View Full Version : hardcore what my mate thinks, very valid point mind you

10-10-2007, 07:06 PM
yer tbh i find hardcore a contradiction. the whoile courage strength thing. then theres all this murdercore wanting hurt. im sorry but how the fuck does that work? if hardcore bands (not all of them) are so obsessed with murder and shit like tht. how can they preach pride and respect. its fucking hypocritical, and either theyre spreading fake hate or they shld be locked up

so yer the reason i dnt like hardcore is the majority of it today is fake cos of corporate shit. or just encourages violence. tbh hardcore aint a music genre anymoire its a violent lifestylke and mentality choice. the good kinda hardcore that is just actually in it for respect and pride blah blah blah seems a very small pocket of small bands. but tbh cos thats what hardcore used to, not what it is now

10-10-2007, 07:13 PM
can someone please translate?

10-10-2007, 07:27 PM
yer tbh i find hardcore a contradiction. the whoile courage strength thing. then theres all this murdercore wanting hurt. im sorry but how the fuck does that work? if hardcore bands (not all of them) are so obsessed with murder and shit like tht. how can they preach pride and respect. its fucking hypocritical, and either theyre spreading fake hate or they shld be locked up

so yer the reason i dnt like hardcore is the majority of it today is fake cos of corporate shit. or just encourages violence. tbh hardcore aint a music genre anymoire its a violent lifestylke and mentality choice. the good kinda hardcore that is just actually in it for respect and pride blah blah blah seems a very small pocket of small bands. but tbh cos thats what hardcore used to, not what it is now

I had trouble even reading that, what is murdercore?

What hardcore band is obsessed with murder?


10-10-2007, 07:47 PM
I had trouble even reading that, what is murdercore?

What hardcore band is obsessed with murder?


i know not great writing, just there are hardcore bands that advertise hate and death like six ft ditch and that kind

10-10-2007, 08:00 PM
I dont really consider six ft ditch good or even mentionable as hardcore.

10-11-2007, 02:39 AM
Your thinking this because you are listening to bands who put this message across. If you actually listened to some decent bands things would be different.

10-11-2007, 06:38 AM
Wow that was hard to read. And yeah for the most part you are listening to the wrong type of bands. A lot of bands get labeled as hardcore that aren't core at all.

10-11-2007, 07:16 AM
Wow that was hard to read. And yeah for the most part you are listening to the wrong type of bands. A lot of bands get labeled as hardcore that aren't core at all.

i know man this is just what my mate said on myspace message, im all for the right hardcore i was just saying about how alot of bands out there are puting out the wrong message for all new hardcore fans eg kill your local drug dealer or slaughter your enemys ect

10-12-2007, 01:35 PM
Not that I advocate violence ( but I am in the military so I guess I do) But if you killed a drug dealer who is killing other people for his own well being. I won't be to upset. I am by no means a pacifist. Not even close.
I do agree its stupid when bands say punch kids in the face at a show where we are all suppose to get along. And a lot of bands are just trying to be the typical tough guy shit. But when Ramalah sings kill a celebrity...I wouldn't be upset if someone killed Paris Hilton.

10-12-2007, 05:30 PM
Not that I advocate violence ( but I am in the military so I guess I do) But if you killed a drug dealer who is killing other people for his own well being. I won't be to upset. I am by no means a pacifist. Not even close.
I do agree its stupid when bands say punch kids in the face at a show where we are all suppose to get along. And a lot of bands are just trying to be the typical tough guy shit. But when Ramalah sings kill a celebrity...I wouldn't be upset if someone killed Paris Hilton.

Yeah but just because you wouldn't be upset at the death of a drug dealer or paris hilton shouldn't be reason enough to condone killing them.