View Full Version : Magic Mushrooms
07-17-2007, 09:21 PM
Some friends and i are going to camp in Xico (a place near my city, where lots of magic mushrooms grow) next month.
The main idea of the trip is to eat them.
And i know i've been sxe for like 4 years now and i am it because i want to, because that's how i want my life to be and everything but this last few days i've heard so much about the magic mushrooms that i'm like... i want to try them! I do, and i don't know why! i'm not that kind of person... but i think is amazing the fact that sometimes you do have the same vision that your friend (you in his vision and he in yours), its something that you just cant control, its beyond our minds. And if its something possible... then i wont be so sure about being sxe :/.
07-18-2007, 06:11 AM
They are not all they are cracked up to be, plus you get a fever like feeling when you eat them. And I don't really understand what you mean about having the same vision as a friend, it really isn't the whole yellow submarine hallucination experience it's made out to be.
07-18-2007, 07:47 AM
Doesn't it tell you something when you are considering breaking edge just to experience a feeling that you hear is pretty good?
I can't say I have ever had this vision you speak about, to me it sounds like you are gearing up for another typical excuse on breaking edge.
07-18-2007, 09:59 AM
Some friends and i are going to camp in Xico (a place near my city, where lots of magic mushrooms grow) next month.
The main idea of the trip is to eat them.
And i know i've been sxe for like 4 years now and i am it because i want to, because that's how i want my life to be and everything but this last few days i've heard so much about the magic mushrooms that i'm like... i want to try them! I do, and i don't know why! i'm not that kind of person... but i think is amazing the fact that sometimes you do have the same vision that your friend (you in his vision and he in yours), its something that you just cant control, its beyond our minds. And if its something possible... then i wont be so sure about being sxe :/.
Mushrooms are fucked up. Its nothing like you are imagining, its nothing magical its just a bunch of fucked up neural responses with hightened paranoia and hallucinations. Its like being really ill, which is what it is because the effect comes from poisoning yourself. Oh and they will probably make you sick.
Sounds like a ball, have fun.
07-18-2007, 02:31 PM
They are not all they are cracked up to be, plus you get a fever like feeling when you eat them. And I don't really understand what you mean about having the same vision as a friend, it really isn't the whole yellow submarine hallucination experience it's made out to be.
I know they are not all that people say they are, but i dont know if you know the story of Maria Sabina? it's like... something beyond us, that can be proven. That's what i would like to find out.
I can't say I have ever had this vision you speak about, to me it sounds like you are gearing up for another typical excuse on breaking edge.
I don't need an excuse to do that, if i wanted i would just do it. It just happened that it attracted my attention so bad.
Mushrooms are fucked up. Its nothing like you are imagining, its nothing magical its just a bunch of fucked up neural responses with hightened paranoia and hallucinations. Its like being really ill, which is what it is because the effect comes from poisoning yourself. Oh and they will probably make you sick.
Sounds like a ball, have fun.
I know that isnt a magical thing to allucinate or anything, i know they affect your brain and everything but how can you explain 2 people having the same alucinations! exactly the same with both of them in both of the dreams. I just cant explain it.
07-18-2007, 03:37 PM
Poison your body to experience a fake illusional feeling. Sorry, to someone who is straight edge that alone should seem fucking stupid.
07-18-2007, 04:09 PM
Poison your body to experience a fake illusional feeling. Sorry, to someone who is straight edge that alone should seem fucking stupid.
But you're not understanding me (maybe becausei dont know how to explain it...). I'm not attracted to the illusional feeling, i know that's something stupid. But i'm attracted to the fact that you may have the same illusion that your friend has, at the same time. Its like 2 people having exactly the same dream when sleeping together and not just any dream, dreams with both of them inside it, both experiencing the same thing. TO ME, it's something amazing, 'cause i cant explain how can that happen.
07-18-2007, 04:15 PM
I know that isnt a magical thing to allucinate or anything, i know they affect your brain and everything but how can you explain 2 people having the same alucinations! exactly the same with both of them in both of the dreams. I just cant explain it.
Well how do you know what they see is exactly the same, language is incredibly inhibited on mushrooms and it can seem amazingly fascinating to observe the same weird pattern in a piece of wood or how bizarre a cloud formation appears. people also tend to be very agreable and suggestable based on the loss of comfort they have from their surroundings with their five senses being messed with and the want to feel a sense of normalty again. So whilst one person is saying they are seeing an hallucination of a dark purple sky with doves and hearing an eerie rumbling comming from the earth, the other pearson can allow themselves to see that also, the brain tries to see that even when its not there because it isn't used to its perception being so woldly askew.
The fact is the hallucinations aren't as vivid as you may imagine in this dream like state, its just an altered percetion of the very same things, sure you can get caught up in seeing things that aren't there but generally don't tend to be too particular. Now if we both look at the a surface that is colour green we both say its green and we allign ourselves with that perception but i have no idea if the way your mind interprets a green surface and relays to your brain is the same thing my eyes send back to my brain. If we could compare what our brains actually are seeing as opposed to what we are agreeing upon we may find that my brain sees the green surface as something your brain would catagorise as red. So whilst we see the same phyisical thing there is no assurance our brains percieve it the same way, likewise whilst two people under the influence could agree rather incoherently that they are seeing something their perception is so askew that there is nothing to say its the same.
