View Full Version : New folks
05-19-2007, 06:26 PM
In an effort for us to get to know you and for you to to have something to talk about if you could please answer the following questions:
How old are you?
Where are you from?
List some bands you are into at the moment.
What is the last record you bought?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
05-20-2007, 06:49 AM
Well here goes:
I'm 31
I live in Derby in the UK, that's right in the middle for those of you who don't know the UK too well.
Bands I'm into include Have Heart, Champion, Carpathian, Ignite, Parkway Drive, Miles Away, Bane and Boy Sets Fire. Check out more here. (
The last record I bought was either Sinking Ships - Disconnecting or The Sick Of It All tribute album, Our Impact Will Be Felt.
Pile ons and sing alongs
Gorilla Biscuits
Have Heart
Good Clean Fun
05-20-2007, 08:09 AM
or The Sick Of It All tribute album, Our Impact Will Be Felt.
was it good?
05-20-2007, 09:05 AM
was it good?It has it's moments. I liked Ignite doing Cease Fire, Unearth doing Its Clobbering Time/What's going On and Bane's We Stand Alone. Other tracks you just think are done just like the originals but not as well. You can check out some of the tracks here. (
05-20-2007, 11:33 AM
Check out more here. (
Hey! i have last fm too, check here (
06-02-2007, 08:23 PM
How old are you? Im and turning 15 June 27th!
Where are you from? Iowa
List some bands you are into at the moment. Haste the Day, Demon Hunter, 3 Days Grace and Skillet
What is the last record you bought? Skillet's comatose
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile on's and Sing alongs
06-03-2007, 08:33 AM
How old are you? *26.
Where are you from? *Toledo (-is better than your city), Ohio.
List some bands you are into at the moment. *Combat 84, Buzzcocks, Transplants, Amy Winehouse, DKM... I'm too diverse for my own good.
What is the last record you bought? *Ha! A Lords of Acid LP. You meant an actual record, right? As for CDs, Johnny Cash something or other.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? *To join in with or beat the snot out of?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? *7 Seconds, True Sounds of Liberty, The Necros (What? I'm from Ohio!), and Black Flag. Maybe DK could open for 'em all?
06-03-2007, 02:52 PM
How old are you? *26.
Where are you from? *Toledo (-is better than your city), Ohio.
List some bands you are into at the moment. *Combat 84, Buzzcocks, Transplants, Amy Winehouse, DKM... I'm too diverse for my own good.
What is the last record you bought? *Ha! A Lords of Acid LP. You meant an actual record, right? As for CDs, Johnny Cash something or other.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? *To join in with or beat the snot out of?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? *7 Seconds, True Sounds of Liberty, The Necros (What? I'm from Ohio!), and Black Flag. Maybe DK could open for 'em all?
straight edge hardcore bands! And how can anyone like amy winehouse?
06-03-2007, 04:30 PM
Call it a guilty pleasure, I guess. I don't know. I like the voice. Same goes for Lily Allen. She's one of those I feel horrible for liking, but I can't help it. She's hot.
06-03-2007, 05:14 PM
Call it a guilty pleasure, I guess. I don't know. I like the voice. Same goes for Lily Allen. She's one of those I feel horrible for liking, but I can't help it. She's hot.
But that winehouse sings like an amputee
06-03-2007, 06:34 PM
Can't hold a note, can't carry a tune? Hahahaha! Yeah, maybe. She's cute, though. That goes a long way.
06-04-2007, 10:25 AM
Can't hold a note, can't carry a tune? Hahahaha! Yeah, maybe. She's cute, though. That goes a long way.
So you are into bands based on cuteness instead of musical quality?
And what about the straightedge hardcore bands instead of black flag and dead kenedys?
06-04-2007, 11:15 AM
But that winehouse sings like an amputee
I actually just laughed out loud when I read this.
06-04-2007, 03:35 PM
So you are into bands based on cuteness instead of musical quality?
Short answer: No. Man-style answer: Yes.
06-04-2007, 03:38 PM
Short answer: No. Man-style answer: Yes.
and which is your answer? its not clear if you are either short or a man!
And the other question?
06-04-2007, 03:48 PM
6'4". And yeah, I kinda like those two because they're cute. Not that it makes up for musical talent or anything, but it helps.
06-04-2007, 03:58 PM
6'4". And yeah, I kinda like those two because they're cute. Not that it makes up for musical talent or anything, but it helps.
So cuteness over musical talent, ok then. Lets just forget the other question.
06-04-2007, 04:06 PM
So cuteness over musical talent, ok then. Lets just forget the other question.
Alright, alright. Let's replace Black Flag and DK with Uniform Choice and Minor Threat. Nah. I wanna be more creative than to choose Minor Threat. How 'bout Ten Yard Fight? Yeah. That's better.
06-04-2007, 08:55 PM
aight... my name is aaron, but everyone calls me purchase.
How old are you? i am 16 years old.
Where are you from? southeastern wisconsin.
List some bands you are into at the moment. well.. i have a very eclectic taste for music. as of right now i've been listening to john butler trio, snapcase, john frusciante, al di meola, and some sublime.
What is the last record you bought? well, i honestly dont have any records. but the last cd i bought was a shadows fall cd i believe i think it was war within.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? hmm.. probly earth crisis, gorrilla biscuits, snapcase, and jerez
06-04-2007, 09:25 PM
aight... my name is aaron, but everyone calls me purchase.
why do people call you like that?
06-04-2007, 09:42 PM
why do people call you like that?
well, my first day of highschool i was wearing a shirt that said "purchase" on it, because thats a college that my mom went to. and no one knew my name so everyone just started calling me purchase and now its pretty much my name.
06-04-2007, 10:13 PM
well, my first day of highschool i was wearing a shirt that said "purchase" on it, because thats a college that my mom went to. and no one knew my name so everyone just started calling me purchase and now its pretty much my name.
Hahaha that reminded me my first day at the music school (don't know the name in english) and i was wearing a Ramones shirt and happened the same, everybody started to call me ramones and i was like.. what? they didnt' even knew what was it about.
06-04-2007, 10:18 PM
Hahaha that reminded me my first day at the music school (don't know the name in english) and i was wearing a Ramones shirt and happened the same, everybody started to call me ramones and i was like.. what? they didnt' even knew what was it about.
haha yeah.. my cousin's name at school is Bayer, which is a kind of asprin because he had a shirt on that said bayer asprin on it
06-06-2007, 09:15 PM
6'4". And yeah, I kinda like those two because they're cute. Not that it makes up for musical talent or anything, but it helps.
not cute, not talented.
06-07-2007, 05:18 AM
Yeah, that was pretty fucking rough. Meh. Her other stuff I still like.
06-07-2007, 06:03 AM
not cute, not talented.
They tried to make me go to rehab...i should have said yes yes yes!
06-16-2007, 01:40 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Grand Rapids, Michigan
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Pig Destroyer, The Locust, Daughters, An Albatross, As The Sun Sets
What is the last record you bought?
Oh, don't have a record player, but I did buy a TOS/Pheonix Bodies Split 7" just because I wanted to support those guys, and the Electrical/Skeletal 7" from Casket Architects, but
I'm sending out two money orders today for "Head of Destiny's Self Titled," and "The Locust E.P."
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
I don't know anything about "sxe hxc" bands, but who the heck can ask for more than Dudefest 07?
06-17-2007, 12:23 AM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Grand Rapids, Michigan
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Pig Destroyer, The Locust, Daughters, An Albatross, As The Sun Sets
What is the last record you bought?
Oh, don't have a record player, but I did buy a TOS/Pheonix Bodies Split 7" just because I wanted to support those guys, and the Electrical/Skeletal 7" from Casket Architects, but
I'm sending out two money orders today for "Head of Destiny's Self Titled," and "The Locust E.P."
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
I don't know anything about "sxe hxc" bands, but who the heck can ask for more than Dudefest 07?
you know, you might want to actually look into straight edge hardcore FIRST before telling people that they're trendy and fake.
06-17-2007, 11:10 AM
you know, you might want to actually look into straight edge hardcore FIRST before telling people that they're trendy and fake.
Huh? Why would you quote that, I never called anyone fake and trendilicous in this post.
06-20-2007, 11:59 AM
vandercook lake, mi
as i lay dying
um, i think it was "prepare the masses" by a change of pace
that's all i got
06-21-2007, 12:32 AM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Atlanta, Georgia
List some bands you are into at the moment.
- Comeback Kid
- Miles Away
- Have Heart
- Casey Jones
-War of Ages
- Champion
What is the last record you bought?
Broadcasting - Comeback Kid
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
I like both, but I like slam dancing.
Spin Kicks and Two-steps
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
- Minor Threat
- Betrayed
- The Geeks
- Miles Away
- Casey Jones
06-25-2007, 06:56 AM
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Country: Germany
Politics: Left Wing (don't know, wether the german left wing is similiar to the american or not)
Music: Rock, Punk, Metal, Hardcore, whatever I like, I also do listen to stuff like Beethoven sometimes.
Bands: Well, a German band called "Böhse Onkelz" is very important to me, but I do like many other bands, don't really want to list them all now.
Freetime activities: archery, music, my pc, having fun with my friends, swimming (actually i'm a life guard)
If you do want to know other stuff, just ask me ;-).
07-08-2007, 04:50 PM
How old are you?16 going to be 17 in a few months
Where are you from?a shit hole in GA
List some bands you are into at the moment. fob cobra TAI paramore GCH ashlyn esme' and a whole lot more
What is the last record you bought?infinity on high-fob
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?idk if there is something behind what they say so i guess pile ons and sing alongs
07-11-2007, 08:29 AM
How old are you?
21 (but always getting mistaken as 18 or so)
Where are you from?
Kiel, Germany
List some bands you are into at the moment
Gorilla Biscuits
Good Clean Fun (which I´m actually hearing at the moment)
Everybody´s Enemy - some small japanese HC-Band
What is the last record you bought?
Crouching Tiger, moshing Panda
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
I would be happy with any four sXe hcx bands that would play in my hometown, we're running short on sXe bands....
07-12-2007, 11:52 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
manitoba, canada
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Rammstein, MCR, The White Stripes, Rise Against, Hole.
What is the last record you bought?
Courtney Love
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
No idea.
07-14-2007, 12:07 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
manitoba, canada
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Rammstein, MCR, The White Stripes, Rise Against, Hole.
What is the last record you bought?
Courtney Love
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
No idea.
So... why are you here¿
07-16-2007, 01:35 PM
A little about me:
Co-operator of Poison Free Apparel
Financial Advisor
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Pittsburgh, PA
List some bands you are into at the moment:
xAFBx, xTyrantx, Emmure, On Broken Wings, Recon, Warriors, Remembering Never
What is the last record you bought?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Pile Ons w/ Spin Kicks
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Earth Crisis, Gorilla Biscuits, Throwdown, xAFBx
07-17-2007, 10:14 PM
A little about me:
Co-operator of Poison Free Apparel
Financial Advisor
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Pittsburgh, PA
List some bands you are into at the moment:
xAFBx, xTyrantx, Emmure, On Broken Wings, Recon, Warriors, Remembering Never
What is the last record you bought?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Pile Ons w/ Spin Kicks
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Earth Crisis, Gorilla Biscuits, Throwdown, xAFBx
Welcome to the boards (_:
How long have you been sxe?
blacX sXull
07-19-2007, 05:50 PM
*** Right at the outset, I think you should know I'm a French-speaker, so my English isn't perfect... I understand everything I read, but I'm wack when it comes to the writing department, so please be indulgent and if I say some nonsense, don't hesitate to tell me, OK? Thanks! :)
Age: I'm 19 (I'm a guy...)
Location: I'm from Mont-Tremblant, Québec, Canada
Some bands I'm into at the moment: AFI, Anorexia Nervosa, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Dragonforce, Emperor, Good Clean Fun, HIM, In Flames, Kalmah, Quo Vadis, Rhapsody of Fire, Rise Against, Son of Sam...
