Another Victim, Strife, Culture, Snapcase
08-30-2010, 10:25 AM
How old are you? 27
Where are you from? Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
List some bands you are into at the moment. - XDiscipleX AD, Fuc*ed up, No innocent victim, Stretch Arm Strong, Red Sparrows
What is the last record you bought? Bridge 9 Singles Vol 1/2 (for $6 haha)
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile ons and sinf alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Mouthpiece, Liferuiner, Judge, Strife
08-30-2010, 10:59 AM
How old are you? 27
Where are you from? Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
List some bands you are into at the moment. - XDiscipleX AD, Fuc*ed up, No innocent victim, Stretch Arm Strong, Red Sparrows
What is the last record you bought? Bridge 9 Singles Vol 1/2 (for $6 haha)
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile ons and sinf alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Mouthpiece, Liferuiner, Judge, Strife
awesome, another mouthpiece fan, be very welcome
08-30-2010, 03:02 PM
How old are you? 27
Where are you from? Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
List some bands you are into at the moment. - XDiscipleX AD, Fuc*ed up, No innocent victim, Stretch Arm Strong, Red Sparrows
What is the last record you bought? Bridge 9 Singles Vol 1/2 (for $6 haha)
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile ons and sinf alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Mouthpiece, Liferuiner, Judge, Strife
Toronto!! That is awesome! I am currently in Pickering, but I am moving to Waterloo on sunday for school. Welcome!
08-30-2010, 06:09 PM
Hey Mouseman ya man Waterloo isnt far at all, thanks for the welcome!
and Rodrigo your the only other person I know that likes Mouthpiece haha
08-30-2010, 10:40 PM
welcome to the forums!
09-01-2010, 08:28 PM
How old are you? 18
Where are you from? Mexico
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Stone Sour, Arch Enemy, Anti-Flag,Avenged Sevenfold
What is the last record you bought?
Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
xTyrantx, Black Flag, xResistex, Braveheart
09-01-2010, 08:59 PM
How old are you? 18
Where are you from? Mexico
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Stone Sour, Arch Enemy, Anti-Flag,Avenged Sevenfold
What is the last record you bought?
Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
xTyrantx, Black Flag, xResistex, Braveheart
hey there, bievenido.
09-01-2010, 10:13 PM
i used to be a huge AF fan! welcome brother
09-03-2010, 11:35 AM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Kansas (USA)...originally from India
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Thou, Damage Control, I Attack, Criminal Damage
What is the last record you bought?
Lahempana Loppua – Et Pysty Sanomaan Vastaan. 7” EP (Fight Records)
melodic hardcore from finland featuring former members of hero dishonest...very good
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Youth of Today, Judge, Verse, Have Heart
09-03-2010, 12:41 PM
welcome to the forums. does kansas have a vibrant hardcore scene?
09-03-2010, 04:55 PM
welcome to the forums. does kansas have a vibrant hardcore scene?
Lawrence and Kansas City are the two cities in Kansas whether there are punk/hc scenes. (there's probably one in Wichita also, but I don't know)
I don't really hang out in kansas city, so I don't know what is happening there. However, I know they have quite a few straight edge and Bridge 9 style hardcore bands. In terms of hc and punk, kansas city probably has the better bands, but I prefer Lawrence.
Lawrence, KS is home to the Univ of KS, and has quite a few punk houses. Although it's nationally known for its indie pop scene (The Casket Lottery, The Anniversery, Get up kids, etc) it does have a vibrant punk scene. There are a couple punk houses where shows are held and the scene is pretty full of crust punks and grind punks and anarcho-punk types. I used to attend all the shows at one of the punk houses (The Haunted Kitchen)...(saw Hammer, Regulations, Signal Lost, etc)... but there was never any hardcore or straight edge bands which came through. The hardcore punk bands that played there were always the typical MRR (maximum rock n roll) style bands ranting and raving about smashing the state and fighting for anarchy....
I haven't gone to any shows for a couple years now...I still buy records and read zines, but just not into the scene and scene type people anymore.
