View Full Version : girls!?
11-13-2003, 01:31 AM
o.k i'm all down for girls at shows but i know, atleast at the shows
i attend that there are too many midriffs and not enough love
for what the scene is all about! I mean, str8 edge girls 4 life
but for those who are there for the "Cute" boys... don't buy a
ticket that i could have got instead of writing this nasty letter
about you while your at the shai hulud show, and i'm not!!
L.B. Hit em' up!
11-13-2003, 04:45 AM
Originally posted by alcoholfree
o.k i'm all down for girls at shows but i know, atleast at the shows i attend that there are too many midriffs and not enough love for what the scene is all about! I mean, str8 edge girls 4 life
but for those who are there for the "Cute" boys... don't buy a
ticket that i could have got instead of writing this nasty letter
about you while your at the shai hulud show, and i'm not!!
L.B. Hit em' up!
sometimes i am so confounded by a post that i'm not sure whether i should reply myself, or let the others administer the verbal lashing you are certain to receive...
i can think back to when i stared going to hardcore shows, around the time that you were born. we were all so revolutionary, we were all going to stay straightedge for life, and we all had massive amounts of 'love for what the scene is all about'. you know something else? we all wore exactly the same kinds of clothes and shoes... why wouldn't we?...we just wanted to fit into what was stylish at the time...(note to self: never peg your pants again)
we can sit here and pretend that the straightedge scene is far too noble to be concerned with things as petty as fashion. but truth be known, hardcore shows are just as much fashion show as any other gathering of people. a few years ago i put a few old shirts up on the revelation trading board. kids were emailing me like 50 times a day trying to get these old chain of strength and schizm shirts. why? they could parade around at some show in them and look cool. i decided to keep them.
it's even more difficult for women in our scene. they have to constantly fight off the 'coat-rack' stereotype at shows. if a woman started a hardcore band or label, it would be difficult to have it be taken as seriously as her male counterparts. they have to deal with the testosterone fest that is dancing. i don't know what to say except that some women might have bare midriffs... but i see that everywhere in society. how can you come to the conclusion that they are only there for the cute guys?
we need to focus on reinventing the scene to a gender equal scene, instead of the 90/10 split or whatever disporportionate number it is. posts like this make me realize why this is such a male dominated community, and make me realize why people are driven away. i'm not trying to be the p.c. police..but take a look at the guys at the next show you're at. how about all those guys wearing the 'uniform'... ie. exactly what is stylish in the scene right now. how is there love for the scene? can you judge it by what they're wearing?
11-13-2003, 08:41 AM
Thanks so much Flame_still_burns
And to Alcohol free, shut the fuck up! You know there a whole lot of girls involved who care just as much as the boys, I am so SICK AND TIRED of all this "cute boy" bullshit, let me let you on on a little secret, HC boys are no cuter than other boys, the only thing that makes them more appealing is if their love of harcore is your love of hardcore too.
I go to shows, somtimes people could see my midriff, but I have never once gone to a show to pick up boys, and it makes my life harder when I can't be a part of a scene till I've "proven" that I'm not just checking out boys and holding coats. I'm sick of starting off at a disadvantage because I have got tits. people like you need to just face the fact, most women there aren't there because they want to do you, most gay guys aren't there because they want to do you. The world does not revolove around the hetero males sexuality, and the hardcore scene deffinatly doesn't.
Those girls when to a show you didn't, they saw a band they wanted to see, and they had ever right to be there, and every right to participate. Perhaps if any one doesn't diserve to be in hardcore it's people like you with your predudice.
So fuck you, and not in a sexy sence.
11-14-2003, 01:43 AM
hey, folks chil. I didn't mean anything sexist or nothing but even
you girls that are down with the scene and what not have to
admit that when you see a girl at a show that you see every day
at school with her slutty clothes and neg. attitude, you don't
feel upset or dismayed like you've found something all your own
and now the kids that have been putting you down are trying
to join the "Crowd" and be like you?? I mean if a girl is down, and
it's legit. then be my guest and sing along, but when it comes
to coming to shows as a date or something, that's retarted. NO
hard feelings homies!
