View Full Version : A few qusetions about "straight edge"

08-16-2007, 03:23 PM
I am by no means straight edge, ill get drunk a couple times i months, I smoke cigs(sort of wish i didnt) and I thoroughly enjoypsychedelic drugs like shrooms, acid, dmt and a whole handful of research chemicals. Now what im wondering is what are your individual veiws on psychedelic substances. Do u find them the same as alcohol? Do you completely hate anyone who uses them? If u consider them bad then why? Basically i just want to understand what you guys think of these drugs. Lets exclude weed on this one.

08-16-2007, 03:30 PM
well idk about the others but i dont hate people because they do drugs and stuff. but its all veiwed the same... poison

08-16-2007, 03:34 PM
What makes them a "Poison"?

08-16-2007, 03:37 PM
Let me rephrase my statement. Instead of "hating" people who do these drugs, do you look down upon them, if so then why?

08-16-2007, 03:50 PM
What makes them a "Poison"?

they mess with your mind and can slowly kill you

08-16-2007, 03:51 PM
Let me rephrase my statement. Instead of "hating" people who do these drugs, do you look down upon them, if so then why?

this is a hard one...

i would say no because its their life choice. much like i hope u dont look down on the edge

08-16-2007, 03:58 PM
Let me rephrase my statement. Instead of "hating" people who do these drugs, do you look down upon them, if so then why?

I have to wonder why people would chose to do substances to make themselves feel something that isn't real, and that can lead to long term health problems.

08-16-2007, 07:58 PM
they mess with your mind and can slowly kill you

Most psychedelic drugs (theres a few exceptions such as datura) are very safe(espically if used properly) in fact they are medically the safest psychoactive substances there are. That includes anything from caffiene to certain types of inhailers. You would have more chance of dying from tylenol than you would from taking shrooms.
Yes they do "mess with your head" that is the point of taking them. The human race as a whole lives for the very purpose of changing thier conciousness. Why do people ride rollercaosters, watch a funny movie, have sex or go to a concert. Its all for the very purpose of having a direct impact on your thought patterns and ego. Now its very much okay for someone to not want to try mind altering substances as that would be thier decision but to not want to based on false facts of them being unhealthy that anti drug propoganda such has DARE and ABOVE THE INFLUENCE has force fed you since you were a kid is wrong. If you spend even just a few minutes looking up facts on these chemicals you will find they are not nearly as dangerous as some people would like you to believe. O and for the record the safety of drugs i stated earlier is straight fact not personal opinion, that information is accesable to anyone just spend the time to look, dont just blindly follow some 30 second freevibe commerical you saw on the family channel.

08-16-2007, 08:09 PM
Most psychedelic drugs (theres a few exceptions such as datura) are very safe(espically if used properly) in fact they are medically the safest psychoactive substances there are. That includes anything from caffiene to certain types of inhailers. You would have more chance of dying from tylenol than you would from taking shrooms.
Yes they do "mess with your head" that is the point of taking them. The human race as a whole lives for the very purpose of changing thier conciousness. Why do people ride rollercaosters, watch a funny movie, have sex or go to a concert. Its all for the very purpose of having a direct impact on your thought patterns and ego. Now its very much okay for someone to not want to try mind altering substances as that would be thier decision but to not want to based on false facts of them being unhealthy that anti drug propoganda such has DARE and ABOVE THE INFLUENCE has force fed you since you were a kid is wrong. If you spend even just a few minutes looking up facts on these chemicals you will find they are not nearly as dangerous as some people would like you to believe. O and for the record the safety of drugs i stated earlier is straight fact not personal opinion, that information is accesable to anyone just spend the time to look, dont just blindly follow some 30 second freevibe commerical you saw on the family channel.

so there hasn't been a link between the use of psychoactive drugs and increase risk of panic disorders, psychotic episodes, depression, etc? If used properly, you wouldn't be using them, since you're using them recreationally, not medicinally. To think that you at 19 somehow know more and better than medical professionals is laughable at best.

08-16-2007, 08:10 PM
I have to wonder why people would chose to do substances to make themselves feel something that isn't real, and that can lead to long term health problems.

waht do you mean by feel something that isnt real

08-16-2007, 08:13 PM
waht do you mean by feel something that isnt real

hallucinations are by definition not real.