Lawrence also has a really cool garage punk festival coming up...The Oblivions, The Gories, Tyvek, Digital Leather, and a million other bands....should be cool for those into garage punk
09-03-2010, 07:48 PM
oh thats actually way more than i expected. and as the name implies i think i would dig those MRR hardcore bands. totally down for state smashing and autonomy!
09-03-2010, 08:52 PM
oh thats actually way more than i expected. and as the name implies i think i would dig those MRR hardcore bands. totally down for state smashing and autonomy!
oh, ha ha, missed your username...I used to like that stuff and read MRR religously...Lawrence is considered the Berkely of the midwest, even has its own anarchist library and played host to some American Anarchist conference a couple years ago (it was a bunch of tents near the lake)...unfortunately, no REAL hardcore or straight edge....I was always careful not to wear an edge shirt to the punk houses because plenty of hxc kids had been beated up at punk houses....Lawrence also had it's share of punk gangs and a couple anti-skinhead gangs also (although there really weren't any skinheads in lawrence..kinda odd)
09-04-2010, 08:59 AM
How old are you? 21
Where are you from? Cincinnati, OH
List some bands you are into at the moment. - Killing The Dream, Death Before Dishonor, Embrace Today, Endwell, H20, American Nightmare, to name a few.
What is the last record you bought? The Mongoloids- New Beginnings 7"
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? All of the above except 2 step, and add headwalking haha.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Youth Of Today, Strife, XbattlegroundX, Floorpunch
09-05-2010, 09:52 PM
oh, ha ha, missed your username...I used to like that stuff and read MRR religously...Lawrence is considered the Berkely of the midwest, even has its own anarchist library and played host to some American Anarchist conference a couple years ago (it was a bunch of tents near the lake)...unfortunately, no REAL hardcore or straight edge....I was always careful not to wear an edge shirt to the punk houses because plenty of hxc kids had been beated up at punk houses....Lawrence also had it's share of punk gangs and a couple anti-skinhead gangs also (although there really weren't any skinheads in lawrence..kinda odd)
hmm i never knew that haha. We have an Infoshop if that is what you mean by anarchist library, but then we allow lenin and other authoritarians like him a spot on our shelves, freedom of the press i guess haha. and being a fairly progressive city we have alot of Co-ops that are actually collectively owned, though i've never checked out (or been aware of) any punk houses round here. That crazy to have hardcore kids beat down but i guess that could happen!
09-06-2010, 05:29 AM
Hi all,
Alex from France 26 years old
I'm discovering the sxe scene - a way of life that look really interesting !
Last CD i bought ? appeal to reason from rise against .
09-07-2010, 09:08 AM
Hi all,
Alex from France 26 years old
I'm discovering the sxe scene - a way of life that look really interesting !
Last CD i bought ? appeal to reason from rise against .
gooosh, I'm happy, finally a French guy! =D
welcome :)
09-09-2010, 12:28 PM
gooosh, I'm happy, finally a French guy! =D
welcome :)
Get his digits and ask him out!
09-09-2010, 02:26 PM
Get his digits and ask him out!
not without a picture =D
09-10-2010, 04:33 AM
alex-fr, you heard it man. Post a nice picture of yourself and you might get a date!
not without a picture =D
tsk tsk beauty is only skin deep!
09-11-2010, 02:13 AM
tsk tsk beauty is only skin deep!
Still, I'd rather have a picture than a radiography of someone's inside... It reveals a bit more about who you are.
09-12-2010, 02:25 PM
Still, I'd rather have a picture than a radiography of someone's inside... It reveals a bit more about who you are.
Well, I did a quick Google search (alex-fr) for you, it seems the guy is both handsome and looks stylish:
and another one:
Well, what do you think? Good enough for you?
He could also look like this:
or like this:
09-12-2010, 03:13 PM
Well, I did a quick Google search (alex-fr) for you, it seems the guy is both handsome and looks stylish:
and another one:
Well, what do you think? Good enough for you?
He could also look like this:
or like this:
thank you sooo much for your precious help!
Though the guy seems to have vanished from here.
09-12-2010, 04:11 PM
thank you sooo much for your precious help!
Though the guy seems to have vanished from here.