Last record I bought: Songs from the Earth (Son of Sam)
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? I have no idea what you mean lol... I know I said I understood everything in English, but that's an exception!
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would I like to see play a show together:
Hum... dunno, but I know it would be great to see AFI play with a sXe band, since Davey Havok and Jade Puget are both sXe! Anyway, I'd be real surprised to see a sXe band closer than 1000 km from Tremblant lol!
08-01-2007, 03:12 PM
How old are you?
15 .. 16 this month
Where are you from?
Talgarth, Wales
List some bands you are into at the moment.
- Gallows
- Blackhole
- Nine Inch Nails
- Minor Threat
- Carry On
- Champion
What is the last record you bought?
Orcestra Of Wolves - Gallows
Hey people, im not SE, i dont smoke, drink or do drugs, ive been into SE for sometime now and i love it, but where i live you have only like 2 shows every year and when there on all you get are these emo kids just standing around. ive never experienced a hardcore show. i would love to go to hardcore shows and break some bones but up here theres nothing.
08-07-2007, 11:08 PM
How old are you? 16 Since 2 minutes ago
Where are you from? Poughkeepsie NY
List some bands you are into at the moment. Minor Threat and Family Force 5
What is the last record you bought? Lupe Fiasco
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile ons and Sing Alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Minor Threat, Gorilla Biscuits, Anti-Flag and Throwdown
How old are you? 18
Where are you from? Michigan
List some bands you are into at the moment. Not really any in particular
What is the last record you bought? Switchfoot the early years collection..
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? I dont know?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Not sure...
09-05-2007, 06:01 PM
How old are you? 22
Where are you from? Weagamow Lake Ontario
List some bands you are into at the moment. Tokyo Police Club,Radio Head(early stuff),Marylin Manson,Arctic Monkeys,Deftones
What is the last record you bought? well I bought three at once 2 mixtapes mobbdeep and 50 cent and TokyPoliceClub A lessin on crime
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? I'll choose the window seat
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
well not sure if there hardcore but meh
09-08-2007, 05:17 PM
- 18
- Helsinki, Finland
- Have Heart, Shai Hulud, Indecision, Lighthouse Project, Blacklisted, Shipwreck, Rise and Fall, Champion, I'm always into lots of stuff.
- I always buy records in bunch, I usually just go to the local record store and end up spending 20-60 euros. Last ones must have been Ruiner - Prepare to let down and True Colors - Focus on the light with a bunch of CD's.
Definitely pile-ons and sing-alongs.
Indecision, Inside Out, Champion, Refused (going to see Gorilla Biscuits next weekend!)
09-11-2007, 12:49 AM
In an effort for us to get to know you and for you to to have something to talk about if you could please answer the following questions:
How old are you? I'm gonna be 17 this month.
Where are you from? My lovely house. U.S.
List some bands you are into at the moment. A7X, Silverstein. Rage Against The Machine. Wolfmother. Emotional hXc and metal. punk sometimes =)
What is the last record you bought? Arrivals And Departures, Silverstein. And yes it rules.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile ons and sing alongs.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?hxc... um! not sure what qualifies. a7x probably does. Between the buried and me. Through the Eyes of the Dead. and As I Lay Dying. yep. that's about it. woot.
09-11-2007, 08:03 AM
yep. that's about it. woot.
I didn't know As I Lay Dying was straight edge at all?
09-11-2007, 08:30 AM
I didn't know As I Lay Dying was straight edge at all?
They aren't.
09-11-2007, 08:37 AM
They aren't.
Oh ok... I think I kinda misunderstood what Cali was saying.
09-22-2007, 04:42 PM
How old are you? 17, 18 in 8 days! can't wait!
Where are you from? the remote west of Ireland. Is there anyone else here from Ireland? I haven't come across any edge people here...except the one who became edge after I introduced it to her...
List some bands you are into at the moment. This list could go on forever...Avenged Sevenfold, Apocalyptica, AFI, Atreyu, Metallica, My Chemical Romance, HIM, Papa Roach, The Cure, Eighteen Visions, 36 Crazyfists, and many more but there's too many to name them all...
What is the last record you bought? Worlds Collide by Apocalyptica
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? pile ons and sing alongs...? I'm sorta confused....
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? I don't know that many...I'm not a huge hardcore fan...I really like it but I have other genres that I prefer or the bands I'm into only have a few members who are edge...two I can think of are AFI and Eighteen Visions.
10-05-2007, 08:56 AM
I am 29
From NYC but live outside Atlanta now
Last record I bought was funeral for a feeling by kill your idols
Right now ilisteningto have heart, funeral diner, unbroken,frail,fucked up,verses,
I prefer spin kicks and pile ons. I don't 2 step.
Best show would be
Frail,have heart,youth of today,7 seconds.
10-05-2007, 08:59 AM
Frail,have heart,youth of today,7 seconds.
frail? seriously? 3 posi bands, and emo?
10-05-2007, 09:29 AM
frail? seriously? 3 posi bands, and emo?
How is Frail emo? I don't get this. Lately a lot of people call bands like Frail,Reach out,and stuff like that emo? Maybe melodic at times but the were not emo? They aren't mineral or anything. I just don't see it thats all.
10-05-2007, 09:40 AM
How is Frail emo? I don't get this. Lately a lot of people call bands like Frail,Reach out,and stuff like that emo? Maybe melodic at times but the were not emo? They aren't mineral or anything. I just don't see it thats all.
They were definitely emo in context. I've never heard them likened to any bands that I wouldn't also consider emo. and lyrically they were super emo. It's not a slight at all, but I wouldn't call them straight up hardcore at all, they were definitely emo.
10-05-2007, 10:16 AM
They weren't straight up hardcore. Agreed. But I always considered them hardcore. At least in the vein of it. Just the way firecracker starts of is more hardcore then a lot of things to ever come out.
I see what your saying I guess I just came thru at a different time when emo was ashes mineral and falling forward.
10-05-2007, 10:23 AM
They weren't straight up hardcore. Agreed. But I always considered them hardcore. At least in the vein of it. Just the way firecracker starts of is more hardcore then a lot of things to ever come out.
I see what your saying I guess I just came thru at a different time when emo was ashes mineral and falling forward.
I don't know about that either, I'm a year older than you and I was around when those bands were playing, and we always viewed frail the same as ashes, falling forward, elliot, farside, endpoint and mineral. Lyrically they were a super emo band.
10-05-2007, 10:53 AM
lyrics were pretty emo. But Just where I was from they didn't fall in the same genre as ashes copper etc... But in hind site we did consider portraits of past emo and they weren't exactly sdre material. So I can see where you coming from. I just never thought of it that way.
10-10-2007, 04:13 PM
im meg.
sxe my whole life.
believe in it with everything i am.
i like minor threat, and bands from that era, but i dont know many bands from lately.
im open to suggestions.
and i love piercings and tattoos.
10-10-2007, 04:15 PM
im meg.
sxe my whole life.
believe in it with everything i am.
i like minor threat, and bands from that era, but i dont know many bands from lately.
im open to suggestions.
and i love piercings and tattoos.
welcome. check out verse, have heart and the geeks.
10-15-2007, 04:21 PM
How old are you? 24
Where are you from? Fairfield, CT but i live in New York City
List some bands you are into at the moment. Throwdown, First Blood, Gojira, Morbid Angel
What is the last record you bought? I don't buy records
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? wtf?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? I don't know man. Last time i saw Gorilla Biscuits, they were pretty good. I guess Youth of Today in their heyday.
10-21-2007, 05:59 AM
How old are you? 20
Where are you from? wisbech/huddersfield england
List some bands you are into at the moment. converge, afi, mum, point line plane.
What is the last record you bought? mum - go go smear the poison ivy.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? pile ons and sing alongs
11-01-2007, 03:52 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
List some bands you are into at the moment. Between the Buried and Me, Beyond the Sixth Seal, Remembering Never, GCF, SOIA etc,etc...
What is the last record you bought? Possibly Colors by Between the Buried and Me
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Sorry but Sing alongs and two steps
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Minor Threat, Earth Crisis (firestorm era), Throwdown and Gorilla Biscuits.
11-03-2007, 03:54 PM
Im new on this forum, im Straight edge for about 2 years now, i speak french. And im from QC.
Hello to everyone, and hope to meet you!
11-07-2007, 08:03 AM
i'm 16
I live in Marana, AZ
My name is Kenneth and yea.. not much to say really
i'm 16
I live in Marana, AZ
My name is Kenneth and yea.. not much to say really
hey there! welcome. what bands got you into hardcore/sxe?
11-17-2007, 03:02 PM
Hi there everyone.New to the site.Just saying hello and introducing myself.feel free to say hi.
How old are you?
I'm 26
Where are you from?
I'm from Galway in the west of Ireland
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Machine head, Walls of Jericho, XbishopX, Hatebreed, Only fumes and corpses, Carry no banners, Agnostic Front, Sworn enemy,slayer.
What is the last record you bought?
Walls of Jericho- the gagged feed the bound
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Can i say all of the above?i like to get involved.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Minor threat, youth of today, comeback kid, throwdown.
11-26-2007, 12:16 PM
Hey everyone my name Is Randy anyways Ive been sxe for a couple of months now Iv'e been listening to hxc for couple years now and I'm basiclly here to meet fellow edgers and learn more about the hxc scene.
*How old are you?
*Where are you from?
*List some bands you are into at the moment.
Comeback Kid,Blacklisted,Life Long Tragedy,Have Heart,Evergreen Terrace,etc...
*What is the last record you bought?
Black Listed:The Beat Goes On
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Idk like I said I'm still learning but atleast I know what sing alongs are hahaha
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Hmmm I guess Have Heart,Champion,XBishopX not 4 bands but close enough=).
11-27-2007, 07:38 AM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Bangor, ME
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Set Your Goals
Four Year Strong
With Honor
What is the last record you bought?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Pile ons & sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Champion, Have Heart, Carry On, xlooking forwardx
11-29-2007, 12:22 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Vancouver, Canada
List some bands you are into at the moment.
tiger army
the bled
What is the last record you bought?
avenged sevenfold- self-titled
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
cancer bats
risky business
bleeding through
earth crisis
11-29-2007, 12:36 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Vancouver, Canada
List some bands you are into at the moment.
tiger army
the bled
What is the last record you bought?
avenged sevenfold- self-titled
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
cancer bats
risky business
bleeding through
earth crisis
Woohoo, Canadians are taking over!
11-29-2007, 12:59 PM
Canada, baby!!!
11-30-2007, 02:50 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Seattle, Wa
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Walls Of Jericho, Terror, As Blood Runs Black, Emmure, Light This City
What is the last record you bought?
Botch- We are the Romans
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
spin kicks and two-step
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Minor Threat, Strife, Refused, Comback Kid
12-06-2007, 09:17 PM
How old are you? 26
Where are you from? BURLINGTON, ONTARIO
What is the last record you bought? AMBITIONS - STRANGER
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? PILE ONS AND SING ALONGS MOST DEFINITELY
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
12-06-2007, 09:57 PM
How old are you? 26
Where are you from? BURLINGTON, ONTARIO
What is the last record you bought? AMBITIONS - STRANGER
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? PILE ONS AND SING ALONGS MOST DEFINITELY
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Ontario Represent! (I am from pickering, going to school in Kingston right now)
12-07-2007, 02:48 AM
Ontario Represent! (I am from pickering, going to school in Kingston right now)
I think all of these Canadian people registering are just you making new accounts so you can preted to have this crew you speak of.
Your new Canadian buddy likes good bands though.
12-07-2007, 11:04 AM
I think all of these Canadian people registering are just you making new accounts so you can preted to have this crew you speak of.
Your new Canadian buddy likes good bands though.
that's pretty cool, i go to nipissing u and the scene here is shit. glad to see some canadians on here, and ontario residents to be more specific.
12-09-2007, 09:23 AM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
London, uk
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Sunn O))), have heart, through the eyes of the dead, mew, saetia...
