View Full Version : Edge tattoos, what do you think?
01-31-2008, 05:42 AM
A lot of people [mostly non-straightedge, and sell outs] have told me that they didn't agree with getting straightedge tattoos.
"What if you decide you want to have a beer after work when you're 50, or something?"
How does everybody else feel about this?
[And, in case you were wondering, I do have straightedge tattoos; a single bold black X on the back of both of my upper arms, right above my elbows.]
A lot of people [mostly non-straightedge, and sell outs] have told me that they didn't agree with getting straightedge tattoos.
"What if you decide you want to have a beer after work when you're 50, or something?"
How does everybody else feel about this?
[And, in case you were wondering, I do have straightedge tattoos; a single bold black X on the back of both of my upper arms, right above my elbows.]
it's really up to the person. I don't have edge tattoos, I'm planning to get one, but you don't know where you'll end up in life. having a tattoo to remind you that you didn't live up to your beliefs is of course not a pleasent thing, although, you can regret any tattoos.
some people would say that they dont need to be reminded by tattoos what they believe in and how they live their lives, but to each his own.
01-31-2008, 07:35 AM
i plan on getting a straight edge tattoo next year. i am going to get the traditional three x's on my back. but what i am doing, is getting many things done on my back, all so i can look back in 10-20 years, and be like "this was my life when i was 18". things that represent how i am at this moment in my life, but things that at least have meaning. if something happens to me between then, and somehow i break edge, then it won't be me anymore, but i won't regret the tattoo.
01-31-2008, 08:58 AM
I've been edge for over half my life now and I don't have one, nor will I be getting one. I also think people getting them until they hit their late 20s is a bad bad idea and ends up with really funny coverup jobs.
02-01-2008, 01:27 AM
I've been edge for over half my life now and I don't have one, nor will I be getting one. I also think people getting them until they hit their late 20s is a bad bad idea and ends up with really funny coverup jobs.
I can definitely see what you mean.
However, even if I did for some reason ever break edge [which is far from likely to happen for various reasons], at least I will have the reminder that i once stood for something, and felt so strongly about something, that I felt confident enough and had the pride enough to get my body marked for life.
I would never get my X's covered up, because I would never be ashamed of such a positive time in my life.
02-02-2008, 05:12 PM
I too have been edge for a good portion of my almost 30 years. I have two edge tattoos. I don't regret getting them at all. I can't say for sure who or what I will be when I'm 50 but I do know that this life, this music, all the kids, have and always will be a big part of my life and even if I'm not edge one day it was still a part of who I was and I don't ever want to forget that or all the good times I've had!
Like with any ink it's really up to you.
02-04-2008, 12:54 AM
I have an edge tattoo. It's a bird, and around the bird it says Straight Edge. I know I will always be edge, so that's why I got it. It takes up my upper right arm, and I love it.
02-07-2008, 09:49 PM
I think if you are edge, it shouldn't be the question of weather you think getting an edge tattoo is dumb or not, it should be the question of, do you want a tattoo at all? I believe that if you just don't want to get a tattoo, thats completely fine, because you don't want tattoos. But I think if any edge person says they think it is dumb to get an edge tattoo for any other reason than they just don't like/want tattoo's in general,....makes me believe they have doubts about being edge themself. There is nothing wrong what so ever about getting an edge tattoo, UNLESS you just don't like tattoos in general. I'm not saying that every edge person that likes tattoos SHOULD/HAS to get an edge tattoo, but the idea of it isn't dumb at all.
02-08-2008, 11:09 AM
I think if you are edge, it shouldn't be the question of weather you think getting an edge tattoo is dumb or not, it should be the question of, do you want a tattoo at all? I believe that if you just don't want to get a tattoo, thats completely fine, because you don't want tattoos. But I think if any edge person says they think it is dumb to get an edge tattoo for any other reason than they just don't like/want tattoo's in general,....makes me believe they have doubts about being edge themself. There is nothing wrong what so ever about getting an edge tattoo, UNLESS you just don't like tattoos in general. I'm not saying that every edge person that likes tattoos SHOULD/HAS to get an edge tattoo, but the idea of it isn't dumb at all.
I agree.