08-16-2007, 08:26 PM
so there hasn't been a link between the use of psychoactive drugs and increase risk of panic disorders, psychotic episodes, depression, etc? If used properly, you wouldn't be using them, since you're using them recreationally, not medicinally. To think that you at 19 somehow know more and better than medical professionals is laughable at best.

Yes there are risk of negative psychological effects but there are also the same if not more positive psychological effects and is quite oftenly used in psychotherapy to cure the very same problems as you have stated before. When i say "used properly" i mean not in high doses, used by people with mental disorders or unstable minds, not used in bad situations, used excessively or people who have no information on waht they are taking and mix with interfering medications. If you follow those the chances of any negative outcome are minimal to none. I never said that i know more than medical proffesionals and i will admit that i dont, i am merely stating what they themselves have said. There is no harm in safe recreational use and jsut because it is recreational doesnt mean you will not come out of the experience improving who you are as a person nor do you need to be in a proffesional setting to gain any personal insight. You didnt mention anything on medical dangers, such as overdosing and physical damage to your body. Does that mean you understand they are not unhealthy for your body or do you disagree?

08-16-2007, 08:27 PM
hallucinations are by definition not real.

movies arent real (well sometimes they are like biography's) Does that stop you from watching them? And for the record the visuals are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to hallucinogens

08-16-2007, 08:34 PM
Yes there are risk of negative psychological effects but there are also the same if not more positive psychological effects and is quite oftenly used in psychotherapy to cure the very same problems as you have stated before. When i say "used properly" i mean not in high doses, used by people with mental disorders or unstable minds, not used in bad situations, used excessively or people who have no information on waht they are taking and mix with interfering medications. If you follow those the chances of any negative outcome are minimal to none. I never said that i know more than medical proffesionals and i will admit that i dont, i am merely stating what they themselves have said. There is no harm in safe recreational use and jsut because it is recreational doesnt mean you will not come out of the experience improving who you are as a person nor do you need to be in a proffesional setting to gain any personal insight. You didnt mention anything on medical dangers, such as overdosing and physical damage to your body. Does that mean you understand they are not unhealthy for your body or do you disagree?

so you mean not taken without medical supervision? Because that's how they would be "used properly" with a controlled dose and under observation and to treat something specifically. None of which you're actually doing. There is no such thing as safe recreational use. I didn't mention the physical dangers like hypertension and overdose, because you were talking about the psychological effects, but sure, we can talk about those too, or do they not exist either?

08-16-2007, 08:40 PM
movies arent real (well sometimes they are like biography's) Does that stop you from watching them? And for the record the visuals are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to hallucinogens

your attempt at an analogy doesn't really work, since a movie is real. Taking a drug to produce an effect only in your own mind that is a product of an external chemical isn't anywhere near the same thing. You're talking about imaginary things like they are somehow necessary, when they simply aren't.

08-16-2007, 08:41 PM
Most psychedelic drugs (theres a few exceptions such as datura) are very safe(espically if used properly) in fact they are medically the safest psychoactive substances there are. That includes anything from caffiene to certain types of inhailers. You would have more chance of dying from tylenol than you would from taking shrooms.
Yes they do "mess with your head" that is the point of taking them. The human race as a whole lives for the very purpose of changing thier conciousness. Why do people ride rollercaosters, watch a funny movie, have sex or go to a concert. Its all for the very purpose of having a direct impact on your thought patterns and ego. Now its very much okay for someone to not want to try mind altering substances as that would be thier decision but to not want to based on false facts of them being unhealthy that anti drug propoganda such has DARE and ABOVE THE INFLUENCE has force fed you since you were a kid is wrong. If you spend even just a few minutes looking up facts on these chemicals you will find they are not nearly as dangerous as some people would like you to believe. O and for the record the safety of drugs i stated earlier is straight fact not personal opinion, that information is accesable to anyone just spend the time to look, dont just blindly follow some 30 second freevibe commerical you saw on the family channel.

To say that shrooms are safe is total bullshit mate. I know of alot of cases where people have become permanently psychotic from them and to say that nobody has died from them is quite far from the truth. Several times people have gotten a "bad trip" and died from drowning in pools, at the beach or have walked in front of a train as well as the countless incidents where users have committed suicide because of it.

Also I am not only stating facts without understanding what it is like to use hallucinogens, I tried everything I could apart from shooting shit into my veins and I went through the same phase that you are going through where you think drugs are all fun and no ill effects.