Are you upset now?
09-13-2010, 02:17 PM
Are you upset now?
not at all, I like the pix :)
09-13-2010, 06:12 PM
Marion, you know Belgium is where all the hot dudes are huh ?!
09-13-2010, 08:44 PM
that's awesome haha! those pics are great. my bet is he's the third guy.
09-14-2010, 02:23 AM
that's awesome haha! those pics are great. my bet is he's the third guy.
Could be stylish, pinky straight edge dude too!
09-14-2010, 02:33 AM
Marion, you know Belgium is where all the hot dudes are huh ?!
That kind of lines rarely works, especially with girls that are in demand. Usually girls are not that interested in your hotness, what they're interested in if you're a real deal. Marion, give me a silent nod here.
Alright, so you'd want to go with something along the lines of: "Marion, I bet you're too shy to call me up first and ask me to invite you to Belgium to have great fun! And no, I'm not talking about eating French fries for every meal and arguing about their Belgian origin... more like having fun, you know?"
Try something like that sometimes. It's like magic.
09-14-2010, 04:20 AM
Great, now you ruined it.
09-14-2010, 04:57 AM
Great, now you ruined it.
Erm.. are you serious?
09-14-2010, 05:34 AM
Ofcourse I'm serious.
09-14-2010, 05:49 AM
Ofcourse I'm serious.
As one can be?
09-14-2010, 09:07 AM
I love reading you guys :)
So, @Lifestyle X: people from Belgium usually have a belgian accent. And even the hottest top model cannot be sexy if he had that kind of accent. Haha, just kidding... I think.
And there's no arguing about the origin of French fries. We all know they're from Belgium, and we French people even have some jokes with fries included. (I wish I could tell you one, but you need to see it performed... too bad!)
Anyway, I'll let you know when I approach Belgium (which happens quite often since half my family lives like 15 km away from Belgium).
And Belgium has like the hottest sxe gigs in that corner of Europe, I heard!
09-14-2010, 11:35 AM
You wouldn't have that problem with me babe, I don't even speak French ! Aren't there a lot of hardcore gigs in France ? I know that Terror plays in Antwerp in 2 weeks.
09-14-2010, 01:33 PM
You wouldn't have that problem with me babe, I don't even speak French ! Aren't there a lot of hardcore gigs in France ? I know that Terror plays in Antwerp in 2 weeks.
haha, your accent might be even worse, no idea!
Well, yeah, there's some gigs... but no sxe ones. And where I live there's kind of a small hardcore scene, but it's blent with the metal one because this one is pretty big. Ans it's super cool to see hardcore gigs at metal gigs and metalheads at hardcore shows! But still no sxe stuffs! The only sxe band that has played near my place is Nueva Etica.
09-14-2010, 02:32 PM
The only sxe band that has played near my place is Nueva Etica.
09-18-2010, 11:02 AM
I'm 18 years old and I'm from jersey
I been listening to a lot of Have heart, With Honor and Defeater these past few weeks
I haven't been to a show yet. My friend told me there's usually one around Oct 17th but there may not be one this year.
09-20-2010, 07:38 PM
I'm 37.
I currently live in LA, and I've lived and been active in the punk scene in Wisconsin, Chicago, Boston, and New York. Moved to LA about a year ago and am still getting acclimated.
Having just read the new book on the hardcore scene in Detroit ("Why Be Something You're Not"), I'm keen on early Midwest hardcore bands right now.
Last night, I picked up two No Empathy records, a CD by The Fix, and the Negative Trend EP on CD. The Fix record is awesome.
I would have loved to have seen a show by Freewill (sxe?), Minor Threat, Seven Seconds, and Youth of Today.
09-20-2010, 10:05 PM
welcome dude. wisconsin represent. Where in wisconsin did you hang out? Glad to know you're still edge after 21!
09-22-2010, 10:56 AM
Grew up near Whitewater. Went to shows in Whitewater, Madison, and Milwaukee. Helped book shows and worked merch in Janesville and Beloit c. 1990. I remember hanging out on State Street, buying 7"'s at Cat's Meow.