What is the last record you bought?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Minor Threat, have heart, ten yard fight, Comback Kid
12-10-2007, 04:01 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
miami fl
List some bands you are into at the moment.
trust,blood for blood,get lost,bold
What is the last record you bought?
i bought a no fucking way demo a few days ago
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
all of the above?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
gorilla biscuits
youth of today
ten yard fight
Irish SxE
12-17-2007, 06:21 AM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Limerick in Ireland
List some bands you are into at the moment.
xDeathstarx, Norma Jean, Agnostic Front, Soundgarden
What is the last record you bought?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
xLooking Fowardx, Minor Threat, xDeathstarx, Gorilla Biscuits
01-04-2008, 02:19 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
wethersfield, ct (usa)
List some bands you are into at the moment.
chorus of disapproval, fight everyone, bane, 108, unbroken
What is the last record you bought?
the new 108 record -- it's frickin' awesome!
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
earth crisis
01-08-2008, 04:08 PM
Okay here goes...
First off, I don't feel comfortable telling my age, because I fear I won't be taken seriously. If you talk to me enough you will realize that even though I am young I am mature and willing to commit.
I am from Boise, Idaho
Music: Alexisonfire, Blaqk Audio, AFI, My Chemical Romance, Chiodos
I am new to this whole scene and am not sure whether I am going to become straight edge, joining this site is a step in deciding my future. I would love to be straight edge, but I don't want to commit to something I know I am going to leave one day. I'm not saying that I can't commit to this though, I can, I just don't know if I'm going to yet.
Okay here goes...
First off, I don't feel comfortable telling my age, because I fear I won't be taken seriously. If you talk to me enough you will realize that even though I am young I am mature and willing to commit.
I am from Boise, Idaho
Music: Alexisonfire, Blaqk Audio, AFI, My Chemical Romance, Chiodos
I am new to this whole scene and am not sure whether I am going to become straight edge, joining this site is a step in deciding my future. I would love to be straight edge, but I don't want to commit to something I know I am going to leave one day. I'm not saying that I can't commit to this though, I can, I just don't know if I'm going to yet.
you don't have to become edge, it doesn't point anywhere if you do it just for the heck of it. If you find the values of it comforting, and feel that it's a lifestyle you wish to follow, you'll be able to judge for yourself to embrace it. A lot of people claim to be sxe just for the label of it, which is bullshit, it's so much more than that.
i'll recommend you to listen to sxe bands, classic bands that made/helped the sxe movement. you can find a lot of those in the hardcore section of this board.
welcome, hope you'll enjoy your stay.
01-13-2008, 10:05 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
302, Delaware
List some bands you are into at the moment.
xREPRESENTx, Champion, With Honor, and Carry On
What is the last record you bought?
The new xTYRANTx record.....boss!
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
always in the pit
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
The First Step
Guns Up!
01-18-2008, 10:35 AM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
erie 814, pa.
List some bands you are into at the moment.
the beatles, kinks, velvet underground, bob dylan, and so many others.
What is the last record you bought?
the beatles "white album"
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
i don't two step, but definitely spin kicks and hardcore dancing in general.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
minor threat, black my heart, xafbx, with xrepresentx opening. :]
i just want to say i am glad i found this forum. i really agree with the fact that you should be part of hardcore and support it in order to call yourself straight edge, since without hardcore, that term wouldn't exist. my city actually has a really great straight edge "scene". anyone know anything about some dead city straight edge? erie pa.
Straightedge revenge
01-19-2008, 05:14 PM
I am 34
I live in Lancashire (UK)
Bold,YOT,Slayer,boy sets fire,BLAST.
Dio.. WE ROCK 12"
Plie ons
Warzone,YOT,Cause for alarm,Minor threat.
01-20-2008, 08:06 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
A little unknown city in the Province of Quebec (Canada) called St-Etienne (yes, I speak french, and my english sux lol)
List some bands you are into at the moment.
I'm a big fan of the old Exploited. Recently I listen a lot of Guerilla Poubelle, a band from France. I also listen alot of Minor Threat. I'll stop there now, but the list is very long!
What is the last record you bought?
Punk's not dead by The Exploited
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
I don't really listen bands by their lifestyles, but there will be Minor Threath for sure; There is also a sxe Hardcore band from Quebec named Radical Attack taht is really good; Earth Crisis is not a bad group too; After this, I have no idea on wich band is Straight Edge...
I'm glad about found this message board, 'cause I don't really know alot of Straight Edge people but it's always fun to talk about that and things like that! By the way, for those of you who want to know, I'm Straight Edge since like 120 days, or I should say, I'm sober since I'm 16.
01-22-2008, 09:33 AM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Erie, PA
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Search Bloc, Beatles, Ramones, Bob Dylan, Crowd Deterrent
What is the last record you bought?
Sleep Serapis Sleep
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
crowd killing
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Youth of Today, Ten Yard Fight, xAFBx, Bane, xRepresentx
01-26-2008, 12:41 PM
Heyy, My names Ada, and here are a few things about me:
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Lancashire, North of England!!
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Green Day, Queen, Paradice Lost, Cradle of Filth, Guns 'n Roses, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Minor threat, Iron Maiden, Metallica,Motorhead, Beach Boys, Beatles,
What is the last record you bought?
Probably a Green Day one
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Pile ons and sing alongs...woo!!
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
To be honest, I've no idea.
01-27-2008, 02:22 AM
I just want to say welcome to the whole new group of people coming here. It's nice to see a bunch of new faces joing the forums lately.
01-27-2008, 03:55 PM
idd, they keep on coming, ahola to all of them
01-31-2008, 04:57 AM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
List some bands you are into at the moment.
-It Dies Today [only forever scorned, though], Emmure
What is the last record you bought?
-Judas Goats And Diesel Eaters by Ed Gein
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
-Spin kicks!
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
-Black My Heart, xDEATHSTARx, The Miles Between, and The Acacia Strain
[I know The Acacia Strain isn't technically straightedge, but their vocalist was featured in the seventh dagger hand-out, wearing one of their shirts, so that's good enough for me]
How old are you?
Where are you from?
List some bands you are into at the moment.
-It Dies Today [only forever scorned, though], Emmure
What is the last record you bought?
-Judas Goats And Diesel Eaters by Ed Gein
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
-Spin kicks!
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
-Black My Heart, xDEATHSTARx, The Miles Between, and The Acacia Strain
[I know The Acacia Strain isn't technically straightedge, but their vocalist was featured in the seventh dagger hand-out, wearing one of their shirts, so that's good enough for me]
01-31-2008, 06:25 AM
thanks a lot!
01-31-2008, 07:37 AM
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
-Black My Heart, xDEATHSTARx, The Miles Between, and The Acacia Strain
[I know The Acacia Strain isn't technically straightedge, but their vocalist was featured in the seventh dagger hand-out, wearing one of their shirts, so that's good enough for me]
and his other band, cockpunch! is straight edge. i saw them live and met the singer. he is definitely edge. :] welcome. i am fucking listening to black my heart right at this moment. so heavy.
01-31-2008, 12:09 PM
In an effort for us to get to know you and for you to to have something to talk about if you could please answer the following questions:
How old are you?
Where are you from?
List some bands you are into at the moment.
What is the last record you bought?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
I should have done this when I first joined, but heres my piece:
Im 22.
Originally from southern cali but living in mass right now.
Blacklisted, Since the Flood, Agnostic Front, Earth Crisis, Comeback Kid, With Honor.
The last record I bought was a an old comeback kid record, Turn it around.
I do both at shows, but I really enjoy bringin the mosh, so I would say two-step and spin-kick. but not tough-guy hit everyone thats not moshing stuff.
Four bands? gotta say snapcase, strife (one of my faves), youth of today, and then With Honor again because they were awesome for their reunion shows.
02-01-2008, 01:07 AM
and his other band, cockpunch! is straight edge. i saw them live and met the singer. he is definitely edge. :] welcome. i am fucking listening to black my heart right at this moment. so heavy.
is cockpunch! a serious band?
i thought it was just a side project for fun..
02-01-2008, 07:36 AM
so I will start with the basics i guess.
I'm 17 Years Old.
I Live In Adelaide, Australia.
At The Moment Im Into killswitch Engage, Bleeding Through & I Hate You.. Just To Name A Few..
Hmm The Last Record I Brought Was A Little Adelaide Band Called The Hot Lies At There Gig. Their Not Bad.. Cant Say Their The Best But There Ok..
Pile On's & Sing Alongs.
& 4 sXe Bands I'd Like To See Live Are.. Kids Like Us, Monster X, One X More & Minor Threat.
so I will start with the basics i guess.
I'm 17 Years Old.
I Live In Adelaide, Australia.
At The Moment Im Into killswitch Engage, Bleeding Through & I Hate You.. Just To Name A Few..
Hmm The Last Record I Brought Was A Little Adelaide Band Called The Hot Lies At There Gig. Their Not Bad.. Cant Say Their The Best But There Ok..
Pile On's & Sing Alongs.
& 4 sXe Bands I'd Like To See Live Are.. Kids Like Us, Monster X, One X More & Minor Threat.
welcome! monster x! GRRRRHHHHHHHHHHH!
02-01-2008, 09:29 AM
welcome! monster x! GRRRRHHHHHHHHHHH!
they were really bad live.
02-03-2008, 03:54 PM
hi everyone :]
How old are you?
I'm 18 years old
Where are you from?
Moscow, Russian Federation :]
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Have Heart, Death Before Dishonor, PsyOpus, Nile, Six Ft. Ditch, Maroon
What is the last record you bought?
Rise As One - Стой До Конца EP (Moscow hc band :] )
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
2step \m/ :]
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Champion, Minor Threat, Have Heart, xAd Armax (or maybe xcool your jetsx hmmm..... :] )
02-03-2008, 08:53 PM
hey. i know its a litle late
im 13
im from huntington CA
im into the who, minor threat, 7 seconds, bad brains, and other obviuse stuff
i dont realy now what those are, im kinda just guesing but spin kicks and two steps
minor threat, ssd, 7 seconds, uniform choice
they were really bad live.
yeah, probably. i have a live set somewhere, and it's not good.
02-05-2008, 07:59 AM
is cockpunch! a serious band?
i thought it was just a side project for fun..
i mean, they seem quite serious. they have tons of merch, a cd, and they were really good live. i think, if i remember correctly, their myspace even says something like "yes, this is a serious band" or something. i kinda thought it was a joke band at first. it might be just a side project for fun, but he (the lead singer) still takes it pretty serious.
but then again, i really don't know.
02-07-2008, 04:23 PM
How old are you? 22
Where are you from? Weagamow Lake Ontario
List some bands you are into at the moment. Tokyo Police Club,Radio Head(early stuff),Marylin Manson,Arctic Monkeys,Deftones
What is the last record you bought? well I bought three at once 2 mixtapes mobbdeep and 50 cent and TokyPoliceClub A lessin on crime
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? I'll choose the window seat
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
well not sure if there hardcore but meh
are deftones straightedge?
02-07-2008, 04:24 PM
i mean, they seem quite serious. they have tons of merch, a cd, and they were really good live. i think, if i remember correctly, their myspace even says something like "yes, this is a serious band" or something. i kinda thought it was a joke band at first. it might be just a side project for fun, but he (the lead singer) still takes it pretty serious.
but then again, i really don't know.
I wasn't aware they had merch and played a lot of shows.
Well, you learn something new every day, I guess.
02-10-2008, 07:11 PM
are deftones straightedge?
Um not quite, far from it. Chino was big into heroine for awhile from my understanding. But they are forsure not straight edge. None of their members are nor is their music by any means.
And also for the record nor are the Deftones a hardcore band.
But then again Hatebreed was on that list too and they aren't sXe either.
02-11-2008, 09:23 AM
Hi. Just joined and rather than clog up the board of a new thread of me talking waffle, here's a single post. Of me talking waffle : P
How old are you? 26
Where are you from? Glasgow, Scotland.
