01-21-2008, 03:22 AM
April 19th & 20th.
Klub Polski
526 Teall Ave.
Syracuse, NY
$15/day pre-sale
$25/2-day pass pre-sale
$20/day @ door
Saturday April 19th.
Kalibas http://www.myspace.com/kalibas
Jena Berlin http://www.myspace.com/jenaberlin
Ruined In A Day (Reuniting for you!!)http://www.myspace.com/ruinedinadaywi
Spark Is Diamond(Ex-Fall River)http://www.myspace.com/sparkisadiamond
Urgency http://www.myspace.com/urgencyrock
Honor Bright http://www.myspace.com/honorbrightny
The Killing http://www.myspace.com/thekilling
Dead Radical http://www.myspace.com/deadradical
Dead Walk The Earth (Ex-Bodies In The Gears Of The Apparatus) http://www.myspace.com/deadwalktheearthnj
7:57 (Ex-Beyond Fall)http://www.myspace.com/seven50seven
Forever Falls Through http://www.myspace.com/foreverfallsthrough
Rust Belt Sermon http://www.myspace.com/rustbeltsermon
Bloodbath and Beyond http://www.myspace.com/beyondbloodbath
Kill The Messenger http://www.myspace.com/killthemessengerrocks
The Score http://www.myspace.com/rockthescore
Death List Five http://www.myspace.com/dlfive
Liars and Thieves http://www.myspace.com/liarsandthievesrock
Sunday 4/20!!!
For The Love Of... (Featuring Mike Olender(Ex-BBTS/Endeavor) on Vox!)
Strength For a Reason http://www.myspace.com/strengthforareason
Trash Talk http://www.myspace.com/trashtalkfu
The Carrier http://www.myspace.com/thecarrierhc
Reign Supreme http://www.myspace.com/reignsupremehardcore
The Bonus Army http://www.myspace.com/thebonusarmy
Transit http://www.myspace.com/transitma
Borrowed Time http://www.myspace.com/borrowedtime
Sinpusher http://www.myspace.com/sinpusher
Masta Mook (4/20 Half-time Kick off!!) http://www.myspace.com/mastamookandthecooker
Heatseeker http://www.myspace.com/heatseeker
Sakes Alive![b] http://www.myspace.com/sakesalive
[b]Cicada http://www.myspace.com/cicadacny
Heavy Hearted (Ex-Buried Alive/Despair)http://www.myspace.com/heavyheartedny
The Last Battle http://www.myspace.com/thelastbattleny
Life Of Crimehttp://www.myspace.com/lifeofcrime315
My Beloved Friend http://www.myspace.com/mybelovedfriend
A few simple rules:
*Respect the place like it was your own!
*NO FIGHTING!! I can't stress this enough. You will be escorted downtown by Syracuse's Finest. Fighting will not be tolerated!!
*No Underage Drinking!! Don't try and be sneaky with fake id's! We will catch on.
Lot's of stuff still happening with this! Stay tuned for some exciting news....
The 315 In Ruins Fest Message Board
April 19th & 20th.
Klub Polski
526 Teall Ave.
Syracuse, NY
$15/day pre-sale
$25/2-day pass pre-sale
$20/day @ door
Saturday April 19th.
Kalibas http://www.myspace.com/kalibas
Jena Berlin http://www.myspace.com/jenaberlin
Ruined In A Day (Reuniting for you!!)http://www.myspace.com/ruinedinadaywi
Spark Is Diamond(Ex-Fall River)http://www.myspace.com/sparkisadiamond
Urgency http://www.myspace.com/urgencyrock
Honor Bright http://www.myspace.com/honorbrightny
The Killing http://www.myspace.com/thekilling
Dead Radical http://www.myspace.com/deadradical
Dead Walk The Earth (Ex-Bodies In The Gears Of The Apparatus) http://www.myspace.com/deadwalktheearthnj
7:57 (Ex-Beyond Fall)http://www.myspace.com/seven50seven
Forever Falls Through http://www.myspace.com/foreverfallsthrough
Rust Belt Sermon http://www.myspace.com/rustbeltsermon
Bloodbath and Beyond http://www.myspace.com/beyondbloodbath
Kill The Messenger http://www.myspace.com/killthemessengerrocks
The Score http://www.myspace.com/rockthescore
Death List Five http://www.myspace.com/dlfive
Liars and Thieves http://www.myspace.com/liarsandthievesrock
Sunday 4/20!!!
For The Love Of... (Featuring Mike Olender(Ex-BBTS/Endeavor) on Vox!)
Strength For a Reason http://www.myspace.com/strengthforareason
Trash Talk http://www.myspace.com/trashtalkfu
The Carrier http://www.myspace.com/thecarrierhc
Reign Supreme http://www.myspace.com/reignsupremehardcore
The Bonus Army http://www.myspace.com/thebonusarmy
Transit http://www.myspace.com/transitma
Borrowed Time http://www.myspace.com/borrowedtime
Sinpusher http://www.myspace.com/sinpusher
Masta Mook (4/20 Half-time Kick off!!) http://www.myspace.com/mastamookandthecooker
Heatseeker http://www.myspace.com/heatseeker
Sakes Alive![b] http://www.myspace.com/sakesalive
[b]Cicada http://www.myspace.com/cicadacny
Heavy Hearted (Ex-Buried Alive/Despair)http://www.myspace.com/heavyheartedny
The Last Battle http://www.myspace.com/thelastbattleny
Life Of Crimehttp://www.myspace.com/lifeofcrime315
My Beloved Friend http://www.myspace.com/mybelovedfriend
A few simple rules:
*Respect the place like it was your own!
*NO FIGHTING!! I can't stress this enough. You will be escorted downtown by Syracuse's Finest. Fighting will not be tolerated!!
*No Underage Drinking!! Don't try and be sneaky with fake id's! We will catch on.
Lot's of stuff still happening with this! Stay tuned for some exciting news....
The 315 In Ruins Fest Message Board