Haven't been straight edge the whole time, alas. In college, and after, I drank a little, with a stint smoking -- but was still vegetarian (lacto-ovo). Now, in my 30s, I've ditched the drinking and cigs and am all the better for it. About 80% vegetarian.
Interested in reconnecting with the idealism and energy I used to get from hardcore. Which is what brought me here!
09-22-2010, 11:20 AM
Grew up near Whitewater. Went to shows in Whitewater, Madison, and Milwaukee. Helped book shows and worked merch in Janesville and Beloit c. 1990. I remember hanging out on State Street, buying 7"'s at Cat's Meow.
Haven't been straight edge the whole time, alas. In college, and after, I drank a little, with a stint smoking -- but was still vegetarian (lacto-ovo). Now, in my 30s, I've ditched the drinking and cigs and am all the better for it. About 80% vegetarian.
Interested in reconnecting with the idealism and energy I used to get from hardcore. Which is what brought me here!
Welcome aboard then! Make sure you stay around for a little while. Start some topics. There are people who love hearing stories about past hardcore days so you might try starting with that. Just a hint you know xD
09-22-2010, 11:34 PM
yea dude, you gotta get involved and start talking or you won't get involved haha. I almost left right away then sec was like if you want this forum to be active then you need to make it that way, or something loosely related to that. Anyways welcome back to the edge and work on the animal rights thing :-P. either way, start the thread crucial dude alluded too, i never heard of the cats meow so it must be gone now, we do have a pretty cool shop called earwax records though
El Moro
09-27-2010, 05:57 PM
Welcome everyone.
09-30-2010, 08:44 AM
I'm new here. Just want to say hi. I'm from Sweden. My straigt edge-commitment is based on a socialist view of life. I see drugs, alcohol etc. as a poison that has undermine the socialist movement to make change in this world. It happens now and it has happened in history. I look forward to discuss with you guys. My english SUCKS, but i'll try anyway.
09-30-2010, 09:15 AM
I'm new here. Just want to say hi. I'm from Sweden. My straigt edge-commitment is based on a socialist view of life. I see drugs, alcohol etc. as a poison that has undermine the socialist movement to make change in this world. It happens now and it has happened in history. I look forward to discuss with you guys. My english SUCKS, but i'll try anyway.
awesome. I hope you stick around and post a lot!
My straigt edge-commitment is based on a socialist view of life. I see drugs, alcohol etc. as a poison that has undermine the socialist movement to make change in this world.
09-30-2010, 09:53 AM
how does that blow your mind?
09-30-2010, 09:55 AM
I'm new here. Just want to say hi. I'm from Sweden. My straigt edge-commitment is based on a socialist view of life. I see drugs, alcohol etc. as a poison that has undermine the socialist movement to make change in this world. It happens now and it has happened in history. I look forward to discuss with you guys. My english SUCKS, but i'll try anyway.
That is an incredibly interesting way of looking at things. That is awesome.
09-30-2010, 01:53 PM
that's why all the US socialists in the turn of the century where also prohibitionists. Makes sense, i tend to disagree but welcome. I certainly will value the addition of another left winger in the occasional debate that springs up here!
10-07-2010, 10:35 AM
Hey all,
I am glad to have found this place and hopefully that holds true. I am not sure where I lay in the line of subsets of straight edge but Ill tell you a little about my beliefs (feel free to open discussion in some other thread so I don't pollute this one). First off I am straight edge only for the sake of humanity. I think that the practices that many use and abuse are damaging to the future of humanity. I don't think it matters if we spoil a planet or anything else but we have to be aware that there are many systems that we all depend on as humans and complete recklessness (like most live) can consequently damages the systems we depend on. I am a believer in both FAR left and FAR right wing policy as both could work in my opinion if we had good people and that is (to me) the central issue. I have consumed alcohol in the past and see no problem with someone drinking a little once or twice but I choose not to do so to send a statement to my peers and any others. I tend to have more angst toward this behavior being social as it pushes the idea that it is worth of everyone's time. I also remain abstinent until I get married which for me has nothing to do with a founded religion. It has everything to do with finding the person that I would be ready to produce a child with. I believe that moral strength and integrity are part of the missing equation that would lead to the failure of humans as a species. I am also a fond believe in the knowledge scientific research brings but I also believe we jump the gun too much and we don't learn as much as we could from things because it isn't financially sound to people and people don't want it because it won't make them money which also is a morality issue IMO. That being the just of what I think I could expand forever in all likelihood.