L.B. killas!
11-14-2003, 04:27 AM
Originally posted by alcoholfree
hey, folks chil. I didn't mean anything sexist or nothing but even
you girls that are down with the scene and what not have to
admit that when you see a girl at a show that you see every day
at school with her slutty clothes and neg. attitude, you don't
feel upset or dismayed like you've found something all your own
and now the kids that have been putting you down are trying
to join the "Crowd" and be like you?? I mean if a girl is down, and
it's legit. then be my guest and sing along, but when it comes
to coming to shows as a date or something, that's retarted. NO
hard feelings homies!
L.B. killas!
What makes you think that a girl who wears "slutty" clothes and has a "neg. attitude" can't have, or develop, a love of hardcore?
Also if the only people that should be going to hardcore gigs are the one's that aready have a love for the music how is the scene supposed to grow? Or are you suggesting that the hardcore scene should stay this little exclusive, elitist, boys club that you're only allowed in if you've been listening to the bands for long enough?
I think your post caused offence because you selected women as the target of your rant. This gives the impression that it is primarily women who go to gigs for the "wrong reasons". As has been stated already, there are many guys who go to gigs for the fashion show or just to have a scrap in the pit. To these guys the music is a secondary thing too.
What do you suggest we do about these people? Should you be employed to work the door of every gig and decide who is and isn't allowed in? I think not somehow.
The way I see it is that if people who truly love the scene can lead by example and people get to see an alternative mindset put into action then maybe more people would come into the scene and make it stronger.
11-14-2003, 06:56 AM
Originally posted by alcoholfree
feel upset or dismayed like you've found something all your ownand now the kids that have been putting you down are trying
to join the "Crowd" and be like you?? I mean if a girl is down, and
it's legit. then be my guest and sing along, but when it comes
to coming to shows as a date or something, that's retarted. NO
hard feelings homies!
L.B. killas!
this sounds like a classic case of you wanting to be different, just like everyone else. we've talked and talked about how we can change the world...but we don't want to change the world. when people come in it threatens our individuality.
i'm also curious what amazing things you have done for the hardcore scene. have you put on shows? written a 'zine? played in bands? i'm going on a limb here, but i'm guessing you've never done shit except go to shows and talk about being 'killas'. what have you done to be able to define someone's love for the scene?
i have an idea... next time why don't you put on the shai halud show and that way you'll be guaranteed to get in.
there are no hard feelings. i just want you to think about the way you think. we are participating in a sickeningly male dominated community. i have two daughters myself... i want them to be able to enjoy being whatever they choose to be. without their sincerity being called into question based on what they are wearing.
11-14-2003, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by alcoholfree
hey, folks chil. I didn't mean anything sexist or nothing but even
you girls that are down with the scene and what not have to
admit that when you see a girl at a show that you see every day
at school with her slutty clothes and neg. attitude, you don't
feel upset or dismayed like you've found something all your own
and now the kids that have been putting you down are trying
to join the "Crowd" and be like you?? I mean if a girl is down, and
it's legit. then be my guest and sing along, but when it comes
to coming to shows as a date or something, that's retarted. NO
hard feelings homies!
L.B. killas!
Did you totaly not read what I said about asuming girls are there for "cute boys"????? The fact the you look at these girls and assume they are there just so they can find a nice fuck buddy is sexist, it's offencive to the extream it's horribly horribly unfair.
You know what, I'm sure if you saw me at a show you'd think i was just there to pick up boys, and that I "dress slutty", but do you know what? I shouldn't have to go dressed as some kind of "pseudo boy" for people to accept my presance. If I see a girl at a show in slutty cloths you know what? I might think "Isn't she cold?" But i wouldn't assume she was their to get laid.