02-10-2008, 02:53 AM
Yes I have a Varsity X on each calf and I do regret them sometimes, not because they are edge tattoos but because I have leg tattoos which is unattractive to a lot of people and also having nonstop questions about x's and then having to fill them in on straight edge sucks too so I usually try to cut it down to just saying it represents my drug free lifestyle. I also think there are a lot worse tattoos you can get than a straight edge tattoo.
02-10-2008, 04:38 AM
What does everybody think about bold black X's on backs of the hands?
02-10-2008, 12:21 PM
What does everybody think about bold black X's on backs of the hands?
ultimate job stoppers. Definitely don't get them until you are older, have a steady job that doesn't care about tattoos, and know you aren't gonna break edge.
02-11-2008, 09:53 AM
ultimate job stoppers. Definitely don't get them until you are older, have a steady job that doesn't care about tattoos, and know you aren't gonna break edge.
Truth, there. I have xxx on the back of my neck and it's low enough to cover with a shirt (just!)
02-11-2008, 12:30 PM
Where I come from, bold black X's tattooed on the backs of people's hands represent a sort of gang affiliation and militant views.
02-12-2008, 01:59 AM
I personally will never get a tattoo below my elbows, on my arm that is. I have my legs tattoo'd. I have half sleeves done on my arms, one of which being a straight edge tattoo, of a bird and around the bird it says Straight Edge. But I refuse to go lower than my elbows on my arm, because of career reasons. No job wants to hire someone that has tattoo's all over them, weather it be right or wrong, we all know they won't.
all this talk about edge tattoos and no pics? Pics, or it didn't happen!
02-12-2008, 07:12 PM
all this talk about edge tattoos and no pics? Pics, or it didn't happen!
I'll take some pics asap.
02-13-2008, 12:39 PM
all this talk about edge tattoos and no pics? Pics, or it didn't happen!
I'll get on that.
02-17-2008, 01:21 PM
if I were to get a tat, it would deff b a thick x on the back of my right hand. Im lucky enough to have that liberty, becuase I have no intention to join the average work force. If my music/acting world falls through and I can't support myself like that, I will always have the opportunity to take over an already very successful buisness, so I'll never b without options. And like said before if u don't want a tat cuz u think ur not gonna be edge later in life, then u were never edge to begin with. Like someones (can't remember who) sig says. The x means forever.
02-19-2008, 03:20 PM
Like someones (can't remember who) sig says. The x means forever.
Hey, that's me!
Still working on those pics. I don't have any batteries for my camera.
02-19-2008, 05:26 PM
if I were to get a tat, it would deff b a thick x on the back of my right hand. Im lucky enough to have that liberty, becuase I have no intention to join the average work force. If my music/acting world falls through and I can't support myself like that, I will always have the opportunity to take over an already very successful buisness, so I'll never b without options. And like said before if u don't want a tat cuz u think ur not gonna be edge later in life, then u were never edge to begin with. Like someones (can't remember who) sig says. The x means forever.
Its great that you have the oppertunity to take over a buisness that is impervious to outside factors, and so you don't need to worry about joining the average work force but there is still no guarantee that the thinks you think and feel at the age of 14 are going to reflect what you think at 40. I fully understand people saying that the tattoo will still reflect their thoughts and feelings from the time they had the tattoo and serve as a reminder of who they were then but its important to remember it can also serve as a reminder of thinks people wish to forget. Many people find tattoos regretful and they can be a constant reminder of foolishness, perhaps it can serve as a good reminder that stops one being foolish again. I have a straightedge tattoo and i used to go along with the line that if i were to ever break edge or if got to the time in my life where straightedge as a whole held no interest for me i would have a reminder of who i was then and what straightedge once meant to me. And sure enough that is true to an extent but you will but it may not be something you want to remind yourself of, hence a lot of sketchy cover up tattoos for those that broke and wanted to close that chapter in their life. When i approach my tattoo honestly and objectively i see these as possible and even probable outcomes, right now i still have no desire to drink or smoke or do drugs and i still like a lot of hardcore music. I don't always see eye to eye with alot of people involved in the scene, its a youthful thing and so as i get older i tend to think differently but i still find a connection with the scene, how long that lasts i do not know, know one does. And thats the point, you can't set guarantees of how you will think and feel tommorow, you may want to think and feel a certain way tommorow based on what you know today but that can change in the bat of an eyelid respectively. If i were in a position to get another straightedge tattoo right now i would probably not get it, the thought process i'd go through now would be completely different from how i decided upon my initial straightedge tattoo and i condisider it a lot harder. I don't regret my tattoo by any means but i am fuly aware to its problematic possibilities and have no intention of shying away from that with stock response that i believed several years ago.