10-07-2010, 11:10 AM
Hey all,
I am glad to have found this place and hopefully that holds true. I am not sure where I lay in the line of subsets of straight edge but Ill tell you a little about my beliefs (feel free to open discussion in some other thread so I don't pollute this one). First off I am straight edge only for the sake of humanity. I think that the practices that many use and abuse are damaging to the future of humanity. I don't think it matters if we spoil a planet or anything else but we have to be aware that there are many systems that we all depend on as humans and complete recklessness (like most live) can consequently damages the systems we depend on. I am a believer in both FAR left and FAR right wing policy as both could work in my opinion if we had good people and that is (to me) the central issue. I have consumed alcohol in the past and see no problem with someone drinking a little once or twice but I choose not to do so to send a statement to my peers and any others. I tend to have more angst toward this behavior being social as it pushes the idea that it is worth of everyone's time. I also remain abstinent until I get married which for me has nothing to do with a founded religion. It has everything to do with finding the person that I would be ready to produce a child with. I believe that moral strength and integrity are part of the missing equation that would lead to the failure of humans as a species. I am also a fond believe in the knowledge scientific research brings but I also believe we jump the gun too much and we don't learn as much as we could from things because it isn't financially sound to people and people don't want it because it won't make them money which also is a morality issue IMO. That being the just of what I think I could expand forever in all likelihood.
Substance - something straight edge people always seem to have and I'm personally always happy to meet people like these.
Welcome aboard and save your characters for a debate. If you stick around I'm pretty sure you'll have a chance to elaborate even in more detail on many issues we're discussing here.
Make sure you fire up some topics, don't wait for anyone else to do that. We talk just about anything so feel free to cover the widest range of topics you can come up with.
10-07-2010, 12:47 PM
Thank you for the warm welcome!
10-07-2010, 02:31 PM
welcome! Milwaukee NICE. if you are ever coming to madison let me know. I (think) agree with your statement about the environment, i don't think the non sentient (i do think other animals that can suffer do matter, irrespective of human attitudes to them) environment has inherent value. I also am pretty into philosophy, and i think morality/ethics are really xCOREx (get it!) to what happens to humanity as a whole and to our relationships with each other. though i think those of us who think morality is a big deal gotta make sure to understand disagreement as often not just a morality versus immorality thing haha. Anyways welcome, stick around, and leave loads of threads!
10-07-2010, 03:30 PM
I might be moving to madison to go to school :D
10-07-2010, 08:57 PM
go for it, the university is pretty cool. Plus, then we can start some SXE student org haha
10-18-2010, 09:45 AM
I´m 19 year old and i am from Hamburg/Germany. Furthermore I´m not only straight edge, i am vegetarian, too but i want to become vegan when i live on my own.
My fav bands are at the moment: Have Heart, Stay United, Recon, Amity Affliction, The ghost inside...and more.
I also play Guitar in 2 bands, but one of them is at the momen at the beginning (xROUGH SEA DIVIDESx)
you can check out my other band BURY US ALL at
ps: sry for my english ;)
10-18-2010, 10:18 AM
I´m 19 year old and i am from Hamburg/Germany. Furthermore I´m not only straight edge, i am vegetarian, too but i want to become vegan when i live on my own.
My fav bands are at the moment: Have Heart, Stay United, Recon, Amity Affliction, The ghost inside...and more.
I also play Guitar in 2 bands, but one of them is at the momen at the beginning (xROUGH SEA DIVIDESx)
you can check out my other band BURY US ALL at
ps: sry for my english ;)
woah, big production on the myspace page
welcome, hope you have fun and post a lot
10-18-2010, 10:31 AM
Welcome and have a pleasant stay.
Just in general, I can't wait 'till people stop using myspace.