Why don't you read what I said rather than run on the diffencive, and if you don't see whats sexist about your post, why don't you go and bang on a cave wall or something?
people sometimes come to shows for the wrong reason, but if it's a guy looking for a fight, or a guy wanting to show off his new Dunks you'd probably assume he was there for the music first, and that he was there for less noble purposes second, and only after he had proven himself to be a dodgy guy. Where as a girl steps in the room, and you assume she is there to pick up some ass first, and only after she has "proven" herslef to be on the level will you accept her. Does that not sound like inequality? that the girl has to go the extra mile first? If we can not start on an equal footing then it is not equality, if it is your attitued and the attidudes pf people like you then it is straight up sexism, and thats something Hardcore deffinatly does not need, and would be much richer without.
I have to ask, whats dressing "slutty"? Ever accused a guy of dressing "slutty" if he's wondering around with his shirt off? Or a tight shirt/ beater or tight jeans? I'm guessing not, but I suppose guys doen't have to answer to the virgin, mother, whore, trinity.
You know what, i wear small tops to shows sometimes, does that make me a slut looking to get laid? Or does it make me some one who dresses like I WANT and in what [bI[/b] think looks good, not what i think some boy would like, (and also cos it gets hot at shows sometimes, and I don't have the luxury of being able to take my top off because society has claimed my tits as "inapropriate" because they belong to men not me)
You seriously have to realize that the world does not revolve arounf the straight mans sexuality, and those girls are doing what they want to do because it's what they want to do, not for the benifit of some guy.
11-14-2003, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by xvunderx
Did you totaly not read what I said about asuming girls are there for "cute boys"????? The fact the you look at these girls and assume they are there just so they can find a nice fuck buddy is sexist, it's offencive to the extream it's horribly horribly unfair.
You know what, I'm sure if you saw me at a show you'd think i was just there to pick up boys, and that I "dress slutty", but do you know what? I shouldn't have to go dressed as some kind of "pseudo boy" for people to accept my presance. If I see a girl at a show in slutty cloths you know what? I might think "Isn't she cold?" But i wouldn't assume she was their to get laid.
Why don't you read what I said rather than run on the diffencive, and if you don't see whats sexist about your post, why don't you go and bang on a cave wall or something?
people sometimes come to shows for the wrong reason, but if it's a guy looking for a fight, or a guy wanting to show off his new Dunks you'd probably assume he was there for the music first, and that he was there for less noble purposes second, and only after he had proven himself to be a dodgy guy. Where as a girl steps in the room, and you assume she is there to pick up some ass first, and only after she has "proven" herslef to be on the level will you accept her. Does that not sound like inequality? that the girl has to go the extra mile first? If we can not start on an equal footing then it is not equality, if it is your attitued and the attidudes pf people like you then it is straight up sexism, and thats something Hardcore deffinatly does not need, and would be much richer without.
I have to ask, whats dressing "slutty"? Ever accused a guy of dressing "slutty" if he's wondering around with his shirt off? Or a tight shirt/ beater or tight jeans? I'm guessing not, but I suppose guys doen't have to answer to the virgin, mother, whore, trinity.
You know what, i wear small tops to shows sometimes, does that make me a slut looking to get laid? Or does it make me some one who dresses like I WANT and in what [bI think looks good, not what i think some boy would like, (and also cos it gets hot at shows sometimes, and I don't have the luxury of being able to take my top off because society has claimed my tits as "inapropriate" because they belong to men not me)
You seriously have to realize that the world does not revolve arounf the straight mans sexuality, and those girls are doing what they want to do because it's what they want to do, not for the benifit of some guy. [/B]
Right Fucking on!!!
11-14-2003, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns
sometimes i am so confounded by a post that i'm not sure whether i should reply myself, or let the others administer the verbal lashing you are certain to receive...
i can think back to when i stared going to hardcore shows, around the time that you were born. we were all so revolutionary, we were all going to stay straightedge for life, and we all had massive amounts of 'love for what the scene is all about'. you know something else? we all wore exactly the same kinds of clothes and shoes... why wouldn't we?...we just wanted to fit into what was stylish at the time...(note to self: never peg your pants again)
we can sit here and pretend that the straightedge scene is far too noble to be concerned with things as petty as fashion. but truth be known, hardcore shows are just as much fashion show as any other gathering of people. a few years ago i put a few old shirts up on the revelation trading board. kids were emailing me like 50 times a day trying to get these old chain of strength and schizm shirts. why? they could parade around at some show in them and look cool. i decided to keep them.