List some bands you are into at the moment. Sick of it all, Rise Against, Lisa Gerrard (OK she's not a band but she has a stunning voice)
What is the last record you bought? MxPx - Teenage Politics
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile ons/Singalongs
Oh aye, name is Craig. Anything else? :)
02-11-2008, 10:13 AM
Hi. Just joined and rather than clog up the board of a new thread of me talking waffle, here's a single post. Of me talking waffle : P
How old are you? 26
Where are you from? Glasgow, Scotland.
List some bands you are into at the moment. Sick of it all, Rise Against, Lisa Gerrard (OK she's not a band but she has a stunning voice)
What is the last record you bought? MxPx - Teenage Politics
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile ons/Singalongs
Oh aye, name is Craig. Anything else? :)
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
02-11-2008, 10:20 AM
Hi. Just joined and rather than clog up the board of a new thread of me talking waffle, here's a single post. Of me talking waffle : P
How old are you? 26
Where are you from? Glasgow, Scotland.
List some bands you are into at the moment. Sick of it all, Rise Against, Lisa Gerrard (OK she's not a band but she has a stunning voice)
What is the last record you bought? MxPx - Teenage Politics
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile ons/Singalongs
Oh aye, name is Craig. Anything else? :)
we're being overrun by scots.
02-11-2008, 11:14 AM
: P
Rodrigo: Mnor Threat, 7 Seconds, Have Heart, Monster X etc etc
02-11-2008, 11:41 AM
nice choice, specially the second band
02-11-2008, 05:45 PM
we're being overrun by scots.
You better watch out Dusty, there is 2 of us now!
Welcome to the boards Craig.
02-12-2008, 11:59 AM
Thanks : )
02-19-2008, 08:46 AM
How old are you? 22
Where are you from? Cincinnati,OH but now Jacksonville,NC because of the military
List some bands you are into at the moment. Judge YOT Agnostic Front Slapshot Black Flag Gorilla Biscuits Warzone Shutdown Floorpunch
What is the last record you bought? Cant remember
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? ....pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Judge YOT GB Bold
02-19-2008, 02:46 PM
How old are you? 22
Where are you from? Cincinnati,OH but now Jacksonville,NC because of the military
List some bands you are into at the moment. Judge YOT Agnostic Front Slapshot Black Flag Gorilla Biscuits Warzone Shutdown Floorpunch
What is the last record you bought? Cant remember
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? ....pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Judge YOT GB Bold
W00T Floorpunch.
02-22-2008, 11:42 PM
How old are you? 23
Where are you from? Boston, MA
List some bands you are into at the moment. Verse, Have Heart, I Rise, The Effort
What is the last record you bought? Down to Nothing's The Most
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile Ons and Sing-Alongs def... I don't have enough rhythm to two-step.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Verse, Champion, Have Heart, Minor Threat
02-23-2008, 07:51 AM
How old are you?
I am 27 years of age.
Where are you from?
Originally Vermont, currently in Florida.
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Norma Jean, Rise Against and Bane
What is the last record you bought?
Bane - The Note (my 3rd copy)
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Pile-ons and Sing-alongs. I used to rip shit in the pit, now I'm sick of getting ninja kicked in the nads.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?Earth Crisis, Remembering Never, Seventh Star and Embrace Today
03-15-2008, 05:55 PM
Hi my name's James,
I'm 20 years old from Glasgow, Scotland
I've not been straight-edge as long as probably all of you, been sXe for just over three months, been a vegeterian, non smoker and never took drugs in my life though , I just liked to have a drink every now and again but one day I just gave it up because it got boring and pointless. I know some of you will probably be thinking I have no right calling myself straight-edge when I haven't actually been it for that long.
Bands i currently listen to are Joy Division, Rancid, Minor Threat, Fugazi
sXe bands i'd like to see : Minor Threat, Fugazi, Judge
03-15-2008, 06:30 PM
Hi my name's James,
I'm 20 years old from Glasgow, Scotland
I've not been straight-edge as long as probably all of you, been sXe for just over three months, been a vegeterian, non smoker and never took drugs in my life though , I just liked to have a drink every now and again but one day I just gave it up because it got boring and pointless. I know some of you will probably be thinking I have no right calling myself straight-edge when I haven't actually been it for that long.
Bands i currently listen to are Joy Division, Rancid, Minor Threat, Fugazi
sXe bands i'd like to see : Minor Threat, Fugazi, Judge
Hi James, welcome to the forums. Nice to see some more Scottish people on here, I come from Fife.
Oh and also, "It's not about who's been here for how long".
03-15-2008, 06:36 PM
Thank you D1988 nice to see a fellow Scot here :D
03-16-2008, 08:38 PM
hey man!
im prety new myself
03-17-2008, 10:04 PM
How old are you? 15
Where are you from? NYC
List some bands you are into at the moment. anti-flag, stars, the teen idles
What is the last record you bought? new wave- against me! (finally)
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? ive never actually been to a show (just got into the scene and seeing as how i go to boarding school...yea), but pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? anti-flag (dont kill me..i like them), against me!, rise against, the teen idles
03-18-2008, 04:32 AM
How old are you? 15
Where are you from? Adelaide, Australia
List some bands you are into at the moment. I'n really into Ultimatum at the moment, even though I'm not vegan myself. I like Anti-Flag as well.
What is the last record you bought? Hmm.... I haven't bought any in a while, I've been strapped for cash. Nah, can't remember right now.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? Pile ons and sing alongs.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Minor Threat, Anti-Flag, Rise Against and Good Clean Fun
03-25-2008, 01:15 PM
I'm 23 and from Sheffield in the UK.
I'm into glam rock 1980s style, although I don't discriminate and like most music country included lol. The last record I bought was a Kiss record (the band)
I probably would chose pile ons and sing alongs.
Anyway thats me
Johnny Kneecaps
03-25-2008, 08:55 PM
I'm 24.
I'm originally from Hagerstown, Maryland, but currently live in Baltimore.
Lately I've been listening to a lot of When Tigers Fight, Good Clean Fun, Strike Anywhere, Terror, This is Hell, xlookingforwardx, Casey Jones, and a few other things.
Last record I bought was Represent - Truth at all Costs off of iTunes.
Fucking Pile-ons and sing alongs.
I'd like to see Good Clean Fun, Champion, Represent, and Casey Jones.
I'm 24.
I'm originally from Hagerstown, Maryland, but currently live in Baltimore.
Lately I've been listening to a lot of When Tigers Fight, Good Clean Fun, Strike Anywhere, Terror, This is Hell, xlookingforwardx, Casey Jones, and a few other things.
Last record I bought was Represent - Truth at all Costs off of iTunes.
Fucking Pile-ons and sing alongs.
I'd like to see Good Clean Fun, Terror, Represent, and Casey Jones.
welcome. you're exactly one month older than me.
04-02-2008, 02:04 PM
Just wanted to say hi. New to this forum. My name's Liz.
How old are you? 20 years young...21 tomorrow.
Where are you from? Chicago, Illinois
List some bands you are into at the moment. xAFBx, Champion, xBishopx, Hoods, On Broken Wings, Black My Heart, The Acacia Strain, Emmure, Bane, Casey Jones, Recon, Ed Gein...just to name a few.
What is the last record you bought? Decimate the Weak -Winds of Plague
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? piles ons, sing alongs and sometimes two-step
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Champion, 7 Seconds, Uniform Choice, Chokehold
04-02-2008, 02:09 PM
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? Champion, 7 Seconds, Uniform Choice, Chokehold
that is probably the best answer to that question to date.
04-02-2008, 03:41 PM
that is probably the best answer to that question to date.
i wish that could happen.
life would be complete.
04-05-2008, 03:44 PM
Hey, my name's Nicole and I'm 17
I'm from a really, really small town in Alberta.
I'm basically just here to learn more about the whole straight edge way of life
I don't listen to any straight edge music, mostly because I have no idea where to buy it. I can't download music on my computer. I have dial if anyone could recommend some good bands I'd like that.
I'm guessing you have to download the music though?
04-05-2008, 03:59 PM
Hey, my name's Nicole and I'm 17
I'm from a really, really small town in Alberta.
I'm basically just here to learn more about the whole straight edge way of life
I don't listen to any straight edge music, mostly because I have no idea where to buy it. I can't download music on my computer. I have dial if anyone could recommend some good bands I'd like that.
I'm guessing you have to download the music though?
Downloading isn't necessary, there are plenty of online labels/distros from which you can purchase straightedge hardcore.
Theres a few to get you started.
As for what to buy theres a good thread here ( with a load of suggestions.
04-10-2008, 02:55 PM
Hey!! Im Kayle,
How old are you? 19, almost 20!! eek
Where are you from? Sydney, Australia
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Shit, im hopeless with names.
Sick of it all, AFI, New Found Glory...
hmm i cant remember lol...
i pretty much download something i feel like checking out, add it too my ipod,
im just shocking with names.
What is the last record you bought?
No idea, i havent been working as travelling, havent been buying cds
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
any four atm. would love to see minor threat though. this is Australia, we take what we can get.
04-12-2008, 02:17 PM
I dont know that I ever filled this out....
Name: Andrew Doyle
Some bands im into right now:
Umm, theres quite a few, so ill just give my playlist for today...
Champion-Promises Kept
Modern Life is War-Witness
The Hope Conspiracy-Death Knows Your Name
Turning Point-discog
Mental-Get an oxygen tank EP
The First Step-What We Know
Last record I purchased:
Vinyl: Jacob Bannon solo 7" Blood of your Enemies single.
CD: Blacklisted "Heavier Than Heaven, Lonlier Than God."
Four Straight Edge Bands I'd like to see together:
Champion, Carry On, 7 Seconds, Gorilla Biscuits.
Oh....and I live for the Pile-On.
04-15-2008, 07:10 PM
New Albany, IN.
Elysia, XAFBX, XBishopX, Suicide Silence.
Rainboots (Local Band)
Pile ons, and Sing alongs, Elysia has some of the best.
XBishopX, Throwdown, XAFBX, Minor Threat.
04-16-2008, 11:12 PM
How old are you? 17
Where are you from? The Bay. California
List some bands you are into at the moment.
Killing the Dream
Set it Straight
Casey Jones
On A Warpath
What is the last record you bought?
Probably First Blood: Killafornia, its been awhile.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
pile ons and sing alongs for sure!
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
this is really hard...but probably:
Set it Straight
Casey Jones
On A Warpath
04-30-2008, 11:52 AM
Im 15
Im from Hull,England
The Mongoloids
Down To Nothing
Brace War
Break A Sweat
On Thin Ice
Champion-Promisis Kept
Sing alongs,two-step and stomps
Minor Threat
Youth Of Today
Carry On
04-30-2008, 03:00 PM
Im 15
Im from Hull,England
The Mongoloids
Down To Nothing
Brace War
Break A Sweat
On Thin Ice
Champion-Promisis Kept
Sing alongs,two-step and stomps
Minor Threat
Youth Of Today
Carry On
04-30-2008, 03:10 PM
maybe its like that thing symarip said in that song... "i want all you skinheads to get up on your feet... blablabla... and give me some of that ooooold moonstomping" but in hardcore
04-30-2008, 03:14 PM
pretty much just walkin but stomping your feet sometimes swing your arms
04-30-2008, 03:16 PM
pretty much just walkin but stomping your feet sometimes swing your arms
hmmm, hardcore dancing seems to be getting a lot less imaginative!
04-30-2008, 03:40 PM
hmmm, hardcore dancing seems to be getting a lot less imaginative!
yeah it is
04-30-2008, 04:18 PM
yeah it is
can you stomp in the mirror though?
04-30-2008, 04:32 PM
can you stomp in the mirror though?
not really cos your moving usually
i gotta split now bye anyone and everyone
04-30-2008, 05:24 PM
Stomping has always been around.
04-30-2008, 06:16 PM
Stomping has always been around.
you probably have 30 different pairs of docs just for stomping, don't you shoe boy?
