View Full Version : As Long As It's Positive

12-11-2007, 11:21 AM
i'm not sure if this is the right place because the show is already over;

it's called "As Long As It's Positive" and an old friend of my junior school started this,
he booked some nice bands and let them play in the youth-house here, he also plays in a band and also played there. he knows the bandmembers of all the bands, except for the last one, i think it was a band from France..
he started this project to give the kids something, to have some fun
even though it wasn't overcrowded, there were plenty of kids, all having a great time
http://www.myspace.com/aslongasitspositive -> link of the project (sry, it's dutch :$)
http://www.myspace.com/ayfn -> the guys own band (he's the guitarist)

so what do you guys think about this project ? opinions ??

12-12-2007, 05:25 AM
i'm not sure if this is the right place because the show is already over;

it's called "As Long As It's Positive" and an old friend of my junior school started this,
he booked some nice bands and let them play in the youth-house here, he also plays in a band and also played there. he knows the bandmembers of all the bands, except for the last one, i think it was a band from France..
he started this project to give the kids something, to have some fun
even though it wasn't overcrowded, there were plenty of kids, all having a great time
http://www.myspace.com/aslongasitspositive -> link of the project (sry, it's dutch :$)
http://www.myspace.com/ayfn -> the guys own band (he's the guitarist)

so what do you guys think about this project ? opinions ??
given i can only rely on the info you wrote down here-because myspace is blocked at my job- i would say it's an awesome contribution to your scene.