Now i know at 14 you don't care about a word i have just said and i fully don't expect you too, you are going to make up your own mind based on your mindset and with me being 30 we are bound to think very differently about a lot of this kind of thing. If you read what i wrote and simply say that doesn't apply to me because in your heart you know whats what, then thats cool i mean i can't say i was any different. And to be honest i don't really care because i wrote my response for me, to express my thoughts, not to change yours. Thats my 2 cents on straightedge tattoos.
02-19-2008, 09:25 PM
Where I come from, bold black X's tattooed on the backs of people's hands represent a sort of gang affiliation and militant views.
man i grew up in VT until I was about 24 and only knew 1 kid with those x's... but he's crazy in every sense of the word
02-20-2008, 05:37 AM
if I were to get a tat, it would deff b a thick x on the back of my right hand. Im lucky enough to have that liberty, becuase I have no intention to join the average work force. If my music/acting world falls through and I can't support myself like that, I will always have the opportunity to take over an already very successful buisness, so I'll never b without options. And like said before if u don't want a tat cuz u think ur not gonna be edge later in life, then u were never edge to begin with. Like someones (can't remember who) sig says. The x means forever.
I wasn't aware of how old you are.
Not to mean it in a negative way, but in the years in between when you are I'd say 15 and 19 [and after, but not as much], you change so much, and so many things in your life change.
For example, when I was 15, My plan was to go to college to study music and photography. A year or two later, my plan was to go to college and study the japanese language and photojournalism [to hopefully someday become a photojournalist and travel to japan, duh]. When I was 17, I came up with the idea that I would go to art school and become a freelance graphic designer for a while.
Right now I'm a grill cook at a deli, and not going to college at all [however I am working on my art portfolio just in case].
Now, I am by no means saying that you are less passionate about being straightedge than the rest of us, its just that the career goals you have set out for yourself may not hold as much weight as you expect them to.
StraightXEd has some good points, although they may be hard to accept.
02-20-2008, 05:38 AM
man i grew up in VT until I was about 24 and only knew 1 kid with those x's... but he's crazy in every sense of the word
Mind telling me his name?
First name will do..
I just am pretty damn sure i know who you are talking about.
02-20-2008, 04:07 PM
it's big vegan Owen xVx
02-20-2008, 09:39 PM
Actually, ur mistaken there. i dont disregard anyones opinions for any reason, because i hate when that is done to me. it seems like saying "your just a kid" is a way to take all the validity out of anything i say. i WILL say that though i wont assume that you are more intelligent than me, i WILL assume that u have more experience than me and generally know more about life, people, and the way the world works. Thats why even if i had the opportunity to get a tat tomorrow, i wouldn't. if u read what i originally wrote i never said i was planning on getting a X on my hand, i said if i WERE to get a tat, that would be it. im enough of a realist and pride-less enough to say, i wouldn't trust myself with a decision like that. Don't assume that just cuz im a teen, im a stereotype.
02-20-2008, 09:53 PM
I wasn't aware of how old you are.
Not to mean it in a negative way, but in the years in between when you are I'd say 15 and 19 [and after, but not as much], you change so much, and so many things in your life change.
For example, when I was 15, My plan was to go to college to study music and photography. A year or two later, my plan was to go to college and study the japanese language and photojournalism [to hopefully someday become a photojournalist and travel to japan, duh]. When I was 17, I came up with the idea that I would go to art school and become a freelance graphic designer for a while.
Right now I'm a grill cook at a deli, and not going to college at all [however I am working on my art portfolio just in case].
Now, I am by no means saying that you are less passionate about being straightedge than the rest of us, its just that the career goals you have set out for yourself may not hold as much weight as you expect them to.
