View Full Version : depresion

11-01-2007, 07:43 PM
ok im a normal person i suffer from depresion from time to time.. i was once a heavy drinker but i stopped for various reasons,
i am straight edge yes but if its meant to be a pure and strong choice does this make me weak for havin depresion... because i feel weak

any one else have similar things like this

11-01-2007, 08:50 PM
ok im a normal person i suffer from depresion from time to time.. i was once a heavy drinker but i stopped for various reasons,
i am straight edge yes but if its meant to be a pure and strong choice does this make me weak for havin depresion... because i feel weak

any one else have similar things like this

it's a disease, so I don't know what having a disease means in terms of strength.

11-01-2007, 11:00 PM
ok im a normal person i suffer from depresion from time to time.. i was once a heavy drinker but i stopped for various reasons,
i am straight edge yes but if its meant to be a pure and strong choice does this make me weak for havin depresion... because i feel weak

any one else have similar things like this

go to the doctor, and tell him your deases... if you still feel confused, so try to find a bottle and hit to your head... right!?

11-02-2007, 07:30 AM
I have depression, I blame my heavy drug use for it. Depression doesn't make you weak and shouldn't have any impact on being straight edge.

Do you take medication for it?

11-02-2007, 03:54 PM
I have depression, I blame my heavy drug use for it. Depression doesn't make you weak and shouldn't have any impact on being straight edge.

Do you take medication for it?

i refuse medication because for one i dont agree even in that kinda of drugs and i feel i acan overcome anything usin my own mind without influence,
but mainly you hear of poeple with this,, emo's goth's ect but at the end of the day we are all people we all sufer the same way .

11-02-2007, 07:14 PM
i refuse medication because for one i dont agree even in that kinda of drugs and i feel i acan overcome anything usin my own mind without influence,
but mainly you hear of poeple with this,, emo's goth's ect but at the end of the day we are all people we all sufer the same way .

Yeh I don't use medication for it because it just seems to make me worse, stuff like zoloft makes me extremely ill. I know a lot of people who are doing great because of medication though.

11-16-2007, 08:16 AM
getting fucked up on painkillers and if not, u cut urself?

or complaining and driving ur boyfriend crazy and feeling suicidal?

which is worse

two of the same blood (both are bad), yet he sees nothing wrong with what he does and everything wrong with the way i handle things.

i been feeling like shit lately. feverish and headachy. and today i feel like i'm about to faint.

and no, i hate medication. and i do feel i can overcome anything without influence. just i cant stand the suffering sometimes, which i know is really stupid of me to feel this way. but just as stupid of him to feel his way too.

11-29-2007, 12:55 PM
I have a lot of depressed people in my life, friends and family members. I was depressed for years because of my childhood. Its the most difficult thing to overcomes. Time doesn't heal but it helps. Talking about your life, everything that is bothering you, i never thought doctors helped me because they never knew the core of my problems or understood what was wrong. For me talking to my siblings who experienced what i went through helped me. Mediciation helps some people, I'm not sure if i ever would take it.
All I can say is these times will make up who you are in the future, once you are out of your depression. You can't ever think that you are not valued or your life is meaningless because you have a purpose. Everyone is special and important and never forget that. Remeber the wonderful choices you've made, like being straight edge. You just have to go through with the depression, months even years. I was depressed on and off for years and have finally during the past year and a half of my life have become happy and clear and open minded. Partically because of straight edge but mostly my spiritually and self strength. I hope you will be okay