it's even more difficult for women in our scene. they have to constantly fight off the 'coat-rack' stereotype at shows. if a woman started a hardcore band or label, it would be difficult to have it be taken as seriously as her male counterparts. they have to deal with the testosterone fest that is dancing. i don't know what to say except that some women might have bare midriffs... but i see that everywhere in society. how can you come to the conclusion that they are only there for the cute guys?
we need to focus on reinventing the scene to a gender equal scene, instead of the 90/10 split or whatever disporportionate number it is. posts like this make me realize why this is such a male dominated community, and make me realize why people are driven away. i'm not trying to be the p.c. police..but take a look at the guys at the next show you're at. how about all those guys wearing the 'uniform'... ie. exactly what is stylish in the scene right now. how is there love for the scene? can you judge it by what they're wearing?
I pray at your altar. Awesome.
11-14-2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by XprennaX
What makes you think that a girl who wears "slutty" clothes and has a "neg. attitude" can't have, or develop, a love of hardcore?
Also if the only people that should be going to hardcore gigs are the one's that aready have a love for the music how is the scene supposed to grow? Or are you suggesting that the hardcore scene should stay this little exclusive, elitist, boys club that you're only allowed in if you've been listening to the bands for long enough?
I think your post caused offence because you selected women as the target of your rant. This gives the impression that it is primarily women who go to gigs for the "wrong reasons". As has been stated already, there are many guys who go to gigs for the fashion show or just to have a scrap in the pit. To these guys the music is a secondary thing too.
What do you suggest we do about these people? Should you be employed to work the door of every gig and decide who is and isn't allowed in? I think not somehow.
The way I see it is that if people who truly love the scene can lead by example and people get to see an alternative mindset put into action then maybe more people would come into the scene and make it stronger.
ok forget i said anything
11-16-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by alcoholfree
ok forget i said anything
Why? Do you see the error of your ways? or do you just want people to leave you alone?
11-16-2003, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by xvunderx
Why? Do you see the error of your ways? or do you just want people to leave you alone?
I see the errors of my ways and I apoligize to anyone affendend!
11-16-2003, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by alcoholfree
I see the errors of my ways and I apoligize to anyone affendend!
Man you've got a problem, who made you fuckin' king
A macho pig with nothing in your head
No girls around you, their place is not at gigs.
Don't want 'em on the dance floor 'cos they're weak
A woman's place, the kitchen, on her back,
It's time to change that attitude and quick.
Showing us your phobias, you're scared to see 'em think,
You'd rather dress 'em up in pretty lace, all nice and colored
You feel so fucking threatened, when they stand out front,
A stupid, passive piece of meat is all you really want.
But it's: Not just boy's fun (x4)
There's girls who put out fanzines, and others put on shows,
Yet they're not allowed to get out on the floor.
Some make the music, well that you can accept.
Hell, maybe then you'll get some tits and ass
You fucking moron, your brains have run amuck,
A girls only lot in life in not to fuck!
11-16-2003, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
Man you've got a problem, who made you fuckin' king
A macho pig with nothing in your head
No girls around you, their place is not at gigs.
Don't want 'em on the dance floor 'cos they're weak
A woman's place, the kitchen, on her back,
It's time to change that attitude and quick.
Showing us your phobias, you're scared to see 'em think,
You'd rather dress 'em up in pretty lace, all nice and colored
You feel so fucking threatened, when they stand out front,
A stupid, passive piece of meat is all you really want.
But it's: Not just boy's fun (x4)
There's girls who put out fanzines, and others put on shows,
Yet they're not allowed to get out on the floor.
Some make the music, well that you can accept.
Hell, maybe then you'll get some tits and ass
You fucking moron, your brains have run amuck,
A girls only lot in life in not to fuck!
Great song great band
11-17-2003, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by xsecx
Man you've got a problem, who made you fuckin' king
A macho pig with nothing in your head
No girls around you, their place is not at gigs.