StraightXEd has some good points, although they may be hard to accept.
well there are a few things i think u have to understand about me. when i talk about my music and acting, im not another teen who decided to be in a band or said "i wana be famous" (and if this comes off as bragging i apologize, thats not my goal here at all) Ive been working atleast 6 hours a day at the arts for as long as i can remeber, and ive been working professionally as an actor and musician since i was ten. It would make sense to say "in a few years he'll be onto the next thing" for most kids, but this has always been MY thing. im not gona get into what ive invested or what ive accomplished, but this has been top priority (by my choice btw, i wasnt pushed into by my parents) my hole life. But im also smart enough to realize how hard it is to earn a living through the art, so i have my backup plan, because i could never see myself having a 9 to 5 working for a boss i hate. I guess its hard to realy get it withought me going into detail....
02-21-2008, 05:15 AM
it's big vegan Owen xVx
I do know who you are talking about, I knew it!
02-21-2008, 05:17 AM
well there are a few things i think u have to understand about me. when i talk about my music and acting, im not another teen who decided to be in a band or said "i wana be famous" (and if this comes off as bragging i apologize, thats not my goal here at all) Ive been working atleast 6 hours a day at the arts for as long as i can remeber, and ive been working professionally as an actor and musician since i was ten. It would make sense to say "in a few years he'll be onto the next thing" for most kids, but this has always been MY thing. im not gona get into what ive invested or what ive accomplished, but this has been top priority (by my choice btw, i wasnt pushed into by my parents) my hole life. But im also smart enough to realize how hard it is to earn a living through the art, so i have my backup plan, because i could never see myself having a 9 to 5 working for a boss i hate. I guess its hard to realy get it withought me going into detail....
Sounds like you've got everything worked out pretty well.
I wish I could say the same about myself...
02-21-2008, 05:21 AM
I wasn't aware of how old you are.
Not to mean it in a negative way, but in the years in between when you are I'd say 15 and 19 [and after, but not as much], you change so much, and so many things in your life change.
For example, when I was 15, My plan was to go to college to study music and photography. A year or two later, my plan was to go to college and study the japanese language and photojournalism [to hopefully someday become a photojournalist and travel to japan, duh]. When I was 17, I came up with the idea that I would go to art school and become a freelance graphic designer for a while.
Right now I'm a grill cook at a deli, and not going to college at all [however I am working on my art portfolio just in case].
Now, I am by no means saying that you are less passionate about being straightedge than the rest of us, its just that the career goals you have set out for yourself may not hold as much weight as you expect them to.
StraightXEd has some good points, although they may be hard to accept.
I agree with you about 75% on this. I believe you are correct that MOST kids change at the ages of like 15-19. However, I haven't. I know I'm only 20 now, but I've been edge since I was 15 years old. I have no intentions of breaking edge, I still to this day think drinking and smoking and drugs and all that shit is disgusting, if anything my views on all that gross shit, has gotten A LOT stronger, in the sense I have more reasons I hate it and things like that. And since I was like 13 years old, I wanted to be a chef, and now I'm in college to become a Chef. Now I know my case here is more rare than most kids, but I wouldn't say EVERYBODY at those ages change all the time. Now I'm not saying that you said EVERYBODY or anything like that, I just thought I'd express my opinion on that.
02-21-2008, 05:25 AM
well there are a few things i think u have to understand about me. when i talk about my music and acting, im not another teen who decided to be in a band or said "i wana be famous" (and if this comes off as bragging i apologize, thats not my goal here at all) Ive been working atleast 6 hours a day at the arts for as long as i can remeber, and ive been working professionally as an actor and musician since i was ten. It would make sense to say "in a few years he'll be onto the next thing" for most kids, but this has always been MY thing. im not gona get into what ive invested or what ive accomplished, but this has been top priority (by my choice btw, i wasnt pushed into by my parents) my hole life. But im also smart enough to realize how hard it is to earn a living through the art, so i have my backup plan, because i could never see myself having a 9 to 5 working for a boss i hate. I guess its hard to realy get it withought me going into detail....
I don't think anybody is trying to "accuse" you of anything, like saying because your age you WON'T be edge or something. I think everybody is just trying to say, make sure it IS what you want to do, and before you DO get an edge tattoo, make sure it IS what you want.
I know you could never "see" yourself working a 9 to 5 job, but I don't think anyone can, it's just something you gotta do sometimes in life to get by ya know.
