View Full Version : "militant" edge bands
07-29-2007, 08:11 PM
But you gotta admit, the whole tough guy thing right now is pretty weak.
Seventh Dagger and BBP are at the front of this. "Kill your local drug dealer" is actually one of there captions on there merch. What a load of shit.
They are also resposible for Straight Edge metal bands saying they are hardcore and straight edge hip hop.
I really hate bands like xAFBx, xTyrantx etc. because here one of the main straight edge bands xTHE WARx have just signed to seventh dagger and play the exact same bullshit with retarded lyrics like "I would kill for straight edge" "Kill an emo kid". It gives everyone the idea that straight edge kids are all a bunch of testosterone overloaded dudes that gang up and beat the shit out of people and are extremely close minded and arrogant.
So basically the majority of straight edge bands here have the militant bbp views and play to sound like Seventh Dagger bands and it frustrates me because it is creating a generation of kids with a confused idea of sxe who wear kill your local drug dealer shirts and try to beat up smokers.
07-29-2007, 08:39 PM
the "militant" is my part. my question is, just how much of the bullshit any of these guys actually think since none of them are ex cons, none of them go to jail. None of there communities have news about violence against drug dealers and users.
07-29-2007, 11:34 PM
I don't think it is ever anyone in the communities so much as confused listeners that actually use violence here. We have had a few stabbings and some other violent acts but I havn't heard of any deaths.
The problem is that when you are writing lyrics that are saying kill for sxe etc. even though you might be using them for effect some people are going to get confused and believe them.
Standing up for your beliefs is one thing but unnecessary violence or "killing" for your beliefs is retarded and I cant believe people actually encourage this shit.
07-30-2007, 07:20 AM
It is a ridiculous "movement". I have noticed that alot of people newly claiming edge will think this is what its all about, this sort of shit IS straight edge. It isn't until they actually open there eyes and listen to the bands that promoted straight edge in the first place or meet new people who show them what it is really all about that they will actually stop following this bullshit and realise how stupid it really is.
To me, the whole militant tough guy edge thing thats going on is completely immature and to be honest it is more of a gang movement than anything. Do you really think these people would go around lonesome giving people shit because they do drugs? No, they wouldn't, but when they are with a bunch of friends they seem to make it there duty to threaten and intimidate people.
It's stupid, and it only gives straight edge a bad name and makes other people look down on it. I hate being associated with these type of people and like I have said before, the militant kids give edge as bad a reputation as people who break edge.
07-30-2007, 08:43 AM
I don't think it is ever anyone in the communities so much as confused listeners that actually use violence here. We have had a few stabbings and some other violent acts but I havn't heard of any deaths.
The problem is that when you are writing lyrics that are saying kill for sxe etc. even though you might be using them for effect some people are going to get confused and believe them.
Standing up for your beliefs is one thing but unnecessary violence or "killing" for your beliefs is retarded and I cant believe people actually encourage this shit.
yeah, but that's my point, i don't think the people actually making the statements do or have any intention of living up to their own lyrics which is what makes it so ridiculous.
07-30-2007, 10:52 AM
yeah, but that's my point, i don't think the people actually making the statements do or have any intention of living up to their own lyrics which is what makes it so ridiculous.
08-18-2007, 03:08 PM
In my country there are no "militant" or "hardline" sXe's on the scene, jet a lot of non-sXe people compare us, tolerant and positive sXeers, with militant ones... If you are sXe people, here, think that you wanna beat up every junkiee, drunk or smoker, or they think that you are a fag (gay).. It's stupid but here sXe is still new movement...
I think that militant sXe is stupid and I don't see any reason to kick dopers... I also think that hardline is just a pose and a lot of those kids are not clean for a years...
09-11-2007, 06:33 PM
I agree whole heartedly, being edge is a choice, rather, a promise to yourself to better yourself, and to live without the poisons. I was a drugger and drinker for 9 years. I'm no better then the others like i was, its just that i chose to better myself, and make that promise to myself. To hurt someone because they don't believe the same ideals as you is more synonymous to Terrorism then anything else. and personally i believe there should be more trouble brought to the dealers and the users, but that is not OUR responsibility. As a community, and as a species we need to push politically, not physically against these parasites to our nation(s). you really want to stop the dealers and addicts? become a cop, that's their job. you want to stop the perpetual spread of these poisons, then start taking a POSITIVE active role in the lives of the next generation, don't tell them what to believe, but give them the tools, and the education to make the decisions that will better their lives. If we have learned anything through our thousands of years on this earth it is that VIOLENCE SOLVES NOTHING. Violence breeds retaliation. Violence breeds terrorism. Worst of all, Violence breeds and is spawned by ignorance in it self, which seems to be, IMHO, the root of the problem.