Don't want 'em on the dance floor 'cos they're weak
A woman's place, the kitchen, on her back,
It's time to change that attitude and quick.
Showing us your phobias, you're scared to see 'em think,
You'd rather dress 'em up in pretty lace, all nice and colored
You feel so fucking threatened, when they stand out front,
A stupid, passive piece of meat is all you really want.
But it's: Not just boy's fun (x4)
There's girls who put out fanzines, and others put on shows,
Yet they're not allowed to get out on the floor.
Some make the music, well that you can accept.
Hell, maybe then you'll get some tits and ass
You fucking moron, your brains have run amuck,
A girls only lot in life in not to fuck!
Can't quite seem to place this one. I've heard it before though? 7 seconds? 7 seconds isn't hardcore though... hmmm.
11-17-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by Munncha
Can't quite seem to place this one. I've heard it before though? 7 seconds? 7 seconds isn't hardcore though... hmmm.
it's statements like these that make it apparent you don't know anything about hardcore.
11-17-2003, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
it's statements like these that make it apparent you don't know anything about hardcore.
Which part? I know 7 seconds went through some phases but i have that CD, i'm pretty sure.
11-17-2003, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Munncha
Which part? I know 7 seconds went through some phases but i have that CD, i'm pretty sure.
the crew is one of the first early hardcore records. the fact that you don't recognize it as hardcore pretty much shows you have no clue.
11-17-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
the crew is one of the first early hardcore records. the fact that you don't recognize it as hardcore pretty much shows you have no clue.
Thats punk rock son.
It is a classy album though.
11-17-2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Munncha
Thats punk rock son.
It is a classy album though.
you seriously have no idea what you're talking about now and anything you say on anything is instantly worthless.
11-18-2003, 07:35 AM
Originally posted by Munncha
Thats punk rock son.
It is a classy album though.
it was classy, but it wasn't punk.
11-18-2003, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by xvunderx
it was classy, but it wasn't punk.
Its a hardcore album, i'm gonna put it on now.
11-18-2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
Its a hardcore album, i'm gonna put it on now.
we will attack in red and black.
11-18-2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
we will attack in red and black.
cover the buildings the walls and the street
11-19-2003, 03:46 PM
Can't seem to find Walk togther rock togther lyrics, damn.
Anyhow, so you kids are experts. Christ on a crutch hardcore?
11-19-2003, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Munncha
Christ on a crutch hardcore?
i don't care what you classify it as... the song on the state of the union comp. is fucking amazing.
Sean The Red
11-20-2003, 03:52 PM
AlcoholFree, You're simply ignorant, but that can be fixed. Read White Privilege, and then think about it in a Gender terms, rather than Racial ones; because, it's exactly the same.
dont get uppity about me saying youre ignorant. it just means you dont know what youre talking about. Ignorance can be cured, stupidity cant...
11-20-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Munncha
Can't seem to find Walk togther rock togther lyrics, damn.
Anyhow, so you kids are experts. Christ on a crutch hardcore?
why do you ask questions you know the answer to?
11-21-2003, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Sean The Red
AlcoholFree, You're simply ignorant, but that can be fixed. Read White Privilege, and then think about it in a Gender terms, rather than Racial ones; because, it's exactly the same.
dont get uppity about me saying youre ignorant. it just means you dont know what youre talking about. Ignorance can be cured, stupidity cant...
good lookin out homie!
Sean The Red
11-22-2003, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by alcoholfree
good lookin out homie!
12-17-2003, 06:22 PM
just for the record.....equal rights does means equal hits
12-17-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
just for the record.....equal rights does means equal hits
bullshit. unless of course the average girl dancing is the same size as the average guy dancing, but that's never the case.
12-17-2003, 07:04 PM
no. whats bullshit is having to change the way you dance to accomodate others. i kick and swing mad fast and mad hard, and whether it be man or woman that catches a stray fist, thats there fault for being there
12-17-2003, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
no. whats bullshit is having to change the way you dance to accomodate others. i kick and swing mad fast and mad hard, and whether it be man or woman that catches a stray fist, thats there fault for being there
or your fault for not paying attention to what you're doing. try and shift the blame all you want, but it's a bullshit excuse.