10-18-2010, 10:59 AM
i think myspace is the best platform for musicians at the moment. for private people it is just crap and not necessary...
10-18-2010, 12:09 PM
Yeah I can find myself in that opinion. But musicians must have had it too with those tons of flash banners, loading times, bots, commercials etc. I just think the user-experience is not good. It had it's best time.
10-18-2010, 12:24 PM
Yeah I can find myself in that opinion. But musicians must have had it too with those tons of flash banners, loading times, bots, commercials etc. I just think the user-experience is not good. It had it's best time.
i think it sucks for everybody right now, and i imagine that its turning into a circuit of people trying to advertise the stuff of their bands in other profiles that the other bands dont care enough to read about.
i dont see anybody actually paying attention to where they advertise or if there's an actual feedback other than "thanks for the add"
even the upside of sharing your music "kinda" easily is distorted because some flash apps in comments have some sort of autoplay function that's utterly annoying.
10-18-2010, 12:24 PM
Welcome dude, and enjoy your stay here! And i definitely support you going vegan!
On the myspace thing, i totally agree that it sucks now. I love it cause it makes music more central, which is really a cool, i loved checking to see what songs my friends had in their profile and stuff haha. But them damn bats and all the funky shit really got old. Now i go on there to listen to bands i don't have cds off and just scrolling through all the auto-posts.... uhhhh
10-18-2010, 02:57 PM
I think is way better for discovering music in a user-friendly environment.
10-18-2010, 03:28 PM
i have to agree that the bots are really anoying and all the flash banners etc. when you´re going to myspace sites like e.g. the ghost inside it really sucks. i don´t know lastfm not that much but here in germany myspace is more popular.
all in all i think it won´t become friendlier for users and we have to live with that ;)
10-18-2010, 04:07 PM
hey everyone, i'm valencia, 16 and sXe
my favorite bands
>Mayday Parade
10-18-2010, 08:06 PM
hey everyone, i'm valencia, 16 and sXe
my favorite bands
>Mayday Parade
awesome, welcome. I hope you stick around and post a lot.
10-18-2010, 09:54 PM
hey everyone, i'm valencia, 16 and sXe
my favorite bands
>Mayday Parade
What are all those acronyms?
OOOHH BMTH is Bring Me the Horizon no?!
10-19-2010, 05:42 AM
hey everyone, i'm valencia, 16 and sXe
my favorite bands
>Mayday Parade
Where are you from?
I like Paramore and BMTH, too!
10-19-2010, 06:18 AM
i have to agree that the bots are really anoying and all the flash banners etc. when you´re going to myspace sites like e.g. the ghost inside it really sucks. i don´t know lastfm not that much but here in germany myspace is more popular.
all in all i think it won´t become friendlier for users and we have to live with that ;)
You know what happens when shit has bad user-experience on the web ? It dies 9/10.
hey everyone, i'm valencia, 16 and sXe
my favorite bands
>Mayday Parade
Welcome ! Where are you from ?
10-21-2010, 03:22 PM
How old are you?
16. (Dont hate, just cause im underage doesn't mean I wouldn't be able to get the shit. SXE for 2 years.)
Where are you from?
List some bands you are into at the moment.
xREPRESENTx, Earth Crisis, Minor Threat, The exploited, Have Heart, and throwdown.
What is the last record you bought?
Shit, I dont remember.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Pile ons. Love them.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Earth Crisis
Minor Threat
Have Heart
10-21-2010, 03:33 PM
How old are you?
16. (Dont hate, just cause im underage doesn't mean I wouldn't be able to get the shit. SXE for 2 years.)
Where are you from?
List some bands you are into at the moment.
xREPRESENTx, Earth Crisis, Minor Threat, The exploited, Have Heart, and throwdown.
What is the last record you bought?
Shit, I dont remember.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Pile ons. Love them.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Earth Crisis
Minor Threat
Have Heart
Where are you from in PA? I'll be in PA from January till May :)
Any good gigs around your place??
10-21-2010, 10:12 PM
Welcome bud, You vegan? with the earth crisis and exploited? and props for actually enjoying earth crisis haha
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