View Full Version : Have you ever preached about sxe?
08-30-2007, 12:14 PM
-Have you ever tried to make non-edge people understand why you are edge?
-Have you ever told someone he is breaking edge? For what reason ("rule")?
-Have you ever witnessed a clear edge break and then preached?
-Have you ever tried to get someone start edge?
-Do you think it makes you more (read: better) edge if you have been in it for a longer -time, or if you don't use caffeine at all, or if you are vegan?
-Do you think one can be edge if he/she does not listen (and never had) to hardcore and go to shows?
-Or anything else similar if you can think of...?
I have never preached.
I think people are not edge if they are not assosicated with hardcore and the scene. Because it's just stupid to use some label if you don't really belong in it.
I tho' think it's cool if some1 finds sxe first and then starts to listen hardcore and goes to shows.
08-30-2007, 12:53 PM
-Have you ever tried to make non-edge people understand why you are edge?
-Have you ever told someone he is breaking edge? For what reason ("rule")?
-Have you ever witnessed a clear edge break and then preached?
-Have you ever tried to get someone start edge?
-Do you think it makes you more (read: better) edge if you have been in it for a longer -time, or if you don't use caffeine at all, or if you are vegan?
-Do you think one can be edge if he/she does not listen (and never had) to hardcore and go to shows?
-Or anything else similar if you can think of...?
I have never preached.
I think people are not edge if they are not assosicated with hardcore and the scene. Because it's just stupid to use some label if you don't really belong in it.
I tho' think it's cool if some1 finds sxe first and then starts to listen hardcore and goes to shows.
-Have you ever tried to make non-edge people understand why you are edge?
-Have you ever told someone he is breaking edge? For what reason ("rule")?
-Have you ever witnessed a clear edge break and then preached?
witnessed yes, preached nope
-Have you ever tried to get someone start edge?
-Do you think it makes you more (read: better) edge if you have been in it for a longer time, or if you don't use caffeine at all, or if you are vegan?
caffeine is a drug, so that does count for being straight edge. either you are or you're not, there's no "im more edge than you"
-Do you think one can be edge if he/she does not listen (and never had) to hardcore and go to shows?
why all these questions?
08-30-2007, 01:00 PM
why all these questions?
I'm just qurious about how strict people are here about edge.
08-30-2007, 02:03 PM
-Have you ever tried to make non-edge people understand why you are edge?
Yeah. People sometimes ask why and I would gladfully explain. Some people try to mock or have little knowledge of edge so I will tell them about it.
-Have you ever told someone he is breaking edge? For what reason ("rule")?
I know people who have claimed to be straight edge but they drink caffiene, I have never said directly "you are breaking edge" exactly but I have said I do not drink caffiene, I believe it is a drug and that people claiming straght edge should not consume caffiene.
-Have you ever witnessed a clear edge break and then preached?
I have seen one of my closest friends give in and break edge, I didn't preach, I just explained that he was a joke and he should have thought about it long and hard before running around and saying he was edge before making an ass of himself. I was disappointed but I couldn't just throw away years of friendship over it.
-Have you ever tried to get someone start edge?
I have told people about edge and told them the positives of straight edge but I have never TRIED to get someone to become edge. It's a lifestyle I can tell them about and inspire them but they have to make the decision themself.
-Do you think it makes you more (read: better) edge if you have been in it for a longer time, or if you don't use caffeine at all, or if you are vegan?
I don't think anyone is "more" edge than anyone else, infact that sort of thing really annoys me. If someone has been straight edge for 2 days and someone has been edge for 16 years, they are both still straight edge, neither is "more straight edge" than the other. As for caffiene and veganism: if someone is consuming caffiene, in my eyes they are not straight edge. Veganism and Vegetarianism have no link to straight edge at all, they are completely different lifestyles, if someone is straight edge and vegetarian, that does not make them "more straight edge" than someone who is straight edge and eats a beef burger everyday.
-Do you think one can be edge if he/she does not listen (and never had) to hardcore and go to shows?
