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07-14-2007, 04:57 PM
you straight edge people are a bunch of douchebags who decided to come up with a cool name to label yourselfs. Your all pussy faggots. Weed isnt bad for you but you make it sound like crack or something. Your music sucks and why do all the bands have the word youth in them? Because your all a bunch of kids who think your so high and mighty.
07-14-2007, 05:05 PM
you straight edge people are a bunch of douchebags who decided to come up with a cool name to label yourselfs. Your all pussy faggots. Weed isnt bad for you but you make it sound like crack or something. Your music sucks and why do all the bands have the word youth in them? Because your all a bunch of kids who think your so high and mighty.
man, you showed us. that's it guys, I'm shutting it all down.
07-14-2007, 08:43 PM
you straight edge people are a bunch of douchebags who decided to come up with a cool name to label yourselfs. Your all pussy faggots. Weed isnt bad for you but you make it sound like crack or something. Your music sucks and why do all the bands have the word youth in them? Because your all a bunch of kids who think your so high and mighty.
You are so right. Weed is good for you. It is illegal because it has such positive effects on people. And you know that bands like Verse, Have Heart, Minor Threat, Betrayed, Judge, obviously they all have the word youth in them.
07-14-2007, 11:06 PM
Its illegal not because the goverment cares but its because the man wants to keep the people down. Read up on the history of its legal status before say anything. It has virtually no bad effects. Don't be brainwashed by the Pig Empire.
07-14-2007, 11:45 PM
o rly? W33D ROX!!!1
Weed not being harmful to me or being cool has nothing to do with why i am even straight edge in the first place.
the only bands i can even think off of the top of my head that even use the word youth are Youth of Today and Youth Attack. mighty long list.
07-15-2007, 12:15 AM
and youth brigade!
07-15-2007, 04:03 AM
Its illegal not because the goverment cares but its because the man wants to keep the people down. Read up on the history of its legal status before say anything. It has virtually no bad effects. Don't be brainwashed by the Pig Empire.
Actually take it from me, I smoked dope heavily for 4+ years and to say it virtually has no bad effects is stupid. It doesn't have any bad immediate effects but the long term health and mental effects are pretty noticeable and the other problem is with pot you tend to smoke alot of it and because you dont feel sick or hungover when the high wears off you often tend to smoke again soon after.
Smoking pot really ruined my chances of achieving any kind of good grades in these ways:
- I had terrible concentration, I couldn't even read a page without being distracted or tuning out.
- My motivation was nil, I had no idea of what I wanted in life or any actual desire to live.
- From constantly smoking pot and doing other drugs to get high and to deal with boredom I became extremely depressed and developed anxiety problems when I quit the drugs, I had no self confidence and I was even inventing things in my head like people were after me etc.
- I now plan to redo my final school year so I can get into law, if I had never fucked myself up with smoking weed I would be halfway through university by now.
- Smoking pot fucked me up physically, before I started drugs I was winning alot of surfing comps and had a few sponsors and alot of determination to become pro... after starting drugs I barely wanted to leave the house.
Not everyone can chill out and smoke weed all day and write shitty country songs that sound the same like Willie Nelson, most people actually have to go to college/university and work hard to achieve any kind of success.
Oh but despite all that you're points are extremely true and I really wanna start smoking bongs again, thanks for opening my eyes!
07-15-2007, 09:13 AM
Its illegal not because the goverment cares but its because the man wants to keep the people down. Read up on the history of its legal status before say anything. It has virtually no bad effects. Don't be brainwashed by the Pig Empire.
Thanks for enlightening me! You are right, there are no respiratory health concerns from smoking something, there is no damage to brain cells or mental capacity. And you are right, instead of legalizing weed and taxing it which would greatly increase government revenue, they decide "hey lets keep weed illegal just to keep the people down".
Man, Where have you been all of my life, I would have been smoking weed when I was 6 if I knew everything you just told me.
07-15-2007, 11:19 PM
If you vaporize it or eat it then that gets rid of any respiratory concerns and the idea that it kills brain cells has been disproven.
07-16-2007, 03:33 AM
If you vaporize it or eat it then that gets rid of any respiratory concerns and the idea that it kills brain cells has been disproven.
If you are not too busy getting stoned one day go to the psych ward of your nearest hospital and talk to the patients, ask them if they ever smoked weed and if they think it had any bad mental effects on them... you would be surprised how much it ruins peoples lives.
07-16-2007, 07:23 AM
If you vaporize it or eat it then that gets rid of any respiratory concerns and the idea that it kills brain cells has been disproven.
except most consumption is by smoking it.
however the fact that its causes short term memory and learning issues hasn't. been disproven or the fact that is changes a persons mental chemistry after prolonged use and has shown withdrawal symptoms in lab animals and is widely viewed as the illegal drug that has the most people addicted to it. Or the fact that it's been shown to have a severely negative effect on people suffering from depression or personality disorders. Which I'll bet some serious money that you suffer from. But hey, you're a teenage stoner, you're clearly an expert on everything.