12-17-2003, 07:10 PM
people clear out a wide open circle for a reason. its hard to tell the difference between a guy and a girl when theyre behind me or while im spinning in the air with my foot out. everyone gets hit the same when youre not hitting someone on purpose
12-17-2003, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
people clear out a wide open circle for a reason. its hard to tell the difference between a guy and a girl when theyre behind me or while im spinning in the air with my foot out. everyone gets hit the same when youre not hitting someone on purpose
yeah, they clear a circle so people do shit in the middle of it, not on the sides. it's like saying you want to do a wall of death or crowd bowling and it's their fault for being around it. Hitting someone else dancing, fair enough. hitting people on the outside because you're not paying enough attention to what you're doing or more to the point, because you want to hit people is something else entirely.
12-17-2003, 07:14 PM
thers not always enough room for everyone to dance in the direct center. if youre standing near the pit, expect to be hit, its not that difficult. shit happens. people fall, people jump sideways and swing there sjust the way it is, and if you dont like it, dont stand there. i suppose your gonna whine about stage flips and headwalking next?
12-17-2003, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
thers not always enough room for everyone to dance in the direct center. if youre standing near the pit, expect to be hit, its not that difficult. shit happens. people fall, people jump sideways and swing there sjust the way it is, and if you dont like it, dont stand there. i suppose your gonna whine about stage flips and headwalking next?
are you seriously that selfish to even care about how your actions effect other people or does it not matter because it's what you want to do? You're basically saying that anyone that actually wants to see a band needs to put up with kids dancing like dicks to be close enough to see anything, that's fucking bullshit. If you're doing spinkicks and you're not in the middle, you're a dick, because you know you're going to hit someone. bumping into people is one thing, kicking or punching someone is something entirely differently.
12-17-2003, 07:20 PM
youre exxagerating. sometimes i do hit people on the edge of the pit. sometimes on accident and sometimes on purpose. sometimes i dance 2 feet away from the edge of the pit, floorpunch, spinkick and backflip. (yes i can do backflips, i am that good) and dont even touch them. show me a show where everyone dances right in the middle of the pit the whole time. doesnt happen. to be close enough to see anythihg? come on dont be dumb. if youre standing on the outside of the pit, youre gonna get hit. thats the way it is, was and always will be. theres plenty of room for everyone to do their thing
12-17-2003, 07:21 PM
oh yeah and it depends what band your seeing too
12-17-2003, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
youre exxagerating. sometimes i do hit people on the edge of the pit. sometimes on accident and sometimes on purpose. sometimes i dance 2 feet away from the edge of the pit, floorpunch, spinkick and backflip. (yes i can do backflips, i am that good) and dont even touch them. show me a show where everyone dances right in the middle of the pit the whole time. doesnt happen. to be close enough to see anythihg? come on dont be dumb. if youre standing on the outside of the pit, youre gonna get hit. thats the way it is, was and always will be. theres plenty of room for everyone to do their thing
how am I exagerating when you just reiterated what I was saying? and I'm not saying that everyone should dance in the middle the whole time, but if you're idea of dancing is windmills and spinkicks, doing that shit anywhere but the middle is going to end up with people getting hurt. If that's what you're aiming for fine, but don't try and make it out that it's their fault for being there when you're doing shit you know you can hit people with.
12-17-2003, 07:24 PM
it is their fault for being there. the pit IS a dangerous place and people CAN get hurt. thats like going to a ghaleger show and getting mad that you get watermelon on you, you dont want fruit all over, get the fuck outta the first row
12-17-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
it is their fault for being there. the pit IS a dangerous place and people CAN get hurt. thats like going to a ghaleger show and getting mad that you get watermelon on you, you dont want fruit all over, get the fuck outta the first row
so in everything, it's the victims fault for being there and the people being irresponsible don't shoulder any of the blame? The pit is a dangerous place. Outside of it shouldn't be. shifting the blame is bullshit. People get hit because people are dancing like dicks and trying to hurt people.