02-21-2008, 10:37 AM
Actually, ur mistaken there. i dont disregard anyones opinions for any reason, because i hate when that is done to me. it seems like saying "your just a kid" is a way to take all the validity out of anything i say. i WILL say that though i wont assume that you are more intelligent than me, i WILL assume that u have more experience than me and generally know more about life, people, and the way the world works. Thats why even if i had the opportunity to get a tat tomorrow, i wouldn't. if u read what i originally wrote i never said i was planning on getting a X on my hand, i said if i WERE to get a tat, that would be it. im enough of a realist and pride-less enough to say, i wouldn't trust myself with a decision like that. Don't assume that just cuz im a teen, im a stereotype.
What exactly are you addressing here? You have obviously not taken on board what i said and you seem to think that your age plays no factor when the reality is it does. This is not a discussion about intellengence so i don't know why you are discussing that. I wrote what i wrote for me, your comments simply triggered the thoughts i shared...i did mention that so before you recomend what i should read perhaps you should let what i wrote soak in. And you also say that you are not going to trust yourself with a decision like that down to your age? And for the record you have given a pretty stereotypical answer and one that i would have more likely given as a teen. Accept that you respond like a teenager and think like a teenager instead of seeing it as some ultra negative thing.
02-21-2008, 03:50 PM
how was my answer stereotypical? i didnt ignore what u had to say because i think i know everything, i recognized the fact that i DONT know everything....
02-21-2008, 03:54 PM
I don't think anybody is trying to "accuse" you of anything, like saying because your age you WON'T be edge or something. I think everybody is just trying to say, make sure it IS what you want to do, and before you DO get an edge tattoo, make sure it IS what you want.
I know you could never "see" yourself working a 9 to 5 job, but I don't think anyone can, it's just something you gotta do sometimes in life to get by ya know.
i think my response came off alot more defensive than intended. i understand everything that you guys are saying. and as far as the 9 to five thing,like i said, u cant realy get what i was saying unless i went into detail with my hole "plan" and everything.
02-24-2008, 11:42 AM
how was my answer stereotypical? i didnt ignore what u had to say because i think i know everything, i recognized the fact that i DONT know everything....
Because it ran along the lines of an answer that a teenager would give when someone points out age as a factor, you tried to suggest that it doesn't lessen the validity of the decision but it does and thats why there are age limits and parenting, because your age is a factor. And you didn't respond to anything really aside from one line which you have misinterpreted as the driving point of my post. It really was not about you knowing everything at all it was more about the changes people go through and how we aren't always able to accept that our choices, thoughts and beliefs aren't as set in stone as we might romantically think. Like you with this idea that you will never be a part of the average work force, thats a statement that may have the possibility to be true but cannot be guaranteed and is subject the the exact same changes that i and others have brought up. And again anyone with a straightedge tattoo is in the exact same position, it can easily become something they regret regardless of who they are or what they think or feel right now. However this does not mean they were never straightedge, if someone is objective enough and honest enough to realize that they can't decide today who they will be tomorrow and based on that decide that they shouldn't have a tattoo then they are straightedge and smart...nothing about that makes them not straightedge.
Anonymous Ghost
03-03-2008, 05:23 PM
... at least I will have the reminder that i once stood for something, and felt so strongly about something, that I felt confident enough and had the pride enough to get my body marked for life.
I would never get my X's covered up, because I would never be ashamed of such a positive time in my life.
Amen for that brother!!! that's exactly how I feel about my tattoo, I even opened a thread about it on the General room for people to post their edge tattoo's pix... I tought it would be interesting...
03-09-2008, 02:01 PM
I don't have any straightedge tattoos. I do however have two tattoos, both on my legs. One is the Black Flag bars in the shape of Iowa on my right calf, and the other is a huge hourglass with MLIW lyrics around it on my left shin. I have been working on drawing up a piece for my left arm incorporating straight edge, but it's still in the works, and Im in no rush to get it tattooed. I've got my whole life. and quite frankly, I can't afford any more tattoos right now, unless they are sweet, free tour tattoos.
The thing about tattoos, is that they are permanent (obviously). But you could say the same thing about the memories you've made being involved in hardcore and straight edge. No matter who you are in 30 years, these times and memories will always be with you, and hopefully affect the kind of person you become. Someone who has fully submerged themselves in the hardcore scene, will come away with a mutual respect for others, and the experience of how much good a tight knit community can do in respect to each others lives.