04-30-2008, 06:33 PM
you probably have 30 different pairs of docs just for stomping, don't you shoe boy?
Those sir, fall under the category of "boots". Get the fuck outa here!!!
05-01-2008, 07:51 AM
Those sir, fall under the category of "boots". Get the fuck outa here!!!
yeah, I guess those would qualify as too manly for you.
05-01-2008, 08:27 AM
Stomping has always been around.
really, i guess i missed it then.
05-03-2008, 10:08 PM
so i'm new here...and i'm new to being straight edge, too...only bout a week. anyways...
I'm 15
I'm from West Palm Beach, Florida
Boys Like Girls
Between the Trees
ummm...i'm not quite sure what was the last album i bought. i wanna say Cities by anberlin. not sure though.
pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
^so yeah...i'd answer that question but i'm new to this, so i don't know a whole lot of bands. but i like Rise Against, Strife, and Minor Threat.
05-06-2008, 09:02 PM
Name's Carly.
Milwaukee, WI.
David Bowie.
Fall Out Boy.
Michael Jackson.
I'm not so much hardcore as I am just beginning to "dabble" in the sXe lifestyle.
I'm pretty liberal and some people know me as a hippie.
I rip on people all the time for drugs/smoking...and then I realized that HEY....I DRINK. It's the same fucking thing.
Ergo--I would never start smoking or drugs, so why drink?
05-06-2008, 10:23 PM
good for you!
05-09-2008, 03:42 AM
Ok , Here it goes :
Im 14 ( turning 15 in october ) .
Riga , Latvia ( That's in eastern europe sorth from Poland , south from Finland )
well... ok : xlooking forwardx , What We Feel , Earth Crisis ( btw it's my favorite band... and OFFTOPIC i've read a wikipedia article , are they really starting to play again ? ) , Evergreen Terrace , Comeback Kid , Undusted ( that's a local band ) , Snobrand ( anther local band ) , Korea and Maxium The hormone .
Earth Crisis - All Out War cd witch i got of ebay
spin kicks & two-step
That would be a tough choise... but definetly one of them would be Earth Crisis
05-09-2008, 03:45 AM
Ok , Here it goes :
Im 14 ( turning 15 in october ) .
Riga , Latvia ( That's in eastern europe sorth from Poland , south from Finland )
well... ok : xlooking forwardx , What We Feel , Earth Crisis ( btw it's my favorite band... and OFFTOPIC i've read a wikipedia article , are they really starting to play again ? ) , Evergreen Terrace , Comeback Kid , Undusted ( that's a local band ) , Snobrand ( anther local band ) , Korea and Maxium The hormone .
Earth Crisis - All Out War cd witch i got of ebay
spin kicks & two-step
That would be a tough choise... but definetly one of them would be Earth Crisis
Welcome to the boards.
And yeah, Earth Crisis have been doing a reunion tour thing recently.
05-09-2008, 12:41 PM
Welcome to the boards.
And yeah, Earth Crisis have been doing a reunion tour thing recently.
and sadly they are comming down here next year on january.
crappy way to start next year
05-09-2008, 04:28 PM
I am wondering if anyone can find someone who makes wearing a bandana look worse than this?
05-12-2008, 09:09 PM
Ok here it goes,
I'm 27
Originally from Salt Lake, but stuck in a shit hole city in Wisconsin right now
Cool Your Jets
Comeback Kid
Last record bought was xAFBx
I'd have to say pile ons and sing alongs
Guess I'll go for:
Path of Resistance
Youth of Today
06-07-2008, 01:19 PM
I'm 21
I'm from the nati in OHIO
I've been edge all my life, but I guess I didnt "claim it" until 1999
I feel like an old woman, far too old to go to shows... which i stopped doing when I was like 15. I listen to everything. I would not title myself hardcore by any means haha.
My top bands currently are:
Saves the Day
Comeback Kid
A Day To Remember
Brand New
Lil Wayne
Rise Against
really i listen to about anything
last cd i bought was Justin Nozuka
that about sums me up i guess
06-07-2008, 05:44 PM
I'm 21
I'm from the nati in OHIO
I've been edge all my life, but I guess I didnt "claim it" until 1999
I feel like an old woman, far too old to go to shows... which i stopped doing when I was like 15. I listen to everything. I would not title myself hardcore by any means haha.
My top bands currently are:
Saves the Day
Comeback Kid
A Day To Remember
Brand New
Lil Wayne
Rise Against
really i listen to about anything
last cd i bought was Justin Nozuka
that about sums me up i guess
Jees, the people on this board thought I was bad for thinking being 20 was old.
Welcome to the boards.
06-07-2008, 08:04 PM
I'm 21
I'm from the nati in OHIO
I've been edge all my life, but I guess I didnt "claim it" until 1999
I feel like an old woman, far too old to go to shows... which i stopped doing when I was like 15. I listen to everything. I would not title myself hardcore by any means haha.
My top bands currently are:
Saves the Day
Comeback Kid
A Day To Remember
Brand New
Lil Wayne
Rise Against
really i listen to about anything
last cd i bought was Justin Nozuka
that about sums me up i guess
Justin Nozuka from Toronto Ontario...Yeeeaaaah represent!
06-07-2008, 08:06 PM
I'm 21
I'm from the nati in OHIO
I've been edge all my life, but I guess I didnt "claim it" until 1999
I feel like an old woman, far too old to go to shows... which i stopped doing when I was like 15. I listen to everything. I would not title myself hardcore by any means haha.
My top bands currently are:
Saves the Day
Comeback Kid
A Day To Remember
Brand New
Lil Wayne
Rise Against
really i listen to about anything
last cd i bought was Justin Nozuka
that about sums me up i guess
21 is still massively young. come talk to me about feeling old at shows when you hit 30.
what made you claim edge at such a young age? what was your exposure to it?
06-16-2008, 09:38 AM
I'm 31
I'm from Austin, Texas
The bands I'm listening to most right now are:
Last record I bought was:
POISON "Mystery Temptation" 7" EP (Not the rock band but the punk band from Japan)
I'm 31
I'm from Austin, Texas
The bands I'm listening to most right now are:
Last record I bought was:
POISON "Mystery Temptation" 7" EP (Not the rock band but the punk band from Japan)
hey! welcome. Our drummer loves Krigshot, weird that you mention them, I thought they are obscure as hell.
06-17-2008, 01:12 PM
hey! welcome. Our drummer loves Krigshot, weird that you mention them, I thought they are obscure as hell.
I dig KRIEGSHOT as well. They are great Swedish hardcore but KRIEGSHOG is a noisey style band from Japan.
I dig KRIEGSHOT as well. They are great Swedish hardcore but KRIEGSHOG is a noisey style band from Japan.
oh, i didn't know about the japanese! I thought you made a typo. i'll look into that then, thanks.
06-18-2008, 04:42 PM
oh, i didn't know about the japanese! I thought you made a typo. i'll look into that then, thanks.
Yeah, no worries. A lot of people actually think that. KRIEGSHOG are fairly new (a couple of years maybe) but are more along the lines of GLOOM, DEFECTOR, etc. style. Great in my opinion though. I believe they only have a few releases.
Hardcore Hell EP
split ep w/DOG SOLDIER
5 Track demo cassette
Bonus cassette with ICONOCLAST and THE SEXUAL covers on it.
Yeah, no worries. A lot of people actually think that. KRIEGSHOG are fairly new (a couple of years maybe) but are more along the lines of GLOOM, DEFECTOR, etc. style. Great in my opinion though. I believe they only have a few releases.
Hardcore Hell EP
split ep w/DOG SOLDIER
5 Track demo cassette
Bonus cassette with ICONOCLAST and THE SEXUAL covers on it.
i'll be on a lookout. thanks dude
06-23-2008, 04:28 PM
Hey, I'm new to this site. 16 years old. turn 17 in august.
I'm from Sweden. And right now I'm really into In Flames
Last record I bought was A sense of purpose
06-27-2008, 12:16 PM
Hey, I'm new to this site. 16 years old. turn 17 in august.
I'm from Sweden. And right now I'm really into In Flames
Last record I bought was A sense of purpose
tjenna. var e du från då?
jag brukar inte direkt hänga här längre, men den senaste tiden har jag iaf varit inne ett mindre antal gånger.
ska du kanske se in flames i gbg på lördag? isf kan du leta efter två killar och två tjejer i fula typ målarkläder, jag kommer vara en av dem.
06-27-2008, 05:43 PM
In an effort for us to get to know you and for you to to have something to talk about if you could please answer the following questions:
How old are you?
Where are you from?
List some bands you are into at the moment.
What is the last record you bought?
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
I am 18, and am from a small town in Missouri. I listen to various Metal bands. The last album I bought was Kill 'Em All by Metallica.
07-04-2008, 01:54 PM
How old are you? 18
Where are you from? Charlotte NC
List some bands you are into at the moment. As Cities Burn. Job For A Cowboy. Brand New.
What is the last record you bought? good question. probably Narrow Stairs- Death Cab For Cutie
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?pile ons and sing alongs.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? I have no idea.
07-13-2008, 01:33 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Portland Oregon
List some bands you are into at the moment.
A.F.I., Bikini Kill, Jack Off Jill, Blaqk Audio, Combichrist, Pigface.
What is the last record you bought?
Umm. I got two at the same time. Blaqk Audio- cex cells and AFI- Answer that and stay fashionable.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Spin kicks and two-step
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
7 seconds, Minor Threat, Gorilla Biscuits, AFI; I would say their older music when they were considered eastbay hardcore. Albums such as very proud of ya and Answer That and Stay Fashionable. Minor threat did break up and decide not to be sXe anymore and there is fugazi. Im sure you knew that.
I do want to say that I am NOT sXe. I do not do drugs. I did them for years and started at an extremely young age. I did not have a clue about any bands like Minor Threat or any sXe bands or people. Most of the people I have seen with sXe tattoos are pushing needles in to the tattoos cause they are junkies.
I do not want to do drugs at all and my body has been clean of drugs for seven years. I am interested in the sXe lifestyle and I suppose that is why I am here?
I do still smoke but I don’t want to be laying in the gutter shitfaced in my own vomit. I did that to much.
07-24-2008, 09:02 PM
I do want to say that I am NOT sXe. I do not do drugs. I did them for years and started at an extremely young age. I did not have a clue about any bands like Minor Threat or any sXe bands or people. Most of the people I have seen with sXe tattoos are pushing needles in to the tattoos cause they are junkies.
I do not want to do drugs at all and my body has been clean of drugs for seven years. I am interested in the sXe lifestyle and I suppose that is why I am here?
I do still smoke but I don’t want to be laying in the gutter shitfaced in my own vomit. I did that to much.
that's awesome that you've been able to make such a dramatic change and stick with it.
07-25-2008, 09:08 AM
How old are you? 18
Where are you from? columbus, OH
List some bands you are into at the moment. the human abstract, avenged sevenfold, also pantera, iron maiden, black sabbath
What is the last record you bought? avenged sevenfold - avenged sevenfold
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? i dont know???
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? i dont know any sxe bands but i want to learn more about sxe! i like metalcore so recommend me any sxe metalcore!
08-11-2008, 10:59 AM
How old are you? 16
Where are you from? edmonton area alberta canada
List some bands you are into at the moment: the used, alesana, escape the fate, jamies elsewhere, from collisions i collapse, bullet for my valentine, TWLOHA, bless the fall
What is the last record you bought?Alesana's Where Myth Fades to Legend
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together? honestly, no idea. ^.^
08-11-2008, 02:52 PM
How old are you?
Where are you from?
South West, England.
List some bands you are into at the moment.
AFI (always), Comeback Kid, Norma Jean, UnderOATH, xAFBx, Let Down, Have Heart, 36 Crazyfists, Rise and Fall. Countless more.
What is the last record you bought?
People still buy music? :P
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
A mix of both.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Throwdown. Earth Crisis. Champion. Casey Jones.
08-12-2008, 11:22 AM
I don't really get it...