I'm sure you are an expert though and all sxe people are just too dumb to use drugs.

08-16-2007, 09:12 PM
so you mean not taken without medical supervision? Because that's how they would be "used properly" with a controlled dose and under observation and to treat something specifically. None of which you're actually doing. There is no such thing as safe recreational use. I didn't mention the physical dangers like hypertension and overdose, because you were talking about the psychological effects, but sure, we can talk about those too, or do they not exist either?

Medical supervision is not necisary for a safe trip. I do take a controlled doses, I do use trip sitters just in case do happen try something crazy and i do use them to trea specific personal problems. In my opinion there is safe recreational use and for me that would be following all the precausions ive stated in my previous posts. There are medical dangers(and pyshcological ones<im not sure if your actually reading my posts ive aldready said both these do exist im not disagreeing) and can be completely avoided such as hypertension. In the drug world its called hypertensive crysis and is only brought about by mixing medications with such drugs and like i stated before know your stuff before putting such substances in your body. Overdose on most psychedelic drugs is very rare and damn near impossible to achieve. There are some exceptions like ketamine, pcp and dxm but for the most part isnt going to happen with things like shrooms, lsd or mescaline. If you were to od on any of these substances you most definately know you were as you would be ingesting rediculous amounts of product. I would like to know some physical medical dangers you would be worried about. Also i sense some hostility in your posts jsut chill out dude im trying to have an edgucated debate.

08-16-2007, 09:20 PM
your attempt at an analogy doesn't really work, since a movie is real. Taking a drug to produce an effect only in your own mind that is a product of an external chemical isn't anywhere near the same thing. You're talking about imaginary things like they are somehow necessary, when they simply aren't.

Yes they arent actually there but im not sure why that would stop you from doing it. If you can touch it see it taste hear it and smell it then its real to you, so what if no one else is experiencing it. Maybe a better analogy would be why do you dream if its not real, after all its only internal imagery.

08-16-2007, 09:27 PM
Medical supervision is not necisary for a safe trip. I do take a controlled doses, I do use trip sitters just in case do happen try something crazy and i do use them to trea specific personal problems. In my opinion there is safe recreational use and for me that would be following all the precausions ive stated in my previous posts. There are medical dangers(and pyshcological ones<im not sure if your actually reading my posts ive aldready said both these do exist im not disagreeing) and can be completely avoided such as hypertension. In the drug world its called hypertensive crysis and is only brought about by mixing medications with such drugs and like i stated before know your stuff before putting such substances in your body. Overdose on most psychedelic drugs is very rare and damn near impossible to achieve. There are some exceptions like ketamine, pcp and dxm but for the most part isnt going to happen with things like shrooms, lsd or mescaline. If you were to od on any of these substances you most definately know you were as you would be ingesting rediculous amounts of product. I would like to know some physical medical dangers you would be worried about. Also i sense some hostility in your posts jsut chill out dude im trying to have an edgucated debate.

how can hypertension be prevented, when increased blood pressure and heart rate are primary effects of the drug? And how are you taking a controlled dose, especially if it's something like shrooms or lsd?I'd also like to know how the risks can be completely avoided when a lot of the time, they're completely out of the users control? I'm not hostile at all, I just don't think you're doing anything that regurgitating unscientific facts that you read somewhere else in an attempt to convince people that what you choose to do is somehow completely safe and/or a good idea, when in reality it's neither.

08-16-2007, 09:30 PM
Yes they arent actually there but im not sure why that would stop you from doing it. If you can touch it see it taste hear it and smell it then its real to you, so what if no one else is experiencing it. Maybe a better analogy would be why do you dream if its not real, after all its only internal imagery.

Because, what value does it have if it's artificial and forced? The point being, you aren't actually touching, seeing, tasting or smelling anything, because you know it's not real and when you come out of it, you know full well that it was a hallucination. Trying to compare a dream, a natural and normal thing, to something chemically induced still doesn't hold. You're trying to force your brain into feeling something.

08-16-2007, 09:39 PM
To say that shrooms are safe is total bullshit mate. I know of alot of cases where people have become permanently psychotic from them and to say that nobody has died from them is quite far from the truth. Several times people have gotten a "bad trip" and died from drowning in pools, at the beach or have walked in front of a train as well as the countless incidents where users have committed suicide because of it.