As the same thing with any tattoo, whether or not you believe in the same things in 30 or 40 years, these factors played a huge role in the development of you as a person. If you are not opposed to getting tattoos, I see no reason why getting a straightedge tattoo is a negative thing. Hopefully, if you're considering getting it tattooed on you, you've allowed it to have a major affect on your life. There's no shame in having such a positive thing be part of you forever, just has there is no shame in the self expression of tattooing it on your body. I have a roommate who is 24 and has several straight edge tattoos. He sold out about a year and half ago, but still has absolutely no regrets about those tattoos. We've stayed up long nights talking about it. He told me selling out was the biggest mistake he's made so far in his life, but straight edge was the most positive thing he has ever done in his life and he will never get those tattoos covered up.
Final Note: Nothing wrong with straight edge tattoos. just make sure you know its something your passionate about, and know that is has made a major impact on your life because if it hasn't, its could end up being a tattoo without any meaning.
That all being said, I can't wait to see some of these pics!
alright, here's a pic
03-10-2008, 04:59 AM
alright, here's a pic
wow Dini, you're hot.
wow Dini, you're hot.
if nobody's posting any pics, I will.
03-10-2008, 07:34 AM
if nobody's posting any pics, I will.
Pics of you posting pics or it didn't happen!
03-10-2008, 08:33 AM
alright, here's a pic
that got taken down pretty fast.
that got taken down pretty fast.
what gives?
Did you see it?
03-10-2008, 08:49 AM
i didn't, upload the image somewhere else, like or
i didn't, upload the image somewhere else, like or
I just found that link online, it pictured an old man covered with all kinds of tattoos on his body.
03-11-2008, 07:11 AM
oh, haha, nice. good thing the link went down then before i clicked it in school.
03-29-2008, 01:28 AM
In my avatar, I must finish it on Friday(04/04)! It's my first
09-01-2008, 12:48 PM
I'm going to have just simple and small sxe-tattoo inside of my lower lip when I turn 18. It can't be seen if I don't want so, so it won't harm anything with my future career or so. Actually I have already booked time for the tattooist who's gonna make my three letters..
And what if I break some day?
It won't be a problem. Those three letters will be reminding me of what I was - or what I am -, and I don't have any reason to be ashamed of them. It just meant I was brave enough to say no.
09-01-2008, 06:14 PM
I'm going to have just simple and small sxe-tattoo inside of my lower lip when I turn 18. It can't be seen if I don't want so, so it won't harm anything with my future career or so. Actually I have already booked time for the tattooist who's gonna make my three letters..
And what if I break some day?
It won't be a problem. Those three letters will be reminding me of what I was - or what I am -, and I don't have any reason to be ashamed of them. It just meant I was brave enough to say no.
Tattoo's on the inside of the lip will eventually fade away to basically nothing.
Or so I hear from my friend who is an apprentice tattoo artist.
Tattoo's on the inside of the lip will eventually fade away to basically nothing.
Or so I hear from my friend who is an apprentice tattoo artist.
yeah, that's true
09-02-2008, 06:29 AM
Tattoo's on the inside of the lip will eventually fade away to basically nothing.
Or so I hear from my friend who is an apprentice tattoo artist.
Huh, that's not so fun at all. I have also heard about that, but naeh.. have any idea is it going to take six weeks, months or years to fade away? I can always re-ink it up, I think it's not going to be extremely expensive because of the size of the tattoo..
(and going off-topic from sXe-tattoos; I'm also going to have two oldskool swallow birds as a chestpiece. Awww.)
09-02-2008, 06:38 AM
Huh, that's not so fun at all. I have also heard about that, but naeh.. have any idea is it going to take six weeks, months or years to fade away? I can always re-ink it up, I think it's not going to be extremely expensive because of the size of the tattoo..
(and going off-topic from sXe-tattoos; I'm also going to have two oldskool swallow birds as a chestpiece. Awww.)
Well, my friend had his inside lip done a year ago and it is still there and still hasn't faded that much. And yes, you could always get it re-done.
I know a girl who has 2 swallows done as a chest piece and they look really cool.
09-02-2008, 06:41 AM
Well, my friend had his inside lip done a year ago and it is still there and still hasn't faded that much. And yes, you could always get it re-done.