07-16-2007, 10:49 AM
Guys give the guy a break he probable has a great reason for smoking pot.
If only he could remember it......uuuuuhhhh.....
I think your reason for smoking is your just coping with the fact that we are all genius' (and hardcore just scares you) and your still struggling on the concept of walking erect.
yes I said "erect'" go ahead and laugh you stoner.
07-16-2007, 08:37 PM
Ive been in a psych ward before and yes alot of them smoked weed but I dont think that was the cause of it. Its actually helped my mental health.
07-16-2007, 10:05 PM
Ive been in a psych ward before and yes alot of them smoked weed but I dont think that was the cause of it. Its actually helped my mental health.
how exactly?
07-16-2007, 11:12 PM
It helps get rid of manic episodes because of the calming effect and reduces anger and stuff. I used to take antipsychotics and lithium but those just make you feel retarded and made me all shaky and shit. I also dont want to put to many man made chemicals in my body. Marijuana is a natural and helps with that stuff and insomnia and all. I don't ever use it if I have to go to work or school or anything usually I only use it at night to kind of mellow out and just sit back and contemplate stuff. I havent noticed a decrease in mental capacities or psychoholical addiction and I would stop if I felt it was becoming addicting. I agree its not good for everyone but its not also this demonic drug that its made out to be.
07-17-2007, 05:26 AM
It helps get rid of manic episodes because of the calming effect and reduces anger and stuff. I used to take antipsychotics and lithium but those just make you feel retarded and made me all shaky and shit. I also dont want to put to many man made chemicals in my body. Marijuana is a natural and helps with that stuff and insomnia and all. I don't ever use it if I have to go to work or school or anything usually I only use it at night to kind of mellow out and just sit back and contemplate stuff. I havent noticed a decrease in mental capacities or psychoholical addiction and I would stop if I felt it was becoming addicting. I agree its not good for everyone but its not also this demonic drug that its made out to be.
So you agree its not good and you seem to be promoting it as a good thing in medicinal use which is rather different from the recreational useage. Did you come here just to justify your usage of marijuana? I mean in a medicinal capacity you could justify many drugs and straightedge isn't a stance against people getting medicinal help. For some reason you came here and decided to insult people and display homophobia and general narrow mindedness, what was the driving force behind that? I mean you spoke of us being all high and mighty, well its pretty easy to feel that way when we aren't the ones going out of our way to insult people. You can carry on smoking your drugs and justifying it all you like but its not going to change the facts, perhaps you should have smoked some before posting here with your negative attitude and decreased mental capacity. People here have chosen not to do drugs and are happy being straightedge, i really want to know why that bothers you so much, why is your spare time spent worrying about people who don't want to smoke pot?
07-17-2007, 02:15 PM
I was pissed because I knoiw about how straightedgers go to shows and try to start fights and stuff with people who dont agree with them. The courage crew is anj example of this and every straight edge person Ive met is like that.
07-17-2007, 02:20 PM
I was pissed because I knoiw about how straightedgers go to shows and try to start fights and stuff with people who dont agree with them. The courage crew is anj example of this and every straight edge person Ive met is like that.
So you chose to join a site full of people you have never met before and start insulting us all before actually reading any of the threads or realising that nobody on this website is like that at all?
07-17-2007, 02:51 PM
I was pissed because I knoiw about how straightedgers go to shows and try to start fights and stuff with people who dont agree with them. The courage crew is anj example of this and every straight edge person Ive met is like that.
Well i know a lot of stoners with incredibly negative aspects about them - should i believe that you are the same as they? I mean straightedge isn't about starting fights with people that don't agree, i mean you came here to insult us because you don't agree, not the other way around. I'm sorry you have seen some people acting negatively whilst calling themselves sraightedge but are those people here? In fact do the views of all the people on this website even represent anything like that, i really don't think they do. Perhaps if you take the time to discuss things with people on here without relying on preconcieved ideas of exactly how or what we think you may find it a worthwhile stay. But comming on here with a post telling us how awful, stupid and wrong we all are only serves to get a negative response, and that negative response is down to the way you acted not anyone else. Whilst you may have had run ins with straightedge people before i would urge you to examine exactly how you behaved with them before you make a conclusive judgement on them because if its anything like the way you posted here then a lot of the issue will be down to the way you communicate. I surely hope you take these points on board as i have written them with the idea of helping rather than insulting you, i say that because it can be hard to take critique and look at ones self objectively. Good luck.
07-19-2007, 08:11 AM
So you chose to join a site full of people you have never met before and start insulting us all before actually reading any of the threads or realising that nobody on this website is like that at all?
01-14-2009, 04:59 PM
i dont think you even know what courage crew is you have just heard of it and threw it in there
01-15-2009, 05:26 AM
Don't feed the troll, and even if it isn't a troll don't feed it, just roll out the banhammer on this bitch
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