The way people decribe what they are seeing is flawed based on the drug influence on neurotransmitters receptors on nerve cells as is the things they see, the human mind works very hard to tollerate all hallucinogens and to be honest that explains why people strive to establish a sense of cohesive reality between them. Having the same hallucinations is really very common and nothing to be so dumbfounded about, you don't even need drugs to share an hallucination, the brain is very suseptable to all kinds of unusal impetus. Its like going camping and sharing ghost stories, you can work yourself up into a state that hightens paranoia and sharing the hallucination of their being something out in the woods, you are sharing a state of mind and tend to be less objective due to the precursory actions. Seances work of the same methods it all needs the mind to be overhightened in awareness and suggestablity so as to see and believe things that are not so.
If what you are after is some feeling of euphoric oneness with another human then there are many ways that can happen just don't be blinded by the idea that its unique to drug use. Its nothing like what you are imagining i swear to you, in fact when drugs are involved it becomes something rather desperate and ultimately sad, i suggest this: Go climb everest with your best buddy or do something amazing and share it and get something that isn't from your brain struggling to get to normality again. Do something that isn't based on a severe chemical disruption in your brain with a screwed up sense of reality and an inability to communicate accurately. Believe me it would be way more worth it but this is just a suggestion, i am not here to tell you not to do it, thats your choice. If you wanna do it then go right ahead, have fun i hope its as fabulous as you imagine, i've a feeling you'll be quite let down with you odd preconception you have of the effects of these drugs.
07-18-2007, 04:21 PM
But you're not understanding me (maybe becausei dont know how to explain it...). I'm not attracted to the illusional feeling, i know that's something stupid. But i'm attracted to the fact that you may have the same illusion that your friend has, at the same time. Its like 2 people having exactly the same dream when sleeping together and not just any dream, dreams with both of them inside it, both experiencing the same thing. TO ME, it's something amazing, 'cause i cant explain how can that happen.
You don't even know it can happen, where did you hear about this, was there a study on it? Its really not how it works and further more what makes it even worth it if its just a drug induced facade, its not like you really share anything but desperation. Next you'll be going on about astral planes and lucid dreams, if you want to explain it all you need to look at how the brain actually works.
07-18-2007, 04:38 PM
Wait, I just had an astonishing idea. Why not, go camping, go for some walks and see some wildlife, have a good time speaking with friends, maybe play some sports, start a camp fire?
OR, swallow up some mushrooms, lay around high and experience some fake illusions to see if your mate is having the same illusion as you.
Just for an example say you see little birdies flying around your head and your friend see's the same thing as you, wow dude thats amazing, life would be complete after that experience.
07-18-2007, 08:12 PM
But you're not understanding me (maybe becausei dont know how to explain it...). I'm not attracted to the illusional feeling, i know that's something stupid. But i'm attracted to the fact that you may have the same illusion that your friend has, at the same time. Its like 2 people having exactly the same dream when sleeping together and not just any dream, dreams with both of them inside it, both experiencing the same thing. TO ME, it's something amazing, 'cause i cant explain how can that happen.
It is really not that hard to understand how they would get the same dream. When you poison yourself with psilocybin it puts your brain into a simple (mentally retarded) state with heightened fear responses and before these people went to sleep they were probably talking about the same situation or subject to each other therefore it wouldn't be hard for them both to dream about the same thing. It doesn't create doorways into each others minds it just makes you dumb enough to believe there is.
07-18-2007, 10:42 PM
It is really not that hard to understand how they would get the same dream. When you poison yourself with psilocybin it puts your brain into a simple (mentally retarded) state with heightened fear responses and before these people went to sleep they were probably talking about the same situation or subject to each other therefore it wouldn't be hard for them both to dream about the same thing. It doesn't create doorways into each others minds it just makes you dumb enough to believe there is.
that's not what i meant.
07-19-2007, 09:37 AM
that's not what i meant.
Be sure to post about what you experience.
07-19-2007, 04:21 PM
Be sure to post about what you experience.
I never said i was ACTUALLY going to try them...
blacX sXull
07-19-2007, 07:33 PM
Hum hello I'm new here, but I'd just tell you this Hardcoretta. None of us here can do anything to prevent you from eating those fucxing mushrooms and, as a matter of fact, that's none of our business. But I certainly hope you will choose the right path for yourself. Maybe being sXe was just a 4 years long period in your life and it's now coming to an end. Or maybe you're to continue on and remain sXe. But the only thing that really is important here is what YOU feel in the very depths of your soul. Do what you think is right. As for myself, I must admit I'd feel much better if I knew you have chosen the "straight path" but it will be your choice, in the end... Being edger should not be hard, it should be the first thing that comes into mind.
07-20-2007, 09:25 AM
I never said i was ACTUALLY going to try them...
So you aren't going to try them?
07-20-2007, 11:36 AM
So you aren't going to try them?
No i wont.
blacX sXull
07-20-2007, 11:41 AM
Good. Very proud of ya.
07-20-2007, 12:54 PM
No i wont.
out of interest, why not?
07-20-2007, 01:51 PM
out of interest, why not?
Because i was fooled by an idea that now i know its not worth 4 years of my life, in which i've been proud of myself.
07-20-2007, 04:12 PM
Because i was fooled by an idea that now i know its not worth 4 years of my life, in which i've been proud of myself.
Thats good you realised this.
4 years of clean living is something you should be very proud of and something you should feel strongly about, so throwing all of that away to experience some high from a mushroom would have been a totally ridiculous idea. Glad you realised.
07-22-2007, 04:46 PM
Thats good you realised this.
4 years of clean living is something you should be very proud of and something you should feel strongly about, so throwing all of that away to experience some high from a mushroom would have been a totally ridiculous idea. Glad you realised.
Yeah.. i know.
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