Also I am not only stating facts without understanding what it is like to use hallucinogens, I tried everything I could apart from shooting shit into my veins and I went through the same phase that you are going through where you think drugs are all fun and no ill effects.

I'm sure you are an expert though and all sxe people are just too dumb to use drugs.

Shrooms are safe if used properly. Yes they can bring out underlying schizophrenia and other mental disorders but once again if you use precuation you have nothing to worry about. Dont do psychelics if you have family history of mental disorders, or any existing problem of your own. Dont do them if you are in a bad mood or stressed. Especielly dont use them excessively or in large doses as that would be a major factor in permanent negative effects.

Not many people do crazy things like jump out of buildings because they thought they could fly, its not common at all most of the time they are just rumors designed by people who are afraid to use them as an excuse when they should just say the experience frightens them. Also it can be avoided like is aid earlier if you have a trip sitter. Also commiting suicide on drugs is rare and can be avoided if(like i said earlier) you dont use while depressed and have a trip sitter.

I understand the dangers of these substances very well in my personal opinion much more than you(not an insult) and i realize there are ill effects which is why i feel safe using them as i know what they are. These drugs are a very serious matter and arent to be taken lightly and i use them for much more than just fun. I dont think you guys are stupid i just felt (judging from your posts) that some of you are ill infomed on the dangers of certain chemicals. Might i also add that drug use experience has very little to do with wether you know how safe drugs are.

08-16-2007, 10:14 PM
how can hypertension be prevented, when increased blood pressure and heart rate are primary effects of the drug? And how are you taking a controlled dose, especially if it's something like shrooms or lsd?I'd also like to know how the risks can be completely avoided when a lot of the time, they're completely out of the users control? I'm not hostile at all, I just don't think you're doing anything that regurgitating unscientific facts that you read somewhere else in an attempt to convince people that what you choose to do is somehow completely safe and/or a good idea, when in reality it's neither.

What substance are you talking about that increases blood pressure and heart rate. Whatever it is heart rate and blood pressure are not primary effects of these drugs. Some substances canslightly increase blood pressure but not to a dangerous degree on there own. You can easily prevent it. If you already have a high blood pressure do not take a substance known for increasing it. Also do not mix thing with medications that induce hypertensive crysis for example mixing certain antidepressents(like zoloft) which are ssri's with stimulants such as mdma(ecstasy). I also want to make it apparent that death from this is extremely rare. I take controlled doses(for example shrooms) by performing simple acid based alkaloid extractions on the mushrooms in order to isolate the psilocybin crystals and then weight them out on my milligram scale for a more definitave dose. Lsd is a trickier one unless ouve layed the acid on the sheet your self its hard to tell how many micrograms are actually in it. i usually jsut ask experienced users how much should take but you can also send it into a lab and theyll test the dose for a fee of course. The risks can be completely avoided all it takes is some knowledge for safe trip.
I am stating facts but they are definately not false. I read papers written by the people who synthisize the substances themselves and by people who do tests in lab settings. What i do is not completely safe i have already said it isnt but it can be very safe using the proper precations. Im not trying to say tis a good idea either but u can definately learn something from the experience. I jsut want people to learn some facts and forget the propoganda. I came here to learn where u guys come from but still dont understand where you guys are coming from. All ive got is u dont like these drugs because they will be the end of you with no substancial facts to support it.

08-16-2007, 10:28 PM
Because, what value does it have if it's artificial and forced? The point being, you aren't actually touching, seeing, tasting or smelling anything, because you know it's not real and when you come out of it, you know full well that it was a hallucination. Trying to compare a dream, a natural and normal thing, to something chemically induced still doesn't hold. You're trying to force your brain into feeling something.

Well the thing is you arefeeling those sensations its the other people around you that arent. Just because you are on a drug shouldnt change the relevance as its just as real as any reality while your on it and when you come off it it will be remembered in your mind just the same. It didnt happen on an external plaine but the first person experience is as real as it gets. Even when your on it you know your on drugs and that no one else is seeing what you are(well depends how far gone you are) but its there as plain as day. Chemical induced or not your brain is still going through the same exact steps either way, it functions no differently dreaming or tripping or being awake. You are not forcing your brain to do anything. Your brain controls your limbs you pick up the pipe and smoke. Its not like your possesed.

