View Full Version : help me out people ......

08-01-2007, 03:48 PM
Hey people, im not SE, i dont smoke, drink or do drugs, where i live you have only like 2 shows every year and when there on all you get are these emo kids just standing around. the closed thing to a hardcore show was seeing gallows, it just changed my mind of shows for ever, they were soo enerjectic and give the crowd aload of energy, mosh pits everywhere, it was the best time of my life, i loooked into the band of found about SE, but i had no idea what it was, i was fasanated by it. i would love to become SE but i feel that because i dont go hardcore shows (because i cant) like i dont earn it. what do you think?

08-01-2007, 05:43 PM
Hey people, im not SE, i dont smoke, drink or do drugs, where i live you have only like 2 shows every year and when there on all you get are these emo kids just standing around. the closed thing to a hardcore show was seeing gallows, it just changed my mind of shows for ever, they were soo enerjectic and give the crowd aload of energy, mosh pits everywhere, it was the best time of my life, i loooked into the band of found about SE, but i had no idea what it was, i was fasanated by it. i would love to become SE but i feel that because i dont go hardcore shows (because i cant) like i dont earn it. what do you think?

I think you may have taken the front part of this website a little too literally. you're a part of things to the best of your ability, so I don't really understand why you'd think you weren't edge.

08-01-2007, 11:58 PM
the edge isnt about living at shows. where i live im the only sxe and the only hardcore band is breathe before the surface, whoa re anti sxe but i walk the edge. look on the internet bye cd's and go out of town 2 some friggen hardcore bands!!!!!!!!!