View Full Version : Going Back To Edge?

05-19-2008, 08:30 PM
At a young age i declared edge not knowing much about it. I eventually broke it, because i had no support of friends or a real cause to be edge.

Now 2 years later, my grandfather died of alcohol poisoning and i never met him. This made me realize that for the past 2 years i was living a lie, and i want to be straight edge again. And that i want to live to see my grandchildren. I go to shows regularly and i realized i do not need drugs in my life to have a good time. I tried out edge for about a year and i have decided this is the right way for me. I have made some sxe friends that are going to help me through my edge lifestyle and living the purest way possible. And that i am going to take it serious and make it a lifetime commitment.

Now im wondering, is what i did wrong? breaking edge then reclaiming it? I realized my mistake and i regret it. but im not sure that, that is enough.

05-19-2008, 09:08 PM
At a young age i declared edge not knowing much about it. I eventually broke it, because i had no support of friends or a real cause to be edge.

what do you mean by no support of friends?

Now 2 years later, my grandfather died of alcohol poisoning and i never met him. This made me realize that for the past 2 years i was living a lie, and i want to be straight edge again. And that i want to live to see my grandchildren. I go to shows regularly and i realized i do not need drugs in my life to have a good time. I tried out edge for about a year and i have decided this is the right way for me. I have made some sxe friends that are going to help me through my edge lifestyle and living the purest way possible. And that i am going to take it serious and make it a lifetime commitment.

sorry to hear about your grandfather, but if you never met him, how much did his death hit you? i wouldnt call 2 years of a life a lie, its kind of a strong thing to say. im glad that you realized that you could have fun withouth drugs.

Now im wondering, is what i did wrong? breaking edge then reclaiming it? I realized my mistake and i regret it. but im not sure that, that is enough.
you can always give us money in name of your edgeness :D
personally, i dont think theres anything wrong with what you did, you were young and thats all.

05-21-2008, 06:41 PM
what i meant by no support of friends, was that i didn't have any friends to help me and support me being edge. I know you don't NEED friends to be edge with you to help eachother resist the influence of others, but it helps.

05-21-2008, 06:46 PM
what i meant by no support of friends, was that i didn't have any friends to help me and support me being edge. I know you don't NEED friends to be edge with you to help eachother resist the influence of others, but it helps.
what will happen if next year you dont have any edge friends who support you?

05-21-2008, 06:47 PM
also, i would be happy to donate money to a site supporting straight edge. Aside from being in "WADA"(Warriors Against Drugs And Alcohol|) in my school, im happy to support anything promoting a pure way of life.

Just let me know how to donate the money, and i will :)