08-16-2007, 10:34 PM
What substance are you talking about that increases blood pressure and heart rate. Whatever it is heart rate and blood pressure are not primary effects of these drugs.
all do, partially based on the reaction to the hallucinations, especially during a "bad trip" and partially due to the interaction with the body.

I take controlled doses(for example shrooms) by performing simple acid based alkaloid extractions on the mushrooms in order to isolate the psilocybin crystals and then weight them out on my milligram scale for a more definitave dose. Lsd is a trickier one unless ouve layed the acid on the sheet your self its hard to tell how many micrograms are actually in it. i usually jsut ask experienced users how much should take but you can also send it into a lab and theyll test the dose for a fee of course. The risks can be completely avoided all it takes is some knowledge for safe trip.

so at 19 you're not only a drug expert, but also a chemistry expert as well? That you can accurately control your own dosages? Or are you simply doing something rudimentary to give yourself some sense of control?

I am stating facts but they are definately not false. I read papers written by the people who synthisize the substances themselves and by people who do tests in lab settings. What i do is not completely safe i have already said it isnt but it can be very safe using the proper precations. Im not trying to say tis a good idea either but u can definately learn something from the experience. I jsut want people to learn some facts and forget the propoganda.

I guess the point is lost on you that what you're spewing is nothing more than a different kind of propaganda right? That scientific studies and facts that are opposed to you, you mark as propaganda, and that we must think the way we do because of ignorance and not because we each decided to research it on our own and came up with a different conclusion than you did.

I came here to learn where u guys come from but still dont understand where you guys are coming from. All ive got is u dont like these drugs because they will be the end of you with no substancial facts to support it.

because you've apparently decided to focus on risks instead of motivation. I don't think anyone here has said anything about these drugs being the end of them. Just that they don't seem like a good idea, which apparently is something you can't quite wrap your brain around.

08-16-2007, 10:39 PM
Well the thing is you arefeeling those sensations its the other people around you that arent. Just because you are on a drug shouldnt change the relevance as its just as real as any reality while your on it and when you come off it it will be remembered in your mind just the same. It didnt happen on an external plaine but the first person experience is as real as it gets. Even when your on it you know your on drugs and that no one else is seeing what you are(well depends how far gone you are) but its there as plain as day. Chemical induced or not your brain is still going through the same exact steps either way, it functions no differently dreaming or tripping or being awake. You are not forcing your brain to do anything. Your brain controls your limbs you pick up the pipe and smoke. Its not like your possesed.

Yeah, but that's the thing you're failing to get, you aren't feeling those sensations, your brain is just tricked into thinking it is. There is a fundamental difference that you fail to accept. The fact that you are on a drug is the exact reason why it does change the relevance, because one is artifical and one isn't. The fact that it's chemically induced actually does mean that it's functioning completely different than if you're dreaming or awake. You are forcing your brain into an altered state. I'm not quite sure what is so hard about this that you can't seem to grasp.

08-16-2007, 11:10 PM
all do, partially based on the reaction to the hallucinations, especially during a "bad trip" and partially due to the interaction with the body.

yes thats true but not many (if any people) haev died from it. Usually when people go to a hospital while tripping becaus they freak out they just give them a minor tranquilizor like xanax to calm them down. They arent going to die.

so at 19 you're not only a drug expert, but also a chemistry expert as well? That you can accurately control your own dosages? Or are you simply doing something rudimentary to give yourself some sense of control?

Im not an expert ive already said that and im no chem wiz i just know some basic stuff. I do control my own dosages. I isolate the chemical so there is nothing but pure psychoactive substance. then i weigh it down to a VERy accurate degree. There would be no question in my mind that i would be taking too much or too little. This extraction and the others i do are not complicated. All you need is the right lab equipment and a basic knowledge of chemistry.

I guess the point is lost on you that what you're spewing is nothing more than a different kind of propaganda right? That scientific studies and facts that are opposed to you, you mark as propaganda, and that we must think the way we do because of ignorance and not because we each decided to research it on our own and came up with a different conclusion than you did.

Agreed we have different perspectives based on different things weve read

because you've apparently decided to focus on risks instead of motivation. I don't think anyone here has said anything about these drugs being the end of them. Just that they don't seem like a good idea, which apparently is something you can't quite wrap your brain around.