12-17-2003, 07:32 PM
once you step in the pit, youre not a victim anymore. like a pedestrian running through the highway. im not saying its cool to just start nailing motherfuckers standing back in the crowd (although sometimes its ok) yeah it would be nice if people maybe looked out for each other a little more, but go to a show, and youll see someone get nailed hard as shit, and either go sit down or keep dancing....maybe the person thatll hit them will turn around and say you ok? and the other person says yeah its straight....because its just the way things are. go to a show, stand on the edge of the pit, and start a conflict if you get hit, whos back is everyone gonna get? thats just the way shit is
12-17-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
once you step in the pit, youre not a victim anymore. like a pedestrian running through the highway. im not saying its cool to just start nailing motherfuckers standing back in the crowd (although sometimes its ok) yeah it would be nice if people maybe looked out for each other a little more, but go to a show, and youll see someone get nailed hard as shit, and either go sit down or keep dancing....maybe the person thatll hit them will turn around and say you ok? and the other person says yeah its straight....because its just the way things are. go to a show, stand on the edge of the pit, and start a conflict if you get hit, whos back is everyone gonna get? thats just the way shit is
the analogy would be like a pedestrian running on the side of a highway. again, read what I actually said. I'm not talking about people in the pit. if you're dancing and you get hit fair enough, but if you're in the crowd or on the outside and people are doing shit close to crowd like windmills and spinkicks, it's irresponsible. Dancing at a show isn't a license to be a dick. That's why so many fights happen and why they've always happened.
and who's back everyone is going to get depends on who the person is, not which side of the pit they're on.
12-17-2003, 07:37 PM
no the analogy would be like running in the highway. because when your standing on the inside youre very close. i already said im not talking about people on the outside
now if its a backhand or badluck 13 show its a different story.
whats your opinion on headwalking and dog piles and climbing over people
12-17-2003, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
no the analogy would be like running in the highway. because when your standing on the inside youre very close. i already said im not talking about people on the outside
now if its a backhand or badluck 13 show its a different story.
whats your opinion on headwalking and dog piles and climbing over people
now you're just trying to justify behavior you know is dickish. if you're not in the pit, you're not in the pit. So if someone wants to see people dancing and see the band, they should be hit because you feel like it?
headwalking, dog piles and climbing over people is fine and normal. That shit's not down to hurt people just like i don't think there is anything wrong with people circle pitting and running into people. Shit happens, but when you're doing shit that you know you're more likely than not to hit and hurt someone, that's bullshit.
12-17-2003, 07:48 PM
you can watch people dance, from the second row. the first row of people lining the pit is like the splash zone at sea world. even if its not right, you know its gonna happen, so why be there if you know youre gonna get hit is what im saying.
so now it is ok to literally run on top of people heads and stomp their faces because you want the mic, or if you are dismounting the stage, but it isnt ok to kick close to other people? someone needs to get out to a show....
12-17-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
you can watch people dance, from the second row. the first row of people lining the pit is like the splash zone at sea world. even if its not right, you know its gonna happen, so why be there if you know youre gonna get hit is what im saying.
so now it is ok to literally run on top of people heads and stomp their faces because you want the mic, or if you are dismounting the stage, but it isnt ok to kick close to other people? someone needs to get out to a show....
no what you're saying is that the deserve and should be hit. that's the issue. that's the whole point.
yeah. it's ok. just like it's ok if you punch or hit someone IN the pit. If I'm upfront, I know full well people are going to jumping ontop of me. it's part of the experience.
12-17-2003, 09:13 PM
i NEVER seriously said they deserve and should be hit, i said its their own dub fault if they do. i dont know if you took something outta context and misunderstood it or took it the wrong way or if your just trying to twist what i said, but thats bullshit
12-17-2003, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
i NEVER seriously said they deserve and should be hit, i said its their own dub fault if they do. i dont know if you took something outta context and misunderstood it or took it the wrong way or if your just trying to twist what i said, but thats bullshit
so if it's their fault if they get hit, then don't they deserve it?
how can something be someones fault and then not be something they deserve?
isn't that the whole point of assigning the fault?
