View Full Version : Twin Killing

04-12-2008, 04:26 PM

an amazing band from my area. check them out.

04-12-2008, 09:58 PM
i like it. do they tour at all?

04-12-2008, 11:42 PM
i like it. do they tour at all?

I'm sure they will eventually, they are pretty new. They are awesome dudes, my band played with them, and they are from our area, they are nice as shit too.

04-13-2008, 12:40 PM
JoeyX, link me to your band.

04-13-2008, 02:57 PM

an amazing band from my area. check them out.
sounds great!

04-13-2008, 02:57 PM
JoeyX, link me to your band.
seconded. you hide your band away from us? that's a shame

04-20-2008, 03:59 AM
Man, this band rules so hard over the last one you posted about and yeh please post your band!

04-21-2008, 01:48 PM
http://www.myspace.com/majorpainhardcore << thats my band. I play drums in it. I never really posted about my band on here, because most of you seem to not like the style that my band plays. HOWEVER, our 2 singers quit(one of them went to the marines), and now we got 2 new singers, so we are scrapping most of the songs, and going for faster more "NOT BREAKDOWN" style of hardcore haha. Shit gets real old, real quick. But were trying for more like thrash style I guess you could say. Just fast, hard, and straight to the point. So the shit you hear now, is different than what is to come in the near future.

04-21-2008, 11:16 PM
http://www.myspace.com/majorpainhardcore << thats my band. I play drums in it. I never really posted about my band on here, because most of you seem to not like the style that my band plays. HOWEVER, our 2 singers quit(one of them went to the marines), and now we got 2 new singers, so we are scrapping most of the songs, and going for faster more "NOT BREAKDOWN" style of hardcore haha. Shit gets real old, real quick. But were trying for more like thrash style I guess you could say. Just fast, hard, and straight to the point. So the shit you hear now, is different than what is to come in the near future.

I know how that goes man, every band I've been in I have never been satisfied with the style or sound that everyone else wants but you still play because it's fun etc.

What also sucks is people are always going to say shit like "nice MOSH band" or if they hear something different and not in the vein of current hardcore trends you tend to recieve a fair bit of criticism. Some of your songs sounded ok too :)

04-21-2008, 11:25 PM
I know how that goes man, every band I've been in I have never been satisfied with the style or sound that everyone else wants but you still play because it's fun etc.

What also sucks is people are always going to say shit like "nice MOSH band" or if they hear something different and not in the vein of current hardcore trends you tend to recieve a fair bit of criticism. Some of your songs sounded ok too :)

Thanks man. Yeah its weird, alot of people actually like us how we are though now. But I still want to be a more fast, straight forward band, not this slow shit. But yeah.