View Full Version : I thought this shit was dead...(Nat Geo Documentary)
04-03-2008, 02:29 AM
Can this really be a new show?
The kids in Reno love this kind of media attention...
"Inside Straight Edge [TV-PG DLV Ratings N/A]
Wednesday, April 9, 2008, at 10P
Youth can be a minefield: drugs, sex, violence, and peer pressure. One group has an extreme way of dealing with it. They call themselves Straight Edge, and while they are being classified as a violent gang in areas such as Salt Lake City and Reno, they aren't like any other gang you know: they reject drugs, drinking, smoking, and even casual sex. They're rebels against a society in which everything goes. National Geographic goes inside this growing youth movement caught between being a refuge for Americas kids and a dangerous gang wanted by authorities."
04-03-2008, 02:42 AM
Can this really be a new show?
The kids in Reno love this kind of media attention...
"Inside Straight Edge [TV-PG DLV Ratings N/A]
Wednesday, April 9, 2008, at 10P
Youth can be a minefield: drugs, sex, violence, and peer pressure. One group has an extreme way of dealing with it. They call themselves Straight Edge, and while they are being classified as a violent gang in areas such as Salt Lake City and Reno, they aren't like any other gang you know: they reject drugs, drinking, smoking, and even casual sex. They're rebels against a society in which everything goes. National Geographic goes inside this growing youth movement caught between being a refuge for Americas kids and a dangerous gang wanted by authorities."
Those shows only ever cover those violent straight edge kids, you know, 7th Dagger type idiots. They never ever cover the real straight edge kids, they only ever try to pass violent idiots as being positive simply because they don't smoke and drink. It's actually retarded, I wish they would just stop making these shows because it makes straight edge look like a joke and it makes all straight edge kids look the same as the type of idiots they feature.
04-03-2008, 01:09 PM
Those shows only ever cover those violent straight edge kids, you know, 7th Dagger type idiots. They never ever cover the real straight edge kids, they only ever try to pass violent idiots as being positive simply because they don't smoke and drink. It's actually retarded, I wish they would just stop making these shows because it makes straight edge look like a joke and it makes all straight edge kids look the same as the type of idiots they feature.
truth! although i kind of like some 7th dagger stuff..thats the record label right?
04-03-2008, 01:19 PM
truth! although i kind of like some 7th dagger stuff..thats the record label right?
Yeah record label.
04-03-2008, 01:41 PM
That is true. A lot of these shows only focus on the kids that take this message and spear shit all over it. They can never focus on the people that keep it positive.
I cannot stand when these kids take something positive and change it into something that promotes violence for all the wrong reasons.
These shows should stop being made unless they get their story right.
And these kids that act like idiots will look back on themselves when they get older and be ashamed of how they acted.
04-03-2008, 02:00 PM
And these kids that act like idiots will look back on themselves when they get older and be ashamed of how they acted.
Given the realization comes to their minds which won't necessarily be the case.
04-04-2008, 10:25 PM
Did anybody here about the stupid show that is happening with Courage Crew or whatever. Jada Pinkett Smith(Will Smiths wife) was on tour, and learned about Courage Crew and their ways of life or some shit, and now they are gonna have a tv show about it. If you want proof of an article, reply and I'll look for it. I don't feel like wasting my time right now.
04-05-2008, 06:34 AM
Did anybody here about the stupid show that is happening with Courage Crew or whatever. Jada Pinkett Smith(Will Smiths wife) was on tour, and learned about Courage Crew and their ways of life or some shit, and now they are gonna have a tv show about it. If you want proof of an article, reply and I'll look for it. I don't feel like wasting my time right now.
I did hear about this also, so I can cofirm, that as ridiculous as it sounds, it is true.
04-09-2008, 11:50 AM
I found this flyer about that show getting passed around the internet.
It kind of makes it look like one of those after school specials.
04-09-2008, 12:18 PM
Haha! Those guys in the big pic are from Reno.
04-10-2008, 09:52 AM
Haha! Those guys in the big pic are from Reno.
apparently it focused mostly on reno and slc and the "militant" gang mentality. I taped it but haven't brought myself to watch it yet.