12-17-2003, 09:25 PM
no, maybe they just werent paying attention? or maybe it was an accident? maybe they were walking over to stand near their friend, and caught a stray fist? thats happened to me plenty of times. maybe someone is just spaced out listening to the band? and if you think that people deserve to get punched in the face for not paying attention, then you got a fucked up view on the world.
12-17-2003, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
no, maybe they just werent paying attention? or maybe it was an accident? maybe they were walking over to stand near their friend, and caught a stray fist? thats happened to me plenty of times. maybe someone is just spaced out listening to the band? and if you think that people deserve to get punched in the face for not paying attention, then you got a fucked up view on the world.
"it is their fault for being there. the pit IS a dangerous place and people CAN get hurt."
so like I said, if it's their fault, they deserve it right? If it's an accident, it isn't their fault for being there, is it?
and you're the one assigning fault to people getting hit.
12-17-2003, 11:08 PM
you completly avoided what i said. yes i assign fault to being hit. no i do not think people deserve to get hit, even if it is their fault for being there. theres a big difference between catching a stray fist, and deserving a hit, or getting whats coming to you, and this arguement is now done
12-18-2003, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by Chance301
you completly avoided what i said. yes i assign fault to being hit. no i do not think people deserve to get hit, even if it is their fault for being there. theres a big difference between catching a stray fist, and deserving a hit, or getting whats coming to you, and this arguement is now done
I haven't avoided anything, you just fail to understand how your use of language works or what things actually mean. If something isn't deserved, then fault is irrelevant. By assigning fault you are in fact stating that they are to blame to for whatever happens to them.
your own statements contradict themselves.
12-18-2003, 01:33 PM
im done arguing this, its redundant. if you like the way i dance you can take it up with me at stillborn
12-31-2003, 04:26 AM
heres is a funny picture of me spinkicking a girl in the face. she was standing on the edge of the pit, so its funny that i kicked her in her face.
12-31-2003, 06:30 AM
Originally posted by Chance301
heres is a funny picture of me spinkicking a girl in the face. she was standing on the edge of the pit, so its funny that i kicked her in her face.
Your a dick head, It's people like you who make shows un fun for a lot of people. God I miss Leeds.
12-31-2003, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by xvunderx
Your a dick head, It's people like you who make shows un fun for a lot of people. God I miss Leeds.
12-31-2003, 12:10 PM
see whats where you guys are dead wrong. this was a baltimore show and thats how we get done, that girl didnt have any hard feelings. everyone dances hard as fuck and everyone gets hit, aint no thang. we are mad wild. everyone standing around like that got hit or jumped on from behind....and we laugh. cause its funny. youre just to dumb to like backhand so you wouldnt understand
12-31-2003, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
see whats where you guys are dead wrong. this was a baltimore show and thats how we get done, that girl didnt have any hard feelings. everyone dances hard as fuck and everyone gets hit, aint no thang. we are mad wild. everyone standing around like that got hit or jumped on from behind....and we laugh. cause its funny. youre just to dumb to like backhand so you wouldnt understand
would it also be funny if i bent your knee the wrong way and broke your jaw, the girl probably didn't think you did it intentionally. What if you don't want to be hit do you then have no place at a show?
12-31-2003, 01:11 PM
i didnt do it intentionally to hit her in paticular, and it was sitll funny. if you dont wanna be hit then you stand behind a few people, in the back, around the sides....anywhere thats not near everyone dancing. but then again if you dont wanna be hit, and backhand or scheduled beating is pretty much have no place at the show
12-31-2003, 06:52 PM
i jumped on ians head and punched him a bunch of times. oh my god us baltimore kids are such dickheads were ruining hardcore for everyone!!!!!!!!
01-01-2004, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Chance301
i jumped on ians head and punched him a bunch of times. oh my god us baltimore kids are such dickheads were ruining hardcore for everyone!!!!!!!!
Oh my god your so big and clever! I'm so glad it's all about dumb moves and looking cool, we wouldn't want anything like substance to get in the way.
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