A lot of new users are "Curious About The Edge.."
You can't learn it! It's who you are.. ! If you wan't to know WTH it is.. then read a wikipedia article..
08-12-2008, 11:35 AM
I don't really get it...
A lot of new users are "Curious About The Edge.."
You can't learn it! It's who you are.. ! If you wan't to know WTH it is.. then read a wikipedia article..
or they can come here and read stuff and learn in a more active way thats better than a wikipedia article =)
08-12-2008, 12:19 PM
I don't really get it...
A lot of new users are "Curious About The Edge.."
You can't learn it! It's who you are.. ! If you wan't to know WTH it is.. then read a wikipedia article..
No. The forum is for anyone who is straight edge, claiming, thinking about claiming and also anyone who is even just curious as to what straight edge is. It's a place to ask questions and a place to discuss anything to do with straight edge, hence there are lots of different area's within the forum to discuss different things.
And ovcourse you can learn what straight edge is. You weren't just straight edge one day, it isn't just "who you are", you had to learn about it and actually get a clue before claiming and discussing straight edge with anyone else.
08-12-2008, 01:12 PM
I don't really get it...
A lot of new users are "Curious About The Edge.."
You can't learn it! It's who you are.. ! If you wan't to know WTH it is.. then read a wikipedia article..
If you want to know what it is or what its all about surely the best advice is to go to a straightedge show and talk to the people involved, failing that talking to people involved on a forum is a good runner up. I feel a wikipedia article is a little further down the list somehow.
08-12-2008, 02:53 PM
best advice is to go to a straightedge show.
Wait. They actually have those in the UK?! =o
08-12-2008, 03:12 PM
Wait. They actually have those in the UK?! =o
Yes, quite a lot.
08-12-2008, 04:00 PM
Brilliant. How do I find out about such things?
I don't expect much locally though.
08-14-2008, 04:10 AM
If you want to know what it is or what its all about surely the best advice is to go to a straightedge show and talk to the people involved, failing that talking to people involved on a forum is a good runner up. I feel a wikipedia article is a little further down the list somehow.
Yet , personally i hate when some one asks me about the EDGE.. I tried to hold down ( the first 100 times or so.. but now im frustrated by that question ) .
And Straight Edge show ?? Your lucky to see 1 HardCore band play in a show crowded with metalheads ( as there are no HXC clubs here.. )
08-14-2008, 10:12 AM
Yet , personally i hate when some one asks me about the EDGE.. I tried to hold down ( the first 100 times or so.. but now im frustrated by that question ) .
And Straight Edge show ?? Your lucky to see 1 HardCore band play in a show crowded with metalheads ( as there are no HXC clubs here.. )
Well perhaps if you were more forth coming and helpful to people not in the know about straightedge you may begin to see more hardcore bands playing! And for the record there are no hardcore clubs here either, just venues that can one night have a hardcore show then a week later have an indie pop outfit playing...the only reason hardcore shows exist is because kids like you or i want to have them and put them on. So if someone is asking you about straightedge and stuff you should see that as an oppertunity to make the scene more vibrant!
I'm not sure exactly why you hate helping people out who are genuinely curious about something and its not like its any one particular question, there are so many questions people have. Sure sometimes the questions aren't really anything you'd care to answer and can even at times seem naive/ridiculous but its the effort to learn and seek out advice on things that endears me to the idea of helping someone.
08-14-2008, 10:14 AM
Brilliant. How do I find out about such things?
I don't expect much locally though.
Whats local i mean the UK is pretty small so i'm sure you are near something going on.
Pirate Dave
08-15-2008, 09:24 AM
Sorry if this is a double post... it sort of went wrong before...
st00pid internet.
Anyway, Hi Guys! :D
I've been Straight-Edge about a year now, although I have never drunk alcohol, smoked or taken drugs. I guess I've only been Straight-Edge for a year, because it was only a year ago that I heard of Straight-Edge (CM Punk FTW) and found out what it was. I read about it (thank you Wikipedia) and thought "hey... that's basically what I do anyway".
My Interests are sort of Nerdy/Goth - I like Evanescence, the Dresden Dolls, Apple Computers and Star Trek.
My user-name comes from the way I dress btw; lol - I'm not an ACTUAL Pirate, but I do dress in frilly shirts and sort-of Pirate-y boots :P
08-15-2008, 02:20 PM
Sorry if this is a double post... it sort of went wrong before...
st00pid internet.
Anyway, Hi Guys! :D
I've been Straight-Edge about a year now, although I have never drunk alcohol, smoked or taken drugs. I guess I've only been Straight-Edge for a year, because it was only a year ago that I heard of Straight-Edge (CM Punk FTW) and found out what it was. I read about it (thank you Wikipedia) and thought "hey... that's basically what I do anyway".
My Interests are sort of Nerdy/Goth - I like Evanescence, the Dresden Dolls, Apple Computers and Star Trek.
My user-name comes from the way I dress btw; lol - I'm not an ACTUAL Pirate, but I do dress in frilly shirts and sort-of Pirate-y boots :P
Hi, welcome, so did you find out much about hardcore a year ago or is that why you are here? There are some great threads about hardcore bands on here and it really is a crucial part of straightedge.
Pirate Dave
08-15-2008, 04:16 PM
Hi, welcome, so did you find out much about hardcore a year ago or is that why you are here? There are some great threads about hardcore bands on here and it really is a crucial part of straightedge.
I have heard some of the music, I have to admit that I can only stand that type of music for so long, I also love death metal, but I can only listen to it for about an hour before it all starts to sound the same.
Can you recommend any groups that are a it more... I dunno I guess musical would be the word, than those that I have heard?
I have basically only heard one band that I can remember... Minor Threat? Maybe? I dunno, I can't remember. I seem to remember it being a bit overly heavy for my tastes , like I said it was the kind of thing I could enjoy for a while, but then get bored of and have to listen to something else later.
08-15-2008, 04:36 PM
I have heard some of the music, I have to admit that I can only stand that type of music for so long, I also love death metal, but I can only listen to it for about an hour before it all starts to sound the same.
Can you recommend any groups that are a it more... I dunno I guess musical would be the word, than those that I have heard?
I have basically only heard one band that I can remember... Minor Threat? Maybe? I dunno, I can't remember. I seem to remember it being a bit overly heavy for my tastes , like I said it was the kind of thing I could enjoy for a while, but then get bored of and have to listen to something else later.
Hmmm, if you think minor threat is overly heavy then i'm not sure what to suggest, i wouldn't really consider them heavy. Stock bands that seem to be favoured by pretty much everyone in the straightedge community are:
Youth of today
Gorilla biscuits
Chain of strength
10 yard fight
In my eyes
Pirate Dave
08-15-2008, 04:43 PM
Hmmm, if you think minor threat is overly heavy then i'm not sure what to suggest, i wouldn't really consider them heavy. Stock bands that seem to be favoured by pretty much everyone in the straightedge community are:
Youth of today
Gorilla biscuits
Chain of strength
10 yard fight
In my eyes
Sorry, I'm not sure I meant heavy, I often listen to Deicide and Mayhem which I guess much heavier, but yeah... I probably meant something else.
I will certainly look into the bands you suggested though :)
08-15-2008, 04:48 PM
Sorry, I'm not sure I meant heavy, I often listen to Deicide and Mayhem which I guess much heavier, but yeah... I probably meant something else.
I will certainly look into the bands you suggested though :)
You really should, the music is what makes straightedge what it is, its more than just avoiding drugs, to be straightedge is largely about the music.
Pirate Dave
08-15-2008, 04:51 PM
You really should, the music is what makes straightedge what it is, its more than just avoiding drugs, to be straightedge is largely about the music.
You'llbe happy to know I now own some Gorilla Biscuits songs. Good old iTunes :P
08-15-2008, 05:40 PM
You'llbe happy to know I now own some Gorilla Biscuits songs. Good old iTunes :P
And how do you like them?
Pirate Dave
08-15-2008, 05:47 PM
And how do you like them?
They're good, I only have 2 songs, as iTunes can be a bit of a rip off, Start Today and Gorilla Biscuits, I probs be getting more. :)
08-16-2008, 04:00 AM
Well perhaps if you were more forth coming and helpful to people not in the know about straightedge you may begin to see more hardcore bands playing! And for the record there are no hardcore clubs here either, just venues that can one night have a hardcore show then a week later have an indie pop outfit playing...the only reason hardcore shows exist is because kids like you or i want to have them and put them on. So if someone is asking you about straightedge and stuff you should see that as an oppertunity to make the scene more vibrant!
I'm not sure exactly why you hate helping people out who are genuinely curious about something and its not like its any one particular question, there are so many questions people have. Sure sometimes the questions aren't really anything you'd care to answer and can even at times seem naive/ridiculous but its the effort to learn and seek out advice on things that endears me to the idea of helping someone.
Heh , there are no bands either , sure there are 3-4 bands + my band.. Yet , seeing the same bands over and over again isn't that exiting .
And , dude you never been in my hometown.. I NEVER SAW A STRAIGHT EDGER in my life ( well , in my city at least ) . I know there are some , yet only a few . So , all this mob of 1,000,000 ( ~ population of riga ) - 14-50 edgers.. and they start asking... It's not like they will pass it on , they will say " ask that guy , he told me " to their friends .
08-16-2008, 10:30 AM
Heh , there are no bands either , sure there are 3-4 bands + my band.. Yet , seeing the same bands over and over again isn't that exiting .
And , dude you never been in my hometown.. I NEVER SAW A STRAIGHT EDGER in my life ( well , in my city at least ) . I know there are some , yet only a few . So , all this mob of 1,000,000 ( ~ population of riga ) - 14-50 edgers.. and they start asking... It's not like they will pass it on , they will say " ask that guy , he told me " to their friends .
I think you completely missed the point. I'll try again, so theres no bands? but 4 or 5 bands is not none and scenes start small all over the place, i don't see what stops you getting bands from other places to play in your town and in return the 4 or 5 bands from your town could play in other places to make things more interesting and expand on the idea of building a scene. Thats what everyone else in the world does.
I never said i had been to your town but it makes no difference, there was no straightedge people in my town for absoloutely years, there were a few people who had heard about it but weren't completely clued up on it and had negative views on it. I answered questions and told people what was up and people then had a much better idea of things, they got much more from speaking with me than you could get out of a wikipedia page. People usually ask because they are interested, i'm unsure as to what "seeing a straightedger" has to do with anything. Some of the people who i spoke with later became edge themselves which was supprising to me, some people simply evaluated their stance on drugs and things which lead to change in one way or another. I wasn't intentionally converting people or preaching about straightedge i was just simply honest, open and helpful to people with genuine interest. I mean if i had your attitude these uneducated people would remain in the dark about what straightedge is and to add to it they would think i was a bit rude and associate that with straightedge.
But with all that said i do understand that people can just continually ask annoying questions that aren't thoughtful in the slightest and it can be bothersome. Some people will want to just argue and talk nonsense with you and it serves no purpose but you shouldn't judge everyone based on how those people bevhave because those people are generally idiots that waste your time but theres always going to be people who are more genuine.
08-16-2008, 10:32 AM
They're good, I only have 2 songs, as iTunes can be a bit of a rip off, Start Today and Gorilla Biscuits, I probs be getting more. :)
New direction is a must.
08-25-2008, 04:35 PM
Heya, I'm Tracey. *waves* I've been Edge for about 10 years now, and still going strong. I'm getting ready to start my professional career as a museum curator, and I specialize in Victorian tiles (British specifically). Submitting my masters thesis in (checks calendar) 9 days, and getting married in less than 3 months to the guy I've been dating for 7 years (and who is also edge). I'm a dork, I'm not hot, and I'm not particularly cool. But I'm up for anything, enjoy a good debate, and have a lot of fun with life.
How old are you? 23
Where are you from? This is kinda complicated. I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Then I moved to Northern Ireland, then back to the states to finish my degree, then I moved to Glasgow, Scotland. So at the moment, I live in Scotland, although I'm (unhappily) returning to America in a month.