04-10-2008, 11:13 AM
It was actually a good show. It showed many points of view across the country and questioned the gang labels. It called Reno the epicenter but didnt really focus on it. The kids from Reno are cool.
04-10-2008, 11:17 AM
It was actually a good show. It showed many points of view and questioned the gang labels. The kids from Reno are cool.
this goes against everyone else's opinion that I've read on the show. Most people were pissed, and no one was impressed at all.
04-10-2008, 11:54 AM
My only gripe was it was all kids. Kids will be kids and it's their scene now. As someone old enough to be their parent, and I am a parent, I thought it did shed some positive light. The only assholes they focused on was the Boston FSU thing and the SLC killing that they admitted happened 10 years ago.
It was definitely NOT one sided.
04-10-2008, 02:46 PM
Hey Dusty, where did you see other opinions? The only thing I've seen is the usual ignorance. (deja-vu)
04-10-2008, 02:50 PM
Hey Dusty, where did you see other opinions? The only thing I've seen is the usual ignorance. (deja-vu)
the livewire board. It's the one place where it has people who I know and who's opinions I actually trust.
04-10-2008, 06:04 PM
the livewire board. It's the one place where it has people who I know and who's opinions I actually trust.
Livewire and Thunder Lizard boards are where it's at.
04-10-2008, 08:33 PM
My only gripe was it was all kids. Kids will be kids and it's their scene now. As someone old enough to be their parent, and I am a parent, I thought it did shed some positive light. The only assholes they focused on was the Boston FSU thing and the SLC killing that they admitted happened 10 years ago.
It was definitely NOT one sided.
The FSU thing was totally and completely bullshit FSU was never an edge crew. They call the militant kids a minority and then spend the bulk of it talking about the negative sides and bringing up shit that was over 10 years ago. It also made your town look massively fucked up.
04-10-2008, 08:42 PM
I was glad there was a good 3 minute section on vegan straight edge haha. It was odd one of those slc xvx kids was at earth crisis up in NYC last month.
04-10-2008, 08:47 PM
I was glad there was a good 3 minute section on vegan straight edge haha. It was odd one of those slc xvx kids was at earth crisis up in NYC last month.
yeah, hardliner and militancy around it had a shit load more to do with modern militancy than anything that fsu did.
04-10-2008, 08:48 PM
Reno is massively fucked up.
04-10-2008, 08:49 PM
Reno is massively fucked up.
dude. hockey mask moshing?
04-10-2008, 08:51 PM
yeah, hardliner and militancy around it had a shit load more to do with modern militancy than anything that fsu did.
yeah but the modern vegan straight edge movement is really anything but militant when it comes to being straight edge. they aren't killing or threatening anyone so i see very little problem with it as a movement today. Obviously hardline was a dark chapter that coincided with the vegan straight edge movement but at the same time not everyone went with them in militancy or ideals, look at chokehold (who were both vehemently pro-choice and were in harsh opposition to violence towards people over either veganism or straight edge).
04-10-2008, 09:16 PM
dude. hockey mask moshing?
They are kids. People talked shit about the shit we did when we were young too.
04-10-2008, 09:23 PM
They are kids. People talked shit about the shit we did when we were young too.
I don't know dude. everyone I knew who ever did shit like that, did it out of irony. I didn't get the impression that it was ironic at all. but then again, I am and always have been posi, so I may not understand their militant choices in headgear.
04-10-2008, 09:25 PM
yeah but the modern vegan straight edge movement is really anything but militant when it comes to being straight edge. they aren't killing or threatening anyone so i see very little problem with it as a movement today. Obviously hardline was a dark chapter that coincided with the vegan straight edge movement but at the same time not everyone went with them in militancy or ideals, look at chokehold (who were both vehemently pro-choice and were in harsh opposition to violence towards people over either veganism or straight edge).
it doesn't but it definitely had more influence to what's happening today than anything the fsu kids did, and that was the point I was making. I don't think you could fill a pool with "militant vegan straight edge" at this point but back in the early and mid 90s they were the driving force for direct action, not some dudes in boston who beat up nazi's and were bouncers.