I meant some of you think these drugs are super dangerous when theya re not(well in my opinion of course) Now lets get back to the original topic as yes we have strayed.

08-16-2007, 11:14 PM
Yeah, but that's the thing you're failing to get, you aren't feeling those sensations, your brain is just tricked into thinking it is. There is a fundamental difference that you fail to accept. The fact that you are on a drug is the exact reason why it does change the relevance, because one is artifical and one isn't. The fact that it's chemically induced actually does mean that it's functioning completely different than if you're dreaming or awake. You are forcing your brain into an altered state. I'm not quite sure what is so hard about this that you can't seem to grasp.

Qucik question, How do you think chemicals efffect the body and mind. For example the drug enters the body then does what to your brain.

08-16-2007, 11:41 PM
Qucik question, How do you think chemicals efffect the body and mind. For example the drug enters the body then does what to your brain.

Chemical imbalance, shuts off certain nerves and receptors, heightens some nerves and reactions and dulls some. The main thing that happens is your body sends the message to the brain that you are poisoned.

Alot of people don't recover from this either, despite whether or not they have a history of mental problems in the family and these days who doesn't have a history of mental problems of some kind?

08-17-2007, 12:30 AM
Chemical imbalance, shuts off certain nerves and receptors, heightens some nerves and reactions and dulls some. The main thing that happens is your body sends the message to the brain that you are poisoned.

Alot of people don't recover from this either, despite whether or not they have a history of mental problems in the family and these days who doesn't have a history of mental problems of some kind?

Let me clear this up. For starters there are no nerves in your brain. You do not feel your brain. Also your brain doesnt just go ooo im poisoned now i hallucinate and think odd thoughts. What happens in the case of most psychedelics is (lets use psilocyben as an example)is the body consumes the substance. In the body it is turned into psilocin then enters the blood stream and crosses the blood brain barrier. Once in the brain the psilocin molecules enter your 5ht2 receptors. the only reason your receptors absorbs them is because the molecule is very similar to serotonin a naturally occuring neurotransmitter in the body. (They are both tryptamines) Think of it as a key fitting in the right slot. Serotonin receptors control your mood, colors tastes and so on.Your body does not know its being poisoned it merely acts as it always does its just the substance the receptors are absorbing that change thing around.

08-17-2007, 03:58 AM
Did I ever say there was nerves in the brain?
No I said that you're body sends messages to your brain telling it that you are poisoned.


Chemical imbalance, shuts off certain nerves and receptors, heightens some nerves and reactions and dulls some

Your body does not know its being poisoned it merely acts as it always does its just the substance the receptors are absorbing that change thing around.

You're body does know it is poisoned, since you eat mushrooms and it does not go straight into your blood stream. It recognizes the psilocybin as something to get rid of but of course you're body cannot just simply piss it away and yes some of it gets absorbed into your brain.

Have you not noticed that since you're first post every post you have made after that is changing your mindset?

You start off talking about how great and risk free hallucinogens are and then by the end you are repeating the psychological side effects we mentioned in the first place. What exactly was the point of even discussing this here, did you just plan to throw questions at us and then insist we have answered them incorrectly so you can feel superior? Do you need a pat on the back or someone to tell you that your brain is functioning?

08-17-2007, 08:58 AM
Let me clear this up. For starters there are no nerves in your brain. You do not feel your brain. Also your brain doesnt just go ooo im poisoned now i hallucinate and think odd thoughts. What happens in the case of most psychedelics is (lets use psilocyben as an example)is the body consumes the substance. In the body it is turned into psilocin then enters the blood stream and crosses the blood brain barrier. Once in the brain the psilocin molecules enter your 5ht2 receptors. the only reason your receptors absorbs them is because the molecule is very similar to serotonin a naturally occuring neurotransmitter in the body. (They are both tryptamines) Think of it as a key fitting in the right slot. Serotonin receptors control your mood, colors tastes and so on.Your body does not know its being poisoned it merely acts as it always does its just the substance the receptors are absorbing that change thing around.

I like how you make the assumption that we don't know what we're talking about, and then say things that mirror what people here have already said. So you're not tricking your body into feeling something that isn't real?

08-17-2007, 03:17 PM
Did I ever say there was nerves in the brain?
No I said that you're body sends messages to your brain telling it that you are poisoned.

Im sorry you took offense i foudn your explantion quite wrong.