List some bands you are into at the moment.
-I'm on a ska kick at the moment. Been enjoying some Toots and the Maytals lately, and rediscovering a Pittsburgh band called The Code, and Whatever It Takes. Not specifically edge, but still good choons.
What is the last record you bought? has been a while...I guess it was the Young, Gifted and Black compilation (the first one...its all old reggae and ska and soul).
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? I'm a pile ons and sing alongs gal myself.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
H20 (kinda grew up on them)
Good Clean Fun
Youth of Today (I had a tape that I used to play in my red plastic radio wayyy back in middle school)
Minor Threat (just for the craic really).
08-25-2008, 04:41 PM
Heya, I'm Tracey. *waves* I've been Edge for about 10 years now, and still going strong. I'm getting ready to start my professional career as a museum curator, and I specialize in Victorian tiles (British specifically). Submitting my masters thesis in (checks calendar) 9 days, and getting married in less than 3 months to the guy I've been dating for 7 years (and who is also edge). I'm a dork, I'm not hot, and I'm not particularly cool. But I'm up for anything, enjoy a good debate, and have a lot of fun with life.
How old are you? 23
Where are you from? This is kinda complicated. I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Then I moved to Northern Ireland, then back to the states to finish my degree, then I moved to Glasgow, Scotland. So at the moment, I live in Scotland, although I'm (unhappily) returning to America in a month.
List some bands you are into at the moment.
-I'm on a ska kick at the moment. Been enjoying some Toots and the Maytals lately, and rediscovering a Pittsburgh band called The Code, and Whatever It Takes. Not specifically edge, but still good choons.
What is the last record you bought? has been a while...I guess it was the Young, Gifted and Black compilation (the first one...its all old reggae and ska and soul).
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? I'm a pile ons and sing alongs gal myself.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
H20 (kinda grew up on them)
Good Clean Fun
Youth of Today (I had a tape that I used to play in my red plastic radio wayyy back in middle school)
Minor Threat (just for the craic really).
hey there, welcome!
hope you have fun having fun in here!
08-25-2008, 09:01 PM
Heya, I'm Tracey. *waves* I've been Edge for about 10 years now, and still going strong. I'm getting ready to start my professional career as a museum curator, and I specialize in Victorian tiles (British specifically). Submitting my masters thesis in (checks calendar) 9 days, and getting married in less than 3 months to the guy I've been dating for 7 years (and who is also edge). I'm a dork, I'm not hot, and I'm not particularly cool. But I'm up for anything, enjoy a good debate, and have a lot of fun with life.
How old are you? 23
Where are you from? This is kinda complicated. I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Then I moved to Northern Ireland, then back to the states to finish my degree, then I moved to Glasgow, Scotland. So at the moment, I live in Scotland, although I'm (unhappily) returning to America in a month.
List some bands you are into at the moment.
-I'm on a ska kick at the moment. Been enjoying some Toots and the Maytals lately, and rediscovering a Pittsburgh band called The Code, and Whatever It Takes. Not specifically edge, but still good choons.
What is the last record you bought? has been a while...I guess it was the Young, Gifted and Black compilation (the first one...its all old reggae and ska and soul).
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? I'm a pile ons and sing alongs gal myself.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
H20 (kinda grew up on them)
Good Clean Fun
Youth of Today (I had a tape that I used to play in my red plastic radio wayyy back in middle school)
Minor Threat (just for the craic really).
is there a lot of call for tile curators?
08-26-2008, 03:26 AM
is there a lot of call for tile curators?
Not specifically. It's more likely that I'd be doing valuations for auction houses and such in terms of tiles, but my graduate programme was Decorative Arts and Design, which is basically everything but paintings (wall paper, tiles, dresses, silverwear, china, architecture, stained glass, etc). The tiles is just something I fell into for some reason. Although, there are two museums dedicated strictly to tiles, on at Jackfield in the Ironbridge Gorge in Shropshire, England, and another at Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire England. But those are highly prized council jobs and its not likely that they're hiring.
08-26-2008, 07:21 AM
Hi Tracey. Welcome to the forums.
I'm glad someone is getting away from this place. I don't know why you aren't happy to leave here for America.
08-26-2008, 03:33 PM
Hi Tracey. Welcome to the forums.
I'm glad someone is getting away from this place. I don't know why you aren't happy to leave here for America.
What part of the Big Rainy are you fae?
I was perfectly happy to live in America, until I moved to Northern Ireland and discovered how much more there is to life here. Life is slower here, which is good. It isn't 24-7 all the time. It isn't dog-eat-dog and fuck yies if you can't get by. I don't know, its just...I feel like I'm home here. Every time I go back to America, I have culture it's overstimulating. I land back in Glasgow, and immediately, I relax, reconnect, breathe easier. There's something about it, something about the way people live here, that suits me.
08-26-2008, 05:33 PM
What part of the Big Rainy are you fae?
I was perfectly happy to live in America, until I moved to Northern Ireland and discovered how much more there is to life here. Life is slower here, which is good. It isn't 24-7 all the time. It isn't dog-eat-dog and fuck yies if you can't get by. I don't know, its just...I feel like I'm home here. Every time I go back to America, I have culture it's overstimulating. I land back in Glasgow, and immediately, I relax, reconnect, breathe easier. There's something about it, something about the way people live here, that suits me.
I live over in Fife. The west is better than the east, so you have the better deal that way!
I am glad you enjoy it here. Atleast you have had the experience of living in these different places and discovering where it is you like to be the most :)
08-27-2008, 11:09 AM
What part of the Big Rainy are you fae?
I was perfectly happy to live in America, until I moved to Northern Ireland and discovered how much more there is to life here. Life is slower here, which is good. It isn't 24-7 all the time. It isn't dog-eat-dog and fuck yies if you can't get by. I don't know, its just...I feel like I'm home here. Every time I go back to America, I have culture it's overstimulating. I land back in Glasgow, and immediately, I relax, reconnect, breathe easier. There's something about it, something about the way people live here, that suits me.
it isn't but it's also a lot harder to get ahead in the UK than it is in the US. The wages are lower, the taxes are higher and everything generally costs more. People in the US do work more than people in UK, but there's also more upward mobility in the US than there is in the UK. I think being there as a student and being there as someone trying to build a life would be very different experiences.
08-27-2008, 12:53 PM
it isn't but it's also a lot harder to get ahead in the UK than it is in the US. The wages are lower, the taxes are higher and everything generally costs more. People in the US do work more than people in UK, but there's also more upward mobility in the US than there is in the UK. I think being there as a student and being there as someone trying to build a life would be very different experiences.
Taxes are higher, aye, but those taxes pay for my healthcare, which would be $800+ a month for me back in the states because I have type 1 diabetes. I don't pay for my prescriptions (diabetic or otherwise). Education costs less, even with the conversion (home and EU student fees for uni in Scotland are something like 1,300 GBP per year, which gets paid by SAAS, which students pay back only after they earn > 15,000 GBP a year, unlike american FAFSA/Stafford funds that start being paid back after 6 months if you have the money or not). The taxes support the free museums, leisure centres, and other tangible things within the council.
I'm doing both my postgraduate education and trying to get ahead here. Ive been working and applying for permanent work here (i.e. career). I'm very much building a life here for myself. I in no way intend for this move back to America to be permanent (the thought scares the crap out of me).
I don't know about the wage being lower...all of my jobs have paid me equivalent to what I was paid in the states (min. wage in PA is $7.25. Every job I've had here has paid me 7.50 GBP or more).
As for things costing more...I don't know about that. It seems that things cost about the same. Things are more expensive in Ireland, but it's a wee island removed from the continent and lots of places are rural. In Scotland...I've found things to be cheaper or the same price to living in the US (i.e. a loaf of bread costs 1.09 GBP, and it costs $1.09 in the us).
My rent is cheap, but I flatshare in a non-posh neighbourhood and bike commute to uni (in the posh bit), so my rent is 180GBP a month, plus 20GBP for utilities (light, internet).
I dunno, I guess the urge to get ahead just isn't there for me. I just want to live comfortably, do what I love, and have my health. And in terms of that, the UK is a better job market for cultural jobs. Meh, guess its all how you look at it.
08-27-2008, 02:02 PM
Taxes are higher, aye, but those taxes pay for my healthcare, which would be $800+ a month for me back in the states because I have type 1 diabetes. I don't pay for my prescriptions (diabetic or otherwise). Education costs less, even with the conversion (home and EU student fees for uni in Scotland are something like 1,300 GBP per year, which gets paid by SAAS, which students pay back only after they earn > 15,000 GBP a year, unlike american FAFSA/Stafford funds that start being paid back after 6 months if you have the money or not). The taxes support the free museums, leisure centres, and other tangible things within the council.
The NHS is also completely fucked and bankrupt but that's another discussion all together. You're literally taxed for everything you do in the UK. Own a tv? Pay a license. Own a car, pay a bunch of taxes. Buy anything other than food, pay a shitload of vat.
Then you have you have to payinto national insurance as well. Assuming a simple 22% income tax rate and then 100 pounds a week for NIl, you're looking at literally half of your income going to taxes, and that's just the ones that come out of your paycheck to begin with. The tax difference is significant and shouldn't be discounted.
I'm doing both my postgraduate education and trying to get ahead here. Ive been working and applying for permanent work here (i.e. career). I'm very much building a life here for myself. I in no way intend for this move back to America to be permanent (the thought scares the crap out of me).
I don't know about the wage being lower...all of my jobs have paid me equivalent to what I was paid in the states (min. wage in PA is $7.25. Every job I've had here has paid me 7.50 GBP or more).
As for things costing more...I don't know about that. It seems that things cost about the same. Things are more expensive in Ireland, but it's a wee island removed from the continent and lots of places are rural. In Scotland...I've found things to be cheaper or the same price to living in the US (i.e. a loaf of bread costs 1.09 GBP, and it costs $1.09 in the us).
Yeah but that's actually the root of it. 1.09 pounds is closer to $2.20. The median salary in england is 24k, where here it's $48k and scotland is 21k. So if everything that costs a dollar here costs a pound there and you're making fewer than half as many pounds as you are dollars, it makes a giant difference.
My rent is cheap, but I flatshare in a non-posh neighbourhood and bike commute to uni (in the posh bit), so my rent is 180GBP a month, plus 20GBP for utilities (light, internet).
I dunno, I guess the urge to get ahead just isn't there for me. I just want to live comfortably, do what I love, and have my health. And in terms of that, the UK is a better job market for cultural jobs. Meh, guess its all how you look at it.
it's not even a matter of just getting ahead, it's harder to even stay afloat there. Look at the number of people on welfare in the UK compared to the US. It's hard as hell to live there and everyone I know that does is struggling to feel safe and secure. I'm just saying that going to school somewhere and living there are totally different things and that it may be a lot harder than you think it will be. Next time you're in the pub talk to people about how much money they're able to put into savings. How easy it was for them to buy a decent house or a decent car.
09-15-2008, 12:58 PM
i am an italian boy who would like know more about edge
09-15-2008, 02:01 PM
i am an italian boy who would like know more about edge
ask questions about what you want to know, or search the forums to see if its something thats been discussed before.
09-15-2008, 02:08 PM
List some bands you are into at the moment.
-I'm on a ska kick at the moment. Been enjoying some Toots and the Maytals lately, and rediscovering a Pittsburgh band called The Code, and Whatever It Takes. Not specifically edge, but still good choons.
toots and themaytals are the best damn ska band ever man!
09-25-2008, 10:15 PM
Well Hi Guys, im christopher...
Im 17 and live in the bahamas
right now im into for the fallen dreams and august burns red
and last record i brought was the new acacia strain
09-26-2008, 02:08 AM
Well Hi Guys, im christopher...
Im 17 and live in the bahamas
right now im into for the fallen dreams and august burns red
and last record i brought was the new acacia strain
Hi Christopher, welcome to the board! Finally, someone same age as me.