04-10-2008, 09:35 PM
I dont get it either. They are like the dance team for AFB and Barcadia or something. They dont show up wearing those masks at different shows. Ive seen all those guys at shows and they all seem like cool kids. It is ironic. I think they are making the Reno gang label part of their image. Free press.
I aint part of it. Im an old man and I live in California.
05-09-2008, 07:48 PM
Didn't they get Edge Day footage for this???
I remember a few friends telling me there was national geographic people filming them and asking them about edge etc.
05-10-2008, 10:00 AM
Didn't they get Edge Day footage for this???
I remember a few friends telling me there was national geographic people filming them and asking them about edge etc.
yeah, it was for about 2 mins total.
07-27-2008, 04:41 PM
Enforcing they're opinions ; Killing people who don't agree to them ;
Hmm.. sound fammiliar...
Neo-Nazi kids got into the XEDGEX ? In my opinion Militant is just as bad as those neo-nazi bastards ( except i accept Militant people a little bit more.. )
07-30-2008, 07:37 AM
I saw the documentary.
The version I saw didn't mention veganism at all except as a brief cameo as wall graffiti. They cut out the segment about the two young men who were living "off the wire."
01-14-2009, 04:52 PM
first of all those reno kids are serious with those hockey masks. that is 24 crew. its gay. secondly that fuckin guy in slc that died was not beat up for being a druggie that entire city has been trying to get rid of straightedge kids for a long time. litteraly fighting them on sight for 20 yrs. shit got out of hand and a kid died. nothing to do with being millitant in fact some of the kids who beat that dude werent even edge. and to compare kids in crews to neo-nazis shows me you have know idea what the fuck you are talking about. skinheads are the dumbest humanbeings to walk the earth. in know way shape or form have i ever beatin a kid up because of his race, creed , color, or background. i have never beaten a kid up for drinking or smoking around me. it just happens that drunks can act like assholes and sometimes end up getting beat up for how they act not for what they drink. see the problem is that people are to quick to put the blame on the people who are tired of stupid shit and hold people responsible for their actions. than to put the balme on where it should go which is on the dumbass who is acting like a fuckin retard cause he had one to many.
01-14-2009, 05:01 PM
first of all those reno kids are serious with those hockey masks. that is 24 crew. its gay. secondly that fuckin guy in slc that died was not beat up for being a druggie that entire city has been trying to get rid of straightedge kids for a long time. litteraly fighting them on sight for 20 yrs. shit got out of hand and a kid died. nothing to do with being millitant in fact some of the kids who beat that dude werent even edge. and to compare kids in crews to neo-nazis shows me you have know idea what the fuck you are talking about. skinheads are the dumbest humanbeings to walk the earth. in know way shape or form have i ever beatin a kid up because of his race, creed , color, or background. i have never beaten a kid up for drinking or smoking around me. it just happens that drunks can act like assholes and sometimes end up getting beat up for how they act not for what they drink. see the problem is that people are to quick to put the blame on the people who are tired of stupid shit and hold people responsible for their actions. than to put the balme on where it should go which is on the dumbass who is acting like a fuckin retard cause he had one to many.
uh dude, they were talking about actual neo nazi "straightedge" kids in russia.
01-14-2009, 05:05 PM
thats fuckin terrible. i hate nazis. i really hate nazis
01-15-2009, 05:23 AM
thats fuckin terrible. i hate nazis. i really hate nazis
to antifa with you!
except antifa are like.....the boston beatdown of anti fascists
05-11-2009, 04:19 AM
05-11-2009, 04:44 AM
sXe is a BELIEF not a GANG
use ur effort on locking up sxe kids and put them in gang files to actually arrest some real criminals
straight edgers got locked up for trying to defend their belief and their way of live but the crackers and drink drivers are still free on the streets?
what the hell is wrong wif u ppl
05-11-2009, 05:48 AM
those dudes with their hockey masks really made me laugh
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