If someone is claiming to be straight edge and does not support hardcore music in any way at all then I do not see how they would be straight edge. If people aren't involved in hardcore at all then I would say they are drug free, it's the link between the drug free lifestyle and hardcore that defines straight edge. The music is as important as living the lifestyle.
09-03-2007, 10:33 PM
-Have you ever tried to make non-edge people understand why you are edge?
I've never really had to explain it much.
-Have you ever told someone he is breaking edge? For what reason ("rule")?
I've told christians they are not edge.
-Have you ever witnessed a clear edge break and then preached?
Huh, I don't really understand that one. I have had friends break edge and it doesn't bother me that much.
-Have you ever tried to get someone start edge?
No, most of the time I don't try to encourage it as I think it's a personal choice not something that should be influenced by others.
-Do you think it makes you more (read: better) edge if you have been in it for a longer -time, or if you don't use caffeine at all, or if you are vegan?
Vegan has nothing to do with straight edge, most edge people I know consume caffiene but I choose to avoid it.
-Do you think one can be edge if he/she does not listen (and never had) to hardcore and go to shows?
09-07-2007, 05:07 PM
1.-Have you ever tried to make non-edge people understand why you are edge?
Yes, of course! I want especially my friends to understand me.
2.-Have you ever told someone he is breaking edge? For what reason ("rule")?
Hm... not really. But I told a friend, who painted an X on his hand and said he did it 'cause he doesn't take drugs at the moment 'cause he has to be fit for his handball tournament, that that hasn't to do anything with straight edge.
3.-Have you ever witnessed a clear edge break and then preached?
No. But I don't know other Straight Edgers so... who should I witness making an edge brake?
4.-Have you ever tried to get someone start edge?
NO. And I'll never try to. I think everyone has to decide that on his own and with his free and uninfluenced will.
5.-Do you think it makes you more (read: better) edge if you have been in it for a longer time, or if you don't use caffeine at all, or if you are vegan?
No. But other people think (they don't take you seriously if you aren't straight for a long time)
6.-Do you think one can be edge if he/she does not listen (and never had) to hardcore and go to shows?
Yes, of course. I don't listen to hardcore. Well, I think hardcore's okay, but I prefer other kinds of music, like normal punk or metal. For me, straight edge means being drugfree and fighting for the concept of the native Punk. Why it has to be hardcore(-punk)? Important is just the attitude you have (I don't know if it's the right word for that, I mean your opinion about the world and how we should live and what we could do to better the world and so on).
7.-Or anything else similar if you can think of...?
No. See also point 4 last sentence.
09-22-2007, 05:13 PM
-Have you ever tried to make non-edge people understand why you are edge? sort of...I was online and someone who told me he was straight edge and then he decided edge wasn't for him and started questioning me why I was edge so I was giving my reasons in a very brief manner on why I'm edge. And then someone else at the same time started questioning me too so I had to explain why I'm edge etc...
-Have you ever told someone he is breaking edge? For what reason ("rule")? I only know one person who's edge and she's still edge so no
-Have you ever witnessed a clear edge break and then preached? nope
-Have you ever tried to get someone start edge? the one girl I know who's straight edge heard about it first because of me but I didn't try and get her to become straight edge.
-Do you think it makes you more (read: better) edge if you have been in it for a longer -time, or if you don't use caffeine at all, or if you are vegan? no
-Do you think one can be edge if he/she does not listen (and never had) to hardcore and go to shows? yes, I listen to some hardcore bands but they're not all I listen to. I've been to shows but the bands playing weren't classed as hardcore and since I've been into hardcore music no hardcore band that I'm a fan of has come to Ireland to play any shows. and the girl who became straight edge after she heard about it from me and decided to become edge isn't a huge fan of rock music. She likes some but anything heavy she doesn't like. I did tell her to research straight edge first and be totally sure about being edge but I don't think she did or takes it as seriously as others when it comes down to being a fan of hardcore etc.
-Or anything else similar if you can think of...?
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