09-12-2007, 07:45 AM
I've never seen militant straight edgers, I just heard about them. I think everbody has to choose his life himself. From my point of view, seeing people drain themselfes by taking drugs and knowing people who have problems with drugs, or generally people who are taking drugs, are the main reason to become straight edge, so you can't really blame them. Everyone has a different opinion you have to respect (apart from that it could be illegal), and you want to be accepted yourself. To be violent against others just damages the reputation of your own scene.
I think the violent straight edgers don't have to do anything with the normal straight edge scene. They're just militant intolerant guys who don't take drugs but they aren't the same as we others are. And I don't wanna be compared to them.
10-07-2007, 01:23 PM
I really hate bands like xAFBx, xTyrantx etc. because here one of the main straight edge bands xTHE WARx have just signed to seventh dagger and play the exact same bullshit with retarded lyrics like "I would kill for straight edge" "Kill an emo kid". It gives everyone the idea that straight edge kids are all a bunch of testosterone overloaded dudes that gang up and beat the shit out of people and are extremely close minded and arrogant.
So basically the majority of straight edge bands here have the militant bbp views and play to sound like Seventh Dagger bands and it frustrates me because it is creating a generation of kids with a confused idea of sxe who wear kill your local drug dealer shirts and try to beat up smokers.
to be honest i can see where your coming from, i see it as a straight edge version of preaching bad, we are edge for ourselfs but in some cases drug dealers have stitched people up or ganged up on edge's so i suppose its just an attitude to hate if they piss off or disrespect, i think its just a harder version of edge music, cant all be the same we have out own minds, and i think if people get brain eashed by it then there just stupid and dont deserve to be edge,
10-15-2007, 08:26 AM
The way I see it is I don't go around beating up smokers or anything like that. But just like the person above me said we can't be the same and all have our own minds. Just because some peole take a militant stance on things doesn't mean they don't deserve to be edge. They just have a different view then you thats all.
I hate to say it but I think hardcore is kind of a weak scene.I see people wearing shirts that say I would die for my beliefs but don't do shit to act on it. If I agree or dis-agree with your opinion doesn't matter at least you have the balls to stand up for them. I have more respect for someone who will actually act on what they think is right then someone who sits back and does nothing.
10-15-2007, 09:07 AM
The way I see it is I don't go around beating up smokers or anything like that. But just like the person above me said we can't be the same and all have our own minds. Just because some peole take a militant stance on things doesn't mean they don't deserve to be edge. They just have a different view then you thats all.
I hate to say it but I think hardcore is kind of a weak scene.I see people wearing shirts that say I would die for my beliefs but don't do shit to act on it. If I agree or dis-agree with your opinion doesn't matter at least you have the balls to stand up for them. I have more respect for someone who will actually act on what they think is right then someone who sits back and does nothing.
You are missing the point here, it isn't the bands that are doing anything... they are just encouraging minions to do it. I also believe that you should stand up for what you believe even if you are standing alone but I don't believe you should force feed messages of violence and negativity onto kids.
11-13-2007, 07:06 PM
miliants are dumb they are killing and hurting the wrong people. its not the users that need to be stopped. if they want to hurt people why not go after the makers the dealers the trafficers the people over seas? just stabbing a addict doesnt make any differnce.
11-24-2007, 07:59 PM
I totally agree. In school we were made watch a documentary of a heroin addict and the scars on her arms from injecting herself were so bad that if she continued she'd have to get them amputated. And she was terrified of getting them amputated but because the drugs had such control over her she couldn't stop. I really pity those who want to give up but can't because the drug has overcome them. I think it's really awful how dependent people become on drugs. If it weren't for the dealers I don't think we'd have as much problems in the first place. Or if people weren't so curious as to try drugs for 'fun'.
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