I know a girl who has 2 swallows done as a chest piece and they look really cool.
I love those old school-styled tattoos, like swallows and pin-up girls and all that. When I'm going to get my lip tattoo, I will surely post pictures of that!
(but it's still eight months for that. Darn.)
does the world need more girls with swallow tattoos on their chests? no offense. I know about 3 girls and 1 guy who have swallows on their chest, or upper body.
the lip tattoos fade away in 5-10 years as far as i know.
09-02-2008, 07:32 AM
does the world need more girls with swallow tattoos on their chests? no offense.
Does the world need more girls who think what other people think about their tattoos? Swallows are the most prettiest tattoos I've ever seen, besides of one naked and satanistic goat in one guy's calf..
Does the world need more girls who think what other people think about their tattoos? Swallows are the most prettiest tattoos I've ever seen, besides of one naked and satanistic goat in one guy's calf..
just as i said, no offense. whatever floats your boat.
09-18-2008, 11:59 AM
I totally agree with Joey, if you are Straight Edge you wouldn't doubt getting the tat because you wouldn't want a beer in the first place.
(Can't wait til' I get my 1st tat)
09-22-2008, 05:03 PM
Swallows are classic. There is nothing hotter than a girl with old school style tattoos like swallows, nautical stars and pin-up girls. Dont worry about what is "original" or not, think about what is still going to be cool in 20+ years.
Go with what you know Grrl!
09-22-2008, 09:25 PM
(and going off-topic from sXe-tattoos; I'm also going to have two oldskool swallow birds as a chestpiece. Awww.)
Chest pieces on women are hot.
09-22-2008, 11:05 PM
Chest pieces on women are hot.
09-23-2008, 12:41 AM
Swallows are classic. There is nothing hotter than a girl with old school style tattoos like swallows, nautical stars and pin-up girls. Dont worry about what is "original" or not, think about what is still going to be cool in 20+ years.
Go with what you know Grrl!
Chest pieces on women are hot.
Hey thanks dudes!
09-30-2008, 10:26 AM
i plan on getting about 4 edge tattoo's
10-28-2008, 05:12 PM
In a little over a year I am going to get my first tattoo, but just a small one...I am going to get the kanji symbols for "inner strength" on either my shoulder or side. It represents not only the inner strength I feel I have to get through everything, but also the inner strength to put up with people who don't like my beliefs, because believing in myself is enough for me. I'm not going to get a direct straight edge tattoo until I'm older :)
10-28-2008, 05:17 PM
In a little over a year I am going to get my first tattoo, but just a small one...I am going to get the kanji symbols for "inner strength" on either my shoulder or side. It represents not only the inner strength I feel I have to get through everything, but also the inner strength to put up with people who don't like my beliefs, because believing in myself is enough for me. I'm not going to get a direct straight edge tattoo until I'm older :)
What is the relevance of it being written in kanji?
10-28-2008, 05:49 PM
when it comes to edge tattoos, i think they are perfectly fine and i plan on getting one myself. i have a tattoo on my upper back already [not an edge one] and i have plans for some more tats that i want to get b4 my edge one.
i figure i'll probably get my edge tat done when im about 25 :D and if i ever broke edge, which i HIGHLY doubt, i wouldnt regret the tattoo, ever :]
10-29-2008, 11:59 PM
when it comes to edge tattoos, i think they are perfectly fine and i plan on getting one myself. i have a tattoo on my upper back already [not an edge one] and i have plans for some more tats that i want to get b4 my edge one.
i figure i'll probably get my edge tat done when im about 25 :D and if i ever broke edge, which i HIGHLY doubt, i wouldnt regret the tattoo, ever :]
that's good thinking. it's always a good idea to get one when you are a little older just incase you decide that straight edge isn't the life you want to live. i don't regret any of my 7 tattoos at all. they are all music related because it's such an important part of my life. i hope to get a sunrise/sunset half sleeve on each arm soon.
that's good thinking. it's always a good idea to get one when you are a little older just incase you decide that straight edge isn't the life you want to live. i don't regret any of my 7 tattoos at all. they are all music related because it's such an important part of my life. i hope to get a sunrise/sunset half sleeve on each arm soon.
pics, or it didn't happen.
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