View Full Version : Eating Problems?

08-15-2007, 08:09 PM
Is having eating problems a problem when it comes to SxE? I have an eating disorder...and I just thought I would ask if that becomes a problem with SxE, since being SxE is about having a healthy lifestyle. Im not SxE...of cousre not. But one of these days, I may choose to be in the scene. Ohh..ONE more question! How do I find out about HxC shows around my area where SxE's will be at? I live in San Antonio, TX...if you know anything about shows being in this area or how I can find out...let me know, im interested.

08-16-2007, 09:46 AM
Is having eating problems a problem when it comes to SxE? I have an eating disorder...and I just thought I would ask if that becomes a problem with SxE, since being SxE is about having a healthy lifestyle. Im not SxE...of cousre not. But one of these days, I may choose to be in the scene. Ohh..ONE more question! How do I find out about HxC shows around my area where SxE's will be at? I live in San Antonio, TX...if you know anything about shows being in this area or how I can find out...let me know, im interested.

the focus of straight edge is fairly narrow in the scheme of things. Lots of things are generally considered "bad" but not within the scope of straight edge. Gambling, self harm, excessive spending, etc. That doesn't make them good ideas, it just means they're outside of the focus.

There are usually 2 ways to find out about shows in any town, do a search for venues, and look at the smaller ones, they're usually where hardcore shows happen. The other is to look for an independent record store, there will be flyers there.

08-16-2007, 09:56 PM
the focus of straight edge is fairly narrow in the scheme of things. Lots of things are generally considered "bad" but not within the scope of straight edge. Gambling, self harm, excessive spending, etc. That doesn't make them good ideas, it just means they're outside of the focus.

There are usually 2 ways to find out about shows in any town, do a search for venues, and look at the smaller ones, they're usually where hardcore shows happen. The other is to look for an independent record store, there will be flyers there.

Thanks for the info. I will try to ask someone around here if they know where an independent record store is. Im sure they are somewhere around town.