You're body does know it is poisoned, since you eat mushrooms and it does not go straight into your blood stream. It recognizes the psilocybin as something to get rid of but of course you're body cannot just simply piss it away and yes some of it gets absorbed into your brain.

Very interesting ive never herd or read anything about this can you please site your information so i know these facts arent coming from your imagination.

Have you not noticed that since you're first post every post you have made after that is changing your mindset?

You start off talking about how great and risk free hallucinogens are and then by the end you are repeating the psychological side effects we mentioned in the first place. What exactly was the point of even discussing this here, did you just plan to throw questions at us and then insist we have answered them incorrectly so you can feel superior? Do you need a pat on the back or someone to tell you that your brain is functioning?

I want to make it aparent that these drugs are much safer and healthier than most legal drugs. VEry few people if any have died from these drugs. I will tell you the straight up facts not hide them like anti drug programs like dare. That includes the pros and cons of these substances. To me it sounds like you dont want to hear the full facts. Like i said earlier i came to understand your guys view on these substances and yes i did get a carried away as i found your defense wrong(in my opinion of course). I have found out little about why you dislike these drugs. My best explanation is you veiw all drugs as evil regardless of how different they are. You also want to be part of this scene so you wont do them and use claims of them being bad as an excuse without actually looking into the matter. Now lets please get back to the original topic. I think we scared everyone off.

08-17-2007, 03:31 PM
I like how you make the assumption that we don't know what we're talking about, and then say things that mirror what people here have already said. So you're not tricking your body into feeling something that isn't real?

I made the assumption that the guy who made the explanation didnt know what he was talking about because it did not make sense and i had never heard/read that before in my life. I will apologize when he posts some information supporting his claim. I cannot answer your final question until i know what your definition of real is. like real to others or real to you?

08-17-2007, 03:38 PM
I made the assumption that the guy who made the explanation didnt know what he was talking about because it did not make sense and i had never heard/read that before in my life. I will apologize when he posts some information supporting his claim. I cannot answer your final question until i know what your definition of real is. like real to others or real to you?

What part didn't make sense? Especially since you both have said essentially the same thing, you just took offense to the word poison.

Real to you and real to others is the same. This is the fundamental flaw with your mindset. You are trying to argue that someone that is induced by a drug is somehow the same as something that isn't. That you want to try and argue that hallucinations somehow have value because your brain created images based on a drug reaction.

08-17-2007, 03:43 PM
I want to make it aparent that these drugs are much safer and healthier than most legal drugs. VEry few people if any have died from these drugs.

This statement doesn't make sense, because the number of people using these drugs are infinitely smaller than most legal drugs. You can't say that one is safer than the other based on deaths simply due to the fact that the usage is so totally different.

I will tell you the straight up facts not hide them like anti drug programs like dare. That includes the pros and cons of these substances. To me it sounds like you dont want to hear the full facts.

Why would anyone here want to hear the "full facts" about drugs from you? Is the audience here completely lost on you?

Like i said earlier i came to understand your guys view on these substances and yes i did get a carried away as i found your defense wrong(in my opinion of course). I have found out little about why you dislike these drugs. My best explanation is you veiw all drugs as evil regardless of how different they are. You also want to be part of this scene so you wont do them and use claims of them being bad as an excuse without actually looking into the matter. Now lets please get back to the original topic. I think we scared everyone off.

Again, why would someone, who is against drugs, tout or even believe that the recreational use is positive or should be encouraged?

08-17-2007, 05:55 PM
I want to make it aparent that these drugs are much safer and healthier than most legal drugs. VEry few people if any have died from these drugs. I will tell you the straight up facts not hide them like anti drug programs like dare. That includes the pros and cons of these substances. To me it sounds like you dont want to hear the full facts. Like i said earlier i came to understand your guys view on these substances and yes i did get a carried away as i found your defense wrong(in my opinion of course). I have found out little about why you dislike these drugs. My best explanation is you veiw all drugs as evil regardless of how different they are. You also want to be part of this scene so you wont do them and use claims of them being bad as an excuse without actually looking into the matter. Now lets please get back to the original topic. I think we scared everyone off.

I dislike drugs because I do not need them in my system nor do I want them. If you depend on foreign substances to relax or have a good time then that is your business. I am quite happy with my natural reactions to events, or being my completely sober self.