09-26-2008, 08:19 AM
Well Hi Guys, im christopher...
Im 17 and live in the bahamas
right now im into for the fallen dreams and august burns red
and last record i brought was the new acacia strain
Is there any kind of scene in the bahamas?
09-26-2008, 04:18 PM
haha there is a rap, and reggae scene. but not much of anything else, im the only person i kno thats edge around here.
09-27-2008, 03:10 AM
haha there is a rap, and reggae scene. but not much of anything else, im the only person i kno thats edge around here.
Welcome to the "only kid in block"-scene. Bahamas and Finland rocks.
09-29-2008, 01:42 PM
Hi, im Angello!
Im 18. im from IL.
Im not really into straight edge music. Im into Psyclon Nine, Marilyn Manson, ICP, MSI and other random artists.
I do follow the philosophy behind sxe, even though the music i listen to might contradict the way i think.
I would have to say im one of the few around here who is straightedge and means it.
By that i mean, i dont drink at all, smoke at all, or do drugs. And recently i stopped drinking caffinee! Yay me. Anyway.
Yeah that is me. Also i am a Juggalo, but i like i said i'm sxe. So one out a million juggalos who is.
09-29-2008, 01:43 PM
Hi, im Angello!
Im 18. im from IL.
Im not really into straight edge music. Im into Psyclon Nine, Marilyn Manson, ICP, MSI and other random artists.
I do follow the philosophy behind sxe, even though the music i listen to might contradict the way i think.
I would have to say im one of the few around here who is straightedge and means it.
By that i mean, i dont drink at all, smoke at all, or do drugs. And recently i stopped drinking caffinee! Yay me. Anyway.
Yeah that is me. Also i am a Juggalo, but i like i said i'm sxe. So one out a million juggalos who is.
WEEEE, MSI FAN! Faggot faggot faggot!
09-29-2008, 03:58 PM
what is MSI?
09-29-2008, 05:00 PM
what is MSI?
I am pretty sure its "mindless self indulgence" and they are oh so shocking!! And by shocking i mean, dull, played out, unimaginative and boring.
09-29-2008, 05:32 PM
I am pretty sure its "mindless self indulgence" and they are oh so shocking!! And by shocking i mean, dull, played out, unimaginative and boring.
found their myspace and was really boring, if i wanted to hear punkrock with synths id put some atari teenage riot
09-29-2008, 05:36 PM
found their myspace and was really boring, if i wanted to hear punkrock with synths id put some atari teenage riot
Didn't they shock you?!
09-29-2008, 05:36 PM
Didn't they shock you?!
they gave me a headache, does that count?
09-29-2008, 08:22 PM
Hi, im Angello!
Im 18. im from IL.
Im not really into straight edge music. Im into Psyclon Nine, Marilyn Manson, ICP, MSI and other random artists.
I do follow the philosophy behind sxe, even though the music i listen to might contradict the way i think.
I would have to say im one of the few around here who is straightedge and means it.
By that i mean, i dont drink at all, smoke at all, or do drugs. And recently i stopped drinking caffinee! Yay me. Anyway.
Yeah that is me. Also i am a Juggalo, but i like i said i'm sxe. So one out a million juggalos who is.
why are you so drawn to music that is completely diametrically opposed to your beliefs? I would imagine it would make going to shows uncomfortable.
WEEEE, MSI FAN! Faggot faggot faggot!
what's up with the homophobia?
09-30-2008, 02:52 AM
what's up with the homophobia?
Dig me now and fuck me later
And sing it to the tune of faggot, faggot, faggot
- Mindless Self Indulgence - Faggot
It's awesome live. Not maybe on CDs, but Lil' Jimmy is crazy.
Dig me now and fuck me later
And sing it to the tune of faggot, faggot, faggot
- Mindless Self Indulgence - Faggot
It's awesome live. Not maybe on CDs, but Lil' Jimmy is crazy.
yeah, right.
09-30-2008, 08:57 AM
It's awesome live.
It would be awesomer dead!
09-30-2008, 09:00 AM
they gave me a headache, does that count?
nah, theres nothing shocking about that!
09-30-2008, 09:05 AM
Boys, why so cranky?
09-30-2008, 09:12 AM
Boys, why so cranky?
Girl, not cranky i'm just mocking the joke of a band!
09-30-2008, 10:29 AM
Girl, not cranky i'm just mocking the joke of a band!
09-30-2008, 10:52 AM
Nope, just having fun making fun of a bad band. It passes the time. Mind you judging by the lyrics i'd say MSI are pretty cranky about something!
09-30-2008, 11:04 AM
Nope, just having fun making fun of a bad band. It passes the time. Mind you judging by the lyrics i'd say MSI are pretty cranky about something!
They seem to be cranky about everything.
09-30-2008, 11:21 AM
They seem to be cranky about everything.
So cranky and so shocking, oh my!
09-30-2008, 12:13 PM
why are you so drawn to music that is completely diametrically opposed to your beliefs? I would imagine it would make going to shows uncomfortable.
Well its not like all they talk about is drugs and smoking. They talk about other things as well. That and i like the way they sound. Manson is my idol, well....except for the drugs and's mainly his ideas and philosophies that i admire. As for ICP i think their songs are funny, the beats are good, and i like the cult magic of the dark carnival. I know it's strange, but im often told im a strange kid. lol.
Ive been to a Marilyn Manson show and a MCR show and that's about it. It wasn't uncomfortable at all. I was with my gf at the manson show, whom doesn't do drugs or anything either, and it still was kick ass. I mean yeah there was a ton of drinking and smoking, but i wasn't going to let that spoil my fun. Just as long as i dont do it and she doesn't idrc.
09-30-2008, 01:13 PM
What's bad about shows/festivals is when some idiots decide to throw their beer over everyone. That was not a good experience for me. :(
09-30-2008, 01:46 PM
What's bad about shows/festivals is when some idiots decide to throw their beer over everyone. That was not a good experience for me. :(
If its beer you are lucky, more often than not its piss.
09-30-2008, 03:55 PM
or go in the pit with a cigaret............oww.....
10-01-2008, 02:36 PM
What's bad about shows/festivals is when some idiots decide to throw their beer over everyone. That was not a good experience for me. :(
Really? That sucks, yeah didnt happen to me. Though at the MCR concert some asshole was getting pissed because i was pushing and "stepping" on him. Fucking idiot.What the hell does he expect to happen? it's a god damn concert! That crowd was pretty tame, especially compared to the manson crowd; they didnt give a damn.
10-02-2008, 06:15 AM
Really? That sucks, yeah didnt happen to me. Though at the MCR concert some asshole was getting pissed because i was pushing and "stepping" on him. Fucking idiot.What the hell does he expect to happen? it's a god damn concert! That crowd was pretty tame, especially compared to the manson crowd; they didnt give a damn.
Yeah, it's pretty annoying, just lucky it wasn't in my mouth. Hahah! (not that would be considered breaking edge anyway :P)
Well for MCR the crowd was probably mostly teenagers who just stand there or it was his first concert, I remember being wary of those around me at my first show. At a show I expect to get hit a few times, but I tend to be in the pit nowadays.
10-02-2008, 07:53 AM
Yeah, it's pretty annoying, just lucky it wasn't in my mouth. Hahah! (not that would be considered breaking edge anyway :P)
Well for MCR the crowd was probably mostly teenagers who just stand there or it was his first concert, I remember being wary of those around me at my first show. At a show I expect to get hit a few times, but I tend to be in the pit nowadays.
Except the guy was like 25 or Im sure he knew what was going to happen. Yeah my gf did let me in the pit....bastard. i got in at the manson for about 30 sec. Then i tripped. lol
Tyler T
10-07-2008, 09:54 AM
How old are you? 19
Where are you from? Born and raised in Central Mass. Just moved to Chicago. If anyone lives in the Chii feel free to message me.
List some bands you are into at the moment. Four Year Strong, Verse, Have Heart, Outbreak.
What is the last record you bought? Aggression- Verse.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? sing alongs.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Champion, Minor Threat, Bane, Ten Yard Fight.
How old are you? 19
Where are you from? Born and raised in Central Mass. Just moved to Chicago. If anyone lives in the Chii feel free to message me.
List some bands you are into at the moment. Four Year Strong, Verse, Have Heart, Outbreak.
What is the last record you bought? Aggression- Verse.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? sing alongs.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Champion, Minor Threat, Bane, Ten Yard Fight.
hello, and welcome!
10-08-2008, 02:15 PM
How old are you? 19
Where are you from? Born and raised in Central Mass. Just moved to Chicago. If anyone lives in the Chii feel free to message me.
List some bands you are into at the moment. Four Year Strong, Verse, Have Heart, Outbreak.
What is the last record you bought? Aggression- Verse.
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step? sing alongs.
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Champion, Minor Threat, Bane, Ten Yard Fight.
What do you think of Aggression? I think it's my favorite Verse record thus far.
10-23-2008, 11:59 PM
Name's Chelsea. I'm 18. I'll be 19 in about 2 weeks. I've been straight edge all of my life.
I'm from North Carolina.
Bands I've been listening a lot to lately are generally very angry. Hasn't been a good month.
Year Zero by NIN. All of my other music I've downloaded from itunes.
Oh, what's a spin kick and two-step? :P
I really would love to see minor threat play (pfft, wishful thinking!).
10-24-2008, 11:41 AM
I think I've posted one of these a while back but I've been gone due to no internet. So here we go again...
How old are you?
currently 28 years of age
Where are you from?
Central Vermont stuck in Lake City Florida
List some bands you are into at the moment.
The Promise, Bane, All Out War, Down To Nothing, 50 Lions
What is the last record you bought?
Down To Nothing "Unbreakable"
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
Pile ons and sing alongs
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
Earth Crisis
Throwdown circa Keith vox
Remembering Never
One King Down
10-26-2008, 10:20 PM
How old are you?
im 18 years old, poisen free since birth [and proud of it]
Where are you from?
I am from LOS ANGELES, ca but currently reside in SANTA CRUZ, ca
List some bands you are into at the moment.
streetlight manifesto, silverstein, bayside, styg
What is the last record you bought?
Bayside: Shudder
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
sing alongs i guess
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
STYG, AFB, GoodFellas, and... hmmm does it have to be hxc? hahah bc i could watch SILVERSTEIN anyday [call me lame, but they're my fav. band]
10-27-2008, 06:25 AM
How old are you?
im 18 years old, poisen free since birth [and proud of it]
Where are you from?
I am from LOS ANGELES, ca but currently reside in SANTA CRUZ, ca
List some bands you are into at the moment.
streetlight manifesto, silverstein, bayside, styg
What is the last record you bought?
Bayside: Shudder
Choose either pile ons and sing alongs or spin kicks and two-step?
sing alongs i guess
What four sxe hxc bands, past or present, would you like to see play a show together?
STYG, AFB, GoodFellas, and... hmmm does it have to be hxc? hahah bc i could watch SILVERSTEIN anyday [call me lame, but they're my fav. band]
mmmm silverstein is pretty great. i like their old stuff better though. back in the when broken is easily fixed days. i've seen them live a couple times...a little dissapointed though. maybe it was just those times they were terrible. bayside is good too
10-27-2008, 12:50 PM
yeah, im a sucker and have yet to see them live. i was never allowed to go to shows really... but now i can, and i couldnt make the show they had last week around here :/
totally dissapointed :/
bayside and silvertsein are my two favs... yeah :D
10-27-2008, 11:54 PM
yeah, im a sucker and have yet to see them live. i was never allowed to go to shows really... but now i can, and i couldnt make the show they had last week around here :/
totally dissapointed :/
bayside and silvertsein are my two favs... yeah :D
yeah i saw silverstein about a year ago when they were on the "never shave again tour". they went like 9 months without shaving and they all looked homeless and gross. they were pretty lazy on stage. i like to see bands go insane and move around, and guitar spins and all that good stuff. i figured they were probably just tired. since 2002 the used has been my favorite band
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